The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 7  The Black Leopard’s Triumph

Chapter 26  Zhuang Zhijian’s Surprise

Zhuang Zhijian swore under his breath.  He was back in his audience chamber seated on his divan.  As he shoved another plate of quail stuffed with truffles past his fat lips, he cursed his luck.  What a complete disaster!  He had committed the cardinal sin of any archvillain.  He had taken his eyes off his captives only for a few minutes.  What the hell had his henchmen been doing? 

It was damned fortunate that he had been able to make use of the secret passage.  Unfortunately, he had lost his way in the maze of passages, an unforeseen event that had angered him beyond comprehension.  He had wandered for hours while his men hammered stupidly at the armored door to his audience chamber.  What had finally allowed him to find his way was the exit of the heroines using the same secret passage he had taken.  He had been forced to follow them in order to find his way out.  Luckily they had not detected his presence, but it was a frustrating and humiliating end to a thoroughly bad day.  It had left him with a raging appetite that had taken hours to satisfy.  Now he awaited Chen, who he had ordered to report on the situation regarding the heroines and the Black Leopard.

Chen limped into the room.  Zhuang suppressed the urge to curl his lip.  His lieutenant had really let him down.  Not only had he allowed all of the prisoners to escape, but he had let the Black Leopard capture and humiliate him.  Perhaps it was time to replace him.  After what the Black Leopard had done to him he wasn’t really much of a man.

What was really galling, however, was the loss of all the film.  It would have been worth a fortune.  Still, there was one thing.  Lying next to him was Nova’s magic belt.  The
Dragon’s Eye blazed as he looked at it.  What power the mystical gem had!  If only he could find a way to use it without having to capture Nova.  He doubted that he would be able to get her to submit to him again.  Of course, now he knew her secret identity.  That might be of some use to him.  He would have to think carefully abut how to use that information. 

“The news isn’t good, boss,” said Chen, speaking Mandarin.  “The heroines appear to have gotten clear away with the exception of the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  Unfortunately, it appears that the Black Leopard has them in her claws.  Her lair seems to very heavily guard.  It appears that Stiletto has moved most of her men into place around it.” 

“How many men do we have?” asked Zhuang. 

“We’re down to about half.  Quite a few were injured capturing the heroines and a few more were taken out when Stiletto attacked.  We’re not strong enough to take them on in a straight on fight.”

Zhuang sighed.  Everything was so complicated.  But he did have a plan.  He would use the information about the identities of the women he had captured to full advantage. 

“I’m worried, Natassia,” said Kyla.  She was sitting in Master Zhou’s palatial residence with Nova and the Scarlet Falcon.  “Zhuang knows who we are.  We can no longer blend in with the rest of the people in
Metro City.  Not only that, but our friends and relatives can be menaced.  There’s no telling what Zhuang might do with that knowledge.”

“I know,” answered Natassia.  “If it was just me I wouldn’t worry.  I could always assume a new identity as could you and Suzi.  But that won’t protect my aunt or your family and Suzi’s.”

“We can only hope that Zhuang keeps the information to himself,” said Suzi.  “There were only a few of his senior henchmen in the room when he unmasked us.”

“Yes, agreed Kyla.  “So far no more than a half dozen people know who we really are.  But we can’t count on that lasting long.”

“There is one thing that might help us,” said Natassia.  “Zhuang might want to use the information to bribe or threaten us and there is no way he can do that if he simply tells everyone who we are.”

“Right,” said Suzi, “but I don’t intend to simply sit here and wait for a message from Zhuang.  We have to do something.  The Jade Dragon and Scorpion are still prisoners of the Black Leopard, and Zhuang still has the
Dragon’s Eye.”

“Alright,” said Nova, “here’s what I think we should do…”

Shopping.  Next to torturing heroines and sex, it was her favourite pastime.  Li Mei held up an exquisite Jade figurine.  “What do you think of this, sweetie?” she asked.

Jahlen raised an appreciative eyebrow.  “Looks expensive.  Are you sure you want to spend that sort of money?”

“Who said anything about buying it?  I’m just casing the joint.  I’ll come back tonight and relieve the shop of its most expensive items.” 

Jahlen smiled slightly.  The Black Leopard was certainly more fun to be with than any other companion she had ever had.  And she enjoyed sexual torture just as much as she did, especially when it was practiced on her.  It was certainly a strange turn of events.  A few days ago she had been serving Zhuang as his inquisitor.  Now she was free of the loathsome thug and had found a new lover and companion who was much more to her liking. 

“What do you think?  Should I add this to the list?”  The Black Leopard pointed to a large onyx vase inlaid with gold. 

“It’s a bit large.  Do you think you can carry it?” 

“Between me and the Pussies we can manage,” replied Li Mei.  They’re not much use most of the time, but occasionally they can be useful.”

Jahlen smiled again.  “Tonight then.  Meanwhile, perhaps we should go home and take a little nap.”  Her eyes caught Li Mei’s. 

“Excellent idea,” Li Mei agreed.  “We can certainly use the …”rest.”

“Ladies, may I be of assistance?”  The voice that spoke came from an elegantly dressed woman of oriental ancestry.  Li Mei had noticed her when they came in and had marked her as the proprietress. 

“Perhaps,” answered Li Mei, “what you have on display is nice, but rather commonplace.  Do you have anything a little more unique, and perhaps more expensive?’

“Why yes,” the woman replied.  “We do keep some of our more expensive items for private viewing only.  But they are only for those who might be able to afford them.”  She raised her eyebrows inquiringly.

“Allow me to present my card,” said Li Mei.  She opened her black purse, flashing a large roll of cash as she did so, and pulled out a small card with both English and Chinese characters. 

“I see, Miss… Lee,” said the woman, looking at the name on the card.  “Please come this way.  We keep our better pieces under heavy security.” 

Li Mei and Jahlen followed the woman toward the back of the store, checking out the security features as they did so.  “Heavy security my ass,” thought Li Mei. “I should be able to break into this place in five minutes.”

They passed through a heavy steel door into a small hallway.  Before them was another steel door with a combination lock.  “Wait here please,” the woman said.  “I have to get the combination from the manager.”

Li Mei frowned as the woman went back the way she had come.  Why hadn’t she done that to begin with?  It was so hard to find competent help these days.  Jahlen touched her arm.  “I don’t like this, Kitten,” she said.  “I think we should leave.”

Li Mei was about to ask why, when the steel door behind them began to close.  With astonishing speed, the Black Leopard leaped at the door, but she was a split second too late.  With a dull thud the door slammed shut, trapping them in the room.  The two women looked at one another.  They were trapped.  The chagrin that showed on both their faces told the story.  How could they have been so stupid?  They had walked right into the simplest of traps and had done so willingly. 

“Idiot,” muttered Li to herself.  What a fool she was.  Zhuang knew her identity and the location of her lair.  It was most likely that she and Jahlen had been followed ever since they had left.  She had committed the most amateurish of errors.  Her eyes swept around their tiny prison.  There seemed no way out.  There were just two blank walls and two heavy steel doors.  She and Jahlen could do nothing but wait.

Strange, in spite of the danger she was in, she was so tired.  She felt like sitting down and noticed that Jahlen was leaning against the wall, her eyes partly closed.  “Think we’re being gassed…” she murmured as her eyes closed.  Slowly she slumped to the floor, dropping on top of her companion.  The last thing she thought about was the importance of holding her breath and then the world faded out.

Li Mei opened her eyes.  She had been having the most glorious dream.  She and Jahlen had Nova and the Scarlet Falcon on the rack and were taking turns torturing and violating them.  She yawned.  “Must have dozed off,” she thought.  Then she tried to move.  That was strange.  Her arms and legs seemed to be stuck.  Slowly her eyes focused; and then she caught her breath.  Sitting across from her was a twisted little man wearing spectacles with lenses the thickness of the bottoms of coke bottles.  His bald head gleamed in the overhead light as he leaned forward. 

“Good morning, Black Leopard,” the dwarflike man said.  “It is so good to see you in such good health.  I hope you are feeling strong.  You’re going to need all of your strength before I’m through with you.”

“Morning?” thought Li Mei.  “How long was I out?”  She checked out her situation.  She was bound, of course, her arms stretched over her head and secured to the top of an inclined rack.  Her feet were similarly tied together at the bottom.  Someone had conveniently removed all of her clothing, but she had been stripped so often in the last few weeks that she was almost becoming used to it.  Almost.  It was still most disconcerting to be stretched out as tight as a drum in front of a bunch of leering thugs.  Turning her head she saw Jahlen in the same position.  Her lover’s yellow-green eyes met Li Mei’s.  They were wide with fear and chagrin.  Like Li Mei she had been stripped naked and was humiliated and angry at the ease with which they had been captured.

Another figure moved into view; that of Zhuang Zhijian.  An evil smirk was plastered on the hulking Chinese crimelord’s face.  “You amaze me Black Leopard,” he said.  All that cunning and intelligence and you were free for only a few days.  One would think that you almost enjoy being captured.”  He moved over to a cushioned bench and sat down.  Zhuang almost never stood for any length of time. 

“However,” he continued, “you and Jahlen have displeased me.  I thought perhaps you might both have learned your lesson.  It was my mistake to take my eyes off you for even a few seconds.  Now you must both be punished.  And this time I am not going to ask you to discipline one another.” 

Zhuang turned to Retinoff.  “I was intrigued by the scheme you had involving the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  Most ingenious.  It is most unfortunate that you somehow managed to escape with all of the film of that episode.”

Li Mei breathed a sly of relief.  Zhuang had not yet discovered where she had hidden the film.  There was still a chance that she could retrieve it; provided that she could find some way to get out of her current predicament. 

Zhuang was still talking.  “As you see I have invited the good doctor here,” he said nodding toward Retinoff.  “Since you deprived me of my prize I think it might be most interesting to repeat your little experiment.  Dr. Retinoff is most anxious to try his drug on you.  He has developed a special version of it, just for you and Jahlen.”

The Black Leopard felt her blood freeze in her veins.  She could not allow Retinoff to carry out Zhuang’s plan.  The impregnation of the Jade Dragon and Scorpion had been her greatest triumph, and the most humiliating defeat of a superheroine she had been able to engineer.  The thought of the same thing being done to her and Jahlen was mortifying. 

“No,” she said plaintively.  “You can’t steal my idea.  It isn’t fair.” 

“Fair?” inquired Retinoff.  “Was it fair when you deprived me of my manhood?  And left me bleeding to death?  I could have died.  Do you know what it is like to have to pee through a straw?”

“I can’t say I’ve tried,” answered Li Mei.  She couldn’t resist the rejoinder.  The anger she saw on Retinoff’s face revealed her mistake.  “Oops,” she thought, “should have kept my mouth shut.”

Jahlen cringed inwardly as she listened to the exchange between Li Mei and the diminutive scientist.  Much as she had come to love the petite villainess, she wished that she had better control over her words.  It was bad enough that she was stretched out full length, her nude body exposed to the ogling eyes of Zhuang and his thugs, but her partner was doing her best to anger their captors.  She had no desire to be put through the same ordeal she had suffered at Zhuang’s hands once more. 

“I think these two need to be taught a lesson,” said Retinoff.  “Especially the Black Leopard.  Her manners were always atrocious and I see there has been no improvement.”  He turned to Chen, who was hovering behind Zhuang.  “I believe you have the same score to settle with the Black Leopard that I have.  Perhaps it should be allowed.”  The diminutive scientist looked at Zhuang.

His jowls jiggling, Zhuang nodded.  “Just make sure that no part of them is permanently damaged.  I want them in shape for what is to come.”

Chen stepped forward, his face twisted in hate and anger.  “Remember, Chen,” Zhuang cautioned, “they are not to be damaged.  Nor do I want them sexually molested.  I want them ready for what the good doctor has planned.    Beyond that you are free to cause them as much pain as you wish.”

Chen nodded.  He dearly would have liked to rip the two helpless women limb from limb.  He stood contemplating his victims.  What could he do to them that would cause the greatest pain and at the same time leave them relatively intact?

“Eaagghh!” The dual screams of the Black Leopard and Jahlen could be heard several rooms away.  Zhuang paused with a savory piece of roast duck halfway to his lips.  He probably should have ordered Chen to gag them.  The noise was spoiling his meal.  Still, he couldn’t very well let the two bitches get away with what they had done without some sort of physical punishment.  It just wouldn’t be proper. 

“Aahhh!  Aaaahh!” Jahlen and the Black Leopard screamed again as the brutal electric current surged through them.  It hadn’t taken Chen long to hook them up to the electrical torture device that the two women had used on one another.  They were still bound to the same racks they had been placed on when unconscious.  Chen had attacked electrodes to the usual areas of their bodies: their nipples, labia, clitoris, ears, and lips; and had even gone them one better, slipping a large stainless steel dildo into each of their anuses and clipping an electrical lead to it.  He had then turned up the current to near maximum and let the pulsing electricity do the rest.  He had been torturing them for almost an hour now and the two exhausted women were close to passing out from the terrible pain.  Each surge of the current caused their tormented bodies to spasm uncontrollably, arching their backs and forcing their muscles to contract so sharply that their ligaments were almost torn loose. 

Retinoff turned off the current.  “That will do for now, Chen,” he said quietly.  “I need them conscious so that they can appreciate what is going to happen to them.  I assure you that they will find what I do to them even more horrible than what you have done.”

Li Mei hung limply.  Sweat dripped from her body.  Slowly she became aware of her surroundings once more.  Blackness had been closing in on her, but now the terrible pain had stopped.  She was cognizant of Retinoff’s voice as he explained what was going to happen to her.

“In your honour I have created a special variety of the drug that you used on the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  It has several special features.  First, the drug will kill you unless you undergo the birth process.  Certain hormones are released by the female body when a woman gives birth.  Only the release of these hormones will prevent the drug from poisoning your body and killing you in the most excruciating fashion.  Second, the drug I gave you to use on the Jade Dragon and Scorpion was designed to produce healthy normal children.”  He paused when he saw the look on the Black Leopard’s face and laughed.  “Yes,” he continued, “I know that is not what you desired, but I had no intention of giving you the satisfaction of forcing your greatest enemy to give birth to a freak of nature, so I did not carry out that part of our agreement.  I expect you were probably confused at the normal appearance of the Jade Dragon’s child.  Now you know the reason.”

Li Mei bit back a reply.  The smug look on Retinoff’s face infuriated her, just as he intended that it should.  She had wondered why the children borne by the Jade Dragon and Scorpion had seemed so perfect.  The little worm had defied her.  She should not have let him go until she was sure that he had done as she demanded. 

“But for you and your friend, Black Leopard,” Retinoff sneered, “I have created the perfect drug.  Not only will it increase your fertility, and accelerate the growth of your child, but it will also ensure that whatever creature you give birth to will be most strange indeed.”  He laughed, a high pitched giggle that seemed to indicate a mind verging on insanity, which was probably the case.  He opened a polished wooden case.  In it were arranged several large steel and glass syringes, each filled with a milky green liquid.  Carefully, he picked up one and approached the Black Leopard.

“Wait,” said Zhuang.  “This is something that I want to do.  The Black Leopard and Jahlen will bear my children, and I will be the one to inject them.”

“As you wish, Zhuang,” agreed Retinoff.  He gave an almost mocking bow, but handed over the hypodermic.  Zhuang was paying him well for his services.  If the Chinese crimelord took pleasure in being the one to inject the two villainesses he would not object.

Li Mei struggled to free herself as Zhuang approached.  The thought of being impregnated by the obese crimelord revolted her.  Her stomach churned at the thought.  “Zhuang,” she said swallowing.  “Perhaps we can still deal.  You don’t have to do this.”

“What offer could you possibly make that I might be interested in?” Zhuang sneered.  “Are you offering me the films again?  I don’t need them.  I am going to have more than enough footage of your humiliation.”

“I have the Jade Dragon and Scorpion in my lair,” replied Li Mei.  There was a slight edge to her voice.  She was sweating even more than when she was being tortured.  The full impact of what Zhuang was going to do to her was hitting home.  She had visualized the rape and impregnation of the Jade Dragon as the most degrading act that could be done to a heroine.  Now she faced the same horrible ordeal herself.  She was ready to give Zhuang anything to avoid the same fate.

“You can have them in return for the release of me and my companion,” she continued.  “I will also promise never to interfere in your business again.”

“A most tempting offer,” sneered Zhuang, “especially considering your record in keeping your word.”  He lifted the syringe.

“No, wait,” Li Mei begged.  “There must be something I can give you.” 

“Yes,” said Zhuang, “your virginity.  But I expect you lost that quite awhile ago along with your sense of honour.”  Zhuang was quite enjoying himself.  Getting the Black Leopard to beg for mercy was almost as much fun as what he was going to do to her. 

Jahlen watched silently as the Black Leopard pleaded with Zhuang not to carry out his threat.  She knew it was no use.  She had never known Zhuang to ever show anyone mercy.  It hurt her to see her lover debasing herself, but knew it would do no good to interfere.  She tried to compose herself.  She wondered what it would be like to be pregnant.  It could hardly be much worse than to be gang raped.  But being impregnated by Zhuang.  That was a thought that disgusted her as much as it did the Black Leopard.  She winced as Retinoff pulled the last electrical clip form her body.  He had already done the same for the Black Leopard.  Both women now awaited Zhuang’s pleasure.

“Now where would you like this?” asked Zhuang, holding the needle of the syringe just below Li Mei’s left breast. 

Li Mei could not stop herself from trembling, but she answered in a steady voice.  “Why don’t you stick it up your fat backside, you pompous blimp?”

“How about here?” Zhuang said, pinching the ring that pierced her left nipple.  Pulling the nipple erect, he thrust the point of the syringe into her areola. 

Li Mei screamed.  The fluid that Zhuang injected into her burned as if he had injected her with acid.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Retinoff.  “Did I forget to tell you about that effect of the drug?  Please forgive me?”  His high pitched giggle showed the extent of his remorse. 

Li Mei writhed in agony.  As the burning drug course through her body, the pain went with it until her entire body felt as if it was on fire.  She screamed again, a long drawn out wail of anguish and despair.

Zhuang gestured to Chen and a gag was placed in her open mouth, stifling the noise she was making.  Whimpering in agony Li Mei watched as Zhuang undid the ties of his elaborate silk robe, revealing his huge bulk and the fully erect phallus that protruded like a pylon from the sea of fat.  Her muffled cries of terror rose in pitch as he gripped her backside and guided himself into her. 

The rape ended quickly.  Excited by the prospect of impregnating the helpless villainess, Zhuang reached orgasm quickly, spilling his seed into her womb.  The violation of her body was painful, and mercifully short, but the knowledge that she probably now carried Zhuang’s child desolated her.  She wept silently as the gargantuan crime boss withdrew his dripping phallus from her body. 

Zhuang waddled over to his padded bench.  He was tired but triumphant.  He had conquered the Black Leopard again, but this time by forcing her to accept his seed.  She would bear his child.  And the agony of giving birth would be made all the more painful by being exposed to the lens of a camera as her complete degradation was recorded forever.   His spent penis still throbbed with the warmth of her love garden.  He had forced open her delicate flower and plumbed her well of flesh, binding himself to her most intimately.  Soon she would swell with his child, a child that he would take from her and use for his own vile purposes.  But not right away.  First he would allow her to bond with the infant as she had allowed the Jade Dragon and Scorpion to bond with theirs.  Only then, when the Black Leopard had become emotionally attached to the newborn would he take it from her. 

His eyes strayed lazily to Jahlen.  Ah yes, Jahlen.  So many beautiful women to despoil and so few years to do it in.   The beautiful Eurasian refused to look at him or any of his men, fixing her eyes on the ceiling.  He could read the tension in that gorgeous body from the slight rise and fall of her splendidly developed bosom to the small rivulets of sweat that ran down her face and dripped off the tips of her nipples.  He could almost smell her fear.  This was a woman he had tortured into submission.  She knew what he was capable of and was terrified that he would do it again.  But most of all, she feared being forced to carry his child.  He felt his member stiffen just thinking about it.  Slowly he heaved himself to his feet.  His robe was still unlaced and his impressive staff, jutted from the folds of fat that girdled his middle.  “Now my dear,” he said moving close to his victim, “it is your turn.” 

He met Jahlen’s yellow-green eyes with his own.  At one time that hypnotic gaze would have unnerved him, but not now.  He had seen his formidable torturer broken and on her knees.  Now he would force her to bear his child.

Jahlen drew on her inner strength.  She would not beg the way the Black Leopard had.  She would control her fears and not debase herself before the brutal crimelord.  She turned her head away as Zhuang touched the tip of the needle to her left breast.  “Still the silent one aren’t you my dear?” asked Zhuang.  “Let’s see how well you handle this.” 

Jahlen screamed as the drug seared its way through her veins.  The pain was indescribable and she could not control the violent thrashing of her body.  Zhuang let her writhe in shrieking agony for a few minutes before ordering her gagged.  And then he mounted her.

Zhuang’s great bulk flattened her against the ramp.  It was like being buried alive under a mountain of flesh.  He stank of sweat, and semen, and partially digested food.  She moaned as his thick rod parted her vulva and penetrated her.  Grunting like a pig, the flabby giant punched into her like a pile driver.  The pain between her legs matched that of the drug in her veins and she screamed in desperation as he hammered into her.  He took much longer to climax the second time, raping her for well over an hour before he spurted into her womb.  By that time Jahlen hung exhausted and demoralized from the rack.  Zhuang had conquered her again.  And this time the consequences would be far reaching.  As the sweating, panting crime overlord pulled himself off her, Jahlen joined Li Mei in tears.

Zhuang staggered away from the woman he had just violated.  He was exhausted, but jubilant.  He had just defeated two of the most formidable women he had ever met.  His body and theirs were joined permanently in new life, which would already be in the process of doubling and then doubling again.  Soon, thanks do the accelerated growth generated by Retinoff’s fertility drug, they would give birth.  He would be there to witness their pain and suffering and to take their children from them.  He rubbed his hands together in glee.  Revenge was so satisfying.  His stomach rumbled.  The workout with the two villainesses had given him quite an appetite, and today the cook had prepared deep fried prawns, one of his favourites.  Patting his belly he waddled toward his audience chamber.  Today he had salved a little bit of the shame he had suffered when all of his captives had escaped.  But there were still the heroines to deal with.  However, he had Nova’s belt, and without it, the three remaining heroines were far from formidable.  He smiled in satisfaction.  Soon he would dominate Metro City in the same way he dominated the women that dared to challenge him.