The Misadventures of the Black Leopard

The Misadventures of the

 Black Leopard


Episode 1

The Black Leopard’s Revenge




Chapter 17  Epilogue


Suzi lounged in her bath allowing the steam to rise around her.  It had been two weeks since she and Kyla had escaped from Retinoff’s lair.  For some strange reason all seemed quiet in the city.  There had been little or no criminal activity that the normal authorities had not been able to handle and Retinoff and Zhuang seemed to have completely disappeared.  The lull in crime had her and Kyla time to heal.  She was actually surprised that she healed so quickly.  Perhaps it was something to do with being a superheroine or perhaps it was because some of Nova’s healing powers had been permanently transferred to her and Kyla.  In any case, she was almost back to normal.


There were still a few loose ends to tie.  For one thing the black girl who had saved them seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.  Suzi hoped that she was alright, but for now she had no idea how to find her.  Then there was the matter of the surgery Retinoff had performed on her.  The tiny chip was still in there.  It was a constant threat almost literally hanging over her head.  If Retinoff resurfaced who knew what might happen.  Finally, she had no idea what had become of Branson.  She hoped that he was still around somewhere.  He was a man she wouldn’t mind being alone with for a few hours. 


She sighed and settled deeper into the water.  Just a few more minutes.  Her skin was already wrinkled.  It was time to continue her training.  Suzi sighed again.  Much as she enjoyed being a heroine it was a lot of work.



Retinoff grimaced in pain.  “Moreau, you stupid bastard,” he whimpered.  “I thought you told me you could control those monsters.”


Moreau groaned.  He was in far too much pain to reply.  What Bovi had tried to do to him was completely unnatural.  He was supposed to impregnate women, not attempt to ram his enormous phallus up his master’s ass.  Retinoff’s henchmen had filled the monster full of lead just in time, but not before Equi had killed several of them.  Both monsters were now dead, the work of months ruined in a hail of bullets. 


Even worse, the Black Leopard or someone with a vicious sense of humour had left a nasty surprise for them in Retinoff’s HQ.  There wasn’t much of it left now.  Someone had broken the gas main in the lowest part of the building.  They had detected the smell of gas just in time to save their lives, but it had rendered what was left of the HQ into an unusable pile of rubble. 


Retinoff gnashed his teeth.  He hadn’t expected any answer from Moreau.  The man had gotten what he deserved, but it didn’t make him feel any better.  For a few hours he had every one of his enemies in his hands, now they were long gone.  He was left with Zhuang.  In spite of the Asian crimelord’s promise he had kept him as a hostage.  However, the immensely obese oriental made him uneasy.  Zhuang had contacts outside of Metro City.  It might be best to take him at his word and release him.  One day he would be avenged on all those who had wronged him.  He had come close this time.  The next time there would be no mistakes.  He would make the Black Leopard and those haughty heroines wish they had never been born.  His mind churned with ideas as to what he would do to them.  He licked his lips and smiled in anticipation.



Helen Scott slowly sipped her glass of wine.  She had learned a valuable lesson.  Three valuable lessons actually.  The first was that playing with matches sometime meant getting burned. 


The second was that she in no way resembled the people like Zhuang or Stiletto.  The desire for vengeance had caused her to act completely out of character.  Never again would she try to take the law into her own hands. 


The third was that sometime it was better not to know too much.  She had loved her father, but thought quite differently about him now.  It was difficult to love a man who had been a thug and a rapist.  She set down her glass of wine and looked at the portrait of her father sitting on the table beside her.  A tear glistened in her eye; a tear she quickly wiped away.



Li Mei sat quietly and watched Qing Yuan and Li Ming play.  The two infants were playing a little game by spinning slowly in circles, their arms outstretched.  It would have been an innocent enough action if their feet had not been two inches off the floor. 


“Those two are going to give me grey hairs,” she thought.  Zhuang had promised her that her child and Jahlen’s were going to be monsters.  He might just be right, although neither child had done anything that might be termed monstrous.  There was, however, the disturbing fact that the tiny infants seemed to have the power to influence the minds of others and even inflict pain.  Someone had immobilized Zhuang and driven off his men.  And then there was the matter of Tiger and the fact that the blonde Pussy’s mind had large blank spaces in it concerning events when she had turned up at Retinoff’s HQ.  Large blanks in Tiger’s mind were not unusual, but she usually didn’t completely forget what she was doing or where she was going. 


Still, there had been some positive events.  Her rescue of Elenah had placed the female crime boss completely in her debt.  From now on there would be no problem with her and the Pussies staying in Elenah’s mansion for as long as they wished.  Zhuang had been suitably punished, although perhaps it might have been better if he had been killed.  Perhaps he had been.  She had left that little surprise in Retinoff’s HQ.  It had been fun watching the mushroom shaped cloud rise over the city after the gas had exploded.  With any luck neither Retinoff nor his friends had escaped. 


She touched that back of her neck and rubbed it gently.  There was the little matter of the piece of metal Retinoff had put in her head.  So far she had felt no further effects of it.  For that she was grateful.  It was embarrassing and annoying when she lost control of her sexual urges.  With Retinoff dead or incapacitated she would no longer have to worry about it. 


She rose from her chair.  “Time to turn in,” she said to Jahlen.  “I need to get my beauty sleep.”


“Is that what you call it?” Jahlen smiled. 


Li Mei smirked.  Without replying she left the room and headed to her bedroom.  Jahlen would look after Qing Yuan. 


She pushed open the bedroom door.  The smell of bath salts came to her nostrils.  First a hot bath.  And then…


Branson rose as she entered the bedroom.  He grinned.  “I’ve got the tub ready, babe.”


Mei Li kept her face expressionless, but her dark eyes took in the FBI agent’s nude body.  She would work him extra hard for that remark.  As her hand went to the zipper that held her costume closed, her loins stirred.  Yes, she would work him very very hard.



Thanks to Melissa Gallant for her inspiration and dialogue in the idea of the sex chip.  It added a very interesting element to the story and one that may pop up again in the future.  The Black Leopard isn’t going to get off that easy.