The Elven Chronicles

Episode Three

The Fugitive Bride


Chapter 4  Murder


The sound of the rain on the tent added to Honoria’s despair.  Everything had happened as Duke Indgar had willed it.  For three days he had beaten, tortured, and raped her in the privacy of their tower room.  At the end of it she was the obedient and submissive wife he demanded; or at least she forced herself to be.  They had ridden out of the castle with the King and Queen seeing her off, her bruised face disguised under makeup and her battered body covered under a proper dress.  The fact that it had been raining had helped as she was able to hide her features beneath the hood of her cape. 


The Duke had succeeded in training her all too well.  She was completely cowed and hardly needed the Duke’s forbidding presence to act as if she was the dutiful bride accompanying her husband home.  “She is a bit tired,” the Duke said, explained her subdued demeanour.  “She and I have been rather ‘busy’ the last three days.  But I have no doubt she will recover on our ride to Magdoran.”


Her parents had smiled knowingly at the comment as had many members of the court.  And then she and the Duke, accompanied by his entourage, had ridden through the castle gates, sealing her fate forever.


Perhaps convinced that she was truly broken, the Duke had not continued the routine of torture and beatings, but he had continued what he referred to as their “lovemaking.”  Rape was a much better description of the nightly event, but at least it only occurred once a day after they had made camp, eaten, and then retired to the Duke’s pavilion. 


It gave Honoria a chance to heal physically.  However, it did nothing to improve the shattered state of her mind.  She was completely subservient to the Duke, but he had left her with one very important emotion - hatred.  She burned with hate both day and night, and especially when he took her to his bed each evening.  However, there was nothing she could do about it.  She was completely at his mercy both day and night and surrounded by an escort of more than a hundred armed men.  And even if she did manage to get away where would she go?  She doubted that returning to her parents would save her.  The Duke would demand her return and it would be a matter of her word against his.  She would simply be considered a hysterical young woman attempting to escape a marriage to man much older than she was. 


It had been a grim ride.  Broken in spirit, Honoria had ridden beside the Duke through six days of pouring rain.  The downpour had reduced the roads to an almost impassable morass, slowing their progress to only a few miles a day.  They set up camp each day in wooded areas dripping with rain and with so little dry firewood that they had only uncooked food such as bread and cheese to eat, and after a few days even that was stale and mouldy. 


It left Honoria in a severe state of depression, a situation made even worse by the Duke’s foul mood, and each night she dreaded the round of forced lovemaking.  Tonight, some matter had taken him to another part of camp.  The reprieve was almost worse than his presence.  The longer it went on the more apprehensive she became.  Finally, she could stand it no longer and she peeped out the tent flap.


There was no one there.  A sudden feeling of excitement came over her.  Where were the guards?  The Duke never left her alone.  She stepped out of the tent.  Over on the far side she could hear the Duke’s voice raised in anger.  “Stupid bastards.  Who was responsible for packing the wagons?  How could all of the food be ruined?  Well, there will be no rations tonight.  Tomorrow we will have to proceed with empty bellies.  It is fortunate that there is a town just four miles away.”


Honoria ducked back as the Duke stomped toward the tent.  She waited almost trembling in fear.  In the mood the Duke was in she expected the worst sort of treatment.


She was not wrong.  “Why are you looking at me like that, you proud whore?  I can see I should have disciplined you more thoroughly.  Well, it is not yet too late.”


Without warning, he struck her, but Honoria had expected it and just before his hand made contact she pulled away from the blow, lessening its impact.  “Bitch,” he raged.  “I’ll teach you not to duck.”  Grabbing her arm he slammed her on to the sturdy camp bed and climbed on top of her.  Straddling her he pulled out his knife. 


Honoria tried to scream, but the Duke covered her mouth.  Except for the pliers and his belt he had never threatened her with anything other than his hands, but now she feared the worst.  “Mmmmpph!” she protested as he held the point of the dagger to her left eye. 


“Lie still, you slut, or you’ll never see again.”  Honoria obeyed and lay helpless as the Duke cut through the laces of her bodice, exposing her breasts.  “Now,” he said, “where should I start?  Should I take off a nipple or just put my mark on your teats?”


Mmpphh!”  Honoria protested again.  She was beside herself with terror, imagining the pain of the knife incising her soft flesh.  At the very least she would be scarred for life and perhaps maimed irreparably.  Driven by fear and without thinking she did something she had never tried before.


“Ugnnh!” the Duke cried, as Honoria’s knee came up between his legs.  She had struck with all of her strength and the pain was so great that the Duke dropped the knife and rolled off her body, clutching at his groin. 


“You little bitch,” he grunted between clenched teeth.  Amazingly he managed to get to his feet.  “I’ll kill you for that.”  Lunging toward her he seized her by the throat, his thumbs digging into her windpipe.


“Aaacch!”   Honoria squawked like a duck as her breath was caught off.  She couldn’t breathe, her face turning purple as she fought to escape the Duke’s grip.  She struck at him with her hands, but his grasp was unbreakable.  Slowly she weakened.  Black spots danced before her eyes.  Her hands fell to her sides and her fingers closed over the haft of the Duke’s knife.  Without thinking she turned the blade toward her and struck.  It was not a strong blow, but her father had taught her where to strike.  The blade entered the Duke’s body just under his rib cage and to the right of his sternum. 


“Unnnnhhh!” With a strangled cry the Duke went limp and toppled to one side.  It was at that moment that one of the serving girls entered the tent.  Honoria managed to get to her knees, the bloody blade in her hand. 


“Eeeeeee!”  The girl’s scream startled Honoria out of her semiconscious state.  Still gasping for air, she realized that she had just killed her husband and that the act had been witnessed in a way most unfavourable to her.  She panicked.  She was in the camp of the enemy; surrounded by men who owed their loyalty to the man she had killed.  She had little doubt that that they would seek revenge first and listen to her second.  Escape was the only way out.  Turning, she ran to the back of the pavilion and used the knife to slit the canvas and then ducked out into the rain-filled night. 


She ran without thinking, simply heading as far away from the camp as she could.  The rain helped her.  Within a dozen steps she was hidden from view and then she was into the cover of the surrounding forest. 


Branches caught at her clothing, ripping her fine gown.  In her haste she had forgotten to take her cape, although she still held the knife in her hand.  Still in a state of panic she stumbled through the wet darkness, stumbling over roots and slamming into tree trunks, until finally she collapsed from exhaustion at the foot of a giant oak and huddled among its buttress roots, soaked to the skin and filled with horror at what she had done.  In this state she fell into a sleep that resembled a trance more than anything else.


The chirping of birds awoke her.  Bewildered she looked about her.  She was surrounded by trees and had absolutely no idea where she was in relation to the camp she had fled during the night.  Shivering with the damp and the cold she got painfully to her feet.  Her body ached and the growling of her stomach reminded her that she had not eaten for almost a full day.  In addition she was marked by bruises gained during her frantic flight and her throat hurt where the Duke’s fingers had tried to crush her windpipe. 


Where was she?  Everything looked the same.  The only cheerful aspect of her existence was the fact that it had stopped raining and the sun now shone from a clear sky.  For a half hour she stood in a clearing letting it partially dry her clothes and then she pushed on. 


She had no idea where she was going, but she reasoned that if she kept on in a straight line she would come to something recognizable.  Using the sun as her guide she tried to keep pushing north, believing that it might take her back to the main road.  However, her plan was frustrated by the thickness of the forest.  She constantly had to detour around thick stands of trees and patches of wild blackberry bushes.  These helped her a bit.  Despite the fact that it was late in the season a there were still few berries, although they were somewhat shrivelled.  However, she ate as many as she could find before pushing on. 


A few hours later she realized that she was hopelessly lost.  The revelation occurred when she came to a patch of blackberry bushes.  It was only when she began to search for berries that she realized they were the same bushes she had plundered earlier.  She must have walked in a complete circle.  Almost ready to weep in frustration she sat down on a large fallen tree.  It was at that point she heard a sound that startled her out of her depression.


It was the sound of someone moving through the forest and headed almost directly toward her.  Quickly she got to her feet, looking for a place to hide.  But she was too late.  Several ragged men stepped out of the bush.  Although poorly clad they were all armed and the way they looked at her sent chills down her spine. 


“Well,” said the tallest of them, “what do we have here?”  He paused and looked her over like a farmer inspecting a prize bull.  He licked his lips.  “I think we’ve found us something to keep us entertained for quite awhile.”