Larra Cranmere held tightly to her father’s hand




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 5

The Quest of the Ludendorff


Chapter 24  The Reunion

Larra stumbled as she was pushed harshly from behind.  Her Ullabomba captors were not inclined to be gentle and they seemed to be in a hurry.  She was in no position to offer any resistance.  Her arms were bound tightly behind her back, and a rope was tied to her neck and held by the man behind her.  She was also in the middle of a column of armed warriors.  Any attempt to escape would probably result in a dozen spears being hurled in her direction, and Larra had no desire to emulate a pincushion. 

She wondered where she was being taken.  She had no experience of the Ullabomba personally, but her friends Jia Li and Katie Redell had been captured by them on a previous expedition.  Their reports of their treatment at the hands of the black warriors marked them as persons to be greatly feared. 

They had been driving her through the rainforest for several hours now.  Larra was beginning to become quite tired.  They had stopped for water only twice and she had not eaten since the last time she had been with Grey.  The ropes tied above and below her breasts, and the position of her hands behind her back, made breathing difficult.  In addition, the tropical heat and the intense humidity made any sort of physical activity tiring.  Larra’s clothing was soaked in sweat.  They had to stop soon or she would collapse. 

Almost as if she had willed it, the column came to a halt.  Larra saw that they had reached some sort of clearing where another party of black warriors waited. 


Larra jerked her head in the direction of the call.  “Jia Li!” she gasped.  A few feet away was her friend.  She immediately wondered how she came to be so far from where she had left her.  There was a long story there she was sure.

She saw that her friend was as tightly bound as she was, with her hands secured behind her and ropes lashed about her torso, above and below her prominent breasts.  She opened her mouth to speak, but Jia Li shook her head in warning.  Already one of the Ullabomba guards was walking toward her.  The huge warrior said something to her in a harsh tone of voice, and Larra guessed that she was being told to shut up. 

The two groups of warriors met and exchanged information.  From the numerous glances in their direction, Larra guessed that she and Jia Li were a major topic of conversation.  Their brief rest did not last long.   The two women were given water from gourds held to their lips.  It was not enough water from Larra’s point of view, but she had no way of forcing her captors to give her more.  Then the seemingly endless trek through the rainforest continued.

The going was not particularly difficult, but the tropical heat was beginning to wear both women down.  Soon their sweat-soaked bodies were panting from over-exertion.  But there was no choice but to continue.  The sharp points of Ullabomba spears prodded their backs each time one of them slowed down.  Soon, both women were stumbling.  The march through the forest was turning into a nightmare.  Larra was not sure what would have happened if her strength had given out and she had bee unable to continue, because just as she was sure that she could not take another step, the column halted. 

The Ullabomba began setting up camp, and Larra realized that it was late afternoon.  Too exhausted to stand, she flung herself down on the ground.  A few feet away, Jia Li lay gasping.  It was apparent that she was equally fatigued. 

Although, she was so tired she could hardly move, Larra tested the ropes that held her.  She had to find a way to escape.  She could not take much more of being force marched through the rainforest without sufficient food or water.  And then there was always what awaited them at the end of the march.  She was certain that it could not be good. 

A warrior approached.  Larra had found no weakness in her bonds, but the man checked them anyway.  Then he checked Jia Li and went away.  A few minutes later he returned, bringing food and water.  Unable to use their hands, the two prisoners were forced to endure the humiliation of being fed by hand.  But it was either that or go hungry.  Interestingly, the warrior who fed them did not seem to take any particularly delight in their plight.  He fed them in a most matter-of-fact manner, much as someone would feed and water a horse. 

Once they were finished eating, he checked their ropes once more and then squatted down on guard a few feet away.  Larra Squirmed.  There was something she had to do very badly.  “Jia Li,” she whispered.  “Aren’t we going to be allowed to relieve ourselves?  I don’t want to wet my pants.”

The warrior leaned in their direction.  He had heard Larra’s whisper.  Before he could speak Jia Li interjected in her halting Ullabomban.  The warrior looked at her and frowned, but called to one of his companions.

“What did you say?” Larra whispered. 

“Just what you said,” replied the beautiful Asian.  “The Ullabomba can be vicious, but they represent a high civilization.  They wouldn’t want you to soil yourself.”

Another warrior approached.  Together, he and the first warrior hauled Larra and Jia Li to their feet.  Dragging the two women toward the edge of the campsite, they forced their captives to kneel on the ground while they fumbled with the belts that held up their pants.  It was obvious that the warriors were not familiar with buckles, but eventually they got their prisoners’ pants down to their knees. 

Blushing with shame, Larra performed her bodily functions, as did Jia Li.  Then, their pants were pulled back up and they were dragged toward the camp.  At that moment something unexpected happened.  The man holding Larra suddenly went limp, and then the same thing happened to the one holding Jia Li. 

They were far enough from the center of the camp, that at first no other warrior moved.  Then Larra heard a thump as a powerful body dropped from the tree next to her.  She knew immediately who it was.  “Grey,” she whispered exultantly. 

“No time for talk,” Grey answered.  Without bothering to cut her bonds, he hefted her across his shoulder.  And then holding her in place with one hand, scooped up Jia Li with the other.  By this time several Ullabomba warriors were running their way.  Grey had no time to climb up the tree he had dropped from, and burdened with the two women he would probably not have been able to do it anyway.  Instead, he dashed into the forest, weaving his way in and out of the tall trees. 

He was followed by at least a dozen howling Ullabomba, but they did not get far.  As they charged into the dark forest they encountered ropes strung between trees.  The unexpected obstacles swept them off their feet.  The confusion that followed gave Grey the lead-time he needed.  Stopping beneath a huge tree, he rapidly ascended the vine-covered trunk, carrying both women as he did so.  Placing his burdens safely in the hollow formed by three branches diverging from the main trunk, he untied them. 

Grey gave Larra a quick kiss.  Turning to Jia Li he greeted her.  “Good evening Miss, Yang,” he said, using the Chinese girl’s surname.

Jia Li smiled.  She remembered Grey from their first encounter a year ago and was pleased he had remembered her name. 

“We seem to spend an inordinate amount of time rescuing one another,” said Grey.  “It seems that if we didn’t we would never meet.”

Larra grinned.  She was delighted to be back with Grey.  She turned, however, to Jia Li.  She had to know what the Chinese girl was doing in the middle of the Lost World.  For the next half-hour each of them exchanged information.  Larra was quite concerned to learn that her companions were scattered all over the Lost World and wondered how she was going to find them.  There was also the little matter of getting home. 

“I think,” she said, “that there may be only one way out of this.”  Jia Li and Grey listened intently as she explained her plan.  When she had finished they both nodded.  They would start tomorrow morning.