Barbarian Tales Episode 2

Chapter 16: Guardians of the Dark


Shailaja was awake and on her feet in an instant as was Vasanta; not that either of them could have done anything given the fact that they were weaponless and chained.  Around them every man had a weapon in his hand while the man who had screamed continued to shout.


“Demons, demons!”  He waved his sword wildly at something over his head without seeming to make contact with anything.  Overhead there was a powerful thrumming as of the beating of thousands of wings.


Shailaja stood for a moment and then began to laugh.  “Bats.  You are screaming at bats.  There are no demons.”


Guered also laughed.  “Mostan,” he shouted.  “Stop your wailing, and stop waving your sword around before you hurt someone.”


The frightened soldier stepped back, his eyes fixed on the dark cloud streaming out of the temple.  Most of the other soldiers watched the bats as well, nervously clutching their weapons as if expecting an attack from above at any moment. 


Guered was the exception.  His eyes were fixed on Shailaja.  “You do not fear bats, barbarian?”


“They do not eat people,” Shailaja answered.  “At least none that I have encountered do.” 


Mind you, she thought, I didn’t think spiders ate people until a day ago. 


As if reading her mind Guered spoke.  “The cavern and this temple are strange places.  There may be dangers here we know nothing about.  My men are brave; especially those in my bodyguard, but they are frightened of things they do not understand.”


Shailaja shrugged and continued to watch the bat exodus.  It went of for a half turn of the glass which meant that the temple was even more extensive that it looked.  She guessed that it was built deep into the side of the mountain.  With the exit of the last bat she and Vasanta once again returned to their blankets.  In spite of the evening’s excitement, they had little trouble returning to sleep.


The second time they awoke there was no screaming, but the guard’s shout of alarm was real enough.  Once again Shailaja and Vasanta were on their feet instantly along with Guered and his men. 


“What is it?” Guered asked.  He stood sword in hand staring in the direction the man who had given the alarm was looking. 


“There was a light,” the soldier answered.  “A light from within the temple.”


Even as the man finished speaking torchlight flickered among the pillars; and then there was another light and another.  Very quickly the three turned into dozens, bordering them on three sides. 


Guered’s men quickly formed a defensive line with Shailaja and Vasanta along with Guered in the centre.  “Will you give us swords now?” Shailaja asked.  “We are worth at least one of your men.”


Guered raised his eyebrow at this unusual display of modesty.  He hesitated, unsure of what danger threatened, but then nodded.  “Will you give your word to stand with me?”


“You have mine,” Shailaja replied.  “But I cannot promise to remain your prisoner once the danger is past.”


“I promise the same,” Vasanta stated as Guered turned his eyes on her. 


The Hector nodded again and produced a small key from a pouch at his belt.  It was the work of an instant to release the two women from the chains they wore, but to the annoyance of both women the jeweled collars remained. 


They were given swords by two of the soldiers who had chosen to fight with spears.  Without a word the two women warriors moved into the line, taking up positions at what they expected might be the point of attack.  Not to be outdone Guered joined them.


“My Lord,” the Captain said.  “You should remain behind us.”


“And let these two barbarians do my fighting for me?” Guered asked.  “I think not.” 


Guered’s decision to stand with his men soon became moot, however, as the advancing lights began to swing behind them.  Faced with the choice of forming a defensive circle or retreating down the long staircase the small group of warriors deiced to stay where they were. 


Shailaja noticed something strange about the lights and that was that none of the torches seemed to be more than four or five feet off the ground.  It was as if they were being encircled by hundreds of dwarfs.  Guered’s men noticed it as well and called out to Zemov, the patron god of Thar to protect them.  But Shailaja had other ideas about who they faced.  Kaltaran legend spoke of the Eldag, a race of hairy man-like creatures that inhabited the frozen northern wastes of her country.  They were said to be small; no taller than a child of six summers, but possessed of great strength and endurance.  It was their presence that caused most Kaltarans to avoid the farthest northern reaches of their nation. 


Thus it was no surprise to her when the torch carrying creatures finally moved close enough for her to discern them.  As she had surmised, they were short; even the largest of them hardly more than a ten-year-old boy in height.  However, they were not quite as she had imagined them, being completely devoid of any hair at all.  Instead of the hairy dwarfs she had imagined these resembled grotesque monsters. 


Their skin was a pale yellow-brown and their squat, muscular bodies supported heads that seemed far too large for their short bodies.  Their faces were an ugly parody of human features with large bulging eyes, huge pointed ears, long curved noses, and wide mouths from which two downward pointing fangs protruded.  Adding to their misshapen appearance was the length of their arms which were almost as long as those of a man and which ended in large four-fingered hands. 


For clothing they wore very little; most just dressed in a simple cloth or leather breechclout which hung down in front and behind.  This costume was almost universal, even the females wearing nothing more.  That there were males and females encircling them was lost on the small band of warriors until later as the females had little more than modest swellings on their chests.  Details like male and female were difficult to make out in the flickering torchlight. 


Guered and his men had no difficulty in recognizing what faced them, however.  “Goblins,” Guered muttered, as his men echoed the word.  In explanation he turned to Shailaja and Vasanta.  “Creatures of the underworld.”


He laughed.  “I never thought I would ever see such creatures.  Nor did I expect to die at their hands.”


“We are not dead yet,” Shailaja replied.  “They will find us more difficult to kill than they reckon.”


“My Lord,” Guered’s captain called.  “Let us fight our way through.  Then at least you might escape.”


“No,” Guered answered.  “If I am to die then I die here with my loyal soldiers.”


Without waiting for orders the ten men of Guered’s guard closed about him forming a solid wall around their leader.  “None of that,” Guered bellowed.  “I will stand with you on the line.”  He pushed his way forward as did Shailaja and Vasanta until they once again stood shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the soldiers. 


It was at that time that the hundreds of Goblins set up a cry.  It was a long throbbing chant issuing from hundreds of throats and it filled the air about the defenders.  To Shailaja it sounded as if they were about to be attacked by thousands of crows.  And then the attack came; but it was nothing like any of the waiting warriors expected. 


Their eyes directed toward the surrounding horde, they never saw the heavy net falling toward them until it was too late to move.  Dropped from the top of the temple and weighted with stones at the edges, the net knocked most of the circle of defenders off their feet and then the Goblins swarmed in. 


Shailaja alone managed to remain standing, having sensed the net just before it struck, but she was a helpless as any of the others to defend herself.  Weighted down by the net and dozens of Goblins she was pushed to the pavement where the goblin-like creatures made short work of depriving her and the others of their weapons as well as rendering them helpless.


Ropes were wound about their wrists and ankles rendering them helpless and then the net was lifted from their bodies.  Cursing and struggling, Guered and his men fought to escape, but their diminutive captors proved very strong for their size.  With several of the Goblins sitting on their arms and legs as well as others planting themselves on their torsos there was nothing they could do as they were securely bound and rendered helpless.


Shailaja and Vasanta, so recently freed, battled furiously to escape, but they were as helpless as any of the others to prevent the Goblins from binding them.  It was a humiliating and frustrating experience for all of them and it quickly got worse as the Goblins began to strip off their armour and clothing. 


Tied at the wrists and ankles, Shailaja and the other captives had their arms pulled straight out over their heads.  Even as she fought to escape she was further restrained as additional ropes were bound about her arms just above the elbows making escape impossible.  She could do nothing as she faced the all too familiar humiliation of having her captors strip her.  But her trial did not end there.  As soon as she was bound and stripped several Goblins hurried up carrying sturdy poles.  They thrust these through the ropes binding her wrists and ankles and then lifted her from the floor.      


Shailaja saw that the same thing had been done with the other captives, and several of the men cried out as the full weight of their bodies was taken up at their wrists and ankles.  They hung face down, their bodies arched toward the ground.  It was extremely painful and even more agonizing for Shailaja due to the wound inflicted upon her by the spider queen.  Although expertly stitched it was stretched until the tiny threads closing the wound threatened to tear open.  But she made no sound as four Goblins; two at each end of the pole began to carry her deeper into the temple. 


Several of the captured soldiers began to shout in terror, until Guered called out to them.  Face down and trundled along in the same manner as Shailaja he still managed to make himself heard.  “Remain calm, my soldiers.  We will see this thing through.”  It was all he managed, but the soldiers went quiet as they were carried ever deeper into the darkness.


The light of the torches showed Shailaja that they were passing pillar after pillar.  In spite of her painful and awkward position she counted them as a way keeping track of how far she was being carried.  As she passed the last of them she had counted over sixty which meant they were once again deep inside the mountain.  After that it was more difficult to estimate how far she had been carried; especially as the ride she was being given was far from comfortable.


The Goblins carried her by placing the pole on top of their shoulders, but even so each step they took had her swaying breasts almost touching the floor.  Every now and then her nipples brushed the ground as she was carried over a particularly rough patch of flooring.  The movement and the painful way in which her body was suspended also caused her considerable discomfort.  With her body weight focused on her shoulders, she was soon in considerable agony and had to grit her teeth in order to keep from crying out. 


Ahead and behind her she could hear Guered’s soldiers beginning to moan and groan as they experienced pain identical to hers, but there was not the slightest sound from Vasanta.  No doubt she is waiting for me to whimper first, Shailaja thought.  She clenched her teeth harder, determined that she would not be the first to break.


A short distance behind her Vasanta was thinking the same thing.  She was in absolute agony, every step taken by her captors sending lightning-like surges of pain through her arms and shoulders.  With her body suspended so awkwardly, it was difficult to breathe and within a short time she was panting with pain, but there was nothing she could do except endure and hope that sooner or later the hideous ordeal would come to an end.


That last thought was on the mind of all the prisoners, but the journey into darkness seemed to go on interminably.  Painful and exhausting as it was Vasanta knew that it must be even worse for Shailaja.  The wound the Spider Queen had inflicted was not deep, but she knew that a gash extending from the redhead’s breast to her belly had to be intensely painful. 


It seemed a strange thought for her to have.  For the first time she was actually feeling some sense of concern for the woman she had sworn to kill.  Of course I don’t want be badly injured, she thought.  I want her alive and healthy when I put my blade into her belly. 


All the same that thought was not quite so all consuming as it had once been.  When she had first learned of her brother’s death she had envisioned capturing his killer and killing her slowly over several days.  She had run all sorts of exquisitely painful and horrific scenarios through her mind as she had pursued her elusive quarry over hundreds of leagues.  But that had changed.  I’ll kill her quickly, she mused.  But not too quickly.  She must live long enough to know that I have defeated her in a fair fight. 


An especially painful jolt jerked her back to reality.  Why was she thinking such thoughts when any prospect of vengeance now seemed so remote?  She was painfully bound and being carried into darkness by a quartet of the ugliest little creatures she had ever imagined.  Who knew what they intended to her when they reached wherever they were going? 


She gasped in agony as the Goblins carried her over a particularly bad stretch of broken pavement.  Every step her captors took jerked savagely on her arms and shoulders.  In spite of being stripped to the skin and carried deeper into the much cooler bowels of the mountain, her body dripped sweat and she had to clench her teeth almost to the breaking point to keep from screaming. 


But she had to hold on.  So far her redheaded nemesis had made not the slightest sound and she would be damned before she gave in before Shailaja did.  Besides, she suspected that if she started screaming she might not stop and that would be a reaction most shameful for a princess of Nahn.


But she was just barely hanging on.  Already several of Guered’s men were whimpering in pain one or two of them actually weeping.  By the gods, I can’t last much longer. 


As this last thought escaped her there was a sudden brightening of her surroundings.  Her vantage point was not the best, but Vasanta was able to raise her head and determine that they were in a very large room.  Exactly how big it was she could not easily determine as her position made it difficult to survey her surroundings, but from the flickering of distant torches she guessed that it was several hundred yards across at least.   


The Goblins carrying her halted, but the end of her journey did not make her any more comfortable.  Instead of setting her down and relieving the pressure on her arms and shoulders she was carried over to place where two long wooden rails had been set up.  They were parallel to one another so that the ends of the pole she was tied to could be set on top of the rails, leaving her hanging just above the stone floor.  One after the other the rest of the captives were also set in place.  Vasanta could not help thinking of how much the arrangement reminded her of slabs of yegger meat or cattle carcasses hung up at the meat market.


To add to her discomfort she was surrounded by the most appalling stench.  She quickly recognized it as the stink of urine and feces.  She found herself breathing through her mouth and fighting not to be sick.  Saliva dripped through her parted lips, but gradually she overcame her revulsion and was able to breathe normally. 


The horror and helplessness of the situation affected all of the captives.  Several of Guered’s men were moaning in pain or whimpering in terror.  She supposed they were brave men or they would not be part of the Hectors’ guard, but the ease with which they had been overcome and captured had completely demoralized them.  It was not so with Shailaja or the Hector himself and she knew this because fate or intention had decreed that they be hung next to one another. 


Shailaja was on her left at the very end of the row and Guered to her right.  Neither said so much as a word although she could clearly hear their heavy breathing and knew that they were suffering as greatly as she was. 


All around them the Goblins danced, waving torches and crude weapons and shrieking their strange crow-like cries.  In the background a drum began to beat, slowly at first and then more quickly.  Other drums joined in and then horns began to bleat. 


Several of the Goblins began to move in a wide circle around their captives.  They were soon joined by others until a long line of screeching, dancing creatures circled about the helpless prisoners.  On either side of the vast room in which they had been taken large fires suddenly sprang into existence.  It now became clear to Vasanta that her analogy comparing herself and the other captives to meat was very apt.  Had they escaped Thar and then the Spider Queen merely to be a banquet for dancing goblins?


It was a frightening thought and one she was helpless to do anything about.  So this is it, she thought.  This is where my thirst for vengeance has brought me.  I will be consumed by vile demonic creatures in a dark and forbidding place.  So be it.  I have done my best.


However, for Vasanta and the other prisoners, especially Shailaja things were not going to be quite that simple.  Even as these dark thoughts of doom crossed her mind the beating of the drums and the shrill of the horns changed in their tempo, the strident and frenzied music reaching a fever pitch as the ranks of the Goblins parted and a giant of their kind moved into view. 


By human standards he was still not all that tall, standing no more than five feet.  Like the rest of his kind, however, he was powerfully built and his strength would almost certainly match that of any man.  He sidled forward and stood before the captives, inspecting each of them carefully.  He lingered especially long in front of the two women warriors actually reaching out to touch their hair.  He said something in a language that was both guttural and incomprehensible so far as the captives were concerned and then he laughed in obvious pleasure.


“He says you will make fine sport,” a voice said from out of the darkness.  It came from behind the captives, but soon a figure made its way to where most of them could see him.


A ragged figure stooped with age and displaying a long tangled beard and wild hair came into view.  He spoke the language of Thar, a tongue that Vasanta barely understood, but she could make out enough words to guess his meaning. 


“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Guered demanded.  No doubt for the benefit of the two women he asked the question in the Common Tongue a courtesy that was rather unexpected considering the circumstances. 


“I am Harod-mal-Ben,” the decrepit figure answered.  “Once physician of Thar and now unhappy captive of the Goblins.  Who are you to speak to me and why do you not use Tharian?”


“I am Guered-mal-Far, Hector of Thar,” Guered answered.  Surprisingly, he was able to keep his voice steady, a major accomplishment considering that he was hanging face down and had suffered some punishment in being taken prisoner.  “Two of our number speak no Tharian.”


“The Hector himself,” Harod exclaimed.  “We have taken a prize indeed.  The Lord of the Dark will be most pleased.”


“Lord of the Dark?” Guered gasped, the strain of speaking from so awkward a position obviously getting to him. 


“It is what Grundorb has instructed me to call him,” Harod answered.  “The Goblin King has a high opinion of himself.”


“What is to be done with us?” Guered asked.  From the tone of his voice he might have been commenting on the weather rather than the seemingly dire situation in which he found himself. 


“That is for the Lord of the Dark to determine.  You have trespassed on his realm and I suspect he will exact the usual price.”


“And what is that?” 


Harod began to giggle uncontrollably.  “Oh you will see,” he sniggered.  “You shall see.”  He hobbled forward as he spoke and for the first time caught sight of Shailaja and Vasanta.  “Oh, I see.  These are two very fine prizes.  No wonder His Majesty was so highly pleased.” 


He took several more limping steps until he was standing between Shailaja and Vasanta.  “Too very fine prizes indeed.  They will bring much pleasure.”  He ran his hands along Vasanta’s back, caressing her velvet skin.  His touch elicited an angry response from the helpless warrior.


“Do not touch me, you old fool,” Vasanta hissed.  She jerked her body in a futile response, but her reaction achieved nothing but a high-pitched giggle from Harod. 


“Oh this one is fierce.  Grundorb will find her most pleasing.”  Ignoring Vasanta’s angry cries, he continued his exploration of her body.  He caressed her well-muscled buttocks and then touched her more intimately, placing his hand between her thighs. 


Vasanta bucked wildly, and cursed him in her own language, but the decrepit physician continued his examination, moving his hands wherever he wished and commenting on her charms.  “She will be a tight fit; at least at first until she is broken in.  His majesty is going to have a most enjoyable time of it.”


Finished with Vasanta he turned his attention to Shailaja.  “Magnificent,” he commented.  “I see she has been damaged, but not in any way that will make her any less enjoyable.”  He touched Shailaja’s breasts, and ran his finger over the line of sutures that closed the wound inflicted by the Spider Queen.  “A fine job.  Not a single stitch has come loose in spite of the rough manner in which she has been handled.”


Unlike Vasanta, Shailaja lay perfectly still.  She had been subjected to such inspection before and had learned that struggling unnecessarily served only to exhaust her and usually gave her captors great pleasure.  She still had hopes of escape.  “This one seems more sedate,” Harod observed.  “But I expect she will provide the horde with plenty of sport.”  He giggled again as he placed his hand between Shailaja’s thighs.  In spite of her determination not to react she could not help tensing her body. 


“Ah yes,” Harod chuckled.  “She will provide fine sport indeed and with muscles like these she will last a long time.”


Shailaja cursed in anger, no longer able to lie quietly while Harod’s fingers probed her most intimate of places.  “May Marana damn you, you old lecher.  You will die for what you have done.”


“Lechery is all I have left,” Harod replied sadly.  “And now I leave you to the pleasures of the Goblin King.”  On this note the one-time physician of Thar disappeared behind the ring of dancing Goblins, putting an end to the encounter. 


As if on cue the Goblin King grunted a harsh command, sending some of his followers into motion.  Several dozen Goblins came forward and untied the ropes binding the captives to the poles as well as removing the bonds binding their ankles. 


Not surprisingly this had the effect of leaving the captives lying on the ground; most of them being unable to stand due to their harsh treatment and the fact that they had been unable to move their limbs for quite some time.  Shailaja and Vasanta managed to struggle into a sitting position as did Guered, however they were not allowed to maintain this position long. 


A horde of Goblins came forward and muscled them to their feet along with the rest of Guered’s escort.  Still bound by the wrists they were pulled forward until they reached an area where several rows of pillars marched off into the gloom.  Although now able to walk their situation offered little improvement so far as chances to escape were concerned.  Their arms were still tightly bound at the wrists and elbows and any escape attempt would have been quickly suppressed.  However, what happened next convinced all of the captives that they should have at least made some attempt at achieving their freedom. 


They were separated from one another and pulled toward one of the pillars.  Once there each captive was made fast by the wrists while ropes were once again tied to each of their ankles.  They were then jerked off their feet and their ankles tied to one or other of the surrounding pillars.  The arrangement left Shailaja and Vasanta suspended face down with their ankles slightly higher than their heads and their breasts almost caressing the floor.  To say that the position was painful would have been an understatement, but it was what the position signified that filled both warriors with trepidation.  They faced another form of violation; this time at the hands of the Goblin hordes, and it promised to be every bit as degrading and painfully unpleasant as what they had already endured.


However, the two women were not to be the only victims.  Shouts of anger and fear showed that Guered and his soldiers were to share in the humiliation.  Neither Vasanta nor Shailaja could see much of what was going on around them, but they could make out that Guered and his men had been tied to the pillars in a similar manner except they were tied face up.  Guered’s cries of outrage let them know without a doubt what was being done to him.


“You cannot do this,” the Hector shouted, his voice echoing in the cavernous space.  “I am the Hector of Thar.  Release me or kill me.”


“Patience great Hector,” Harod’s voice cautioned.  Apparently the shriveled healer had followed them when they had been led off.  “You are now a slave of the Goblin King and will be used accordingly.  First, however, a little preparation.” 


What Harod did next Shailaja and Vasanta could not see, but Guered`s continued angry shouts along with those of several of his men let them keep track of his actions.  “No,” Guered shouted.  “I will not use that.”  They could hear him fighting to escape, but knew he was as helpless as they were.  Finally they heard him gasp as whatever was done to him was completed. 


“You will pay for this,” Guered roared.  “No one can treat me like this and escape punishment.”


“A foolish thought,” Harod replied calmly.  “There is no escape from here.  I have tried many times and always failed.  Accept your fate and it will go much easier with you.”


“I will not be treated like an animal to be used for nothing but my seed,” Guered objected. 


“Oh but you will,” Harod insisted.  “The dust will see to that.  Pray that what you suffer is the least of your indignities.”


Suddenly Shailaja understood what had been done, although perhaps Vasanta did not.  Harod had administered Tharian dust to Guered as well as to the rest of his men.  The powerful aphrodisiac would force them to react in a manner they could not deny no matter how repugnant they found their situation.  It brought to mind how the drug had been used to turn her into a helpless slave when she had been taken prisoner by the murderer of her lover.  It was a memory that still haunted her and although she did not know what Harod intended for Guered and his men, her vivid imagination depicted all sorts of horrors involving her and Vasanta.  However, it did not turn our quite the way she had feared, although what soon transpired turned out to be every bit as bad as she could have imagined.


Dozens of Goblin females descended upon the helpless men.  Although Shailaja and Vasanta could not see all of what was going on they were close enough that they had a perfect view of Guered and the Goblins surrounding him.  By this time the Tharian dust had done its work.  Forced to breathe the powerful sexual stimulant, Guered and his men were fully aroused.  Although Guered could not match many of the men Shailaja had encountered he was well enough endowed to have drawn an admiring glance from her had the circumstances been different.  Now she and Vasanta watched as he was used for the sexual enjoyment of the female Goblins. 


“Release me,” Guered raged.  “You cannot force on me so vile an act.”  He struggled desperately to free himself from the bonds that held him, but there was no escaping what happened next.  Climbing on top of the helpless and furious Hector the first Goblin positioned herself over his erect phallus and lowered herself onto it with a shriek of delight. 


Guered let out a moan of despair as the Goblin used him.  Shailaja and Vasanta noted that the female Goblin was larger than most of her kind and was decorated with a variety of gem-studded gold jewellery indicating that she had some sort of special status.  They guessed that she was probably the Goblin queen or someone of similar rank in Goblin society.  Moving her body with a rhythm that was by now a bit too familiar to Shailaja she forced herself onto Guered’s shaft. 


Guered shouted his rage, but there was nothing he could do as he was used for the Goblin’s pleasure.  She screamed her excitement, driving her body harder and harder until with a final shriek she reached sexual fulfillment and collapsed on top of the once mighty Hector.


However, Guered’s trial did not end there.  No sooner had the first Goblin screamed her enjoyment than another took her place.  Thanks to the effects of the Tharian dust he had lost none of the strength of his erection.  In fact it seemed to have assumed even further magnificence; a development the next Goblin was quick to take advantage of as she hurled herself onto his shaft. 


Shailaja and Vasanta were screened from seeing what was happening to the rest of Guered’s men, but their angry shouts and curses were proof enough that they were being similarly exploited.  And then it was the turn of the two women warriors.


The Goblin King moved between Shailaja and Vasanta as if studying them.  As before he stroked their hair and then moved his hands over their backs following the curve of their spines until he reached the firm muscles of their buttocks.  He gave a grunt of satisfaction and moved behind Vasanta, stepping between her parted thighs.  Tossing aside his loincloth, he placed his hands on her hips, lifted her slightly, and then pushed forward.


From just a yard away Shailaja watched, her eyes widening in horror at what lay between the Goblin King’s legs.  In spite of his stocky stature his Goblin phallus was as large as any she had ever seen.  But more than that the heavy member was covered with what looked like bony ridges.  She could only look on helplessly as Grundorb took her helpless companion. 


Vasanta did not meekly accept what was happening to her.  She strained her exquisite body, attempting to twist away from her assailant, but the painful bondage held her helpless.  Legs spread wide she could do nothing but brace herself for the inevitable as the Goblin King prepared to take her.


His first thrust took him deep within her.  In spite of her mental preparation a cry burst from Vasanta’s lips as he entered her.  Memories of her violent use at the hands of the Belusendran warriors who had betrayed and violated her as well as her ordeal at the hands of the Spider King  flooded back into her mind and she writhed in pain as she tried to escape. 


But there was nowhere to go.  Held fast by the ropes binding her wrists and ankles she could do nothing but take what the Goblin King had to give.  And he gave everything he had, using her with almost maniacal enthusiasm until he was finally burred deep within her.


All of this was witnessed by a sickened and dismayed Shailaja.  Vasanta’s body heaved with every thrust of the Goblin King’s hips, her breasts swaying forward and backward beneath her in a continual erotic cycle as she was savagely pounded.  Her midnight hair swirled about her and droplets of sweat flew from her body as her assailant satisfied his lust. 


In spite of the horror of the scene Shailaja as usual found herself transfixed by the spectacle.  Helpless to do anything about it, she was also helpless to turn her face away from Vasanta’s degradation.  If fact the opposite occurred as she felt her own loins stir in response to what was happening.  And it was in that condition that the first of the Goblins to use her moved between her legs.


He was not as large as the Goblin King, but he was nearly so.  To her shame, however, Shailaja was more than ready for him.  His thick staff parted her petals and slid deep within her with much less resistance than Vasanta had offered to the Goblin King and her reaction was shamefully different as well.  She moaned aloud as she was penetrated and in spite of her painful bondage moved her body in concert with that of her assailant. 


It was a humiliating response, but in spite of her desperate efforts to battle her own libido she was helpless to stop her body from reacting the way that it did.  She gasped, sweat pouring from her body and her breasts swelling; her nipples hardening, and the familiar flush spreading downward from her shoulders.  She was fully aroused and more than receptive as the Goblin thrust his heavy shaft into her. 


Even receptive as she was, Shailaja’s body gripped the Goblin’s shaft tightly and he found full enjoyment as he penetrated her, his ridged phallus exacting every degree of pleasure from his bucking victim.  Shailaja grunted as he plunged deep within her, pain and pleasure once again mixing in an all too familiar sensation that slowly built to a climax within her.  She panted uncontrollably, a groan escaping her lips as passion built within her until finally and violently her loins contracted.  Only a few heartbeats later a second orgasm rippled through her, a reaction that was not lost on the Goblin using her.  He laughed and shouted something in the Goblin tongue, immediately attracting an excited circle of Goblin males all eager to have their turn.  He thrust even harder, pounding into her with such force that Shailaja’s body swayed in her crude bondage, her large breasts bouncing in an incredible erotic display.  Her sense of pleasure passed rapidly, replaced by pain and exhaustion as her Goblin lover continued to drive into her. 


The surrounding Goblins crowded closer urging him on, impatient for him to finish.  Their eagerness was answered a few heartbeats later when he released into her and staggered back exhausted from his exertions.  He was immediately replaced by another and then another as Goblin after Goblin had his way with her.  For Shailaja it became a long drawn out ordeal as she was used again and again until she was barely aware of anything beyond the agonizing pain in her arms, shoulders, and loins.  In spite of her initial pleasure she found it was no easy thing to be used by scores of Goblins.


It was a similar ordeal for the rest of the captives.  Most of the men were groaning in pain as the Tharian dust held them in its grip allowing female after female to make use of them.  


Vasanta too was fully used, the Goblin King finally satisfying his urges and allowing his minions to enjoy her.  In between dancing and drinking some sort of strange-smelling narcotic drink they took her again and again until she was pushed to the point of total exhaustion; barely aware of what was happening to her.


It was the same for the other captives, but it was their eventual good fortune that even Goblins must sleep and eventually the wild frenzy of dancing and sex died down until finally the captives were left to hang in helpless exhaustion while their captors slept.


For the helpless humans there was little sleep.  Still suspended in their painful bondage they fought against the agony of their captivity.  A few faded into a semiconscious state, but not Shailaja or Vasanta.  Hanging face down and fatigued almost beyond even their powers of endurance the two warriors struggled against their bonds, straining their magnificent bodies in an unconquerable quest to escape. 


Bound at the wrists and elbows there seemed little chance that either of them could slip their bonds.  But Shailaja knew that it was the nature of rope to stretch a little over time, and the ordeal she had been put through had already loosened the bonds that held her.  Using what remained of her strength she worked the ropes until she was able to slip one hand free.  Her other hand followed, allowing her to drop to the floor of the temple.  However, she was still bound above the elbows and slipping free of that rope was considerably more difficult, but she kept at it, aided by the slick droplets of sweat that glistened on her body.  With a final grunt the ropes dropped free allowing her to turn her attention to her ankles.  So far fortune had smiled upon her, and fortunately also the Goblins had made not the least effort to maintain any sort of guard. 


It took only a few hundred heartbeats for Shailaja to untie her ankles.  She moved slowly and carefully, as much from fatigue as from a desire to be quiet, but once completely free, there was no time to rest.  The Goblins could awaken at any time although she expected that many of them were not likely to stir for quite some time.  As she had observed sexually assaulting their captives was not the only indulgence the Goblins had participated in.  Throughout their wild orgy of sex and dancing all of the Goblins had consumed large amounts of the narcotic drink and the sound of their snoring filled the cavern.  Their apparent intoxication gave Shailaja the time she needed to free her fellow captives.


There was no need for her to go to the aid of Guered and the others, but it never occurred to her to do otherwise.  First, however, she needed something to make the job a little easier and quicker.  There were Goblins sleeping everywhere acting as a convenient source of weaponry.  Ignoring her multiple aches and pains she crawled across the floor to the nearest sleeping Goblin.  It was but the work of a moment to relieve him of his knife. 


Resisting the urge to cut his throat she crawled toward Vasanta.  A few quick slashes of the knife and she was free; then it was the turn of Guered and his men.  Shailaja cut the Hector’s ropes and then left him the knife. 


What she needed now was a weapon, but finding something worthy of her skills among the flint knives, crude clubs, and primitive spears the Goblins used would be a bit of a challenge.  However, if that was all there was she would just have to make do.  A few yards away was a Goblin armed with an especially ugly club.  If would suffice until she found something better.  She moved toward him just as he stirred and opened his eyes.


Shailaja froze.  In the poorly lit cavern it was very likely that the suddenly awake Goblin would notice nothing if she kept still.  She watched from the shadow of one of the pillars as the Goblin lurched to his feet lifted his loincloth and urinated copiously onto the floor. 


Shailaja was already very aware of the stench of the Goblin lair, but was more than a little disgusted as she was splashed by urine, however, she remained utterly still hugging the pillar.  It was one of Guered’s men that gave them away.  He moaned loudly attracting the Goblin’s attention.  There was no way that he could miss the fact that where the captives had once been there were now only tangles of ropes.  The Goblin stared and then let out a shout that rattled through the cavern. 


It was the last sound he ever made as Shailaja stepped from her hiding place and expertly broke his neck.  But the damage had been done.  All over the cavern Goblins awoke and grabbed for their weapons. 


Shailaja picked up the club, but as she did so her eye fell upon one of the sconces holding a flickering torch.  It was made of heavy bronze, and better than anything the Goblins had to offer.  Tossing the club in the general direction of Guered and his men she grabbed the sconce and pulled it free.  Fortunately the sconce had been designed to be removed; probably as a portable means of light, but it also made a formidable mace as the first wave of Goblins quickly discovered.


Even exhausted and incredibly sore from her ordeal, Shailaja was more than a match for any Goblin; or any dozen Goblins as it turned out.  With a sweep of her arm she sent a half dozen of them flying.  With squeals of fear the rest of them retreated tangling with those pushing forward.  It gave Vasanta, Guered, and the others time to snatch up weapons. 


Vasanta happened upon another bronze sconce while the others grabbed whatever they could find.  They formed a ragged defensive line as the Goblins regrouped.  As before the Goblins preferred not to come at them head on; especially now that they had seen what Shailaja could do.  They moved slowly toward the escaped prisoners chanting loudly, but at the same time spreading out to get behind them. 


“Back to the wall,” Shailaja shouted.  Fifty yards behind them was an island of rock set in the middle of the cavern.  Possibly it had served some sort of ceremonial function whenever those who had constructed the temple had inhabited it, but now it provided a convenient place to conduct their defence.  They formed a semicircle in front of it, Guered’s disciplined soldiers reacting automatically in the face of the enemy.


Unable to attack directly, the Goblins were forced to come at the small band of defenders head on.  Although small in stature compared to any of Guered’s men or to Shailaja and Vasanta, they had already shown that they were very strong for their size and they outnumbered the humans by several hundred to one.  They charged en masse seeking to crush any opposition by overwhelming strength of numbers. 


It was a tactic that proved to be disastrous for the Goblins.  Even as poorly armed as they were and still suffering from their ordeal at the hands of the Goblins, Guered’s elite guard was more than a match for the Goblins in one on one combat and Shailaja and Vasanta were vastly superior in their combat abilities.  As the Goblins swarmed forward Shailaja and Vasanta stepped into their attack and laid about them with devastating effect.  Swinging the four-foot length of bronze two-handed Shailaja sent Goblins flying in all directions. 


Guered held a torch in one hand and a club in the other.  He moved alongside the two women warriors added his skills to the defence.  As more and more Goblin bodies piled up in front of them, the Goblins at the front of the attack broke and turned to flee.  They tangled with the Goblins toward the rear who were still pushing forward, throwing the entire Goblin attack into disarray.  It gave the defenders time to catch their breath.  They watched while the Goblins regrouped and prepared for a renewal of the attack.


When it came the Goblins changed their tactics.  This time instead of attempting to close with the humans they stood at a distance and threw everything they could at the defenders.  Shailaja, Vasanta, and the others were subjected to a barrage of missiles, many of which found their mark.  Two of Guered’s men went down and Shailaja received a nasty wound in her thigh.  A club caught Vasanta on the shoulder, temporarily numbing it and most of the others received minor wounds and bruises.  The Goblins kept up the shower of missiles for a hundred or more heartbeats and then charged once more.


This time they were more successful.  Although they were once again beaten back, two more of Guered’s men went down and one was dragged into the mass of charging Goblins before they fell back.  Shailaja stood gasping for breath.  She and her companions were down to just eight from their original thirteen and all were suffering from some minor wound or other.  It was obvious that they could not hold out against such inexhaustible numbers.  But neither could they flee.  They were hemmed in by thousands of Goblins and fighting their way through the temple would be impossible.  All they could do was defend themselves and wait until the Goblin host eventually overwhelmed them.


And then there was a sudden and unexpected change in the situation.  From the direction of the temple entrance came the sounds of Goblin screams and the clash of arms.  The Goblins surrounding the trapped humans fell back straining their eyes and ears toward the sound of combat.


Guered reacted to the sound immediately.  “It’s my guard.  Elnar must have brought them up when I did not return in the time I promised.  We must help them.”


Help them? Shailaja questioned.  It would be much better if they helped us.  But she was already following Guered.  With the Goblins distracted they were not expecting the trapped humans to attack them from behind.  They ran from the unexpected attack, spreading panic through the Goblin ranks.  With his men and the two warrior women following, Guered pushed toward the sound of the fighting, beating down any Goblin that got in his way. 


The tiny band battled its way toward the sound of fighting aided by the confusion of the Goblins.  Shailaja and Vasanta led the way, their heavier weapons being better suited for bashing their way through the Goblin horde.  In spite of the panic and confusion among the Goblins, their very numbers still made them dangerous with many Goblins refusing to flee.  The humans fought their way through this opposition, until they were close enough for Guered to call out to the rescuers.  “To me, Guard.  To me.”


At the sound of his voice the men battling the Goblins surged forward, cutting their way through to the Hector.  “We are here, My Lord,” Elnar shouted.  If he was surprised at the fact that Guered was stripped to the skin, he did not show it, but he gave Shailaja and Vasanta a long look before turning to Guered and handing him a sword.  “There are too many to hold for long, My Lord.  We will have to fight our way out of here.”


If anything Elnar’s comment was an understatement.  The Hector’s guard had fought its way into the temple, but now it too was surrounded by the Goblin horde, and the Goblins had recovered from the shock of the unexpected attack.  They surged forward, eager to kill or take prisoner the new arrivals.  This time they fought with a fierce frenzy that had been absent earlier.  It seemed the presence of so many potential victims had stimulated them a response verging on madness. 


The Goblins surged forward and this time they ignored the horrendous casualties inflicted upon them by their human opponents.  They died by the hundreds at the hands of Guered’s men, but their numbers seemed endless.  As each Goblin went down several more took his place.  And Guered’s guard fell as well.  Some were downed by club or spear.  Others were caught by ropes and dragged into the waiting arms of the Goblins where they were quickly dispatched. 


One by one, the men of Guered’s guard were slaughtered.  There was little for it but to fight their way back the way they had come.  A few hundred yards away light gleamed from the outside world.  They battled their way toward that beacon, fighting desperately as the Goblins sought to destroy them.  But each step toward the light cost them a man.  One by one Guered’s bodyguard fell, but their terrible sacrifice bought the others their freedom.  Reaching the pillars of the outer temple the Goblins fell back fearing to follow the retreating humans into the light.   


Guered and the survivors of the Goblin onslaught stood exhausted on the steps of the temple.  Of the ten men who had accompanied Guered on his disastrous scouting expedition, only one remained, and of the 190 others who had come to his rescue only three score, many of them wounded, stood on the temple steps. 


Shailaja and Vasanta were there as well.  Covered with gore from head to foot and sporting numerous cuts and bruises they stood proudly defiant, facing toward the interior of the temple as if daring the Goblins to appear.  None did and, but one look at the position of the sun told Shailaja that they could not stay where they were for long.  One of the wounded soldiers voiced her fears.  “We can’t stay here,” he said.  “They will come with the dark.”


Shailaja guessed that they probably had four turns of the glass before sundown.  That would normally be enough time for all of them to make it back to the cavern beneath the mountain.  However, the injuries to Guered’s men would slow them down and it was just possible that the Goblins would follow them into the caverns now that the spiders were no longer there.  But there seemed to be few other options.  They dared not remain within reach of the Goblins. 


“We will tend to our wounds and then retreat to the cavern,” Guered stated.  “With any luck we will meet up with reinforcements.”  He turned to Shailaja and Vasanta.  “You are free to come with me or go your own way as you please, although where you would go from this place I don’t know.”


“And if we go with you?” Shailaja challenged. 


“You are free citizens of Thar.  Things have not worked out the way I would have chosen between us, but I will keep you prisoner no longer.” 


“Excellent,” Vasanta interjected acidly.  “Does that me we will be free of these dog collars?”


“They are made of the rarest of metals,” Guered answered.  “But I take your meaning.  Unfortunately, the key that unlocks them was lost when I was captured and stripped by the Goblins.  But I can promise to have them removed in Thar.”


Vasanta hissed something in her own language.  Since only Shailaja understood it, no one said anything.  It was just as well, considering that Guered’s guards might have seen a threat to remove the Hector’s testicles as somewhat treasonous. 


A free citizen of Thar, Shailaja mused.  A somewhat dubious honour considering how I have been treated.  But she was not about to argue with the Hector.  She would take her freedom any way that she could get it. 


It took a full turn of the glass and then some to bind up all of their wounds.  The spear Shailaja had taken in her thigh was the worst of her injuries.  Fortunately it was not deep, and the medicinal powders Guered’s soldiers had brought with them helped with any dangers of infection.  It all took a bit more time than they had hoped.  The fighting had left even the uninjured soldiers exhausted, and Shailaja and Vasanta had been subjected to a bit more than just the rigors of battle.  Shailaja noticed with some satisfaction that what Guered had endured had left its mark on him as well.  He moved awkwardly, favouring the region between his legs.  She doubted that he could be any sorer than she or Vasanta was, but then she had not really noticed the number of female Goblins that had used him.  If it was anything like the number if males that had used her he was no doubt very sore indeed. 


Eventually they were ready to move out and they made their way down the steps and across the plaza, the more able members of Guered’s guard helping those who were having trouble walking.  True warriors, Shailaja and Vasanta ignored the pain of their injuries and walked without any outward sign of injury. 


The two women warriors were fully equipped now, having taken weapons from those of Guered’s soldiers who would never need them again.  They had taken armour from the bodies of the largest men they could find and had managed to find enough pieces to fit them.  With any luck they would be far enough away from the Goblins by nightfall, but there was no sense in taking any chances.


They made it to the terrace overlooking the spectacular fountain that was the source of the River of Dreams.  In spite of the fact that time was of the essence they all stopped for a few heartbeats to admire the spectacular view.  “Incredible,” Guered said.  “I never thought to see such a thing.  It must have truly been created by the gods.”


“I am glad you find the view so impressive, Guered.  It is one of the last things you will ever see.”  The words were shouted, but everyone heard them well enough above the roar of the enormous fountain. 


Almost as one Guered and the rest of his companions turned in the direction of the voice.  Standing some fifty yards away was a man dressed in dark green armour.  He was about fifty springs in age with dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard.  His weaponry and armour was studded with diamonds and other jewels, attesting to his great wealth even if it said little for his sense of taste. 


But it was who accompanied the man that was of more importance.  Lined up in rank after rank were at least three hundred heavily armed soldiers.  At least three score of them were archers and every one of them had his bow at the ready.  A single command would see Guered and his soldiers devastated by a murderous volley. 


The noise of the fountain drowned out the sound of Guered’s words, but Shailaja was standing close enough to hear.  Selmat-mal-Zenar,” he muttered.  “It looks as if the bastard may have gotten me at his mercy at last.”  He unsheathed his sword, an action that was followed by each of his men. 


Shailaja did not move.  She had no idea who Selmat was, or why he seemed ready to attack, but she had seen enough of battle to recognize a hopeless situation when she saw one.  After a few moments Guered seemed to realize it as well.  He stepped away from the protection of his men, waving them back when they attempted to follow him.  He took three steps toward Selmat and stopped.  “Alright, Selmat, you have me.  What is it you want?”


Selmat’s mouth curled in a sneer.  “As even a fool such as you can see, I do not have to answer that question.  Have your men throw down their weapons and I may decide to spare their lives.”


Guered hesitated but a heartbeat.  He flicked his wrist and tossed his sword at his feet.  He turned to Shailaja and the others.  “Do the same,” he ordered. 


Shailaja and Vasanta watched as Guered’s men surrendered.  They did not move, but made no effort to follow their example. 


“Order the two barbarian bitches to disarm or I will have them filled with arrows,” Selmat demanded.


“They are not mine to order,” Guered replied calmly.  “I gave them their freedom.”


“And I take it back,” Selmat growled.  “They were brought to Thar and slaves and slaves they will remain.  They will surrender or die.”


Shailaja ended the drama by tossing her sword aside and a few heartbeats later Vasanta complied as well.  It was an act that rankled both warriors, but they knew a hopeless situation when they saw one.  It seemed they had escaped one slave master for another.