“They got away

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 7  The Black Leopard’s Triumph

Chapter 28  Unfinished Business

“They got away?  They got away!!?”  The Black Leopard’s voice rose to a high pitched scream.   “They were caged and nursing their children!  How did two postpartum mothers get past you and fifty guards?” 

The Pussies cringed as Li Mei raged at them.  She and her pride of females were in an abandoned building across from the rubble that had once been her lair.  It was crawling with firefighters and police, keeping her from going anywhere near it.  Not that she had any interest in her hideout any more.  There was nothing in it of value, not now that her two prize captives had escaped. 

She turned her eyes on the cringing Pussies.  Not even Wildcat dared look her in the eye.  What a useless bunch.  The two heroines had apparently simply walked out of her lair without anyone seeing them.  How could such a thing be possible?  She pointed her finger at Ocelot.  “You,” she said, “come over here.  Tell me again how the heroines escaped.”

“Please Blackie, it wasn’t my fault,” cringed the Pussy. 

The Black Leopard spread her claws.  Ocelot backed away quickly.  “I’m sorry,” she said, “I meant Mistress.”

“Never mind,” Li Mei said irritably, “just answer the question.”

“I don’t know,” replied Ocelot in a tiny voice.  “We were playing Parcheesi in the common room.  And the next thing we knew they were gone.  And Hughie too.  He was supposed to be watching them.”

“You let a complete moron guard two of the most dangerous heroines in
Metro City?  What were you thinking?”  Li Mei was incredulous.  The laziness and stupidity of the Pussies always astounded her.  Suddenly her brow creased as she had a sudden thought.  Where was Hughie?

A sudden chill ran through her.  How had the huge idiot managed to get by all her security?  He wouldn’t have shown the heroines her secret escape passage, would he?  Because if he had…  “Come on,” she said to Jahlen.  “I’ve got to check something out.”

She hurried out the back of the building and headed down the alley.  Jahlen and the Pussies trailed behind her.  Skillfully she threaded her way between the derelict buildings and run down warehouses that dominated this section of town.  She dreaded what she might find when she reached her destination, but she had to know. 

A growl rose in her throat as she neared her goal.  She sensed the presence of the police.  And they were there in force.  She cursed under her breath as she moved into the shadows to observe what was going on.  It was as she feared.  Even as she watched, a large crane hoisted a pallet out of the access tunnel to her treasure trove.  She turned on the Pussies, her eyes blazing with suppressed fury.  She was as close as she had ever come to ripping into them and tearing the stupid bitches limb from limb. 

The Pussies backed away from her.  Jahlen merely looked curious.  The tall Eurasian had no way of knowing that the Black Leopard had just lost everything she had worked so hard for in the last two years.  Millions of dollars worth of plunder were now being reclaimed by the authorities.  She would have to start all over again.  The Pussies were also confused.  Of course they would be.  She had never told anyone of her secret treasure horde.  No one except Hughie. 

Li Mei turned away from Jahlen and the Pussies.  With difficulty she composed herself.  She had nothing left except a small amount of money in her savings account.  She didn’t trust banks and so had stowed most of her cash along with her treasures.  If the police didn’t have it by now they soon would.  There was only one thing she could do.  She turned back to her companions.  “Come,” she said, “we’ve wasted enough time.” 

“Tell me again,” said Elenah, “I missed it the first time.  You want my help, because those damned superheroines I told you to kill destroyed everything you own.  And also you and your new “friend” are knocked up to boot.” 

“Not ‘help’, darling,” answered the Black Leopard, somewhat put off by her former lover’s attitude.  “Just a place to stay while I rebuild my operation.”  She had not expected that the woman who had been her partner in crime and whom she had made love to for the last few months might actually turn her away.

Elenah was sitting behind her heavy rosewood desk in her office.  Due to the fact that several of her henchmen were with her she was masked, but her body language, the set of her jaw, and the tone of her voice were all that of a women who was far from happy.  Li Mei and her Pussies stood on the other side of the desk, while Jahlen stood near the door, looking slightly amused. 

I should have your ass whipped,” Elenah growled, leaning across her desk and exposing a generous amount of cleavage, “but you’d probably enjoy it.”

Li Mei’s dark eyes glared daggers.  “Try it if you want, you Italian bitch.  I’d enjoy the five minutes it took me to rip your little organization apart.”  She stepped back, eyeing the distance between her and the nearest of Stiletto’s goons. 

Stiletto noticed the slight change in Li Mei’s posture.  She had seen the Black Leopard in action before, and realized that she did not have enough hired guns in the room to be sure she could take out the oriental villainess if things got rough.  Slowly her hand inched toward the dagger she kept strapped to her thigh.

It was Jahlen who broke the tension.  “I hate to interrupt this lover’s quarrel,” she said, “but aren’t we attacking the wrong people?  It seems to me that we have all been victimized by the same enemy; Zhuang.  And now we are fighting amongst ourselves instead of going after him.”  She moved forward, interposing herself between the Black Leopard and Stiletto.  She fixed her yellow-green eyes on Stiletto’s mahogany brown wells and stared deep into them. 

Elenah tried to draw her eyes away from that penetrating stare, but could not.  Her breathing quickened and she fought to say something, but the words caught in her throat.  Finally after what seemed like a very long silence she managed to speak.  “Perhaps you’re right…,” she croaked.  “I…I…may have been too hasty.”

“I see a threesome coming on,” whispered Ocelot loudly.  “Oops, sorry,” she added as every eye in the room turned toward her.

Elenah blushed.  Trying to cover her confusion she got up from behind her desk.  “I’m sorry Black Leopard,” she said.  “You must have been through hell.” 

Li Mei sensed that she was in control.  “You may leave,” she said, turning to Elenah’s guards. 

If Elenah was bothered by the Black Leopard’s assumption of command, she did not show it.  Instead she nodded in agreement.  “Yes,” she said.   “Leave us alone.  I wish to confer in private with my associates.”  As her henchmen left the room she moved to the secret panel connecting her criminal headquarters with the tunnel that led to her palatial townhouse.  “Let’s go somewhere a little more private,” she said.  And looking at Jahlen added, “And more comfortable.”

The Pussies giggled and Elenah flushed again.  She was glad she was wearing her mask.  Leading the way she moved through the tunnel to the elevator that would take her five floors up.  A minute later the gang of females entered the secret chamber in her bedroom.  “Just a second,” Elenah said.  “I’ll just make sure the servants aren’t around.”  She removed her mask and left the room, returning a minute or so later.  “They’ll leave us alone now.  Come on in.  The room is big enough to sleep all of us, and there is a dumb waiter.  I can call down to the kitchen and have anything sent up we need.”

They entered the room.  It was as, Elenah had said, big enough to sleep all of them.  The bed alone would have held four or five people in comfort, and there were several comfortable couches and divans spaced about the large room. 

The Pussies scattered about the room, checking out everything in it.  They reminded Elenah of a bunch of naughty schoolgirls.  Cheetah whirled into the centre of the room, her dark ponytail flipping up and down, and her large breasts bouncing.  “You ought to see the bathroom,” she exclaimed.  “It’s got a tub big enough to swim in.”

“Perhaps,” said Elenah, “you might like to clean up while I order something to eat and drink.”  The Pussies squealed with glee.  The idea of frolicking in the tub appealed strongly to them.  Jahlen merely looked amused, smiling slightly, while the Black Leopard frowned in annoyance. 

“Never know I’ve spent two years training them to be villainesses,” she hissed.  But she too headed for the bathroom.  She had been through quite a bit, and the idea of a warm relaxing bath was overwhelmingly appealing. 

The Black Leopard and Jahlen were first into the huge tub.  Not because they were quickest, but because the Asian crime mistress made the Pussies wait their turn.  They stood at the side of the tub, sulking and trying to look hurt while she and Jahlen soaked.  The Asian villainess ignored them, only getting out when she was good and ready.  Fortunately for the Pussies, Li Mei had a raging appetite and left the soothing water earlier than she would have liked.  Dressing in a slinky green satin robe that Elenah provided, she mad her way into the bedroom and the banquet that the Italian crime mistress had ordered.

Jahlen, attired in a long black robe that seemed to suit her admirably, accompanied her.  Behind them the Pussies splashed into the scented water with squeaks of delight.  Li Mei closed the bathroom door behind her.  “Enough of that nonsense,” she thought.

Elenah had ordered a sumptuous repast.  Apparently her larder was very well stocked.  It took two tables to hold all of the various dishes.  Li Mei ate ravenously, as did Jahlen.  After being half starved by Zhuang, they had worked up powerful appetites.  As she ate, Li Mei noticed Elenah looking at her curiously.  She realized that the dark-haired crime mistress was looking at the food she had chosen.  Li Mei looked at her plate.  It was piled high with pickled eggs that she had covered with lemon sauce.  It was a dish she had never eaten before. “Strange,” she thought.  “Tastes pretty good.  Who would have thought that lemon and eggs would go so well together?”

Sun Lin sighed.  She could barely stay awake.  She and Melissa had been through a quite an ordeal.  A few feet away was a cradle containing her baby.  Kyla was rocking it gently.  Melissa was in another room with Suzi who was helping her.  Natassia had returned home for a short while.  She would return in a few days to spend the remainder of her pregnancy with her friends. 

Sun Lin sighed again.  All of the heroines had suffered greatly due to the actions of the Black Leopard and Zhuang Zhijian.  And both criminals were still at large.  And they were likely to remain so unless Suzi and Kyla could handle them by themselves.  Neither she nor Melissa would be able to help until they had finished nursing their babies, and Natassia could hardly be expected to hunt them down while she was swollen with child. 

She looked over toward the cradle, wondering how her daughter would turn out.  The Black Leopard had tormented her with the fear that she was carrying a monster, but the child appeared normal, even if the father wasn’t.   Hughie still saw the child on a regular basis.  Sun Lin had put him to work in Master Zhu’s garden.  He seemed quite at home there, weeding and pruning with the same enthusiasm he had shown for raping heroines.  She was glad she had not killed him or let Melissa do it.  Hughie really was too stupid to understand what he had done.  He simply liked to please people and would do anything he was told by an authority figure. 

She closed her eyes and tried to relax.  So, she was now a mother.  That would put a serious crimp in her crimefighting career.  She wondered about Natassia.  What would her child be like?  Zhuang had predicted a monster for her too.  She knew that Nova was frightfully worried, but there was nothing she could do except wait. 

In the next room Suzi rose silently as Melissa drifted off to sleep.  Her child was snoozing in its crib and would probably be alright for a few minutes.  In the meantime Suzi wanted to see how the Jade Dragon was doing.  It was too bad that she had not been able to capture the Black Leopard.  That film the villainess had taken of Melissa and Sun Lin being raped and tortured could only be used for evil purposes.  However, some good had come out of the raid on the Black Leopard’s lair.  She had found an interesting item in the building.  It was a form of netting .  She had since learned that it had been used to capture the Jade Dragon and Scorpion.  A quick analysis had shown that it was stronger than steel, but as light as silk.  She would have to explore it further.  She had some ideas as to how such a substance could be used if she could reproduce it. 

A hundred blocks away, Zhuang Zhijian prepared to retire to his bed.  His temporary HQ was not up to the standard of the previous one, but it would do until he could find something better.  He smiled as he thought of the way he had triumphed over the heroines of Metro City and the way that he had punished the Black Leopard and Jahlen.  The price he had paid was high, but it was worth it to see heroines so badly humbled.  At least, it was almost worth it.  He had not killed them or sold them into slavery as he had planned, so now he would have to worry about them coming after him.  But he was sure that they would offer little opposition for awhile.  In the meantime, he would work a bit more with Dr. Retinoff.  The strange little Russian was most interesting.  Who knew what the two of them might come up with?  Whatever it was, he was sure that it would be most profitable and capable of giving the heroines fits.  Yes, it was going to be a most interesting time.  He was looking forward to it.