

Red Dragon

Episode II Return of the Dragon


Chapter 17  Disasters and Surprises


“This way,” Vanora whispered, as she led her new companions down a side passage.  They were deep beneath the castle that dominated the Sandoran capital, and by now the three young women following the princess were having their doubts.  None of them felt comfortable in the dark passageways.  There were too many places for enemies to lie in wait and too many twists and turns.  Che Sha was not sure that she would be able to find her way out, but she held her tongue.  They had committed themselves to trusting Vanora and could only hope the princess knew what she was doing. 


As if guessing what her companions were thinking, Vanora stopped.  “Above us are the castle dungeons.  I’m going to take us into them and then into a passage that leads up to the throne room.  With any luck there won’t be anyone around to slow us down.”


Che Sha nodded, although in the flickering light of the single torch she doubted that Vanora saw the movement.  She hoped that the princess was right.  If they were discovered they wouldn’t have much chance against the castle’s garrison, not to mention the power of the wizard and his female acolytes.


Ahead of her Vanora fumbled with a lever.  With a grinding creak a section of the wall slid away.  All four of the women cringed.  The noise was loud enough to wake the dead.  For several heartbeats they stood perfectly still, then with Vanora still leading the way they stepped through the opening.  “Remind me to bring a pitcher of oil next time I come this way,” Vanora whispered.  They were in the dungeons; the cell doors lining the dark and dismal corridor were proof of that. 


Vanora led them upward through corridors that stank of mold and rot to the upper levels of the dungeon.  Here she went more slowly as there was greater chance of discovery.  Finally, however, she stopped before a cell door.  As quietly as she could with Che Sha’s help she pulled it open.  Inside there was only blackness, but Vanora moved in, the rest of the women following.  Inside the air was stale and hard to breathe, but Vanora did not hesitate.  She went to one of the walls and carefully searched the stones.  As she did so she whispered an explanation.  “My father showed me the passages when I was a girl.  One of the things I was required to do was remember where they were in case of an emergency.  My mistake was in not using them when Khan stormed the castle.  I would have saved myself a good deal of grief, but I could not bear to run away from that pirate rat.”


As she finished speaking there was a small click and another section of wall opened.  “This leads to the throne room,” Vanora whispered.  “We might be able to find out what is going on from there.”  She stepped into the opening.


Inside there was a long stairway that switched back and forth between the walls. They climbed for several minutes and finally Vanora stopped.  She held up a hand, signaling caution.  Light streamed through several small openings in the wall.  Each of the women put her eye to an opening and peered into the throne room. 


Che Sha stifled a gasp.  They were overlooking the throne room.  Apparently the secret passage had taken them to the ceiling level.  Their elevated position allowed them an excellent view of the throne room and everything in it.  There were several people in the room.  One of them, a tall man who exuded evil sat upon the throne.  Two women stood on either side of the throne.  There was something strange about them, but it was a fifth woman that caught all of Che Sha’s attention. 


Tall, beautiful, and oozing deadly menace, the woman was someone Che Sha knew well.  The quick intake of breath from Vayasha and Shasara indicated that they too had recognized her.  “Sha Zhu,”  Vayasha whispered. 


The words she spoke would have made less sound than a butterfly’s wing, but almost immediately the almost dead eyes of the woman flashed upward.  She seemed to be looking right through the stone of the ceiling.  A slow smile spread across her features, but it was a smile that held no warmth.  “Master,” she said slowly.  “We have visitors.”



Saphora led her little band from the camp in the dead of night.  It was not difficult, the sentries were watching for intruders, not for soldiers trying to escape and she and the women with her had to take out only one sentry to clear the way.  To her satisfaction it was one of the Sea Warriors who had joined with Rohvan.  That union was the reason for her departure.  She had been willing to follow Rohvan as long as he worked with the Red Dragon, but that had changed since the death of the enigmatic woman who had come to her rescue.


She had secretly blamed Rohvan for the death of the woman she had come to regard as her friend.  It had been he who had led her into the ambush where a stray crossbow bolt had cut her down.  It seemed a pathetic death for a warrior or such great bravery and martial skill, but Rohvan had pointed out that such tragic events sometimes occurred in times of war.  In honour of her passing he had held a special ceremony with all of his soldiers attending, but after that she was forgotten except by Saphora and the women she had trained. 


Saphora and her closest friends had attempted to continue the training of the women warriors after the death of the Red Dragon.  It was a way of carrying on her memory, but she soon found that Rohvan was now less than cooperative.  It was almost as if with his former lover gone he wanted to wipe all trace of her from the camp.  As a result Saphora and her female companions had been relegated to a much less important role in the camp than what the Red Dragon had visualized for them.  Joining with Zirhan Khan had been the last straw.  Neither Saphora nor many of her friends could bring themselves to serve alongside the men who had raped and pillaged their homeland.  As a result, Saphora had gathered about herself a number of the women she could trust and had decided to leave the camp.


They didn’t have much of a plan.  Saphora had learned from Rohvan that princess Vanora had escaped from the clutches of the evil wizard who had seized control in Sandor’s capital.  She had no idea where the princess was, or even where she might be heading, but she had decided to join her and help her regain her rightful position in the land.  It wasn’t the most brilliant of plans, but Saphora was sure that the gods would lead her in the right direction.  After all, they had brought her the Red Dragon.  The least she could do was try to repay that debt.


“Where do we go?” asked Jerriah. 


Saphora thought for a second before replying to her second-in-command.  “Narum,” she replied.  She shrugged.  It seemed as good a destination as any. 



Che Sha fled through the darkness of the dungeons.  Just ahead of her were Vayasha, Shasara, and Vanora.  Her heart pounded and it was not just from exertion.  What was that thing in the throne room?  It had looked like Sha Zhu, but it was not.  She had never felt such terror as when those coal black eyes had looked directly at her hiding place.  The ghoulish woman exuded an aura of evil that was almost suffocating.  The panic she and her companions felt was completely unreasoning and completely out of character.  They fled like frightened children afraid of the dark, hardly noticing what direction they were going.  It was this that was their undoing.


“We’re lost,” Vanora proclaimed.  Leaning against one of the tunnel walls, and gasping for breath, the princess looked despairingly at the stub of torch she still held.  It had only a short time left before it burned to nothing and left them stranded in darkness.  “I must have made a wrong turn,” she gasped.


None of the other women replied.  All were too exhausted from stumbling about in the dark airless tunnels.  Normally such exertion would not have winded them, but in their panic they had forgotten all their training.  Their blind fear had drained their energy as if they had just finished a run of several leagues. 


Che Sha tried to calm herself, forcing down her fear.  She turned to her companions, her breathing now returned to normal.  “We have to get out of here before we are found.  By now the evil wizard will have his hirelings searching the passages.  We probably don’t have much time.”


“You have no time,” an ice-water voice proclaimed.  As one the four women turned in the direction of the speaker and as one their blood chilled in their veins.


“Sha Zhu!” gasped Che Sha. 


The dead-black eyes of the tall women flickered momentarily, almost in recognition; then the gleam faded.  “I do not know anyone of that name,” she said.  “I am the Black Dragon and I serve my master.  You are to be brought to him.”


“Do you not remember us?” Shasara interjected.  “We are your friends.”


The Black Dragon revealed needle sharp teeth.  “I have no friends; only those who serve me and my master.  You will come with me.”


Che Sha drew her serpent’s teeth.  She would never have dreamed of using her deadly weapons against Sha Zhu, but the women she faced was not the warrior who had befriended and trained her, but something indescribably evil.  Behind her she sensed Vayasha and Shasara fitting arrows to their bows and Vanora drawing her sword.


“Fools,” the Black Dragon sneered.  “I should kill you all, but my master has commanded that you be brought to him alive.”  As she finished speaking, she raised her hand.  An eerie green light flowed from her fingers.  As one the four women gasped as the air was squeezed from their lungs by an invisible hand.  Suffocating, they fell forward, dropping to their knees and their weapons falling from nerveless fingers.


The Black Dragon smiled in cruel satisfaction and then twisted her fingers.  All four women screamed in agony as indescribable pain coursed through their bodies.  “Now,” leering demoness said, “you will do as you are told.”



Rohvan placed his hand on Zirhan Khan’s shoulder.  “There it is,” he said.  A league away Narum’s walls loomed before them.


“Yes,” replied Khan wryly.  “I’ve been there before.”


“It is only lightly held,” Rohvan said.  “It should fall easily to our forces.”  Behind the two men their combined armies were spread out for five leagues on the roads leading to the Sandoran capital. 


“I don’t think so,” Khan said.  “You are forgetting that Noric has more than just an army at his disposal.”


“We have our own magicians,” Rohvan said.  “We have collected them from every temple in the land.  They should be able to counteract whatever powers Noric has.”


“I am trusting that you are right,” the Sea Warrior leader replied.  “If I did not think so I would not be here, but I do not think things will be as easy as you say.”


“We shall see,” Rohvan said, as he dismounted.  “We will establish out camp here.  Bring up the magicians.  I suspect that we may need them soon.”



Saphora huddled in the ruins of what had once been one of Narum’s outlying settlements.  Her plan of seeking out the Red Dragon had not gone well.  She had been unable to find a way past the formidable defences of the capital city without being discovered.  Now the combined armies of Rohvan and Khan had come up trapping her and the two dozen women who had accompanied her.  There seemed no way to escape the encircling armies as they cut off every possible escape route.  However, sunset was only an hour away.  Perhaps under cover of darkness they could make their way through the lines.  There was always a chance that they might not be recognized.


It seemed to take forever until the light faded, however, the light finally dimmed enough that Vanora decided to take a chance.  The light of the campfires helped.  It allowed her to see where the enemy soldiers were camped.  However, Vanora found that she was forced to move very close to the castle walls; much too close for her liking, considering that the evil wizard Noric was somewhere inside.  She began to realize that her plan of trying to find the Red Dragon by going to Narum had been very poorly thought out.  She was now by the city walls and had no idea of what she was going to do next, other than trying to escape capture. 


Vanora held up her hand, hoping that the women following would see it in the blackness.  There was something up ahead.  She could sense it, even though she could see nothing.  Ahead of her there was a distinct sensation of evil.  It was nothing she could clearly identify, but whatever it was sent chills down her spine.


Out of the darkness emerged a tall dark-robed figure.  Partially hidden by the shadows of the castle was it was indistinct, but its presence exuded an eerie cold.  The figure stepped closer, moving its face into the light.  Vanora drew in her breath sharply.  She knew that face!  Without thinking she gasped out a name.  “Red Dragon!”


The figure turned fully into the flickering firelight and Saphora’s eyes widened in surprise and fear.  It was the Red Dragon, but at the same time it was not.  For a second Saphora was sure the figure recognized her; then the look was gone replaced by one of contempt.  “The Red Dragon is no more.  I am the Black dragon now.”


Saphora shuddered.  The voice that that of the Red Dragon, but she had never heard her speak with such a cold intonation.  Instinctively she drew her sword.  Behind her she could hear the movement of her companions as their hands also sought their weapons.  A low laugh emerged from the figure in front of her.  “Oh, do put those away,” the Black Dragon chuckled.  “They won’t do you any good anyway.”


Vanora was filled with terror.  She took a step back, stumbling into Jerriah, but something told her escape was impossible.  “Let us pass,” she stammered, but the woman’s only response was to raise her hand. 


“Aahh!” Vanora cried as her sword suddenly burned her hand.  Behind her the cries of her followers showed that they were experiencing the same thing.  With a clatter their weapons fell to the ground.  Other dark forms emerged from the shadows, revealing themselves as armed men.  Within short order the two dozen women found themselves at the point of swords.  Vanora’s stomach clenched.  She had led her small band into a trap.  As her arms were pulled behind her back and bound, she was almost sick with fear.  The men binding her were Sea Raiders and she already knew what happened to women who fell into their hands.  Almost weeping in fear she allowed herself to be led away, glad that the darkness hid her terror. 



Seated on the throne in the great hall, Noric studied the four women who had been brought before him.  One he knew, the others were an intriguing mystery.  He had never seen any women like them.  He addressed Vanora first, but while he spoke his eyes burned into the other three. “Princess,” he said, “so good of you to return.  You must introduce me to your friends.”


Vanora did not reply, returning his gaze without flinching, but he caught the hint of fear in her eyes.  The two silver-haired beauties were another matter.  There was something undeniably mysterious about them from their gleaming waist-length hair to their brilliant blue eyes, and pointed ears.  The fourth woman was equally intriguing.  Her golden skin almost seemed to glow and her dark almond eyes exuded an inner strength. 


Noric tensed in excitement.  “Turning these three to his dark cause would make him unbelievably powerful.  He would not rule just a kingdom, but the neighbouring kingdoms as well, and after that who knew how powerful he might become.  “And,” he mused eyeing the three beauties, “the job of making them his would ever so pleasurable.”


“Bind them,” he ordered, “and take them to the chamber.”  His guards grinned.  They did not have to ask what chamber.  It was the same one he always used when “interviewing” his victims.  He then back turned to Vanora.  “You princess, are most welcome.  I need you to cement my hold on your people.  How convenient that you should return of your own accord.”


“You are a monster, Noric,” Vanora replied.  “I will never cooperate with you.”


Noric rose from his chair.  “I have ways of overcoming such resistance, and in your case I am looking forward to applying them.”


Vanora took a step backward.  “You wouldn’t dare.  I am of royal blood.”


“Escort the princess to her room.  I will join her there later.” 


Noric watched as Vanora was led from the room.  “You have done well, Black Dragon,” he said, turning to the dark-haired woman who stood just a few feet away.  “This more than pays for your petty betrayal.” 


The Black Dragon smiled, revealing her needle sharp teeth.  “Thank you master,” she purred.  Her devotion to Noric was complete.  Never again would she be jealous of his other women. 



Brother Almornos stared blankly at the bars of his cell.  He was deep in the dungeons of the castle.  His back hurt abominably, but he had received no treatment for his injuries.  He had no idea why Noric had brought him to the castle.  Why had he simply not killed him?  Could it be that the evil sorcerer thought he might be of some use? 


He forced himself to stagger to the bars and peer into the dimly lit corridor, lit only by the light of a single flickering torch.  It did not seem to be guarded.  If only he was not so weak from the flogging he had received he might be able to escape, but he doubted he would be able to make it out of the dungeon without help.  Resignedly he lowered himself to the floor and waited.  There seemed little else he could do.



The magician moved toward the trembling form of the helpless princess.  Vanora was trying to be brave, but it was clear that she was terrified.  More than anyone else she feared the evil wizard.  Her treatment at Khan’s hands had been brutal, but she knew that he was no more than Noric’s tool.  Now she faced the master himself.  He was rumoured to be in league with the devil and if the women who served him were any indication, that was probably very close to the truth.


“What do you want of me?” Vanora asked, fearing the answer she would probably receive. 


Noric studied the princess.  In spite of her obvious terror and the fact that she was dressed in men’s clothing the dark-haired beauty was undeniably attractive.  He would have enjoyed converting her.  However, she was probably more valuable to him the way she was.  He needed her as a link to the throne and changing her into one of his demonic disciplines would probably not sit well with the masses.  In order to win the complete support of the people he needed someone who was still human.  Still, there was no reason why he might not enjoy himself.  He took a step toward her.


“Get away from me,” Vanora said.  She did not retreat, but instead struck out at him.  It was an action he should have expected from the princess of a nation steeped in the warrior tradition, but it caught Noric off-guard.  Her fingernails scored four jagged lines down his cheek before he caught her hand and twisted her arm behind her back.


“Wildcat bitch,” Noric raged.  “I’ll make you sorry you ever did that.”


Vanora twisted in his hands, but although only in human guise, Noric was too strong.  Twisting her arm high on her back he forced her face down on the bed and then while she kicked and grunted in a frantic effort to escape he bound her wrists, tearing off strips of her clothing to complete the job. 


Vanora shrieked as Noric took her.  It was much worse than anything she had experienced.  In spite of his rather emaciated appearance, Noric’s phallus was unexpectedly large.  It was like being taken by a horse and her screams of agony could be heard throughout the castle.


Noric grinned savagely as he finished the princess.  He had enlarged himself just a little.  She needed to be taught a lesson and he could think of no better way to do it.  The next time he demanded sexual satisfaction from her she would think twice about defying him. 



Che Sha stared at the dead eyes of her captors and shuddered.  Sweat beaded her body.  Never had she felt such fear, but she attempted to control her terror as Sha Zhu had taught her.  The problem was it was Sha Zhu that terrified her.  The object of her apprehension stood just a few body lengths away, a sardonic smile playing about her lips.  Slowly she let out a breath.  She was securely shackled, her wrists chained to her ankles and her naked body bent backward over a heavy wooden beam.  The rough wood cut cruelly into the small of her back as she struggled to escape.  Beside her, shackled identically over the same beam were Vayasha and Shasara. 


Other than Sha Zhu’s ghastly female companions there was no one else in the room.  It was a large chamber and had once been used for something more civilized than the brutal torture of captives, as was evidenced by the fine furnishings that took up part of the floor space.  However, certain alterations such as the wooden beam Che Sha and her companions were stretched across had been recently made.  Chains hung from the walls and ceilings and blood splattered the floor.  The stench of vomit and dried blood almost made the young women gag, but appeared to have little effect on the five ghoulish women who guarded them.


They appeared to be waiting for something.  None of the ghost-skinned women had spoken a word since they had forced Che Sha, Vayasha, and Shasara into the room and stripped and shackled them.  They simply stood and watched their helpless victims, apparently deriving as much pleasure out of watching them struggle to escape as anything else.  By turning her head Che Sha could see the vulnerable forms of the two Silvani girls who were chained to either side of her.  Both of the elven rangers were attempting to remain calm, but the agitated rise and fall of their bosoms told Che Sha that they were as close to whimpering in fear as she was.  There was, however, nothing to do but wait and wonder what was going to become of them.


The opening of the door drew their attention like a magnet draws iron.  The wizard who commanded the five women stepped into the room.  He looked at the three women and smiled.  “Well, my beauties,” he said, “it is time for us to begin.”