Chapter 17: Selmat-mal-Zenar


Selmat-mal-Zenar stepped back from the remnants of the Hector’s guard.  “Kill them,” he ordered, “and throw their bodies over the edge.” 


“Wait,” Guered-mal-Far shouted.  “We lay down our arms.  My guard is not your enemy.  You cannot kill such brave men.”


“It is precisely because they are your guard that they must die, your lordship,” Selmat sneered.  “They are too well known for me to successfully hide all of them as slaves.  It is much more expedient to simply get rid of them.”


“No,” Guered screamed.  “Kill me if you must, but let them live.  I will order them to serve you.”  He strained at his bonds.  He was on his knees, his wrists tied behind his back and secured to his ankles.  Selmat had ordered every man stripped of his armour and bound as soon they had thrown down their weapons.  They were lined up in a long row, tied just as he was and helpless to prevent Selmat’s orders from being carried out.  The exception was the two barbarian females.  They had been tied also, but they were crouched a few yards to one side where several of Selmat’s soldiers watched them, a task they no doubt found most pleasurable considering that they had suffered the loss not just of their weapons and armour, but all of their clothing as well.  However, their faces showed not the faintest hint of fear; only anger at what had been done to them.  They stared straight ahead doing their best to ignore the lascivious comments of the men who guarded them.


“Kill you?” Selmat grinned.  “Oh no I intend that you live a long life.  A long and painful life.”


“What good will that do?” Guered snarled.  “You cannot keep your treachery secret if you keep me alive.”


“Treachery?” Selmat’s voice rose in anger.  “It is not I who betrayed Thar.  It is you, the desert scum who murdered his way to power and then sought to destroy the fabric of our society.  Your so-called reforms will end and slaves will once again be treated like the cattle they are.”  He turned his head toward the soldiers guarding Guered’s men.  “Kill them and say a prayer to Zemov as you toss their bodies into the Fountain of Dreams.”


“You will die for this,” Guered shouted.  “The gods will see that you suffer eternal punishment for such a crime.”


“Kill them,” Selmat repeated, gesturing toward the helpless prisoners.  “Do it now.”


Selmat’s men moved forward.  It was plain that some of them found the task of killing helpless prisoners distasteful, but they did it nevertheless, dispatching each of the bound men with ruthless efficiency. 


Guered’s men cursed and swore at their killers, but not one begged for his life.  They bravely faced the horror of being slaughtered like goats; a few of them even calling out words of loyalty to Guered before they died.  None of this made the least bit of difference to Selmat who watched impassively until the last of Guered’s guard was heaved over the stone balustrade and into the swirling waters far below.


“Kill me too,” Guered demanded.  “If you do not I will take vengeance for the crime you have committed even if it takes me to the end of my life.”


“I have something much better planned for you than death, my dear Guered,” Selmat sneered.  “Something you will endure to your dying day.”


Guered did not answer, refusing to give Selmat the satisfaction of a reply, but someone else did.  “You are a true coward,” Shailaja said.  “You kill helpless prisoners and taunt those who cannot fight back.  It is as Guered has said, the gods will punish you.”


The conversation between Selmat and Guered had all been in Tharian, but Shailaja had picked up enough of the language to follow most of the exchange.  However, she did not speak the language well enough and had made her comment in the Common Tongue. 


Selmat looked at her in surprise, caught off guard by her outburst.  But he did not remain silent long.  “The bitch can talk and dares speak to me as if she were my equal.  She will quickly learn that is not the case.  I have special plans for the two barbarian whores as well; plans that will suit them much better than the arena.”


Selmat had replied in the Common Tongue, apparently for the benefit of the two women and he continued in that language.  “Shall I tell you what my plans are for the three of you?  It is something I think you will all find most unpleasant.” 


Without waiting for an answer Selmat went on.  “For you,” he said to Guered, “I have the most fitting punishment.  “You will be my permanent guest; placed on display for all to gaze upon in horror and pity.  I know what you are thinking; that if I take you back to Thar as my prisoner your supporters will demand you be freed.  But I have a simple remedy for that.  Before we return you will be so changed that anyone who looks upon you will be instantly repulsed.”


Selmat warmed to his topic, pacing back and forth in front of his prisoners as he spoke.  “First I am going to take personal pleasure in flogging you until you can barely stand.  Then you will watch as my men pleasure themselves with your barbarian pets.  It will be the first of many such sessions until they are broken and then put to public use in the brothels of Thar. 


It will then be my pleasure to take away your hearing and then your sight.  I will leave you the power of speech that you might beg me for mercy as your fingers are amputated one by one.  And then I will have your tongue torn out.  You will be rendered deaf, dumb, blind, and unable to kill yourself.  You will remain that way until I tire of looking upon your wretched carcass and put you out of you misery. 


Most wonderful of all, no fault for any of this will fall upon me.  Instead I will place the full blame upon the two barbarians.  I will be quite readily believed when I inform the people of Thar of their guilt.  They have already demonstrated their cruel and violent nature and no one will believe anything they say, especially when the men of my guard swear that it was they who so brutally savaged you.”


Selmat ended his oration with a triumphant grin.  “As you see, I have thought of everything.  There is no way any blame will be attached to me; in fact I will be applauded for bringing the barbarian sluts who mutilated you to justice.”


“No one will believe such lies,” Guered responded.  “You will be found out and punished.”


“So you think,” Selmat sneered.  “And you might be right.  But by they time they do I will be Hector of Thar.  And my rule will not be as weak as you have shown yourself to be.”  He turned to one of his soldiers.  “Prepare him, Veltan.  The first part of his punishment starts now.”


Veltan barked out orders and several men seized Guered.  They dragged him over to the marble balustrade overlooking the thundering waters that Selmat had named the Fountain of Dreams.  It made a convenient place to tie the helpless Hector for the punishment he was to receive.  The area was wet from the cloud of mist thrown up by the huge plume of water, but Selmat’s soldiers ignored it as they bound Guered’s so that each of his arms were secured to the marble banisters.  It left him looking toward the fountain, his back exposed to Selmat.  “Strip him,” Selmat ordered. 


His soldiers carried out his orders, tossing the garments over the railing as they removed each piece of clothing.  Helpless, Guered could only wait for the painful and humiliating punishment he was about to receive.


“Get those two ready as well,” Selmat commanded, gesturing toward Shailaja and Vasanta.  “They are filthy.  If they are going to be enjoyed they may as well be clean.”


Like Guered there was little that the two women warriors could do as their ankles were untied and several soldiers escorted them toward a small waterfall that trickled down the mountainside next to the entrance to the cavern.  Their wrists were still bound and there were too many armed men around them to chance an escape.


Shailaja was not much inclined to attempt an escape in any case.  She knew a helpless situation when she was in one.  Surrounded by guards and with her wrists tightly bound any resistance would simply get her beaten.  She was sore beyond almost anything she had experienced, and not just between her legs, but also from the numerous bruises, abrasions, and cuts she had suffered in the battle with the Goblins.  The place where the Goblin spear had pierced her thigh throbbed steadily, a trickle of blood still dripping from the wound. 


Vasanta was not in much better shape.  She limped from where a Goblin stone hammer had struck her thigh, leaving a bloody bruise.  During her captivity the wound had stiffened, making walking difficult.  But she made it to the waterfall along with Shailaja and immersed herself in the water.


It was a welcome relief for both women.  The heat and humidity of the area near the falls made any activity exhausting and the battle with the Goblins had sapped even their great endurance.  They stood under the falls and let the water wash away the blood and grime that covered them.  There was no way to wash themselves properly with their hands bound, and the circle of soldiers watching them left no doubt about what was going to happen to them once they were deemed clean enough.


Selmat was so eager to punish his hated rival, however, that he did not wait for the women warriors to finish their ablutions.  Brandishing an improvised whip of braided leather, he moved behind Guered.  “Hector of Thar,” he sneered.  “Let’s see just how much of a man you are.”


Much more of a man that you, Shailaja thought.  But she said nothing and watched Selmat bring the whip down.  He struck with the full weight of his body behind the blow, opening an ugly welt across Guered’s back.  The Hector gasped in pain, but made no further sound until the fifth blow.  He let forth a low moan, but that was all until Selmat delivered a further ten lashes.  Then he screamed and screamed again at the next five blows, until Selmat finally tossed down the whip.


“That will be enough for now,” he gloated.  “I want you conscious.  It would be a shame to spare you the spectacle of your two barbarians as they are taught their proper place.  And then there is what I have planned for you tomorrow.  I want you wide awake and alert when I take out your eyes and ears.  But for now you can enjoy watching my men enjoy themselves.”


He swept his gaze to the two warrior women.  Cleansed of the blood and gore that coated their bodies they were actually quite beautiful, or at least as beautiful as two women covered with bruises and abrasions could be, provided their tangled hair and savage demeanour could be ignored.  However, what they were going to be subjected to by his men in the next few hours would go a long way to taming them.  He nodded toward the captain of his guards.  “Enjoy yourself, and don’t be too gentle.  I want these barbarian bitches broken.  Just make sure they are able to walk tomorrow when we return to Thar.”


Veltan grinned his agreement.  “I assure you, my lord that they will be most well used.  They will have a very long night, but will still be well enough to march back to Thar to face their new life.” 


Several men had removed Guered from where he had been bound, reversing his body so that he now faced toward the entrance to the cavern and the place where Shailaja and Vasanta were to receive their punishment and degradation.  He was forced to his knees and bound with his hands behind his back, a most unnecessary measure in Shailaja’s estimation, considering how badly he had been beaten.  He now had a full view of the place Selmat’s men had prepared for Shailaja and Vasanta’s ordeal.


There wasn’t much to it; only a space just inside the cavern away from the damp of the perpetual spray and mist of the fountain.  Several cloaks had been spread on the ground, more for the comfort of the men who intended to use the two woman than to ease the trial Shailaja and Vasanta would be subjected to. 


Several men dragged the women from the waterfall.  Dripping with water they were dragged into the cavern and hauled over to where Veltan waited.  “A bit slippery,” he observed as he removed his armour, and stared at the water glistening on the skin of the two women.  The late afternoon sun shone brightly through the entrance to the cavern, silhouetting their magnificent bodies against the entrance.  “A bit slippery,” he repeated, “but I don’t mind getting wet for a little pleasure.”


Shailaja stared unflinchingly at the man who was about to rape her.  Her lip curled in a sneer that slowly turned into a smile.  From out of the corner of her eyes she saw Vasanta turn slightly toward her.  The Nahn Princess’s eyes widened in puzzlement for a heartbeat and then she too began to grin. 


Standing to one side, Selmat frowned in anger.  “What is so amusing?  Are you so looking forward to having a hundred men between your legs?”


Shailaja did not answer.  Outside the cavern she could hear the thrumming of a million wings.  Her smile widened in the knowledge that she knew something Selmat and his men did not.


Several of the soldiers stared nervously toward the entrance.  “What is that noise?” Selmat demanded.  Drawing his sword he stepped toward the opening. 


It was now almost dark as the sun dipped behind the western rim of the mountains.  Still on his knees Guered began to laugh.  “It’s sundown, Selmat, and you have waited a bit too long to take your vengeance on these warriors.  I suggest you prepare to defend yourself.”


He chuckled grimly as the sound of wings was replaced by that of footsteps; thousands of footsteps.