Prisoner of the Seraglio

Prisoner of the Seraglio


A Cordelia Delacourt Adventure


Chapter 3  Training


Cordelia spent the next two hours struggling to escape the chain about her throat.  It constricted her both physically and mentally, preventing her from moving and reducing her to the status of some chained animal.  She had often dreamed of adventure, sometimes resenting the fact that she was born a woman, but she had never expected anything like this.  She was a slave, chained to a bulkhead on some unknown ship and being transported to some nameless destination.  She could not even imagine a motive for such an action.  She had heard of the white slave trade.  It was not a subject spoken of in polite company, but she knew of it nevertheless.  But why had she been chosen?  Surely kidnapping the daughter of so important a man as Sir William Delacourt made no sense.  It would attract exactly the sort of attention that men such as Janessic tried to avoid. 


She finally gave up on the chain, no closer to freedom than she had been before and no closer to deciphering the puzzle of her kidnapping.  By now there would no doubt be a hue and cry throughout England as her father and the authorities sought her kidnappers.  She suspected, however, that as long as she was on board ship she was unlikely to be found.  Where was she being taken and why?  And why had Janessic chosen to humiliate her by placing her in chains and leaving her barely clothed? 


She hunched down on the bed, feeling completely helpless.  Hunger and thirst now tormented her.  She could still hold out, but to what purpose?  Sooner or later Janessic would have his way.  Was it worth the agony of dehydration and starvation in order to continue to defy him? 


Janessic did not return for quite some time.  It gave her ample opportunity to study her surroundings.  The cabin she was in measured about fifteen feet across.  She knew nothing about ships and supposed that it was typical of what she might expect.  It was furnished with a single bed, which she occupied, a table and two chairs.  Other than that there were only a couple of large chests which no doubt held Janessic’s possessions.  The light streaming in through the transom told her that it was sometime around noon.  With no way of escaping she simply sat and waited.


The sound of boots outside the cabin door brought her rudely back to reality.  She sat up with a start, her heart pounding.  Exhaustion had overcome her and she must have dozed.  She jerked to a sitting position just as Janessic entered.  He walked over to the only table in the room and sat down.  He looked at her but said nothing.  Instead he partly turned to stare at the door.  He appeared to be waiting for something.  Cordelia, still trying to make up her mind about whether or not to give in to him remained silent.


A few minutes later the door opened.  Another man walked in carrying a tray.  He was dressed as a servant and his attitude indicated that is exactly what he was.  He set the tray on the table and stepped back.  The smells wafting from the tray told Cordelia what it was. 


“That will be all, Simmons,” Janessic said.  “Pick up the tray in an hour.”


“Certainly, sir,” Simmons replied.  Backing away he opened the door and left the cabin.


Janessic continued to ignore her.  He poured a glass of wine and took a sip.  Then removing the cover from one of the dishes he took his fork in hand and began to eat.


Cordelia could stand it no longer.  “Please,” she said softly.  “Could I please have some water?”


“You are learning,” Janessic replied, as he turned to look at her.  He continued to eat and drink as if she had not spoken.  “You are learning.  Tomorrow perhaps I will allow you to ask that question again.”


Cordelia bowed her head.  She had humbled herself and then been further humiliated.  She felt rage building within her.  How dare anyone treat her like this?  But she fought back the urge to scream at her kidnapper.  She was entirely at his mercy.  She desperately needed to eat and drink and Janessic could deny her that privilege for as long as he chose.  Unless she completely surrendered to his will he would simply starve her to death or force her to die of thirst.  And then there was another even more pressing need; one she dared not speak about.  Instead she huddled miserably on the bed, defeated and waiting to see what her captor would do next. 


Janessic finally finished his leisurely meal.  “I find the sea has a powerful soporific effect,” he said.  “It is time to turn in.”  He rapped his cane sharply on the floor.  A minute later Simmons entered the room. 


“Prepare the bed,” Janessic ordered.  “Place the girl on the floor.” 


Turning to Cordelia he caught her look of dismay.  “You did not think you were to have the only bed in the cabin did you?  There is only one way you will lie in that bed from now on and it will be as my bedmate.  “Is that your preference? 


Cordelia bit back a retort.  It would only result in her being punished further.  As Janessic had said, she was learning. 


“Now,” Janessic continued, “there is someone you have to meet.”  He looked at Simmons.  “Fetch the girl.”


“Yes sir,” Simons replied.  He left the room and returned a few minutes later with another girl.  Cordelia heard her long before she saw her.


“Bloody ‘ell.  Where you taking me?”  The door opened and a rather bedraggled dark-haired young woman was ushered into the room.  She was wearing a somewhat rumpled dress with a square cut neck that revealed a good deal of her unrestrained bosom.  “You,” she spat, as soon as she saw Janessic.  “Wot in ‘ell is this all about?  Yez takes me up to yer room for a little bit o’ fun and I finds meself on a boat.  You got a lot to answer for.” 


The girl stopped, suddenly seeing Cordelia for the first time.  “Wot’s this?  Another ladybird?  How many more of us you got on board?”


Janessic laughed.  “That’s not your concern, Liz.  And she’s not a ladybird.  From now on you will serve her.”


“The devil, I will!”  Liz flared.  “I’m no one’s servant.”


“Would you prefer I throw you into the forecastle and allow the crew to enjoy your charms?  It would be no more than you are used to, except for the fact that you won’t be paid for it”


Janessic’s last statement temporarily shut Liz’s mouth, allowing him to continue.  “I have hired this ship at great expense.  I doubt very much that the captain or crew would object to being provided with a little entertainment during the voyage, especially if they don’t have to pay for it.  It’s your choice, Liz; you can serve Miss Delacourt or serve the crew.”


“I get paid for it?” Liz asked. 


“You’ll get paid more than you would as a whore,” Janessic replied. 


Liz seemed to brighten.  “Then I’m for  it.”


“Good.  Your first job is to escort Miss Delacourt to the facilities.”


Cordelia’s sense of relief was tempered by the fact that she had been assigned a woman of the night as a maidservant, however, she could not have held out much longer.  The humiliation of soiling herself would have been overwhelming.


“Facilities?” Liz laughed.  “Is that what yez call it?  Come on dearie.”


Janessic strode over to where Cordelia’s chain was locked to the staple and produced a key.  Unlocking the chain he handed it to Liz.  “Take Miss Delacourt to the head.  I do not wish her to foul the cabin.” 


“Chains is it?” Liz grinned, looking at the lead she had been handed.  “You and the dollymop playing a little game?” 


“Indeed Liz, now lead her from the cabin.”


Like a dog on a leash Liz marched Cordelia from the cabin.  The prostitute took her to the bow of the ship where she saw that there was an opening in the rail where a couple of planks had been suspended over the water.  As the ship plunged into the waves it threw up spray drenching Cordelia where she stood. 


“Go on, miss,” Liz said.  She could tell from the sound of her voice that she was a little bemused by the entire situation.  “I’ll wait here,” she added.  “Call out when you have finished.”


Terrified that she would fall, especially in her weakened condition, Cordelia gripped the slippery wood and edged her way out over the waves.  Liz kept hold of the chain the entire time.  Completing what she had to do, Cordelia called out to Liz.  “I’m finished.”  She could barely keep her grip on the water-slicked wood. 


Liz helped her regain the deck.  The brief exertion had almost exhausted her, but at least there was no longer any danger that she would foul herself.  As she returned to the cabin she felt the eyes of the crew members upon her.  It was another humiliation, but she was sure it would not be the last.  Entering the cabin, Liz handed the chain to Janessic who once again secured it to the staple. 


“Good work, Liz,” Janessic said.  “Miss Delacourt will sleep here.  You return to your berth.  Don’t worry about the crew.  As long as you do your job they’ll leave you alone.”


Both Liz and Simmons left the cabin, leaving Cordelia alone with Janessic.  Slowly the man began to undress, removing boots, coat, waistcoat, and shirt.  Cordelia watched him in undisguised fear.  Was this the time when he would attempt to take her?  If he did she would be unable to resist him.  Starvation and dehydration had rendered her helpless.   


To her relief, Janessic merely lay down on the bed. “Good night,” Janessic said.  “Sleep well.  I expect you will need your strength.”


It was then that she noticed a mat on the floor beside Janessic’s bunk.  The chain allowed her just enough slack to lie down.  Her thin nightdress soaked through, she curled up on the mat and tried to control her shaking body.  A few minutes later Janessic’s snores told her that he was asleep, but it took much longer before sleep came for her.  She lay awake, trying desperately to think of a way to escape from her predicament until fear and exhaustion finally overcame her.



“Get up!”  It was Janessic’s voice.  It took awhile to penetrate the haze that was Cordelia’s mind. 


Cordelia opened her eyes.  A few feet away Liz stood watching her, but more important, she was holding a bucket and a ladle.  Janessic nodded and Liz held out the ladle.  Hardly able believe that she was being offered water, Cordelia’s hands trembled as she reached for it.  But suddenly Janessic jerked on her chain, preventing her trembling fingers from reaching it. 


“Shouldn’t you be thanking someone, my dear?’


Cordelia bowed her head.  “Thank you, sir.”  She choked the words out, her throat so dry she was hardly able to speak, and seething with shame and anger that she had been reduced to begging for water.


Janessic released the chain.  “Better.  Just remember who is in control.”


Cordelia drank greedily, but Janessic would not let her have more than two ladles.  “Enough,” he ordered, “I wouldn’t want you to overdo.”


“Yes sir,” Cordelia replied.  “Thank you.”  Cordelia resigned herself to cooperating.  She was completely at the mercy of the monster who had kidnapped her.  There was no telling what he might do to her if she refused to cooperate.  His threat to turn Liz over to the crew might also include her.  She could think of no fate that would be worse.  Perhaps if she played the part of obedient slave she could lull Janessic into a false sense of security.  Escape while the ship was at sea was impossible, but the voyage would not last forever.  When the ship reached land…


“Now, Miss Delacourt,” Janessic said, interrupting her thoughts, “there is the matter of food.  Would you like to eat?”


“Yes, sir,” Cordelia replied, lowering her head.  “If it pleases you.”


Janessic smiled.  The upper class bitch was finally coming around.  “It may please me, but there is something else that would please me more.”  He bent low and whispered in her ear.


Cordelia blanched.  She had never even imagined so disgusting an act!  Recoiling, she backed to the limits of her chain.  “I would rather die,” she exclaimed.


“We shall see,” Janessic said grimly.  “But I expect you will see things my way after a few more days.”


Cordelia bowed her head and wept.  She was already so weak from hunger she could hardly stand.  The burning pain in her stomach gnawed at her as if her insides were inhabited by a live rat.


The next two days passed in burning agony.  Janessic kept her confined to the main cabin except when Liz led her to the head.  Each trip on deck took all of her strength as her body began to waste away.  Her already slender waist shrank to positively sylph-like proportions that would have rendered her corset unnecessary.  On the third day without food she gave in.


Only then did Janessic let her eat.  She was allowed a bowl of broth, her stomach being too long without food to accept anything more.  Now she was about to pay the price for that meal. 


“Come on, dearie,” Liz urged.  “It ain’t so bad.  You can do it.”


“That’s easy for a whore to say,” thought Cordelia.  She was on her knees in front of Janessic.  Three days of starvation had left her almost too weak to stand.  She waited while Janessic prepared himself. 


Her captor eased himself into a chair directly in front of her.  Slowly he unbuttoned his waistcoat and then moved down to the buttons confining his pants.  Cordelia kept her eyes on the deck, her heart pounding, almost sickened by what she was being forced to do. 


“Look at me, Miss Delacourt,” Janessic ordered. 


Cordelia raised her eyes.  She broke out into a cold sweat as she beheld the first male organ she had ever seen.  Her lips parted.  The tip of Janessic’s erect penis was only inches from her mouth. 


Janessic arched his back anticipating the touch of the girl’s full lips.  He reached out with both hands and seizing two lengths of thick auburn tresses guided her face toward him.  She was pale with fear, a state of mind that only added to her attractiveness.  He remembered her haughty reaction to him the day he had accosted her in the Crystal Palace.  The humbling of a young woman who would hardly have given him the time of day was immensely satisfying.  “Now, Miss Delacourt,” he murmured, “take me.”


Cordelia’s guts heaved, spewing what was left of the broth she had just eaten into Janessic’s lap.  He roared in rage, slapping her away from him.  “You stupid little whore.  You’ll pay for that.”


Held by the chain about her neck, Cordelia took the full force of the blow.  It rocked her head back.  Barely conscious, she tumbled to the deck, her hair lying in her own vomit.


Janessic seemed not to notice.  Red in the face and cursing, he jerked her upright and then grabbing her by the front of her nightdress dragged her over to the table.  While Liz watched, her eyes wide with concern, Janessic wrapped the chain around the legs of the table, forcing her face down on the table.  Then he moved behind her, stripping off his belt.


“You still haven’t learned, you upper class bitch,” he roared.  He yanked her nightdress upward, exposing her legs and backside.


Cordelia moaned.  Vaguely she realized what was happening to her and tried to free herself, but the chain kept her pinned to the table.  As her nightdress was pulled up she kicked frantically and twisted her body.


“Hold her legs, whore,” Janessic shouted at Liz. 


For a few seconds Liz just looked at him, and then he yelled at her again.  “Take her legs you gutter scum or by God I’ll send you to the forecastle.”


Reluctantly, Liz took hold of Cordelia’s ankles, preventing any further movement.  “Now you bitch,” Janessic growled, “I’m going to teach you some manners.”


He raised the belt and brought it down hard.  Cordelia screamed as the leather cracked across her buttocks.  In her weakened condition all her will to resist was gone.  She cried alike a baby as Janessic brought the belt down again and again. 


Janessic’s rage died by the fifth stroke.  Remembering that his employer would not be pleased if he damaged the girl, he eased up on the beating, but he still gave her five more strokes, watching in brutal amusement as she screamed, her body twisting under each blow.  Finally he tossed the belt onto the bed.  His anger spent and his revenge exacted, he strode from the cabin, leaving Liz alone with the sobbing girl.


“Come on, luv,” Liz said.  She unwrapped the chain from the table legs and lifting the taller girl helped her to the bed.  She remembered that Janessic had stated that the bed was to be reserved for him alone, but she did not care.  “Bastard,” she muttered as she lay Cordelia down.  She noted that the girl was not badly hurt.  The welts on her backside were painful, but not crippling.  Given a few days of rest and food, the bruises would heal. 


Cordelia was shaking like a leaf and Liz pulled a blanket across her trembling shoulders.  “You wait, ‘ere, luv,” Liz said.  Above all the girl needed proper food and she intended to see that she got it, no matter what Janessic wanted.  Moving quickly across the cabin she opened the door and moved out on deck.  She didn’t see Janessic and supposed that he was with the captain.  The two men often sat and played cards while drinking together. 


She made her way to the galley where she bullied the cook into giving her another pot of soup.  It was thin stuff, intended for the crew, but it was well suited to the weakened condition that the girl was in.  Returning to the cabin she coaxed the barely conscious girl into swallowing several spoonfuls of the hot broth.  She then watched over the girl until she fell asleep. 



“Whore,” Janessic said, “who gave you permission to help the girl?  And what is she doing in my bunk?”


“I figured ye’d done more than enough to the girl,” Liz replied.  “She’s not like me.  She don’t deserve treatment like this.”


“Then you take her place,” Janessic replied.  “I’m sure it’s nothing more than what you are used to.”


“I’ve seen your like,” Liz returned, not giving an inch.  “Yer nothin’ but a cheap bludger, who picks on women.”


Janessic began to unbutton his pants.  “Get on your knees, whore.”


“Go to the devil,” Liz replied.  “Get your friend the captain to do it.”


“Well, I’m damned,” said Janessic slowly.  “A whore with scruples.”  Without warning he stepped quickly forward and caught Liz with an open-handed slap. 


The blow tumbled her to the deck.  She should have seen it coming.  Although only nineteen she had been involved in more than one scrape with drunken or abusive clients, but Janessic had moved so quickly she had no time to turn her head to avoid the blow.  She lay dazed while the man stood over her.


“You little slut,” Janessic growled.  “I’ll show you who is in charge.”  Before the stunned girl could move he grabbed her by her hair and yanked her to her feet.  Hurling her onto the table he wrenched her arms behind her.  It took him only a few seconds to rip open her dress, spraying buttons in all direction as it split down the back.  Unlike middle or upper class women, Liz wore only a couple of petticoats beneath her dress.  Janessic tore these open as well, ripping off strips of cloth which he used to bind her hands.  He was breathing heavily.  Taking the whore this way gave him a sense of power.  His loins stirred.  He would teach the little bitch a lesson she would never forget.


Turning her over, he seized the front of her dress and tore it down to her waist, exposing her breasts.  Janessic surveyed his prize.  She was very pretty.  Although not as beautiful as Miss Delacourt, she was particularly attractive for a woman of the streets.  Her face was elfin, almost child-like, and was framed by ringlets of fine dark hair.  Her breasts rose in perfect pink-tipped white mounds, firm and soft at the same time.  With her wrists bound behind her, her body was slightly arched and inviting.  With a grim smile he ripped off the rest of her clothing.


“You bastard,” Liz murmured.  The blow had dazed her.  Unable to resist she had been well aware of what Janessic was doing, but was too confused to fight back.  Now she struggled gamely as her clothing was torn from her body.


“You fight hard for a whore,” Janessic remarked.  “You’d think you were a blushing virgin.”


“No cove takes me against me will,” Liz grunted.  She strained to loosen the strips of cloth binding her wrists. 


Janessic hit her again.  She couldn’t avoid the blow and it drove the back of her head into the tabletop.  Then Janessic grabbed a handful of hair on either side of her head and dragged her from the table.  Holding her on her knees he unbuttoned his trousers and released his swollen member.  “Now, whore, take this or I’ll beat you so badly no man will ever want you again.”


Liz swayed, barely able to hold her position.  She would have fallen if Janessic had not gripped her cruelly by the hair, almost tearing it from its roots.  She did not try to move as her assailant forced his phallus into her mouth.


“Suck me you, little bitch,” Janessic ordered as he pulled Liz’s head toward his groin.  The girl’s reply was lost as he drove to the back of her throat, almost gagging her.  Desperate for breath she allowed her brutal captor to rape her mouth. 


Janessic groaned in satisfaction as the whore did as she was told.  He had to admit that her lips and tongue were very skilled, but he did not intend to let her get away quite so easily.  He allowed her to bring him to the edge of ecstasy and then pulled out of her mouth.  Forcing her to the bunk he pushed her down, ignoring Miss Delacourt’s sleeping body. 


“No,” Liz gasped.  But another slap from Janessic silenced her.  He used his knee to force her legs apart and using his weight to pin her to the bed, thrust into her. 


Liz grunted as Janessic invaded her.  Helpless, she was forced to endure the painful violation of her body.  But as Janessic had said, she was hardly a virgin.  Unable to prevent the rape she lay still, determined to give her rapist as little pleasure as possible.


Janessic bent forward and bit her breast, his teeth breaking the skin on either side of her nipple.  With a cry of pain, Liz tried to twist away from the torment, but Janessic held her fast.  Shifting his head he took her other nipple in his mouth and bit down viciously, causing her to cry out.  Then driving hard, he pounded into her, enjoying every second of the girl’s pain and humiliation. 



Cordelia awoke to Liz’s cry of pain.  At first, in too much pain herself, and still half asleep, she thought it was part of some hideous nightmare, and then she became aware of Janessic’s animal grunts.  In absolute horror she watched as the young woman writhed in torment while she was taken against her will. 


Janessic, caught up in his sadistic pleasure, was unaware of her until she screamed.  “Stop, you’re hurting her,” Cordelia protested.  She was still too much of lady to use harsher language and would not have known the words to use in any case.


“Shut up or you’ll be next,” Janessic warned.  Her continued to ravish his helpless captive, brutally twisting her nipples at the same time as he penetrated her.


“You’re a monster,” Cordelia cried.  “Can’t you see you’re hurting her?”


“Stupid bitch, that’s entirely the idea,” Janessic replied.  He crushed Liz’s breasts massaging the soft flesh like so much bread dough. 


Liz whimpered, her legs splayed and back arched as Janessic took her.  The rape was brutally painful, but she fought back her tears and endured the humiliating ordeal.  Finally finishing, Janessic left her on the bed, her hands still bound.  Pulling up his trousers he headed for the door.  “Clean up this mess,” he ordered Cordelia.  “When I return I want you both out of here.  From now on you bunk together.”


He slammed the door after him.  Ignoring her own pain, Cordelia leaned forward.  “Let me help you,” she said.  She turned Liz away from her and untied her wrists. 


“Thanks luv,” Liz said softly.  She got to her feet and found the tattered pieces of her clothes.  By tying the torn cloth together she was able to keep them on, and then she and Cordelia cleaned the cabin.


It took what little remaining strength the two girls had to complete the job, but they finally finished.  Picking up Cordelia’s mat and blanket, Liz led her new friend to her room.  It wasn’t much, consisting of a small enclosure in the hold.  It provided privacy and little else.  Together the two girls squeezed into the space.  Tired, dispirited, with their bodies aching from numerous bruises and abrasions they huddled together and fell into a mutually troubled sleep.