Larra Cranmere held tightly to her father’s hand




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 5

The Quest of the Ludendorff


Chapter 18  Steiner’s Dilemma


Steiner found himself alone in a small cell.  He immediately began to look for a way out, but found none.  The room was windowless and the door was four inches thick and barred on the outside.  It was beyond his ability to think of a way out.  He would just have to hope for an escape opportunity at another time.  For several hours he was left alone, but eventually he was brought food and water.  There was no chance of escape, however, it was slid through a small opening at the bottom of the door.  He never even saw the man who brought it.  He decided to make the best of a bad situation and get some rest.  There was a small straw covered cot in against one wall of the cell and he lay down and curled himself up on it. 

He had no idea what time it was when he awoke as the lack of light in the room did not allow him to tell what time it was.  He was missing his watch, having lost it when he and Amy had been taken prisoner.  One of the guards had taken it, no doubt thinking it was a piece of jewelry.  He sat on the cot awaiting events.  After what seemed like an eternity there was a noise outside the cell.  He readied himself.  This might be his best chance of escaping. 

The door was flung open.  Outside were two armed guards holding spears, both of which were pointed directly at him.  But there was also someone else.  It was a young light complexioned girl.  Her skin color and high cheekbones hinted at her African ancestry, but it was obvious that she had a good deal of Caucasian blood in her background as well.  She was well dressed in a style reminiscent of pictures he had seen of women in the Middle Ages. 

“So,” the young woman said, “it is true.  There was a white man.  I had thought the rumor to be false.”  She stepped toward Steiner for a better look.

“Be careful, my lady,” cautioned one of the guards.  “He may be dangerous.  We should not have brought you here.”

“Do not tell me my place, Maurice,” said the girl.  “My father, the king, would not be happy to hear that you questioned my judgement.”

“Your father, the king, would not be happy to learn that I brought you here, my lady.  I only did it as a favor to you.  We must go now.”

“Alright, we will go.  Do not mention this visit to my father.”

Maurice nodded and moved to close the door.

“Wait!” exclaimed Steiner.  You cannot leave me here.  I came as a stranger to your land.  You have no right to imprison me.”

“It is not my place to decide on your fate,” said Maurice.  “I take orders only from the king.”  Without further ado, he slammed the cell door shut.

Steiner returned to his cot.  After a time, he was brought more food and water, and the bucket he had used for a toilet was removed and replaced.  He ate and then dozed off.  He was awakened a few hours later.  Someone was moving stealthily outside his door.  Quietly he got to his feet, wondering who was moving about so carefully outside the cell.  He heard the bar being cautiously removed.  He tensed himself.  Was this a rescue attempt or was he to be quietly murdered?  It was most strange, but he readied himself for action.

The door opened.  To Steiner’s amazement he found himself facing the young woman who had come to gawk at him earlier.  He opened his mouth to speak, but she held a finger to her lips signaling silence.  She turned and gestured that he should follow her.  Obediently, Steiner left the cell.  The young girl led him down a set of stairs and into a lower hallway.  A few feet away Steiner could hear men talking and realized that he was being led past the guardroom.  At the end of the hallway was a door, but the girl did not open it.  Instead she touched a catch on a wooden panel in the wall and opened what appeared to be a door to a hidden passage.  Looking back toward him she indicated that he should enter.  Steiner hesitated, and then shrugged.  What did he have to lose?  He stepped into the passage. 

He found himself standing at the top of a long flight of stairs that disappeared into darkness.  The girl stepped into the small space with him and closed the panel behind them.  He felt the touch of her hand on his arm as she led him silently down the darkened stairs.  They proceeded slowly so as not to fall.  Down and down the stairs went.  After what seemed alike a very long time they stopped at what felt like a landing.  In the dark it was impossible to tell.  The girl let go of his arm and he could hear a grinding sound as a heavy lock was turned, and then a creaking as a door was swung open.  For the first time in several minutes he could see.  A flickering light illuminated a room beyond the door.  Steiner and the girl stepped through. 

It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust, but Steiner found to his surprise that he was in the company of five amazingly beautiful dark-skinned girls.  “What is going on?” he wondered.

The girls gathered about him.  “He is so white,” said one of them.

“And his hair,” said another, “it is yellow!”

There was a murmur of agreement.  “I think he is beautiful,” said still a third.

Steiner was beginning to feel like a dog in a show.  What were these young women up to?

The girl who had helped him escape led him to a table and chairs near the center of the room.  She indicated that he should sit down.  Then she and the other girls sat as well. 

“Forgive the mystery surrounding this meeting,” said the girl who had led him to the room.  “It was necessary that we move quickly or else you would have been imprisoned again and I would have been punished.”

Steiner nodded his understanding.  The girl continued.  “I am Princess Clarissa and these are my lady companions, Lady Alice, Lady Anna, Lady Elizabeth, Lady Mary, and Lady Stephanie.  We have rescued you because we could not bear the thought of you being sent to the gold mines.  The work would have broken you in only a few months.”

“I am grateful for your rescue, I am Lord Karl.” said Steiner, giving himself a title.  He felt that enhancing his status could do no harm in this clearly hierarchical society. “But what do you want of me and what is to be the fate of my female companion?”

Princess Clarissa smiled most engagingly.  “My lord, it is the custom in our kingdom to bring young women from the outside to help in the process of whitening.  Never has a white man been captured in our lifetime.  You are the first we have seen, and we would like to engage your services.”

“My services?” queried Steiner, quite confused.  “I do not understand.  What do you want of me, and what is whitening?”

The six girls giggled.  Then Princess Clarissa explained: “Whitening is the process of lightening our skins through the process of breeding with light skinned people.  As you see, we are only part African.  Our skins have been whitened because our fathers mated with white-skinned women.  Through this process some of us have become quite fair.”  She nodded toward Lady Stephanie, whose complexion was light enough to pass for simply a good tan.  “What we require of you, my lord, is that you help us with the process by choosing to mate with each of us.  Our children will be fair indeed!”

Steiner sat back in his chair in stunned amazement.  For several seconds he was speechless.  “You mean you want me to make love to each of you in order to produce light-skinned children?  Would that not be a violation of your honor?  What if your father, the King, were to find out?”

“Then, of course, you would be executed most painfully” replied Princess Clarissa, cheerfully.  The other girls giggled again.  “But for too long the men of this kingdom have reserved the right to whiten.  It would give us great status to achieve whitening by ourselves.”

“I do not understand,” said Steiner.  “In my kingdom, honorable young women do not ask strangers to mate with them.”

“Nor here, my Lord, but in New Wessex color is status.  Our children would have the highest rank if we were to achieve true whiteness.”

Steiner was appalled.  It was this sort of racist attitude that he had fled when he had deserted the Third Reich to join Larra and her companions.  “I am engaged to the Lady Amy.  She is now held prisoner in another part of the castle.”

“I fear that the lady Amy will be bred by my father, King Hugo.  She is very fair and would ensure him a child of high status befitting a great ruler.”

This news horrified Steiner even more.  “Will not the Queen, your mother, object to such a liaison?” 

“My mother was not the queen.  I am the ranking princess because I am the lightest skinned of the children the King fathered.  You would give me children of the highest rank.”

Steiner was having difficulty digesting the concept of a society so racist that its very foundations were based on skin color.  This was intolerance and bigotry raised to a level that would have been the envy of the most extreme Nazi.  He was completely disgusted, but tried not to show how he felt.  He did not welcome the idea of being returned to the cell or taken to the mines.  “What if I choose to remain loyal to Lady Amy and reject your offer?” he asked.

“I would be surprised if you did not, My Lord,” replied Princess Clarissa, suddenly deadly serious.  “But your safety and that of your Lady depends on your cooperation.  I may be able to arrange her escape, if you do what we ask of you.”  The other girls nodded.  They all looked at Steiner expectantly.

Steiner realized that he had no choice.  He was in the power of these women until he did as they wanted.  And once he had begun to perform what was asked of him he would be even more in their power.  But he had to do something to save Amy.  He could not allow her to be raped by King Hugo.  And, the task would not be so very unpleasant.  He looked at the six beautiful young women gathered around him.  No, it would not be so very unpleasant at all.