Larra Cranmere held tightly to her father’s hand




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 5

The Quest of the Ludendorff


Chapter 23  Amy’s Offensive


Amy paced alone in the small cell to which she had been escorted.  Guards had come for her early that morning and had taken her away from the apartment she shared with the other young women.  She waited with great trepidation.  The stories of what happened to female captives of the knights of New Wessex were vivid in her mind.  She could think of no other reason for her to have been taken from her new companions.

A noise outside the door of the room caused her to start.  A key turned in the lock, and the stocky form of the leather-clad man she and Steiner had met when they were first brought to the castle entered the room.  Two other men entered with him, flanking him like guards.

One of the guards stepped forward and pushed Amy to her knees.  Kneel wench.  Do you not realize your liege lord is before you?” 

Amy struggled to regain her feet.  “I recognize no lord,” she answered defiantly.  “I am a guest in your kingdom, not a subject.”

“Such insolence,” the man cried.  “For that you should be flogged.”

“It’s you who are going to be flogged,” replied Amy.  And as she spoke, she drove her fist into the man’s private parts. 

With a scream of agony, the man released his hold on her.  Amy followed through with her unexpected assault before the other two men could recover.  She had no well-defined plan, she just knew that she had to find a way to escape. 

Even as the other two men recoiled from her attack she was upon them.  The man next to the leather-clad man, who she now took to be King Hugo, tried to draw his sword, but he got it only halfway out of its scabbard before Amy’s foot caught him full in the throat, crushing his windpipe and sending him crashing to the floor to writhe out the last of his life in agony. 

That left only the king.  He was unarmed except for a dagger, which he now drew.  But he might as well have been armed with a table knife for all the good it did him.  Amy whirled like a Dervish and slammed the back of her hand into his nose, smashing the cartilage like cardboard.  Screaming and spraying blood from his shattered nose, Hugo reeled across the room, landing in a heap on the far side.

Amy turned her attention to the man she had first attacked.  Clutching his private parts, he was attempting to rise, but a hammer hand across the back of his neck drove him to the floor for good.  Quickly she moved to the door and slammed it shut.  She wanted to muffle as much of the noise coming from the room as possible.  Fortunately, it appeared that Hugo had come with only two guards, a lapse in security he was going to regret. 

Amy bounded back across the room.  “Shut up!” she said, slapping the moaning king’s face as hard as she could.  The blow whipped Hugo’s head back. 

“Now listen very carefully,” Amy hissed.  I am going to get out of this castle.  And you are going to take me.  If you even think of trying to escape I am going to cut off your balls and feed them to the castle hounds.  Do you understand me?”

Totally beaten by what he had supposed was a helpless woman, Hugo could only nod dumbly.  He was in terrible fear for his life, because he now realized that she was no ordinary woman, but a forest demon possessed of enormous powers.  How else could her assault on him and two of his guards be explained?

Amy jerked the frightened monarch to his feet.  Ordering him to place his arms behind his back, she bound his wrist with strips of cloth from the guards’ surcoats.  Then she pushed him into the hallway.  As she had surmised, it was deserted.  Probably the king had ordered it that way.  No doubt when he came to rape his victims, he wanted a little bit of privacy. 

“First off,” she said, “you are going to take me to where you put the gear that I and my companion were carrying when your men captured us.  Remember what I said.”  She pushed the point of Hugo’s dagger against his leather jerkin, penetrating the fine leather.  Hugo jerked as he felt the knifepoint against his skin.

“Please, kind lady,” he pleaded, “I remember.”

“That’s better.  Now let’s go.  Take me by the way we are least likely to be discovered.  If we meet any guards you have a very good chance of dying.”

Hugo stumbled before her.  He appeared to follow Amy’s instructions exactly, because they encountered very few other members of the castle's inhabitants and those they did see were easily avoided.  They came at last to what appeared to be an armory.  Row after row of medieval weapons were placed in stands about the room, and there on a table near the door were Amy’s and Steiner’s weapons and other gear.  Only a single guard rose to meet them as they entered.

At first the guard seemed to think that he was being visited by his monarch.  A look of stunned surprise clouded his face when he saw Amy with the dagger.  “Order the fool to fetch the man who accompanied me and the three girls you are holding prisoner.  And make sure he obeys or you die.”

The king paled.  “You heard the lady,” he quavered. 

The guard hesitated.  “Do it,” Hugo pleaded.  “Can’t you see that the lady is a witch?”

Now it was the guard’s turn to pale.  Hurriedly, he scurried from the room. 

Amy pushed the king into the chair vacated by the guard.  Putting the knife in her belt, she moved to the table and strapped on her sidearm and picked up her rifle.  Drawing back the bolt she shoved a cartridge into the chamber.  “Do you know what this is?” she asked the king.

Hugo, shook his head, apparently afraid to speak. 

“It contains the power of lighting,” she said.  By way of demonstration, she took aim at a suit of plate armor standing next to the wall.  She was careful to aim where a fold in the metal thickened the steel.  She did not just want to punch a small unimpressive hole in the armor.  She pulled the trigger.  In the confined space of the armory, the explosion of sound was enormous.  The bullet struck where she aimed, blowing the suit of armor apart.  Hugo almost fell out of his chair.  Covering his ears with his hands he was the very picture of terror.

“Just remember,” said Amy.  “I can do to you what I just did to the armor.  Any attempt at resistance and I will destroy your castle and your people.”

Hugo appeared thoroughly cowed.  When a number of guards arrived to investigate the explosion, he immediately ordered them to bring the captives with all possible speed.

Amy waited, the rifle trained on Hugo’s head.  If anything went wrong she fully intended that the rapist king would not survive.  A few minutes later, several of the guards returned.  They were escorting Danielle, Adrienne, and Monique.  The three young women entered the room in stunned amazement.  Familiar with firearms, they realized at once that Amy held the advantage, but Amy was not pleased.

“Where is the man who came in with me?  I ordered that he be brought.”

One of the guards who had escorted the young women into the room went to one knee.  “He cannot be found, lady.  He seems to have disappeared."

Amy cursed.  “I will have him brought or I will level the castle.  Search everywhere.”  She looked pointedly at the trembling king.  Hugo nodded and the guard ran to do her bidding.

Gott in himmel!  I can’t take much more of this,” moaned Steiner as Lady Anna lowered herself onto his penis.  “Four women in only a few hours and each one as randy as the last.  I’m being worn to a frazzle.” 

A sharp crack sounded.  Steiner jerked his head.  That was the sound of a shot!  Without ceremony he lifted the passion-filled girl off him.   “Sorry darling, I think I better investigate that.”

“Wait,” the astonished girl protested.  “You cannot leave me!”

Steiner pulled on his pants and boots.  Grabbing up his shirt he ignored the protesting girl and strode to the door.  Outside, Princess Caroline and the other three girls were waiting, a look of concern on all their faces. 

“What was that sound?”  Steiner inquired.  “It sounded like a rifle shot.”

“I know not what you mean my lord,” answered the princess, “but you have not yet fulfilled your duty.” 

Steiner had no more time for stud duty.  Grabbing the princess by her arm he gave her a fierce look.  “Tell me where the sound came from your highness.  You have gotten more than you bargained for out of me.”

Frightened by his glare, the princess answered.  “I think it came from the great hall.”

“Take me there.”

With a look of resignation, the princess did as she was asked.  She led the way from the room where Steiner had been given his romantic assignment, and through the secret passage to a hall in a section of the castle that Steiner recognized.  He was close to the main entrance where he and Amy had been brought in.

The princess held back as he stepped into the opening.  “It were best if we were not seen together, my lord.”

Steiner nodded.  He felt a little guilty that he had not fulfilled his part of the bargain, but then Princess Caroline had not released Amy either.  Still, he could not leave her without some attempt at gallantry.  He bowed to the princess.  “I am sorry that I was not able to meet your needs, my lady.  But I must attend to the needs of my own lady.”

The princess nodded in understanding.  “Farewell, Lord Karl,” she said as she closed the door to the passage and disappeared.

The hallway was deserted, but Steiner could hear a buzz of activity toward the great hall.  He grabbed a halberd from a rack of weapons as he moved toward the noise.  He had no skill with the heavy weapon, but it might be better than nothing. 

A few seconds later he arrived on a seen of utter confusion.  The great hall was filled with dozens of armored warriors all of them crowded near a door on the opposite side of the room.  As he came into the room from behind several of the soldiers turned and spotted him.  Steiner prepared to defend himself. 

To his surprise the soldiers seemed glad to see him.  “My lord,” said one of them, “praise be that you have arrived.” 

Steiner returned a surprised stare.  “Your lady, has taken the king hostage,” the soldier explained.  “She threatens his life if you are not brought to her.” 

Steiner could have laughed out loud.  How like Amy!  In the short time he had known her he had come to appreciate that she could be very tough and resourceful.  He should have expected this of her.

The soldiers made way for him as he crossed the room.  And then, escorted by the soldier who had greeted him he was ushered into a large room.  From the array of weapons in the room he realized that he was in the castle armory.  But what interested him the most was the presence of Amy, looking very self-assured as she trained her rifle on the groveling figure of King Hugo.

“Karl,” Amy exclaimed with a brilliant smile, “I was just considering putting a bullet into the king’s carcass in order to convince him to have his people look harder for you.  Where have you been?”

Steiner felt himself blushing.  “I’ll tell you later,” he said, as he picked up his sidearm and strapped it on.  “It is probably best if we get out of here as soon as possible.”

For the first time he noticed the figures of the other girls in the room.  “Who are these ladies?  They don’t look much like the rest of the local population.”

“Kidnap victims like us.  We are taking them with us.”

“Then we better ask the king to get us some horses and pack animals.  It is going to take us a long time to find our way back to civilization.”

“I’ve already done that,” she replied.  “I even ordered one for you.  We’re taking King Hugo, here with us until I’m sure we are safe.”

The king was barely able to hide his fear, but did not protest.  It appeared that he was completely under Amy’s control.  A short time later, a soldier entered the room and announced that their transport was ready.  By that time Steiner had introduced himself to the three girls.  Amy looped a rope around the king’s neck.  “Remember,” she warned, “I can kill at a distance.  Any treachery and you will be the first to die.”

“You will not be harmed, lady,” answered the king.  “I wish you well clear of my kingdom.”

It was as the king promised.  Amy, Steiner, and the three girls were escorted to the trail where she and Steiner had entered the kingdom.  There they released the king, who was all too eager to quit their company.

“Think we can trust him?” asked Steiner.

“No,” replied Amy, “but I think he is too badly frightened to give us any trouble.  But the sooner we get out of here the better.”

Steiner nodded agreement.  With a flick of the reins he turned his horse and he and the rest of the party headed back into the rainforest.  Somewhere, they hoped, were the other members of their expedition.