Title: Red Dragon: Episode 2

Email: Lespion@msn.com


Red Dragon

Episode II Return of the Dragon


Chapter 18  The Return of the Dragon


Brother Almornos roused himself from his sleep of despair.  A light was moving outside in the corridor and there was the unmistakable sound of feet shuffling toward him.  A gruff voice sounded in the darkness.  “Move you bitches.  I’d take the bunch of you right here, but the wizard has ordered you be saved for later.”  The words were followed by the unmistakable sound of a blow and a cry of pain.


Almornos pushed himself against the bars of his cell.  Revealed in the dim light of the flickering torch he saw a long procession of women, their necks connected by a length of rope, being marched down the dripping corridor of the dungeon.  Dispirited and frightened, they cowered before the guards that escorted them.  Almornos saw that most of them were dressed in the fashion of men, with padded garments as if they had been wearing armour that had been stripped from their bodies. 


“Seems like a waste to me,” said a second guard.  “What say we have some fun with one of them right here?  The wizard will never know.”  


There was a moment of silence and then a reply.  “Let’s put these bitches away first.  Then we’ll have some fun with the leader – the stupid bitch who fancies herself a warrior.”


Almornos watched fascinated and horrified as the women were herded deeper into the dungeon – all except one.  The exception was a tall blonde.  There was something a little different about her.  Unlike the others she did not bow her head in fearful submission, but stared each of her captors in the eye.  Despite the bruises on her face and the ropes that bound her wrists she stood tall and defiant, her beauty evident despite her disheveled appearance. 


A clanging of cells doors signaled the imprisonment of the other women and a trampling of feet announced the return of the other guards.  There were six of them in all and as they returned they surrounded their helpless prisoner. 


“So you think you’re a soldier?” sneered the guard who had suggested the rape.  “you’re going to find out what happens to women who try to act like men.”


“I see no men here,” the tall blonde replied.  “Just cowards who would not dare face me in battle.”


In answer the man who had spoken drove his fist into her stomach.  The blow doubled her up and while she retched the men moved in and ripped what was left of her clothing from her body.  Horrified, Almornos watched the brutal rape.  In spite of the overwhelming odds and the cowardly blow to her mid-section, the blonde attempted to resist her attackers, but it was a one-sided contest.  Four men held her, one on each limb while the other two men violated her.  She screamed as the man between her thighs entered her, twisting her body in a desperate attempt to escape and then her screams were cut short as the remaining guard forced his member into her mouth. 


Horror engulfed Saphora as she was raped.  The pain and fear brought back memories of her violation at the hands of the Sea Warrior who had taken her virginity.  Surrounded by sweating, taunting men, and brutally fondled as she was ravaged, she continued to struggle as hands clawed at her breasts and thighs. 



Almornos forgot his pain.  Consumed with rage he watched helplessly through the bars of his cell, his anger filling his mind and body.  His fingers tightened on the bars of the cell door and suddenly with a strength that was not his own he ripped the door from its hinges.  The crash of splintering wood and shrieking iron caused the guards to turn, alarm wiping the looks of lust from their faces.  Almornos was oblivious to the splinters of wood that tore his skin.  Raising his hands he focused his powers and sent a wave of energy into the six men.  Shrieks erupted from their lips as their clothing burst into flame. 


Saphora rolled away from the writhing bodies of her former tormentors.  Flames leaped from their bodies with an intensity that evaporated the moisture that coated the dungeon walls and singed Saphora’s hair.  Horrified, she crawled up the tunnel and huddled against the wall. 


Almornos surveyed the wreckage that had once been six men.  Slowly he sank to his knees, sick at what he had been forced to do and exhausted almost to the point of oblivion.  Closing his eyes he slumped forward and lay like one dead. 


Saphora regarded the man who had saved her.  How had a wizard with such powers been imprisoned in the first place?  She motioned to the women she had freed from the crowded cell they had been forced into.  “Come.  We will take him with us.  We cannot leave him here after what he did for us.” 


Enara stepped forward.  The sixteen-year-old that the Red Dragon had ridden leagues to save had matured into one of the most able of the female warriors.  “Where will we go?”  She asked.  “We are deep in the dungeons and the way out is heavily guarded.  And then there is Noric and his terrible women”


Saphora did not answer immediately.  Enara had a point.  They had descended level after level when the guards had brought them into the dungeons and every level had been guarded.  “We’ll just have to find a way,” she answered finally.  “There must be some way out that the guards don’t know about.”


“There is,” said a voice from out of the blackness.  “And I know where it is.”



Brixta led the two score young women through the labyrinthine maze of the lower dungeons.  She knew it well by now, having hidden there for weeks since the taking of the castle.  She had almost gone mad during her months of hiding in the dark.  Only two things had kept her sane.  The first was the battle to stay alive.  Every day or so she had to make forays into the upper regions of the castle to steal food.  She had become expert at keeping out of sight while foraging for enough scraps to keep her alive.  The second was her undying loyalty to her mistress.  As long as princess Vanora lived she would not desert the castle. 


She had almost been captured the day the castle fell.  Creeping through the secret passage that led to the outside she had just missed the ambush that had taken Queen Tersahi prisoner.  Retreating into the dungeons she had found a place that was dry and safe – or so she had hoped.  Then Saphora and her followers had been marched into the very area where she was hiding.  She had been terrified, supposing herself discovered, but had managed to remain hidden while the young women were locked into a single overcrowded cell and Sophora was raped.  Horrified she had watched the entire brutal ordeal helpless to do anything to help Sophora, but shamed that she had made so little effort to help her princess.  Now she had emerged from her hideaway and was leading her charges through the underground maze that was the castle’s system of dungeons and subsurface passages. 


Learning that their princess and the former queen were prisoners in the castle, Sophora had asked Brixta to show her where they were being held.  It was a mission fraught with danger, but one that Brixta was well suited to carry out.  As a servant she knew of the warren of passages used by the castle servants as they went about the business of serving their lords and ladies.  Even with the frequent change of ownership the castle had experienced there was still a need for the subculture that operated the castle. It was this intimate knowledge of the hidden corridors that had enabled Brixta to stay alive during her long months of hiding, even if she had not dared to venture beyond them in order to help her mistress.  She intended to do that now, but first the poorly armed band of women needed the weapons to face the enemy. 


Saphora cradled one of the pikes taken from the guards who had raped her.  Between them her twenty-three companions had only five weapons.  It was not much to stage a rescue and that is why she had requested that Brixta first lead her to the armoury.  Brixta led them through what Saphora supposed was a ground level corridor.  Light shone through high bared windows and she found herself hoping that they were not discovered in such tight surrounding.  There would be little chance of escape if Noric’s soldiers found them, but she put her trust in Brixta and followed.  The situation was desperate and desperate times called for desperate gambles.


“There,” Brixta said, pointing toward a stone building that was tight against the castle wall.  She had opened the door at the end of the corridor just wide enough that Saphora could see into the courtyard. 


A single guard stood in front of the door.  A quick rush would overpower him before he had a chance to escape, but not before he had a chance to give the alarm.  Saphora turned to Brixta.  “I need your help.  It may be dangerous, but it is better that you do it than one of us.” 


Brixta nodded.  “I have hidden too long, my lady.  Just tell me how I may help.”



Rolf yawned and looked at the sun.  Surely his shift must be over by now.  Probably that bastard, Hanno was late.  He thought about going in search of him, but he didn’t dare.  Noric was an unforgiving master.  If he caught him away from his post…


A movement to his left caught his eye.  He partially lowered his halberd as an elderly, raggedly dressed woman limped toward the gate tower.  “You,” he called out.  “Where are you going?”


The crone ignored him, looking neither left not right.  It was almost as if she did not know he existed. “Old woman,” he called again.  “Stop when I tell you.”


The woman shuffled past him, her head bent and her eyes fastened on the ground.  Stepping forward he reached out and seized the ragged shawl that covered her shoulders.  “Are you deaf?  I ordered you to stop.”


The crone turned and looked into his eyes.  It was the last face he ever saw.



Saphora wiped her bloody halberd on the cloak of the guard she had cut down.  Motioning her companions forward she moved to the door of the armoury.  Brixta’s distraction had worked perfectly.  In a few minutes, if all went well, she and her companions would be as well equipped as any soldier in the castle.  Then they could go after the princess and her mother.



Queen Tersahi started at the sound in the corridor.  Had Noric sent for her at last?  She had hoped that the departure of Zirhan Khan would bring some sort of relief from the sexual subservience she had been forced to endure, but the word from her servants was that Noric was to be even more feared that the Sea Warrior chieftain.  Had she dared she would have killed herself, but Zirhan Khan had promised that her daughter would be given to the castle guards for their amusement if she did.  She expected Noric would do the same and so had remained alive, jumping at every strange noise outside her door. 


Suddenly there was an explosion of sound from the corridor.  Shouts and screams filled the air accompanied by the sound of metal clashing on metal and then the door to her room burst open. 


A tall blonde woman, fully armoured swept in, her bloody halberd held at the ready.  When she spotted Tersahi she went to her knees.  “My queen,” she muttered, bowing her head.  A heartbeat later several other heavily armed young women swarmed into the room.  Seeing her they immediately emulated the first woman, dropping to their knees.


Tersahi recovered quickly from her shock.  “Get up,” she ordered.  “Who are you?  Is the castle taken?”  The last question she realized seemed ridiculous.  Surely she would have heard the clash of arms long before if the castle had been assaulted.  At that moment a bedraggled but familiar figure entered the room.


“Brixta!  I thought you dead!”


“My queen,” Brixta said, not following the standard procedure and going to her knees.  “There is no time to explain.  You have been rescued.  Come quickly before Noric’s soldiers arrive.”


Tersahi shook her head.  I cannot go.  Not without my daughter.  I will not leave her at the mercy of Noric or his hirelings.”


Brixta looked at Saphora, her eyes pleading. “We must help the princess,” she said agreeing with the queen. 


Saphora bit her lip.  At any instant she expected to hear the sound of Noric’s soldiers rushing toward her badly outnumbered band, but she could not just leave the queen to the mercy of the wizard.  “Where is she?”


“Noric placed her in the tower,” Tersahi answered. 


Even Saphora in her distant fishing village had heard of the tower.  It was reserved for prisoners of special importance.  Unlike the dungeons it offered a view of the surrounding city and countryside.  It was also the highest point in the castle and therefore the most difficult to reach.  Saphora licked her lips.  “We will try,” she said.  Turning to Brixta she nodded her appreciation.  “Thank you.  You have done your part.  Find somewhere safe to hide and hope that we succeed.”


Brixta nodded.  “Good luck,” she said.  They were going to need it.



“What is happening?” Noric snarled.  He had heard the screams and shouts echoing through the castle corridors and was most displeased.  He had firm orders never to be interrupted when he was in the chamber and was most disturbed that they had been ignored.  The man who stood before him knew that and stood with head bowed. 


“Captain Lanos,” Noric said, recognizing the captain of his small garrison. “Has the attack begun?” 


“No lord,” the captain said.  “The female prisoners we captured yesterday have escaped.  Somehow they obtained weapons and rescued the queen.  They are now at the tower attempting to rescue the princess.”


“You interrupt me to bring me such news?” Noric fumed.  “Why have you not simply killed them?” 


“My lord,” stammered Lanos, “the priest you imprisoned is with them.  He uses his magic to aid them.”


Noric sighed.  He would have to deal with this personally.  He turned to his disciples.  “Come,” he ordered.  “Let us see what this is about.”



Saphora held her pike at the ready.  On one side stood Brother Almornos, the priest of the Goddess of Death.  On the other side stood Queen Tersahi, incongruous in her long dress.  In her right hand the queen held a sword she had picked up in the bloody corridor outside her quarters.  She had already shown that she knew how to use it, as was witnessed by the blood that splattered her face and shoulders.  She had taken off the sword arm of the Sea Warrior who had attempted to bar her way to her daughter.  Now she and Saphora stood before the barred door of the tower and wondered why there had been so few Sea Warriors to stop them. 


“It’s too easy,” muttered Saphora uneasily.  “Where is the rest of the garrison?”


Tersahi shook her head.  She had been thinking the same thing.  Behind them two of Saphora’s warriors worked at the lock on the door with the blades of their halberds.  The way to the tower had been only lightly guarded.  It seemed impossible that Noric’s men did not know what was going on and yet the desperate gamble she and Saphora had taken seemed about to pay off.  In just a few seconds her daughter would be freed and then with Brixta’s help they could make her escape.


The lock broke free with a clang.  The door swung open and Princess Vanora stepped free.  “Mother!” she gasped as she beheld Tersahi.  She ran forward, her arms spread wide to engulf her mother. 


“Touching scene,” a sneering voice announced.  Vanora whirled.  In the courtyard below the tower stood a tall, dark-robed man. 


“Noric!” Tersahi gasped.  She raised her sword as if she feared immediate attack. 


“It was so good of you to bring this fine collection of potential initiates to my attention,” the wizard replied.  He waved his hand and behind him six raven-haired women stepped into view.  “Will you throw down your weapons and come quietly or do you need another demonstration of my power?”


Almornos moved forward.  “Stand back,” he warned.  “I protect these women.”


“You are becoming troublesome, priest,” Noric replied.  “I should have had you killed for your treachery.”


Almornos laughed.  “You wrote the book on treachery, wizard.  I do not fear you.  Your power cannot harm me.”


“It is not my power you should fear,” Noric sneered.  He gestured and more than a dozen Sea Warrior bowmen stepped forward.  “Surrender now,” Noric commanded and I may still let you live.  Resist and you, the queen, and the princess will die.”


Almornos cast a despairing look toward the queen.  She gripped her sword more tightly.  “Then let us die,” she said to Vanora.  Her daughter nodded, picking up a heavy metal torch bracket from its place beside the door of the tower.


“No,” said Almornos.  “I will not allow it.”  He stepped forward moving down the tower steps toward Noric, his arms spread wide.  “I will surrender if you promise not to harm any of the women.” 


Suddenly Almornos froze, beads of sweat forming on his brow.  From behind Noric stepped the Black Dragon.  She licked her lips lasciviously.  “Surrender to me, priest and I will let you take me as you did before.”


Almornos stepped back, visibly shaken.  “I cannot,” he gasped.  “Not unless you promise not to harm the queen or any of her companions.”


“What is the matter, priest?” the Black Dragon asked, stepping closer.  “Did you not enjoy slipping between my thighs?  Your grunts of pleasure certainly gave me that impression.”


She was now only an arm’s length away from Almornos.  “I offer myself to you, priest.  Would you use your powers against me?”


Almornos sank to his knees.  “I cannot,” he moaned.


“Take them,” Noric thundered. 


Noric’s followers moved in.  Several of the women resisted, but without Almornos to shield them, his other female disciples quickly disarmed them.  Tersahi and Vanora offered one last desperate act of defiance, attempting to reach the battlements in order to throw themselves off, but a gesture from the Black Dragon froze them in their tracks.  Weeping with terror the female warriors were rounded up and led away to the dungeons once again.  All except for three of them.  Noric had other plans for them.



Saphora stifled a sob as she was chained to the wall of the chamber.  She could not let anyone see her fear.  Beside her Princess Vanora trembled, her lower lip quivering as she too fought to hold back her fear.  Queen Tersahi was next to her daughter, her arms already chained over her head.  Like every other woman she had been stripped of her clothing and her high, full breasts quivered as she struggled with her chains.  Next to them Brother Almornos, his body similarly bereft of clothes hung limply in his chains, seemingly overcome by the horror of the ordeal and his failure to prevent it. 


There were three other young women in the chamber and despite her almost abject terror, Sophora’s eyes were drawn toward them.  They were arched brutally across a heavy horizontal beam, their wrists chained to their ankles so that their bodies were open to whatever Noric and his gruesome cast of females might want to do to them.  They were unlike any women Sophora had ever seen.  The hair of two of the girls shone like spun silver and the overstretched body of the third gleamed golden in the light of the torches.  But it was Noric who now caught her attention.  She knew little about the wizard, but he dominated the chamber, his eyes gleaming with some inner fire as he surveyed his prizes.  His eyes fell on her and Saphora had to bite back a cry of pure terror.  She had never seen a look like that, not even on the brutish faces of the men who had raped her.  What foul plan did the evil sorcerer have for her and the others?


Noric surveyed his terrified captives.  So many brave young women.  He had not planned to convert the princess and her mother, but things had changed.  Rohvan and Zirhan Khan were building siege equipment and the magic users they had gathered to their cause would negate any advantage his disciples gave him.  In a day or so they would move against him.  It was time to begin the ritual.



The Black Dragon moved sinuously around the fire, her naked body dripping sweat.  Serpent-like the five other ghoulish females moved beside her, twisting their bodies in a ghoulish parody of dance, the light of the flames highlighting their gleaming white bodies and reflecting off the body ornaments that pierced their breasts and nether regions.  As they danced their voices were raised in a dirge-like chant that they repeated endlessly.  The rhythm of the funereal tune beat into the brains of the five helpless women arousing even Brother Almornos from his stupor.  The monk watched, his eyes wide with horror at what he saw, but helpless to stop any of it.


The heat was intense, so great that the sweat evaporated from the bodies of the captured women almost immediately.  Only Noric and his six demonic disciples seemed unaffected by it.  Now, however, the evil wizard proceeded with another part of the bizarre ritual.  From the flames he took a long needle, its point heated cherry red.  He went first to Vanora.  She bit back a scream as he made the first piercing, but like all women he had decorated she shrieked like a banshee as he completed the last, her clitoris exploding with pain as the last item of gold jewellery was forced into the tiny bud.


The wizard went to Tersahi next and then Saphora, and finally to other captives bent over the heavy wooden beam.  He spared only one, the younger silver-haired girl.  Even in her agony Saphora wondered about this, but no answers came to her and then Noric’s disciples began to attach the chains. 


Saphora whimpered in fear and pain as she was adorned with chain after chain.  She was weighted down with enough precious metal to feed everyone in her village for more than a year.  But far beyond the immediate terror was the knowledge that the ritual Noric was forcing on his captives must be leading to something far more horrible. 


Her grim prediction came true as Noric joined his chanting disciples, standing before the fire and beginning a guttural chant in a language she had never heard.  The flames leaped high, the fire reaching an intensity that she knew was impossible and then her heart stopped as something huge and unbelievably frightening materialized within the flames.  “A demon,” Saphora thought.  “Noric has summoned a demon to destroy us.”  But it turned out to be far worse than that.



The Black Dragon stopped her chant as the fire elemental appeared.  The heat coming off the monster was so intense that it singed her hair, but she ignored it, baring her teeth in anticipation of the scene to come.  Her breathing quickened as she remembered what it had been like when the fire elemental had purified her.  The pain and fear had been exquisite.  The mere thought of it sent an erotic shudder through her loins.  And after the elemental would come the mating, when Noric made the purified females one of his willing slaves.  She played her tongue over her teeth and smiled wickedly.



Almornos hung helplessly.  His arms were chained over his head and try at he might he could not break the shackles.   It should have been an easy matter for one of his magical skills, but Nordic must have placed some sort of spell on the manacles, a spell he could not break.  He could only watch in horror as Noric and his dark disciples continued with their demonic ritual.  His eyes went constantly to the Black Dragon, devouring her gyrating body.  Her malevolent beauty drew him like a hummingbird to nectar.  Only with the greatest of effort was he able to tear his eyes away from her and note the other horrors that were taking place.


Other than Noric and his followers, he was probably the only one in the room who understood what the beast was that emerged from the fire.  It was neither demon nor spirit, but a creature formed of the most destructive of magical properties, a fire elemental; bound to do the bidding of the one who had summoned it.  His eyes widened as it approached the young blonde woman he had rescued in the dungeons.  This time he knew, he could not save her.



Saphora’s scream of agony almost tore out her vocal cords.  Engulfed by the fire elemental she suffered the ultimate in pain and horror.  An agony so intense it should have killed her flowed through her body, but she was engulfed by magic - magic that would not let her die, but did allow her to experience the most hideous pain.  Fire consumed her, burning into her innermost recesses.  The end, when it came, left her hanging limply from the chains.  She was barely conscious, but the horror was not about to end so quietly.  The fire elemental was just beginning its horrific business.



Noric smiled in satisfaction.  One female had been purified; now it was the turn of the next.  His smile widened as Queen Tersahi’s ear-splitting scream tore apart the air.  Beside him the Black Dragon grinned like some great cat, her needle teeth glittering in the light of the fire.  She was unique.  Never again would he be so lucky as to recruit a disciple such as her, but several of the women in the room had promise.  Just how much promise he would begin to discover as soon as the elemental finished its work.



Vayasha strained to escape her chains.  Terror gave her renewed strength.  In the centre of the room the fire that had raged was now burning down, but the heat of the fire demon filled the stone chamber, turning it into a giant oven.  It was, however, the horror of what the fiery monster was doing to the other women in the room that had her on the verge of illness.  Her strength, however, was almost gone.  She had been chained in the painful position for hours, her body bent cruelly backward over the beam.  Exhausted both physically and emotionally, she could do little more than struggle weakly against the iron links that held her.


“Fight little one,” a voice hissed.  “Fight.  It will be so much more pleasurable when I take you.”  Vayasha gasped in fear and turned her head in the direction of the voice.  She knew who it was even before she gazed into Noric’s eyes.  “Do not worry,” the demon wizard said, “I will free you when the time comes.  But first your companions must be purified.” 


Vayasha tried to control her trembling as Noric, ignoring the shrieks of the women being violated by the fire elemental, began to stroke her body. 


A short distance away the Black Dragon watched Noric.  A strange light flickered briefly in her dead eyes.  A memory came to her, a memory buried so deep in her mind that she had forgotten such a place existed.  With a slow shake of her head she forced the memory back down.  The memory was from a past that she was no longer part of.  Her gaze went back to the spectacle of the fire elemental as it ravished Saphora.  Soon it would be the turn of the older silver-haired girl.  And then the golden-skinned beauty.  She could hardly wait to hear them scream.



The horror seemed never ending.  The burning beast ravaged woman after woman leaving them limp, but strangely seemingly unharmed.  It was hard to believe considering the terrible screams that had come from each of their lips.  But now the fire demon was gone.  It had disappeared as soon as it had finished its brutal task.  Only Vayasha had been left untouched; a fact that mystified her, but which became all too clear a few moments later.


“Release her,” Noric commanded.  “I promised her that when the time came she would face me unchained.”


As Noric’s disciples rushed to do his bidding, Vayasha swayed unsteadily on legs that would not longer support her.  Her lithe body was covered with gleaming beads of sweat and her breath came in ragged gasps.  She saw the demon’s eyes sweep across her.  Her gut clenched in terror as she thought of what might happen to her.  Her eyes went to the ghoulish figure walking beside him.  Surely that was Sha Zhu.  Even the cruel twist of her lips and her changed colouring could not hide that noble bearing.  Her eyes, however, were an entirely different matter.  Obsidian orbs gleamed from a chalk white face whose only emotions were those of hate or contempt. 


As Vayasha’s stared at what had once been her friend and mentor, her heart sank.  How could anything that looked like that retain even a trace of what it had once been? The noblest women she had ever met had been turned into a soulless monster.  She could expect no help from such a creature.


But she had to try.


“Sha Zhu,” she gasped.  “Sha Zhu, don’t you remember us?  We were your friends, your companions.  You saved our lives.”


The woman she spoke to turned to face her.  Her eyes flickered strangely, but there was no hint of recognition.  Instead she smiled and turned to Noric.  “This is the one lord.  The only one virtuous enough to serve you.”


Vayasha swallowed, her intestines seeming to knot within her.  The look Noric gave her turned her blood to water.  She looked desperately at the pale-skinned woman who stood beside him.  Sha Zhu,”  she gasped.  “Please help us.”


The white-skinned woman curled her lip.  “Take her, lord.  Make her one of us.”


Noric smiled.  His hand went to the fastenings of his robe.  As it fell away from him he moved toward.  “Now silver-hair; you will be mine.”  His body began to change.


Vayasha’s eyes went wide with horror, suddenly understanding why Noric was called the demon wizard.  He was not human, but some monster from beyond the natural realm.  She understood also what had happened to Sha Zhu and what was about to happen to her.  She screamed and tried to flee as Noric reached for her. 


The demon wizard was too fast.  In one great bound he crossed the room, cutting off her escape and then he caught her wrists and forced her against the heavy beam that she had been chained across.  He was now immense, his body contorting into something from a nightmare – a great winged and fanged beast the size of four men.  Vayasha screamed again as his clawed hands gripped her thighs, spreading her easily.  He bent forward and took one of her tender nipples into his mouth.  Then releasing her swollen bud, he probed the soft lips of her virginal love canal.  Her eyes wide with terror, Vayasha almost fainted.  The glans of the demon’s phallus was as large as a ripe apple and the huge organ was lined with hook-like barbs.  Struggling desperately she tried to twist her body away, but the demon simple leaned into her, and pinning her writhing body against the heavy beam, he forced his way into her.


The girl’s scream of agony was pure music to the demon’s ears.  He would savour this one, drawing out her torment for as long as possible before shooting his seed into her womb.  Slowly he penetrated her, while at the same time using his clawed fingers to  torment her soft, firm breasts.  She screamed again, a long wail of anguish and despair, her body heaving in a vain attempt to escape.  The demon gloried in her struggles, feeling the power in her body and delighting in the fact that she would soon be his.


The Black Dragon smiled as her demon lord penetrated the silver-haired girl, exulting in her shrieks of pain and horror.  Soon she would have another sister.  Another demonic companion.  Somehow that thought was strangely disturbing.  Again the distant memory surfaced.  She had known the girl from somewhere before.  The thought bubbled through her mind, pushing and straining to force its way to the forefront of her consciousness.


“No,” she thought.  “No!”  she could not be having these thoughts.  Noric was her master now.  She was the Black Dragon, mistress of evil.  With grim determination she forced the thoughts into the back of her brain, forcing them behind the locked doors of her mind.  Then the girl screamed again, a shrill cry of hopeless despair.


Almornos forced himself to watch the hideous ordeal.  Never had he seen such brutality and horror, but he had also seen something else.  He had caught the look that had flickered across the Black Dragon’s face.  Now he fully understood what had happened.  Slowly he focused his powers.  He would have just this one chance.  The healing power rose within him.  He let it build and then released enveloping the Black Dragon in a sheet of blue fire.


The magical energy broke through the barriers the Black Dragon had erected, flooding her mind with a sea of thoughts and images.  With a cry she fell to her knees, her body suddenly convulsing with the horrific realization of what she had become.  


“Nnnnnooohhh!  NOOOOOOOHH!!”  The Black Dragon’s wail drew the attention of everyone in the room, everyone except Noric.  The demon wizard was too obsessed with his conquest. 


Thus it was that he did not see his demon queen gripped by convulsions as the Black Dragon tattoo that swept from her lower back to the center of her chest flamed crimson, and then seemed to expand flowing over every inch of her body.  Gripped by a power beyond her control, the Black Dragon’s persona was blasted into nonexistence replaced by that of the women she had once been.


With a roar that shook Noric from his violation of the silver-haired warrior, Melissa’s body metamorphosed, her arms and legs elongating; her back rippling as it sprouted great wings; and her mane of red hair absorbed into her skull to be replaced by gleaming scales.  The Red Dragon had returned! 


The demon lord turned, his baleful yellow eyes flickering with hatred as they focused on the great red beast that now dominated the chamber.  The dragon was huge, its horned head rising three times the height of a man above the floor.  It measured at least twenty body lengths from its fanged mouth to its whip-like tail.


With a hiss like steam escaping from the vent of a volcano the dragon turned its jade green eyes on the demon wizard.  Noric stepped back.  Still in demon form, his still swollen phallus dripped Vayasha’s virgin blood.  Rage twisted his lips into a hideous snarl.  “You are mine,” he screamed at the dragon  “Mine to command.  Obey me or be destroyed.”


“Vehan Noric,” the dragon replied, “you command me no longer.  You have committed evil beyond measure and now it is you who will be destroyed.”  Although amplified, the dragon’s voice was unmistakably that of the Red Dragon. 


The demon raised its hands.  “Die then,” it screamed.  From its fingers a stream of blue fire enveloped the dragon, the intense heat causing the already charred roof beams to burst into flame.


“Fool,” the dragon replied.  “Know you not that a dragon is immune to fire?”


“As am I,” the Demon replied.  “I shall just have to find other way to destroy you.”  Rising on his great wings, the demon seized a pike from a weapons rack and with incredible force hurled it toward the dragon's breast.


What effect the long spear would have had on the dragon the demon never discovered.  Almost disdainfully the dragon picked the pike out of the air with its taloned hand and tossed it aside.  “Demon,” the dragon, hissed.  “You have murdered, desecrated, raped, and destroyed.  It is now time for you to be returned to your demon hell.” 


With a movement almost too fast to be followed the great clawed hands flashed out.  The demon shrieked as talons the length of scythe blades pierced his body and swept him off his feet and lifted him from the floor.  Struggling as helplessly as an insect seized by a praying mantis the hideous demon screamed his rage and pain.  And then the dragon’s  great mouth yawned wide, displaying row upon row of razor edged fangs.  With a snap of the massive jaws the teeth came together, the screeching demon wizard between them and then with a gulp he was gone.


The entire confrontation had lasted barely sixty heartbeats.  During that time all others in the room had watched as if frozen, seemingly afraid to move for fear of catching either the demon or the dragon’s attention.  Now Noric’s terrible disciples did move, but it was not to attack.  They fell upon the stone floor of the chamber, their bodies writhing as if in the most terrible pain, and then suddenly they were still.


The dragon moved to Vayasha.  Lowering its gigantic head it breathed upon her.  “I restore you, Vayasha, I restore you to what you were before.”


Vayasha felt as if a euphoric wave moved through her.  The terrible agony that Noric had inflicted upon her disappeared to be replaced by a feeling of complete well-being and tranquility.  As she slowly got to her feet the dragon moved to her companions, repeating the words it had spoken and breathing on Shasara and Che Sha.


The chains fell away from the two captive women and Vayasha moved to catch them before they fell, but to her delighted relief both women stood without aid.  They appeared somewhat disoriented, but physically rejuvenated.  Then the dragon moved to the last three captives in the room and repeated the actions it had performed on the fist three. 


Finally, the dragon moved to the still bodies of Noric’s five disciples.  “Are you going to destroy them?” Vayasha asked.  Horrible as the five women had been, she felt that it was the demon’s fault. 


“No need,” the dragon replied.  She turned her gigantic head toward Vanora.  “My lady, what are their names?” 


“I… I… She…”  Vanora could only stammer. Not surprisingly she had never been in the presence of a dragon before. 


“I know them,” Queen Tersahi interrupted.  Quickly she named each of the sleeping disciples and the Red Dragon repeated her ritual. 


Each of the young women awoke and as they did the dragon explained.  “Each of you will retain a full memory of what happened to you, but will preserve none of the harmful effects of your ordeal.  You are whole once again, body and soul, but I cannot remove the memories without taking everything that is there.  You will remember, but retain no harmful emotions of your ordeal.”


Vayasha searched her memory and found that what the Red Dragon had said was true.  All of the events of the last few months were indelibly imprinted on her mind, but she viewed them dispassionately, almost as if they had happened to someone else.  She could see from the expressions on the faces of the other women that they were experiencing the same thing.


“Now,” the dragon continued.  “I have one or two other things to take care of.  If you will please excuse me…”


“Wait!” Vanora cried.  She blushed.  She had never thought of the consequences of speaking in such a manner to a dragon. 


“Yes?” the dragon asked, turning its cartwheel-sized eyes on the princess. 


“Take me with you.  I would like to be there when you confront Zirhan Khan.”


“I too would like to be there,” Tersahi said.  Her eyes were like flint. 


The other women stepped forward as did Brother Almornos.  “All of you?” the dragon asked.  It will be a bit of a rough ride.”


No one stepped back and the dragon gave the equivalent of a nod.  “Stand back then.  I need a bit of room to work.”  We will deal with the garrison first.  Then I think you might want to get some clothing.”  The dragon turned.  Even in a room as large as the chamber, she had very little space to move about.  She faced the main door and carefully so as not to bring the roof down pushed her massive head through the wall.  Almornos and the women stepped back as the great timbers of the roof and wall, mixed with stone crashed down in a great cloud of dust. 



Ranek Lanos waited nervously in the courtyard outside the chamber.  His orders to never enter the chamber had strained him to the limit, but he wanted no further confrontations with Noric.  However, it was with trepidation that he and a number of his Sea Warrior garrison assembled outside the building.  The screams that had issued from the building had been horrendous; beyond anything he had ever heard before even in the most brutal sacking of a seaside town.  And then there had been the flames.  Noric had said nothing about them.  He was sure something had gone wrong when great gouts of smoke had billowed out of its upper windows, but when he had approached he could hear the rhythmic chanting Noric’s dark disciples.  But now the chanting and screams had been replaced by complete silence.  It was almost worse than the hideous cacophony that he had heard before.  But Noric’s orders still held and so he waited for his lord to appear and wondered what the cruel wizard had done to the female captives he had taken into the chamber.


He snapped back to attention as something began to happen to the building.  The roof and wall began to collapse.  That was not surprising, considering the heat that had emanated from the building, but what emerged from the aperture created had him almost wetting himself.  He staggered back, drawing his sword, but knowing just how useless it was in the face of so large a creature.  Behind him his men shouted in alarm.  Several of them did not wait but broke and ran immediately.   Others, however, did not, drawing their swords and readying their bows. 


Lanos waited uncertainly.  Was this another manifestation of Noric’s powers or something entirely different?  He stepped back as the side of the chamber completely fell away and the dragon was revealed in its entirety.  He paled.  The beast was enormous.  How was he supposed to stand up to that?  Gathering his courage he opened his mouth.  “Noric?” he croaked.


“Your master is dead,” the dragon hissed.  “As you soon will be if you do not do exactly as I say.”


Lanos blanched.  Just as surprising as the fact that the dragon could speak was the fact that it spoke in a woman’s voice; one that was strangely familiar.


An arrow sped past Lanos’ shoulder.  It struck the dragon just above its breastbone and bounced off as if it had hit an iron wall.  “So foolish,” the dragon sighed.  It raised its head and a jet of flame leaped from its mouth.  The heat was so intense that Lanos’ cloak smoldered as the jet passed above him.  Behind him there was a single high-pitched shriek and then screams of fear as the rest of the Sea Warriors took to their heels.


Lanos remained where he was.  He knew it would do no good to run, and in any case, he could not make his legs move.  The dragon turned its eyes toward him.  They glittered like the most brilliant of emeralds.  “Now listen to me.”  You will take what is left of your garrison and return to your ships.  Any treasure you have stolen will be left behind and any prisoners you hold will be released.  You will sail back to the Black Isles and for the rest of your life you and your shipmates will make sure that no one threatens the kingdom of Sandor again.  If I hear that you have failed me then I shall destroy you and all who befriend you.”


Lanos nodded his head frantically.  He now recognized the voice as that of the Black Dragon, the most feared of Noric’s disciples.  He had no idea what had become of Noric, but looking at the mighty beast before him, he could well guess.  However, there was just one problem with what the dragon had ordered him to do.  “My lady,” he quavered, wondering all the while if “my lady” was an appropriate way to address a dragon.  “I can’t do as you say.  “The rest of the Sea Warriors are not mine to command.  Zirhan Khan still leads them.”


The dragon twisted its lips in what may or may not have been a dragon smile.  “I think I can persuade the rest of your countrymen to change their allegiance.  “Go now and do as I say.”


Lanos did not need a second order.  He didn’t even bother to change his underwear.  He was halfway to the now open castle gate even as the dragon rose behind him.



Rohvan stood beside Zirhan Khan; like him the Sea Warrior chieftain’s eyes were wide with surprise.  The hill on which they stood gave them an excellent view of their own camps and the city of Narum.  “By the Sea God,” Khan exclaimed, “what is happening?”


Rohvan shook his head.  A disorganized stream of men was pouring out of the gates of the city.  If it was a sortie to attack the siege engines his men had rolled close to the walls it was most poorly organized.  Already his men were moving to hem in the attackers.  “They are handing us the city,” he observed.  “Noric will have no men left to defend it.”


“By the gods, what is that!”  Rohvan’s blood ran cold as the huge crimson shape rose from the castle battlements. 


Zirhan Khan’s eyes followed Rohvan’s.  “A dragon,” he gasped.  “I did not think such things existed.  This is Noric’s doing.”


“Sound the alarm,” Rohvan shouted to one of his lieutenants. 


He needn’t have bothered.  Almost very man in the camp was gazing at the gigantic shape of the dragon as it swooped lazily over the camp.  “Sea Warriors,” the dragon called.  Its voice was surprisingly feminine and the sound of it made Rohvan pale.  “Zirhan Khan has misled you.  Leave Sandor now or face death.”


“That bastard, Noric,” Zirhan Khan growled.  Running to the very top of the hill he cupped his hands.  “Destroy the dragon!” he screamed.


Arrows rose into the air, but most of them fell short as did a few balls of fire thrown by the magicians.  The few arrows that made it the dragon caught contemptuously and tossed back to the ground.  The fireballs it simply ignored.  “You have been warned,” the dragon roared.  Gaining altitude it suddenly turned and swooped toward the Sea Warrior camp.  A sheet of fire swept the ground as it soared over the neat rows of tents.  Within seconds the entire camp was in flames. 


The remaining Sea Warriors did not need a second demonstration.  Abandoning their camp they headed toward the beach shouting, “To the ships.  To the ships.”


Zirhan Khan stood aghast.  Within seconds his entire army had been turned into a mob of madly fleeing men.  He looked at Rohvan helplessly at the same time noting that the dragon had avoided attacking Rohvan’s army.  “This is your doing,” he said, drawing his sword.  “You are in league with Noric.”


Rohvan looked at Khan calmly.  Or at least as calmly as he could with a dragon flying overhead.  “Don’t be a fool.  Why would I destroy the army of my ally?”


“So that you can have it all.  You plotted with Noric from the start.”


As if to prove Khan right, the dragon broke off its attack and climbing rapidly flew back to the walls of the city, disappearing behind the ramparts.  “You will die for your treachery,” Khan raged.  “I may be killed, but you will not live to enjoy your victory.”  He lunged toward Rohvan.


Although on the defensive, Rohvan was not unprepared.  It did not pay to become too relaxed when around Zirhan Khan.  He stepped back, his own blade easily deflecting that of the enraged Sea Warrior.  At that point the duel was interrupted by a commotion as several of Rohvan’s men came up the hill.  They were escorting a very frightened looking Sea Warrior. 


Khan lowered his blade.  “Lanos.  You betrayed me for Noric.”


Lanos shook with fear as he stood before his former leader.  “My lord,” he quavered.  “I had no choice.  But now Noric is gone, killed by the dragon.  You must flee or be destroyed also.”


“You lie,” Khan raged, raising his blade as if to strike of the head of the man who had betrayed him.  But his action was interrupted by a shout from one of Rohvan’s men.


“The dragon returns!”


All attention switched to the city walls where the dragon rose magnificently.  All attention except for that of Lanos.  As the others stared at the huge beast he slipped away from his guards, his feet carrying him rapidly toward the beach.


Zirhan Khan’s eyes narrowed.  “The beast carries something,” he exclaimed.  “Someone rides between its shoulders.”


Rohvan could see that the Sea Warrior leader’s observation was correct, but it was not just someone.  Several riders could be clearly seen clinging to the back of the huge beast.  As before the dragon gained altitude and then swooping once more toward the ground it spread its wings, slowing its descent before sinking to the ground in a small copse of evergreens. 


Rohvan and Khan looked at one another.  This was a surprising development.  Rohvan was still trying to understand why the dragon had attacked only the camp of the Sea Warriors, leaving his untouched.  Apprehensively they watched the grove of trees where the dragon had disappeared.  But what emerged from those trees shocked both men more than the appearance of the dragon.


“Princess Vanora, Queen Tersahi!” Rohvan exclaimed.  He stared stupidly at the two women as they strolled calmly toward him.  To his even greater surprise both the queen and her daughter were dressed in armour. 


“Do you not know your sovereign?” Tersahi asked angrily.  “Why do you stand before us?”


Rohvan watched in consternation as the men about him went to their knees before Vanora and her mother.  They were all loyal knights of the realm and had joined him only because of his pretense at rescuing the princess and the queen from their Sea Warrior captors.  Suddenly all of his support had evaporated.  Slowly he emulated the other men sinking to his feet before the two women. 


Not so Zirhan Khan.  Like Rohvan all of his support had vanished, but now he was surrounded by men who were his potential enemies.  Slowly, taking advantage of the distraction created by the arrival of the princess and the queen he began to sedge toward his horse.


“Hold, murderer.  You have to answer for your crimes.”


The voice was that of Princess Vanora.  Even as Khan made a desperate run for his horse, his retreat was cut off.  Men with drawn swords faced him on all sides.  “Do not kill him,” Vanora cautioned.  “I want the pleasure of making him pay for his crimes.”


Rohvan tried to make the best of it.  “Your highness,” he said, “allow me to deal with him.”


Vanora looked at Rohvan with a look of mild surprise on her face.  “My lord, I am well aware of your treason.  I would execute you myself, but I believe that there is someone that has first claim on you.”


“Your majesty, I only sided with Khan to help free you from Noric.  I never intended to betray you.”


Vanora laughed.  “My lord, I doubt that I have ever been told so blatant a lie.  In any case it is not I who will punish you.  There is someone else who wants that privilege.”


Rohvan opened his mouth to protest his innocence, but the words caught in his throat as another woman stepped out of the trees.  “You,” he gasped.  “I thought you …”


“Dead?” the Red Dragon finished.  “What you did to me was worse than death.  However, I have come to settle the score.”


Rohvan slowly nodded his head.  Drawing his sword he prepared to defend himself. 


“I think, my lord,” the Red Dragon said.  “I think that blade belongs to me.” 


Rohvan hefted the sword.  It was the one he had taken from her when he had betrayed her to Noric.  He had never held so fine a weapon.  “I think not, my lady,” he replied.  “If you want the blade then take it from me.”


“As you wish, my lord,” the Red Dragon replied.  To Rohvan’s surprise she came right at him, but she was without a weapon.


Rohvan hesitated for the briefest instant, but that slight hesitation was his undoing.  The red-headed warrior crossed the space between them in two quick strides, ducked beneath Rohvan’s belated swing and drove her fingers into his chest.  Rohvan was aware of a pain so intense that he could not even scream.  In indescribably agony he stared unbelieving at his chest.  “No,” he croaked.  “No,” as he beheld the Red Dragon’s arm buried wrist-deep within his chest.  He swayed and fell to his knees, the sword that had been forged by the Red Dragon’s father falling from his nerveless fingers.  “How…?” he gasped. 


The Red Dragon’s eyes blazed, but her face was emotionless.  She stood with her fingers around the heart of the man who had betrayed her.  “As you broke my heart, my lord, so I break yours.”  She tensed her muscles.  Rohvan, his eyes bulging from his head, jerked convulsively.  Blood spurted from his mouth and he toppled sideways onto the grass.


Zirhan Khan watched in horror.  What he had just seen was impossible.  The red-headed warrior had just punched her fingers through Rohvan’s chain mail armour and torn out his heart.  What sort of woman could do such a thing?  Even as he gaped in disbelief, a voice jerked him back to reality.


“Now, you piece of excrement it is your turn to pay for your crimes.” 


Khan’s eyes went to the princess.  She had drawn her sword and was advancing on him.  “You seek to punish me?” Khan asked incredulously.  A small smile played about his lips.  He was doomed, but at least he would have the satisfaction of killing the royal bitch who had given him so much trouble.  He raised his sword.  “It will be my pleasure, princess.  But I do not think it is you who can punish me.”


“We shall see,” the princess replied calmly.  “Defend yourself.”


“Hold daughter,” Queen Tersahi called out.  “I have the stronger claim.  I will avenge the horror this vile dog brought upon me and my family.”


Vanora looked at her mother.  “You are the heir.  You should not endanger your life for the sake of avenging yourself upon this scum.  It, therefore, falls to me.”


Vanora lowered her blade.  She was seething with the desire for vengeance, but her mother too had been dishonoured by Khan and forced to be his whore. 


Khan grinned.  This was getting better .  Before he died he would deprive the bitch that had defied him of her mother.  Without warning he attacked.


Tersahi deflected Khan’s blow with ease.  In spite of her warrior heritage, in size, strength, and skill Khan should have overmatched her, but something about her had changed.  She was no longer the same person she had been before the dragon breathed its healing breath into her body.  Somehow the dragon had passed onto her knowledge of the military arts that would have been attainable only through years of training. 


Khan stepped back, surprise and consternation written all over his face.  That blow should have finished the queen, but she had handled it with ease and her counterattack had nearly taken his head off.  He suddenly felt fear, not fear of death, for he knew that was almost certain, but fear that he might be beaten by a woman he had easily subjugated and forced to be his whore. 


“Bitch,” he exclaimed, “you showed no such skills when I was between your thighs.”  He attacked again and once again barely escaped the return blow.  The queen was quick, much quicker than it was possible for a woman who had not held a sword in years. 


“What trickery is this?” he asked.  “Did you spread your legs for Noric as well and steal some of his magic?”


Tersahi did not answer.  She knew that Khan now feared the humiliation of being defeated by a woman and was trying to lure her into a premature attack through coarse insults.  She watched for her opening, growing more confident of her ability the longer she held the blade.  A strange force seemed to be flowing through her.  She had never felt like this before.  It was as if the knowledge of an expert swordsman had somehow been passed onto her.  The sword felt like part of her body and as she became one with the steel she attacked.


Zirhan Khan fought with desperation, but it was not enough to save him from all the blows that the queen’s arm delivered.  In a few seconds he was bleeding from a cut to the face and several rents had been made in his armour.  “Whore,” he raged.  “You use dark magic.  How many times did you have to lie with Noric to earn such a gift?”  Tersahi smiled and calmly ripped the tip of her blade across the bridge of Zirhan Khan’s nose.



Saphora watched in satisfaction.  She would have liked to share in the punishment of the Sea Warrior leader, but was content to allow the queen to be the instrument of her revenge.  Like Tersahi and Vanora, she had accompanied the Red Dragon when the magical beast had taken flight from the castle.  The other women and Brother Almornos had remained behind, the dragon convincing them that little purpose would be served by having to ferry all of her companions from the castle.  That ride on the dragon’s back had been wildly exhilarating; an event that Saphora would remember for the rest of her life and delight in telling to her grandchildren.  She had never dreamed that a simple fisherman’s daughter would ever experience what she had seen and done. 


Almost as amazing as the dragon itself was what had happened when the dragon had settled into the shelter of the evergreens.  As soon as its four passengers had dismounted the dragon’s image had shifted and then before anyone realized what was happening the dragon was gone, replaced by the nude figure of the woman Saphora knew as the Red Dragon.  She seemed quite unaffected by her lack of clothing, but now Saphora knew why the dragon had asked her to bring an extra set of clothes with her. 


It took the Red Dragon only a few minutes to dress and then they had set off for the spot where they knew Rohvan and Zirhan Khan waited.  Rohvan’s death had been most sweet.  He had died as he deserved and now Saphora waited for the end of Zirhan Khan, a grim smile playing about her lips as Queen Tersahi toyed with him. 


Bleeding from a dozen wounds Zirhan Khan’s breath came in ragged gasps.  His attacks were more and more desperate as his smaller opponent dodged nimbly away from his increasingly clumsy assaults.  His taunts had failed to elicit a single error in his adversary.  With a slight smile playing about her lips Queen Tersahi gave him a lesson in swordsmanship, a lesson he knew would be his last.  Finally, in desperation, he seized the hilt of sword with both hands and sought to break through the queen’s defences by sheer brute strength. 


The deadly blow caught only air.  Overbalanced and wide open Zirhan Khan could not avoid Trash’s  lethal return.  He screamed as her blade disemboweled him.  Staggering back he attempted frantically to stuff his guts back into the gaping wound in his abdomen.  His eyes pleaded for mercy as he went to his knees.  “No, please,” he shrieked and then his voice was cut off as Tersahi’s blade took off his head.





“Rise lady Saphora.”


Saphora got to her feet, blushing and smiling at her family and friends.  She was Countess Sahpora now, holder of a dozen towns and fifty villages.  And she held them as a free woman.  Even when she married title would not pass to her husband but to her children.  It was the greatest honour the crown could bestow and one she had never imagined even in her wildest dreams. 


Queen Vanora smiled at the newest member of her nobility.  There had been quite a few changes in the peerage since the defeat of the Sea Warriors and the capitulation of Rohvan’s forces.  Those who had sided with the Sea Warriors or had taken advantage of the invasion and civil war to improve their power had been dispossessed of their lands.  That had given the new queen the means to reward those who had remained loyal throughout the turmoil.  It also helped to have a dragon to make things clear to any who wavered in their devotion to the new queen. 


Vanora had also thought to reward the woman who called herself the Red Dragon, but that had created a bit of a problem.  What could she give a dragon that it couldn’t take if it so wished?  Fortunately, the Red Dragon had professed no interest in any reward as had her companions.  A more altruistic bunch Vanora had never encountered even among the holy orders. 


The Red Dragon surveyed the scene before her.  Beside the new queen was the old queen, their thrones equal in elevation symbolizing their joint rule of Sandor.  It was a unique arrangement, but one the two rulers were determined to make work.  In front of them were the five young women that had once been her fiendish companions.  Fully recovered they now served in their former capacity as Vanora’s ladies in waiting.  One woman, just to the side of the throne, caught her attention.  Their eyes met and Melissa winked.  Lady Brixta smiled.  She looked very comfortable in her fine new clothing. 


Melissa had agreed to stay on for a few months to help stabilize Queen Vanora’s regime, something that she did not mind doing, as she really had no place else to go.  She and her companions were treated like members of the royal family and enjoyed absolute freedom.  And there was one other reason why she lingered.  Smiling at that thought she excused herself and bowed her way out of the throne room.  Vanora and Tersahi were joint rulers now.  Let them handle the tedium of court ceremony.


Her companions saw her go, but made no effort to follow.  They either knew or guessed where she was going.  It was but a short distance to the apartments that had been set aside for her.  She opened the door and stepped inside.  He was waiting as always and rose as she entered, going to his knees before her.  “My lady,” he murmured.


“Get up, you fool,” she laughed.  “You know I don’t hold with that nonsense.”


Almornos smiled.  He was no longer part of the brotherhood, his resignation a decision that pleased both himself and the former members of his order.  Now he was free do seek a new life and the one he had chosen was to be as close as possible to the strange women who had captivated him in all her forms.  He pulled her to him, his lips seeking hers and his arms encircling her narrow waist.  They held the kiss for several heartbeats, the sensation of tongue on tongue unbreakable. 


Melissa led Almornos to the bed, not that he was unfamiliar with its location, and allowed him to undress her.  She had never made love with a man who was so patient and gentle, two qualities that made him very different from her former lovers.  A low moan of pure pleasure escaped her lips as she guided him within her.  A magical sensation surged through her as Almornos used his powers to enhance her pleasure.  Arching her back, she cried out in ecstasy as he penetrated her.  In the back of her mind she wondered if the door was thick enough to deaden the sounds of their passion and then Almornos sucked on her nipples, filling her with sexual enchantment.  Lost in magical passion she screamed in delight, ignoring the fact that her impassioned shrieks echoed down the castle corridors.


Later she lay quietly with her lover, the sweat cooling their overheated bodies.  Almornos kissed her left nipple while his arm cradled her head.  Melissa let out a satisfied sigh. 


Almornos smiled down at her.  “You know,” he teased.  “I think you are even better as a woman than you were as a demon.”


“Really?” she replied, running her hand over his chest.   “I have been wondering about that.  What was it that attracted you to me when I was Noric’s pawn?”


“Your sparkling personality,” Almornos laughed.  Then his face became serious.  He seemed to be thinking.  Tell me,” he said at last.  “What happened to Noric?  I did not know that demons could be destroyed.”


“They can’t,” Melissa replied, “but their bodies can be.  Once their corporeal being is destroyed they cease to exist in the real world.”


“Then what happens to them?”


“I don’t know,” Melissa replied.  “I expect that they go back to wherever they came from.”  She smiled and arched her body into her lover.  Almornos forgot his next question as he cupped her breasts and moved to kiss her.  A few minutes later their impassioned groans once again filled the room.



Noric bowed before his lord.  His trembling body was loaded with chains and bore the marks of the numerous floggings he had received.  “Please mighty lord,” He begged.  “Forgive me, it was not my fault.”


“I care not,” the demon king returned.  “You were given great powers and you failed to use them properly.  Now you will please me in another way.”  He gestured and a dozen imps leaped forward.


“He is yours,” the demon king said.  “Amuse yourself with him.  He who gives him the greatest pain will rise in my esteem.”


The imps needed no second bidding.  Surging forward they surround the terrified wizard, their whips cracking as they struck at whatever part of his body they could reach.  Noric screamed and kept on screaming. 


The demon king leaned back.  Watching the demon wizard as he shrieked in pain was highly amusing.  There was nothing like a good old-fashioned flogging.  And if that became a little jaded he would think of some other way to torment his failed subordinate; and another way after that.  After all, he had eternity.