Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 20  The Maharajah


Larra tossed the cowrie shells and studied them as they fell.  “An eight,” she smiled.  She moved first one and then another of her ivory elephants, her second move capturing  one of the jade elephants of her opponent and sending it back to its home.    


“Ahh,” smiled Sundara Pandya, the Maharaja of Tigalava.  “That is three times you have done that.  I think you have bewitched the shells.”


“Perhaps Vinayakudu continues to smile upon me,” Larra replied, her full lips twitching in a return smile. 


“Perhaps,” the maharaja agreed, “or perhaps it is more of your white magic.”


“I told you, your highness.  I have no magic.  I am merely an adventurer and explorer who stumbled into your world.”


“A most mysterious and beautiful adventurer,” Sundara replied.  “One I would like to get to know better.”


“You know me well enough,” Larra said.  “I am almost seven months with child and you have many women to choose from.  How could I possibly please you?”


“I have no one like you,” Sundara persisted.  He leaned forward.  “What do you say we play for higher stakes?”


“Higher stakes?  I know what you would win.  What prize is available to me?”


“I will make you my maharani.  You will rule over my harem as my first wife.”


“It is a great honour – too great for one of such low birth, and I have told you that I have children that I must return to.”


The maharaja reached out and stroked her arm with the tips of his fingers.  “You are highborn enough for me.  I choose my bedmates.  If I wish to make you my maharani, then my maharani you will be.”


“I will think on it,” Larra said  “Now my child stirs within me.  I am tired and need to rest.”


“I will expect your reply tomorrow,” the maharaja replied.  “And then we will play ashte kashte for a more interesting prize.”


Larra smiled and rose gracefully to her feet.  Her female attendants closed around her.  “On the morrow then,” she promised. 



Larra murmured in pleasure as two of the young girls rubbed the scented oils into her skin.  It had been explained to her by one of her young attendants that the oils had a cosmetic as well as a therapeutic value.  Apparently the oils softened the skin and allowed it to return to its normal shape once a pregnant woman had been delivered of her child.  Larra wasn’t so sure of that, but she was happy to accept the pleasant massage that went with its application. 


She had now been with the Elephant People for almost a month and had picked up a working knowledge of the language.  At first it had baffled her until she realized that it was a dialect of Hindi.  After that it was a matter of applying her language skills and improving her vocabulary.  It was a natural talent she had.  Somehow any language she encountered came easily to her, no matter how alien.  She now spoke it well enough to know that her hosts did not call themselves the Elephant People but the Tigalava.  It was difficult for her to think of them differently, however, considering the extent to which elephants were worshipped and portrayed. 


The elephant motif was everywhere, especially in the form of statues of Ganesh or Vinayakudu as the Tigalava called him.  In addition, there seemed to be a large number of real elephants in the Tigalava city.  Larra could clearly hear their trumpeting through the high windows of the palace although she had yet to set eyes on one. 


She and Rupali were considered quite remarkable due to their skin colouring.  For some reason that Larra could not determine, white skin was held in high regard and accounted for much of the special treatment they had received. 


There was also anther reason.  She had learned from the same chatty girl that had informed her about the oils that she and Rupali were considered blessed, in that they had been given shelter by Vinayakudu himself.  That was a relief to Larra.  Far from viewing their seeking shelter in the lap of one of the gods to be a desecration, the Tigalava regarded it as a sign that the god had intervened on their behalf.  How else could the mysterious appearance of two strange women be properly explained?      


Larra was not about to enlighten her hosts.  She and Rupali needed a place to rest, and since she was now entering her seventh month of pregnancy Larra could not afford to take chances on losing her baby.  She would allow the Tigalava to believe whatever they wanted provided it worked in her favour.  However, she knew that playing on people’s superstitions was a dangerous game.  If there was the slightest suspicion that she was not what the Tigalava thought she was it could backfire on her badly, so she was careful not to make any claims for herself or act in any way that might be considered out of the normal; at least not out of the normal for her.


That attitude had worked well with the maharaja.  He was infatuated with her despite her swollen waistline.  However, he was a man of honour.  Shortly after her arrival he had summoned her to his bedchamber.  His intentions had been more than obvious, but Sundara had boasted that he had never forced a woman to his bed.  Larra had held him to that, agreeing to converse with him and play the board game he enjoyed so well, but going no farther until she was delivered of her child.  Only then would she consider sharing his bed. 


Her strange reluctance (from his point of view) had at first angered him.  But he was a man of his word.  He took no action against her in spite of the fact that she was the only woman ever to refuse him.  He did insist , however, that she play ashte kashte with him every evening.  It was a simple game, the forerunner of pachisi, a game Larra had enjoyed as a child.  Although it contained a considerable element of luck, she was quite good at it and enjoyed beating the maharaja on a regular basis, an occurrence that both annoyed and intrigued him. 


He was almost as intriguing to her.  Although in his forties, Sundara Pandya was still a strikingly handsome man.  Tall and athletic, with a finely trimmed beard and dark, intelligent eyes, he strongly appealed to her.  He was charming and immensely curious about Larra’s world, a combination that made him difficult to resist.   


The situation was made more complicated by the fact that eventually she and Rupali would want to leave.  Larra did have her other children to think of and she would not have been remotely satisfied as a member of a harem.  When she was delivered of her child she would have to convince the maharajah to let her go.  It was that fact that had her thinking about his offer.


Larra gazed about her luxurious quarters.  It was more than obvious that it was part of a harem.  The walls and ceilings were covered with some of the most beautiful and titillating artwork she had ever seen.  It made the erotic artwork she had seen on other archeological sites seem like an elementary school primer by comparison and some of the sexual positions shown seemed completely impossible.  She wondered if the maharajah ever entertained any members of his harem here or visa versa.  It seemed like an incredible waste if he did not. 


She was led to her cushion-covered resting place.  The young serving girls never left her alone and she had to admit that she and Rupali were well cared for and also given a certain amount of freedom.  They were allowed to practice Larra’s physical routines and move freely about the area assigned to them.  It was quite large, consisting of the apartment and an open area that had been developed as a large formal garden.  Several other doors opened on the garden as well, although she never saw anyone else in it except her ever-present gaggle of young girls. 


The girls themselves were quite pleasant and apparently very happy with their lives.  They had explained that they had been especially chosen for their intelligence and beauty.  One day they would become full members of the harem, an event they were all eagerly looking forward to.  That simply served to confirm Larra’s conclusion about the situation into which she and Rupali had fallen.  It was something that preyed on her mind.  She did not want to find that she had escaped one form of imprisonment only to fall into another.  


That last thought decided her.  Tomorrow she and the maharajah would play for more than tokens. 



Sundara Pandya, the Maharaja of Tigalava, watched intently as the exotically beautiful woman moved her playing pieces about the ivory and ebony playing board.  She was certainly the most captivating woman he had ever met, with her white skin, teak dark hair, and violet eyes.  He found her incredibly beautiful and was not at all deterred by her burgeoning body.  If anything the fact that she had life within her made her even more alluring.  Her clothing hid very little of her body, consisting of a pair of see-through pantaloons and a gauzy top that fully revealed her swelling breasts and firm pink nipples.  He became aroused almost every time he thought about her. 


True to his principles he had not forced her to his bed even though he had desired her from the first time he had set eyes upon her.  From the very beginning it was obvious that she would not behave in the manner of women he was used to.  Priding himself on the fact that no woman had ever refused him, he had been stunned when she had shown no interest in lying with him, however, she could not refuse his invitation to attend him in a non-carnal capacity.  He had soon found that she was very good at games, especially his favourite, ashte kashte. 


In order to draw her in, he had intentionally played poorly, even swapping out one or two of the cowrie shells and feigning annoyance when she soundly trounced him.  Now he had her playing for something worthwhile.  She had agreed to grace his bed in return for a chance to receive her absolute freedom.  If she won she was free to leave his realm any time she chose and he would help her on her way.  If she lost…, well his couch awaited.



Larra’s lips twitched slightly in annoyance.  One cowry up and three down - a one.   She needed a better throw than that.  The cowries were not falling for her tonight.  She had three elephants in play and one in her house.  Sundara had all four of his in play and on his last throw had just sent her lead elephant back to the house.  Two of his pieces were almost home. 


This was the pivotal game.  They had agreed to play the best of nine games with Rupali and one of the other girls making up a third and a fourth player.  However, as far as her wager was concerned only the games she and Sundara won counted.


So far Rupali had one win, and the other girl, a child called Vema, had two wins.  Interestingly, Vema was the Hindu goddess of sex.   Larra wondered in passing if that was significant.  She made her move, advancing one of her pieces a single space.  Now it was Sundara’s turn.  Going after her gave him a certain advantage, but he had won that right at the beginning of the game.  Order was determined by a toss of the shells and it just so happened that in this game Larra went first and Sundara went second.  He had three wins and Larra had two.  If he won then he would win their game within a game four to two.


It would mean that she was bound to him for as long as he wished and the first act of that binding would see her go to his bed.  She needed a win to leave them tied and get a rematch. 


Sundara took his turn.  The cowries tumbled across the table, three facing up.  He moved one of his pieces home.  Now it was Rupali’s turn.  She had two of her pieces home and was in a quandary.  If she won that would give her two wins and leave Sundara the over-all victor with one more win than each of them.  That meant she needed to lose to help Larra out, but she also had to hope that the maharaja would not win either. 


Rupali took her turn, tossing a three.  It enabled her to move both her stones onto the same square, blocking the path home.  It meant that Sundara could not get past her, but neither could Larra.  It wasn’t critical, being only a temporary block and Larra wasn’t worried.  Eventually Rupali would have to move. 


Now it was Vema’s turn.  The girl was a fairly good player, but she was playing for her master.  Larra couldn’t complain about that, after all Rupali was helping her, but she was annoyed when Vema threw a four, enabling her to move one of her stones so that it landed on a square occupied by one of Larra’s elephants.  The piece was bounced back to her house. 


Larra threw – a lucky break, an eight.  She was able to bring the piece that had been sent home into the game and take another turn.  This time she threw a four and bounced one of Rupali’s pieces back home.  And so it went; the game moving back and forth with first one player ahead and then the other.  But slowly Sundara advanced his pieces until he had all but one home.  When Larra’s turn came she had only one chance.  If she threw a four she could catch Sundara and send him home.  If she did not she would have to hope that he did not throw the perfect three he needed.


She threw – a two.  It was not enough.  She made her move and then waited as Sundara picked up the cowries.  He threw.  Larra smiled.  “You win,” she said.


“Yes,” Sundara replied.  “It appears that I have.”



To give him credit, Sundara acted like a gentleman.  He ordered the serving girls to bring a light meal and then sent Larra back to her erotic lodgings.  It was significant that Rupali was not allowed to return with her.  When she arrived in the apartment her bevy of juvenile servants descended upon her. 


“Great honour, mistress,” one of the girls chirped.  “Our lord comes to you in your own apartments.”


“Yes,” Larra agreed, her lips curving slightly.  “A great honour.”


Her gossamer costume was stripped from her.  She smelled the scented oils as they were prepared.  Four girls worked on her, rubbing the aromatic oils into her skin.  When she was nicely lubricated they dressed her in gold and gems and little else.  Smelling of jasmine and frangipani she waited in the soft light of oil lamps for the maharaja to come, the ever-present serving girls cooling her with frond fans. 


Sundara was dressed in a white robe trimmed with gold.  His turban had been removed and his grey-streaked hair was neatly bound into a queue with gold wire.  He approached Larra’s divan, and stopping just before her, slipped off his sandals.  He knelt before her and took her hands in his.


“I have dreamed of being with you since I first set eyes upon you,” he said quietly.  “You are more than a woman, you are a mystery, and I am completely within your power.”


Larra smiled slightly, her violet eyes glowing.  “So you say, my lord, but it appears that I am the one who is captive here.”


Sundara raised her right hand and gently kissed her fingertips.  “No, it is I who am a prisoner of your beauty.  I take no woman who truly does not want me.  I release you from your wager.  You are free to go anywhere within my domain and I will trouble you no more unless you send for me.”


The maharaja got slowly to his feet and turned slightly.  Larra caught at his fingers.  “No, my lord,” she said softly.  “I was fairly won.  You may claim your prize, but be wary of my condition, and send away the girls and guards.”


“I shall treat you as the most delicate of flowers,” said the maharaja.  He waved his hand dismissing the ubiquitous girl servants and female guards.  Within seconds they melted from the room.


“There will be no one to cool us,” Sundara remarked. 


“It is a pleasant night,” Larra replied.  “Take me to the garden.”


Sundara held up her light robe, draping it about her shoulders.  Then Larra took his arm and walked into the perfume of the warm tropical night.  She led him to the central fountain, where four statues of the elephant god shot jets of water into a central basin.  “Why not let the god cool us?” Larra asked, dropping her robe and stepping into the water.


The basin sloped gently from the edge, reaching a depth of about four feet in the centre.  Around the outer edge were placed four statues of Ganesh, each the size of a real elephant.  The raised trunk of each god spayed a jet of water into the pool.  She shivered as the water cooled her flesh, but she held out her hand and smiled as Sundara loosened his robe and let it drop and then stepped toward her.


Larra smiled approvingly.  The maharaja was tall and strongly built; slender of waist and broad of shoulder.  It was apparent that he had been an athletic man during his youth and had kept himself in shape as he aged. 


Sundara took both her hands in his and raised them to his lips.  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.


“Now more than ever,” Larra replied, pulling his hands toward her and returning the kiss, placing her lips against the tips of his fingers. 


Gently, the maharaja pulled her closer, and bending his head kissed her softly on the forehead.  Then moving lower kissed each of her eyelids, the tip of her nose, and finally found her lips.  Larra opened her mouth and their tongues intertwined.  For several minutes they explored one another’s mouths and Larra forgot about the coolness of the water coursing over her body.


Sundara’s hands caressed her shoulders, and slid down her back to just above the curve of her backside.  Pulling her close he softly kissed her neck as Larra offered it to him.  For the next few minutes each of the lovers found delight in caressing the other and then Sundara placed his arm in the small of Larra’s back and beneath her thighs, and while she clung to his neck, he lifted her from the pool.


Dripping wet, he carried her across the garden and back to the divan and laid her among the cushions, laying his body beside hers.  He kissed her deeply once more, while running his fingers across the smooth flesh of her distended belly.  Larra purred in pleasure, arching her body into his touch.  She gasped as his fingers went to her swollen breasts and stroked the area around her nipples.  His touch sent a shock through her ultra sensitive breasts, but it was as nothing compared to the sensation as her touched his tongue to her engorged nipples and suckled them like a child. 


Larra groaned pulling herself against Sundara, sensing his male hardness near the apex of her thighs.  Her legs parted slightly in unthinking response but he made no attempt to take advantage of what was offered.  Larra’s right hand, which had been fondling Sundara’s muscular back and shoulders dropped between his thighs.  Sundara gasped in surprise and then groaned in pleasure as Larra began to massage his thick shaft. 


“Ahh, my white orchid,” he gasped.  “I can no longer contain myself.”  He slipped off the edge of the divan and seizing Larra’s long legs positioned himself between her thighs.


Larra whimpered in carnal delight as Sundara thrust into her.  She had been ready for him for quite some time and as he penetrated her more deeply her whimpers changed to cries and then screams of sexual rapture. 


Sundara responded with hoarse cries of his own, their moans, gasps, and cries creating a sexual duet as each pleasured the other.  It was a song that did not end until Larra’s body shuddered in sexual release and Sundara cried out as he climaxed. 


For several minutes the lovers lay beside one another, the only sound the panting of their fevered bodies, and then Sundara spoke.  “I have never loved a woman like that.  You were sent by the gods to give me pleasure.”


“I am glad I served you so well, my lord,” Larra replied.  “My only regret is that the child I carry was not created by your seed.”


“When the child is born I will take it as my own,” Sundara replied, “and then perhaps we can create another.”


By the light of the oil lamps Sundara saw the lips of his lover curve in a smile.  Then she snuggled next to him and closed her eyes.