Larra Cranmere held tightly to her father’s hand




The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 5

The Quest of the Ludendorff


Chapter 26  Diel’s Triumph


Konrad Diels was in a relatively good mood.  After several days of slogging through rainforest and jungle, he was finally making some progress.  He had come upon a well-marked road and he seemed to have left the area of the Lost World where giant Jurassic carnivores roamed freely.  He had lost a few men until he had learned to adopt a formation where each soldier could cover the other.  After that the firepower generated by his thirty heavily armed men had easily kept any predators away. 

His expression changed as he noticed one of his scouts returning.  The man appeared to be in a bit of a hurry.  "What now?" he wondered.

"Herr Diels," said the man, coming to a halt and saluting. 


"Herr Diels, there is a strange party coming down the road.  Two men and five women."

"How far away?"

"About five minutes up the trail."

Diels nodded and dismissed the scout.  "Off the trail,” he ordered.  No shooting.  I want them alive."

With a few seconds all of Diels' expedition was hidden in the brush at the side of the trail.  They sat down to wait.  Within a few minutes, as the scout had reported, the two men and five women moved into sight.  Diels took out his whistle.  Just a little bit closer…

"Do you have any idea where we are?" asked Katie.  This road could lead anywhere."

"Agreed," replied Steiner.  "But it is in the general direction of the place where the plane crashed.  Remember, Amy and I came down it, searching for you and Jia Li."

"Jia Li," Katie thought.  She hoped the Chinese girl was alright.  She was pretty resourceful, but the Lost World was full of dangers.  There was no telling what might have happened to her.

She glanced at Sir Archibald.  It was strange that the knight had chosen to come with them rather than returning to his kingdom.  She suspected that there was something more between him and Jia Li than he was telling.  She hoped he could be trusted.  But then he could have betrayed them at any time; especially when King Hugo and his men had shown up.  She supposed he was trustworthy.

The sound of a whistle interrupted her thoughts.  Suddenly from both sides of the rail over two dozen armed men appeared.  Katie knew at once what they were.  Germans!  What were they doing in the Lost World?  And where had they come from?

Only Sir Archibald made any sign that he would fight.  Apparently he had no knowledge of firearms and did not realize that he had no chance against so many heavily armed men.  Quickly she moved to his side and placed her hand on his arm.  "Hold sir knight," she said. "These men are armed with powerful weapons.  If you fight they will kill us all."

Sir Archibald relaxed and let his sword sink back into it scabbard.  The Germans closed in.  In a few seconds all of the party of adventurers was disarmed. 

"What have we here?" asked Diels swaggering up to Steiner.  Like most Germans he assumed the man was the leader. 

Steiner answered in English.  He had become quite good at the language in the year he had spent with Amy.  With any luck Diels would not recognize him as a deserter from the German army.  If he did, he expected that his life expectancy would be reduced to minutes.  "Thank God you are here,” he said.  We've been wandering in the jungle for several weeks looking for a way out.  Now we are saved." 

Quick to pick up on Steiner's ruse, both Amy and Katie chimed in.  "Yes," they said together, “thank God you came."

Perplexed, Diels switched to English.  "You are English?" he asked.  "What are you doing here?"

"We are all that's left of a Christian mission to convert the heathen," answered Steiner.  We were ambushed by hostile Africans and forced to flee for our lives.  Most of our bearers ran off.  We are all that is left."

Diels studied the group before him.  Two men; one of them an African wearing armour; and five women.  All of them young and beautiful.  Something did not add up.  "I think not," he said. Turning to his sergeant he barked out an order.  "Heinz, place them under guard and rope them together.  They will accompany us until we find the city of the black warriors.  I will question them at the next rest stop."

Ignoring their protests, the seven prisoners were lined up and linked to each other by a rope tied about each of their necks.  Then, closely guarded, they were marched off as part of Diel's column. 

As they walked, Diel's mind puzzled over the appearance of the seven strangers.  He did not accept their story for a minute.  It was so full of holes it could be used to make Swiss cheese.  He suspected a connection with the mysterious
Miss Court, and he had a real score to settle with her.  In any case, he would soon find out.  He planned to stop at noon, and then he would question his captives in detail. 

He was sure that he was on the right track.  He had managed to capture one of the giant black warriors.  Before the man had died he had told them of a magnificent city deep in the rainforest.  It sounded like the mythical lost city he had been sent to search for.  It was one of Heinrich Himmler's pet projects.  The Reichsfuhrer was deeply into the occult, and stories of mysterious cities lost deep in the heart of Africa fascinated him, especially when these city's were rumored to contain ancient artifacts of great power.  It was beyond Diels how the naked black savages that had attacked him could have anything of interest to the Third Reich, but he had been sent on the mission, and he would see it through.  One way or the other he would find out if the Lost World had anything of value to offer up. 

He looked at the sun.  It was almost overhead.  He started looking around for a good place to stop.  He was looking forward to questioning the prisoners, especially the women. A few minutes farther on, the trail crossed a wooden bridge beneath which flowed a fast moving stream.  The water appeared clean and cool.  Diels called a halt.

Diels seated himself on a portable campstool and called to Heinz.  "Bring me the prisoners," he ordered, as the rest of his company set up a temporary camp. 

Heinz returned less than a minute later, herding the two men and five women before him.  "Now," he said, "I am going to question you again.  But this time I want the truth, not some trumped up story.  Who are you and why are you here?"

Steiner tried to continue the bluff, but Diels cut him off before he could continue with his explanation.  "Take them away and tie them up," he ordered.  "Except for these two."  He pointed to Katie and the dark-haired French girl called Danielle. 

Protesting, Steiner and the others were hauled away.  Faced with the muzzles of half a dozen firearms, there was very little they could do. 

Katie furrowed her brow.  She did not like the way things were progressing.  Her experiences with members of the Third Reich had not been positive, having lost her virginity in a brutal rape in her first encounter with them.  She studied Diels and smelled Gestapo. 

Diels studied the two women before him.  The tall blonde was magnificent.  He doubted that he had ever seen a woman with a more impressive figure.  And impressive was the only way to describe Katie's large breasts, tiny waist, and flaring hips.  She was wearing a spare set of Amy's clothes, but there was no way that her more generous dimensions could hope to fit in them properly and she had left the top three buttons of her shirt unbuttoned, revealing a generous expanse of female flesh.  Diels licked his lips and then turned his gaze to the girl. 

She was much more petite than the blonde.  Dark-haired and shapely, with small, pointed breasts and a pretty face.  She was dressed in a long gown that was reminiscent of the middle ages.  The more elaborate costume, however, could not hide her perfect figure.

He motioned to Heinz.  "Bind their wrists, and then leave me alone with them."

"What is the meaning of this treatment?" Katie demanded.  "We were lost in the forest.  When we met you we thought we were saved.  This is not civilized behaviour." 

"Don't take me for a fool, Miss Reddel."  He smiled as Katie's eyes widened at the use of her name.  "Yes," he continued, "I know who you are.  Do you think the Gestapo is so uninformed as to not know the identity of
Larra Court's companions?"

"But enough of the pleasantries.  I want information, and I want it quickly.  First off where is your employer, the redoubtable
Miss Court?"

Katie and Danielle were alone with Diels now.  Heinz and the other soldiers having left as ordered.  Their hands were tied tightly behind their backs, and for good measure Heinz had hobbled their ankles to make sure that they could not run off.  They were completely at Diels’ mercy.  Katie had been watching Diels closely.  She had noted how the Gestapo agent's eyes played over their breasts as he spoke to them.  She had no doubt in her mind as to why he had wanted to be alone with them. 

"I can't tell you that, because I don't know.  I haven't seen Larra in over a week."  Katie, was of course, telling the truth.  She had no idea where Larra was.  Diels questioning of her was the first confirmation she had that her friend was still alive.  She suspected, however, that Diels was not really interested in her answers.  He was just looking for an excuse for his behaviour.  And Katie could guess what that behaviour might be.

Her suspicions were confirmed when Diels stood up and moved toward them.  "That answer is not satisfactory, Miss Reddel.  I will just have to use more persuasive methods to learn what I want."

Katie thought about calling out, but realized that despite the fact that Diels had sent the other Germans away, there was not likely to be much help from that quarter.  Helplessly she watched as he came toward her.  She felt his eyes fix on her breasts.  There seemed little doubt about what he had in mind.

Diels licked his lips again.  It had been some time since he had last had a woman, and he never thought to find one in the middle of Africa, much less one as stunningly attractive as the blonde goddess who stood helplessly before him.  In a few minutes she would be his, but first he wanted to have a little fun with the dark-haired girl.  It would be interesting to gage the blonde's reaction.

Katie strained at her bonds as Diels approached.  She had to find a way to escape.  To her surprise, however, he did not touch her, but went instead to the French girl.  Amy had explained the history of the three young women, and she was horrified that Diels seemed interested in her.

Diels stood in front of the quaking girl.  She was trembling so much that she could hardly stand.  It was clear that she was absolutely terrified.  A small smile flickered at the corner of Diels' mouth.  This was going to be most interesting.  Almost casually, he reached out and undid the laces at the top of the girl's bodice. 

"Non!" Danielle exclaimed. 

Diels raised his eyebrows.  French!  This was getting stranger and stranger.  Ignoring the girl's protests, he slowly pulled the laces free, opening the top of the girl's long dress.  Underneath, she was wearing nothing.  He pulled the top of the gown from her shoulders and let it fall; revealing the girl's small, but perfect breasts.

"Leave her alone, you beast," screamed Katie.  "She's pregnant!"

Diels looked at Danielle's tear streaked face.  Smiling, he reached out and took one of her nipples in each hand.  Slowly he rotated his fingers over them, bringing exclamations of fear and loathing from the helpless girl. 

"You bastard," swore Katie.  "You're disgusting.  But I should expect no more from a representative of the Third Reich."

Diels gave each of Danielle's nipples a painful squeeze, delighting in the scream of pain that escaped her lips. 

Katie swore at him again.  She was becoming annoying, but he knew how to shut her up. 

"You want me to spare the girl, do you, Miss Reddel?  Then you better give me your full cooperation.  Will you agree to do what I want?"

Katie nodded, her eyes blazing hostility.  She had a very good idea of what Diels might want, but she couldn't let him molest the frightened teenager any longer.  She had already been through enough. 

"Excellent, you can start by telling me the truth about why you are wandering around the middle of

Forced to comply in order to save the girl, Katie told her story, leaving out certain details, such as the fact that Steiner was a German deserter, and that one more member of their party, Jia Li, was still around. 

"Thank you, Miss Reddel," said Diels, when Katie had finished.  "That explains a few things.  Now I want you to get on your knees."

Katie had expected such a request.  She had little doubt about what Diels would want her to do.  She hesitated.

"Should I go back to amusing myself with the French girl, Miss Reddel?  This time I assure you I will not stop until I am satisfied."

Swallowing, Katie dropped to her knees.  She looked defiantly at Diels as he walked over to her, but her heart was pounding so hard that she was certain the leering Gestapo agent could see it under her shirt.

He stopped directly in front of her.  Watching her face, Diels slowly unbuttoned his trousers.  In a few seconds her fully erect penis was revealed.  "Now, Miss Reddel, I think you know what I want.  And Remember, if you do not cooperate I will spend my time with your little French friend."

Reluctantly, Katie parted her lips.  She could not think of anything she would rather do less.  Pleasuring this Nazi pig would be disgusting in the extreme, but she had no choice.  Diels stepped forward, and she placed her lips against his manhood.  It was the first time she had ever taken a man in her mouth willingly, if the circumstances she was in could be considered willing.  She had had oral sex before, but always under conditions where she had been held down and raped.  Never had she allowed a man to place his organ between her lips without some sort of struggle.   It was a completely humiliating experience for the proud adventuress, but one she had no choice in.  She could not allow Diels to molest the pregnant teenager. 

Diels groaned with pleasure as Katie’s full lips wrapped themselves around his aching phallus.  Her mouth was so soft and warm.  He held the back of her head, and pushed deep into her mouth, thrusting to the back of her throat. 

“Ahh!” gasped Diels.  “You American bitch, now I have you.”  Arching his back, he pushed himself as deep as he could into Katie’s warm, wet mouth, rotating his hips in order to achieve maximum pleasure. 

Katie was absolutely mortified at being used in such a manner, but there was little or nothing she could do about it.  She was still bound hand and foot, and a few feet away a helpless young girl watched in horror.  She had to do this in order to protect her.

Diels allowed Katie to pleasure him orally for over half an hour, and then he exploded into her mouth, filling her with his seed.  Katie almost gagged as Diels ejaculated, but forced herself to swallow the milky fluid.  She feared that to do otherwise would result in further punishment. 

“My God,” said Diels, “that was wonderful, Miss Reddel, well worth the experience of sparing the little French whore.  But now I think your talents should be shared with a few of my men.”

Inwardly, Katie groaned in despair.  She had expected no less from the overbearing German.  However, she put up a bold front.

“That was not in the agreement,” she protested.  “I did what you asked to spare the girl.  You said nothing about pleasuring any of your men.”

Diels laughed.  “Just so, Miss Reddel, “but I did not exclude them either.  You will do as you are told or I will have my troops rape the little French bitch right in front of you.”

Katie was filled with despair.  She had tried, but she was completely at the mercy of the ruthless Gestapo officer.  If she could keep Danielle or any of her companions from being raped through her cooperation, then she had no choice but to comply with Diels’ demands. 

Diels called Heinz and relayed his demands.  Within a few seconds a half dozen more Germans arrived on the scene.  “I want you to give this American whore the fucking of her life.  I don’t care what you do to her, just so long as you make it long and painful.”

“No,” cried Katie.  “You said nothing about rape.  I cooperated with you.  Please do not do this.”  But even as she spoke, Diels’ men were laying hold of her.

“No!” she screamed.  “Please no!”  But her screams of protest were ignored.  The German soldiers tore into her like a pack of rabid dogs.

A few dozen feet away, Katie’s companions heard her screams and guessed what was going on.  But they faced a dozen rifle muzzles.  Any attempt on their part to intervene would be fatal.  All they could do was listen in horror to the animal sounds coming from behind the screen of bushes.

The soldiers that Diels had unleashed on her untied her hands and feet so that they could more easily remove her clothing, but they made sure that the struggling beauty had no chance to escape.  One soldier wrapped an arm about her neck, while another four held her arms and legs.  The sixth tore her clothes off.

Katie screamed and fought like an animal caught in a trap, heaving her body in a desperate attempt to shake free of her molesters.   Her struggles were so fierce, that she actually succeeded in wrenching one of her arms and legs free of the grasp of her captors, but her success was short lived.  There were simply too many men attacking her for her to escape.  She struck out at the men around her, but with her other arm and leg still held, she could not get any force behind her blows.  Almost immediately, she was recaptured. 

By this time, the man undressing her had pulled off her boots and socks, and had unbuckled her belt.  Then, while the other five men held her as still as they could, he tore open her shirt, revealing her more than ample bosom, which was only thinly covered by Amy’s inadequate bra.  The bra lasted only a few seconds longer than her shirt.  Her large breasts burst free, the large pink nipples proudly erect.  For a few seconds, her assailants paused, taking in the amazing sight.  Katie’s breasts were  large and well formed, a pair of soft yet firm hillocks, spectacular in their perfection.  Katie writhed, her body slick with sweat, her twin mounds quivering enticingly.  Then the hands of her violators were all over her, pinching, squeezing, and mauling her soft flesh. 

“You bastards!”  Katie’s scream of fear and outrage sounded throughout the forest.  A few feet away, Danielle wept openly as she watched the women who had given herself to protect her undergo brutal treatment at the hands of her assailants. 

“Oohhhoohh!” Katie cried as her tender nipples were pinched and twisted.  And then, “Nooo!  Nooo!” as her pants were yanked down her long slender legs.  Clad only in her panties, she battled harder than ever to escape.  Slippery with sweat, her captors had a hard time holding her, but her desperate efforts only served only to excite them even more.  With a single pull, one of the men holding her ripped off the scanty garment covering her loins, leaving her completely naked. 

Then they spread her.  One man held each of her arms, and two others pulled her legs apart.  While the fifth man pinched and fondled her jiggling breasts, the sixth moved between her splayed thighs. 

“Oh no, no, no!  Please no!  Katie screamed as the sixth man pulled open his pants exposing an impressive phallus.  Still sore from her terrifying experience with the ape king Katie redoubled her efforts to break free, expending the last of her reserves of strength in a frenzied outburst that left her limp, exhausted, and unable to prevent her penetration.

“Aaagghhh!” Katie’s scream of despair told of her defeat.  The sixth man lunged into her, parting her labia and sundering her defences.  The tight, warm folds of her vagina closed around his invading phallus as he took her. 

Then from beside her came a similar cry.  In spite of her pain and suffering, Katie turned her eyes in the direction of the sound.  To her dismay she saw Diels between the legs of the screaming Danielle.  He had removed the rest of the girl’s dress, wrenched her legs apart, and mounted her.  Danielle had none of Katie’s strength or determination.  She was an easy victim for the brutal Nazi.  As Diels thrust into his screaming victim he looked directly at Katie, a sneer of triumph on his face. 

And then Katie was much too concerned with what was happening to her, as she was simultaneously raped and mauled by the six men who held her.  Her ordeal lasted two hours.  One after the other each man took his turn.  The final and ultimate humiliation came when Diels moved between her legs and thrust into her. 

The cruel Gestapo officer, could not resist crowing as he took her.  “Let this be a lesson, Miss Reddel, not to involve yourself in the affairs of men.  Because this will always be the fate of those who dare to overstep themselves.”

Beaten and humiliated.  Katie could only weep as Diels had his way with her.  A few feet away, the pregnant girl she had hoped to save wept with her, a reminder of just how hopeless her situation was.

Diels finally finished with her.  Rising to his feet and pulling his pants back on he ordered Katie bound again.  Her wrists were tied, and then she was pulled to her feet. 

“Now, Miss Reddel,” Diels gloated, “you will have the pleasure of watching while the rest of my squad enjoys themselves at the expense of the rest of your companions.  With the exception of the man, of course.   I would not want you to think that the members of the Third Reich were perverted.” 

Naked; barely able to walk; her body covered with semen and sweat; Katie was led back to where her friends waited.  Already several of the Germans who had not yet had a turn were pulling Amy and the other two girls forward.  Their looks of shock and horror when they saw Katie and Danielle were mixed with fear, as they realized that they too would soon meet the same fate.