Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 6: Larra’s Arctic Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 6

Larra’s Arctic Adventure


Chapter 21  Rope Burns


Larra had been gone for hours.  Melissa sweated in her prison cage, both from the tropical heat and fear.  Fear for both herself and Larra.  The waiting was terrible.  If only she knew what was happening.  She could hear a good deal of shouting and cheering from the centre of the city.  Somehow she knew that the noise was linked to Larra.  The cheering and shouting went on for over an hour.  She supposed that was a good thing.  Then suddenly it died down.  Melissa’s stomach went cold.  She hardly dared think about what might have happened to her companion at the hands of these cruel warrior women.

Another hour went by.  Melissa became more and more apprehensive.  The longer Larra was away, the more she feared for her safety.  Suddenly a commotion below her startled Melissa out of her morbid thoughts.  A number of guards had entered the compound below her.  Within seconds her cage was being lowered to the ground.  She was hauled out of the cage and bound in that same way that Larra had been.  Then, under heavy escort she was herded through the maze that passed for streets in the Suruani city.  After about fifteen minutes of marching she found herself standing before a large building.  Melissa remembered it from before.  It was the royal palace.  She and Larra had been brought there after being captured by the Suruani patrol. 

Melissa and her escort marched through the heavily guarded palace door, but this time she was not taken to the main audience chamber, but to a small side room.  There she found Queen Takla seated upon a small throne at the far side of the room.  Melissa was marched to the centre of the room and forced to kneel before the queen.  Defiantly, the girl refused to bow her head and instead looked the dark-skinned queen in the eyes.  Seemingly unconcerned, the queen actually smiled at her.  But it was a smile that made Melissa shiver. 

She looked about her.  The room was strangely bare of furniture except for the throne that the queen sat on, and an odd wooden structure in the centre of the room.  More than anything else it resembled a sturdily built hitching post, consisting of two upright posts connected by a heavy wooden beam.  Melissa also noticed that there were a number of hooks fastened to the ceiling beams.  She suddenly had a cold feeling in her gut. 

The queen motioned with her hand and Melissa was hauled over to the horizontal beam.  Held by several women, she was helpless to resist.  The tether was removed from between her legs, and she was hoisted into the air.  She was deposited on top of the beam facing the queen, and then two women seized each of her legs and forced them apart so that she was sitting on the beam with her legs spread along its length, like some ballerina doing the splits.

Melissa felt as if her hips were being dislocated and she almost cried out at the rough treatment.  But it was to become much worse.  Each of her ankles was tied to the beam, preventing her from changing position.  Then additional ropes were added at mid-calf; just above her knees; at mid-thigh; and finally where her legs joined her body.  The rope the women were using was deliberately coarse, and it cut into Melissa’s soft flesh.

Melissa gritted her teeth.  Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead.  Already she was in considerable pain, and her tormentors hadn’t really done anything to her yet.  The position she was in was most unnatural and her hip joints burned in agony.  She tried to control her breathing the way Larra had taught her.  Above all she had to remain calm.  Many tribal cultures respected bravery.  If she could bear up under what they were doing to her, them maybe there might be a way out of her desperate plight. 

One of her torturers, as Melissa had come to think of them, looped a rope through the hook in the ceiling above her.  She then tied the rope to the lashings securing her wrists.  Eyes wide, Melissa followed the woman’s every move.  She took a deep breath.  She knew that this was going to be painful.

To her surprise, however, nothing happened.  She had expected the woman to haul on the rope, forcing her bound wrists toward the ceiling, but instead, she merely placed a slight bit of tension on it, allowing Melissa to keep her hands behind her backside.  For a few seconds she was puzzled.  If they were going to torture her, then pulling her arms out of their sockets would have been the obvious thing to do.  Then she felt the tension on the rope increase slightly. 

Now it required a bit more of her strength to hold her arms in place.  Turning her head as far as she could, Melissa tried to look behind her to see what the woman was up to.  What she saw sent a shuddered through her. 

The woman was not even holding onto the rope.  Instead she had looped it through another hook in the ceiling and had placed an iron weight on it to keep it taut.  Even as Melissa watched she added another weight.  The tension on her wrists increased.  With a feeling of utter despair Melissa realized that it was only a matter of time until the weight became so great that her shoulders would be dislocated.  But once again she was surprised.  The woman stopped what she was doing and moved around in front of her. 

Still in considerable pain from the position of her legs, Melissa was relieved but puzzled.  What was the woman up to?  Then it came to her.  The reality was much crueler than she had realized.  Of course the woman could have kept on adding weights until Melissa was screaming in pain.  But that would have resulted in a relatively quick form of torture.  What she had set Melissa up for was a prolonged and very painful experience.  Melissa would be forced to fight against the weight continually to avoid having her arms pulled up to an impossibly painful angle.  Her captors would enjoy the spectacle of watching her struggle against the unending and all-conquering force of gravity as she fought to preserve herself.  It would be so much more enjoyable than simply wrenching Melissa’s arms upward in one quick pull.  The torture would be slow and increasingly painful.  And it would be a torture that Melissa would try to control.  But slowly she would fail.  And as she failed her struggles would become more and more frantic and her cries for mercy more and more strident.  The beads of sweat on Melissa’s forehead became rivulets trickling down her face and dripping onto her body and the floor. 

Queen Takla smiled.  The young demon was smart.  It had already realized its peril and was reacting as expected.  Stepping down from her throne she approached the demon.  The young white woman was clearly suffering.  Her chest rose and fell and her large round breasts quivered.  Gently the dark queen stretched out her hand and caressed the demon’s finely turned ankle. 

Takla marveled at the size of the female demon.  She had never seen any woman that tall.  Up close she was even more impressive.  Strangely, she found herself wondering what it would be like if she took the demon to bed.  As queen of the Suruani she had to be a virgin, but that did not mean she could not indulge in sexual pleasure with members of her own sex provided that no penetration took place.  And Takla had taken ample advantage of that.  She stroked her hand up the demon’s calf to the soft rounded curve of her thigh, her fingers lingering on the coarse ropes that bound the leg tightly in place on the beam. 

She smiled again, the cruel curve of her lips momentarily distorting her beauty.  Perhaps the brown-haired beauty was not a demon after all.  What if she was but a woman, and a woman to be enjoyed?  It might be fun to find out how she responded to pleasure as well as pain. 

Melissa glared defiantly into the dark queen’s eyes.  She might be tortured and helpless, but she would fight to the end before she ever gave in.  Then she gasped.  The Amazon queen was caressing her most intimate place.  The combination of pain coupled with the sensation of pleasure as the queen’s slender fingers slipped within her were almost more than Melissa could bear.  Her already rapid breathing quickened and she arched her back as the probing fingers slipped more deeply within her.

Takla stepped back.  She was pleased at the way the demon had responded.  She was much more like a woman than a demon.  But it was too soon.  She wanted the girl to suffer a bit more first.  Then the pleasure that came after would be that much more enjoyable.

Melissa fought against the increasing upward pressure on her arms.  Her well defined musculature gleamed with perspiration.  She tried to keep her features impassive.  She knew that she was an object on display for the enjoyment of the dark queen and wanted to give the Amazon ruler as little pleasure as possible.  But she also knew that she had betrayed herself when the queen’s skilled fingers had parted her vulva.  She should have responded with shock and horror, but instead had almost welcomed the queen’s soft touch.  She remembered how she had responded when Featherstone had raped her.  It was much the same.  Was she some sort of sordid slut?  Was her relationship with Larra no more than just an offshoot of her own sexual depravity?  No, that could not be.  That time she had shared with Larra had been much more than a sexual adventure.  There had been love there, and mutual respect.

She was jolted back to reality.  Her torturers were only just starting on her.  The woman who had tied the weights to her wrists was back holding another length of coarse rope.  Melissa noted that this rope was much thinner than those that bound her legs.  The queen was back on her throne, watching the proceedings with great interest.

“No,” Melissa thought, “not that!”  The woman with the rope had lifted her left breast and was hefting it almost as if she was trying to guess its weight.  Melissa tried to hold herself erect as if what was happening to her did not matter, but she winced as the rope encircled her breast and was pulled tight.  The rope cut deep into her tender quivering flesh causing her breast to bulge out.  She winced again, forcing down a whimper as her right breast was given the same treatment.  But her tormentor was not finished yet. 

The Amazon produced a short sturdy stick and twisted it through the rope binding her left breast.  Then slowly and deliberately, she began to turn the stick, using it as a lever to tighten the rough cords.  Melissa’s breast turned bright red and then purple as the cruel cords cut into it.  The pain was so intense that she completely forgot about the torture her arms and legs were enduring.  In a few seconds Melissa’s left breast resembled a balloon.  A low moan escaped her lips.  She knew that she couldn’t take much more pain. 

Her torturer tied off the stick leaving Melissa’s left globe horribly swollen and distorted and turned to her right breast.  The process was repeated.  Tears of pain flooded from Melissa’s eyes.  Her beautiful breasts were now so hideously disfigured that she wondered if they would ever return to normal. 

Takla grinned with delight as she saw the demon’s distress.  She was ready for the next step.  Her warriors needed no instruction; they had done this many times before.  She watched as her chief torturer applied the final rope to her victim.

Melissa hurt so badly that she was sure nothing could get much worse.  She was wrong.  She had forgotten about her most sensitive area.  But her torturer soon reminded her of it.  The woman was holding a heavier rope this time; a ten foot length of cord about the thickness of two of her fingers.   While Melissa struggled to keep from screaming in pain this rope was tied across her shoulder blades and then brought forward under her armpits and above her breasts.  Then it was tied as tightly as the torturer could pull it.  Melissa felt as if the woman was trying to force the breath from her body. 

When she was finished tightening the rope, there was still about a six foot length dangling between Melissa’s swollen breasts.  The torturer took this and pulled it between her thighs, making sure that it cut deep into the slit between her legs.  Then she circled behind and pulled the rope up between Melissa’s tight buttocks.  Straining every muscle the dark-skinned torturer pulled the rope tight, forcing it deep into Melissa’s nether regions.  Then, still holding it tight, she tied the loose end to the rope encircling Melissa’s upper chest. 

Melissa screamed as the rope cut into her.  Even the slightest movement of her body caused the coarse fibres to chaff and cut her tender flesh.  She was in absolute agony.  Everything that had been done to her seemed to come together.  The agony of her splayed legs; the brutal pain of the weight forcing her shoulders out of joint; the torment of her bound breasts; and finally the horrible torture of the rope cutting into her vulva and anus all came together in a frightening crescendo of pain.  She could no longer hold back her suffering.  She screamed so loudly that she feared damage to her vocal cords, but was unable to stop herself.  Her body shook with the anguish of her ordeal. 

Queen Takla watched the satisfying spectacle of the demon’s painful humiliation.  For awhile she reveled in the screams of her victim.  From time to time the demon stopped screaming in order to spout some confused gibberish at her.  She knew that the demon was begging for mercy and that made the spectacle all the more enjoyable.  Finally, however, she decided to put an end to the frightful noise.  She nodded to the head torturer. 

Melissa was almost incoherent as she begged for mercy.  She did not even realize that she was screaming out in English, a language that no Suruani could understand.  And suddenly she could not even do this.  As she opened her mouth wide to scream one more time a thick wooden dowel was forced into her mouth.  Her shrieks subsided to muffled howls.  In her torment she began to struggle wildly, not realizing that she was only causing herself greater pain and exhausting herself uselessly.  But Melissa was beyond reason.  She only knew that her entire body was racked with pain.  Her battle went on for several minutes until she finally collapsed, too exhausted to continue.

Now only muffled whimpers came from her panting trembling form.  It was time for the piece de resistance.  Takla rose from her throne.  In her hand she held two small pointed pieces of bone, each about two inches long and eighth of an inch wide.  She moved directly in front of the whimpering demon where she was sure that the agonized girl could clearly see her.  For a brief instant her eyes and those of the demon met.  A flicker of recognition flashed through the demon’s eyes. 

In her agony and exhaustion, Melissa hardly realized what was happening around her, but the presence of the queen in front of her caught her attention.  Brief thoughts flickered through her mind.  The queen was one of the most beautiful women Melissa had ever seen.  How could someone so beautiful be so cruel?  Then she grunted as another wave of pain roared through her body.  Strangely, the bar gag helped.  It gave her something to bite down on.  Without it she might have bitten off her tongue.  She tried to force the pain into the back of her mind.  Somehow, after her initial reaction to the torture, the pain seemed less severe.  Perhaps she was just too exhausted to care. 

She forced herself to meet the queen’s steady gaze.  Beaten as she was, and covered with sweat, she still had the courage to look her tormentor in the eye.  Takla reached toward her and touched her cheek.  As before the queen’s fingers were like a gentle caress.  Slowly the queen’s fingertips stroked her cheek, and then descended to her jaw line and down to the throbbing vein in Melissa’s throat.  It was almost like being touched by a lover. 

Takla’s fingers now brushed gently over Melissa’ collarbone, just above her horribly swollen breasts.  Melissa’s body arched as another wave of pain surged through her.  Trembling, she tried to hold her body steady.  Only in that way could she alleviate the terrible agony of the ropes that held her body in such an unnatural position. 

Melissa whimpered through her gag as the queen lifted her engorged left breast.  The normally soft flesh was stretched so tight Melissa feared it would burst.  Then she saw the sharp pieces of bone in the queen’s other hand.  She tried to scream her protest, but the gag muffled her cries.  Then pain surged through the tips of her breast as the queen thrust the needle sharp point through the base of her nipple.  Swollen with blood from their cruel bondage, a jet of the red fluid shot from Melissa’s breast as she was pierced.  Unable to control herself, Melissa jerked her body against the terrible new pain.  The action sent waves of pain surging through the other afflicted areas of her body.  She screamed under the gag this time loudly enough that the queen actually took a backward step.  But Takla was not quite finished.  She still had the other bone needle. 

Reaching out, she pinched the nipple of Melissa’s right breast between her thumb and forefinger, and then while the demon screamed in agony thrust it through the soft flesh.  Another fountain of blood erupted from the pierced nipple.  Melissa writhed in the most excruciating agony, the pain reviving her hopeless struggle against her bondage and torture.

Takla returned to her throne.  Fascinated she watched the demon struggle like a fly caught in treacle.  Blood poured from the twin mounds of her breasts and coated the front of her body like thick red paint.  How long would the demon last this time? She was impressed by the demon’s strength.  She had not expected her to last this long.  As she watched the demon’s agonized thrashing, Takla could still not help noticing how beautiful she was.  Even degraded and exhausted as she was, the beautiful lines of the demon’s supple body could not be disguised.  Takla felt the same carnal desire arising in her that she had felt before.  Unconsciously, her hand went to the coal black nipple of her own breast and she rubbed it gently.  Almost instantly it became erect.  She suppressed an unseemly moan of desire.  Motioning to her chief torturer she beckoned her closer. 

“Leave her like this for a few hours and then see that she is healed.    After that bathe her and bring her to me.”  She rose and walked to the door of the torture chamber.  Just before exiting she stopped and turned.  “Oh yes,” she said as if in an afterthought.  “See to the violet-eyed demon as well.  I want her healthy also.  Then bring her to the palace and make her secure.  I will see to her later.” 

Finished Takla left the room.  As her litter bearers carried her away, she lay back on the soft cushions and closed her eyes.  It had been a busy day.  But one that was most rewarding.  Her eyes opened again, as if she could better review the torment she had just witnessed.    “Yes,” she thought, “most rewarding.”  The demons had provided excellent entertainment.  And in a few days might provide even more interesting diversions.  She closed her eyes again.  She needed her rest.