Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 7: Larra’s Saharan Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 7

Larra’s Saharan Adventure


Chapter 18  Trial by Fire


“Sure we’re safe here?” asked Andreotti nervously.  The Italian captain seemed to have lost his nerve.  Featherstone certainly did not blame him.  The assault on the lost Egyptian city had been a disaster.  He had reckoned on the effect of modern weapons being devastating enough that the sheer numbers of the enemy would make no difference, but things had not worked out that way.


The well armed soldiers had killed hundreds of Egyptians, but many of them had died as well.  He should have known better than to trust the slippery Arab.  Mudada had fled at the first sign of resistance and his cowardly retreat had panicked a number of the Italian soldiers who had fled with him.  That should not have mattered, however.  Attackers armed with spears and bows should have still been no match for the men that remained, but Mudada had led them into a death trap.  From the top of the narrow canyon they had entered the Egyptians had rained boulders and projectiles upon them.  Even the furious fire directed toward them had not been enough to turn the tide.  Eventually, Featherstone, Andreotti, and Sturm had been forced to flee for their lives, leaving the rocky floor of the canyon strewn with the fallen bodies of their soldiers. 


They were down to just a couple of dozen men now.  Fortunately, most of the SS men Sturm had brought with him were alive.  Only two of them had been killed, primarily due to their superior training and the fact that they had not panicked.  Still, it was obvious that they could not enter the city the way they had tried.  However, there might be another way.  Featherstone’s crude map showed another way in. 


Andreotti repeated his question.  “You’re sure we’re safe?  They might follow us.”


“Let them,” said Sturm.  “If they do we will have the advantage.”  He gestured toward a machine gun his men had set up that covered the entrance to the canyon.  No one was going to come that way and live. 


“Alright,” Andreotti said, “then what do we do?”


“We try the back way,” said Featherstone pointing to his map.


“The Forbidden Valley?  It doesn’t sound particularly inviting.”


“I’m not about to let a bunch of primitives frighten me off,” Featherstone said.  “You can go home for all I care.  But I’m not giving up.”


Sturm nodded his agreement.  “My superiors would not be pleased if I gave up so close to our goal.  I will try Featherstone’s plan.”


Andreotti nodded his reluctant agreement.  Signaling to what remained of his men, he got ready to leave.



Mudada crept out from behind his place of concealment.  Featherstone and his remaining companions had left behind most of their equipment; including the chests of gold he had been shown.  He had no idea where they were going, but he did not intend to leave such tempting loot behind.  Accompanied by his men he moved forward. 


The chests of gold first.  Greedily he threw back the lid.  There in its gleaming splendor was a king’s ransom.  What he was looking at meant everything – respectability, women, houses.  He imagined himself living in luxury.  He pushed back his men as they crowded about the horde.  He would give them a share, of course, but the majority of it he would keep for himself.


“Allah be praised,” he cried, falling to his knees and dipping his hands into the heaps of coins.  There were hundreds of them – no thousands.  He was wealthy beyond his wildest imaginings.  He lifted his fingers allowing the heavy metal to spill back into the chest.  Then he frowned.  Something was not right.  The coins did not seem to have the right weight. 


“No!” he screamed.  This could not be.  The filthy Englishman had tricked him.  Grabbing one of the coins between his grubby fingers he inserted it between his crooked teeth.  Brass!  The chests were filled with brass knockouts from plumbing fittings.  Almost foaming at the mouth he kicked the chest of brass scattering the pseudo-gold coins onto the rocky ground. 


He grabbed his foot.  Hopping about in pain and cursing vilely.  He had broken his foot or so it felt.  While he cursed and screamed his men stood back grinning broadly.  Then they gave in to their more natural instincts, and began to loot the bodies of the dead Italians – those few that had made it out of the canyon, only to die of spear and arrow wounds.  Most of the dead were still where they had fallen; back in the narrow confines of the canyon.


Mudada finally settled down.  He limped over to the pile of discarded equipment.  All was not lost.  There was still plenty of loot in the rifles, ammunition, tents and other assorted bits of equipment the Europeans had left behind.  It was better than nothing.


He was sorting through a pile of clothing when he heard a strange noise.  He craned his head listening intently.  He had never heard anything quite like it.  It was a low rumbling sound and it was coming from the canyon.  He called to his men just as a huge cloud of dust burst from the canyon entrance.  And mingled in that cloud he could see the vague forms of men and horses.  Too late he realized that he was watching the business end of a chariot attack – a sight no one had witnessed in the outside world for two thousand years. 


The historical significance of the spectacle, however, was lost on him as he took to his heels and limped after his feeling comrades.  Not a one of them stayed to fight.  If they had done so they might have had a chance.  But these were men used to preying on those who did not fight back.  They were ill-prepared to stand up to any sort of opposition.  And the sight of the massed horses and chariots descending upon them sent them into panicked flight.  But there was no escape.  The chariots of the Egyptians swept over and around them, leaving them nowhere to run.  Almost as a man Mudada and his men went to their knees, tossing away their weapons and begging for mercy. 


Surprisingly, they received it.  The Egyptians surrounded them, but other than lancing one of Mudada’s men who made a break for it, they made no attempt to kill them.  Instead several men jumped from the chariots, and forcing Mudada and his fellow slavers to strip off their clothes, linked them together with a length of rope, tying each man to the next in a long chain.  Then, prodded forward at spearpoint the ex-slavers were marched up the canyon.


It was a situation Mudada found hauntingly familiar.  He had done the same thing countless times to the helpless African villagers he had ambushed.  But now the situation was reversed.  Limping badly, and cursing his bad luck, he struggled up the canyon, the hot sun beating down on his naked body.  What was going to happen to him now?



The ordeal had started.  Larra had no idea how long she would last; nor how long Melissa would survive.  The scorching heat hit her like a wall of fire.  In a few seconds the water evaporated from her body, then the wheel rotated her downward and she gulped a lungful of air as her head was submerged. 


She was strapped to a large wheel.  After being recaptured by the guardians of Thoth, she and Melissa had been dragged to a barge anchored in the amazing cavern of fire and water.  Centred in the barge was a large wheel, constructed so that it could be rotated though the hull of the boat and into the water.  It looked like some sort of strange paddle wheel, but it had no use in propulsion.  It was an instrument of torture.  She and Melissa had been stretched out on its curved surface and their arms and legs tethered to it.  Then the barge had been pushed closer to the incredible pillar of fire that roared out of the lake.  When it was situated to the liking of the high priest, the wheel had been released.  The surge of water from the base of the flame provided enough pressure to rotate the wheel slowly.  The two helpless women slowly traveled upward, exposing their naked bodies to the suffocating heat of the flame, And then they were rotated downward slowly submerging into the lake. 


It was almost a relief to enter the cooling water.  During her exposure to the burning pillar, Larra had felt as if her flesh was being slowly grilled and the water provided a pleasant respite.  However, she was also forced to hold her breath as she was plunged head-first into the waters of the lake.  In her weakened condition she did not know how long she would be able to do this even though the total immersion was less than thirty seconds.  Emerging from the lake she was rotated up again, once more experiencing the searing heat of the burning plume of gas. 


Gasping for air and barely able to breathe in the torturous heat, Larra knew she could not last long.  Soon she would be too weak to hold her breath and then she would die.  That is, if the roasting heat did not kill her first. 


“Oh God,” thought Melissa.  “I hope Larra can endure this.”  She was not all that sure about herself, but her thoughts went to her mentor.  Now she was going down again, the baking heat of the giant torch beating against her naked skin.  She was still in considerable pain.  The high priest had seen no reason to release the bindings that squeezed her breasts and the painful thorns still adorned her nipples.  In addition her injured thigh pounded with excruciating pain.  Being forced to walk to on the throbbing leg had been one of the most painful experiences she had ever had to endure.  She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the pain generated in her breasts as she did so, and then her head plunged into the water. 


She and Larra had been arranged so that each of them was on an opposite side of the wheel.  As she entered the lake, Larra was being roasted.  Melissa reflected on their fate, wondering what would kill them first.  Would they drown in the lake or would they stubbornly survive and be slowly roasted alive?  Either way it was a horrible end to so great an adventure. 



“No!” Amy screamed.  “Not again!”  She was not as strong as Katie or Jia Li.  The thought of being gang raped once more had her nearly in hysterics.  But that was clearly the intention of her captors.  She and her two companions were being held by several men, stretched out on large cold slabs.  Their simple robes had been removed and their legs had been spread and clustered about them were men who were in an aroused state of readiness.  Their fate was certain, there could be no escape.


”Hold on, Amy” said Katie.  She too was terrified.  Rape always terrified her.  Why would it not?  But she had the strength to resist – or at least she hoped she had.  Her mind fled back to her terrible ordeal at the hands of the slavers.  She remembered how she had screamed and begged for mercy when she had been raped repeatedly by the gang of slavers.  She would try to be strong, but she was trembling in fear. 


The high priest slowly walked among the three latest arrivals.  It seemed to be raining white-skinned women.  Was this some sort of joke of the gods or had they been sent to test or even reward him?  Perhaps it was a bit of both.  All of the women had caused him aggravation and all were astoundingly beautiful.  It was going to be most pleasurable watching them as his priests and soldiers raped them.  He had decided to stay and watch.  The two women on the wheel were being watched by his sub-priests.  They would call him if one of them decided to talk.  In the meantime he was looking forward to a few hours of entertainment.


Three women.  And all incredibly beautiful and dangerous. One golden-haired and magnificently endowed.  He had never seen breasts that large so perfectly formed.  She was a marvel of human architecture.  The second, more slender with hair like flame.  She too was incredibly beautiful, her smaller breasts quivering as she shook with fear.  It would be most interesting to watch her as she was brutally ravished.  And then there was the raven-haired goddess.  Exquisitely beautiful and more dangerous that any of his warriors she stared at him in cool defiance.  She seemed unafraid, but he sensed she would scream as loudly as the other two once his men had worked her over for a few hours.  He waved his hand signaling the beginning of the orgy.


Jia Li clenched her jaws as the first man entered her.  She tried to hold her body rigid, the better to deny the man raping her any pleasure, but she gasped as one of the men holding her crushed her left breast.  It was a signal for the men around her to lay their hands on her.  She was a special target, the intruder they most feared.  It was their mission to punish her most severely.  A few feet away she heard a moan.  One of her companions mouthed her pain.


Amy’s terror got the better of her.  After Katie’s words she had tried to be brave, but as the first of her ravishers took her she lost her composure, letting out first a low moan and then a scream of fear.  Struggling in frantic desperation she thrashed wildly as man after man took her, until eventually, exhausted by her frenzied efforts she lay quietly as each man took his turn.  For the priests and guards who raped her, this was not nearly as much fun, but they took her anyway.


Katie endured.  It was hard with so many men clutching at her body, but she managed to remain quiet, not uttering a sound even when they bent her face down on the stone table and violated her anally.  She was not entirely silent.  She couldn’t be, but she managed to confine herself to gasps and grunts as her ravishers worked her over. 



Larra was almost finished.  Each time she was plunged into the lake she could barely hold her breath.  The time would come when she wouldn’t make it.  She suspected it was the same for Melissa.  Such torment could not be endured forever. 


The guard watching the two women studied them intently, and not just because he was interested in their bodies.  He had been entrusted with making sure that they did not drown.  He had a certain amount of experience in this, having been posted to this position the last time some poor unfortunate had been sentenced to die by fire and water.  His observations told him that both women were close to the end.  Neither was likely to last much longer.  His hand hovered near the lever that would stop the wheel.  Once he had stopped it the natural flow of the lake would push the barge back to the bank. 


Now was the time!  The older woman had gone completely limp.  If she entered the water she would drown.  The wheel stopped and the barge began to slowly move toward the shore.  He was glad the woman had finally given in.  The heat in the cavern was stifling and he could hardly breathe.  Turning he beckoned toward two of the guards who were sheltering from the heat behind a block of stone.  He would need them to help him carry the women into the secret rooms hidden in the rock. 


Quickly he unlashed the two women from the wheel.  The younger one still seemed to have some spark of life in her, so he took no chances, lashing her hands behind her back before allowing her to be carried away from the barge.  The other lay as still as the grave.  As far as she could tell she wasn’t even breathing.  He ordered her dragged to the cooler passages and had her laid on her back.  There was no movement of her chest.  Kneeling beside her he placed his ear to her breast. 


Larra jabbed her thumb into the man’s carotid artery.  It was neatly done, shutting off the flow of blood to the brain so quickly that the young priest was unconscious before he even knew he had been attacked.  He slumped forward and as he did Larra rolled from beneath him.  Struggling to her feet, she turned to face the two startled guards.  She swayed on her feet.  There was very little strength left in her.  Had there been but one guard she might have had a slight chance, but she doubted she could take two.  She could barely stand.  But she had no choice.  She suspected that she would not get another chance. 


The two guards moved toward her.  Larra readied herself, slowly stepping back.  And then one of the guards gave a surprised cry and stumbled forward.  He bumped into the other man, breaking his concentration.  It was the slight opening Larra needed.  Darting forward with what was left of her strength she jabbed her stiffened fingers into the throat of the first guard and then without waiting to see the effect of the blow, spun violently and smashed her heel into the face of the second man.  It was all she had left, but it was enough.  As she collapsed in a semi-faint she noted the two guards stretched out on the floor.


Melissa rolled onto her knees.  It had been her foot that had distracted the second guard.  No doubt he had been most surprised when she had lifted her leg and flattened his gonads against his crotch.  Larra seemed to be unconscious.  Melissa was not surprised; she was close to passing out herself.  She maneuvered her body to a position where she could abrade the ropes tying her wrists against the edge of one of the guard’s spears.  It took her a few minutes, but she managed to sever the ropes.  Then grabbing Larra’s arms she dragged her like a log to a side room she had spotted a short distance away.  As she did so Larra opened her eyes.


“Thank God,” thought Melissa.  Her friend was going to be alright. 


She sat Larra up against the wall and pushed her hair out of her eyes.  “Just take it easy,” she said.  “You’ll soon get your strength back.” 


Larra struggled to get up.  “I think I know a faster way,” she said.  She crawled over to a corner, placed her head between her knees and was violently ill. 


Melissa watched her sympathetically.  “You should have rested,” she scolded.  “You’re not recovered from your ordeal and we have to get that arrow out of your shoulder.”


Larra slowly turned her head.  Raising her hand she held up an object that glinted a bright blue even in the subdued light.  “The Eye!” Melissa gasped.


“It was easier getting it down than it was getting it up,”Larra said with a wan grin.


“No wonder they couldn’t find it,” Melissa said.  “But what are you going to do with it?”


“Well, there’s no sun down here, but there is the next best thing.”


“The flare?  Do you think it will work?”


“Let’s find out.”  Larra moved to the door.  She could barely place one foot in front of the other.  If what she planned did not work she and her companions would be doomed. 


Limping badly, Melissa followed her out into the hell-hole and stood in front of the great flare.  Raising the Eye of Thoth Larra angled it so the light shone through it, bathing both her and Melissa in its strange light. 


Once again the searing pain surged through both of the women.  Larra opened her mouth and screamed in agony, but held the gem steady.  And then the pain passed, replaced by a feeling of wholeness.  Both women got to their feet.  They were naked and unarmed, but once more their strength was restored.  Incredibly, the healing process had pushed the arrow from Larra’s shoulders and the painful thorns from Melissa’s breasts.  “Let’s go get the others,” said Melissa.  Larra nodded grimly.  There was murder in her eyes.  When she and Melissa had been in the secret corridor they could hear the animal sounds as their comrades were violated. 


They picked up the spears of the two guards Larra had killed and then jogging down the hall launched themselves into the pack of brutes who were raping their friends. 


The assault caught every man off guard.  The first man to die was the high priest.  Melissa disemboweled him as he backed away in shocked surprise.  Screaming and clutching at his entrails he died on the floor while the two determined women cut a swath through the men surrounding their two friends.  Panicked, the priests and soldiers fled, trampling one another underfoot.  In the confined space of the stone vault many were crushed as the fleeing men pushed against one another. 


Larra and Melissa did not follow.  Instead they went to their comrades.  Amy was weeping uncontrollably, and Katie and Jia Li were so battered they could barely move.  “Come,” commanded Larra.  “We will help you.  We have to get to the surface.”


“I know the way,” said Jia Li, displaying the remarkable resilience and discipline that distinguished her from other women.  Limping badly as a result of her ordeal, she led the way, while Larra and Melissa helped the other two women. 


It was a tough climb to the canyon of the waterfall where the three women had entered the cavern, but somehow they made it.  In the sunlight, Larra repeated her performance with the Eye of Thoth, restoring her three other companions. 


“Well, we’re together again,” said Katie.  “Now what?”


“We don’t have much of a choice,” said Larra.  “I doubt we can go back into the cavern.  It is far too dangerous.  We will have to chance the desert.”


“I can’t be any worse than what we have already been through,” Katie replied.  “I prefer death by thirst to going through that again.”


The others nodded.  Amy seemed to have recovered some of her spirit after her exposure to the Eye of Thoth, but she was not the same woman she had been before.  It was best not to expose any of them to any more torment than they had already experienced. 


“Alright,” said Larra, “let’s go.”


They were poorly equipped for a trip through the desert.  Melissa had salvaged a few garments from the men they had killed – enough to protect them from the sun, but not much more.  They had no shoes and only a few crude weapons.  However, there was one thing.  They retrieved the water skins from where Jia Li, Katie, and Amy had left them and filled them from the falls.  It would last them a little while, perhaps long enough to reach the Egyptian city. 


Larra had a simple plan.  Travel to the city by night and acquire some transport.  They needed horses to cross the desert.  If they were lucky perhaps the Egyptians would not be expecting them from the direction of the Forbidden Valley.  As the sun set, they moved out.  Perhaps this time luck would be on their side; it had certainly been against them enough times. 



Sheik Abd al-Majiid Ibn Al-Mansur peered through the lenses of the Italian binoculars her had acquired during his short stint in the pay of the Italian army.  A slow smile creased his handsome features.  With a nod to his men he urged his camel forward. 


The five women did not see him until he was almost upon them.  They all appeared to be somewhat the worse for wear, their clothing torn and dirty.  A considerable amount of female flesh was revealed, a bit more than Al-Majiid approved of.  Still, he found it hard to tear his eyes away from the abundant charms of the woman to whom he had once made love.   


Al-Majiid and his men had come out of the setting sun.  None of the women, not even Jia Li had seen him coming.  “A good man to have on my side,” thought Larra.  She stepped toward the sheik.


“Salaam,” she said, sweeping her arm in the customary Bedu greeting.  Al-Majiid nodded, a smiling lighting his face.  It was not customary for a man to receive such a greeting from a woman.  But he had learned that the violet-eyed Englishwoman was unusual in the extreme.  He decided to treat her like an equal.  After all, hadn’t he spent the best part of two weeks trying to track her down? 


“Greetings, Miss Court,” he replied.  “Please be so gracious as to accept my assistance once more.  I would be honoured to have you as a guest in my tent.”


“I gladly accept,” Larra replied, “provided your offer extends to my companions.”


“How could it not?” replied the sheik with another smile.  “I have already met the delightful Miss Gallant, and if the rest of your companions are anything like you it would give me great pleasure to offer them my hospitality.” 


Larra returned the smile.  It seemed that her luck had indeed returned.  She remembered the last time she had been a guest of the sheik.  His hospitality had gone beyond anything she had expected.  She smiled to herself.  Perhaps with any luck, history would repeat. 



“Aahhh!”  Larra elevated her hips so that the sheik could penetrate her more deeply.  Her nails raked his back, leaving deep scratches as he plunged in an out of her.  With a deep hoarse cry she wrapped her legs around his waist and attempted to draw him deeper within her. 


Al-Majiid groaned ecstatically at the same time gasping for air.  He was close to physical collapse.  By Mohammed’s beard, the English winch had endurance.  They had been going at if for more than three hours and she was showing no sign of tiring.  She was incredibly demanding, but he would not have it any other way.  Since that first night with her he had been unable to get her out of his mind.  It had taken all of his desert skills and a good deal of luck to track her down.  But he had finally caught up with her and now he was enjoying his reward.  He grinned savagely in the dark of the tent.    Before morning he would have her walking bowlegged.  His honour depended on it.  He could not let a woman outlast him. 



Melissa smiled.  The sheik’s tents were partitioned for privacy, but they did very little to screen out any noise.  She rolled over and looked into Jia Li’s smiling face.  All of the women were awake.  “It looks like at least one of us is having a little bit of fun this time,” Amy whispered. 


“Larra always seems to have that sort of luck,” agreed Katie.  “But I have a hunch she’s going to pay the price in the morning.”


The other women smiled and nestled back down into the bedclothes.  Larra was welcome to her Bedu lover.  For now they were content to rest.  They had a long way to go before this adventure was over. 



Mudada cried out as the lash bit into his skin. 


“Work faster dog,” said the dark-skinned man who wielded it. 


“I’m going as fast as I can, Master,” the ex-slaver replied.  He raised his crude pick and hacked into the rock.  He had never worked so hard in his life.  The sweat poured off his whip-scarred body. 


The overseer smiled.  He had come full circle.  How could he have guessed that after being sold into slavery he would be placed in charge of the very man who had kidnapped him from his village?  “See that you keep up that pace, dog.  I will be watching you.”  Turning he moved farther down the line of ex-slavers.  The spirits had been kind to him.  He wondered if it was some sort of reward for helping the three white women who had been treated so badly by Mudada and his men.  He wondered what had happened to them.  He shook his head.  They had been great ladies.  He hoped things had turned out all right for them. 



Isetnofret grunted as the young priest pushed himself off her.  She was tired, covered with sweat, and desperately wanted a bath, but she knew that there would be no rest for her yet.  It had been like this for the last few days, ever since the terrible commotion in the temple.  Something incredible had taken place, but she did not know what.  No one told her anything.  Why should they? - Temple whores were not privileged to any information.  She was grateful of one thing at least.  She had feared that she would be killed in some sort of hideous ritual, but that had not happened.  There were rumors among the other temple prostitutes that something horrible had happened to the high priest and that the gods no longer favoured human sacrifice.  She fervently hoped that was the case.  She realized now that it had been a mistake to let her jealousy get the better of her.  She had treated Honey Cake despicably and was now being punished for her sins.  Her present life was the best she could expect.  She was glad that she was still young and attractive.  At least she did not have to scrub floors.  One day that might be the case, but for now she was safe.  Perhaps she could persuade one of the priests to grant her special status.  There were several who where quite interested in her, especially as her status as a former queen was well known.  She could but hope.  There was one thing in her favour; she was very good in her new role.  She actually even enjoyed it most of the time.  Who would have guessed that her life would turn out like this?