Larra Cranmere held tightly to her father’s hand




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 5

The Quest of the Ludendorff


Chapter 25  Strange Meetings


A very tired Sir Archibald staggered through the forest.  He had nearly drowned when he and Jia Li had dropped into the river.  Fortunately, he had removed his chain mail armor before plunging into the river or else he would have gone straight to the bottom.  He had only managed to save himself from the rushing water when good fortune had swept him near to the bank and he had been able to grab hold of a tree root.  But he had not eaten for hours and was almost at the end of his strength.  Even worse, he had no idea where Jia Li was.  It was quite possible that she had been swept to her death in the cold water of the river.  That was a thought he did not want to contemplate. 

He sat down under the tree.  He would stop and rest awhile.  There was one thing in his favour.  He knew where he was.  He had ridden down this trail many times on various missions for the king.  He estimated that he was no more than a few hours from New Wessex. 

Suddenly a noise up the trail disturbed his reverie.  He scrambled to his feet and moved into the trees.  He could distinctly hear the sound of two voices.  Women’s voices.  He peeked out between the leaves of the bush that concealed him and his eyes widened.  Walking toward him was an extraordinarily beautiful woman.  She had the whitest skin and the most beautiful golden blonde hair he had ever seen.  Even more incredible was the fact that she was dressed in what appeared to be strips of leaves tied together with bits of vine.  His eyes widened even more when he saw who walked next to her.  It was a girl in her late teens, dressed in similar attire.  Without further ado, Sir Archibald stepped into the forest path.

“Princess Marilyn,” he said bowing from the waist, “we feared you had been lost.”

Both women started at his sudden appearance.  The blonde beauty took up what could only be considered a defensive stance, pushing the girl behind her.  For a few seconds the girl merely stared at him uncomprehending, and then she smiled.  “Sir Archibald!” she exclaimed.  She was clearly surprised at his disheveled appearance. 

“I was attacked by the Ullabomba, my lady,” he explained, “and lost my horse and armor.”

Marilyn suddenly realized that the knight was staring at Katie with intense interest, and that her new friend, had still not completely relaxed her guard.

“This is my friend, Princess Katie.  She is a great warrior and heroine.  If not for her I would have been murdered by the ape people.  I owe her my life.”

Sir Archibald bowed low before Katie.  “My Lady,” he said, “I am at your service.”

The three of them walked together. Marilyn was returning to New Wessex, and since Archibald had no idea where to find Jia Li, he went with them.  In any case, he needed to re-equip himself before continuing.  As they walked, they exchanged information, Marilyn telling of her rescue by Katie.  Archibald’s estimation of Marilyn’s companion grew.  There was more to this blonde goddess than just beauty.  Then he told his story.

“Jia Li,” Katie interrupted.  “You were with Jia Li?” 

“I regret to say that I bought her as a slave,” Archibald replied.  Then seeing Katie’s face darken with anger, he quickly added: “But I soon released her.  I have never met a woman like her.  She was one of the greatest warriors I have ever met.  I was honoured to be with her.” 

After that Katie seemed to relax and let him finish his story.  Archibald omitted only his moments of passion with the Chinese girl.  When he was finished, Katie looked at him curiously, almost as if she knew that he was holding something back, but she said nothing. 

“How long until we reach New Wessex, sir knight?” Katie asked at length. 

“We should be there in only about two hours my lady, provided we do not meet up with trouble on the road.”  As if to emphasize his last statement, he stopped, looking intently in the direction they were going.

Katie heard it too.  It was the sound of horses.  Quickly the three of them stepped off the road.   Around the bend and through the trees came a party on horseback; one man and four women.  Sir Archibald and Marilyn ducked down.  Katie stepped into the middle of the trail.  “Amy, Steiner,” she cried.  “Am I glad to see you.  Do you have any proper clothing?”

The party on horseback pulled up.  For a few seconds her friends just stared at her, not recognizing the half-naked strangely dressed woman in front of them.  Then they smiled, and leapt from the saddles, running to greet her.  “Katie,” shouted Amy giving her a big hug.  “Looks like you have a story to tell.”

“And you too,” replied the blonde, as she looked at the three girls accompanying Amy and Steiner.  At that point, Archibald and Marilyn stepped from the forest, having judged it safe to do so.

“This just gets stranger and stranger,” said Amy.  “Now who are these people?”

It took awhile to sort things out.  Amy and Steiner told their story, although Steiner failed to describe his extra-curricular activity with Princess Clarissa and her ladies in waiting.  Katie in return told of her adventures, while omitting the details of her rape by the ape king.

While they talked, they kept moving, Amy and Steiner not wanting to remain any closer to New Wessex than they had to.  Eventually, however, it became clear that Princess Marilyn had no wish to escape from her homeland.  She was, after all, the daughter of the king.  Amy and Steiner explained their predicament to the young princess.  Finally it was agreed that they would escort her back to within sight of the castle.  Strangely enough, Sir Archibald did not seem interested in joining Marilyn, but instead made it clear that he wished to go with Amy and Steiner.  They wondered at this, but all they could get out of the knight was that he was pledged to protect Jia Li and had to help find her.  Since he seemed be a man of honour, they agreed to this once Marilyn was seen safely back.

It turned out that they did not have to go all the way back to where they could see the castle.  As Amy and Steiner had feared, a large party of knights met them only a short way down the road.  King Hugo himself led the troop of over a hundred horsemen.  For awhile Amy and Steiner feared that they would have to resort to shooting the king and a few of his knights, but that turned out to be unnecessary.  When the king discovered that his daughter had been recovered from her captivity with the apes, and that a strange white woman was responsible for her rescue, he changed his attitude toward the strangers.  He could hardly make war on people who had just saved his daughter from a horrible death. 

So it was, that after an impromptu celebration, Amy, Steiner, Katie, Sir Archibald, and the three girls continued their journey.  Marilyn went home with her father and his knights.  And meanwhile…

Larra, Jia Li, and Grey watched the German camp from the safety of the trees.  “Looks like German ingenuity has triumphed once again,” said Larra.  Before her the enormous cigar shape of the Ludendorff hung over the trees.  It appeared completely undamaged.  Below and in front of the giant airship was a short airstrip that the Germans had cleared in the forest.  Parked on it were several transport planes and lined along the side of the runway were a collection of gas cylinders.  The Germans had found a way to re-supply the dirigible with a new supply of hydrogen. 

“It appears that the expedition that captured you is still on the move somewhere,” Larra said to Grey and Jia Li.  “I suspect it is heading for the Ullabomba city.  However, that means that there are not many men left with the Zeppelin.  At least, not as many as before.  We might be able to take advantage of that.  Here is what I want to do…”

Kranmer paced back and forth on the command deck of the Ludendorff.  He was uncertain of what to do.  Diels and his expedition had been gone several days now and he had heard nothing of him.  He had a vague idea of where he was heading, but it would probably be almost impossible to find him in the dense rainforest.  He had no choice but to sit and wait, and hope that the wayward Gestapo officer would either return or send word of where he was. 

He looked toward the horizon and the setting sun.  In a few minutes the swift tropical night would descend upon them.  It was time to see to the posting of the guards.  He should have been able to trust this job to one of his junior officers, but after the way that British bitch had escaped, and the way she had broken into his camp, he had decided to look after the job himself.

He strode to the exit door.  A wooden stairway had been rigged up to made entrance to and exit from the gondola easy.  It was thirty steps to the ground.  He called for Leutnant Wesser.  “Have the guards been posted yet, Leutnant?”

“Yes, Herr Hauptmann.  They are all in position.” 

“We will see.”  Kranmer set out on his nightly tour of the camp.  It took him half an hour.  By the time he returned to the Lundendorff, it was completely dark.  Climbing the stairs, he entered the gondola.  It was only dimly lit in order to conserve fuel.  There was no telling how long it might be before he received word from Diels.  If ever.  It was entirely likely that the expedition had run into some misfortune.  He had decided to give Diels another week, and then he would shift the Ludendorff.  He would leave a message in the camp and return in a week to check for Diels if he was not found.

Kranmer stopped just inside the entrance to the gondola.  Something was not right.  Where were the guards that should have been in the gondola?  He opened his mouth to call for Wesser and then froze as a powerful hand was clamped over his mouth and cold steel pricked his throat. 

“Not yet, Hauptmann, not yet.” It was the voice of Larra Court.  Kranmer’s blood went cold.  “John is going to remove his hand in a few seconds.  If you shout, scream or make any sound other than what you are instructed to make, it will be your last sound you ever.  Please nod if you understand.”

Kranmer nodded.  The calm, deadly tone of Larra’s voice filled him with dread.  He stood absolutely still as his arms were forced behind him and lashed together.  In the darkened cabin he could not see how many people were in the room, but he knew there were at least three.  The powerful man holding him, the British bitch, and a third person he had not yet seen, but who had bound his hands behind him.

He was pulled into the centre of the room.  Now he could see what had become of the three sentries who were supposed to be guarding the gondola.  One of them lay in a pool of blood near the wall.  The other two were bound and gagged and lying near the stairway to the passenger compartment. 

“Listen carefully, Hauptmann,” said Larra in perfect German.  “I am not going to repeat this and any deviation from the instructions I am going to give you will result in your death.”

“In one minute Mr. Grey is going to escort you to the door.  Once there you will begin to call in members of your expedition, one person at a time.  If you miss anyone or attempt to warn any of them you will be killed.  Do you understand?’

Kranmer nodded.  “Yes,” he said weakly. 

“Alright, we will begin.  Start with your senior officers and NCOs.”

Grey marched Kranmer to the door.  Too terrified to do anything but comply, he carried out Larra’s instruction to the letter.  In half an hour very man in the camp lay on the floor of the gondola, tied hand and foot.

“Now,” said Larra.  “I understand this vehicle is airworthy.  You are going to pilot it and we will be the crew.  I am going to send six of your men back out to release the mooring lines.  If they do their job properly, we may return for them.  If not they will be left in the forest to die.”

Larra smiled as the Ludendorff rose above the trees. Just prior to departure Larra had exited the ship and disabled the transport aircraft along the airstrip. Once they had started the dirigible's engines and gotten airborne, Jia Li had untied the captured Germans one at a time and forced them to slide down one of the mooring ropes. They kept just enough of the crew on board to operate the huge airship, but got rid of all the soldiers.  Some of the men had not been too keen on sliding down a rope into the darkness below, but faced with the alternative of being thrown out the door by Grey, they had all cooperated. 

Running the airship at low speed, Larra had Kranmer pilot it in the direction of the Ullabomba capital.  It was a bit hit or miss in the dark, so no real attempt was made to reach it at night, instead the engines were turned over at low speed and the Ludendorff moved at a speed of only one or two miles an hour over the rainforest.  In the morning they could begin the search for the city in earnest.