The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 7  The Black Leopard’s Triumph

Chapter 27  Misdirection

“Ready?” asked Suzi.  Natassia and Kyla nodded.  “Then let’s go.”  She broke cover and headed for Zhuang’s impressive HQ, the other two heroines following at staggered intervals. 

“Three heroines, boss,” Chen said, “coming through the park.  Right out in the open.”

“Really?” asked Zhuang.  “Strange that they should be so easily detected.  They must either think we are too weak to resist or they must really be desperate.”

“What should I do?” asked Chen. 

“Do?  Why capture them of course.  But this time, if there is any doubt, kill them.”

“Where did you last see them?” asked Chen.

“There,” replied the guard watching the park.  They are in that grove of trees.  They seem to be waiting for something.”

Chen and the thug he was speaking to were just outside one of the side entrances to Zhuang’s HQ.  Behind him was a full squad of heavily armed men, totaling about forty in all.  He moved his arms in a circle indicating that the men who were with him should sweep around to either side of the heroines’ hiding place.  They would catch them in the middle and take them from two directions at once.  In order to make up for the proven fighting abilities of the heroines, all of the men were armed with the latest version of Retinoff’s lightning staffs. 

Chen was baffled by the boldness of the heroines.  Even though it was night they surely couldn’t expect that none of Zhuang’s alarms would detect them.  Slowly the circle of men closed in on the small grove of trees where the heroines had gone to ground.  Then at a signal from Chen they swept in screaming and hollering at the tops of their lungs. 

The mob of men swept over the three heroines before they even had a chance to move.  Not that they could have in any case, since they were not exactly alive. 

“What the hell?” exclaimed Chen.  Lying on the ground in front of him was what was left of three department store dummies.  They still wore the fragments of superheroine costumes that had deceived Zhuang’s lookouts.  “God dammit,” swore Chen.  He and the rest of Zhuang’s guards had been completely taken in.  The heroines were not there.  But that could only mean…!  Chen broke into a limping run, moving as fast as his mangled genitals would allow him to.  He ignored the pain.  If the heroines weren’t here, then he had a good idea where they were.  And if he was right and arrived too late, Zhuang would make sure that he lost a lot more than his balls. 

“Nice work, Kyla,” said Natassia.  “I think you confused the whole bunch of them with those three mannequins.” 

“Good thing they don’t weigh much,” replied Kyla.  “It was a job getting them through the trees.  The costumes kept on catching on the branches.”

As they entered the secret passage they had used to escape Zhuang’s HQ the three heroines could clearly hear the sound of Zhuang’s men engaged in their heroic attack on the three mannequins.  They had to move fast, and trust to the fact that Zhuang’s hidey hole would not be guarded.  If they were right the crimelord would want to keep his special escape route secret, even from his own men.  They would probably have about five minutes to penetrate the defences of HQ and then the men they had distracted would be back.  

There was more to their plan than just breaking in, of course.  They hoped to find Zhuang and Nova’s belt before Zhuang had a chance to make off with it.  And then they had to find a way out of the HQ.  To facilitate the last part of their plan the three women carried enough high explosive in packs on their backs to blow the building apart.  They hoped they wouldn’t have to use it, but if they did there was going to be one hell of a fireworks display. 

They were well within the building now, heading back to the secret panel behind Zhuang’s divan.  They moved on through the maze of passageways, never deviating from their course, guided by their memories of their previous journey through the labyrinth.  Fortunately, their collective recall proved accurate, and within a short time they were inside the secret compartment leading to Zhuang’s audience and torture chamber.  It was Suzi who spotted the lever. 

“I wonder what this does,” she whispered.  Instinctively, she sensed what it was.  Something had put them all to sleep when Zhuang had escaped.  And there seemed to be no real use for the lever, as the secret panel that opened into the audience chamber was operated by a different mechanism. 

“I think we know,” answered Kyla.

“Pull it and see,” suggested Nova. 

Suzi nodded and grasped the lever.  At the same time, Nova peered into the room through a small hole in the wall.  Inside she could see the audience chamber and several of Zhuang’s men.  There was no sign of the crimelord himself, however.  Suzi pulled the lever.  They waited a minute and then taking a deep breath they open the secret panel and stepped into the room. 

Kyla went first, her power of invisibility making her the obvious choice, but it really didn’t matter much who led the way; the room was strewn with the bodies of unconscious men.   By this time Suzi had returned the lever to its original position.  Closing the panel behind her she joined Kyla and Nova in the audience chamber.  They didn’t linger long, however, crossing the room to one of the main exits and heading for what they hoped would be Zhuang’s private rooms.  As they went, they unloaded their backpacks and Suzi placed explosive charges as they moved on.  She connected each one to a small radio transmitter.  When the time came she would be able to detonate each one by remote control. 

As hoped, they encountered almost no opposition at first, but then came the sound of men’s voices as Zhuang’s thugs returned from the decoys Kyla had planted.  The heroines hurried on, taking whatever corridor looked most likely, and moving deeper and deeper into the building. 

“I smell food,” said Natassia.  “We must be close to the kitchens.” 

“Let’s go there,” said Kyla.  “I’ve got an idea.”  The two women fell in behind the invisible heroine, the sound of her voice the only indication that she was there. 

“What’s the idea?” asked Suzi impatiently.  “Don’t tell me you want a snack!”

“Later,” Kyla smiled.  “I have to watch my weight.  Anyway, have you ever seen Zhuang without something in his mouth? If anyone knows where he is, one of the cooks or servants will.”

The other two heroines grinned.  Their clever companion had hit the nail on the head.    Together they headed toward the odor of food.  Kyla went in first.  Using her power of invisibility she gave the head cook the shock of his life when she pulled his apron over his head and wrestled him to the floor.  There were three cooks in the kitchens and a number of helpers.  They fled shouting in fear.  Suzi and Natassia let them go; all except one.  Just in case the cook was not cooperative they wanted one more source of information. 

“Where is Zhuang?” Natassia demanded, speaking Cantonese.  The terrified cook was on his knees in front of her, still shaking from his experience.  He still did not know who had seized hold of him.  Nearby stood Suzi, her hand on the collar of the cook’s helper she had snagged.

Trembling so badly he could hardly talk the cook stuttered out an answer.  They were able to determine that Zhuang was waiting in a more secure part of his HQ, although it was hard to imagine that anything could be more secure than his audience chamber with its six inch steel doors.  Leaving the kitchens they headed as quickly as possible toward the location given.

By now, however, the sounds of Zhuang’s returning henchmen could be heard.  They were running out of time.  Suzi stopped and adjusted the knobs on her remote detonator.  “I guess I better slow them down,” she said.  She pushed a button and the building shook as a massive explosion sounded from where they had planted the first explosive charge.  “That will leave very little of Zhuang’s audience chamber.  Now we should get going.”  Without a word the three heroines headed up the nearest staircase.  Zhuang’s sanctuary was a heavily guarded room on the top floor.  Halfway up, Suzi planted one more explosive charge.  If the first explosion had not scared off Zhuang’s men, then this would give them an unpleasant surprise. 

Li Mei and Jahlen felt the compression of the air as the first explosion shook Zhuang’s HQ.  Zhuang had left them to the tender mercies of his henchmen after being assured by Retinoff that they were indeed with child.  Just to make sure he had tested their blood and noted the presence of hormones that indicated that they were well and truly impregnated.  They had been untied from the rack and heavy leather collars placed about their necks.  A chain had been run from one collar to the other, joining them in captivity.  Then a leather belt had been placed about each of their waists and their wrists had been padlocked behind their backs by locking them to a large metal ring in the back of the belt.   A tether had been placed between their ankles to prevent them from kicking.  Then they had been led from the room.  Li Mei had thought that they were being taken to the cells in the bottom of the building, but they did not get that far.  Instead the men escorting them took them to a small side room.  Li Mei and Jahlen knew at once why they had been taken there.

In the center of the room was a small table.  Struggling, the two women were forced towards it by the four thugs who held them.  “What’s the matter bitches?” asked one.  “We’re not good enough for you?  After all the dick you’ve received the last few days you’d think you’d no longer be fussy.”  The others laughed at the crude joke.  There were four men in all and it took them only a few seconds to force both Li Mei and Jahlen onto their backs on top of the table.  Hampered by the chain connecting them and the chains that held their arms behind their backs, the two struggling villainesses were no match for the four thugs.  Within seconds their ankle tethers were removed and one of the men was between Li Mei’s legs and another spread Jahlen.

Spitting and fighting like a cat, Li Mei tried to prevent the man between her legs from entering her.  Clamping her legs against his thighs she tried to hold him back.  She knew that her cause was hopeless, but she could not simply submit to another rape.  “Real spitfire ain’t she?” said the man between her thighs.  Li Mei spat in his face, the blob of spittle catching him right in the eye.  “Goddamned bitch!” the man swore, raising his hand to strike the helpless woman.

“No, Sid, you asshole!” exclaimed the man holding the Black Leopard down.  Zhuang said they were not to be harmed.  We can fuck ‘em, but we can’t hit ‘em.” 

Sid lowered his fist and wiped the spittle from his face.  “I’m gonna fuck you hard for that,” he said to Li Mei.  “I’m gonna ream that tight pussy like an auger.”

Pushing open her thighs, he unbuckled his pants, and dropping them to the floor grabbed the back of her backside and thrust forward.

Only a few inches away, Jahlen winced as she heard Li Mei cry out in pain as Sid split her vulva.  Then she was to busy concentrating on her own ordeal to pay much more attention to what was happening to her lover.  Bigger and stronger than Li Mei, she had managed to hold off the man attacking her by kicking her long powerful legs.  But eventually, the thug caught hold of both her ankles and spread her thighs, revealing her sexual treasure.  She lunged as he gripped her knees and stepped between her thighs.  The thug laughed at her efforts.  He had her and he knew it.  Fight as she might, she could not stop him from having his way with her. 

Part of her told Jahlen that it made no sense to resist.  She had been raped countless times in the last few days.  What would one more matter?  But her short time with the Black Leopard had restored much of her pride.  Her companion was fighting hard and she could do no less.  But it was a one sided battle.  Slowly the thug spread her, stopping briefly to drop his pants, and then dropped his weight onto her, pressing her into the table forcing her legs wide.  She grunted as he bit down on the erect nipple of her right breast, rolling the tender bud between his teeth.  He did not bite too hard, remembering Zhuang’s caution, but his teeth drew blood and Jahlen had to bite back a whimper.  Then he thrust into her. 

He was not as big as Zhuang, but her vagina was still raw from her session with the crimelord.  During the interval between Zhuang’s violation of her and the present rape, the soft tissues of her love canal had swollen and as a result penetration was painful and difficult.  Without knowing what she was doing, Jahlen arched her back, and gasped in pain.  “Ah, I think she likes that,” said her assailant.  “Look at her she’s doing every thing she can to get it in deeper.”

“Like hell, Joe” the man holding her down replied.  “She’s fighting like a tigress.  You take those chains of her and she’d rip your balls off.”

“Piss off, Kurt,” answered Joe.  “I say she likes it and wants more.  Look at the way she’s moving those hips.”

Jahlen battled furiously as Joe ravaged her.  But her struggles only made matters worse.  Each movement of her body helped his shaft sink deeper.  It was as Joe had said, she almost appeared to be enjoying it.

Li Mei screamed in rage and frustration as Sid ripped into her.  Like Jahlen, her well of passion, was swollen and sore.  In addition, she was a smaller women and much narrower through the hips.  She felt as if she was being raped by a horse.  Soon her cries of fury changed to screams of pain as Sid kept his promise to “ream her like an auger.”

“What the hell was that?” asked Sid, pausing in his rape of the Black Leopard.  The sound of the explosion followed close on the blast wave that had interrupted his pleasure. 

“Christ, we’re being bombed!” exclaimed the man holding Li Mei.  Letting go of her shoulders, he dashed to the door and was met by wall of smoke and dust. 

Li Mei took advantage of the slight opportunity afford her.  Surging forward with the last of her strength, she smashed her forehead into Sid’s nose.  The delightful crunch of breaking cartilage was music to her ears.  Sid screamed and staggered back, blood streaming from between the fingers he had clamped to his face. 

Exhausted, and bleeding, Li Mei rolled of the table.  Somehow, she found the strength to stand.  Her arms were pinioned behind her back, but her legs were free.  She took two steps and drove her foot into Joe’s knee, hyperextending the joint.  With a scream of agony, Joe fell to the floor clutching his injured knee with both hands. 

Jahlen reacted immediately.  With her legs free, she rocked back toward the thug who was pinning her to the table and brought her knees up sharply.  She caught her captor squarely in the face, knocking him off his feet and slamming him against the back wall of the room.  Jahlen did not stop rolling, curving her body off the table and landing on her feet with her back to the man she had just attacked.  She spun in place, and before her dazed opponent could recover, she slammed her right foot into his face, smashing his head into the wall.  Then she joined Li Mei.  Only one man remained now, and he took to his heels, making no attempt to help his fellow thugs.

It took Li Mei and Jahlen only a few moments to finish off the injured men.  But their hands were still secured behind their backs.  “We’ve got to get these belts off,” Li Mei said.  “Can you reach the buckle on mine?”

“I’ll try,” Jahlen answered.  She knew they had only minutes or perhaps only seconds to escape.  It would not take long for the thug who had run away to spread the word of their escape.  She turned her back and fumbled with the buckle of the belt around Li Mei’s waist.  It was no easy matter to unbuckle the belt with her own wrists chained behind her back, but after a minute she managed to pull the belt loose, allowing Li Mei to pull her arms under her and bring them to the front.  Her wrists were still locked to the belt, but at least her arms were now in front of her.  Within seconds she was able to unbuckle Jahlen’s belt allowing her to bring her arms in front as well. 

“I don’t suppose any of these idiots would have the key to the padlock on them,” Li Mei said, looking at the three men who littered the room. 

“Only one way to find out,” answered Jahlen.  She bent and began to go through the pockets of the three corpses.  Li Mei followed her example.  She found nothing on the body she was searching, but a cry of success from Jahlen sent a thrill through her.  She looked up and saw her lover dangling a set of keys from her hand.  “I’ve got them, Kitten,” she said triumphantly.

Li Mei smiled.  It was strange how quickly the name Jahlen had used as an insult had become a term of endearment.  She held out her wrists and let her companion unlock the padlock.  Then she did the same for Jahlen.  “OK, now we’ve got to get out of here,” said Jahlen. 

“Not yet,” said Li Mei.  “We don’t have any clothes, and I want to make sure of something first.”  Stealthily she moved out of the room, her companion following. 

Hughie approached the caged heroines.  Sun Lin and Melissa watched the giant move closer with some apprehension.  There had been no sign of the Black Leopard that day, but Ocelot and Wildcat had shown up and taunted them with threats of having Hughie rape them again.  And so it was with trepidation that they watched the hulking brute come toward them. 

Hughie peered intently at each of the heroines through the bars.  “Which baby mine?” he asked slowly.  His large blue eyes expressed a confused innocence. 

Melissa held her baby even more tightly to her breast, but Sun Lin did something very strange.  “This one,” she said quietly, holding up her child so that Hughie could see it better.

“Mine?” Hughie asked, moving his face to within inches of the bars. 

“Yes,” said Sun Lin, she held her child closer.  Hughie’s eyes widened as he gazed on the tiny infant.

Melissa held her breath.  What was Sun Lin doing?  Hughie was a monster.  A huge man of only limited intelligence that the Black Leopard used to do her dirty work.  He had tortured and raped Sun Lin’s companions on several occasions.  He had quite willingly helped Shark Stevens rape both her and Sun Lin, and was almost certainly the father of Sun Lin’s child.  Surely she didn’t actually want him to see the results of the vile deed he had performed.  And yet, Sun Lin was holding up her child as if she was pleased to acknowledge Hughie as the father.  She even had a slight smile on her face.

“Mine.” Hughie said again, his voice filed with wonder.

“Yes,” Sun Lin said.  “Yours.  And mine too.  Would you like to see her up close?”

Hughie nodded dumbly.  He fumbled with the small door in the bars of the cell, opening it so that the Jade Dragon could pass the baby through to him.  Sun Lin stepped back.  “No,” she said softly.  “She is your daughter, not a bundle of dirty laundry.  If you want to hold her, you will have to open the door of the cell.”

“No,” said Hughie, shaking his head.  “Can’t do that.  Black Leopard punish me.”

“Then you can’t see your daughter,” said Sun Lin, returning her baby to her breast. 

“Give baby,” Hughie demanded pushing one huge hand through the opening in the bars.

“No,” replied Sun Lin, stepping to the back of the cell.  “You are not a good father.  You don’t want to hold your daughter properly.”

Hughie stepped back.  “Give baby,” he said.  “Hughie good father.” 

“A good father wouldn’t leave his baby in a cage,” said Sun Lin.  “This is no place for  your baby.  I can’t look after her properly.  She needs a proper home.”

“Black Leopard punish me if I open cage,” he repeated.  He seemed quite distressed.

Sun Lin sat down, and helped her baby suckle at her left nipple.  “Then you will just have to leave your baby in a cage,” she said resignedly. 

“No,” said Hughie loudly.  “I want to see baby.  I get the key.”  He turned and left the room.

“What are you doing?” Melissa asked.  “You’re not really going to let that monster hold your child?”

Sun Lin, nodded.  “I don’t think Hughie is evil, just feeble-minded.  He does what others tell him to do.  He’s been around villains so long he doesn’t know what is right or wrong anymore.   In any case we have no choice.  You heard what the Black Leopard said she was going to do to our children.  God knows what she has planned for us.  We can’t let that happen.”

Melissa nodded.  Sun Lin was right.  They had to get out of the Black Leopard’s lair.  If using Hughie was the only way then they would just have to do it.  “After all,” she thought, her jaw tightening, “we can always kill him.  He wouldn’t have a chance against either of us once we are out of this cage.”

At that moment Hughie reappeared.  He was brandishing a large brass key in front of him as if it were some sort of trophy.  “Got it!” he exclaimed.  “Will soon have baby out of the cage.”

Sun Lin said nothing, but smiled sweetly at him.  It was a look that would have melted the hearts of most men, Hughie included, had he not been so intent on unlocking the door to the cell.  “Now,” he said, swinging the door open, “give baby.”  Tensing, Melissa readied herself to attack.

“Let me show you how to hold her,” said Sun Lin, gently disengaging her child from her nipple.  “You hold her like this,” she demonstrated, forming her arms into a cradle.  Hughie copied the action and to Melissa’s surprise the Jade Dragon deposited her child in the giant’s arms. 

A look of absolute wonder spread over the huge man’s face as he held his daughter.  Bending his head, he regarded her with fascination.

“You can hold her for a little while,” Sun Lin said.  “But she will need her mother again soon so that she can feed.”

Hughie nodded dumbly.  He was cradling the baby as if he was holding a carton of eggs.  “Yes,” he replied.  “Baby needs milk.”  His eyes strayed briefly to the Jade Dragon’s breasts.

“Now Hughie,” the Jade Dragon continued, “you have to look after your baby properly.  You wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her would you?”

“No,” said Hughie, his eyes still fixed on the tiny infant.  “My baby.  Take care of my baby.” 

“You have to help me get her away from here then.  The Pussies and the Black Leopard want to hurt her.” 

Hughie’s eyes widened in fear.  “Can’t go against Black Leopard.  She would hurt me.  Punish me if I help you.”

“Please, Hughie,” Sun Lin pleaded.  “You must help us.  You must be a good father to your baby.”

Melissa was running out of patience.  Why didn’t the Jade Dragon just kick Hughie’s balls in?  That would solve the problem   She edged closer, ready to attack. 

“Hughie,” Sun Lin said at last, “you can come with us.  Then the Black Leopard won’t be able to hurt you.”

Hughie’s face split in a huge grin.  “Hughie like that.  Then he can be with his baby all the time.”

“Good,” said Sun Lin with a sigh of relief.  “Give me back the baby.  You have to help us.  We need clothes.  And you must make sure that the Pussies don’t find out what you are doing.”

Hughie nodded dumbly.  “I get some clothes,” he said as he turned and moved toward the door.  Melissa frowned, she had grave doubts about the ability of the giant to remember such complex instructions.  Nevertheless, she held her peace.  If worst came to worst she could always fight her way out of the Black Leopard’s lair.

“Why didn’t you just kill him?” asked Melissa as the door closed behind Hughie.  “How do you know he can be trusted?”

“Sometimes your assassin’s training takes over, doesn’t it?” Sun Lin replied.  “I just couldn’t do it.  Hughie isn’t really evil.  He is just easily dominated.  He just does what the Black Leopard tells him to do.  Anyway, he is the father of my child.  How could I tell my daughter that I killed her father?”

Melissa nodded.  She didn’t really understand, but knew that the Jade Dragon’s logic was all mixed up in the superheroine code of honour, a concept she didn’t really comprehend or entirely agree with.  At that moment the door opened again.  Hughie tiptoed into the room.

“I was quiet,” he said, proudly, “No one saw me.”  He was carrying a bundle of dark clothing in his arms. 

The heroines sorted through the clothing.  Hughie seemed to have raided the Pussies’ costume closet, as most of the clothing items consisted of cat suits.  It wasn’t the ideal apparel for two superheroines, but they would have to swallow their pride and make use of what was available. 

Melissa held Sun Lin’s child while she dressed.  Both infants were hungry and the feeling of both her nipples being suckled simultaneously was most remarkable; almost erotic.  Then she traded off with her mentor while she pulled on the outfit she had chosen.  A sudden thought occurred to her.  Dressed the way they were, she and Sun Lin looked liked the Pussies.  If they were spotted it might make their escape from the Black Leopard’s lair that much easier.

“Hughie,” asked Sun Lin as Melissa finished dressing, “do you know of a way out of the Black Leopard’s lair?  A way that we won’t be spotted.  I wouldn’t want anyone shooting at us while we have the babies.”

Hughie frowned in concentration.  After a few moments he brightened.  “Black Leopard has a special way out.  One she uses when no one is looking.” 

Both women exchanged a glance.  They were both thinking the same thing.  How would Hughie know of a secret way out when none of the Pussies had any idea it existed?  “Show us,” Sun Lin said, finally.

Hughie led the way out of the room.  He was carrying the reels of film that had been made when the heroines had given birth. The two mothers followed silently, holding their children close, and hoping that their babies’ tiny stomachs were full enough that they would remain quiet.  Their little procession took several twists and turns before ending up in a well furnished room.  It was obvious that they were in the Black Leopard’s private quarters.  Hughie went directly to the back of the bed.  After fumbling for a few seconds he found a hidden button and pushed it.  A section of the wall slid silently back, revealing a dark cavity.

“Hughie help Black Leopard carry loot through here,” the huge brute announced proudly.  Sun Lin and Melissa nodded in sudden understanding.  So that was it.  The Black Leopard had used the secret passage to store treasures that she did not want the rest of her brood to know about.  She probably regarded Hughie as being too stupid to be any sort of threat and too frightened of her to dare reveal its existence.

“Lead the way,” Sun Lin said to Hughie.  The giant moved into the opening, stooping as he did so, although both Sun Lin and Melissa were able to follow without ducking their heads.  Hughie found a light switch and the two heroines found themselves in a narrow stairway leading down through the building.  They began a slow cautious descent, the two heroines not believing that escape from the Black Leopard’s lair could be so easy. 

The stairway seemed to go on forever.  Melissa estimated that they must have been well below the street level when the stairs finally ended, leveling off in a long dark tunnel.  Here there was no electric light or light of any sort.  Since Hughie had not thought to bring a flashlight, they made their way in total darkness, feeling their way along the walls of the tunnel.  As far as they could tell the tunnel ran straight, although if it had curved, in the pitch black tunnel there would have been no way of telling.  Sun Lin knew she had come to the end of the tunnel when she felt a change in the air flow.  The air in the tunnel had been quite close, but now she sensed that the air was less dense.  She imagined that she was entering a large room. 

Hughie broke the silence.  “Black Leopard’s treasure room,” he said.  The two women could hear him blundering about in the dark, apparently searching for something. 

“What is it, Hughie?” the Jade Dragon asked. 

“Looking for cord.” Hughie answered.  “Cord for light.”  There was a loud crashing sound as he stumbled over something and knocked it flat.  “Oops,” he said apologetically, “Black Leopard not like that.”  There followed another few minutes of stumbling while the two women waited with growing impatience.  “Ahh!  Got it.”  Suddenly the darkness was flooded with light.

In actual fact, the single naked bulb that illuminated the Black Leopard’s treasure trove did not provide much illumination, but after the stygian blackness it seemed almost blinding.  Sun Lin and Melissa blinked as their eyes adjusted to the light.  They looked about them in wonder.  “Gracious!” exclaimed Sun Lin.  “There must be millions of dollars in loot here.”

Melissa nodded dumbly.  It seemed impossible that a single individual could have accumulated so much booty.  Scattered about the large room, seemingly at random were hundreds of stolen items.  A few of them Sun Lin and Melissa recognized as valuables that had been reported stolen by their owners, but many more they had no recollection of.  There were all sorts of rare antiquities, from oriental paintings, and Central American statuary to Egyptian sarcophagi and African fetish carvings.  Hughie stood near a large Greek statue that lay in fragments on the floor, apparently the item he had blundered into in the dark. 

“Well, this will solve a lot of crimes,” said Melissa.  “But we have to get out of here.  The Black Leopard and her hirelings could return at any moment.” 

“This way,” said Hughie.  He began to thread his way through the maze of stolen artifacts.

“I must admit she has good taste,” commented Sun Lin.  “Some of this stuff is remarkable.”  She turned and gave the room full of valuables one more look before following Hughie and Melissa. 

They were in another tunnel.  This one was just as dark as the first, and they made their way very uncertainly, keeping one of their hands on the wall for guidance.  Sun Lin wasn’t sure how long they walked in the complete darkness, but it was probably about half an hour.  She became aware of the sound of running water and a strong unpleasant odor.  “We must be getting close to the sewers,” she whispered.  Melissa made a slight sound of the affirmative.  Probably she had nodded her head, but in the darkness it was impossible to tell. 

The sound of running water and the stench of sewage grew and with it came a glimmer of light.  By now they had stopped touching the wall, as it was slippery with slime.  The smell became almost overwhelming and the sound of water quite loud when Hughie stopped.  They could see by now, light filtering in from above.  In front of them was one of the city’s main sewer lines.  The small ledges along each side of the running water were swarming with rats and encrusted with filth.  The stench was almost overwhelming. 

“This place very stinky,” said Hughie. 

“Right,” answered Melissa, “but at least we have some idea where we are.  If we follow the sewer we should come to some sort of access ladder and a manhole.” 

“Yes,” said Sun Lin.  She stepped into the knee deep water.  “Let’s get this over with.” 

Rats scampered out of their way as they waded in the direction of the flow.  Going against it would have been almost impossible, especially holding the two infants.  They plodded on for quite some time, the only light coming in from the storm drains high above.  But eventually they spotted what Melissa had predicted, iron rungs set into the stonework and leading to a round cover over their heads. 

They let Hughie go first, as he was relatively unburdened, the two reels of film slung in a sack over his shoulder.  Sun Lin and Melissa cradled their babies and climbed with one hand.  Hughie reached the top, and with seemingly little effort pushed the heavy iron cover aside.  The two heroines scrambled out after him, and took their first deep breath in a long time.  “Where are we?” Melissa asked, looking around her. 

Sun Lin, more familiar with the city due to the number of years she had been patrolling its rooftops answered.  “We’re in the southwest, near the city docks.  With a little luck we can be home in about a half hour.” 

Melissa breathed a sigh of relief.  Their long ordeal seemed to be coming to an end at last.

Nova drove her fist into the midriff of the last of Zhuang’s guards.  Even without her belt she was a formidable martial artist.  She, Kyla, and Suzi had made short work of the men protecting the entrance to Zhuang’s sanctuary.  As the last of the thugs went down the three heroines assembled in front of the door.  “Massive,” said Natassia, “solid steel.  Even with my belt, I doubt I could break through that.”

“Stand clear,” said Suzi.  “I’ve still got a few pounds of explosive left.  Kyla you keep watch.  We don’t want to be trapped here.”

Expertly, Suzi placed the explosive charges around the door.  She was almost ready when Kyla came dashing up the stairs.  “We’ve got company.  Can you stall them?”

“I can not only stall them, I can blow them away,” answered the Scarlet Falcon.  “Where are they exactly?”

“Halfway up, and coming fast.” 

“This should do it.”  Suzi set the dial on her transmitter and pushed the button. 

A series of heavy explosions thundered through the building.  Plaster crashed down from the ceiling and suddenly the landing was plunged into darkness.  From below came the screams of terrified and injured men.

“Geez, hope I didn’t overdo it,” Suzi said. 

“Never mind,” said Natassia.  “Blow the door.” 

“Right.  But let’s back off a bit first.”  The three women scampered back the way they had come and then placed their hands over their ears while Suzi got ready to set off the charges.  In a few seconds the way would be clear to Zhuang Zhijian.

Zhuang’s complexion paled as his headquarters shook from the heavy detonations.  Most of the room was plunged into darkness.  Who was attacking him anyway, the army?  It couldn’t be just a few superheroines.  He only had a few personal bodyguards left and from the nervous looks they were exchanging, it was obvious they could not be depended on.  It was time to get out. 

“Chen,” he ordered.  “Watch the door.  I am going to check the escape route.  Follow me in five minutes.”  Chen nodded.  Loyal to the end, he did not realize that his leader was about to abandon him. 

As fast as his bulk would allow, Zhuang hurried to the back of the room.  There was a small partition there that would hide what he was doing.  Quickly he found the lever that released the hidden panel.  With a final backward glance he slipped into the hidden escape route.  Once inside he reached for the lever that would close it off, leaving Chen to fend for himself.  At that moment an enormous blast tore through the outside room.  Zhuang was thrown off his feet as a wall of hot air and debris swept into his hidey hole. 

Coughing, his eyes burning form the acrid fumes that filled the air, Zhuang managed to haul himself to his feet.  He no longer had to worry about Chen and the others.  Nothing in the room could have survived that explosion.  It was time to leave.  Taking two steps forward in the dark, he found the slide that would take him to the labyrinth in the lower part of the building.  Setting his feet into the slide he pushed off and plunged into the darkness.

“Guess I need more practice,” said Suzi apologetically.  The explosion had been far greater than she had anticipated.  She had hoped to capture the occupants of the room alive, but there wasn’t much left of them.  She counted five bodies.  One she recognized.  Chen.  She saw Nova give the man’s corpse a look of utter distaste.  Her companion hadn’t said much about her experience when she was captured, but that look said it all.  Suzi thought of her own ordeal and shuddered.  Whatever had happened to Chen, he had deserved it.

Natassia stepped through the wrecked room that had been Zhuang’s final place of refuge.  The explosion had blown a hole in the roof, so there was plenty of light to see by.  The sight of Chen’s corpse brought back bitter memories, but she put them out of her mind.  Where was Zhuang?  The bloated crime boss should be easy to find.  She kicked a piece of broken furniture out of her way.  And then she saw it.  A dark hole in the wall. 

Six strides took her over to it.  Another escape hole.  The Chinese villain was worse than a prairie dog.  How many tunnels did he have in the building?  Without thinking, she stepped into it, then she stopped.  She better tell Kyla and Suzi where she was going.  As she pivoted a piece of rubble rolled under her feet, she caught herself, stepping quickly to regain her footing and stepped into a hole.

It took her a few seconds to realize that she was not falling, but sliding.  Zhuang had installed an escape slide to take him away from his final sanctuary as fast as possible.  Twisting her body, she was able to get her feet pointed down before she hit bottom.  The slide slipped upwards just before it ended.  It was a good thing that it did, because if it hadn’t, she would probably have slammed into the floor in the darkness.  Instead, she was deposited gently on the floor. 

Quickly, she got to her feet.  Somewhere, only a short distance away was Zhuang.  He had her belt and the Dragon’s Eye.  She had to get it back.  If he escaped, she might never see it again.  She stood listening.  At any moment, she expected to hear Kyla and Suzi coming down the slide.  But if they didn’t she would go on without them.  She couldn’t take a chance of Zhuang escaping. 

A sound to her right alerted her.  There was someone there.  Zhuang?  She would find out.  Silently she moved in the direction of the sound she had heard, listening intently.  Suddenly a light gleamed in the darkness.  It had to be Zhuang.  She quickened her pace, seeking to catch him before he got too far ahead.

She came upon Zhuang quite unexpectedly, actually moving right past him in the dim light of the underground passages.  He was just as surprised as she was.  He was in the process of unlocking a door in one of the side passages.  Natassia had no idea where it went, but she had no intention of letting him go any farther.

Zhuang spun as he heard the approach of the heroine.  He almost wet himself.  He had supposed that he was alone in the tunnels, and was just in the process of opening the door to his secret strong room when the heroine came up behind him.  For a second he just stared at her.  And then he realized who it was.  Nova.  And he had her belt.  Without it she was not really much of a superheroine.  If only she were alone. 

“A little brave aren’t you, my dear,” he said, testing her.  “Coming after me by yourself?”

“I don’t need any help to take you in Zhuang,” the heroine replied.  “I’m here for my belt, and for you.”

Zhuang laughed.

The woman in front of him couldn’t have amounted to more than a third of his weight.  He moved toward her. 

Her foot caught him between the legs.  Any other man would have been incapacitated, but the great folds of flesh that hung down from his abdomen shrouded his genitalia in a protective layer.  The blow hurt, but did not finish him.  With a roar of rage he heaved himself toward her.

Natassia retreated in shock from Zhuang’s advance.  The kick she had delivered should have finished him but he was coming at her like a freight train.  Backing away, she struck at him with a flurry of kicks and punches. 

Each of the blows staggered the huge crimelord, but it was like hitting a giant cushion.  Zhuang’s fat seemed to absorb the blows without effect.  Slowly he closed on her, using the narrow confines of the passageway to take away her ability to avoid his clumsy attack.  Again and again she struck at him, and again and again he came on.  She sensed the wall at her back, and then he was on her, flattening her against the stonework as if he were a bulldozer. 

Natassia rained blows into Zhuang’s face.  He roared in pain as her right fist smashed into his nose, and her left split open his lower lip.  He took two steps back and then advanced again.  Natassia knew he was tiring.  His hoarse breathing told her that he was on the verge of collapse.  If she could just keep hitting him long enough he would go down.  She slammed her right foot into his gut again and then launched a left right combination toward his face.  It was then that a burning pain shot through her forearm.  With a scream Natassia staggered back, shaking her right arm as if it was on fire.  But the pain did not go away, instead it spread through her body like a raging inferno creating the most intense agony she had ever known. 

“You stupid bitch,” Zhuang laughed.  “Did you really think you could defeat me?”  He seized the traumatized woman before she could break away.  Natassia opened her mouth to scream, but Zhuang clamped his hand over her mouth and wrestled her to the floor.  He landed on top of her, his weight crushing her into the cold concrete.  Natassia fought to breathe as his four hundred pounds of mass pinned her to the floor.  She moaned in pain as the hideous drug that coursed through her veins continued to burn agonizingly. 

Zhuang removed his hand from her mouth and thrust his handkerchief into it.  Using one of the ties from his robe, he secured it in place while Natassia tried to free her arms from Zhuang’s crushing weight.  Then he shifted his weight and using another tie, bound her wrists. 

Natassia was helpless and wracked by the frightening pain of the brutal drug he had used on her.  Sweating from pain, fear and exertion she struggled to free herself, but a feeling of despair crept over her even as the agony of the drug subsided.  She could feel Zhuang shifting his weight as he undid his robe.  She knew that meant only one thing, he was preparing to rape her.  Spurred on by sheer terror, she thrashed wildly in a desperate effort to free herself from the hulking crimelord.

Zhuang chuckled at her efforts. “So strong, but so helpless. You are pinned like a fly. And soon I will take you the way I took you before. But this time there will be a difference. This time I will impregnate you the way I impregnated the Black Leopard and Jahlen. The drug I injected you with was the same one used on the Jade Dragon and Scorpion. It heightens your sensitivity to sex, while at the same time preparing your body to receive my seed.”

Natassia knew Zhuang’s words to be true.  Already, in spite of her perilous situation, she felt a strange longing.  Horrible as the thought was, a part of her wanted a man within her.  The fact that it might be Zhuang was disgusting in the extreme, but she could barely contain the emotion.   However, the thought of meeting the same fate as Sun Lin and Melissa cancelled any sexual urges the drug gave her.  The vile notion of being forced to carry Zhuang’s child sent a wave of panic through her.  She convulsed, twisting and turning her body so violently that the huge man weighing her down was almost dislodged. 

“A true superheroine,” Zhuang sneered.  “You never give up, no matter how hopeless the situation, but you are doomed my lovely.  In a few minutes you will receive my seed and you will know complete defeat.”  He shifted his weigh so that he could remove her clothing.  He first removed her utility belt, and then unzipped the back of her costume.  From there, using his powerful hands, he ripped the thin silk from her waist to her crotch.  It took him only a few seconds more to remove most of the remainder of her outfit, finishing by removing her boots.  Then he took a few strips of the shredded material and bound her legs at ankle and thigh.  Only then did he lift his weight from her body, allowing Natassia to breathe once more.

Picking her up effortlessly, the obese giant carried her into the strong room and closed the door behind him.  “I expect that should give us a little privacy,” Zhuang said.  “Since this is the last time we are likely to meet, I want to take my time with you.”

There was only one piece of furniture in the room. A small wooden table, but Zhuang made the best use of it.  Placing her on top of it, he adjusted her bonds so that her body was sprawled face up across the width of the table, her arms pulled down and under the tabletop, so that they were almost forced out of their sockets.  Her legs were bent down on the other side, and tied to her wrists.  The effort left her with her shoulders, hanging over one side of the table and her backside hanging over the other.  Her exposed vulva was level with the edge of the table and her back was arched across its top.  She could not have presented a more delectable sexual target. 

Zhuang took time out to survey his victim once more.  He never tired of looking at captured and helpless superheroines, especially one as lovely as Nova.  The evident fear she sought so desperately to hide made her all the more desirable.  She was indeed a prize.  Long legs; a narrow waist; flaring hips; high, round breasts; and a sweet little pussy, slightly parted and begging for his organ.  He could hardly contain himself.  But first he wanted her mouth.  He removed the gag.  No one would hear her in the strong room.  Her full succulent lips were slightly parted as she panted from the exertion of attempting to escape.  He watched the agitated rise and fall of her chest.  

He unfastened the last of the ties holding his robe closed and moved to her head.  The fascinating gray eyes of the heroine followed him.  They were defiant and angry, but held the proper amount of fear as well. 

“Well my dear,” he said.  “Let’s get started.  I think a little lubrication is asked for first, and you will provide it.”  Seizing Nova’s raven locks he jerked her head down until it was upside down, her open mouth only a few inches from his tumescent penis.  He stepped forward, and forced it between her lips.

Natassia gagged as Zhuang filled her mouth with his member.  It was so large that it almost dislocated hr jaw.  She tried to bite down, but her mouth was forced open so wide that she could apply no pressure.  All she got was a moan of pleasure from Zhuang.  “Aah, that’s it my heroine, bite me.  Bite me, I find it most stimulating.”  He pushed deeper into her, driving his rod into her throat. 

Natassia’s body thrashed as she was forced into the sword swallowing act.  She could hardly breathe and the unnatural position of her body was agonizing painful.  Zhuang clamped his hands over her quivering breasts, massaging the soft flesh and amusing himself by pinching each nipple and pulling her breasts into points. 

Zhuang’s breathing quickened as Nova’s warm mouth stimulated him.  That wouldn’t do.  He didn’t want to waste any of his precious sperm.  Reluctantly he pulled his now dripping phallus from his victim’s mouth.  It was time to put it where it belonged.

“Please don’t,” Nova begged.  The voice did not seem to belong to her.  But she knew it was.  She was betraying herself, begging the crimelord to show mercy even though she knew that he was not capable of such compassion.  But her fear of sharing the fate that had befallen the Jade Dragon and Scorpion terrified her beyond description.  She could think of no worse fate for a heroine than being forced to bear the child of an arch villain, especially one as vile and depraved as Zhuang.

Zhuang smiled as the heroine broke.  He decided to play with her.  “Don’t?” he asked.  “What would you give me if I showed mercy?  Your last promise certainly proved worthless.”

“I can give you nothing,” Nova gasped.  Her body was already slick with sweat, and the drug induced fires of desire flickered in her eyes.  “I can only ask for your mercy.”

“You are lying to me,” Zhuang said, moving close to her.  His enorged organ pointed like a torpedo toward the tight slit between Nova’s legs.  “I can sense your desire.  You want this.  All of it.  You are just like any woman ever made, filled with the desire to have your garden of earthly delights ploughed until you scream.”

“No,” Nova pleaded.  “I want so such thing.”  He heart thumped within her chest like a hammer beating on a drum.  She licked her lips, tasting some of Zhuang’s spilled semen.  “Please let me go.  There is one thing I can promise you.  I will not try to follow you until you have had ample time to escape.”

“How noble,” Zhuang sneered.  “I am to be allowed to escape from my helpless prisoner.  Hardly a tempting offer.”

“Please,” Nova begged.  “I can offer nothing more.”

Zhuang looked into Nova’s deep gray wells.  “You want me to let you go.  Alright, I will, but on one condition.”

Nova’s heart leaped.  Could it be that Zhuang would actually release her?  It hardly seemed possible.

“There is just one thing I want,” Zhuang said, “and it is easily given.”

Nova held her breath.  What would Zhuang demand?

“I want a superheroine promise.  But a simple one.  You only have to tell me the truth.”

“The truth?” Nova repeated.  “It depends what you ask.  I cannot betray my friends.”

Zhuang ran his hand down Nova’s body, starting as her breasts and caressing her flat belly and continuing to the slight swell of her abdomen before finishing between her legs.  She could not hide the trembling in her limbs as he finished.  The fertility drug he had injected into her filled her with an irrational desire.  “I want the truth about what you are feeling now,” Zhuang said.  “Tell me truthfully that you feel no passion.  That you do not want your body taken; your breasts caressed; your pleasure palace visited by my eager staff.”

Natassia felt a flush sweep across her body.  “That is not fair,” she protested.  You have injected with an insidious drug that gives me false desires.  You knew before you asked how I would have to answer.” 

Zhuang’s jowls creased in a triumphant grin.  “You have answered truly.  I am a man of my word.  I will release you.”

Nova could hardly believe her ears.  For an instant her hopes soared, but Zhuang’s next words sent them crashing down again.  “But first I will give you what you really want.”

“No,” Nova begged again.  “No, you cannot do this.”  Her voice rose in pitch as Zhuang moved closer to her, leveling his phallus at her throbbing vulva.  “No! No! Nooo!”  The last was a scream as he thrust into her. 

Zhuang raped her in a most leisurely fashion, driving rhythmically in and out of Natassia’s tight vagina.  After the first shock of entry, she endured it with superheroine fortitude, gritting her teeth against the pain and fighting back the urge to scream for mercy.  She had humbled herself enough, but it was a long drawn out ordeal, and before the brutal crimelord was through, she was weeping softly, her spirit broken.  At the end, Zhuang grunted in carnal satisfaction as he released into her, his sperm driving for her womb and the refuge of the egg his drug had forced her body to release. 

“As promised,” Zhuang said smugly as he refastened his robe.  “I will leave you now.  Doubtless you will be able to free yourself eventually.  I hope that you think of me when you bear your child.  Perhaps you might even name it after me.”  He paused as if just thinking of something.  “Oh,” he said.  “I just remembered.  The drug you were injected with is not exactly like the one that was used on your friends.  This is a special formula created by Dr. Retinoff just for me.  It is guaranteed to produce children that are freaks of nature.  I hope you remember that as my child swells within you.”  He laughed, his jowls quivering with mirth.  Then stuffing several thick wads of cash into the inner pockets of his robe, he opened the door and left, leaving the sobbing heroine alone. 

Zhuang hurried toward the exit from the labyrinth.  This time he would not lose his way.  Despite the setbacks created by the heroines, he was not dismayed.  Far from it.  He felt better than he had for quite some time.  Fucking Nova into submission had been a delightful experience.  Too bad he couldn’t take her with him.  She had been taught a lesson she would never forget.  He wondered what sort of monster she would give birth to.  Retinoff had promised that the children born to the women he had impregnated would be quite unusual.  That took his mind to the Black Leopard and Jahlen.  They would remember him too, especially when engaged in the agonies of giving birth to his children.  He couldn’t think of a more fitting punishment. 

An earth-shaking explosion above him reminded him that he had better hurry.  Those damned superheroines had completely destroyed his HQ.  But they had not finished him.  His crime empire was not based on a single building.  His network of contacts was still intact.  He would have to lay low for awhile, but he would recover.  And perhaps the impregnation of five of his most dangerous enemies would take the pressure off him.  Finally, he still had Nova’s belt…  His hand went to the pocket where he had stowed it. 

He stopped and groped his other pockets.  The belt!  Where was it?  The fight with Nova!  It must have fallen out.  Damn!  He would have to go back for it.  Cursing under his breath he turned his elephantine bulk and headed back the way he had come.

“She must have come down here,” said Suzi.  “There was no other way for her to go.” 

“Over here,” shouted Kyla.  She was crouching, checking the dust covered floor of the labyrinth.  “Footprints.”  These are Nova’s, I recognize the boot heels.  And there was someone else.  I think these might be Zhuang’s, he usually wears slippers.”

“But where is she?” asked Suzi.  “I don’t like this.  It looks like she may have run into trouble.” 

“Look,” said Kyla, stooping.  She stood up.  In her hand was a belt.  There was no mistaking the gleaming gem that ornamented it. 

“Her belt.  She must have wrestled it away from Zhuang.  But where is she?”

“It’s pretty dusty. Down here,” Kyla answered.  “Zhuang’s footprints head away from the fight area.  I don’t see Nova’s.”

In the shadows, jut a few feet away, Zhuang tried to make himself smaller.  The dammed heroines had found the belt.  But there was no way he was going to tackle two of them, especially since one of them could make herself invisible.  He let them pass as they headed for the strong room.  So, they would find Nova.  It wouldn’t so them any good.  He would be long gone.  As the voices of the women faded, he moved back toward the exit.

“It’s solid steel,” said Kyla, as she stood in front of the strongroom door.  “I don’t suppose we can blast our way in?”

“No, I’ve used up all of my explosive.  But maybe I can jimmy the lock.”

“It’s a combination,” replied Kyla.  “There’s nothing to jimmy.”

“Stand back,” said Suzi.  She opened one of the pouches in her utility belt and took out a compact stethoscope that was attached to small electronic box.  She put on the stethoscope, flicked a switch on the box, and began to turn the dial on the door. 

It didn’t take her long.  “Pretty simple lock,” she said.  “I didn’t really need all this gear.”  She gave the dial one more turn and then threw the handle on the door.  With a clunk the locking mechanism slid back and she pulled the door open. 

Kyla was the first one in.  “Natassia!” she exclaimed.  Without thought that the room might be booby trapped she darted through the door.  Suzi stopped in the doorway, just in case. 

Natassia was still bound to the table where Zhuang had left her.  The ordeal with the oriental crimelord had left her too exhausted and dispirited to try to escape.  In addition, the painful manner in which she was bound made it very difficult for her to move.  Her shoulders joints were almost dislocated and the circulation to her limbs was cut off, leaving them numb and useless.  But she was still conscious, and she turned her head as Kyla bounded in.

“Kyla,” she moaned.  She had to fight back the urge to cry.  She was a heroine and it wouldn’t do to burst into tears. 

“Natassia,” Kyla repeated.  “What did that bastard do to you?”  She wasn’t expecting an answer.  It was obvious that her friend and companion had been brutally raped.  Quickly she crossed to her friend.  She could have tried to untie her, but this would be easier and faster.  She snapped Nova’s belt around the heroine’s waist and waited for the transformation.

As many times as she had seen it happen, the power of the Dragon’s Eye never ceased to amaze her.  Kyla and Suzi stood back as unbelievable strength surged through Nova’s body.  Powerful muscles rippled beneath her smooth skin and her pale flesh changed colour, glowing with health and vitality.  The superheroine flexed her muscles, snapping the strands of cord and fabric that bound her like so much wet spaghetti. 

Nova leaped up from the table, her gray eyes blazing with fury.  “Where is he?” she demanded.  “Where is Zhuang?”

“He is gone, Natassia,” Kyla said, surprised at her friend’s clearly agitated state.  “He was not around when we found your belt.”

“I must find him,” the naked heroine said, her chest heaving with unsuppressed emotion.  “He raped me Kyla, he raped me.”  As she finished, her voice broke and she had to fight back tears.

Suzi and Kyla closed about her, taking the trembling heroine in their arms.  They were mystified.  They had never seen the stalwart heroine like this.  Nova had been raped before, as they all had, and had always shown the greatest fortitude.  “What is it Natassia?” asked Suzi softly, wiping a tear from her companion’s cheek.  “What did he do to you?”

“I’m pregnant,” sobbed the dark-haired heroine.  “He injected me with some sort of drug the way Sun Lin and Scorpion were injected.  I’m carrying that monster’s child.”

Kyla and Suzi were struck dumb.  What could they say to console the weeping heroine?  “And there’s more,” Nova added.  “I was injected with a special drug that will produce a monster.  My life has been ruined.  I must find Zhuang and destroy him.”  As she finished speaking she shook off her friends and started toward the door. 

“Natassia,” called Suzi.  “Wait.  You can’t go out like that.  You have to put on some clothes.”

Natassia stopped and stood in the doorway.  In spite of the restorative powers of the Dragons’ eye, she looked totally defeated.  Suzi placed a hand on her shoulder.  “Come on,” the blonde heroine said.  “We’ll get you some clothes.  And we’ll get Zhuang.  But meanwhile, Sun Lin and Melissa are still prisoners.  We have to go after them.”

“Yes,” said Natassia quietly.  “I had forgotten.  I’m not much of a superheroine am I, forgetting my friends?”  She seemed to revive a little.  She now had a more concrete purpose, that of saving her companions. 

“Come,” said Suzi, taking her arm.  We’ll find you something to wear, and then we’ll go after the Black Leopard.”

The Black Leopard cursed.  The hallway in front of her was a wall of flame.  Zhuang’s HQ was a blazing inferno.  She had hoped to get back to the room where she had hidden the reels of film she had taken of the humiliation of the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  And there was also the film Zhuang had taken of her and Jahlen’s personal degradation at the hands of the crimelord.  She desperately wanted to make sure such shameful footage was not released to the paying public.  But there was no way she could get through to conflagration safely.  Reluctantly, she turned back.  “Come,” she said to Jahlen.  “Let’s get out of here before it is too late.”  Taking her lover’s hand she headed toward what she hoped was a way out of Zhuang’s blazing HQ.

“They got away,” said Tiger.  She was on her knees in front of Nova, clearly frightened out of her wits by the barely controlled rage that was evident in the heroine’s steely gray eyes.

“Got away?” Natassia repeated dumbly.  She had not expected that two women who had just given birth and encumbered by the newborn children would be capable of escaping on their own.  She allowed herself a small inner glow of satisfaction.  She should have learned never to underestimate the capabilities of Sun Lin and Melissa.  It gave her a sense of pride that she had such intrepid and resourceful friends. 

“Yes, got away, you bitch.”  Nova glared at the speaker.  It was Wildcat.  She was less easily intimidated than the other Pussies and the only one of the Black Leopard’s sidekicks who had put up much of a fight.  She had bruises to show for it and was currently pinned to the floor by Suzi, who was sitting on top of her.

Nova did not reply.  It would have given her pleasure to teach the insolent Pussy a lesson in manners, but she doubted that it would do any good, and it would be an abuse of her superheroine powers. 

“If they have escaped,” said Kyla, “then they are probably safely back home by now.  We are wasting our time here.”

Nova nodded.  There was no reason to doubt the Pussies.  There was no trace of Sun Lin or Melissa anywhere in the Black Leopard’s lair, and the four villainesses had seemed quite surprised that none of the heroines seemed to know anything about the whereabouts of the heroines they were supposed to be guarding.  She suspected that whenever the Black Leopard returned she would have some choice words for her cohorts.  She turned to Suzi.  “I think we should blow this place,” she said.

Suzi smiled agreement.  It was good to see Nova’s sense of humor returning, at least a little.  “You have ten minutes to leave the building,” Suzi said to the Pussies.  After that, it will become a rather dangerous place to be.”

“Bitch,” said Wildcat, as Suzi released her, but she wasted no time in scampering after the other three Pussies who were well on their way out of the building. 

“OK,” said Suzi.  “It’s done.  She set her remote triggering device on the floor.  “I’ve set it for ten minutes.  After that…”

She didn’t have to finish.  As the three heroines had infiltrated the Black Leopard’s lair, they had placed explosives in the same way they had in Zhuang’s HQ.  There would be very little left of the building when the timer went off.  Quickly all three heroines went to the closest window, and using their climbing lines, slid to safety.  Then they put as much distance between themselves and the building as possible.  Fortunately, there was no sign of Stiletto’s men.  They had dealt with them before breaking into the building.  It had taken a few broken bones for the crime mistress’s thugs to get the message, but most of them had broken and fled soon after Nova lit into them.  Very few were interested in facing up to a heroine bent on vengeance.

“Now what?” asked Kyla as they took shelter behind the corner of another building. 

“We go home,” said Nova.  “If the Pussies are telling the truth, Sun Lin and Melissa will be waiting for us there.”  The other two heroines nodded.  The last few weeks had been fraught with worry, danger, and pain.  It would be good to go home and relax, even if it was only for a short time.  Behind them a heavy explosion shook the surrounding buildings.  They would have liked to have captured the Black Leopard and Zhuang, especially after what they had done to Metro City’s finest.  But that would have to wait.  One day they would be avenged.  In the meantime, they were going home.