
Adventures in the Lost World


Episode 1

Atawna and the Lost World




Chapter 22  Melissa’s Discovery


Melissa Gallant cursed softly as she forced hr way through the heavy undergrowth.  She was following Lisha and James, the latter wielding a machete with deadly efficiency as he slashed the thick vegetation from his path.  For all that it was still heavy going and Melissa was bathed in her own sweat. 


They had lost whatever faint trail there had been several hours ago and were simply forging on in the direction Ayashe might have been taken, but they seemed to have run into a dead end.  Surely their quarry couldn’t have come this way, the vegetation was simply too thick. 


He companions seemed to agree with her.  “This is no good,” Lisha panted.  “We have come the wrong way.  We might as well go back to the main trail and start over.”


“I guess you’re right,” James agreed.  He looked up into the treetops.  “I wish I knew where Atawna and Chara were.”


“Perhaps we’ll find them back at the main trail,” Melissa said.  She knew that James was worried about the lovely young girl who carried his child.  He had good reason to be, the forests of the Lost World were full of the most deadly dangers.  So far they had not run into any of the strange creatures that lived here, but that did not mean that the two girls hadn’t. 


Let’s rest for a bit,” James suggested.  “There was a bit of a stream back down the trail a couple of hundred yards.  Let’s go back there and take a break.”


It seemed like a reasonable idea and the trio trekked down the trail to where a small trickle of water splashed across the trail they had made.  Melissa looked in the direction of the flow.  “I think there is a better place a little farther in,” she said.  Her sharp eyes had spotted the glitter of water in between the sheltering leaves of the forest.  Perhaps there was a deeper pool farther in where she could cool her aching feet.


She pushed through the vegetation.  Yes, there was something here.  Opening before her was a deep dark pool surrounded by thick forest.  It seemed to be set in a natural stone basin and overflowed into the small stream they had seen.  “This is more like it,” she mused. 


James came up beside her.  “Quite idyllic,” he commented.


“Yes,” Melissa agreed.  Then her eyes narrowed.  “There’s something on the other side,” she said.  Bending down she began to untie her boots.


A few seconds later she pulled off her socks and set her overheated feet into placid water.  “Ah,” she murmured, “this is delicious.”  She waded across the pool.  It wasn’t deep, barely up to mid-thigh, but the cooling touch on her skin was incredibly refreshing.


She stopped on the far side of the pool.  It was shrouded in thick vegetation that went right down to the surface of the pool.  Carefully she parted the green screen.  “Ah,” she murmured, “I thought so.”  In front of her was a dark hole that had been hidden by the vegetative screen.  Water flowed from the cave into the pool in which she was standing. 


She pulled a little more of the vegetation out of the way.  “This is interesting,” she said to Lisha, who had followed her across the pool.  She pointed to several badly eroded marks on the stone arch of the cave mouth. 


“What is it?” the tall black Amazon asked.


“Writing, but it’s a script I’ve never seen.  I wish Larra was here, she might recognize it.”  Bracing herself she peered into the cave.  “It looks as if there is a ledge along one side.  Perhaps we can climb onto it.”


Lisha frowned.  “It’s very dark in there.  We need torches.”


By this time James had joined them.  “Shouldn’t we be looking for Ayashe?”


“You’re right,” Melissa said.  “We can always come back to this.  Tell you what.  You head back to the trail.  I’ll just take a few photos and then be right with you.”


“OK,” said James.  “We’ll walk slowly.  Don’t take too long.  It is not a good idea to be alone here.” 


Melissa smiled.  It was so like Larra’s son to treat her like a little sister even though she was a good fifteen years older than he was.  “I’ll be careful.  If I’m not with you in ten minutes come looking for me.”  She took her Zeiss-Ikon 35 mm camera out of her pack.  It was funny about the Germans.  For such a bunch of murderous swine they made damn good cameras. 



Hsu Li Ming watched from the concealment of the rainforest.  Crouched behind her were the other members of the Dragon Guards.  She held up her hand as Zhao Ping leaned forward, but her second in command pushed forward anyway.  “She defiles the sacred pool,” Ping whispered. 


Li Ming glared at Ping.  She did not care for her subordinate.  She was the daughter of the king and often overstepped her authority.  This time Li Ming had no time for her insubordination.  Taking out her knife she held it to the girl’s throat.  Her silent threat was unmistakable.  Chastened Ping stepped back, but her eyes still smoldered in outrage. 


Li Ming continued to watch the strange woman.  She had never seen anything like her.  Taller than any of her companions, including the males, she was standing in the waters of the sacred pool and holding something in front of her face that made a distinct clicking sound.  Her hair was dark brown and was contained in a single braid that hung halfway down her back.  Tan coloured clothing covered most of her body, but the parts that were not covered showed that she was pale-skinned.  For some reason her equally strange companions had left, leaving the woman at the mercy of Li Ming and her guard, but still she hesitated, watching the strange apparition as it continued to defile the sacred pool and cave.


Melissa turned.  She would take one or two more shots of the entire areas and then catch up with the others.  She didn’t want them to have to wait for her.  She could hardly wait to tell Larra of her discovery.  It wasn’t often that she beat her mentor when it came to an archeological discovery, but she was sure that she had this time.


A rustling in the vegetation across from the pool sent her hand to her Beretta, but when the vegetation parted, she got a shock.  Standing across from her were at least ten men and women.  Several of them were carrying bows and had the shafts drawn back ready to let them fly, but it was their dress and physical appearance that most startled her. 


They were clearly oriental.  Everything about them from the almond eyes, ink-black hair and their short stature proclaimed Asian, not African ancestry.  Most of them were lightly clad, no doubt as a concession to the tropical heat and humidity.  The one closest to her, a young girl of probably no more than seventeen or eighteen, was almost naked, her slender charms being covered by no more than a gauzy skirt that was split up both sides, exposing most of her well-formed legs.  Her torso was bare revealing small, almost childlike breasts crowned with rose-tipped nipples.  She was a very determined-looking child, however, the barbed tip of her arrow pointing directly at Melissa’s chest.


The girl said something.  Surprisingly, Melissa actually understood some of it.  After years of traveling with Larra she had picked up a smattering of several languages.  Her Mandarin was not good, but she knew enough that she could decipher what the girl was saying despite her archaic accent.  Unfortunately what the girl said was something that she was not inclined to obey.


“Surrender,” Li Ming ordered.  “Come out of the pool and lie down on the ground.”  She didn’t bother to threaten the strange woman with death.  It should have been obvious that with a half dozen arrows pointed in her direction any attempt to resist would be extremely foolish. 


Melissa edged her hand toward her Beretta.  She doubted that any of the strange Orientals facing her would know what it was, especially armed the way they were.  “I mean no harm,” she said in Mandarin.  “I come in peace.”


“Do as you are ordered,” the Chinese girl replied. 


Melissa had no intention of complying.  She had been tied up enough to last her a lifetime and had no intention of placing herself at the mercy of these strange and threatening people.  At the same time she had no wish to harm, any of them, especially as many of them were women.  Her hand closed over the butt of her pistol. 


“Sacrilege,” Ping cried.  “We will not bargain with her.”  She drew back her arrow.


“No,” Li Ming protested.  But it was too late, Li Ping loosed her arrow. 


Melissa had only hundredths of a second to react, but her years of training with Larra had not been wasted time.  She sensed the arrow leaving the bow even before Ping’s fingers released their hold of the shaft.  Her hand moved in a blur deflecting the arrow even as it reached her, unfortunately, it was the same hand that had been reaching for her gun.  The arrow spun off into the bush, but Ping’s rash action had panicked the other members of the Dragon Guard.  Before Li Ming could stop them several more released their shafts.


“Aaahhh!” Melissa cried in pain as three shafts reached her.  She was able to deflect one, but not the other two.  One struck just above her left breast, striking at an angle and emerging just under her left armpit.  The other struck her right thigh.  Staggering under the incredible pain and shock she almost collapsed into the water, but somehow managed to stagger to the edge of the pool before falling to her knees.  She attempted to pull her pistol from its holster, but one of those who had attacked her seized her arm and pinned it behind her back.  Then another grabbed her other arm and pulled her from the water.


“Bind her,” Ping ordered. 


Li Ming looked at her rebellious comrade in shock.  “What have you done?  Have you gone mad?  The woman was not threatening us.”


“She is a demon,” Ping replied.  “She polluted the waters of the sacred pool.  You have failed in your command.  You are not fit to lead.”


“You will be punished for this,” Li Ming threatened. 


Ping curled her lip.  “It is not I who will be punished,” she sneered.  “I am the daughter of the king.  I am taking charge.”  She turned to the members of the Dragon Guard.  “Bind the demon,” she ordered.  Then before Li Ming could react Ping turned on her and slapped her face. 


“Bind this one too,” she said as Li Ming staggered back.  “She allowed the demon to wade in the waters of the sacred pool.  She must be taken to the king for judgment.”


“You cannot do this,” Li Ming protested, but the members of what had once been her command were not listening.  She was disarmed and her hands were bound behind her.  Staggered by what had happened she offered no resistance. 


Melissa was too distracted by her injuries to understand what had transpired among her captors.  Gasping in pain she was hauled across from the pool and her arms were forced behind her back.  Leather thongs were lashed bout her wrists and then with both arrows still protruding form her body she was dragged to her feet.  She swayed, fighting back the wave of pain and nausea that swept over her.  Helpless, she could do nothing as her weapons and other possessions were stripped from her.  Then she was prodded forward.  To her surprise her captors pushed her back into the pool and then waded in after her.  Crossing the waist-deep water they led her toward the dark opening on the other side and then dragged her into the darkness. 


Inside the cave her captors halted while one of them went ahead.  A light flared in the darkness as flint and steel sparked a torch to life.  Through her haze of pain Melissa saw that a wide ledge ran along one side of the cave about a foot above the water.  The Oriental warriors pushed her toward it and in spite of her injured thigh forced her to climb onto it.  Then with three warriors leading the way and the rest following she was escorted into the darkness. 


Wincing with every step, Melissa saw that she was in a dark tunnel, the roof of which was about five feet over her head.  Alongside the path ran the dark stream, flowing languidly in the direction they were coming from.  It was only as she limped painfully in the direction her captors pushed her that she became aware of the fact that the young woman who had shouted at her was being led in front of her, her hands tied and a rope about her neck.  She was, however, having too much trouble remaining conscious to dwell on what might have happened.  Every step was agony.  Only the fact that the arrow in her thigh had penetrated the fleshy part of her leg rather than the muscle allowed her to keep moving, that and the fact that whenever she slowed down one of the young men or women of her escort prodded her forward at the point of a knife. 


The next half hour seemed much longer than that.  Racked with pain, Melissa stumbled forward all the time wondering where she was being taken.  Then the cave lightened  and in twenty paces she and her captors stepped once more into the sunlight.  In spite of the distraction of her injuries parted she could not help but stare at the amazing sight that met her eyes.  It was as if she had stepped into ancient China.  An ancient China peopled by almost nude men and women.  Villagers surged around her as she and her escorts emerged from the cave.  Triumphantly she was led through the middle of the village toward a large wooden building constructed in the traditional pagoda style. 


Li Ming hung her head as she was paraded through the village.  She was completely humiliated.  Only two hours ago she had led the elite Dragon Guard from the village.  Now she returned as its prisoner, her hands bound behind her like a common criminal.  Before her the triumphant Ping led the way toward the palace of her father.  What was going to happen to her?