The Elven Chronicles

Episode Three

The Fugitive Bride


Chapter 2  The Consumation


Honoria swayed slightly as her serving woman brushed her hair with the ritual one hundred strokes; one for each of the minor deities who would be with her tonight.  It was a silly superstition, but one the common folk clung to and she had no wish to start her marriage out on any worse a footing than she already had.  Soon Indgar would join her in the wedding bed and she could only hope that the mood he had drunk himself into at the wedding feast would pass.


The wedding feast had all been a bit of a blur.  She had eaten little and drunk too much.  As a result she soon became light headed, a condition that tended to loosen her normal reserve and she had said a few things that she should not.  It was the minstrel who had put the forbidden thoughts into her mouth.  He had been singing the Lay of Valendaria and Ellenif, the story of an Elven princess who leads her people to victory and vanquishes the vile Grothargs who had kidnapped and tortured her Elven lover.  “It is unfortunate that Sallia has forgotten that it is not only men who can perform great deeds,” Honoria had observed.”  Unfortunately her whisper had carried easily to those near her including the ears of Duke Indgar. 


The Duke, who was well into his sixth cup of dark wine stared menacingly in her direction.  “Surely, dear wife, you do not equate the morality of the decadent and cowardly Elves with that of Men.  It is said that they do not even worship the same gods.”


It was a direct affront, but Honoria was not so taken by wine that she did not know when to retreat.  She meekly bowed her head.  “I bow before your superior wisdom, my lord husband.”


“Is it common, your majesty,” Indgar went on, “for women to voice their opinions so openly in your court?”


“My daughters have been known to speak out on occasion,” the King replied without rancour.  “Honoria is an intelligent and spirited young woman as are my other daughters.  “I welcome their opinions.”  In Honoria’s case what her father said was more than true.  After the Queen had given birth to her third girl-child, the King had begun to treat Honoria more like a son than a daughter, encouraging her to learn some of the manly arts such as weapons training and the study of war.  He had even had a tutor brought in to teach her to read.  It was well that none of this was mentioned, however, as was revealed by the Duke’s next comment.


“That is interesting.” I would not have thought that a woman had any thoughts worth listening to.”


“Just as the thoughts of some men are not worth listing to.”  The words were out of Honoria’s mouth before she remembered to whom she was speaking or how they would be received. 


To her considerable relief her husband only smiled and replied.  “I see I have married a woman of wit as well as beauty.”  He raised his wine cup in her direction and drained it at a gulp.  Honoria sat back and shut her mouth.


Now she waited for her maid to finish preparing her for the wedding night.  She swallowed and wished she had consumed a bit more wine. 


“You look most beautiful my lady.  Duke Indgar will be most pleased.”


Honoria looked into the polished glass mirror.  It was one of only a few in the castle and more valuable than she could have imagined.  A vision of beauty stared back at her.  She had awakened a girl of sixteen, but now a woman was framed within the oval of the mirror - a woman with expressive blue-green eyes, a straight nose, full pouting lips and high cheekbones, framed by raven tresses that flowed like liquid to her waist.  It was, she knew, partly the application of rouges and shading in strategic areas of her face, but nothing was needed to enhance the womanly curve of her breasts or the taut copper-pink of her nipples.


She stood and the maid adjusted her diaphanous night dress.  It was designed to enhance rather than conceal her charms.  Her heart rate increased when she considered what her charms were intended to stimulate.  For a brief moment she thought she might be ill, but she controlled her heaving stomach.  “Thank you, Erial,” she said to the maid.  “That will be all.”  She watched the maid depart.  The next time the door to her room opened her husband would enter.


She waited beside the bed, her manner composed, although inside her guts felt like jelly.  A minute passed.  Then two.  Surely the Duke must know she was ready for him.  What man would be late for his wedding night?


After ten minutes of waiting she sat on the edge of the bed.  It was so high that even her long legs could not touch the floor and she let them dangle.  Fifteen minutes later she was so cold that she pulled the coverlet over her.  Her heartbeat slowed and her eyes closed and a few minutes later she fell on to her side and slept.


She was startled awake by the sound of the door to the room slamming open.  For an instant she was so confused she had no idea where she was.  Then she remembered.  She could hardly escape the reality of the Duke of Magdoran standing in front of her, his dark eyes fixed on her with undisguised anger.


“My lord,” she gasped, sitting up abruptly.  “I had expected you earlier.”  She noted that the candles illuminating their bedchamber had burned halfway down, indicating that several hours had passed since Erial had left. 


The Duke did not answer at one.  Instead he slammed the door and threw the bolt.  The massive door was three inches of solid oak bound with iron.  With a look of satisfaction he patted the wood.  “That should keep us undisturbed while I celebrate our union.  I have ordered that for the next three days we be attended only by my servants.”


“My lord?” Honoria queried, rising to a kneeling position atop the bed.


“It should be long enough to teach you this. 


The blow caught her across the left side of her face and hurled her across the bed.  A rainbow of colours swirled before Honoria’s eyes before her vision cleared.  Half dazed she tried to struggle to a sitting position, her gut clenching in fear.  Inside her mouth she tasted blood where the inside of her cheek had been lacerated by her teeth.  Too stunned to speak she could only watch helplessly as the Duke lurched around the bed to the side she now occupied.  He stank of wine and sweat and was clearly dangerously drunk. 


“Three days,” he repeated.  “By that time you will have forgotten that nonsense about changing the place of women and learned not to shame your lord in public.”


“Shaming you, my lord?” Honoria gasped.  She was barely able to speak, the shock of being so brutally treated by her new husband completely overwhelming her.  Never in her worst nightmares had she imagined her wedding night would be like this. 


“Yes, shaming me.  You think I did not notice the way you hesitated when you took your vows?  I am the most feared warrior in the kingdom and yet you opposed your marriage to me with your every breath.  Did you not think reports of your recalcitrance would not get back to me?  You will be taught to behave as an obedient wife and I will begin by breaking that ‘spirit’ your father the King spoke so highly of.”


“My lord Duke,” Honoria protested, her voice cracking in fear.  “We are now husband and wife.  I will serve you faithfully.”


“I like that,” the Duke replied.  “The sound of fear in your voice.  There will be a great deal more of it before I am through with you.”


“What are you going to do?” Honoria quavered, backing away from him across the bed. 


“First a little lesson in what happens when I am displeased,” The Duke replied.  In spite of his advanced state of inebriation he struck like a snake, reaching across the bed and catching hold of Honoria’s wrist.  He dragged her toward him and Honoria did not know whether to fight or cooperate.  She was absolutely terrified, but the Duke was her husband and she could not believe that he actually intended to harm a princess of the realm. 


“My father…” she began. 


“Your father will know nothing, princess.  Did I not make it clear that we will not be disturbed for three days?  I doubt I will need more time than that.  And when we leave you will have no time to speak to the King.  In two weeks we will be back in my castle and then I will do with you what I please.”


“No,” she gasped.  “You cannot mean what you say.  You have drunk too much wine.  No man would treat his bride this way on his wedding night.”


“And now you say I am not a man,” the Duke said.  “It is time for your lesson to begin and I have here the symbol of your subjection to me.”  He held up his hand and Honoria saw that he was holding the silken ceremonial bindings from the wedding ceremony.  She had taken them off immediately after the ceremony, but obviously the Duke had ordered them brought to him by one of the servants.


“No,” Honoria protested as he pulled her toward him and held both her wrists in one hand.  In spite of her frantic efforts to pull free he held her and with a few quick turns bound her wrists together.  Then he tied the loose end of the rope to the bedpost at the bottom of the bed and pulled her onto the floor.  The action left her standing with her arms over her head and her bare feet touching the floor.  Twisting her body she turned to face the Duke.


“You really are a beauty,” he said, moving close to her.  Honoria had not realized that her action would display her body so provocatively, but the movement of the Duke’s eyes over her breasts, belly, and abdomen clearly apprised her of her mistake.  He moved right up to her and took her left breast in his hand.  Gently he squeezed the firm flesh and then ran his thumb over her nipple.  “Soon,” he said quietly. “Soon.  But first the lesson.” 


“What are you going to do?” she quavered.  She had endured his examination of her body and his fondling of her breast.  As her husband he had every right to do that, but she was terrified of his threat and the look in his eyes as he studied her was not that of a man on his wedding night, but more like that of a predator about to devour his prey. 


“Turn around and face the bedpost,” he ordered. 


Honoria did as she was told.  She was too frightened not to.  Behind her she could hear the sound of the Duke undressing.  “Perhaps he will now consummate our union,” she thought.  “Perhaps the sight of my body has reminded him of his duty.”  It was strange that only a few hours ago she had trembled in fear at the thought of the Duke deflowering her; now faced with the brutal alternative and the Duke’s bizarre behaviour she welcomed it.  She stared back at him over her left shoulder. 


He was removing his belt.  For a few seconds she thought that he would continue to undress, but then he doubled the belt over and slapped it into his hand.  “No,” she whimpered.  “You can’t mean to use that.”  Her eyes were wide with terror, focused on the metal studs that decorated the belt.  In answer the Duke stepped toward her and picking up two of her handkerchiefs gagged her by forcing one into her mouth and using the other to tie it in place.


“Mmmpphh!” Honoria protested.  Too late she tried to scream for help, but could managed only a muffled grunt. 


“I suspect this is going to hurt quite a bit.  I wouldn’t want your screams to unset your father and mother.”  The Duke pulled his arm back and let fly with the belt, striking Honoria across her backside.


“Mmmppphh!” The Duke was right.  Honoria did scream, but the sound of her agony was confined to the room.  He struck her again and again, targeting her backside each time until Honoria continued screaming in between blows.  Only then did he stop and place the belt on the dressing table near the bed. 


“Now, my princess it is time to consummate our marriage.  No doubt it is something you have been looking forward to ever since our marriage was arranged.”


Honoria sobbed as the gag was removed.  She wanted to scream for help but was in such fear of the Duke she did not dare.  She could only wait helplessly, sobbing in pain and fear, her arms still bound over her head as she watched him undress.


Honoria knew all about the mating process.  It was impossible to live in her society and not be aware of it.  Privacy was something reserved for the extremely wealthy and powerful and she had frequently seen animals mating and been well aware of the activities of her servants.  She had even seen soldiers and peasants bathing in streams from a distance, but she was unprepared for what came next. 


The Duke was powerfully muscled; not a particularly surprising development for one of the most famous warriors of the kingdom.  But she had never seen a man so well developed in the region between his legs.  Had she been properly prepared she might have found the sight arousing, however, in her present circumstances it brought back her fear of the wedding night with a vengeance.  She could only stare in undisguised terror at the Duke’s erect penis as he untied her from the bedpost and still whimpering in pain pushed her down on the surface of the bed.


“Please,” she whimpered fearfully, “do not hurt me.”


In answer he ripped her filmy nightdress from her body and forced her legs apart.  She had time for just a partial scream before he clamped his hand over her mouth and entered her.  There was no preparation.  The Duke’s action was not an act of love; it was a brutal and painful rape.  Honoria screamed and writhed in agony as he took her virginity and then kept on screaming as he thrust deep within her. 


It hurt much more than anything she had imagined.  Coupled with the animal grunts of the Duke as he took her, and the smell of his unwashed body, it was a hideous ordeal.  And it was made even more painful by the Duke’s mauling of her breasts.  With his free hand he squeezed both breasts and twisted her nipples.  Honoria twisted her body in an attempt to escape the brutal violation of her body, but the Duke’s weight pinned her down and he violated her without mercy, savagely raping her until he finally spilled his seed into her.


“Now you are a woman,” the Duke grunted, as he lifted himself from her, “and properly my wife.”  He lay down beside her and almost immediately fell asleep, leaving Honoria to whimper in pain.


She lay beside him for the next hour, afraid to move for fear of awakening him, her body racked with pain.  She was bleeding badly, but dared not move even to help herself.  Finally, realizing that the Duke was in a drunken stupor, she eased out from beneath him and staggered to the washbasin.  It was early morning and she caught a glimpse of herself in the same mirror she had been seated before in the evening. 


She was almost naked, her fine silk nightgown torn to shreds.  A massive bruise discoloured the left side of her face and her round perfect breasts were marked with the bruises of the Duke’s mauling.  The inside of her thighs was slick with her own blood and her perfectly combed hair lay wildly about her face.  It was almost too much for her and for a few seconds she wept loudly, but recovering she dipped a cloth into the washbasin and attempted to stop the bleeding. 


The region between her thighs was so raw and tender she could hardly bare to touch it, but she had to do something for fear she might bleed to death.  And she couldn’t seek help.  Not like this.  She had to clean herself up first.


Somehow she managed, staunching the flow of blood and washing the evidence of the rape from her bruised body.  Then pulling on her robe she crept to the door, eased back the heavy bolt, and pulled it open.  She found herself staring into the faces of two of Duke Indgar’s men-at-arms.  “I’m sorry, your highness,” one of them said.  “The Duke gave orders no one was to leave the room without his permission.”


With a sob Honoria fled back into the room.  Behind her she heard the door close.