The Adventures of Autumn

L’Espion with Melissa Gallant



Chapter 2 Alicia


“Ooh!” Alicia Parker moaned.  “Wouldn’t you just love to have him inside you?”


Katie stared disapprovingly at her friend.  Sometimes she didn’t know why she kept company with her.  There could hardly have been two more different girls than she and Alicia.  They were childhood friends, but their attitude toward members of the opposite sex had diverged radically once each of them had reached puberty.  Perhaps it was because Alicia had developed early.  Her friend had hips and breasts before she was out of the fifth grade, whereas Katie had matured a little more slowly.  Mind you, once she had gotten started she really caught up.


She was eighteen now, as was Alicia and her physical attributes had really improved in the two years since her encounter with Darkstorm.  She was two inches taller and had added several inches to her bust while at the same time maintaining her narrow waist and tight little backside.  She was quite proud of her physique, resembling very much the comic book heroines she had tried to emulate.  She didn’t flaunt her body, however.  It wasn’t a good idea for a superheroine to attract too much attention if she wanted to maintain her secret identity.


Alicia, on the other hand, dressed like a streetwalker.  Her tight black dress showed off every curve and exposed a generous amount of female flesh.  God only knew how many men and boys she had taken to bed.


Alicia smiled as she gauged Katie’s reaction.  Her gorgeous friend was such a prude.  Alicia quite enjoyed baiting her with outrageous comments.  The girl really had it coming.  After all it was the 21st century.  Katie should have lost her virginity years ago instead of hanging onto it as if it were some sort of treasure. 


“If you say so,” Katie responded finally.  They were sitting in the students’ lounge watching the male students parade by.  It was a little game they played, although Alicia played it with much greater enthusiasm than Katie. 


“I do say so,” replied Alicia.  She shook her blonde head.  “I’ll bet he’s hung like a horse.  Either that or he’s got a Coke bottle sewed into his pants.”  She smiled again at Katie’s reaction to her words.  One of these days she would break her friend out of that sexually repressed shell.


Katie ignored Alicia’s last remark.  The two of them didn’t really have much in common.  But they had been childhood friends starting in daycare.  During those early years they had forged a strong bond; a bond that had not weakened in spite of the change in their sexual appetites.  Alicia’s physical development had been very precocious.  She had developed breasts by the age of ten and had lost her virginity when she was twelve.  Katie on the other hand, had experienced delayed maturity.  She still looked like a little girl when she was fourteen and had only begun to mature during her fifteenth year.  By that time she and her childhood chum had drifted apart. 


Katie got to her feet.  “I’ve got to be going,” she said.  “Study time.  I’ve got an essay to complete and an exam tomorrow.”


“OK,” said Alicia.  “Have fun.  I’m going to see if I can make contact.”


“That shouldn’t be hard you little trollop,” Katie thought, watching Alicia’s body sway as her friend walked away.  She sighed.  Sometimes she really envied her friend.  Being a superheroine wasn’t easy.  One day she would meet someone and lose her virginity, but she could not afford to rush into it.  It would have to be with someone she could really trust.  She sighed again.  She had to get going.  She had a meeting with the Police commission in fifteen minutes and had to change into her Autumn costume before she did.



She was a bit late; swooping into the meeting five minutes after it had started.  Sometimes it just wasn’t possible to find a secluded place to change.  However, the commission had waited for her to arrive.  She had learned quite a bit about herself in the two years since she had destroyed Darkstorm.  For one thing the mysterious loss of her powers had been explained.  It was not entirely good news.  Thunderstorms seemed to set up some sort of electrical interference that cancelled all of her powers except that of teleportation, and that final power was rendered rather erratic.  It meant that her superheroine activities often had to be put on hold in during the summer.  It was an annoying inconvenience, but something she had learned to work around.


She landed on the balcony outside the upper level of the office where the police commission met.  It was a convenient way of coming and going that did not involve having to pass through the main part of the building and subjecting herself to the curious looks of the rest of city hall.  Opening the sliding glass doors she stepped into the meeting room.


They were all there; Police Chief Ryan, and Commissioners Skeld, Brown, Williams, and Plotz.  “Glad you could make it,” Commissioner Skeld said.  “We were about to start without you.”


“Sorry,” Autumn apologized, “I was held up.”  She didn’t like Skeld.  For some reason he had taken an instant dislike to her, but she tried to be polite.  He was the head of the Commission after all.  In any case, Skeld was rude to most people.  Perhaps it was due to the pain he had suffered in an industrial accident a few years ago.  His face was badly scarred and he walked with a noticeable limp.  Despite that, he was an imposing figure, standing over six and a half feet tall and possessed of piercing blue eyes.  When he was younger, he must have been quite handsome.


Chief Ryan on the other hand, hardly looked like a senior police officer.  He was medium height and slightly overweight, with an almost boyish face framed by light brown hair that he almost certainly dyed.  However, he was her strongest ally on the council and she got along well with him. 


Convincing the Police Commission that she should help fight crime had not been easy.  Although superheroines were popular with the general population, they were regarded as being outside the law and not welcomed by most police professionals.  Chief Ryan was the exception.  Robert Brown and Agnes Williams were not.  They thought only trained police officers should be involved in fighting crime despite the fact that the special talents of a heroine could prove more than useful.  That left Arnold Plotz, who was inclined to favour Autumn’s involvement provided she worked through the Commission.  That left it in a tie.  Strangely enough it was Skeld who ruled in her favour.


“We might as well make use of her talents,” he said.  “She is very popular with the voters and will probably save the city money.”  He had insisted, however, that Autumn make regular reports to the Commission. 


“What have you to report?” Ryan asked. 


“Nothing much this week, chief,” Autumn replied.  “Just a few routine rescues, but criminal activity seems to be quite low right now.”


Ryan beamed.  “Thanks to you no doubt.  Your patrols seem to make criminals nervous.”


Autumn smiled.  “I’m just trying to be a good citizen,” she replied modestly.


“Well,” interrupted Skeld, “perhaps you can be of use in something special.” 


“If I can,” answered Autumn, surprised.  Skeld was the last person she expected to suggest that she take any action. 


“There have been some reports of strange activity in the west of the city, near the old dock area.  It might be drug related or perhaps to do with the smuggling of illegal immigrants, but there is something going on there.  Perhaps you could check it out.”


“Why wasn’t I told of this?” Ryan asked. 


“I have a few sources of my own,” Skeld replied, a mysterious smile distorting his scarred features. 


Ryan frowned.  He did not like what he was hearing, but he would take it up with Skeld later.  In the meantime he nodded.  “Alright, if it is no trouble, perhaps you could look into that.” 


“Certainly,” Autumn agreed.  A few minutes later she was on her way.



“Damn,” Autumn thought.  She had found the area Skeld had mentioned easily enough, but a sudden squall complete with lightning had blown in just as she was landing on the deck of a suspicious looking freighter.  She had been forced to take shelter among some containers on the deck and hope that no one had spotted her.  It turned out to be a vain hope.


“You sure you spotted something?” a man’s voice asked.


“Sure am.  Went in here somewhere.  Looked a like a woman in a red and yellow outfit.”


“Sounds like that superheroine who’s been giving us problems.  Maybe we should go for help.”


“If she’s a superheroine why would she hide?  She’s in here somewhere and I’m going to find her.”


Autumn crouched lower.  The men were only a few feet away.  Suddenly there was a shout of alarm.


“There she is!  Let’s get her.”


Autumn bolted from her hiding place, darting between the containers as she south to avoid capture.  However, by this time several other members of the crew had joined in.  she ran right into one of them.


She fell back on her martial arts training.  She was now quite accomplished in the art of karate and more than a match for most men.  However, in the narrow confines of the spaces between the containers there was little room for her to maneuver.  Whatever advantage she might have had was negated. 


She kicked out at the first man, catching him square in the groin, but there was another man right behind him, and other attackers were coming at her from the opposite direction.  She couldn’t handle them all.


A fist caught her right on top of her right eyebrow.  The blow stunned her, knocking her to her knees.  She was given no chance to recover.  Struggling futility, she was dragged from between the containers and her arms bound behind her back.  Then she was forced into the interior of the ship.


“Well, what have we here?” said the many who had hit her.  “Looks like some heroine wannabe.” 


“Quite a set of hooters on her,” commented another man.  He reached out and squeezed Autumn’s breast.  “Hold her while I get a better look.”  There was a tearing of fabric and Autumn gasped as her costume was ripped from neck to navel. 


“No,” she protested.  A dozen men were staring at her naked breasts.  With sudden fear she realized that if she did not get away she was about to be raped. 


“Now the mask,” yelled one of the men.  “Let’s see who she is.”


Autumn kicked out.  She couldn’t let them unmask her, but she was picked up bodily and draped across the top of a table.  Her body was held down by two men and another two spread her legs.  One of the men reached for her mask.


“Wait,” said another.  “Let’s fuck her first.  Then we unmask her.  It’ll be more fun.”  There was a murmur of agreement from the others, and Autumn experienced blind terror as her felt the lower part of her costume being ripped from her body. 


This could not be happening to her.  She was a superheroine.  How could she have been so stupid as not to have noticed the encroaching storm?  In frightened desperation she struggled to escape.


“Christ what a body,” marveled one of the men.  “She’s built like a brick shithouse.  Ain’t never seen a pair of tits like that.”


Her legs were spread wide and one of the men forced himself between her flexing thighs.  “NO!” Autumn screamed as the man leaned toward her.  His engorged phallus was only inches from her vulva.


Suddenly she felt her strength return.  It was like a warm current flowing through her.  Kicking out she sent the men holding her legs hurtling across the room.  Then with a powerful twist of her arms she snapped the ropes binding her wrists.  She was free.  Enraged, she struck out at her would-be rapists, hurling the surrounding men in every direction.  Within seconds the room was littered with the battered bodies of her assailants. 


“Sons of bitches,” she said, picking up the tattered pieces of her costume.  She had been captured and humiliated.  Completely mortified she fled the room.  She did not linger on the deck.  Outside she found that the sun was shining once again, which explained the return of her powers.  Immediately she took to the air, soaring high above the harbour.  She was too embarrassed to deal with the men she had defeated.  She used her cell phone to call the harbour police and left it up to them.  She had somewhere else she was supposed to be.



Alicia kicked the turf irritably.  Katie was late again.  The game was almost ready to start and she hadn’t shown up.  Where the hell did she get to anyway?  It wasn’t as if she had a boyfriend.  The coach was going to be really pissed if she didn’t show soon.  She spotted a movement in the entrance to the locker room.  There she was.  She frowned as her friend approached.


“Where were you?” Alicia asked peevishly.  “You keep on coming late the coach is going to bench you.”


“I got tied up,” said Katie apologetically.  “I’ll try to be early next time.”  She jogged onto the field. 


Alicia couldn’t help noticing that Katie already seemed a little sweaty and disheveled even though she hadn’t been there for the warm up.  She wondered what her friend had been up to.



Katie twisted under the shower.  It felt good to wash off the sweat and grime.  She felt as if she was washing away all of the hands of the men who had touched her.  This time she actually had a number of bruises to exhibit.  Usually she had to smear a bit of dirt on her body to disguise the fact that she never seemed to get hurt, but her battle with the crew of the freighter had given her a number of real contusions.  She looked at her friend.  A couple of feet away Alicia was shampooing her white blonde hair. 


Alicia gazed back at Katie from under the shampoo bubbles.  Katie had been the star player again.  Her strength in the scrum was remarkable, and once she got the ball she was almost impossible to catch.  It was the main reason why the coach never got after her for being late or missing practice. 


She rubbed her hair vigorously.  She didn’t want to appear to be staring at Katie’s body, but her friend really was remarkably well built.  In the last couple of years Katie had grown taller and added a couple of inches to her bust line, while at the same time maintaining the same slender waist and petite backside.  Alicia figured out that she must be a double D by now, but her breasts were so firm they hardly quivered as she turned her body under the shower spray.


Katie was aware of Alicia’s eyes on her.  “Checking out the competition?” she wondered.  Alicia needn’t have been too concerned.  The platinum blonde was absolutely gorgeous, even more so when her body was dripping with moisture.  Her unturned nipples were a soft pink and seemed in a permanent state of excitement and her breasts were full and firm.  It wasn’t surprising that she attracted men like flies to jam. 


Both young women toweled off and dressed.  “Want to hit the bar?’ Alicia asked as she drew a comb through her silken tresses. 


“Not tonight,” Katie answered.  “I’m a little beaten up.  I think I’ll just go home and have an early night.”


“OK.  I’ll see you tomorrow in class.”


Katie nodded, thinking of the time she was going to have to spend fixing her costume. 



Alicia’s surveyed the smoke-filled bar through half-closed eyes.  She did not focus on anyone in particular.  She didn’t want any of the young men she had selected as possible bedmates to think that she was interested in them in any way.  Being picked up was an art form she had perfected.  The trick was to get the man think that he was making the move on her rather than the other way around. 


She was dressed in a form fitting black top and miniskirt that clung to her body as if it had been sprayed on.  She wore nothing underneath; not even a thong.  She liked it that way.  It made her feel deliciously free and decidedly wicked. 


The tall dark-haired man near the bar looked interesting.  He had come in with an older man, a heavyset sort who appeared to have been in some sort of accident at one time.  His face was heavily scarred, and his right arm hung limply at his side.  She lifted her glass to her lips.  Yes, the dark-haired man had seen her.  He said something to his companion and them came toward her. 


“You seem to be alone,” he said with a devastating smile.


Alicia took a slow sip of her daiquiri.  “I was,” she said, maintaining her detached composure.


“Mind if I sit down?” 


“Suit yourself.  I can’t stop you.”


“You are a cool one,” the man said.  “Do you always act like this when approached by a man?’


“Just some men,” Alicia replied.  She allowed herself a bit of a smile.  She had him hooked.


“I’m Jeff,” the man said, sitting down.  He waited for her response.


“Alicia,” she replied. 


“I see your drink is almost empty, Jeff smiled.  “May I get you another?” 


“You can pay for it.  I’ll get it.”  In spite of her casual attitude toward sex, Alicia had no wish to be date raped.  No one fetched her drinks for her.


“Sure,” Jeff agreed.  He got up and walked to the bar.


Alicia went with him and picked up the drink.  “Thanks,” she said. 


“My pleasure,” Jeff answered.  “You seem like a pretty savvy girl.”


“Pretty savvy?” Alicia laughed.  “That sounds like it came right out of the Lone Ranger.”


Jeff reddened.  Alicia grinned.  “Yeah,” I guess it does.  Used to watch that old show when I was a kid.”


Alicia placed one elbow on the bar and sipped her new drink.  She noticed that Jeff’s buddy seemed to have disappeared.  She half turned, wondering where he was and felt a sudden twinge in her backside.  “Wha…” she gasped.  The scarred man was right behind her.  Had he pinched her bum?


She turned, swaying slightly.  She suddenly felt a little dizzy.  “You OK, babe?” Jeff said.  She felt his hand on her arm.  “Maybe you need a little fresh air.”


Alicia opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out.  “I’ve been drugged,” she thought, with a spasm of fear.  But how had that happened?  She could hardly stand now.  Only Jeff’s arm kept her upright. 


“Come on honey,” he said.  “Let’s go outside.”  Alicia stumbled forward.  Jeff’s hand on her arm was the last thing she remembered.



“Fuck, what a hangover,” Alicia groaned.  “I’ve got to lay off those girlie drinks.”  She rolled to a sitting position, her hand on her head and opened her eyes.  “Christ,” she muttered, “what did I do?”


She was in a jail cell.  It was a simple affair.  Three concrete walls and a fourth of steel bars.  There was a stainless steel sink and toilet and a swing down cot, on which she was now sitting.  She felt a little queasy.  She went to the sink and drooled into it for a few seconds.  Gradually the sense of nausea passed.  Turning on the tap she scooped water into the palm of her hand and drank. 


Returning to the bed she sat down once more and waited.  There was not much else she could do.  No one seemed to be about, not even any other prisoners.  After awhile, however, she got to her feet.  Why were there no other prisoners?  What kind of jail was this anyway?  Where were the guards?  Why was it so damned quiet? 


She tried to peer between the bars, but they were too close spaced for her to see if there were any cells on either side of her.  All she could determine was that a concrete hallway disappeared to the left and right.  “This is a strange sort of drunk tank.” She thought.  “I seem to be the only one in it.”


“Hey!” she yelled.  “Hey!  I’m awake.”  Her shouts were met by silence.  She shouted again with no better result.  “Shit,” she muttered, and sat back down on the bed.


She jumped to her feet at the sound of a door opening far down the hall.  She could not see it, but the sound was unmistakable.  Then there was the measured sound of footsteps coming toward her.  “Finally,” she thought.  “Now maybe I can get out of here.”


A second later she stared dumbfounded at the person who appeared in front of her cell.  Then she went cold with fear.  It was the heavyset man from the bar.  Jeff’s companion.  She knew as once that she had not been arrested.  She had been kidnapped.


“Who are you?” she asked, her voice trembling.  “Why have you brought me here?


“Who I am doesn’t concern you,” the man answered.  “It is you who are important.”


“Me?” Alicia answered.  “Why me?”


“Simple, bitch,” sneered the scar-faced thug.  “You’re bait.”


“Bait?” Alicia didn’t like the sound of that, or the way the lowbrow thug was ogling her.  She wished that she had worn a less daring outfit to the bar.  “What sort of bait?” she quavered. 


“The sort that attracts superheroines.  Your friend Autumn, for example.”


“But I don’t know her,” Alicia protested.  “I don’t even like that big-titted show off.”


“That what you think,” the thug answered, his scarred face twisting in a distorted grin.  “And just to give her a real incentive, we’re going to have some fun with you.”


“What are you going to do?” Alicia gasped.  Her legs felt rubbery and she wanted to sit down, but feared to show any weakness in front of the leering thug in front of her. 


The scar-faced man did not answer but instead turned and shouted down the hallway.  “Jeff,” bring the cuffs.  “Our little friend is awake.”


The tall and handsome man she had thought to bed showed up a minute later.  All though of fucking him was gone from her mind.  She was terrified of what might happen to her.  What he was carrying made her even more fearful. 


Scarface slid open the cell door.  Alicia backed away.  “Get away from me,” she cried, her voice filled with fear.


Both men entered.  “We can do this the hard way or the easy way, bitch,” said Scarface.  “Either you cooperate and come peacefully or we beat the shit out of you and then come with us anyway.”


Jeff grinned, clearly enjoying the situation as much as Scarface was.  Something about that sneering grin suddenly enraged Alicia.  “You gutless pricks,” she said.  Touch me and I’ll kick your balls in.”


Both men laughed and then came at her with a rush.  Although unskilled, Alicia fought like a wildcat.  She got in one good punch, smashing her fist into Scarface’s sneering mug, and kicking Jeff in the groin.  But her aim was a little off.  Instead of crushing his testicles she merely enraged him.  Much bigger than she was, he piled into her.  Twisting away, Alicia battled to escape in the confined space.  With a sharp rip, the seams of her top parted, and the garment came away in Jeff’s hand.  Naked to the waist, Alicia made the mistake of attempting to cover her naked breasts.  Jeff’s punch caught her in the midriff.  Doubled up with pain, she was forced face down onto the bed and her arms twisted behind her back.  Then the leather cuffs and chains were strapped onto her wrists.  The breath knocked out of her, Alicia could only gasp helplessly as she was shackled and then forced to her feet. 


She stood in helpless humiliation as the men who had overpowered her goggled at her naked breasts.  “Nice set,” Jeff commented.  “I’m really going to enjoy chewing on them.” 


“You asshole,” Alicia spat. She was breathing hard, further adding to the excitement generated by her quivering breasts.  She was filled with fear.  The thought of Jeff “chewing” on her delicate pink nipples was not a pleasant one.


Jeff reached out and cupped her left breast; his large hand engulfing the grapefruit-sized globe.  Slowly he squeezed down watching Alicia’s face as her flesh bulged out between his fingers.  


“Tough bitch are you?” said Scarface, holding his jaw.  Alicia had really gotten in a good lick, actually loosening some of his teeth.  It was too bad that she had not bothered to accompany Katie to the martial arts course her friend had asked her to enroll in. 


“You’re going to pay for that,” Scareface continued.  “It will be interesting to see just how tough you really are.”  He nodded to Jeff and Alicia was forced out into the hall.  “Where to?” Jeff asked.  It seemed clear from his attitude that the scarred and crippled thug was the one in charge. 


“This way,” Scarface said.  “It’s about time this twat was taught a little respect.” 


Alicia could barely stand; still fighting for breath she went unresisting as she was pushed down the hallway.  They stopped at a steel door and shoved it open.  “Oh God,” Alicia thought as she was escorted into the room.  It was outfitted like a bondage chamber.  She had done a bit of that with a few of her boyfriends.  She liked the feeling of helplessness. But this was something else.  He was at the mercy of two complete strangers.  Who knew what they might do to her?


Close to the center of the room was a small wooden bench.  It had only two legs, each of which were bolted securely to the floor.  She was forced over to it and pushed down onto it, her shoulders and arms hanging off one end and her legs dangling off the other. 


Regaining her breath, Alicia cried out in panic.  “Let me go!  Let me go!”


“Not until we’ve had a bit of fun, bitch,” replied Scarface.  He placed his hand on her belly and held her down while Jeff got down on his hands and knees and secured her to the bench. 


Jeff fastened her wrists first, pulling her arms under the top of the bench and as far toward her feet as he could.  Then he snapped the chain between the leather cuffs on her wrists to a metal ring in the leg nearest her feet.  Then he did the same with her legs, first strapping a leather cuff to each ankle and then bending her legs down and under the edge of the bench before securing each ankle to the same leg her wrists were fastened to.


The bondage left Alicia’s body arched on top of the bench, her arms and legs pulled painfully beneath her, and her head and shoulders hanging over the end of the bench.  Whimpering with pain she could only regard her captors in helpless fear as they admired their handiwork.


“Well, her tits are fantastic, let’s see what the rest of her is like.” Scarface chuckled,


“No,” Alicia gasped.  “Let me go you bastards.”


But neither Scarface nor Jeff was listening.  Jeff began to slit through her tight-fitting skirt.  In just a few seconds it fell away from her body. 


“What a little slut,” Jeff said.  “She wasn’t wearing a thing underneath.  And she pretends she doesn’t want it.  I’m going to fuck her ass off.”


“After me you will,” said Scarface.  He regarded Alicia’s body with undisguised lust.  The girl’s perfect body seemed to invite him to fuck her.  Reaching out he ran his fingers over the pulse in her throat and then slowly moved them down her body.


“No,” Alicia cried.  “Stop!  Please stop!”


“Little, bitch,” Scarface responded.  “I’ll bet she’s been fucked dozens of times.  A couple more won’t make any difference.


“No!” Alicia protested again.  “Not like this!”


“Not like this?” asked Scarface, slowly unbuckling his pants.  “Then how would you like it?”  He began to undress.  In a couple of minutes he was completely naked.    


Alicia wrenched at her restraints her mind flashing back to the number of times she had made love.  She had long ago lost track of the exact number of men and boys she had gone to bed with, but she had never been raped.  What was happening to her filled her sweating body with absolute fear.  “No!” she cried, her voice rising into a piercing shriek as Scarface positioned himself between her splayed thighs.  Out of the corner of her eye she could also see Jeff stripping off his pants.  He was standing next to her head and she suddenly realized what he intended.


Scarface used his good arm to support himself as he prepared violate his helpless victim.  The V formed by her widespread legs was at the same height as his swollen phallus.  Resting his hand on her right breast he moved toward her. 


Alicia gave a low moan.  Her trembling body glistened with sweat.  She had never known such fear.  She didn’t want to be taken like this.  Rape was not sex, it was brutality – violence.  But she was helpless to stop what was going to happen.  She screamed as Scarface thrust into her.


“Aaaahhhhh!” Scarface ripped open her vulva and pushed into her sweet vagina.  It was an act she had experienced hundreds of times, but never had it been so painful and humiliating.  With a grunt, Scarface thrust into her again.      


Alicia screamed again.  She had fantasized about rape, but the reality was painfully brutal.  Then Jeff grabbed her white blonde hair and shoved his manhood into her mouth. 


Mmmppp!” Her muffled scream attested both to the pain as Scarface raped her and the size of Jeff’s phallus as it forced her lips apart and drove to the back of her throat.  For a few seconds she could not catch her breath.  And then she screamed again as Scarface closed his teeth on her left nipple. 


He worried her breast like a dog, leaving the nipple raw and bleeding, before switching to her other breast.  Alicia thrashed violently, but her struggles served only to further excite the men ravishing her.  Scarface finished with her breasts and then with powerful thrusts of his hips hammered her repeatedly. 


The ordeal seems to last forever, although it could not have been more than half an hour before Scarface, with a great deal of noise, blew his thick cream into her.  He fell back gasping and Jeff immediately took his place.  The second rape was not as bad as the first.  Alicia’s vagina was slick with Scareface’s sperm, and Jeff’s manhood was still dripping with the juices from her mouth.  He entered her easily and then pounded into her without mercy.


He took less time than Scarface, having been highly stimulated orally before raping Alicia vaginally.  He stepped back, using a towel to wipe himself off.  “There that wasn’t so bad, was it slut?  And don’t pretend you didn’t like it.  Any bitch that doesn’t wear any underclothes is far from virginal.”


Alicia did not reply.  She was exhausted from her struggles.  Nothing she could say would rid her of the shame of what she had just been put through.  And it was not yet over.  What other cruel delights did her kidnappers have in mind for her?