Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 7: Larra’s Saharan Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 7

Larra’s Saharan Adventure


Chapter 16  The Eye of Thoth


Larra frowned.  She was beginning to wish she had just killed Ramses or at the very least left him in the palace after depriving him of his gonads.  It was too bad that her sense of propriety would not let her deal with anyone like that, even those who deserved such treatment.  At least most of the time.  There had been the one occasion when she had deprived the brute who had molested her of his manhood, but it was something she had done in the heat of battle.  It simply wasn’t in her to cold bloodedly divest a man of his private parts no matter how brutally he had treated her.  It was not beyond her, however, to simply kill Ramses if he displeased her enough.  She could think of no reason why he deserved to live.  If she released him she would no doubt return to his palace and continue his routine molestation and brutalization of the members of his harem.  Such a man was not fit to live.  However, she might need him.  Ramses did have a certain authority and he might yet turn out to be useful.  On the other hand, if he continued his continual whining his value would decline rapidly.


“Please, White Hibiscus,” Ramses groveled.  “We must turn back.  There is no water or shelter here.  If we proceed farther we shall surely perish.  Return to my city and I will reward you.  I will give you riches beyond your wildest dreams.”


Ramses had ceased using the formal language of the court, choosing instead to use the vernacular, probably in an attempt to toady up to her.  Larra was not fooled.  She despised the brutal king.  He had shown himself an arrogant coward who hid behind his bodyguard and terrorized all who were too weak to defend themselves against him.  Grimly she turned toward him.


“You are coming with me whether you like it or not.  If you do not hold your tongue I will remove it.”  She took out one of the knives she carried and with a flick of her wrist spun it the air catching it by the handle.  There was no doubt of her skill with the weapon.  Ramses opened his mouth and then catching the import of her words shut it quickly.  Without changing her bleak expression Larra turned.  Ramses followed, this time silently. 


They were walking along the top of the cliff Larra had scaled.  It had taken quite some time to reach the top, especially as Ramses had complained and lagged behind for the entire climb.  Larra had eventually been forced to lower a rope and haul up the water he was carrying in order to make him follow her.  Ramses might be lazy and deceitful, but he was not entirely stupid.  Without water he would perish very quickly in the intense desert heat.  Relieving him of the water forced him to follow her and once at the top she had returned the water skins to his care.  He had, of course, grumbled, and that had led to the exchange they had just had. 


Larra followed the canyon that led to the Forbidden Valley.  She suspected that this might be what the Italians and Germans had been looking for all along.  Intriguing as was the Egyptian city where she had been held prisoner, she suspected that it was not the true objective of Featherstone’s expedition.  She also suspected that the entrance to the Forbidden Valley might be heavily guarded.  Approaching from above might avoid any unpleasant surprises, provided Ramses kept his mouth shut and did not alert anyone who might be watching for intruders.  She stopped and looked back at the pharaoh, her stern demeanor reinforcing her warning of a few minutes ago.


Ramses dropped his eyes from that glance.  He appeared to be suitably cowed.  With a slight smile, Larra continued her trek.  She had come a mile or so from where she and Ramses had scaled the cliff.  The narrow canyon she had been following began to widen.  A few hundred more steps and she saw spread below her a large valley.  Cautiously she approached the edge.  Turning she signaled to Ramses to halt.  Uncomprehending he merely stared at her.  Larra marched back to him.  “Stay here, I don’t need your noise alerting anyone to our presence.”


Sulkily Ramses halted and Larra proceeded without him.  Edging close to the rim of the canyon she peered over the edge.  Below her was a verdant valley that was in stark contrast to the desert she and Ramses had crossed.  A small stream splashed down a nearby slope into a tree-shaded sky-blue pool.  It was about as inviting an area as Larra had ever seen.  What  was less inviting, however, was the small cluster of ibis-headed warriors who were guarding the entrance to the valley.  Most of these men appeared quite bored, but had Larra and Ramses proceeded up the narrow gorge rather than along the rim they would surely have been seen.  The lounging guards would have had the advantage of surprise and numbers.  Outnumbered fifteen to one Larra would have had little chance, especially since Ramses would not have aided her in any way. 


She lay down on her belly to plot her next move.  Now that she knew where the enemy was she should be able to find her way around them.  Her eyes scanned the valley looking for a way down that would not be observed by the men guarding the canyon.  So intent was she that she almost failed to hear the slight sound behind her.  Instinctively she rolled to one side.  The rock that would have crushed her skull smashed into the ground beside her.  Ramses loomed above her, his face twisted into a snarl of rage and hate.  But he had missed his chance.  Larra’s sudden movement had avoided his cowardly attack.  She did not give him a second chance.


Twisting her body, Larra hooked her left leg behind Ramses’ knee while striking toward his ankle with her right foot.  The maneuver sent Ramses off-balance.  Waving his arms wildly he teetered dangerously near the edge of the cliff and then with a scream of fear toppled over the edge.


“Damn,” thought Larra.  “Didn’t mean to do that.” 


Ramses screamed all the way to the ground.  It took him only a few seconds to reach the bottom, and landed with a most satisfying thud.  However, it was the reaction of the guards that focused Larra’s attention.  Every guard in the valley searched the top of the cliff.  Larra crept back from the edge.  “That was foolish of me,” she mused.  “Should have expected that Ramses would try to take me from behind.  He’s made it very inconvenient for me.  Now I’ll have to be even more careful.” 



Isetnofret tried to hide her fear.  She had stopped screaming.  Making all that noise didn’t seem to help and even seemed to make her more frightened.  Besides, the tall white-skinned demon didn’t scream or even appear to be afraid.  Isetfofret felt shamed by her own actions.  Still, she teetered on the verge of panic.  She didn’t like the way her captors were looking at her.  Of course they looked at the white demon as well, but there was a certain sense of respect and awe in their eyes when they did it.  When they looked at her all she saw was undisguised lust.  But it was not as if she was a virgin.  She had enjoyed the pharaoh’s favours many times.  Surely if her captors chose to treat her as a prize of war the experience could not be much worse.  Or perhaps it could.  What if they all decided to take her?  There was nothing to stop them from doing exactly that.  The humiliation of being treated like a common whore would be more than she could bear.  The very thought made her faint. 


Melissa wondered what the Nubian queen was thinking.  The dark-skinned beauty had been silent after her initial bout of screaming.  The mere fact that she was silent was a bit of a relief.  She had been unrelentingly noisy ever since Melissa had taken her from the Nubian city.  She was beginning to wish she had listened more carefully to the queen’s protests.  “Out of the frying pan and into the fire,” she thought.  She had escaped from one set of circumstances only to find herself in an almost identical situation.  Still, it couldn’t get much worse than being buried alive.  Or could it?  She certain did not like some of the glances that were being directed her way by the men who had captured her.  There was altogether too much prurient interest being shown in her and she had no desire to experience another round of sexual degradation.  Why did men always have to subject their female captives to such a humiliating ordeal?  Surely they must have more on their mind than the rape and brutalization of every woman they met.  On second thought probably not. 


The chariot she and Isetnofret were being transported on slowed and then turned into a narrow gap between two large boulders.  It drove on down a narrow defile for several hundred feet and then the passage suddenly opened out into a wide bowl-shaped amphitheater.  It was an impressive setting, and made even more so by the architectural contributions of the people who had taken her prisoner.  Before her stretched a wide boulevard lined with huge statues of the ibis-headed god Thoth.  The boulevard ended in a magnificent staircase wide enough for fifty people to have mounted simultaneously.  The stairway climbed several hundred feet before ending in a colonnaded temple that backed into the rock of the amphitheatre. 


The chariot, however, did not proceed up the boulevard.  Instead the driver turned it toward a two story building built into the cliff and stopped in front of the door.  Melissa and Isetnofret were escorted from the chariot and into the building.  Inside the building was lit by natural light coming in through large open windows.  However, the light faded as she and the Nubian queen were ushered farther back into the building to an area that had be illuminated by torchlight.  Melissa’s heart fell as she realized that this part of the building looked very much like a dungeon. 


It turned out to be exactly that.  A cell door was opened and she was thrust inside.  The door was slammed and bolted, leaving her in complete darkness.  The sound of another door opening and closing told her that Isetnofret had met the same fate.  Resignedly she felt her way around the cell.  It was bare for the most part, but there was a sort of bed against one wall and she sat down on it and began to work at her bonds.  “At least I’m not buried alive this time,” she muttered. 


It took her quite awhile to work herself free of the ropes, but she finally managed to get them loose enough to slip one hand free.  After that it was just a matter of a few seconds to get rid of the rest of the ropes.  She wondered how Isetnofret was making out.  The Nubian queen had been much more tightly bound than she had been and probably had not had the considerable practice that she had had in escaping from bondage.  She lay back on the bed.  Now that she had untied herself there wasn’t much more she could do.  She been through quite an ordeal over the past few days and was exhausted.  She might as well make the best of a bad situation and get some rest.  Closing her eyes she relaxed and in a few minutes drifted off into a surprisingly peaceful sleep.



Djeserka high priest of the Guardians of Thoth had to see this for himself.  Two offerings, and one of them the Nubian queen.  This was quite out of the ordinary and if true would call for a special ceremony.  He entered the guardroom and waited in the well lit outer room.  “Bring them to me,” he ordered.  Sitting down in a chair that had been placed in the centre of the room for his use he waited. 


The dark-skinned queen was brought before him a few minutes later.  She was tightly bound, almost excessively so.  As he raised an inquiring eyebrow one of the guards explained.  “This is the way she was presented to us, exalted one.  It appears that she was the prisoner of the other.” 


At that moment the “other” entered the room.  Djeserka caught his breath and stifled an exclamation.  He had never seen such an extraordinary woman.  Her skin was as white as the purest sand and she towered over the guards who escorted her from the cell.  Although partially hidden by the white robe she wore her womanly curves could not be disguised.  The moment he saw her he knew that he had to have her.  A most noble sacrifice she would be, but first he would get to know her better. 


Disguising his lust he leaned back in his chair.  “She is most pleasing.  What is she called?”


Nodding toward Isetnofret the guard replied.  “The queen claims she does not have a name.  She was called Honey Cake by the pharaoh before she disgraced herself by attempting to kill him.” 


“She attempted to kill the Son of Ra?  How interesting.  Why was she found with the queen attempting to invade the Valley of Thoth and why was the queen bound as she is now?”


“Why don’t you ask me?” said Melissa. 


High priest Djeserka blinked.  It hadn’t occurred to him that the strange white skinned woman might understand him. 


“Now that you have her version of events why don’t you hear mine?”  Melissa continued.  Did the queen tell you that she kidnapped me and had me buried alive?”


“The demon put a spell on the pharaoh,” Isetnofret cried.  “I was trying to save him.”


“Were you trying to save him when you ordered me to be flogged and raped?”  As she spoke, Melissa opened her robe, revealing the still livid weals of the whipping she had received. 


Djeserka seemed surprised by this exchange, but not perturbed.  He was most interested, however, in what the white beauty’s partial disrobing had revealed.  Even the stripes of the flogging could not hide the luscious curves of her ripe body.  “Untie them both,” he ordered.  He rose from his throne.  “Conduct them to the Sacred Chamber and the Eye of Thoth.  They must be purified before they can be taken before the god.”


The guards bowed.  Removing the ropes that bound the two women they formed up on either side and with Djeserka leading the way they marched from the room.


Melissa considered making a break for it, but decided against it.  She was still not even close to recovered from her ordeal at the hands of Isetnofret and her henchmen.  Even now she could feel the smarting of her wounds and the aching in her loins as a result of the cruel punishment meted out to her.  In addition, she was heavily outnumbered.  There were twenty guards in the escort provided for her and Isetnofret.  Then there was the problem of where she would go if she did escape.  She was essentially trapped in the strange new society she had stumbled upon.  Although she was confused and a little alarmed by the high priest’s comments she decided it was best to cooperate until she found out what was expected of her. 


They went deeper into the building.  Melissa surmised that it must be built into the side of the cliff as the passage they were taking seemed far too long to be a part of the relatively humble structure she had entered.  They marched for several minutes, passing by several doors that were all barred and heavily guarded.  Melissa began to become concerned.  This seemed too much like a dungeon and she had had more than enough of captivity.  She was puzzled though as to why a man who was the high priest would be acting as her personal escort. 


They went through a final door and entered a large chamber.  With some sense of relief Melissa saw that the room they were in was far too impressive to be a dungeon.  It was more along the lines of some sort of temple.  Two rows of massive stone columns ran from floor to ceiling.  Each column was gigantic standing at least forty feet high and with a diameter of over six feet.  The columns formed a gallery that led to a gigantic statue of the Ibis-headed god Thoth seated on a massive throne. 


The guards halted, but the high priest took the two women by their arms and led them toward the statue.  Halting halfway he fell to his knees.  Isetnofret followed automatically and Melissa, taking her cue from the high priest and the Nubian queen, followed suit.


The priest began a chant in some sort of language that Melissa did not understand.  Apparently from the look on Isetnofret’s face she didn’t either.  As the priest chanted Melissa noted that he was manipulating a lever set into the floor in front of him.  There was a slight grinding sound and a small section of the temple roof slid open admitting a thin beam of sunlight. 


“Clever,” thought Melissa.  “Something like this should really impress any followers.”  Then her eyes widened as the ray of light struck the head of the gigantic idol.  The eyes of the statue began to glow but especially the right one, which gave off an eerie blue light and then suddenly the light burst upon the three prostrate figures.  The high priest groaned in ecstasy as did Isetnofret, but Melissa felt as if she had been bathed in fire.


The pain was so intense that she could not even scream.  Gasping in the most acute agony she writhed on the floor and then the high priest touched the lever again, and the light disappeared.  Melissa lay sprawled full length.  The intense agony was gone, but she felt completely exhausted and her body was bathed in sweat.  Beside her the high priest and Isetnofret got unsteadily to their feet.  The Nubian queen’s face was fixed in a sort of rapture and that of the high priest exuded a radiant joy.  Raising his hand he motioned to the guards.  Two of them came forward and taking Melissa under each of her arms lifted her from the floor. 


Unsteadily, Melissa struggled to get her footing.  She had no idea what had happened to her, but something felt different.  Escorted back the way they had come she walked a hundred paces before she realized what had happened.  Her full strength had returned.  She no longer felt the effects of the injuries she had received at the hands of Isetnofret and her guards.  Tentatively she touched her shoulder fingering one of the welts that had been laid upon her back.  To her surprise all she encountered was smooth flesh.  All trace of her injuries seemed to have disappeared.  In wonderment she followed the high priest and the escort.  It had to be the strange blue radiation that had emanated from the eye of the Ibis headed god.  Melissa immediately thought of her mentor.  “I’ve got to get word of this to Larra.  If I ever see her again.”



Larra crouched in a palm grove.  She was safe for the moment.  She had led the ibis-headed guards on a merry chase and had finally given them the slip.  “Looks like I’ve discovered some sort of sect devoted to Thoth,” she thought.  The ibis headed god was one of the major deities of the Egyptian pantheon, but she had not heard of it being worshipped to the exclusion of the other gods.  This seemed to be the case in the Forbidden Valley, however.  Everywhere she had gone there were carvings and statues of the god, but very few idols had been erected to other Egyptian deities.   She was lying low for the rest of the day.  Avoiding the sentries after Ramses had fallen to his death had not been too difficult.  None of them had actually seen her and so they didn’t exactly know what to look for.  As far as they knew Ramses might have come alone.  It had been relatively easy for her to hide while they clambered to the top of the cliff and made a cursory search.  Then, after they had lost interest, she had clambered down the cliff and made her way past the guards to a small shaded pool.  It provided a convenient place to hide until night, and just as important it had water.  Ramses had been carrying most of the water and he had taken it with him when he took his dive off the cliff.  Fortunately she had most of the food and while she waited she ate, drinking from the pool to slake her thirst. 


Eventually the day passed and night descended.  It was time to move.  She had seen the sentries head farther into the valley and she intended to follow them.  With luck darkness would provide enough concealment for her to find out where they had gone without being seen.  Ramses’ words, the presence of the sentries with the ibis headdresses, and her own instincts told her that she was onto something important.  She intended to find out what it was.  Adjusting the weapons she carried, she left her hiding place and silently stole through the night.



“The two new offering have been purified,” said Djeserka.  “Thoth has accepted and blessed them with the power of his divine eye.  They are now fit to offer us the blessing of their bodies before they are taken to the Temple of the Divine Fire.”


The assembled priests nodded in agreement.  Several of them licked their lips in anticipation.  For most of them this was the most important benefit of being a member of the priesthood; better even that the life of idleness and luxury the senior members of the order were privileged to enjoy.  “As the high priest,” Djeserka continued smugly, “I will, as is the custom, be the first to enjoy the sacrifice of their flesh.  But be assured each of you will be rewarded in turn.”


Again the under priests nodded in agreement.  The beauty of the two new offerings was well worth the wait; especially the tall pale-skinned woman.  None of them had ever seen anything like her.  Performing their divine duty upon her would be most pleasant.



Melissa paced uncertainly in the room where she had been confined.  She and Isetnofret had been separated after the strange episode in the temple.  Somehow what had happened to her had healed her, but she did not know how.  Perhaps it was something akin to the magical healing water that Larra had discovered in the Lost World.  She didn’t really know, but it was with some relief that she discovered that she had recovered her full strength.  What really concerned her, however, was the way she was dressed.  Her clothes had been taken away by an elderly female servant and she had been left something right out of the Arabian Nights. 


“I can’t believe real Egyptians wore clothes like these,” she murmured.  “I feel like a cheap whore in a Shanghai brothel.”  Not that she had ever actually been in a Shanghai brothel, but she imagined it could not be much different.  After her experience with Wosret she had a very good idea of what was intended for her.  She had been well fed, bathed, and now clothed in these outrageous and diaphanous garments.  It all seemed to add up to only one thing.  Melissa set her jaw.  Not this time.  She was tired of being treated as a sexual toy.  And besides, there did not seem to be any men in the temple who were nearly as cute as the Nubian pharaoh had been. 


Her thoughts were interrupted by a sound at the door.  Luxurious as her room was, it really resembled a cell.  As far as she could tell it was entirely underground.  Completely windowless, the door was the only way in or out and it was with some trepidation that she watched it swing open. 


Two guards entered, followed by the man she had taken to be the high priest.  He was not a particularly imposing man, being of average height and slightly overweight, but he carried himself with an air of authority.  This was a man who was used to being obeyed.     Two man servants also accompanied him, each of them carrying a tray.  The guards took up a position at the door, while the servants spread out food and drink on a low table in the centre of the room.  Melissa remained standing even as the high priest seated himself across from her. 


Djeserka observed the tall beauty who stood across from him.  She was deliciously beautiful.  Her long chestnut hair framed an oval face that mirrored both strength and beauty.  Her strong jaw, ruby lips, a straight nose, and deep brown eyes, emphasized her intelligence and her strength of character.  But it was not her intelligence that Djeserka was particularly interested in.  What really fascinated him was the beauty of her ivory skin, large firm breasts, narrow waist, and long, almost endless legs.  His manhood stiffened as he envisioned himself between those powerful thighs.  But he also noticed something else, and that was this woman was unlike any other he had ever seen in more than just her physical presence.  A sense of power and danger emanated from her.  This was not a woman who could simply be forced to the bedchamber.  He would have to treat her with caution.     


“Sit, Honey Cake,” he said, motioning to the chair opposite his.  With some reluctance, Melissa obeyed.  Djeserka waved his hand toward the food and drink.  “Will you do me the honour of sharing with me?” he asked. 


Melissa nodded.  She did not appear to have much choice.  The high priest’s invitation was really a command disguised in polite formality.  And she had not yet eaten that day.  No food or drink had been provided for her and she was famished.  It occurred to her that the high priest had probably arranged it that way in order to make her more cooperative.  It also occurred to her that the food and drink might be drugged.  She would have to be careful what she ate.  Sitting across from the high priest she waited for him to begin. 


Djeserka noticed her hesitation and smiled.  “I will eat and drink first,” he said.  “What is safe for me will be safe for you.”


Melissa did not reply, but simply watched as the high priest filled his cup with wine from an earthenware pitcher and drank deeply.  She allowed her own cup to be filled and sipped at it delicately.  The wine might not be drugged, but if she drank too much on an empty stomach it would have the same effect. 


The high priest broke a loaf of Egyptian bread and offered both halves to her.  Clearly he was indicating that it was not to be feared.  Melissa chose from the right hand and the high priest nodded.  Breaking off a piece from the remaining half he stuffed it into his mouth.  Melissa did the same, reasoning that there was no way the high priest could have predicted which piece she would choose.  The rest of the meal proceeded the same way, with the high priest first eating and drinking and Melissa following.  Finishing her cup of wine, she accepted a second after the high priest refilled his own cup from the same jug. 


She began to relax.  Perhaps the high priest wasn’t such a bad fellow after all.  She took another taste.  The wine really was very good.  The next time the high priest filled his cup she was surprised to note that hers was empty.  Without prompting she held out her cup for a refill.  Something in the back of her mind said “DANGER!” but she couldn’t for the life of her figure out why.  Thus it was that she felt no alarm when the high priest ordered the servants and the guards from the room.  Nor did she make any objection when the high priest rose from his chair and took her arm. 


Djeserka could not resist a smile of triumph as he led the tall white beauty toward the bed.  His little sleight of hand trick had succeeded admirably.  The trusting young woman had not noticed his trickling of the white powder into her cup as he passed his hand over it.  The drug was quite subtle both in its taste and its affects.  The user would not even be aware of it until it was too late, as it was too late for her now.  She stumbled and fell against him.  He steadied her, placing his arm about her.  She made no effort to pull away, but instead giggled drunkenly and turned slightly toward him.  She was so tall that her left breast brushed against his shoulder as she turned.


“You naughty man,” she breathed, “I think you’ve gotten me drunk.”


Djeserka had never had any one refer to him as a “naughty man,” but he didn’t really care anymore.  The sight of Honey Cake’s breast so close to his face had him more than a little distracted.  Breathing heavily he pushed her down on the bed and began to remove her clothing.  His victim giggled.  Without much effort she pushed him away.  “Now stop that,” she said coyly.  “We haven’t even been properly introduced.”


Djeserka had no idea what in the name of the gods the gorgeous young woman was talking about.  He had never encountered anyone who spoke the way she did.  Perhaps it was the fact that she did not speak the language properly.  In any case what she said made no sense.  Pushing her back down he pulled the laces on her gossamer garments allowing, her only half-concealed breasts to fall free. 


Djeserka swallowed and gawked for a second at the magnificent hemispheres.  The girl giggled again.  She seemed totally unaware that she had been partially undressed.  Arching her back she pulled him toward her and planted a sloppy kiss on his forehead.  “You dear man,” she burbled.  “It is so nice of you to take an interest in me.”  She rolled away from him, her breasts swaying erotically.  Djeserka could hardly contain himself.  He was beginning to think it might have been a mistake to put the white powder in the wine of the white goddess.  He had never had any woman act this way before.


Melissa swayed dizzily.  She was on her hands and knees on the bed facing toward the high priest.  She wondered what his name was.  No one had bothered to introduce them, as she had just pointed out.


“I’m Melissa,” she slurred.  “What is your name?”  She was suddenly very sleepy.  Without waiting for an answer she curled up on the bed and closed her eyes.


“By the gods!” Djeserka swore.  This was intolerable.  The girl was mocking him.  Edging over to her he grabbed her hair and jerked her head up.  To his dismay the girl’s eyes rolled back in her head and she went limp.


Djeserka swore again, louder and more elaborately this time.  Too much white powder.  He should have measured it more carefully, but he wanted to make sure that she was unable to resist his advances.  He released her hair and let her head drop.  A loud snore emanated from the unconscious girl.


Climbing off the bed he surveyed his prize.  Perhaps he should just take her the way she was.  She certainly wouldn’t offer any resistance.  But what was the fun in that?  He could have just had her hit over the head if that was all he wanted.  Rolling the girl over he surveyed her unconscious form.  She was sleeping peacefully, her large white breasts rising and falling in a manner he found almost irresistibly erotic.  He swore one more time.  He would find a way to wake her up, and when he did he would dispense with the social niceties.  He would take her by force and revel in the screams of his victim.


He looked around for something suitable to tie her with.  He didn’t want the guards or his servants to witness this embarrassing situation so he would have to figure out something himself.  He saw what he wanted almost immediately.  Picking up a cotton blanket he began to rip it into strips.  A slight sound behind him caused him to turn and then the world came crashing down around him.  As his senses reeled he had a vague image of the girl he had thought unconscious standing over him, and then everything faded. 


Melissa tossed aside the handle of the pottery wine pitcher she had used to hit the high priest over the head.  She hoped that no one outside the room had heard the noise.  For a few anxious minutes she had not been sure that her little ruse would work.  She had been forced to drink a bit more of the drugged wine than she would have liked.  Placing her hand over her stomach she made a very unladylike belch.  She grinned foolishly.  It appeared that she was a little drunk.  She wondered what Larra would say if she learned of her unseemly behaviour. 


Moving over to the door she placed her ear to it.  She couldn’t hear a sound outside.  She wondered if the high priest’s guards and servants were still there.  Most likely they were.  It was going to be a problem to get past them without a battle.  Then she had an idea.  Putting her breasts back where they belonged, she opened the door widely enough to admit her body she stepped into the hall.  As she had surmised the high priest’s entourage was there, standing alertly just a few paces away.  Without hesitation she strode boldly toward them.


“The high priest commands that you bring him more wine,” she said to the servants.  Then she turned to the guards.  “He also commands that you fetch his litter.  He wishes to be conveyed to his apartments.”  The four men hesitated, but Melissa didn’t.  Without waiting for them to move she returned to the room and closed the door behind her.  With any luck they would be so used to following orders that they would carry them out without thinking.  She was gambling on the fact that after having watched the high priest try to seduce her they would assume the orders came from him.  After all, they had no way of knowing that their master was sleeping on the floor of the room with one very large bump on his head. 


She waited two minutes and opened the door again.  She made no attempt to sneak out.  She intended to castigate the servants if they were still there in a final attempt to bluff them, but it turned out not to be necessary, the hallway was deserted.  Without hesitating Melissa headed off down the corridor in the opposite direct to that taken by the servants.  At least she hoped it was.  She would have preferred to be dressed in something a little less revealing, but there was no other selection of clothing in the room where the high priest had tried to seduce her.


She was heading in the direction of the impressive temple where she had been bathed in the strange blue light from the giant statue.  It would mean passing through several doorways that were under the watchful eye of numerous temple guards, but she didn’t have too much choice.  It really boiled down to a choice between two evils.  Heading toward the outside would mean entering the main temple city of the worshippers of the Ibis headed god.  She would have a great deal of difficulty escaping capture if she chose that route and so she headed inward.  Perhaps in the main temple she would be able to find a way out; and she wanted another look at the strange blue gem that seemed have such miraculous healing powers.


The first two guards gave her little trouble.  She was able to bluff her way past them the same way she had gotten rid of the guards outside the room where she had been imprisoned.  The next two were more difficult.


“Halt!” ordered one of the guards as she approached the second last door way.  He looked at her apprehensively.  Even dressed the way she was, Melissa was an impressive sight, standing a head taller than either of the guards. 


“I have been ordered to proceed to the temple by the high priest,” Melissa said, continuing to move forward. 


“Halt,” repeated the guard, lowering his spear.  “You cannot pass.”  The other guard lowered his spear as well.


But the two steps Melissa had taken had placed her where she wanted to be.  Brushing aside the spear of the first guard, she struck out, catching him just under his chin.  The blow had all of her weight behind it and it snapped his head back and threw him up against the wall.  Then before the second man could move or even shout she whirled on him and slammed her elbow into the side of his head just below where his helmet covered it.  He crumpled to the floor, his spear and shield clanging as they dropped beside him.


Melissa stood and listened for a few seconds waiting to see if the sound of the falling guards had attracted any attention. She thanked the fact that she had trained so hard during the short time she had been with Larra.  A year ago she would not have been able to do what she did, But Larra’s insistence that all of her companions study the martial arts had prepared her for what she had done.  It had also helped that the two guards had not expected any opposition from a mere woman.  “Their mistake, my good fortune,” Melissa murmured. 


She continued to the next doorway.  It was far enough away that the guards there had not heard the commotion.  This time there were four guards, and Melissa doubted her ability to handle all of them.  “I wish I had Larra with me,” she thought, but taking a deep breath she strode boldly forward. 


The guards formed a line across the doorway.  “Make way,” she ordered.  “I have been sent by the high priest to wait for him here.”


“You cannot enter,” replied one of the guards.  “How did you get here?”


“You dare to defy the high priest?” she asked.  “Stand aside.”


The men hesitated.  Melissa played her trump card.  “How do you think I got here?  Every other guard admitted me.”


The men shuffled their feet nervously.  Finally the man in the centre stepped aside.  “Pass,” he said, pulling open the door to the temple.


Inside it was deserted.  Melissa strode to the spot where she had been immersed in the blue light.  There in the floor was the lever the high priest had manipulated.  Tentatively she pulled on it, and waited to see what would happen.  Nothing happened, other than the temple becoming better lit as the ceiling panel opened.  Melissa saw that the sun’s rays did not strike the eye of the ibis-headed god.  “Should have expected that,” she thought.  “It’s a different time of day.” 


She was a little disappointed, but now she had her way out.  Walking over to the base of the giant statue she started to climb.


It was not the easiest ascent she had ever made.  The smooth marble provided very little that she could hang onto.  However, that was somewhat compensated for by the fact that she could use parts of the god’s body to help her up, beginning with the feet and then climbing into the god’s lap.  From there she grabbed hold of one of the arms which was folded across the statue’s chest and pulling herself onto it made her way to the god’s shoulder.  She could now just reach the staring blue eye of the god.  Reaching up she tried to pull it loose. Grunting from the effort she strained to loosen the gem, but it appeared to be stuck fast.  She tried again, but succeeded only in losing her balance.  For a second she teetered, almost falling to the floor three stories below, but regained her footing just in time.  “This isn’t going to work,” she thought.  “I need something to pry it loose.”  She sat down on the statue’s shoulder to catch her breath.  At that moment a voice from above almost caused her to leap into space.


“Need any help?” 


Eyes wide Melissa leaped to her feet even as she realized that she knew the voice.  “Larra?” she gasped. 


Larra’s smiling face was framed in the opening that Melissa had created in the ceiling.  “Fancy meeting you here, darling,” Larra said in her cultured English accent. 


Melissa laughed in relief.  “How did you get here?” she asked.


“I should ask you the same.  I was scouting along the top of the cliff when suddenly a section of rock below me slid away.  I investigated and here I am.”  As she spoke, Larra eased herself through the opening. 


Melissa noticed that her mentor was moving a little stiffly.  “Are you alright?” she asked.


“I’m fine,” Larra replied, but Melissa noticed that her eyes flashed an expression of pain.


There was an unwritten understanding between Larra and her companions that they did not discuss their sexual misadventures.  Melissa sensed that this was one of those times.  The obvious bruising on the parts of Larra’s body she could see told her clearly that her friend had met with some rough action.  “I’ve had a bit of a bumpy ride myself,” she said, helping Larra onto the shoulder of the statue.  Sitting down she very briefly outlined what had happened to her since she and Larra had been parted, leaving out the part about the healing that had occurred under the mysterious light from the eye of the statue.  She wanted more time to test out what had actually happened to her.  It all seemed a bit too fantastic.


Then Larra told her story.  By the time she was finished Melissa noticed that the sun’s rays were shifting into position.  “Come on,” she said.  “Help me get to the floor.  There is something I would like to try.” 


Larra had a coil of rope slung over her shoulder.  Securing it to the top of the statue of Thoth, she dropped the end of it to the floor.  Quickly the two women shimmied down the rope.  Melissa led Larra over to the spot on the floor where she had been exposed to the mysterious blue light.  “Kneel here,” Melissa ordered.


“What’s this all about?” asked Larra. 


“Something good I hope,” Melissa said.  She took her place at Larra’s side and waited.


She watched anxiously as the sun’s rays slowly scanned down toward the eye of the god.  Larra followed Melissa’s gaze, a look of curiosity on her face.  She was completely bemused by what Melissa was asking her to do, but trusted her young friend.


The light struck the blue eye of the god.  Immediately both women were immersed in the brilliant blue light.  This time Melissa felt something entirely different.  Where before she had experienced terrible pain as the rays swept over her body this time she felt the most incredible euphoria.  Enraptured she found that she could not move.  For a few brief seconds she lost all track of time and place, floating in some incredible ecstatic trance.  She didn’t even notice her companion writhing in pain on the floor beside her. 


The rapture passed, leaving Melissa exhausted and somewhat disappointed.  She found to her amazement that her body was bathed in sweat.  “God,” she said aloud.  “That’s even better than sex.”


“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” said Larra, getting to her feet beside her.  “I’ve never felt such pain.  Why didn’t you warn me?”


“I wasn’t sure whether or not it would happen again,” answered Melissa sheepishly.  She realized that she probably should have said something, but what she had experienced before was so unusual she wasn’t sure that it had really happened.  Getting to her feet she looked at Larra.  “How do you feel?”


“I’m not sure,” Larra replied.  She swept her hands over her body.  “Strange, now that the pain is gone I feel much better.”  She seemed to consider what had happened to her for a few seconds.  “I think my injuries have healed.  I can’t see or feel any of the bruises.”


“That’s what happened to me.  The pain was incredible, but when it passed I felt like a new woman.”


“Most curious,” mused Larra.  “It seems to have the same affect as that healing spring I discovered in the Lost World.  Now I know what Featherstone was after.  I think it might be a good idea to make sure that he doesn’t get it.”


“My thoughts exactly,” Melissa said.  “That was what I was trying to do when you surprised me.”


“Well, we’ve been here long enough.”  Larra was heading back to the statue.  “Sooner or later someone is bound to turn up in this place.  Let’s get the stone and get out of here.”


It was much easier climbing the statue with the rope.  Melissa found that her session under the blue light seemed to have rejuvenated her.  The exhaustion she had felt after her first climb was gone and she was able to accompany Larra to the top easily. 


It was the work of only a few moments to pry the blue stone from the statue’s eye socket using Larra’s knife.  The two women worked as a team, Melissa holding Larra while she stretched up from the stature’s shoulder and worker the stone loose.  The stone turned out to be a little smaller that what Melissa had first thought it to be.  From the floor of the temple the stone had appeared to be about a foot across, but it was surrounded by a large mounting and the actual gemstone occupied only the centre of the eye.  Still, it was an impressive object.  It appeared to be a large blue sapphire almost three inches in length and about an inch and a half wide.  If sold as an item of jewelry it would have probably fetched a price in the millions. 


“Flawless,” said Larra, holding the gem in her hands.  The stone shone brilliantly in the sunlight, but there was also something else about it.  Larra passed the stone to Melissa.  “Here, tell me what you think.”


“It’s warm!”  Melissa exclaimed.  She could distinctly feel heat radiating from the blazing blue jewel.


“That’s what I thought.  I think it might be a good idea to take this someplace safe.”  Stretching up she levered herself out of the hole she had used to enter the temple, and then turning, offered her hand to Melissa to help her out.


There was a shout from below.  Glancing behind her Melissa saw that the door to the temple was now open and the high priest accompanied by several soldiers was running into the room.  He was pointing his finger toward her and gesticulating wildly.  “Time to go,” murmured Melissa and she took Larra’s hand and wormed her way out of the hole.


Melissa found that she was standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking a deep valley.  Below were the buildings she had seen when she had been brought into the temple city.  “It was just providence that brought me here,” said Larra.  “I thought it would be safer to work my way along the cliff top.  You can imagine my surprise when part of the cliff slid open and then I saw you climbing the statue.”


Melissa nodded.  Providence indeed.  There had been times when she was sure that she would never see Larra again.  “We had better get moving,” she said.  “My recent ‘friends’ are right behind us.”  


Larra nodded calmly.  “Much as I would like to stay and investigate this civilization further, I think it is best to get the Eye of Thoth back to England as quickly as possible.  If Featherstone and his Nazi friends were ever to find it….”


She didn’t need to finish the sentence.  The mysterious blue gem was certainly an artifact of enormous power.  It wouldn’t do to let the Third Reich get its hands on it.


“Too bad you didn’t bring any clothes with you.  This isn’t the best sort of outfit to trek across the desert.”


“No,” Larra agreed, leading the way along the cliff top.  “I have a few extra garments in the chariot I came in.  They might do.” 


Larra moved as fast as she could.  Already she could see that the temple complex below her had been alerted and chariots were racing up the canyon, no doubt with the intention of cutting them off.  “Damn,” she thought.  “I hope they don’t find my chariot and horses before we get there, otherwise it is going to be tough to get away.”


Both women dashed along the top of the rugged cliff overlooking the canyon, but they had to make frequent detours around large cracks and fissures in the surface.  Soon Larra realized that she was losing the race.  “We have to go back,” she said.  “I’m afraid we are cut off.”


“Won’t the others who spotted us be back that way?” asked Melissa. 


“They might, but it may take them awhile to find a way to the top of the canyon.  They may not want to clamber up the statue of the god the way we did.  If we hurry we might get by them before they get their act together.”


Both women threw caution to the winds on the way back.  They ran almost recklessly over the broken surface realizing that if they did not move fast enough they would be trapped between two groups of pursuers.  But they were not fast enough.  They realized that as a flight of arrows flew past them.  They ducked behind a small patch of scrub.  It wasn’t much protection, but the branches and leaves might deflect any shafts that came in their direction.  Larra strung her bow.  She hadn’t done much shooting in the last few years, but when she had trained with the bow and arrow she had been a deadly shot. 


More arrows narrowly missed them.  Ignoring the danger, Larra stood upright and began to methodically loose shafts in the direction of the enemy.  There were about a dozen of so of the ibis headed soldiers, a half dozen of whom carried bows.  Larra made these her target.  Carelessly, the opposing archers stood out in the open.  Three of Larra’s first four shafts found their target, causing the remainder to scramble for protection.  Melissa stood by helplessly, wishing that she had more than the knife Larra had given her.  It was frustrating to have to keep her head down and hope that her companion did not get hit.


“Dammit,” Melissa thought, “I’m going to do something.”  Without telling Larra was she was up to she dropped back, and then keeping low began to work her way to the side.  Shifting over about thirty feet she began to work her way forward, hoping to catch the enemy from the side.  There weren’t very many of them, and her surprise appearance might make a difference.


It worked better than she had hoped.  All of the ibis-headed warriors were keeping their heads down.  Two of them were nursing wounds where Larra’s arrows had struck them.  A third lay still, a feathered shaft protruding from his throat.  Screaming like a banshee, Melissa charged into them.  She caught the first two before they had a chance to move, driving her foot into the midriff of the first and hooking her foot behind the knee of the second while she slammed into him, knocking him onto the rocky surface.  The rest broke, taking to their heels and throwing way their weapons as they fled.


Flushed with success, Melissa turned to see a frowning Larra striding toward her.  “Well done,” Larra said.  “But next time tell me when you are going to do something like that.”


“I’ll do that,” Melissa said, not at all chastened.  Flushed with success she was too elated and too excited to be reserved.  Her elation ended a second later, however, when a sharp pain shot through her thigh. 


She looked down, her eyes widening in disbelief.  Something was growing out of her right leg, just a few inches above her knee.  “That’s not right,” she thought.  “That shouldn’t be there.”  Reaching down she grabbed the feathered shaft and tried to pull it free. 


Searing agony ripped through her leg.  For a second her vision clouded, and then taking a deep breath she fought for consciousness.  From what seemed alike a long way away she heard Larra calling to her. 


“Don’t touch it Melissa.  You might cut an artery.  It has to be pushed through.”


Panting, Melissa fought to gain control.  It was just an arrow.  What kind of a wound could that make?  She just had to remain calm and let Larra pull it out.  Her legs buckled and suddenly she was sitting on the ground, her head whirling.  There seemed to be a lot of shouting and she was aware of a horde of ibis-headed warriors rushing toward her.  Larra stood between her and the approaching soldiers, calmly loosing arrow after arrow and then suddenly Larra gave a cry and dropped the bow.


Larra reeled and clutched at the feathered shaft protruding from her shoulder.  It hurt like hell, but she had to fight the pain.  She was all that stood between freedom and being taken prisoner again.  But the enemy was all around her.  Armed with spears and swords they stabbed and slashed at her as she desperately tried to avoid their blows.  Gritting her teeth, Larra snapped off the arrow, leaving three inches of the shaft.  Then she went to work.  She disarmed the first soldier, deflecting the spear he thrust at her and twisting it out of his grasp.  Then she whirled amongst her opponents like a tornado, striking, stabbing, kicking.  Her adversaries backed away from her - those she had not already killed or disabled.  But she was weakening fast.  She suppressed the pain of her injury, but it was real nevertheless.  She was losing blood fast, and every drop meant eventual defeat.


Then suddenly, Melissa was beside her.  The girl had broken off the feathered shaft that penetrated her thigh.  She could barely stand and was balancing on one leg, but she stood back to back with her and holding a spear waited for the cowed enemy to attack. But it was a hopeless situation.  More soldiers crowded around them.  For some reason none of them attacked or made any effort to kill them.  But they were entirely surrounded.  Escape was impossible.


Then the soldiers parted and the high priest stepped through their ranks.  Standing twenty feet away he spoke.  “Where is the Eye of Thoth?  What have you done with it?”


Larra said nothing.  Melissa shook her head.  Where was the gem, the girl wondered?  The last she had seen of it Larra had placed it inside her robes.  Was it still there? 


The high priest asked one more time.  “Where is the eye?  Tell me or you will pay a painful price for your silence.”


Neither woman spoke.  The priest stepped back and waved his arm.  The ranks of soldiers around them closed in.


The two battered women actually held out for several minutes.  It would have been an easy matter for the soldiers to riddle them with arrows, but it appeared that they were to be taken alive. That was not an easy task.  The first men who came within reach were summarily laid out, but it was only a mater of time.  Both women were almost out on their feet, fighting the pain of their injuries and the exhaustion of trying to remain conscious while their life’s blood drained away. 


One of the soldier’s broke through Melissa’s guard.  Knocking aside her spear he grappled with her.  That allowed several more to jump into the fray and seize both her arms.  Larra went next.  With her companion gone she was completely surrounded and was quickly swarmed under.


Both women continued to fight despite the hopelessness of the situation, but they were soon overwhelmed.  The high priest had each of them carried to a pair of flat-topped boulders situated conveniently nearby.  While one man held each of their arms and legs he had them spread-eagled and pinned while he interrogated them. 


“Undress them,” the high priest ordered.  The men holding the two women did not have to be asked twice.  With almost savage glee they ripped off the cotton robes. 


The high priest searched through the torn garments, but found nothing.  A few seconds later another priest approached carrying the makeshift pack that Larra had been wearing.  He shook his head.  “So you have hidden it,” the high priest said.  “Tell me what you did with it or I will make each of you wish you had never been born.”


Neither woman spoke.  Melissa had no idea what had happened to the precious gem, but would not have told even if she did know.  If Larra knew she revealed nothing, but lay quietly waiting to see what the high priest would do next.


Djeserka surveyed the silent women.  “Two of them,” he thought.  “Where were all these mysterious white females coming from?”  His eyes fixed on Larra.  This woman was older than the tall mahogany-haired beauty, but that in no way detracted from her splendor.  Even covered with sweat and dirt she was a magnificent animal.  She lay panting, blood oozing from the wound in her shoulder.  Her splendid breasts heaved with the rhythm of her breathing.  She showed no fear or any indication of the suffering she must be in.  Her chest heaved with the exertion of trying to escape.  The sight filled his mind with immediate thoughts of lust.  He would have this woman, but first he would take the brown-eyed demon who had tricked and attacked him. 


He sauntered over to where the nude figure of the girl he had tried to seduce lay pinned and helpless.  An arrow shaft protruded from her thigh and blood welled up around the wound and dripped onto the surface of the rock where she was displayed.  It would have to be removed.  Smiling cruelly, he took out his razor sharp sacrificial knife.  It was not supposed to be used for so mundane a purpose as removing arrowheads, but in this case he would make an exception. 


He bent over the frightened girl.  She had seen the knife and was no doubt wondering what he intended to do with it.  “You are injured,” he said.  “Your wound must be tended to.  Tell me what you have done with the Eye of Thoth and I will see that you receive proper care.”


The girl turned a sweat-stained face toward him.  Her glance was defiant.  “I know nothing of the Eye of Thoth, and even if I did I would not help you find it.”


“Gag her,” Djeserka ordered the men holding the girl, “I am going to remove the arrowhead and I expect she might get quite noisy.”


Melissa tried to turn her head away as the men holding her tried to stuff a balled up piece of cloth into her mouth, but one of them clamped his hands on either side of her head still while the other pried open her mouth and stuffed the gag in.  Weakly she fought to get away.  Larra had said that the arrow would have to be pushed through, but it appeared that the high priest was going to cut it out.  Neither solution appealed to her, but she suspected Larra’s solution made the most sense.  The high priest was deliberately making the procedure as painful as possible.


She tried to compose herself as the knife went in.  The pain shot through her thigh like a bolt of lightning.  Her body went rigid with pain, but she did not give the high priest the satisfaction of hearing her scream into her gag.  Instead she bit down on the cloth and stifled her cries. 


Djeserka held the bloody arrowhead in his fingers and then let it fall.  The girl had disappointed him.  He had made little effort to be gentle with the knife, opening a bloody gash in her velvet thigh, but she had not so much as whimpered.  “Bind the wound,” he ordered.  He would get to her in a few minutes; in the meantime there was the dark-haired woman with the incredible violet eyes.


Her gaze burned into him as he approached her.  Even helpless and with the shaft of an arrow jutting out of her shoulder she gave off and aura of danger.  But he would soon change her expression.  “Tell me where you hid the Eye of Thoth,” he demanded.  “If you cooperate I may be gentle with you.”


“I lost it,” the woman replied.  “And I don’t remember where.”  Her cold steady gaze never wavered.  Djeserka had to avert his eyes.  Angered he decided that she would be punished first.  She must have hidden the eye somewhere.  Eventually she would tell where it was, but in the meantime it would be most enjoyable breaking her.


He decided to leave the arrowhead where it was.  It wouldn’t disturb his pleasure, and would make her agony that much more acute.  Above all he needed to find out what had happened to the sacred eye.  These two women had violated the sacred precincts of the temple and should by rights be put to death.  But he could see no reason why he shouldn’t make their suffering as painful as possible.  He suspected that the violet-eyed woman had probably thrown the eye somewhere while his men were pursuing them.  Or perhaps she had stuck it under a rock or bush somewhere along the trail.  If she had he would find it, even if it meant that his men would have to dig through the cliff top area inch by inch.  In the meantime, he would enjoy teaching them what it meant to defy the high priest of Thoth.


He was quite aroused by now.  Unfastening his kilt he let it fall.  He could tell from the woman’s eyes that she knew what was going to happen to her.  Mixed with her look of proud defiance was a glimmer of fear.  When he was finished with her that look of insolent boldness would be gone, replaced by one of complete subservience.  He was looking forward to that.  He liked it when women cowed before him.


“Stretch her out,” he ordered.  “I want her joints pulled apart.”


Helpless, Larra could only struggle feebly as ropes were lashed to her wrists and ankles and drawn tight.  Already spread-eagled, she was stretched tight as the ropes were secured to four trees.  The soldiers tying the ropes pulled them taut and then inserting the shaft of a spear into a loop in each of the ropes began to wind the ropes tighter. 


Larra winced as her limbs were slowly pulled apart.  She was pretty well done in.  The pain from the arrow wound was agonizing and continued to trickle blood.  She had to fight to remain conscious, but she gritted her teeth and battled back against the pain.  She couldn’t give in to the brutal high priest.  The very existence of the free world depended on her ability to resist. 


Djeserka moved between her legs and noted the tightening of the woman’s smooth muscles as sought to escape.  Even injured and racked with pain she still she resisted.  He licked his lips in anticipation.  His breath came quickly as he anticipated his victory over the strange violet eyed beauty.  He was going to enjoy this. 


He let his weight settle onto her, allowing his pounding phallus to part her labia, but he did not enter her.  Instead he bent his head to her breasts, and taking one of her succulent nipples into his mouth sucked hard on the rose tipped petal, feeling it harden as he did so.  The increase in the woman’s breathing told him of her fear.  He flicked his tongue over the tip of her breast and then slowly bit down. 


He kept on biting until he had drawn blood, but other than tensing slightly the woman gave no hint of the pain he was causing her.  Then lifting his head he thrust hard, forcing open her gates of paradise.  The woman gave a little gasp, but made no other sound.  He was not entirely disappointed, however; the day was long and he had just started on her.  She was going to experience a great deal more before he and his men were through with her.


Larra endured the rape bravely; as she had endured all the others.  She never got used to the horror, but at least she had learned how to endure the brutal and degrading humiliation that the violation of her body always caused.  Above all she had learned that a rapist did not want sex; his main motive was to inflict pain and dishonor on his victim.  She could not stop what was happening to her, but she could endure it with bravery and fortitude.  The high priest was doing his best to hurt and humiliate her, and she responded by doing her best to disappoint him. 


At the end, he reached orgasm without eliciting any response from her, but it was a hollow victory.  She had been the only one to suffer, and the experience had left her drained.  The agony of the arrowhead in her shoulder was almost more than she could bear, and she realized that no effort was going to be made to remove it unless she told them what she had done with the mysterious blue gem.  Since she was not going to do that she would have to bear the pain for as long as she could.  She hoped that she was up to it.  She expected that the “questioning” was going to last a long time.


Djeserka climbed off the woman he had just raped.  “You are a stubborn one,” he gasped.  “But you will tell me eventually.  My men will now take their turn.  Any time you want them to stop just tell me what I want to know.  It is entirely up to you.”


Larra made no reply as the high priest’s soldiers converged on her.  She knew that she was in for a terrible ordeal, but she could not afford to take the chance that the strange blue gem would fall into the hands of the Nazis.  Given a choice she would have preferred that the gem remained where she had found it.  After all, it did not belong to her.  It was an ancient cultural artifact and rightly belonged to the priests of Thoth.  On the other hand, those selfsame priests had hardly demonstrated the sort of ideals that befitted the holders of so important an office.  Since the priests had chosen to use their power for evil it seemed appropriate that they lose custody of the mysterious stone. 


Her musings on the morality of the issue were forgotten as a dozen hands clutched at her body.  Spread wide she was unable to offer the least resistance.  She was mounted by a younger and more vigorous priest.  He pushed into her with a youthful enthusiasm that had her gasping; her entire body jerking with each powerful thrust.  Her body soon dripped sweat, along with blood from her wound.  But her ordeal was just beginning.  A second priest climbed on top of her, and forcing her head back and adopting a particularly athletic position, forced his rigid organ between her already parted lips.  Larra almost gagged as he tickled her tonsils but there was little she could do to stop him from ravishing her mouth.  Both men pounded into her relentlessly bringing her close to fainting, but some stubborn streak kept her conscious, and suffering.  Almost weeping with shame and the pain of her ordeal she was taken in turn by each of the men surrounding her. 


Meanwhile for Melissa events had taken a turn for the worse.  Biting back a moan she winced as the high priest ordered her bound.  He helped in the binding himself.  He wanted this arrangement to be an artistic, memorable, and painful experience.


While his men held her he bound her wrists behind her back.  He had the rope tossed over the branch of a nearby tree and pulled tight, almost dislocating her shoulders.  Barely able to stand, the leg the high priest had “operated” on pounding in agony, she grunted in pain, clamping her jaws to stop the urge to scream. 


The high priest stepped back to admire his handiwork.  Now he wanted to do something really special.  He studied her perfect body.  Her heavy breasts swayed beneath her.  Yes, those would do. 


Melissa gasped in pain as the high priest began to bind her breasts.  She was particularly sensitive to this form of torture, having been viciously tortured in this way before.  The hideous memories of those previous occasions so haunted her she that the very thought caused her to break out in a cold sweat.  It was exactly the reaction Djeserka wanted.  This was the demon bitch who had dared to strike him.  No doubt she was the one who had stolen the Eye of Thoth as well.  He would punish her physically before humiliating her with a brutal rape.  With a grim smile he tightened the knots and watched his victim begin to writhe. 


Melissa began to pant uncontrollably as her dangling breasts were constricted by the tightening bonds.  The high priest had arranged the cords in such a way that he could slowly tighten the ropes, squeezing her tender flesh painfully and causing her breasts to bulge out like over-inflated balloons.  With an audible whimper she tried to somehow adjust her body to escape the increasing torment, but there was no fleeing the terrible pain. 


Djeserka moved behind his trembling victim and tightened the rope binding her wrists.  Melissa let out a cry as she was forced to go up on her toes to prevent her shoulders from being entirely dislocated.  The pain was excruciating, and her injured leg threatened to buckle under the strain.  The high priest moved in front of her, and taking one of her swollen breasts in his hand squeezed the tortured flesh.  Melissa began to whimper loudly.  She could not help herself.  She was close to passing out from the shock and exhaustion of her ordeal.  Her dark eyes started to glaze over and then suddenly opened wide as a sharp pain shot through her already tormented breasts.  She glanced down at her nipple.  Piercing the delicate bud was a three inch needle-sharp acacia thorn.  The high priest twisted the thorn in the wound.  This time Melissa could not hold back the scream.  The high priest added six more thorns in a symmetrical pattern around her areola.  Melissa screamed into her gag.


“Mmmpph!  MMMPPHH!”  The pain was frightening.  It was all she could do to keep from fainting.  But Djeserka was not through yet.  With calm indifference to her anguished but muffled shrieks he decorated her other breast in the same way as the first.  Then he stepped back to admire his handiwork.


Tears streamed down Melissa’s contorted features.  Her agony was evident.  Now she was ready.  With a sardonic grin Djeserka slowly began to untie the fastenings of his kilt.  No words were necessary to explain that gesture.


“No!” thought Melissa.  “Not again!”  Not to be raped and tortured once more.  It had happened too many times.  She was close to breaking and that meant the high priest would get what he wanted.  She feared that she would tell him everything.  But it was so hard to resist.  The feeling of helplessness; the fear of being raped and tortured.  She would never get used to it no matter how many times it happened.


Djeserka moved behind Melissa’s tight little backside.  Balanced precariously on her toes, there was nothing she could do to stop him. 


“Mmmpphh!” The high priest penetrated her deeply, sending a new wave of pain and discomfort through her.  Fortunately he was not well endowed enough to really hurt her, but the rape was devastating psychologically, and Melissa twisted her body in an effort to avoid the intense humiliation. 


“That’s it my little, Honey Cake,” Djeserka responded, using the name Isetnofret had given him, “wiggle your backside for me.”  Gripping her hips he pounded deeper into her enjoying the sensation of Melissa’s tight womanhood closing about his engorged member. 


“Mmmpph!” Melissa’s head swam.  The excruciating pain of the wound in her thigh had her very close to fainting.  She did not try to fight it.  Unconsciousness promised relief from her ordeal.  She let herself go and blackness enveloped her.


She was awakened only seconds later by an acute pain in her backside.  Djeserka had shifted his attack and forced his way into her tight anus.  As he ripped her open the intense pain burned through the sweet oblivion she had sought. 


“Mmmpphh!” she shrieked intro the gag, her body bucking in agony in spite of the wave of pain it sent through her bleeding thigh.  Djeserka held her tight and forced his way deeper, sending lighting jabs of pain through her nether region.


Djeserka watched his helpless victim writhe in pain and fear.  This was what he liked.  It gave him a feeling of complete power to strip away this girl’s arrogant veneer and reveal her for what she was; nothing more than his sexual handmaiden.  Breathing hard, he continued to ravage her until with a triumphant gasp he jerked his cream into her. 


Melissa slumped forward.  She was almost unconscious, but her perverse body would not cooperate and give her that sweet release.  Instead she hung by her arms, her shoulders almost dislocated, and the crude gag that had been stuffed down her throat almost choking her.


A few meters a way she could hear Larra’s grunts of pain as she was repeatedly raped.  Melissa could not bring herself to turn her head in her friend’s direction.  There seemed no end to the nightmare and it was about to get worse.


The high priest had returned, having replaced his kilt.  Standing in front of her he reached beneath her and squeezed her brutalized breasts.  The pain was so acute she thought her breasts would rupture.  Each nipple stood erect, engorged with blood.  Each thump of her heart sent waves of pain though the distorted mounds and caused the acacia thorns to vibrate rhythmically. 


Her muffled screams increased and then increased again as she felt another intruder at the entrance to her valley of pleasure.  As the high priest molested her she was raped by one of his guards. 


The ordeal lasted for several hours.  To Djeserka’s complete annoyance, he was unable to elicit any response other than cries of pain from either of his victims.  Finally frustrated he ordered his men to force them to their feet.  There was one more way of making them talk.  Sooner or later he would break them, but he had a plan for speeding up the process.  In the meantime he ordered several dozen of the temple guards to begin to search the cliff top for the Eye of Thoth.  One way or the other the gem would be recovered.  He was certain of that.