Nova huddled at the feet of the Chinese crimelord

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 7  The Black Leopard’s Triumph

Chapter 22  Heroines on Parade

Nova huddled at the feet of the Chinese crimelord.  She still wore the collar and chain signifying her servitude.  She was more miserable than she had ever been in her life.  Pledged to do Zhuang’s biding she had been ordered her to give up her belt for safekeeping.  The arch villain liked to keep her at his feet as a symbol of her subjugation.  To add to her degradation she had been denied food and water for more than a day.  Famished and parched, she desperately needed to eat and drink.  Her agony was made all the more severe by Zhuang’s continual eating and drinking. 

“Hungry my little heroine?” Zhuang asked.  “Perhaps if you please me in the next hour you will be allowed some food and water.”  He glanced at Chen, who stood ready as usual to carry out any order.  “Are they all ready?” Zhuang asked. 

Chen nodded.  “The boys have had their fun with them.  I think they are ready for the final humiliation.”

“Good.  Bring them in.”

Chen nodded to one of Zhuang’s guards who passed the word on to the next until finally the door to the large audience chamber opened.  Nova gasped slightly as the Scarlet Falcon entered, her hair and body sticky with semen.    She was followed in short order by the Blue Avenger, and Stiletto.  All three women were naked, covered in bruises, and were having a great deal of difficulty walking.  A heavy length of chain connected all three women, linked to their necks by thick metal collars.  Without exception, they seemed completely humbled, walking with their eyes downcast. 

Nova tried to make herself smaller.  How could she let her companions see how she had been subjugated?  But Suzi lifted her eyes enough to spot her.  She gave Natassia a look of utter hopelessness.  If anyone looked defeated it was the Scarlet Falcon. 

Nova’s eyes went to Stiletto.  She appeared to be absolutely terrified, a picture of complete defeat.  Even Kyla’s dejected and listless appearance could not match hers.  It seemed that she had been treated particularly badly; her body, like Suzi’s and Kyla’s, was covered in bruises and small cuts.  There was also clear evidence that she had been flogged.  All three women were having trouble walking, unmistakable evidence that they had been raped. 

Natassia’s lower lip trembled.  To be so helpless when faced with such evidence of Zhuang’s brutality was almost more than she could bear.  How much worse could her situation get? 

Zhuang cleared his throat, and lumbered to his feet.  He moved to the centre of the room, four hundred pounds of bulk and flowing silk.  “How does it feel to be so completely defeated?” he asked, addressing the three chained women.  “You were foolish indeed to think that you could defeat me, the great Zhuang Zhijiang.  Now you know part of the price of opposing me.  But my triumph is not yet complete.  There are a few more guests needed to complete my parade.”  He clapped his hands twice.  From a doorway at on the other side of the room two more women entered. 

The two women were quite dissimilar in appearance, the one quite petite, standing only about five feet tall and the other at standing least six feet.  The shorter woman seemed to be in charge, leading the taller woman on a short chain that was secured to her neck by a leather collar.  The smaller woman was also clothed, although outlandishly, in a revealing black leather outfit that left her pierced nipples exposed to view.  Natassia recognized her at once as the Black Leopard.  The other woman she had never seen before, but she appeared to have been severely tested.  Her nude body was covered with lacerations and numerous gold rings pierced her lips, nipples, labia, and her nose.  She walked with a pronounced limp that spoke of severe sexual violation. 

“Well done, slave,” said Zhuang, addressing the Black Leopard.  Bring the treacherous bitch to me.”

“Slave?” answered the Black Leopard.  She kept her voice level, without any hint of defiance, but she was clearly surprised.  “Master Zhuang,” she continued.  “I thought I had redeemed myself and was no longer deserving of such low status.” 

Zhuang laughed uproariously.  “Redeemed yourself?  Surely you jest, Black Leopard.  You were a scheming bitch and always will be.  It suited my purpose to have you teach Jahlen a lesson.  The fact that you thoroughly enjoyed yourself while doing so does not change your standing in any way.  You are my slave and will remain so until it suits me to release you.  And I may never do that.”  He finished by looking directly at the diminutive villainess as if daring her to defy him. 

The Black Leopard bowed her head.   Meekly she replied, “Yes Master, Zhuang.  I exist only to do your bidding.”

Zhuang smiled his approval.  If only all of his followers could learn proper respect so quickly!  “Secure the chain to your neck.  I wish to see that you clearly understand your position.”  Zhuang was enjoying the display of his power.  Truly he was the greatest crimelord Metro City had ever known.  His humiliation of his enemies was almost complete. 

The Black Leopard, her face blank, complied with Zhuang’s request and moved toward the other three women.  It was only then that she saw Elenah for the first time.  She halted in midstride, a flicker of emotion crossing her face.  Recovering, she reassumed his impassive manner and stood with head bowed next to the Scarlet Falcon.  Jahlen, now tethered to Li Mei by stood beside her, a picture of utter dejection and defeat. 

Zhuang swelled with pride, if such a feat were possible.  Before him were five of the most dangerous women in Metro City.  He had subdued them all.  In addition, he had Nova as his personal sex slave.  His victory could hardly be much more complete, and yet it was.  Brimming over with arrogance he gave one more command, “Bring in the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.”

The eyes of every woman in the room as well as that of every man turned to the door.  Beyond could be heard the clink of chains, and then two of Metro City’s greatest heroines shuffled into the room.

Sun Lin and Melissa were heavily chained, heavy metal links connecting their necks, and manacles connected to leg irons by further lengths of iron.  But it was their swollen bellies that immediately caught the eye of everyone in the room.  Several of the women, Kyla, Natassia, and Suzi gasped in horror and disbelief.  It was clear that the two women had met with the ultimate superheroine humiliation. 

Jahlen and Elenah, who knew what had happened, merely stared.  Li Mei on the other hand, almost burst with pride.  So her scheme had worked.  She had achieved the ultimate in superheroine degradation.  Only two things marred her satisfaction.  First, she had not counted on being a victim of enslavement herself.  And two, she had not expected Elenah to suffer a similar degrading experience.  The thought of one of the few people she could trust being subjected to rape and torture filled her with a silent rage.  Zhuang would pay for that outrage.  She didn’t know how, but he would pay. 

“Behold, Metro City’s finest,” crowed Zhuang, savoring his triumph to the fullest, “completely subjugated and at the mercy of the greatest of the crimelords.  Allow me to demonstrate my power.”  Turning to Nova he motioned her toward him.  “Come slave,” he ordered.  “I have need of your services.”

Nova got up from her crouch.  She turned her head away from the incredulous stares of her companions crossing the open space between her and the crimelord, and bowed before him.  “What is your biding, master?” she asked.

“I have heard of your ability to heal.  Now I wish to see it demonstrated.”  He handed Nova her belt.  “Heal these women and then return the belt to me.”

“Yes master,” Nova replied.  Placing the belt about her waist she moved over to Suzi and placed her hands on the naked heroine’s body.  Almost immediately, the ravages she had suffered at the hands of Zhuang’s henchmen began to disappear.  While Zhuang watched in amazement the healing energy of the Dragon’s Eye restored the heroine to perfect health. 

Taking no chances Zhuang ordered Suzi’s wrists and ankles to be chained to preclude any escape attempt.   In the meantime, Natassia had moved on to Kyla and repeated the performance.  Once finished with her friend, however, she stopped.  “The others as well,” Zhuang ordered. 

“Yes master,” Nova answered, and moved to the Black Leopard, and the other villainesses.  In each case it was the same.  The evidence of violence disappeared from the body of each woman, with the exception of Jahlen.  In her case only the removal of the numerous rings the Black Leopard had used to pierce her anatomy would return her to complete normalcy. 

Zhuang watched in amazement as Nova healed the injuries his men had inflicted on his captives.  “What a power,” he thought.  “And I control it.  His mind was racing.  With Nova under his control he could not only control all crime in Metro City, but control the city itself.  And then the state and perhaps even the country.  He wondered what it would be like to be the power behind the president.  The supreme ruler of the most powerful nation on earth.  The possibilities were absolutely mind-boggling.

Nova had finished her healing of the women.  Returning to Zhuang she knelt before him as he had taught her.  “They are healed, master,” she said.

“Good, now bring the heroines before me,” Zhuang ordered.

Nova did as she was instructed, fetching her three companions, and in the case of the heavily fettered Jade Dragon and Scorpion, helping them to carry their heavy weight of chain.  “Excellent,” said Zhuang, “Now give me the belt.”  Obediently, Natassia took off her belt, returning to normal strength once more.

All of the heroines, including Nova were still masked.  Zhuang had ordered that no heroine should be unmasked unless he expressly ordered it.  There was always the possibility that knowledge of the heroines' identities might be useful to him and he wanted to share that knowledge with no one.  “Clear the room,” he ordered Chen.  “Leave only my most trusted lieutenants.” 

Chen nodded.  In a few seconds only a half dozen of Zhuang’s men remained.  These were more than enough, however, to deal with the heavily shackled women he held prisoner. 

Zhuang pointed to the Scarlet Falcon.  “Remove her mask,” he ordered Nova. 

Suzi looked aghast at Natassia hardly able to believe what she was seeing.  Her erstwhile companion seemed to be completely under the control of one of the vilest of Metro City’s crime bosses.  Her luminous blue eyes widened as Natassia reached for her mask.  “I’m sorry,” Scarlet,” Nova said softly, “but I have to do this.”

“But why, Nova,” Suzi whispered.  “Why have you chosen to serve Zhuang?”

Natassia did not reply, but instead pulled the mask from Suzi’s face, revealing her to Zhuang and Chen.”

“Well, I’ll be…!” exclaimed Chen.

“You know her?” asked Zhuang.

“Yes,” said Chen thumbing through a copy of Metro City’s social registry.  He stopped on a page displaying a picture of an attractive blonde woman.  “Suzi Kendall, one of Metro City’s leading socialites.  Rich parents, and the owner of several of her own businesses.”

Zhuang nodded, filing away the information for further use.  He wasn’t sure how it would help him, as he did not intend to allow any of the heroines to leave his HQ alive, except those he thought he would be able to control.  “Now, the Blue Avenger,” he ordered.

Natassia removed Kyla’s mask and again Chen consulted the social registry.  “Kyla Smith,” he said.  “Heir to the Green family fortune.  Her father is the owner of a major pharmaceutical agency.  I expect he might be willing to pay to get his daughter back, should we decide to ransom her.”

Zhuang nodded.  Or perhaps, her father might be induced to further Zhuang’s political ambitions.  One could never have too many rich and powerful “friends” when trying to influence government.

“Now the Jade Dragon,” said Zhuang. 

As Natassia unmasked the oriental beauty both Zhuang and Chen stared long and hard at her.  “Never seen her before, boss,” Chen said finally.

“Nor I,” said Zhuang somewhat disappointed.  The Jade Dragon remained as much a mystery unmasked as she was completely disguised.  “Whoever she is, she keeps a very low profile.  Let’s have a look at her friend, Scorpion.”

Natassia removed Melissa’s mask, revealing the face of her one time ward.  “Yes,” said Chen, thumbing through the pages of the social registry.  This one is in here.  I’ve seen her before.”  He stopped and held up the page for Zhuang.  “Melissa Gallant.  Orphaned in China and adopted by Natassia Green.”  He looked directly at Natassia.  “Take off your mask, Miss Green.  There is no point in hiding any more.” 

Natassia removed her own mask confirming Chen’s guess.  “Quite a haul so far,” said Chen.  “Several members of the social register.  A couple of heiresses, and one or two who will make mighty fine additions to our brothels.”

Zhuang nodded.  “But we still have the Black Leopard and Stiletto to investigate.  Come here,” he said to Li Mei,” and bring the other two women.”

The Black Leopard led Jahlen and Stiletto forward.  Zhuang paid no attention to the tall green-eyed villainess, he knew full well who she was, but he focused his attention on Elenah.  “Remove her mask, Black Leopard, and then your own.”

Reluctantly Li Mei complied.  Zhuang raised his eyebrows as Elenah was unmasked.  “Elenah Firenza,” he said.  “Even I know who you are, although I am never invited to move in such exalted circles.”  He laughed.  “We have Italian nobility among us, Chen.  Imagine that.  We are moving up in the world.”

Neither he nor Chen recogniozed the Black Leopard.  But that was not surprising.  No Chinese could be expected to be in the pages of Metro City’s social registry.  However, the knowledge of who the other women were was most useful.  Certainly he should be able to make something out of that.  And if not… Well, he could always use one more sex slave or an extra recruit for his high priced brothel.  He wondered how much he could ask for the right to fuck a superheroine.  Certainly it would not be less than a thousand dollars a go.  He licked his lips at the thought of all that profit.

The Jade Dragon and Scorpion had watched incredulously as Nova had assisted Zhuang in the unmasking.  Finally able to contain herself no long Melissa spoke, “Nova, what are you doing?  Why did you not use your power?   What hold do these scum have over you?”

 “Silence,” thundered Zhuang.  “I gave no one permission to speak.  For that you will be punished.”

“Nova,” interjected Sun Lin, ignoring the crimelord’s rage, “I do not understand.  What binds you too him?”

My word,” Natassia replied miserably, “I gave my word to serve Zhuang.” 

“Your word as a superheroine?” asked Sun Lin, astounded.

“I was weak,” Natasiia said, her eyes filling with tears.  “In order to save myself I promised to serve him in any way.”

“I said silence,” screamed Zhuang, his face purpling with rage.  “Nova, gag that bitch.”

The instinct to obey was so strong that Natassia looked around for something to place over Sun Lin’s mouth.  Then she stopped.  How could she gag the greatest of Metro City’s heroines?

“You are a heroine,” cried Melissa.  “Pledged to do good.  Aiding this piece of human excrement is a violation of the superheroine code.  Your promise was not binding.  A superheroine’s word can only be given freely, and never in the service of evil.”

“Silence her,” shouted Zhuang.  “Chen, deal with these bitches.”

Natassia mind whirled.  Wasn’t a superheroine’s word always sacrosanct.?  And hadn’t she given it to Chen and Zhuang?  Was Melissa right?  She had given her word, but it had been forced from her under the most painful of circumstances.  She looked at Zhuang.  There was fear in his eyes.  That single look confirmed Melissa’s argument.  A superheroine’s promise had to be freely given.  Zhuang knew that and now so did she.  But her hesitation gave Zhuang the chance he needed to act.  

“Point your weapons at the Jade Dragon,” he ordered.  “Prepare to shoot.”

Too late, Natassia saw that she should have acted immediately.  Had she done so there might have been a chance of saving her friends and herself.  But there were too many armed men in the room to prevent all of them from firing their weapons.  If she attacked one or more of them was bound to hit the Jade Dragon.  With great reluctance she stood still while Chen chained her wrists and ankles, leaving her helpless. 

“Defeated again,” Zhuang sneered.  “And so easily.”  “Chain her and the others to the wall, but leave the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  It is apparent that they have not yet learned their place.”

Chen and the other henchmen still in the room scrambled to carry out Zhuang’s bidding.  While they did so he turned to the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  “You never learn do you bitches?  Your disobedience has cost me dearly.  And for that you will both be punished.”

Zhuang waddled back to his divan.  “Chain all of them together,” he said, “except for the two brood mares.  I have other plans for them.”

Zhuang’s guards rushed to do his bidding.  All were keenly aware of the danger posed by the women in the room.  The more chains they wore the better.  All of the non-pregnant women, including the Black Leopard were line up against one wall, where they were all chained together and the end of the chain anchored to a heavy staple in the wall.  The Jade Dragon and Scorpion were left alone in the centre of the room, and then Zhuang’s men closed around them.

“You are filth,” Melissa said, as her ankles were chained to the floor.  “It is not enough that you rape and torture women, but you must also violate those who are helpless to defend themselves.”  Pregnant, surrounded by thugs, and with no hope of rescue, Melissa could not simply submit to Zhuang’s pleasure without some show of resistance, even if it was only verbal. 

“Why is she still speaking?” asked Zhuang.  “Did I not order her gagged?” 

Chen forced a bar gag into Melissa’s mouth as she was arranged for Zhuang’s punishment.  The same was done to Sun Lin.  At the same time, the arms of both women were shackled behind their backs and then hooked to the ceiling.  Their arms were pulled upward, strappado, forcing both women onto their toes.  Heavy with child they were tilted forward, their swollen breasts dangling above their distended bellies.

“Pollock, Sanders, take them,” ordered Zhuang.  Grinning, two of  Zhuang’s larger thugs moved toward the helpless heroines, unbuckling their belts as they did so. 

“No,” screamed Kyla, from her place by the wall, “you can’t mean to violate two pregnant women.”

“Why not?” laughed Zhuang, “They can’t get pregnant twice.”

Zhuang’s joke brought general laughter from Chen and his henchmen.  While Kyla, Suzi, and Natassia watched in horror, and Elenah, Li Mei, and Jahlen watched in interest, Pollack and Sanders positioned themselves behind Melissa and Sun Lin.  Both heroine’s eyes were wide and staring as they realized that they were to be brutally raped once again.  

“Unnggh!” Melissa grunted as Pollack forced his way into her vulva, spreading her lower lips with his rigid organ.  Both Pollack and Sanders were generously endowed, which was why Zhuang had chosen them.  Penetration was slow, difficult, and painful.  But neither man was in any hurry.  It was not every day that they got to completely humiliate two of Metro City’s most renown heroines. 

“Ugghh!”  Now it was Sun Lin’s turn as Sanders entered her.  He ground into her from behind making her entire body shake with every thrust.  Beside her she could see Melissa’s heavy breasts bounce as Pollack drilled into her. 

Chained to the wall, tears rolled down Suzi’s cheeks as she watched her companions being subjected to the painful and humiliating ordeal.  True heroines, they bore up under the brutal assault well, but their distress was plain to see.  Within minutes sweat poured off their straining bodies and sprayed the floor with hundreds of droplets.  Both women arched their backs in pain, trying to move their bodies as far away from their assailants as possible.  Melissa’s features in particular were distorted with pain as the man raping her clamped his large hands over her enlarged breasts and squeezed them like ripe melons. 

The rape continued until both men climaxed.  In Melissa’s case that took about an hour.  Sun Lin had to endure longer, as Sanders ravaged her for a good ninety minutes.  Exhausted from their ordeal, both women slumped forward, the strappado dislocating their shoulders and causing acute pain. 

Melissa fought to deal with the pain shooting like a lance through both her shoulders, but Zhuang was not quite finished with her.  His anger over her “subversion” of Nova was unspent.  She must be further punished as an example of what happened to those who defied him, and her large dangling breasts were an obvious target.  He spoke a few quick words to Chen who smiled in anticipation.  The huge henchmen crossed to the equipment bench where the instruments of torture were kept and returned to the heroine. 

Melissa was breathing heavily, still suffering from the shock of the rape.  Her pain was heightened by the continued rape of Sun Lin, whose muffled sounds of stress escaped from the cleave gag in her mouth.  She looked up at Chen with an air of hopelessness, but there was still a spark of defiance in her deep brown eyes.  Chen grinned, he intended to change that.

“Stupid bitch,” he said.  “Maybe this will take some of the fight out of you.”

Reaching out her grabbed her left breast, and stretched it toward him, making every effort to cause her as much pain as possible.  She moaned slightly, the sound muffled a little by the gag that jammed her jaws apart. Then she grunted as Chen snapped a large alligator clip over her nipple.  The teeth of the clamp bit into her tender flesh causing extreme pain.  Swollen by the approaching termination of her pregnancy, Melissa’s already sensitive breasts and nipples hurt intensely.  But the pain was about to get much worse.  Chen attached a large weight to the clip, dragging Melissa’s breast down and causing exquisite agony. 

Melissa bit down on the gag, wincing in anguish as her breast was stretched by the heavy weight.  But Chen was only half finished.  He repeated the process, distending the elastic flesh of her right breast as well.  Chen stepped back to admire his handiwork.  Melissa was a picture of suffering, bent forward by the strappado and her once perfect globes stretched out of shape.  Her body trembled from the terrible pain and sweat rolled down her satin skin in rivulets.  Her breath was forced in and out past the gag in harsh gasps.  From deep in her throat a whimper escaped. 

“You think it hurts now, bitch,” gloated Chen, “wait a half hour.”  Another smile twisted his lips as he returned to Zhuang’s side. 

Across the room, Li Mei was watching less closely.  She had almost finished picking the locks on the chains that secured her to the wall and the women next to her.  For a burglar of her skills, such an operation was relatively easy.  The hardest part had been obtaining the lock pick.  Even while acting as Zhuang’s servant, she had been closely watched.  Anything that might be used to aid in an escape had been denied her.  But during her torture of Jahlen she had managed to secret a tiny piece of wire she had found in the drawer containing the torture equipment.  Although she had been searched later, she had managed to hide it through sleight of hand.  She had been waiting for just such a moment as now presented itself.  The attention of every man in the room was diverted from her, drawn to the spectacle of the Jade Dragon’s and Scorpion’s torture. 

The last lock fell away.  Chained next to her were Elenah and Jahlen.  The tall dark-haired woman she had tortured so brutally said nothing, but there was something in her strange yellow-green eyes.  Without really knowing why, Li Mei used the lock pick to release not only Elenah, but Jahlen as well.  She was taking a chance, but risk-taking was part of her way of life.  And Zhuang’s ex-inquisitor could have given the alarm, but had remained silent throughout the entire episode. 

The three villainesses held their chains in place.  From a distance it appeared as if they were still securely chained to the wall.  They were now ready to take advantage of any opportunity to escape, and the Black Leopard knew just how to provide that opportunity.

It was actually the most dangerous part of her plan.  Li Mei glanced toward the spectacle of the Jade Dragon’s and Scorpion’s rape.  Every male eye in the room was glued to the two writhing heroines.  Silently, she removed her shackles and edged toward the three captive heroines.  A look of puzzlement clouded the visage of each of the three heroines.  They had watched silently as the Black Leopard had released each of her companions.  There was no point in interfering with the escape attempt.  Anything that made life more difficult for Zhuang could only be to their advantage.  But they had not expected that Li Mei would use her skills to release them.  In actual fact she did not release the heroines.  Instead she gave them the means to release themselves, handing the lock-pick to Suzi and then returning to her original position.  Anyone glancing her direction would suppose that she was still a prisoner. 

Suzi nodded slightly in recognition of the Black Leopard’s action.  It took her only seconds to use her highly developed skills to remove her fetters.  Freed, she chose to attend to Kyla next.  Of the three heroines, the Blue Avengers ability to become invisible was the most powerful weapon at their disposal.  Now she understood the motive behind the Black Leopard’s actions.  Alone, the three villainesses might have had some difficulty in escaping. Adding the three heroines to their numbers would greatly improve their chances.  They were almost ready.  Deftly she removed the last of Nova’s locks.  The six women tensed.  In a few moments they would make their move.

But it was Kyla who took the initiative.  Suddenly she disappeared, using her power to cloud the minds of those about her.  Her chains went slack, indicating that she was no longer there.  The remaining five women held their breath, waiting for something to happen.  They were not disappointed. 

There was the sound of bare feet rushing across the room and then a split second of silence.  Zhuang turned his heavy-jowled head in the direction of the sound just in time to receive the full weight of Kyla’s body.  Trained as a gymnast, Kyla had launched her body like a javelin directly into the unsuspecting crimelord.  The impact knocked his immense bulk right across the divan and jolted Nova’s belt from his hand.  It was the perfect distraction.  As all heads turned toward the stunned crime boss the other five women leaped into action, hurling themselves at the remaining thugs.  Within seconds the few trusted henchmen Zhuang had allowed to remain in the room found themselves overwhelmed.  Only Chen offered any real resistance.  Squaring off against Suzi, he more than held his own, forcing the intrepid heroine to give ground until she was joined by Nova.  Although Natassia had not yet recovered her belt she was still a formidable opponent.  Trained from childhood in the arts of the Shaolin monks of China, her skills were more than a match for the Chinese giant.  With a flurry of blows she waded into Zhuang’s henchman, finishing by driving her foot into his crotch and sending him screaming to the floor of the room.

Stunned by the initial assault, Zhuang recovered surprisingly quickly.  Nova’s belt had disappeared, a sure sign that the Blue Avenger had picked it up.  He knew that the situation was temporarily out of control.  But he had one more trick up his sleeve.  He had not survived as long as he had as a master criminal without having at least one backup plan.  Rolling toward the back of the divan, he pressed a button revealing a hidden panel.  Smoothly for a man of his immense bulk he slid into the opening and closed the door behind him.  He was in a tiny room within the walls of his fortress.  He fumbled in the darkness and found a light switch.  As the light came on he found what he really wanted, a large lever.  Putting his weight to it he depressed the lever and then with a satisfied smile made his way down the hidden passage.  In a few minutes if all went well the problem of his escaped prisoners would be solved.