The Adventures of Autumn

Episode 3. The Return of Darkstorm


L’Espion with Melissa Gallant



Chapter 3  Darkstorm’s Trap


Autumn was in a particularly good mood as she patrolled the sky above Grand Capital.  It was difficult to wipe the self-satisfied smirk off her face after what Will had done to her last night.  If it had not been for her superheroine powers she would be a mighty sore girl. 


Daytime patrols were not really necessary, but she found that the crime rate was lower over all if she made the occasional appearance.  In addition she really enjoyed flying.  She had finally mastered the art of forward flight rather than just simple levitation and it was exhilarating to swoop over the city and then climb back into the clouds.  It was with some surprise, therefore, that she felt her emergency cell phone vibrate on her belt.


Raising it to her ear she heard the familiar voice of the Police Commissioner.  “Autumn, you better get down to the docks.  Something really strange is going on there.”


Autumn snapped the phone shut, and soared upward gaining altitude in order that she could better see what the Commissioner had been talking about.  It didn’t take her long to see what the problem was.  Along the entire dock area was a heavy line of cloud.  Even from where she was she could hear the rumble of thunder and see the flash of lightning. 


“Darkstorm” she thought.  It had to be.  She remembered that he had escaped prison a few months before along with Shadowcloud.  Neither of the archvillains had been seen since, but Darkstorm had vowed vengeance against the city that had put him in prison.  She accelerated, heading full speed for the storm.  This would be the true test of Will’s device.  If it failed her….


She didn’t want to think about that.  Putting it out of her mind, she swept onward.  People’s lives were in danger. 


It took her only minutes to reach the storm and right away she saw its source.  A large sphere was floating just offshore.  Huge bolts of lighting were erupting from its surface.  Everywhere they touched they destroyed, literally blowing apart the dockyards. 


Without hesitation she flew right at the sphere.  Lightning crackled around her, but she felt nothing.  Will’s device was working.  Swooping in close she suddenly realized how big the sphere was.  It was enormous, at least a two hundred feet in diameter.  Half of it was submerged and from its surface large horns like those on a mine protruded.  It was from these horns that the huge bolts of lightning exploded.


“My god,” Autumn thought.  “How am I to deal with something like that?”


She hovered a couple of hundred feet away looking for some sign of weakness.  The sphere seemed to be made of smooth seamless metal.  There was no telling how thick the outer skin was.  She was capable of smashing through metal several inches thick, but if it was thicker than that she would bounce off like a pea hitting an elephant.  Then she spotted the small hatch in the top of the sphere.  It was circular, like the hatch on a submarine and had a wheel locking mechanism.  Without another thought she headed straight for it.


It was more difficult than she had expected.  Huge bolts of lightning cracked all about her, each flash deafening and she had to concentrate to shut the noise out of her head.  The conclusions as the huge bolts of electricity rent the air tossed her from side to side, one actually ripping apart the air so close to her that it spun her like a top.  Recovering, Autumn sped forward, finally reaching the curved surface of the huge sphere.  Here she was safe.  At least temporarily.  The lighting erupted all around her, but it was not aimed at the sphere, but outward and away from her.


Standing by the hatch she was buffeted by driving rain and howling winds.  Only her ability to defy gravity held her where she was, but she realized that even her great strength would not last forever.  Turning to the hatch she gripped the wheel.  To her surprise it turned easily.  Yanking the hatch open she looked into the interior of the sphere. 


A four foot diameter tube descended into the sphere, its only feature a steel ladder along one side.  About thirty feet down she could see another hatch.  It seemed a little too easy, but Autumn could think of no other way of dealing with the menace that was destroying her city.  If she did not stop the machine there would be very little left of Grand Capital to save.  Taking a deep breath she dropped into the tube.


She realized her mistake almost as soon as she entered the tube.  With a thud the heavy hatch slammed shut over her head.  She hovered in the tube, halfway between top and bottom.  She had clearly flown into a trap.  Should she try to go back the way she had come or should she go on and try to open the hatch at the bottom of the tube?  The matter was taken out of her hands a few seconds later.  As Autumn hesitated a number of holes suddenly opened in the side of the tube both above and below her. 


“Damn,” she muttered.  She knew that she was in real trouble.  Snaking toward her from each hole was a metal tentacle about two inches in diameter.  Her mind was now made up.  She streaked toward the hatch she had entered.  Or rather, she tried to.  A tentacle wrapped itself around her ankle, holding her back. 


“Son-of-a-bitch!” she gasped.  She shook her foot, but the tentacle was unmoved and then another wrapped itself around her wrist.  Panic almost seized her, but she fought back her fear.  She was a superheroine after all, but she knew that she had fallen into a very deadly trap.  The tentacles moving toward her did not move very fast, but in the confines of the metal tube there was nowhere to go and she was already caught.  There was however, still her superheroine strength.


Grabbing the tentacle about her left wrist with her right had she ripped it apart, and then lifting her ankle tore that one off as well.  Her triumph was short-lived, however.  Even as she freed herself several other tentacles wriggled toward her.  One closed about her neck, choking off her air.  Desperately she moved both hands to her throat and snapped the metal coils, freeing herself.  Gasping both from the shock and the temporarily lack of oxygen, she was aware of another tentacle closing about her waist, and then another about her ankle. 


Still she did not panic.  Moving her hands to her waist she tore the tentacle away.  But the tentacles were insidious.  Still more snaked toward her, and even worse, she saw that those she had torn apart were still functioning.  She had destroyed only the end of each tentacle, but not their ability to function.  They moved toward her, wriggling like huge worms. 


“No,” she gasped.  “This can’t be happening.  I can’t be caught so easily.”  But she was.  Even as she spoke a half dozen of the mechanical snakes looped themselves around various parts of her body. 


Desperately, but keeping her head, Autumn continued to fight.  But try as she might, there always seemed to be one more tentacle to replace the one she destroyed.  And then one pushed itself under her costume.


A whimper of fear and frustration escaped her lips as the tentacle pushed inside the waistband of her gold bikini bottom.  At the same time another slipped under the single strap that supported her skin-tight tank top while three more wrapped about her ankle, thigh, and upper arm.  She struggled frantically, all method now gone out of her attempt to escape, as she tore at the invading tentacles two replaced each one she removed. 


“Nooo!” she cried.  She was now battling against over a dozen of the metal tentacles with more moving toward her body.  Despite her frenzied efforts, tentacles were now wrapped about her arms, waist, and legs. 


“Oh God!” she cried as a tentacle tangled in her shoulder length dark hair, jerking her head back.  Then another slipped under her costume, this time moving across her bare midriff and between her heavy breasts.  She cried out in fear as her tank top was ripped away leaving her naked to the waist. 


Twisting her body, Autumn tried to rotate in an effort to snap the tentacles grasping at her, but she was now fighting more than twenty of the mechanical snakes.  Her svelte body now covered in sweat, droplets flew in all directions as she fought with all of her strength to escape.  But each second saw her more and more entangled.  Tentacles ripped off her boots, bikini bottom, and tights, leaving her completely nude. 


It was at that point that she finally panicked.  A long scream of fear and rage burst from her lips and she fought hysterically as complete terror overwhelmed her.  But the situation was hopeless.  She shrieked in terror as tentacles tightened about her, two of them clamping about her breasts. 


She was almost exhausted.  Even her superheroine strength could not last against so prolonged and diverse and attack.  But as her breasts were painfully squeezed she found the energy to fight back.  Bucking in the grip of two dozen tentacles she battled with all of her remaining strength.  For a brief second she almost thought she was going to make it.  She tore free of a number of the tentacles, but almost instantly they came back holding even tighter that before. 


“Noooo!  Noooo!” the trapped heroine screamed.  The tentacles about her breasts tightened as if they were part of some sort of oriental bondage.  Her breasts bulged, the skin so tight that she was sure they were going to burst.  And then she felt the touch of a tentacle as it began to insinuate itself between the soft folds of her vulva.  She was being raped by a machine!


Autumn screamed as the tentacles invaded her.  It was as painful a rape as she had ever experienced, and it got worse.  A second tentacle joined the first, forcing her vagina even farther apart and a third began to probe her anus.  Shrieking in agony she at first did not hear the taunting voice.


“Stupid bitch.  Did you think I would be so easy to defeat?  You flew right into my trap like a fly attracted to honey.”


Autumn’s only reply was another cry of pain as the tentacles squeezing her breasts tightened even more.  She was completely defeated, her body covered with scrapes and bruises and lacking the strength to do more than scream as her anus and vagina were subjected to a savage invasion. 


“Scream bitch,” the voice continued.  “I’m going to make wish you had never heard of the name Darkstorm.”


The villain’s name triggered a response.  One of acute fear as Autumn’s worst fears were realized.  Then she shrieked in agony as excruciating pain ripped through her loins.


“Oh please stop!” she begged.  The pain was so great that she was barely able to speak.  “You’re tearing me apart.”


“That’s the whole idea, bitch,” Darkstorm replied. 


“Aaaahh!” Autumn cried as her breasts were clamped even tighter, the soft flesh bulging out like overinflated balloons.  The pain was incredible as was the fear that her breasts would never be the same.  Her agony increased as the probes inside her plunged even deeper. 


Incoherent with pain, Autumn could only shrieked in anguish as Darkstorm subjected her to continuous torture.  How long it lasted, Autumn had no idea; she only knew that it went on long after she had screamed herself mute.  Finally, too weak to respond she went limp.  Only when she was barely conscious did Darkstorm relent, removing the brutal tentacles from her body and lowering her to the bottom of the shaft. 


Dimly, Autumn was aware of being lifted and carried from her place of torment.  Too weak to respond in any way, she was still able to feel fear as she wondered what was going to happen to her.  She had fallen into the most obvious of traps and she knew that horrible as her ordeal had been, it was only just beginning.  With that grim thought swirling through her brain, she felt her senses swim and she sank into oblivion.