Gallant Girl and Crimson Vixxen

And The

Den of the Steam Lord


Chapter 3  Return


Sturmpeller turned away from Crimson Vixxen’s lifeless body.  “Get rid of her,” he ordered.  “Feed her into the furnace.”


Gallant Girl watched as two men gripped her companion’s body by the feet and dragged her away like a sack of coal, her head bouncing off each step as the men descended from the raised platform where she had met her death.  The sight made her so sick that she could not bear to watch. 


As she turned away a messenger ran up to Sturmpeller and spoke to him in a low voice.  She could not hear what was being said, but Sturmpeller’s reaction told her all she needed to know.  “Himmel,” the villain screamed.  “The burghers have failed in their commitment.  They are a full tonne short in their shipment of palladium.”


“What about the other commodities?” Kaberle asked.


“It doesn’t matter about the rest,” Sturmpeller raged.  “Don’t you see?  If we allow the burghers to be short on their very first delivery they’ll think they can do it every time.  They must be taught that we are now the real rulers of Kriegstadt.”


Kaberle nodded sagely.  “You are right, of course, Julius.  We cannot allow this slight to go unpunished.”


“I’m glad you agree,” Sturmpeller replied.  He turned to look at Gallant Girl with a malicious grin.  “I’m afraid its back to the Steambot for you my girl.  I hope you last a little longer than your pathetic little friend.”


Still stunned by the death of Crimson Vixxen, Gallant Girl said nothing as Sturmpeller’s henchmen gathered her up and strapped her once more in the rape machine.  But she could not help remembering her companion’s horrible screams as she was literally fucked to death by the insidious device.  In spite of the fact that she had already been subjected to its cruel torture and knew what to expect, she was nearly quaking in fear as she was strapped in place. 


Sturmpeller, through some instinct that all villains seemed to possess, sensed her fear.  He personally manipulated the machine, guiding the massive dildos to her anus and vulva and attaching the suction cups to her breasts.  “Frightened, Gallant Girl?  “Don’t worry I’m sure you’re strong enough not to suffer Crimson Vixen’s fate, although I am sure it will be just as painful as it was before.”  He pulled the lever and watched in smiling satisfaction as the barbaric machine went to work.  Gallant Girl began to moan softly.



The henchmen dragging Crimson Vixxen’s limp body hauled her over to the automatic stoker that fed the huge furnace that heated the huge boilers.  “Seems a shame,” said one of them.  “She was a mighty fine piece of ass.”


“So you say,” replied the other.  “I was on duty outside the day she was gang banged, so I can’t comment.”


The first speaker licked his lips.  “No one is watching.  We could take her behind the stoker and give her one more for the road.”


“That is the most depraved thing I’ve ever heard,” the second speaker said.  “You’re completely sick.”


“I’m not sure what you’re so pissed off about,” the first man said.  “She’s still warm and she has the tightest cunt I’ve ever had.”


“Get out of here before I tell Sturmpeller,” the second man said. 


“Like he’d care,” the first man said as he stalked off. 


“Perverted asshole,” muttered the remaining man.  He lifted Crimson Vixxen’s corpse and tipped it over the edge of the hopper that fed the automatic stoker.  “So long, honey,” the man finished as he turned and left.  There was no need to watch.  The machine would do its work without supervision.



Crimson Vixxen began her last journey, settling into the bed of coal as the stoker continually fed coal into the huge furnace of the massive boiler.  It was a relatively simple machine consisting of a giant hopper that dropped coal onto a conveyor belt that delivered coal to the furnace whenever the automatic sensors on the boiler demanded it.  As the coal dropped onto the conveyor belt her body dropped lower and lower toward the belt until finally it joined the long column of coal heading for the roaring furnace.  


The belt rumbled slowly toward the chute that tipped the coal into the furnace, but as it neared the point where the heroine’s body would enter the flames, the body stirred.  Slowly Crimson Vixxen raised her head.  For a few seconds she gazed around her, her eyes dazed and confused.  Then suddenly they cleared.  With an alacrity that was astonishing for a woman who had been dead for more than an hour she rolled to the side and dropped twenty feet to the floor of the cavern. 


She crouched there for a few seconds waiting to see if she had been seen, but all eyes were on the giant Steambot that was lumbering toward the door.  “What the hell happened to me?” she muttered.  “The last thing I can remember is…”  With a gasp she leaned against one of the struts of the conveyor and tried very hard not to be sick.  “Sons-of-bitches,” she muttered.  “I won’t let them get away with what they did.”


She pulled herself together.  For a young woman who had been nearly raped to death she was feeling reasonably strong.  Apparently her “rest” in the coal bunker had allowed her heroine powers to revive.  As a test she willed herself into the air and was thrilled when she easily moved a few feet off the floor.  However, she felt nothing like a heroine.  She had no costume and the thought of going after the villains completely nude did not appeal to her at all. 


However, she remembered where she had been when her costume had been cut away.  Unless one of Sturmpeller’s thugs had taken it for a souvenir it was probably still there.  By now the steambot had passed out of the cavern.  The thought of what was probably happening to Gallant Girl spurred her on.  Throwing caution to the wind, and confident in her ability to deal with Sturmpeller’s men, she headed for the place where she had awakened to find herself in chains. 


Speeding across the cavern, she passed a number of Sturmpeller’s men.  For whatever reason, they made little attempt to stop her, probably because none could match her speed.  Leaping onto the platform where she had been chained, she found the few scraps of material that constituted her costume. 


“That’s better,” she murmured as she tied the waistband of her bikini bottom together so that it once more covered her private parts.  “Now to rescue Gallant Girl.”


In spite of her pathetic defeat and capture at the hands of the steambot in her first encounter with the monster she had a plan for dealing with it and Sturmpeller’s fortress was going to provide the key piece of equipment in her plan.  The heavy links that had been secured to her wrists and ankles were where her captors had left them.  Quickly she gathered them up, connecting each of the separate links to the other until she had a length of chain measuring almost fifty feet.  Tossing one end over her shoulder she headed toward the main door of the cavern.  Stretched across the doorway were a score of Sturmpeller’s henchmen, many of them armed. 


“Where the hell do you think you’re going, bitch?” one of them said, stepping forward, gun drawn.  His voice was vaguely familiar.  Dimly, she could remember him discussing something with one of the other henchmen.  Then a glimmer of understanding came into her eyes.


“Through that door,” Crimson Vixxen answered.  Her voice was cold as ice, but the man confronting her seemed not to notice. 


“I don’t think so,” the man said.  “Not until you’ve given me and the rest of the boys a little bit of ass first.” 


“Wouldn’t you prefer to kill me first?” Crimson Vixen asked.  “I understand you prefer dead pussy to live.” 


The men backing up the speaker laughed.  He coloured in anger.  “That’s a damned lie,” he shouted.  “You’re going to pay for that.”  He raised his pistol. 


“I doubt it,” the heroine replied.  While she had been speaking she had been shifting her grip on the length of chain until she was holding it about five feet from one end.  With a sudden surge of strength she jerked on the chain, causing it to whip through the air like a giant flail.  It caught the man she had been speaking with across the middle and hurled him like a doll against the wall of the cavern.  She jerked harder on the chain, causing it to rise into the air and then leaning back, and using her body like a fulcrum she began to turn in a slow circle.  The chain swung in a giant circle taking out anything in its path including the few henchmen stupid enough not to scamper for their lives.  The way now clear, Crimson Vixxen headed for the cavern door.


It wasn’t hard to follow the path of the steambot.  Sturmpeller had a way of making his point and he had created a path of destruction through the heart of Reichstadt’s industrial region.  Burning buildings and wrecked vehicles guided her as surely as if there had been a signpost pointing the way. 


Ten minutes into the pursuit and there was no need for any signposts.  She could see the giant machine as it lumbered forward smashing through brick and concrete structures as if they were matchwood.  Unlike the first time she had encountered it the two giant smokestacks projecting from behind its shoulders were not spewing thick black smoke into Reichstadt’s already smoky atmosphere.  It meant that the tormented Gallant Girl was supplying all the power and that meant she was being horribly brutalized. 


Crimson Vixxen accelerated.  Even dragging the heavy chain with her she was faster than the steambot and unlike the huge machine she could use her powers of flight to skim over the ground, avoiding obstacles like buildings that the steambot chose to plow through. 


As she neared the monster she began to swing the chain.  It was much heavier than the light rope she had used with disastrous consequences on the occasion of their first meeting and it took all of her considerable strength to swing it around her head while maintaining her forward speed, but she remembered the horrors her companion must be suffering and grit her teeth while her slender arms bulged with the effort. 


Faster and faster the chain whirled, until it was just a blur.  Then, when she was no more than the length of the chain from her target she released the chain.  It flew through the air like some great propeller and caught the steambot just as it was beginning its stride.  With a crash of metal the chain wrapped itself about the legs of the steambot.  Unable to stop its forward momentum the huge machine teetered dangerously for a second and then began to topple forward, gaining speed as it headed toward the ground.


There was a horrendous crash as the as the mighty machine slammed into the ground, its own forward momentum adding to the impact.  The head of the monster detached and bounced along the ground like some colossal tin can while the arms also broke loose and flew into the air before returning to the ground with a thundering crash.


Crimson Vixxen surveyed the damage for a few seconds waiting for the dust and smoke to clear before moving forward; and then she levitated and flew forward, coming lightly to rest on the shoulders of the fallen monster.  Somewhere inside was Gallant girl.  Thanks to her previous horrendous experience inside the iron monster she knew where to look, but Crimson Vixxen was filled with trepidation as she entered through the neck of the crumpled machine.  She had defeated the steambot, but Gallant Girl was still inside the wreckage and probably still strapped into the rape machine. 


Inside there was chaos.  The steambot’s mechanical guts were scattered in every direction.  Bits of wiring, broken pipes, and a surface slick with oil from various hydraulics made the inside of the steambot dangerous in the extreme.  In addition, the artificial lighting had gone out and the deeper she proceeded the darker it got.  The air was also filled with noxious fumes that soon had her eyes watering and her lungs begging for clean air. 


However, she knew that if it was bad for her, it must be truly horrible for Gallant Girl, who was probably still a helpless prisoner or perhaps even injured.  Without hesitation she forged on, ignoring the toxic fumes that threatened to poison her before she could succeed in her search.  Holding her breath she fumbled deeper into the steambot ignoring the pain as she stumbled into broken shards of metal. 


She had about reached the end of her ability to hold her breath when she heard a low moan.  In the topsy-turvy world of the steambot’s interior, where the walls had become the floor it was difficult to determine exactly where she was, but she guessed that she must be very close to the room where Sturmpeller and Kaberle had watched the rape machine stimulate Gallant Girl into a frenzy of gamma energy.  She took a chance and opened her mouth.


“Gallant Girl?” she asked.


There were a few seconds of silence that seemed to Crimson Vixxen to last forever and then there was a disbelieving reply.  “Crimson Vixxen?” 


“Yes, I’m here to rescue you, but can’t see a thing.”


“Just follow the sounds of my groans.”


Crimson Vixxen almost smiled in spite of the seriousness of the situation, but she was slowly able to work her way toward Gallant Girl guided by the sound of her voice.  Gallant Girl was not joking about groaning.  As Crimson Vixxen moved closer she could hear the sound of the heroine’s laboured breathing and realized that it was taking all of her companion’s self-control not to scream.  “Hold on,” she said.  “I’m almost there.”


A loud gasp followed Crimson Vixxen’s last statement, but a few seconds later she was true to her word.  She stumbled into something warm and soft and was rewarded with a cry of pain.  “Sorry,” she said.  She determined that Gallant Girl was hanging face down from what now seemed to be the wall, but which had been the floor before the steambot had crashed to the earth.  |Fumbling in the dark she managed to locate the hideous contraption Gallant Girl was still strapped into.  She suppressed a shudder when she thought of the pain the heroine must be in.  She could feel by running her hands over the machine that Gallant Girl was still agonizingly impaled.  Sweating a little in her haste, she located the main control lever.  She had seen Sturmpeller operate the machine and hoped she knew what to do.  She pulled on the lever, hoping that what she was doing would not make Gallant Girl’s pain worse. 


She was rewarded by a groan followed by a grateful “Thank you.”  As quickly as she could she located and released the manacles.  With an exhausted sigh Gallant Girl slipped from her restraints and fell into Crimson Vixxen’s arms.


Crimson Vixxen didn’t say a word.  She just held Gallant Girl and stroked her hair.  The maudlin moment lasted only a few seconds before the senior heroine stirred herself.  “I think it might be a good idea if we got out of here.  Sturmpeller and Kaberle might be close by.”


Crimson Vixxen nodded her agreement even though it was too dark for Gallant Girl to see her.  Then she had a thought.  “Where were the two thugs when I took out the steambot?”


“They had temporarily taken leave of watching my torment and gone up to the main control room.”


“That was in the head,” Crimson Vixxen said with glee.  “I don’t think we have much to worry about.”


“I’m curious to see what you mean by that,” Gallant Girl replied.  From the sound of the heroine’s voice and the fact that she was moving through the interior of the shattered steambot without help it was apparent that she was regaining her gamma powers.  Now that Sturmpeller’s creation no longer drained her energy she would no doubt recover quite quickly. 


They came to the open air and Gallant Girl balked.  “I can’t go outside like this,” she said.  Although her perfect body seemed completely recovered the heroine was completely nude and Crimson Vixxen could certainly see her point. 


“Sorry,” Crimson Vixxen replied.  “I should have looked around for your costume when I got mine.” 


“Not to worry,” the tall heroine answered, flexing her muscles and giving Crimson Vixxen an eye-boggling view of her magnificent physique. 


“Sometimes I wish I were a man,” Crimson Vixxen mumbled. 


“I heard that,” Gallant Girl grinned.  Now that she was removed from Sturmpeller’s insidious energy-draining machine her powers had fully returned.  “And I think you should understand that you don’t have to be a man to enjoy this body.”


Crimson Vixxen’s exposed skin turned as red as her costume, but she recovered quickly.  “Perhaps I’ll take you up on that,” she breathed. 


“I think this will have to do,” gallant Girl said, temporarily changing the subject.  She picked up a tattered pair of overalls that had fallen out of a shattered locker.  “Not exactly up to superheroine standards, but I don’t have much choice.” 


She pulled the overalls on, covering most of her body.  “Now let’s see if we can find what’s left of Sturmpeller and Kaberle.”


As Crimson Vixxen had conjectured the two villains were lying unconscious in the control room located in the detached head of the steambot.  They had been saved by the seat belts of the command chairs they occupied, but the jarring impact with the ground had knocked them senseless. 


“Bastards,” Crimson Vixxen said.  “It’s time for a little payback.”


“What do you have in mind?” Gallant Girl asked. 


“A use for these,” the blonde heroine replied holding up the two dildos she had detached from the rape machine.


“I’m surprised you could find those in the dark.”


“Unfortunately, I am more than familiar with these,” Crimson Vixxen commented grimly.  “And now I plan to make Herr Sturmpeller and Herr Kaberle a bit better acquainted with them as well.”


Gallant Girl nodded her head.  As a heroine she could not condone the cold-blooded revenge killing of the two villains even after what they had done, but she saw nothing wrong with giving them a taste of their own medicine. 


There was a considerable amount of screaming as Crimson Vixxen introduced the two mad scientists to the dildos.  They were still unconscious when she began, but they woke up quickly shortly after she started.  There was not much they could do about the situation except scream as she had taken the precaution of binding them hand and foot before she started.  Part way through the procedure she had to stop in order to gag each of them.  The ear-splitting screams were threatening to damage her hearing and she was forced to stuff their ties into their mouths to shut them up.


She dusted off her hands when she finished.  “There,” she said.  “A little taste of their own medicine.  I expect the authorities will be along to look after them in a little while so they won’t suffer too long.”  She gave Gallant Girl a look that sent shivers down the taller heroine’s spine, but not from any sense of repugnance at what her partner had done.  Crimson Vixxen smiled invitingly.  “Now, I’d like you to elaborate on that comment you made earlier.”


Gallant Girl gave a slow smile in return.  “I think I can explain better in a more private place.”  In the distance they could hear the sounds of sirens.  “Come on.  It’s time to leave.”



Several hours later, the two heroines lay side by side, their nude bodies gleaming with sweat and their chests heaving from an evening of tender exertion.  For several minutes they simply held one another, not speaking.  And then Gallant Girl broke the silence.  “My god, you’re talented.  You ought to write a book.”


“Only if you agree to be a coauthor,” the slender blonde replied. 


Gallant Girl lay back.  “Speaking of talents, that reminds me.  I forgot to congratulate you on that clever ploy you used to fool Sturmpeller.” 




“Yes – pretending to be dead.  That was masterful.”


Crimson Vixxen giggled and snuggled a bit closer.  “It would have been except for one thing.  I wasn’t pretending.”


“What do you mean?” Gallant Girl replied, sliding her hand over Crimson Vixxen’s smooth thigh. 


“Just what I said; I must have gone into some sort of death-like coma.  But it wasn’t deliberate.”


“Interesting,” Gallant Girl mused as her tongue flicked over her partner’s ear.  “You are full of surprises.”


“More than you know.  But I’m willing to let you find out all of them.”  Crimson Vixxen’s last comment dissolved into a low moan and after that she was a bit too busy to bother with conversation.