Title: Tomb Hunter: Episode 3: Larra’s Mongolian Adventure

Email: Lespion@msn.com



The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 5

The Quest of the Ludendorff


Chapter 27  Fall of a Demon


From the command deck of the Ludendorff Larra watched the ground below her roll by.  For the most part it was unbroken rainforest, however, she was guided in her search for the city of the Ullabomba by the fact that she knew its approximate latitude and longitude.  She knew that it could not be far off.  In addition, Grey, acting as lookout, had spotted a well-marked trail through the dense vegetation below.  Larra had ordered the pilot to follow the trail. 

The number of crewmembers she had kept on board was small, only a half dozen.  Jia Li was keeping a watchful eye on them.  Her skill with firearms was exemplary and she was armed with a couple of P38 pistols and a Mauser rifle.  So far no crew member had been unwise enough to challenge her.  It was a makeshift arrangement.  Running a ship the size of the Ludendorff with such a small crew was difficult, and it was necessary for all three of them to keep a sharp watch on their unwilling crew.  Larra was hoping that by some huge stroke of luck they might find her missing companions.  The extra three people would be enough to mount a proper guard. 

“Larra!”  She turned her head in the direction of the call.  Grey was pointing to the starboard side of the zeppelin.  Larra trained her binoculars in the direction Grey indicated. 

Larra’s mouth formed a thin, hard line.  “Move the helm over,” she ordered Kranmer, who was the reluctant helmsman.  Picking up her rifle she headed to one of the large observation windows.  Drawing the bolt, she threw a shell into the chamber and took careful aim. 

The German holding Katie suddenly stiffened.  Nerveless fingers relaxed and he started to fall.  Then came the sound of the shot.  Stunned the rest of Diels’ company grabbed for their weapons, and then a huge shadow fell across them.  Stunned every man, and woman too, looked skyward.  Above them the huge shape of the Ludendorff caste its shadow over.  Moving at low power, the giant airship had come upon them silently.  Now it rained death from above.  Another shot sounded and then another, and each time one of Diels’ men fell. 

“Christ,” shouted Diels, “they are shooting at us!  Don’t they know who we are?”  Confused, he could not understand why an airship marked with the symbol of the swastika should be shooting at his men.

Finally, it sank in that the Ludendorff was no longer commanded by friends.  “Take cover,” he shouted, “and return fire.”  Already several more of his men were down.  There wasn’t much firing coming from the Ludendorff, but whoever was pulling the trigger was damned accurate. 

The Germans scattered into the trees.  Larra and Jia Li, now had difficulty finding targets, but they had achieved one thing.  Steiner, Amy, and Sir Archibald were able to lead the rest of their party away from their captors.  Katie was too exhausted from her ordeal to walk, but the others helped her move into the bush. 

By now return fire from the ground was heavy.  The massive dirigible was only about two hundred feet off the forest floor and at that range no one could miss such a huge target.  Bullets ripped through the thin fabric and aluminum hull of the airship.  Larra and Jia Li returned fire, while Grey kept an eye on the crew.  Larra also kept an eye out for her comrades.  At all costs she wanted to rescue them.  Her brief look through the binoculars had filled her with rage,  It was very clear that Katie and the girl that was with her had been very badly used.

However, the thick cover of the rainforest prevented her from telling exactly where they were.  She had spotted them moving off into the trees and then had lost sight of them.  By now the Ludendorff’s forward movement had taken it over the clearing where Grey had first spotted the Germans.  She ordered Kranmer to turn the ship around. 

But turning the Ludendorff was a time consuming business.  Its forward momentum carried the airship on for several hundred yards before it slowly began to turn.  Larra realized that finding her friends from the air was probably going to be almost impossible, especially as they were probably trying to get as far away from the Germans as possible.  There seemed only one solution.  She or Grey was going to have to get to the ground and look for them on foot.  Grey, with his acrobatic tree-climbing ability was the logical choice.  She turned to her lover and changed her mind.

“John,” she exclaimed, “are you all right?”  Grey was leaning against the helm, blood streaming from a wound in his leg.

“Picked up a flesh wound,” Grey grunted.  “Hurts like Hades, but not much damage.  I’ll survive.”

Larra handed him her rifle.  “John, I’ve got to get to the ground.  It’s the only way we are going to find Amy and Katie.  You can’t go until that leg heals a little.”

Larra had no doubt that Grey would be alright.  They had taken on board a few gallons of the water from the healing spring that Grey had discovered deep in the rainforest.  A few drinks would rapidly return him to normal, but it would still take a day or so until his wound was completely healed.  In the meantime she had to act.

Grey didn’t argue.  Not that anyone could argue successfully with Larra once her mind was made up.  He knew that Larra had made the correct choice.  “Fine,” he said.  “We’ll hold the fort here.  I’ll have Kranmer hold the Ludendorff in position until you return.”

Moving to the lowest level of the gondola, Larra ordered the crew to toss out one of the mooring lines.  A few seconds later, she was sliding had over hand down the rope, heading for the ground two hundred feet below. 

Kwana and the nine other warriors in his squad huddled in the shelter of a forest giant.  What he had seen this day would be forever burned into his mind.  First there had been the strange white savages that fired bolts of lightning.  He and his squad had been following them for several days through the forest; ever since the first encounter where so many of his fellow warriors had been killed by the white savages’ magical weapons.   The Ullabomba had learned the hard way that the only way to be safe was to stay out of sight.  The white savages killed any warrior who dared expose himself to their sight.  But Kwana and his fellow warriors were skilled in forest craft, and had managed to keep the white savages in sight without being detected. 

Then something remarkable had happened.  A large silver-gray cloud had descended to earth and attacked the savages with the same lightning bolts that they had used against the Ullabomba.  It was something so unexpected that it filled him with terror.  But the Ullabomba were brave warriors.  It was dishonourable to run from danger, and so he and his men had stayed and watched.  Then something equally strange occurred.  The silver-gray cloud had moved directly overhead and then a rope had been lowered from it and a woman had descended from above. 

Hardly able to believe his eyes, he watched as the woman slowly climbed down the rope.  She was white, like the savages that had thrown lightning at the Ullabomba, and was strangely dressed.  Of course, any sort of dress was strange to Kwana.  He and the rest of his comrades were almost entirely naked, except for their weapons and a few ornaments.  This woman, like the other strange white savages wore cloth that covered most of her body.  She also carried a few strange ornaments, which Kwana supposed were magical in nature. 

She had to be some sort of demon.  But demons he knew, could be captured.  Only last year, the Ullabomba had captured two of them and sold them into slavery.  (Read Larra and the Lost World) Unfortunately, they had not realized until it was too late that the two strange women they had captured were demons until it was too late.  The demons had escaped and churned up a slave revolt as they did so.  However, Kwana had learned that if the demons were captured and properly watched, they could be tamed.  One just had to be careful never to leave them unguarded.  Kwana determined that if he captured this demon he would be most careful with her. 

And it did not appear that capturing the demon would be all that difficult.  She was almost down now, lowering herself steadily to within a few feet of where he was hidden.  All he had to do was wait.

Larra was glad of her splendid physical condition.  It had been a long climb down the rope.  She would have preferred a shorter climb, but did not think it prudent to have the Ludendorff go any lower.  It was too inviting a target, and was completely unarmored as Grey had found out.  By the time she reached the ground, her clothing was soaked through.  Once down she took a few moments to rest and regain her bearings.  Only at the last instant did she detect the faint rustle in the vegetation that hinted at danger.

Her hand went to her pistol, but she was too late.  She froze as she found herself facing almost a dozen spearpoints.  She had no doubt that she could take out several of the circle of warriors who faced her, but she also knew that her own life would almost certainly be lost.  She was surrounded by a circle of tall black warriors.  Slowly, she dropped her hands to her sides and let them take her prisoner.

Kwana himself, personally saw to the stripping and binding of the captive.  Without knowledge of which ornaments might be items of magic, he took no chances, and removed all of her clothing.  Then he tied her arms tightly behind her back. 

Larra cursed her bad luck.  Of all the places to choose, she had to descend into a group of the fiercest and bravest warriors in all
Africa.  Now she was their prisoner again, captured and bound.  And this time, she suspected it might not be so easy to escape. 

Kwana prodded Larra with his spearpoint, starting her into motion.  It was best to get the demon as far away from the strange cloud as quickly as possible.  They moved at a jog through the dark forest.  Kwana ran directly behind her.  He could not help but notice the fluid movement of her athletic body as she ran.  If she was a demon, she was also the finest specimen of womanhood he had ever seen.  Watching the flexing of her shapely buttocks stimulated him into an erection.  He was glad that he was running so close behind her that the other members of his squad could not notice his state of arousal. 

After a time, Kwana lost his erection.  He took advantage of the change in his state of arousal to move alongside her.  He just had to study the  demon from another angle.  Almost immediately, he felt his erection return.  The demon’s wrists were tightly bound behind her, arching her back, and thrusting her magnificent bosom forward.  Each step caused her splendid breasts to bounce most alluringly.  Kwana determined then and there, that despite the risk, he would he would satisfy his lust that very evening. 

Larra was near collapse.  Her finely muscled body was covered with sweat.  During the forced march through the rainforest, there had been only two stops for water, and none for food.  The Ullabomba seemed inexhaustible, and forced her to jog mile after mile through the forest.  Her feet soon became blistered and bruised, and only the pressure of Kwana’s spearpoint kept her moving.  The tying of her hands behind her back, made it difficult for her to draw a proper breath, leaving her gasping for air.  And still the forced march went on and on, until early evening. 

Only then did the Ullabomba stop and set up camp.  Larra had no idea how far they had traveled in so short a time, but she guessed it was several miles.  It would be most difficult for Grey or Jia Li to find her. 

The tall warrior, who Larra had judged was in charge of the men who had captured her, saw to her personal needs.  He did not untie her, but he led her to one side of the trail and allowed her to answer nature’s call.  Having a man watch her perform such personal bodily functions was embarrassing, but Larra knew she had no choice.  She either had to take advantage of the opportunity or foul herself later on.  To her further acute embarrassment, the tall warrior, who she had learned was called Kwana, cleaned her up after she had finished.  Then he led her back to the camp, and gave her food and water.  Unable to eat or drink by herself, she was forced to let Kwana feed her.  To her surprise, he did not stint on the food.  He held food and drink to her lips until she was completely satisfied.  And then, her meal over, and completely exhausted, Kwana led her over to a rude shelter he had constructed out of the fronds of a tropical plant and placed her inside it.  To make sure that she did not escape, a stake was driven into the ground near her head, and a tether attached to her neck.  Too fatigued to care, Larra lay her head down and was soon asleep.

She awoke shivering.  During the night the tropical heat had evaporated and the temperature had dropped to the point where it was actually cool.  It would have been nice to have a blanket to cover her nakedness, but the Ullabomba had none.  Only the warriors near the fire had any source of warmth.  But it was not the cold that had awakened her.  Someone had crept into her shelter.

Larra knew immediately who it was.  It had to be the giant warrior, Kwana.  The one who had been so attentive.  She had noticed the way his eyes swept over her.  She had seen that look in men’s eyes too many times before to mistake it. 

The cold was forgotten as she felt Kwana’s warmth push against her.  Not for an instant did she considered screaming for help.  Who would have heard her?  She certainly could expect no help from any of the other warriors. 

She half rose as Kwana entered her shelter.  Gently, but firmly, he pushed her back down, his large hand between her breasts.  Before she could react, he moved between her thighs and forced her legs apart. 

Larra was helpless to prevent her violation.  All she could do was to endure the ordeal she faced with as much courage as she could muster.  Even so, she stiffened as she felt Kwana’s massive erection brush her thigh.  The man was immense.  As big as any man who had taken her before.  

Kwana sensed the demon’s alarm.  It appeared that she was just like any other white woman he had ever taken.  And he had raped white women before.  Many times he had led raids into the lands of the barbaric Ansmara, a race of white cannibals who were the mortal enemies of the Ullabomba.  The Ansmara women were most comely and screamed most satisfactorily when he and his comrades entertained themselves after a successful raid.  This one seemed no different.  Perhaps he had overestimated her.  One thing was certain, and that was that she was certainly one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.  And tonight, she would be his.

Larra felt Kwana’s hands on her breasts.  The giant African was gentle at first, content to merely fondle her and tweak her nipples, but Larra shuddered as the situation reminded her of the terrible ordeal she had endured during her first trip to
Africa when a brutal African had been the one to robe her of her virginity.  It was an experience that haunted her dreams still.  One that she would never forget. 

Kwana tightened his grip, trying to get a reaction out of the helpless woman.  He could feel her trembling body as the soft flesh of her firm breasts squeezed out between his fingers.  He felt her body arch against him, as he bore down, but other than a slight intake of breath, she made no sound.  Kwana nodded, impressed.  That trick had always made his victims scream before. 

Larra steeled herself as Kwana molested her body.  Once again, she body was drenched in sweat.  The cold was forgotten as the huge African brutally twisted and savaged her soft flesh.  And then he shifted his bulk and brought the tip of his penis against her vulva. 

Larra squirmed, as she tried to avoid being penetrated, but she was held too tightly to escape.  Kwana’s penis entered her tight cleft.  Larra gasped again.  She knew that there was no chance of escape, but she continued to struggle even as the huge African slowly moved deeper. 

Kwana forced himself two inches into the demon.  Then he simply held his penis there, delighting in the feel of Larra’s warm flesh clamping the end of his organ.  For a minute he just lay there, feeling his victim straining against him, listening to the sound of her frightened breathing.  He could feel the rise and fall of her generous bosom as she pushed against his chest.  Then he decided it was time to take full possession of her.  Shifting his weight forward, he impaled her fully

Larra went rigid as the huge member sank deep within her.  She cursed the luck that always seemed to result in her being the victim of men who were hung like stallions.  Even her lovers were gifted with phalluses of prodigious size.  But at least they were gentle.  Kwana was anything but.  His massive rod forced her to spread her legs as wide as she could, and she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.  Her breath came in grunts and her entire body trembled with the pain of the rape.  Again and again he rammed into her.  The ordeal seemed endless, but finally, Larra felt the giant warrior spurt inside her.  With a loud groan Kwana pulled out of the exhausted woman, and just in time.  Larra could barely suppress a cry as he rolled off her.  She was completely spent, and doubted that she could have endured much more.

But her relief was short-lived.  Within seconds of Kwana withdrawing from her plundered vagina, she felt hands all over her body.  Kwana’s men had been awakened by the noise of his rutting, and eager to emulate him, they dragged the devastated adventuress from the shelter.  Larra struggled feebly as her legs were wrenched apart.  This time, she could no longer endure.  She screamed with pain as the next man took her.  A few feet away, Kwana smiled in ruthless satisfaction.  He and his men would tame the sky demon!

The rape continued throughout the night and into the next day.  Larra lost track of how many times she was taken.  Having been awake all night entertaining themselves at her expense, Kwana and his men did not travel at all the next day.  Instead they spent it in rest and further sexual activity.  Eventually, Larra lapsed into a semi-conscious state.  She no longer knew what was happening to her or where she was.  Instead her entire existence blurred as she was racked by the pain of being repeatedly violated. 

The next night, mercifully, she was left alone.  Apparently raping a woman who was barely conscious and incapable of any physical reaction, lost its appeal after awhile.  Larra was allowed fall into an exhausted sleep, although, she remained under heavy guard.  The next day, after having recovered enough to drink some water and eat some food, the ordeal of the forced march continued once again. 

Larra lasted only a few hours.  Her bruised and battered body stank of sweat and sperm.  And her vulva and vagina burned like fire.  Only her splendid conditioning allowed her to move at all.  A lesser woman would not even have been able to stand, much less march down rough forest trails with her hands bound behind her back.  She finally reached a point where she could no longer stand, and no amount of prodding with Kwana’s spearpoint could get her to move. 

Shrugging, Kwana ordered two of his men to pick her up.  The giant warriors easily supported the 140-pound woman between them, half-carrying and half dragging her through the forest.  Larra hardly noticed her surroundings.  Thus it was that she was only dimly aware of the change in the trail.  Suddenly, the crude forest path changed into a finely paved road.  They were approaching the Ullabomba capital.

For Larra entering the splendid city should have been an archeological highlight, but she was oblivious to its splendor.  She did not notice the magnificent temples, impressive palaces and great public buildings.  She also missed the huge crowds of people that crowded about her as she was dragged through the streets of the city.  She only became aware of her surroundings when she was thrown unceremoniously into a stone cell, her fall cushioned by a pile of coarse straw.

Too beaten and exhausted to care, Larra fell into a fitful sleep.  She could not recall a time when she had been so beaten and degraded.  Fortunately for her physical well-being, and state of mind, she was left alone for several days, giving her a chance to heal and recover from the brutality of her ordeal.

This new form of treatment puzzled her.  Her captors had brutalized her unmercifully, but once ensconcing her in her prison, her treatment had improved dramatically.  The food she was given was quite wholesome.  And her bruises and abrasions had been treated by a middle-aged white woman who seemed to have some medical skills.  She was even given a robe to place around herself for protection against the cool of the evening.  In a few days she was feeling very much like her old self.

The one part of her treatment that had not changed was the precautions taken against her escape.  She was closely watched at all times, and only one person entered her cell at a time.  When the door was opened there were always several warriors in attendance to make sure that she did not have any chance to overwhelm her guards. 

She took advantage of her forced confinement.  As she gained strength, she attempted to learn something of the language spoken by her captors and discover a bit more about them.  That the Ullabomba were cruel and ruthless she had experienced firsthand.  But she also knew that they were a well organized and highly sophisticated people, capable of great works of art and engineering.  They resembled in many ways, the ancient Romans who had also had those characteristics.

She found that the language spoken by the Ullabomba was similar to other African languages she had studied.  With a few days she was speaking it well enough to converse intelligently with her captors to understand a good deal of what was going on. 

She learned that she regarded as some sort of demon, due to her dramatic decent from the heavens and the impression that the huge dirigible had made on the men who had taken her prisoner.  She also discovered that she was the topic of discussion by the High Council of the Ullabomba, which was trying to determine what to do with her.  Some members wanted her treated as just another white slave.  If so she would be auctioned off to the highest bidder like all slaves and placed in sexual servitude on account of her great beauty.  However, others feared that if she was indeed a demon, then no chances should be taken with her and that she should be ritually executed and eliminated as a threat.  Neither choice seemed appealing to the imprisoned archeologist. 

An entire week went by.  Larra was now feeling as fit as she possibly could be under the circumstances.  It was difficult to exercise in the small cell and she was never allowed outside.  In order to keep sharp and maintain some level of conditioning she had practiced her kata for hours at a time.  Other than that she had rested and tried to chat with her guards.

Despite their arrogance and cruelty, Larra’s guards seemed quite happy to supply her with any information that she sought.  Even describing in some detail what was likely to happen to her if the High Council decided that she was a witch.  Larra shuddered every time she thought about that description; it would be a brutal and humiliating experience.  However, she tried not to focus on the negative side of things and instead concentrated on learning as much about the Ullabomba as she could.  If she ever managed to escape from them, the knowledge she gained would provide material for a most interesting book.

Eventually, however, her time came.  She knew the decision of the High Council even before she was told.  The faces of the guards that came for her were grim.  And they took no chances on having her escape.  She was kept covered by archers as she was prepared for the ritual execution. 

Two white serving girls entered her cell carrying buckets of cool water.  She was to be ritually cleansed before being executed.  In the heat of central
Africa, the coolness of the water did not detract from the bath.  Larra delighted in the soft touch of the washcloths as the dirt and sweat of her captivity was washed away.  The next procedure was less delightful. 

Shackles were placed on her wrists and ankles, and she was led from the cell under heavy guard.  She was escorted to a courtyard outside the prison.  She stood there, blinking in the early morning light.  It was the first time she had seen the sun in a week.  In front of her was a wheeled platform, sort of like a small cart.  It was unusual, in that although the Ullabomba knew about the wheel, they tended to rely mainly on human transport. 

On top of the cart was a rectangular wooden framework constructed of heavy timbers.  Large metal eyebolts had been screwed into the top and bottom of the frame.  Larra noted that they were at suitable locations for tying a person in place and she was not surprised when her guards lifted her onto the cart and attached her shackles to the eyebolts.

She felt more vulnerable than she had ever felt in her life, as she stood shackled to the frame.  Each of her wrists and ankles was chained to the wooden frame so that her body was in the shape of an “X.”  All around her were dozens of heavily armed black warriors who were to escort her to the place of execution.  Where her friends were she had no idea.  She guessed that they most likely supposed her to be dead.  She was in the heart of a savage civilization and only minutes away from a cruel death.

The cart began to move.  A dozen warriors pushed and pulled it from the courtyard.  As it rolled into the main street, Larra was astonished to be greeted by the roar of thousands of voices.  A wide avenue stretched before her.  Lining it was what appeared to be the entire population of the Ullabomba capital of Kangwia.  She looked over sea of black faces, all of them chanting for her death. 

No attempt was made by anyone to stop the cart, nor was anything thrown at her.  But the crowd kept up a ritual chant as the cart moved past them.  “Chianga, chianga, chianga!”  The Ullabomban word for “demon.”  Larra knew that it was her death chant.

The cart rolled slowly through the streets for about fifteen minutes.  As it passed the people lining the street, they closed in behind her, accompanying her death procession to it final destination.

Now Larra was able to look upon the glory of the great Ullabomban city of
Kwangia.  Large and ornate buildings, constructed in a style reminiscent of ancient Rome, but with a distinct African flavour, lined the street.  It was sight that took Larra’s breath away and something that she would have considered the height of her archeological career if circumstances had been a little different.  But instead of being elated, she felt fear.  She imagined that this was the way that prisoners on their way to the guillotine must have felt.  A cold hard lump formed in her stomach.

At last the cart reached its destination.  Larra was in the middle of a huge central square, surrounded by impressive buildings on all sides.  She was encircled by a sea of black faces, stretching away as far as she could see.  Here the first part of her sentence was to be carried out, the ritual scourging.

A space was cleared around the cart.  Larra’s heart moved into her throat as a powerfully built warrior approached carrying a multi-braided whip.  It seemed very capable of stripping off her flesh.  Despite her peril, Larra could not help comparing what was happening to her to events from history.  As the warrior brandished the whip she was reminded of the way that the Romans often humiliated the leaders of the people they conquered by whipping them in public. 

The warrior climbed onto the cart.  He was accompanied by an older man.  This was the first Ullabomban Larra had ever seen who wore anything resembling clothes.  He was still almost naked, but a long purple robe hung from his shoulders, and a circlet of gold crowned his head.  Larra guessed that she was looking at the high priest. 

The priest raised his hands.  To Larra’s amazement the huge crowd fell silent almost immediately.  The priest then gave a short ritual speech describing Larra as a “sky demon,” and one who must suffer ritual punishment if Ullabomban society was to be safe from the menace she represented.  At the end of the speech, the priest raised his hands again.  The crowd again took up its chant of “chianga.”

The priest nodded to the warrior with the whip and stepped off the cart.  The warrior moved right up to her and placed a strip of leather in Larra’s mouth.  Their eyes met and the warrior nodded and swung the whip in the air, giving it a sharp crack for effect. Larra bit down hard on the leather.  The whip whistled through the air again and this time it came down on Larra’s back.

“Aahh!”  The pain was excruciating, and the force of the blow so great, that her breath was driven from her body.  She almost lost the leather strip that was intended to keep her from biting off her tongue.  The warrior examined the whip.  Each strand was now coated with Larra’s blood and bits of skin.  He ran his fingers down each strand, cleaning the whip in preparation for the next stroke. 

Swish, crack!  The whip came down again.  A half dozen more bright red stripes appeared across Larra’s back.  The pain this time was even greater.  She did not know if she would be able to endure the ritual twelve lashes; one for each phase of the moon, without fainting. 

Swish, crack!  Larra’s body convulsed as the beating continued.  Each blow of the lash was worse than the last, as her tortured flesh began to swell from the brutal beating. 

Larra counted each one.  Somehow, she remained conscious.  “Nine…ten…eleven…twelve!”  She slumped in her chains, blood streaming from the open wounds on her back. 

The priest climbed on board the cart again as the warrior who had flogged her jumped off.  Larra spat out the leather strip and then almost shrieked in pain as the priest applied a stinging solution to the lesions on her back.  From the smell, she guessed that it was some sort of solution of vinegar mixed with herbs.  Carefully, the priest washed out each of the cuts.  Larra wondered why he bothered, since they were only going to kill her anyway, but she was glad of the delay, painful though it was.  Each remaining second of her life was precious to her.  There was always the remote possibility of rescue and she would not give up hope until it was abundantly clear that there was no hope.

The priest finished his ministrations.  To Larra’s surprise, the cart began to move again.  She had not been told of this part of the ritual execution.  She wondered what fiendish torture now awaited her.  Still it could not be any worse than the frightful ordeal that had been promised her at the  prison.

Larra saw that the cart was being wheeled into a large building.  It rolled past huge wooden doors and between a row of gigantic statues that Larra guessed were probably the principle gods of the Ullabomba.  Although it was darker in the temple than it was outside, there was plenty of light coming through high arched windows at the top of the building.  

The doors of the temple were closed, shutting out most of the noise of the crowd.  Several priests surrounded the cart, and to Larra’s further surprise, climbed up and removed the shackles from her wrists and ankles. 

Four priests kept hold of her as they lowered her from the cart, one on each of her arms and legs.  Weakened as she was by the scourging, there was no chance of escape. 

Larra was puzzled.  In her cell at the prison, the guards had described her execution in intimate detail.  But nowhere had they mentioned that she was to be taken into any temple and attended to by members of the priesthood. 

The four priests were carrying her face down.  Raising her head, Larra saw that she was being carried toward what appeared to be a small marble altar.  Her heartbeat quickened.  Was it possible that the guards had gotten it wrong, and that she was not going to executed in the horrible manner they had described?  Was she instead going to be spread across an altar and offered  as some sort of sacrifice to the gods?  She remembered how in her Mayan Adventure the brutal German who had raped her had been caught and sacrificed by Mayan priests.  Was she to share a similar fate?

They had reached the altar.  The priests bent her over the altar, face down.  Then they chained her wrists to the floor on the far side of the altar and chained her ankles to the other side, leaving her bent across the altar on her stomach.  A thrill of fear ran through Larra’s guts.  Instinctively she knew that something was not right.  This was not part of the ritual execution!

A priest wearing a gold necklace studded with emeralds stood before her.  He was leering at her in a manner that Larra had seen far too often during her twenty-nine years.  She now understood why she had been brought into the temple. 

The priest spoke to her in Ullabomban.  “Demon, your punishment is not quite complete.  You have suffered the pain of physical torment.  But to properly destroy your vile soul, you must suffer humiliation of another sort.  The seed of the high priesthood must be implanted in you to insure that you do not rise from the dead.  This part of your punishment will take place here.”

“It is not I who am vile, priest,” replied Larra, “but you who would torture and humiliate a helpless visitor to your lands.  I came with no evil in my heart toward you.  It is the Ullabomba who have shown evil toward me.”

“Strange words from a demon, but not unexpected,” sneered the priest.  “You seek to trick the Ullabomba with clever phrases, but it will not work.” 

Larra opened her mouth to reply, but before she could utter another word, the priest shoved a wad of cotton into her mouth, effectively gagging her.  He then tied it in place with a strip of cloth.  “We will hear no more of your lies,” he said.  Then nodding to one of the priests standing behind Larra he commanded: “proceed.”

Crack!  The blow to her backside caught Larra completely off guard.  Had she not been gagged she would have screamed out in pain.  Instead, she gave only a muffled cry.

Turning her head, she was able to see that she had been struck across the buttocks with a thick bamboo staff.  Even as she watched, the priest who had struck her brought it down once more. 

Crack!  “Mmmpph!”  This beating following the scourging was more than Larra could endure.  Each blow brought a muffled cry of pain.  Larra counted ten painful strokes; then she felt the familiar touch of hands on her backside. 

“Mmmmppphh!”  Larra squirmed in agony as the high priest assaulted the one part of her anatomy that the Ullabomba had left alone, the tight button of her anus.  Like all of the black warriors the high priest was well hung.  His enormous phallus hammered into Larra’s tiny sphincter tearing open a region that was never meant to be a source of sexual pleasure.  Larra screamed beneath the gag, her muffled shrieks easily heard in the silence of the temple.  The only other sound was that of the high priest as he grunted his pleasure as Larra’s warm flesh surrounded and squeezed his massive phallus. 

Tears streamed down the tormented adventuress’s face.  Larra had been in many horrendous situations before, but never had she felt so helpless and demeaned.  It seemed that any chance of rescue was out of the question.  She was in the middle of a large city, surrounded by a hostile population, and undergoing the most brutal physical and sexual torture.  Her situation seemed hopeless.  Somehow, however, she found the courage to pull herself together. 

“Larra, old girl,” she thought.  “You can’t just give up.  It’s just not your way.  Uunnhhh!”  Her features contorted as the high priest interrupted her thoughts with a particularly painful thrust.  She bit down hard on the gag, trying to bring herself under control. 

The rape was causing her terrible pain.  That, coupled with the beating her buttocks had received, and the raw welts on her back from the flogging left her almost too weak to resist.  But somehow, as she had always done in the past she found some inner reservoir of strength.  She drew on it as the high priest pounded deep within her.  She could tell from his excited breathing and moans of pleasure that he was almost finished.  The question was, could she resist the remainder of the priesthood?  There were over a dozen robed figures watching her humiliation.  Larra was sure that all of them would take their turn eventually. 

“Oohhh!”  The high priest released into her.  Once more the stink of semen filled the air as the high priest pulled out of Larra’s ravished backside.  She was right.  Almost immediately, another priest took his place.  This time there was less pain, Larra’s rectum had been well lubricated by the high priest.  It was still a prolonged ordeal.  She was raped both anally and vaginally for six hours.  At the end of it Larra was once again barely conscious.  

The last priest finished with her.  Rough hands seized her and pulled her too her feet.  She was dragged toward the cart and once more secured to the wooden frame.  Then the temple doors opened and she was wheeled into the great square once again.  In the centre of the square was the device that was to end her life.  Larra shuddered when she saw it.  Her last hours would be horribly painful.

The crowd had not dispersed.  A great shout went up as the humiliated adventuress was rolled forth, hanging in her chains, her body covered in sweat and semen, and marked by more than
two score lacerations and bruises.  Larra did not attempt to stand.  She let the chains on her wrists hold her upright.  She conserved her strength for what might be her last ordeal. 

“Chianga, chianga, chianga!” the crowd screamed.  The cart was almost to the centre of the square.  It rolled to a halt, and several priests released her from the wooden frame.  Then she was dragged to her final challenge.

In the centre of the square was a raised platform containing a frame much like the one on the cart.  There was one exception.  In the centre of the platform, between the uprights was a polished wooden stake.  Held by six men, Larra did not struggle as she was moved to the uprights.  Chains were attached to each of her wrists.  Then her body was raised and her legs pulled apart.  Slowly she was lowered onto the stake.

Her gag had been removed in order that the crowd might enjoy her scrams of pain and terror, but Larra merely grunted as the point of the stake was forced into her vagina.  Still slick from her recent violation, the smooth wood of the polished stake entered her easily, at least for the first three inches.  After that, the stake widened to impossible dimensions.  Lowering her body much farther would result in a horrible and agonizing death.   

Larra tightened her grip on the chains holding her arms.  By so doing she was able to keep herself from a brutal death by impalement.  The priests, however, now secured her ankles.  She could keep herself from being ripped open through the strength of her arms. But she could not extricate herself from the fiendish device that threatened an excruciatingly painful death.

The crowd at first screamed its approval and then slowly fell silent, as Larra, her muscles straining, kept herself from being impaled.  The minutes passed, and then the multitude began to mutter in amazement as Larra continued to defy death.  But the strain was beginning to tell. 

Larra’s arms shook from the effort of supporting her body.  She had tried to lift herself enough to pull the stake from her vagina.  Weakened by the brutal ordeal she had been forced to suffer, she knew that she could not last long, but the priests had gauged her leg length well.  The chains on her ankles prevented her from escaping the deadly contraption that threatened to split her open.   

Slowly she weakened.  And as she did so, the stake began to move farther and farther into her body.  Already, it was in her to a depth of five inches.  At its widest the stake was five inches in diameter.  If it was allowed to penetrate much further, Larra would experience pain similar to that of childbirth. 

She began to whimper.  The stake was now six inches into her.  Straining every muscle, her back arched with the pain and effort.  Sweat poured from her body, dripping like raindrops onto the platform.  Her breasts, tipped with drops of sweat swayed as her body shifted in agony.  Sensing her end, the mass of people nearest the platform began to chant once again. “Chianga, chianga, chianga!”  The rest of the crowd picked it up. 

With a sob, Larra felt the stake sliding deep within her.  Then she screamed.  It was a shriek of pain and despair.  She had fought her hardest, but defeat was closing in on her.  She had only enough strength to hold on for a minute or so longer.  Already the incredible pain of having her vagina widened to a width of five inches signaled the end of her resistance. 

She made one last effort.  It was her last gasp.  Exerting every muscle, she managed to raise her body almost three inches.  But now she had nothing left.  In a few seconds her strength would fail her.  She would be fully impaled, and the cruel stake would rip into her vital organs.  She would die screaming in the most terrible agony.  And her death would not be quick.  Despite the frightening injuries the impalement would cause, it would still take her hours to die.  It would be a most degrading and horrifying death.  Larra screamed again.  A terrible scream of pain and hopelessness.  Her grip weakened.  Slowly she settled on to the stake, her own body weight forcing her vagina open.  Terrible pain consumed her.  She did not even hear the first explosion.