Larra's Indonesian Adventure




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 10

Larra’s Indonesian Adventure


Chapter 22  Matsu’s Mistress


Amy pushed stealthily through the undergrowth.  Ayashe was a few yards behind her, maintaining a prudent separation just in case one of them ran into one of the Japanese soldiers.  They were on the outskirts of the Japanese camp, trying to work their way closer in order to see if they could determine what had happened to their companions.  They had waited for night, not daring to try anything so dangerous during the day. 


Amy was hoping desperately that she would find some trace of the missing women, but at the same time she was terrified at what she might discover.  The thought that Katie, Melissa, and Lisha might be dead was frightening.  But almost as bad was the fear that they might be alive but that they might have suffered horribly at the hands of the Japanese. 


She was now close enough that she could see the Japanese soldiers clustered about their fires.  It gave her a bit of an advantage.  The Japanese would be blinded by the firelight, but Amy could clearly see the enemy and move where they were not.


She edge closer.  There appeared to be some sort of gathering in the centre of the encampment; something that did not appear quite right.  She gasped in horror.  She had found two of her missing companions.


Katie and Melissa were trussed tightly, their calves bound to their knees so that they were forced into a kneeling position.  Katie was tied into some sort of gruesome bamboo scaffolding that brutally pinched her breasts and stretched her arms over her head.  Melissa’s body was arched upward, her breasts lifted by nipple clamps attached to each of her breasts and weighted by a rope thrown over an upper branch.  From the look of pain and exhaustion on the face of each woman they had been in their painful bondage for several hours. 


Amy’s gut clenched.  She was almost sick with fear and disgust.  She had never understood the cruelty some members of the human race were capable of inflicting on others.  Were the Japanese trying to torture information out of her companions or were they doing it for idle amusement?  She knew that as far as the Japanese army was concerned either reason was quite legitimate. 


Somehow she had to find a way to rescue her friends without getting caught and that meant getting closer to the centre of the Japanese encampment.  However, it was far too dangerous to attempt getting closer now.  She and Ayashe would have to wait until later when most of the camp was asleep.  Then with some luck they might be able save the two prisoners. 


She started to move back the way she had come at the same time wondering where Lisha was.  Perhaps the tall African girl had managed to avoid capture.  She could only hope so.  Otherwise her absence was ominous as it meant she was probably dead. 


She felt a faint tug on her ankle as she slunk back through the trees.  She froze, but she knew that it was already too late.  The tripwire that she had blundered into had already done its work.  She saw the heads of the Japanese sentries turn her way.  There was noting else to do but make a run for it.


She took to her heels running as hard as she could.  It didn’t matter how much noise she made now; her only chance was to get out of the camp and into the forest before the Japanese caught up with her.  Branches slapped into her face and tore at her clothes, but she didn’t break stride.  Once she tripped and fell flat, but scrambled to her feet and kept on going. 


As she ran she hoped that Ayashe had kept her wits about her.  She and the girl had agreed that if one of them was discovered then the other could remain hidden and not try anything foolish like attempting to create a distraction.  It would do no good to have the Japanese chasing both of them. 


She could hear shouts behind her, but fortunately no shots.  She appeared to be gaining ground on her pursuers as their voices were fading when a branch just at the level of her forehead finished her.  She sensed its presence just at the last instant and ducked, but the branch clipped the crown of her head.  She tumbled to her knees and for a few seconds crouched groggily before getting to her feet.  She went down heavily the second time as a rifle butt was slammed between her shoulders blades. 



Ayashe dropped flat as Amy took off through the forest.  It was their agreed upon strategy in case of discovery.  She listened as the Japanese charged after her companion.  She didn’t know what had happened, but she remained still, knowing that any movement would lead to discovery. 


There were Japanese soldiers everywhere, and she guessed that Amy had fallen into some sort of trap.  She held her breath as several men probed the brush near her, jabbing their bayonets into the foliage.  As they passed, she shifted her position, moving into the area they had already checked. 


She moved silently, hardly disturbing a leaf as she moved and then settled down to wait.  A minute passed and she could hear the Japanese that had charged after Amy returning.  She raised her head slightly and her gut twisted.  Amy was being dragged through the forest, supported by two soldiers.  Her body was limp; apparently unconscious.  Things had gone from bad to worse.  Now all of her companions were either missing or captured. 


She looked quickly about her, trying to think of something she could do or somewhere she could go to at least keep track of what was happening to her companions.  Just a few feet away was a huge banyan tree.  Its aerial roots and the lianas that wound about its trunk made it easily climbable and its huge overhanging branches and thick foliage made it ideal to observe what was happening in the encampment. 


Moving slowly so as not to attract attention, she gained the base of the tree and rapidly scaled the trunk.  Within a couple of minutes she was thirty feet up; high enough to be safe and still observe the ground.  Slowly she edged herself into a space where two massive branches flared out from the trunk.  From here she could easily see the main campfire and watch as Amy was dragged into view. 



Private Katsuo Morita yawned.  In spite of the excitement of the last five minutes he having trouble staying awake.  He had stayed up most of the night watching his comrades enjoy the dark-skinned girl.  It had been a titillating and at the same time a frustrating experience.  Before he had been given the opportunity to have his turn he had been ordered to take his turn at guard duty and he had been sitting sixty feet above the ground for the last three hours.


Angry at not being able to enjoy what was rightfully his, he had clambered up the giant banyan and taken a position where he could see the ground.  From here he could keep an eye on anyone attempting to infiltrate the central part of the camp.  A few minutes ago there had been a brief burst of excitement when the white woman had attempted to sneak into the camp, but now he was settling back into the routine he had endured for the last three hours. 


He was disturbed by a faint rustling sound.  He tensed with annoyance.  One of the delights of the Borneo rainforest was the never-ending encounters with pests.  If it wasn’t leeches and giant insects it was oversized rats.  He quietly unsheathed his bayonet ready to deal with any jungle pest. 


Peering down through the leaves and branches he was able to make out the form of a creature much larger than any rat.  At first he thought that one of his comrades had come to relieve him and he almost called down to him, but something about the way the climber moved made him hesitate. 


He drew in a sharp breath when he realized it was another woman.  She was coming right toward him and he kept very still.  Then he relaxed a little as she stopped just a few feet below him and settled into the crotch of the tree.  Slowly he sheathed his bayonet and picked up his rifle from the branch where he had hung it.  He had an idea, but it required that he catch the woman completely off-guard.


Hardly daring to breath he slipped down the trunk, using the branches as handholds and trying to avoid making the slightest sound.  Fortunately at that point a slight evening breeze had come up rustling the leaves and branches.  It made enough noise to muffle any sound he was making. 


Stealthily he slipped behind her, finally standing just three feet away.  He slipped his rifle from his shoulder and then lunging forward twisted the strap about her neck, using the rifle to tighten it into a deadly garrote.  At the same time he jerked sideways so that she was partially dislodged from her perch, throwing all of her weight onto the strangling confines of the strap.



Ayashe sensed the attack a split second too late.  Something was looped about her neck and she was jerked off her feet almost toppling her from the tree.  Fighting to keep from falling she reached up with both hands to keep the rifle strap that was twisted about her neck from strangling her, but the oxygen and blood supply to her brain had already been disrupted.  She tried to kick back at the man holding her, but one foot dangled in the air and her blow was weak and ineffective.  Slowly she felt her consciousness fading, but she was helpless to prevent it.  As she passed out her last thought was of how she had failed.  Now there was no one left to come to her rescue or that of her friends.



Matsu stared in amazement at the latest additions to his collection of female captives.  Five exotic women in the middle of nowhere.  Their very presence was a mystery, but just as puzzling was their insane courage.  He now had every one of them if the first two captives were to be believed. 


The bondage torture coupled with several hours in the hot sun and a complete lack of water had finally broken the blonde and the brownette.  Under separate questioning they had answered all of his questions, not that what they told him had amounted to much. 


Apparently they were looking for a lost friend; some female adventurer who had disappeared into the wilds of Borneo several months ago.  It seemed a ridiculous story, but it was all he could get out of either of them and he suspected they were telling the truth.  Their screams as he had intensified the torture had certainly been genuine and he doubted that it was something they had invented.  


But what was really amazing was the fact that these women risked everything for one another.  How else was he to explain the attempts by the redhead and what appeared to be a North American Indian girl to infiltrate his camp?  It seemed quite ridiculous, but so was finding five such beautiful women in the jungles of Borneo.


Women were plaguing his expedition.  First there was the beautiful and mysterious Chinese spy, who had somehow managed to escape while killing two of his men, and then there were these five all of whom were quite different but very deadly.  He was losing far too many men.  Already through disease, accident, and casualties he was down to only about seventy-five of his original 100.  The five women he had thought to ambush had killed and wounded almost twenty.  He wondered how many men he would have lost if he had not taken them unaware. 


He turned his eyes to the tall, slender redhead he had captured.  She was undeniably beautiful.  More slender than the other two, but possessed of a perfect figure and hair as bright as fire, she was certainly desirable, but she held his attention for only a few seconds. 


His interest turned to the young girl.  She was something very special.  He doubted she was much more than eighteen and she was overwhelmingly tempting.  Her dark eyes were cast down in an appropriate attitude of submission, although that might have been due to the fact that she was barely conscious and was being held up by two of his men. 


Her youthful features were perfect.  High cheekbones, a petite nose, and a wide full-lipped mouth gave her a look of immature innocence.  He doubted, however, that her young body was immature.  The fullness of her breasts and flare of her hips showed her body was far from childish. 


“Take her to my tent,” he ordered.  “Prepare her appropriately.”


Corporal Taisho nodded.  He was well acquainted with Lieutenant Matsu’s tastes, having observed them with interest for the last five years.  Following the two men holding the semi-conscious girl, he headed for Matsu’s tent.


Matsu turned his attention to the redhead.  She was certainly worth looking at, but the number of women captives was becoming almost overwhelming.  Briefly his thoughts returned to the alluring raven-haired Amerindian princess.  She could wait a little while.  It would give her a chance to fully regain consciousness.  In the meantime he would be able to find out it the redhead’s colouring extended to every part of her body.


It did, and she was a delight to undress.  She struggled hard as he stripped her, her tall lithe body twisting in the grip of his guards.  Her fear was apparent, her brilliant green eyes wide, as he exposed first her small, tangerine-sized breasts so reminiscent of the women of his homeland, and then the scarlet-trimmed lips of her nether region.


She didn’t scream as he entered her, but her body arched and she gasped as he penetrated her fully.  Her body was as ripe and firm as a mandarin orange and just as juicy.  It took him only a few minutes for him to climax and release into her.


Matsu buttoned his trousers.  He glanced at the two women who were still bound.  They had served their purpose.  “Untie them and share them among you.  Just make sure that they survive the night if you want to make them last.”


His men did not have to be told twice.  They eagerly closed about the three helpless women as he strolled toward his tent.  He really did not care about the scum he commanded as long as they did what they were told, but he found that they fought better if he shared a little of his booty with them.  The white women and the tall black savage would keep them occupied for quite some time.  Meanwhile, he would find out just how delectable the sloe-eyed virgin waiting in his tent was.



Amy cursed herself for an utter fool in getting caught so easily.  Her stupidity had ruined any chance of rescuing her friends and had probably resulted in Ayashe being captured. Being raped by the Japanese officer had been painful and humiliating, but it was only the beginning.  Several men had replaced him and in the background she could hear the moans from Melissa and Katie as they were released from their painful bondage.  There was only one very small ray of hope.  The Japanese officer’s last words had indicted that he wanted them kept alive.  In spite of the terrible ordeal they faced as long as they were not dead there was still hope.  She steeled herself for a terrible ordeal as her legs were spread and a half dozen men swarmed around her.  As the first man thrust into her she tried not to cry out and hoped that Ayashe would be brave.



Ayashe pulled hard against the ropes that bound her.  She had been barely conscious when the Japanese soldiers had marched her into the tent.  She had a vague awareness of what was happening to her, but much of it was confused.  When she had come fully to her senses she found that she had been tightly bound to the centre pole of the tent.  She was in a kneeling position, her arms stretched behind her and her wrists lashed behind the pole.  Her ankles were similarly tied, so that in spite of the fact that she was on her knees she was forced to kneel in an upright position her back tight against the post. 


She had tried without success to break free by shifting the post, but it had been dug into the floor of the tent.  She could move it slightly, but the weight of the canvas kept her from shifting it more than a few millimetres. 


She had been struggling to escape for several minutes.  Alone in the tent, she fearfully anticipated what would happen when the Japanese got around to checking on her.  She wondered if the Japanese commander had arranged it so that she could think about what was going to happen to her or whether the Japanese were simply so confident that she could not escape they didn’t think it worthwhile to post a guard in the tent with her.  Whatever the reason, she was frantic with fear. 


Like Lisha, she had never known a man.  She hoped that was still the case with the tall African girl.  She hadn’t seen her anywhere in the camp, but that didn’t mean that she was not in some other tent, tied up the way she was.  If Lisha was a prisoner there was little doubt that she would have been brutalized as badly as Katie and Melissa had been. 


The thought of what had been done to the other women made her situation worse.  The experience of being a prisoner terrified her.  She was helpless and tied up in the tent of the Japanese commander and her stomach was in knots just thinking about what was going to happen to her.  It twisted even harder as the tent flap was pulled back and the Japanese commander entered.



Matsu stood with his hands on his hips looking at the helpless girl.  She no longer hung her head and he realized that when he had first seen her she had been barely awake.  Now she watched him with eyes that were unable to conceal her fear.


They were very pretty eyes for all that; almond-shaped and dark and mysterious.  They were set off beautifully by her high cheekbones, small nose and full lips.  He knelt in front of her.  “I think, I will keep you for myself,” he said, not caring whether the girl understood him or not.  Eventually she would learn exactly what he meant when he spoke.  For now he just wanted to hear the sound of his own voice.  If she understood him so much the better.


“You are very beautiful,” he continued.  “Not like those big-nosed European women.  I have shared every woman I have taken with my men.  This time it is time to take one for myself and I have decided that you should have that honour – at least until I tire of you.”


He reached out and lifted a fold of her thick dark hair.  It gleamed like oil in the light of the lamp and was finer and softer than the most expensive silk.  He tilted her head back slightly and ran his fingers over her lower lips, under her jaw, and down her delicate neck to a point just above the closure of her shirt.  He watched as her bosom rose and fell and then began to slowly open the shirt one button at a time. 


The girls’ breathing quickened and he felt his erection returning.  It was rather soon after his enjoyment of the redhead, but the Amerindian girl excited him.  Almost certainly he would be her first man and the taking of a woman’s virginity always stimulated him. 


Using both hands he opened her shirt.  It was still tucked into her trousers, but it divided to the waist revealing breasts the size of pomegranates.  The fact that her arms were secured behind her back thrust her chest forward, emphasizing the perfection of her dark areolas and even darker nipples.  The nipples were small, barely the size of ripe blueberry and centered in circles that were only a couple of centimeters across.  He bent his head and tasted them.



“No,” Ayashe breathed as the Japanese officer’s tongue touched her nipple. 


Her voice was so low that the protest was almost like sigh, but Matsu heard and understood.  “Ah, my pretty one,” he murmured, his lips still pressed against her firm breast; “you will make more noise than that before I am through with you.”


He continued to tease her nipple; stimulating the delicate bud until it began to swell, and then he closed his lips upon it and sucked it fully erect.  Ayashe gave a low moan of protest.  Her upright position against the tent pole made her breasts obvious targets and Matsu gave them his full attention, kissing, sucking, and biting them for several minutes.


The latter act left marks and bruises on the soft contours of her breasts, but Ayashe held back her cries of pain, stoically accepting the mild punishment until he tired of it. 


She had never felt so terrified or so helpless.  She had often wondered what it would be like to be taken prisoner, knowing that Larra and her other companions had suffered at the hands of men, but nothing she had visualized had prepared her for the frightening reality.  She was so terrified, that she could hardly breathe, her chest felt as if some huge weight was pressing on it and her bowels had turned to water.


Her fear increased as the Japanese officer worked his way lower.  He moved his hands over her breasts, stopping to squeeze and pinch them painfully for a few seconds and then his fingers swept over her rib cage to her narrow waist and the flare of her hips. 


She tensed as he unbuckled her belt, opened her trousers, and eased them down to her thighs.  The dark, velvet-soft triangle framing her sexual treasure was revealed.  Sweat burst from every pore, but Ayashe felt a chill sweep over her, as if she was standing in front of an open freezer. 


She tried not to act like a frightened little girl, was it was hard to stop her body from trembling as her captor probed her maidenly opening.  She gave a soft cry as his finger entered her and encountered her hymen.  She was caught in some hideous nightmare and she couldn’t wake up.


The Japanese officer said something in Japanese.  From the satisfied smirk on his face it wasn’t hard to guess that he was commenting on her virginity.  He stood up and for a brief instant Ayashe hoped that he might be finished with her.  That hope died immediately as he began to unbuckle his belt.


She turned her head away as he exposed his male member, but was brutally corrected when he delivered a stinging slap to her face.  He grabbed her hair and jerking her head back, forced her to look at him.


Ayashe could not only see him, she could smell him and he stank of semen.  It was not hard to guess why.  Amy had been captured.  No doubt the officer had raped her companion first before coming to her for further sexual gratification.  He was only partially erect, no doubt experiencing some difficulty in achieving a second erection so soon, but it was clear what he wanted her to do about it.


Although terrified, she shook her head defiantly.  She was not surprised at what he did next. 


He twisted her nipples until she screamed and then kept on twisting them while she continued to shriek in agony.  When he finally stopped she sobbed brokenly until he once more thrust his groin toward her. 


Fighting back her revulsion, Ayashe allowed the officer to insert his phallus into her mouth.  There was no thought of biting him; she was far too terrified for that.  Dutifully she closed her lips over the limp member, tasting the salt and blood that signified Amy’s defilement.  Fighting back the urge to vomit, she sucked the now stiffening organ until it completely filled her mouth. 


The officer groaned in satisfaction and pulled out of Ayashe’s saliva-filled mouth.  His penis now stood erect, an irony that the Dene maiden did not miss.  She had given the Japanese officer the instrument he needed to ravish her. 


She was close to weeping with mortification as the officer once more knelt in front of her.  Still tied to the post, there was no way she could escape what was going to come next.


She whimpered in fear as he placed his hands on her trembling backside and arched her toward him.  He lifted her slightly, sliding her body up the pole and then lowered her onto his sword. 


She stiffened and then gave a slight cry as a sharp pain told her that she was a virgin no longer and then she gasped in real pain as he forced his way into her. 


It hurt much more than she had thought it would.  Her tight love canal was dry except for the saliva she had used to coat his phallus and every millimeter of penetration hurt. 


 It suddenly became too much for the helpless girl.  With a wail of pain she broke as he drove deep within her, sending a searing wave of agony through the core of her body.  It was like being burned with a hot iron and she cried like a baby as he ravaged her; hammering into her with such force that her backside was rubbed raw where it rubbed against the centre post of the tent. 



Matsu grunted with pleasure as he finished off the weeping girl.  Deflowering a virgin was the ultimate in pleasure, especially when the victim screamed in agony.


She was only crying now, too exhausted from her ordeal to do much more than that.  Near the end of the rape her voice had broken as she screamed herself hoarse.  No doubt it would take her a few days to get it back, and he was looking forward to hearing her again.  Tomorrow he would order his men to give the women a few days off.  The men would not be happy, of course, but he had seen women raped until they died and he wanted to keep these women alive.  He planned to take all of them with him and they would have to be able to walk in order to do that. 


Except as sex slaves he really had no use for any of the women, but that use was important.  As he marched deeper into Borneo his men would become more and more dissatisfied and the women would provide a useful distraction.  Eventually, if Purwanto was telling the truth, he would find the gold-rich society he was seeking.  At that point he doubted he would have any trouble getting his men to go along with his plan.  There would be wealth and women enough for everyone and the need to keep his goal secret would be gone.    


For some reason his mind turned to the Chinese spy.  Too bad she had escaped.  She would have gone well with the other women, forming an almost complete set.  He smiled a little as he remembered violating her.  She had been about as good a fuck as he had ever had.  He wondered where she was now.



Jia Li’s dark eyes burned fiercely.  She had not found Larra; she had found the Japanese, and something else as well.  There were women in the camp.  She had heard them screaming.  It was something she would have to deal with.  Slowly she edged forward.