Katie Jones was in a bit of a rush

The Adventures of Autumn

Autumn Meets Shadowcloud


L’Espion with Melissa Gallant

Email: Lespion@msn.com


Chapter 5  Alicia


Shadowcloud waited patiently outside the block of walkup apartments.  This one was a bit of a swinger, but sooner or later she’d come home.  The blonde slut was on duty the next day.  She couldn’t afford to screw her latest conquest all night.  The sound of a car’s engine caused her to tense.  Finally.  The little bitch must have a vagina like iron.



Alicia swept her fingers through her hair and climbed out of the taxi.  She had already paid the driver and he immediately drove off.  Three a.m. already.  God how time flew when she was having fun!  And she had engaged in considerable fun tonight.  One of the greatest benefits of being a member of the police academy was the large number of physically fit and handsome males.  The one she’d gone home with tonight had plowed her furrow like a farmer trying to beat the rainy season.  She’d be sore for at least a day.  She stepped out of her car and adjusted her top and checked her skirt.  Only two of the five buttons on her denim shirt were buttoned.  She should try to look a bit more modest just in case her roommate was still awake.  She made it three out of five.  Then hiking up her denim skirt to just below her navel she headed for the door.


“I think it looked nicer the way it was.” 


Alicia froze.  The voice seemed to come out of thin air.  She looked around her, but could see no one.


“Up here, slut.”


Alicia’s gaze swept upward to the roof of the apartment.  Her blood ran cold.  Clinging to the side of the building like some great spider was black-clad figure, its luminous eyes fixed on her like those of a cat homing in on its prey. 


“Who are you?” she managed to gasp.  Then remembering her police training reached for the cell phone clipped to her skirt. 


“Oh don’t do that,” the dark figure said.  And then without warning it leaped toward her.


Alicia had time for just one frightened cry before the beast was upon her, then a powerful blow caught her on the side of the head and knocked her head over heels into the potentilla bushes lining the walkway.   


Shadowcloud stood over her unconscious victim.  She was rather pretty in a rather cheap way.  White blonde shoulder-length hair, long legs, a tight little ass.  Firm rounded breasts.  She licked her lips.  Yes she was actually very pretty.  She hoped she wouldn’t talk too soon.  It would be lots of fun questioning her.



Alicia pressed down with her toes once again.  Her muscles trembled with the effort of keeping her toes pointed, but the alternative was just as painful.  It was a simple but effective torture.  She was straddling a saw horse, her wrists tightly bound behind her back and secured to the middle of the two by six that served as the crossbeam of the horse.  Each of her ankles was tied to one of the legs of the horse so that her feet only just touched the floor when she pointed her toes.  The result was a choice between taking the weight on her crotch or her toes.


At first it hadn’t been too bad.  She had been terrified, of course, when she had awakened   in some strange room, face down on a narrow cot.  At that time her main concern had been a terrible aching in her head and badly bruised face.  That strange black-suited bitch had really hit her.  Then she realized that she couldn’t move or speak, because her hands and feet were tied and a very invasive ball gag had been strapped across her mouth.


She had struggled unsuccessfully to get free but had been interrupted by the sound of the door to the room opening.  The black-suited bitch was there again.  Shadowcloud, Alicia remembered.  That was what she called herself.  She had been in jail, but someone had bailed her out.  Now she was on the loose again.  But why had she bothered to capture her?  She was nothing but a police recruit.  It just didn’t make sense.


“Awake are we?” Shadowcloud said.  “You’re a sound sleeper.  I didn’t think I’d hit you that hard.  Did you have too much to drink earlier in the evening?”


Alicia, of course, could not reply.  She had been drinking.  Quite a bit actually.  It was one of the reasons why she had been so easy to overpower.  But why had she been captured?  A spark went of in her brain.  Did it have something to do with Autumn?  Perhaps.  She had been abducted once before to draw her superheroine friend into a trap.  Quite possible the same ploy was being used again. 


“Come,” said Shadowcloud.  “I want to show you something.”  Bending, she used one claw to cut through the ropes binding Alicia’s ankles, and then without seeming effort lifted her off the cot and onto her feet. 


Alicia swayed unsteadily, but the cat-woman held her upright and then propelled her toward the door.  Leading her into the hallway she walked several doors down and then entered a large room.  Alicia’s eyes widened in shock. 


Shackled to the wall were three of the male guards from the Grande Capital jail.  Two of them she knew by name, Jess Miller, and Roger Shirton.  The other she had seen but did not know.  There was also a female guard, Janet Kirk.  All of the men were spread-eagled, clamped a foot off the floor by heavy metal bands that held their wrists and ankles.  Their blue regulation pants had been ripped off them and their boots had been removed.  Their torsos were crisscrossed in ribbons of blood, almost as if someone had sliced them several times with a very sharp knife.  Heavy weights were attached to the genitals of two of the men who looked at her in shame and despair.  Ball gags prevented them from speaking, but the grunts and moans of pain each of them was making said it all.


The third guard was undergoing a different sort of ordeal.  This time he was not the victim, but the instrument of torture.  A nude Janet Kirk knelt before him, her wrists chained behind her pudgy back.  A length of chain led from her wrists to a heavy bolt in the floor.  Alicia saw that it would enable her to move far enough to reach each man.  She turned her head as Shadowcloud and Alicia entered the room, earning an immediate rebuke. 


“I said suck him, you fat dyke,” Shadowcloud growled.  Alicia noted that the woman’s back was crisscrossed with the stripes of the lash.  Without a word, but with her face burning in mortification, Janet turned back to the man she was stimulating through oral sex. 


“You see what happens to those who cross me?” Shadowcloud said to Alicia.  “I’ll have every one of those bastards at the city jail before I’m through.  The city will have to hire a full shift of replacements.”


Alicia wondered for a second why she was being shown jail guards being humiliated and tortured.  But she immediately knew the answer.  Shadowcloud was giving her a preview of what was going to happen to her.  Her heart began to beat wildly.  What had she done to deserve such treatment?


“Enough spectatoring,” Shadowcloud said.  “Now you and I have some private business.”


That had been four hours ago.  The space between her thighs was bruised and so sensitive she couldn’t bear to put any weight on it for more than a few seconds.  But she was also tiring rapidly.  Her shirt and skirt were stained with her sweat and even a few seconds of standing on her toes had her legs quivering like jelly.  Her only consolation was that so far the vicious cat woman had not stripped her, but she doubted that would last much longer.


Already her legs were giving out again.  Straining every muscle she sought to keep her body from sinking, but she was fighting the tireless strength of gravity.  Slowly her shaking legs gave out and she settled back onto the horse.


She bit back a moan.  This was almost worse than rape.  Arching her back she tried to take some of the weight on her hands, but it still required her tenderized crotch to bear most of her weight.  She gasped in pain.  How could such a simple device hurt so much?  She thrust her toes down again.


“Mmmmppphh!” Both calves had locked up in a frighteningly painful cramp.  She dropped back down on the horse and screamed even louder.


Shadowcloud watched through a bank of closed circuit screens.  Beside her a figure clad in a costume as black as hers nodded in satisfaction.  “Excellent Shadowcloud, my dear,” rumbled Darkstorm’s voice.  “You were right.  The old fashioned techniques do work best.  And they are so much fun to watch.”


Shadowcloud did not answer.  She did not like being called “my dear.”  But more to the point a reply was unnecessary.  Of course her methods worked.  They always had.  She’d give the blonde police recruit a few more hours and then ask her a few questions.  In the meantime, it was time to have that fat bitch of a jail guard work exercise her mouth on a different guard. 


Darkstorm watched the tall villainess stalk from the room.  He wasn’t sure about her yet.  So far she had been more than cooperative, but he did not trust her.  She was a cat burglar and those types preferred to work alone.  Right now she was willing to work with him because he had bailed her out of the jail.  He had learned that she was a most anxious prisoner.  That was useful knowledge.  If she ever betrayed him he knew exactly how to make her suffer. 


Still, she was fascinating.  She had a body that most women would die for and was possessed of very unusual characteristics.  He wondered how she had come by them.  Was she some sort of mutation or was there a different explanation?  It would be most interesting to find out more about her.  His mind conjured up an image of that tall lush body stripped of its costume and shackled in a sexually accessible position.  Perhaps one day…



Alicia couldn’t stop screaming.  The edge of the two by six felt as if it had cut an inch into her crotch.  The bottom of her bikini panties has been worn away along with the skin between the apex of her thighs.  Blood coated the saw horse and ran down the inside of her legs. 


“My lord, what a fuss,” purred a voice.  Shadowcloud was standing in the doorway.  “It’s a good thing I decided to gag you.” 


“Please help me,” thought Alicia.  “Please help me.”  She did not, of course, expect the least bit of help and was therefore quite surprised when the villainess moved behind her and with a quick motion cut her bonds. 


Relief flooded through Alicia, as almost disbelieving, she swung her hands in front of her and relieved the terrible pressure between her legs by lifting her weight with her hands.  Her ankles, however, were still securely tied to the saw horse.  She hung there, her weight suspended on her hands like a gymnast in the middle of a dismount. 


Shadowcloud watched her, her arms folded below her breasts and a slight smile curving her pouting lips.  “Better?  I wonder how long you can hold that position.”


Alicia could only grunt in reply.  She wasn’t much better off than she had been before.  Now her freedom from pain relied on her ability to support her body weight on her rapidly tiring arms. 


“Such a pretty girl,” Shadowcloud, said stepping forward and touching the claw on her forefinger to Alicia’s cheek.  “We wouldn’t want anything to happen to your beauty now would we?”  She traced her claw down Alicia’s cheek to her throat and then slowly down to the hollow between her heaving breasts.  Her shirt was still only confined by the last two buttons and her cleavage was clearly visible. 


“Let’s have a better look shall we?” the dark clad villainess said.  A single claw snipped off the reaming two buttons allowing Alicia’s shirt to part.  Shadowcloud took the lapels and slowly folded it back over her shoulders revealing Alicia’s swaying and beautifully pink-tipped breasts. 


“Lovely,” she said.  She delicately took Alicia’s taut nipple between the claws of her thumb and forefinger.  “Wouldn’t it be terrible if these were permanently disfigured?” 


Alicia’s arms were beginning to shake under the strain of supporting her weight.  Her gray eyes wide in terror, she stared at the malignant face of the cat woman. 


“I think it’s time we had a little chat,” the villainess said as she removed the gag from her victim’s mouth. 


Alicia gasped, drawing in a deep breath for the first time in hours.  “Please,” she begged.  “I can’t hold on any more.”


“Isn’t that a shame?  We certainly wouldn’t want to bruise your pussy any more than necessary.  Perhaps I can arrange to have you taken down in return for a little bit of cooperation.”


“What do you want?” Alicia asked, gritting her teeth.  Her arms were trembling under the strain.  In a few seconds she would collapse.


“I want you to contact your friend.  The bitch that calls herself Autumn.”


“I don’t understand,” Alicia moaned.  “I don’t know anything about her.”


“You lying little slut.  I think you need a little more persuasion.”


“Oh God,” Alicia thought.  “She’s going to leave me here.”  As before, however, the villainess surprised her.  Bending, she slashed through the ropes tying Alicia’s ankles.  With a sob of relief, and her remaining strength, the exhausted girl pushed off the saw horse.  The pain between her legs was unbelievable.  Barely able to stand she leaned on the horse for support. 


“Come with me cutie,” Shadowcloud said, crooking a finger at her.  “It’s time you met your old friends again.


Wincing with every step, Alicia hobbled painfully from the room, following the tall villainess as she strode down the hall.  She thought fleetingly about trying to escape.  Shadowcloud wasn’t even looking at her.  But she gave it up immediately.  She could barely walk much less make a run for it.  Obediently she limped down the hall, wondering where she was being taken and why.


Shadowcloud waited for her by the door of the room she had been taken to when she had first been brought into the building.  As she approached the cat-eyed woman opened the door and motioned for her to enter. 


Alicia could hear what was happening in the room long before she crossed the threshold.  Janet’s moans were filled with pain and fear.  “No,” she said, stopping.  “I don’t want to go in there.”


“Do as you are told, slut,” Shadowcloud hissed, “or I’ll perform surgery on that body without the benefit of anesthetic.”


Fearfully Alicia stepped through the doorway.  Her heart rose in her throat.  In front of her Janet was bent backward over a tabletop, her hands held by Roger.  The guard she didn’t know was between her legs, hammering her vigorously while Jess pulled on her ankles forcing the guard violating her ever deeper.  Janet’s pendulous breasts bounced like large overstuffed pillows with each thrust.  From the exhausted look on her face the ordeal had been going on for quite some time.


All three men looked in her direction as Alicia entered.  Only then did she remember that she was naked from the waist up.  Hurriedly she crossed her arms over her shapely breasts. 


“She made us do it, Alicia,” Jess said, his face flushed with shame.  “She was going to castrate us if we didn’t.”


“No need to make excuses, boys,” Shadowcloud sneered.  “I expect she enjoyed it as much as you did.  You can let the sow up now.  I’ve brought you some new meat.”


Alicia paled and her legs buckled.  Shadowcloud was inviting her fellow officers to rape her.  She took a step backward, but the clawed hand of the villainess came down on her shoulder, stopping her.


“We can’t do that,” Jess protested.  “She’s just a girl.”


“Give me a break,” Shadowcloud replied, her yellow-green eyes flashing.  “Don’t tell me you didn’t want to screw that shapely ass the first time you laid eyes on it.  In any case I’m not giving you a choice.  I want her fucked by all of you and I want it done now.  I’ll look after the sow.”


None of the men moved.  With a speed Alicia would have thought impossible Shadowcloud streaked across the room.  She raked her claws down the chest of the third guard at the same time closing her other hand around the man’s gonads.


The man shrieked horribly as Shadowcloud actually lifted him off the floor using his testicles as a convenient handle.  She only held him there for a moment, before slamming him to the floor, but the point was made. 


“I’m sorry, Alicia,” Jess said.  “We’ve got to do this.”


“No,” Alicia protested, backing away once more.  “Don’t do what she tells you.”  But Jess and Roger were already moving toward her. 


“Please don’t fight us, Alicia,” Roger said.  “We’ll try not to hurt you.” 


Alicia noted that both men were already erect.  It was as Shadowcloud had said.  Her fellow officers could hardly wait to get between her legs.  She wanted to tell them that the regions between her thighs was already so painful that there was no way that they wouldn’t hurt her, but the words froze in her throat.  Instead she looked at Shadowcloud.  “Alright she said.  “I’ll tell you about Autumn.  Only please don’t let them rape me.”


Shadowcloud laughed.  It was a dry mocking sound.  “Oh no, slut.  You had your chance.  Now I’m going to enjoy this.” 


“No!” Alicia screamed as Roger took her arm.  He didn’t try to force her at first, but when she resisted he twisted her arm behind her back.  Jess also helped, taking her other arm.


“Come on Alicia,” Jess whispered.  “Make this easy.  Please don’t make us rape you.”


Alicia wasn’t listening; she fought the two men all the way, forcing them to drag her toward the table.  By this time the third guard had picked himself off the floor and Janet had used the opportunity to slink off into a corner of the room. 


“You too, slug,” Shadowcloud hissed as the third guard regained his feet, still clutching his bruised genitalia.  “Stop playing with yourself and help the other two.”  Wincing in pain the man stumbled toward the other two men who were attempting with some difficulty to pin Alicia to the tabletop.


“Tie her up you morons,” Shadowcloud growled, tossing a length of cord toward them. 


Alicia yowled in fear as Jess held her arms and Roger lashed her wrists together.  “No,” please don’t do this.  We’re fellow officers.”  She tried to kick them, but then the third man had arrived and was holding onto her ankles.  “No, Roger,” she begged.  “You can’t do this.”


“Sorry, babe,” Roger whispered.  “I’ve got to.  You don\t know what that bitch is like.  She threatened to tear my balls off.”


Alicia looked into Roger’s eyes and saw his fear, but she also saw something else, a poorly disguised lust as his eyes took in her naked helplessness.  “No,” she screamed again.  “Please no,” but Roger was already moving between her thighs. 


“Easy Alicia,” Roger said.  “Please don’t struggle.  I don’t want to hurt you.” 


“No!” she cried once more and then screamed as Roger entered her.  It was the ultimate humiliation.  She could think of nothing worse than being held down and raped by her colleagues.  It was also very painful, her inflamed crotch, reacting in brutal agony as Roger rammed against it. 


“Aaagghh!” her scream split the air as Roger penetrated her.  The pain and humiliation was terrible, but mercifully short.  Shamed by what he was forced to do, Roger finished as quickly as he could and then pulled out of her.  Unfortunately there were two more men to satisfy.  Melissa didn’t stop screaming under they were both finished.


“Pathetic,” sneered Shadowcloud.  “I could fuck her better than that.  Do it again.”


The three men looked at one another, clearly mortified.  “But we did our best,” Roger whined. 


“Not good enough.  If that’s the best you can do you wives and girlfriends must be sadly disappointed.  Fuck her again and this time I don’t want three quickies.”


Alicia screamed again as the degrading ordeal began all over again.  This time it was much worse as she was taken again and again by her three co-workers.  In the meantime, Shadowcloud amused herself with Janet, by tying the heavyset woman’s hands to her ankles and then whipping her broad backside with a length of rope. 


Finally satisfied, Shadowcloud stopped flogging Janet’s buttocks.  “That will do for now, boys.  You can have fun with the sow instead.  I want her fucked and fucked good.”  Janet cried in protest as the cat woman hauled Alicia from the room.


Closing the door to the room Shadowcloud cut off the screams of fear.  “Well now, that was nice,” she said, pushing a badly limping Alicia ahead of her.  “Now you and I are going to have a good talk.”


She pushed Alicia into the room where the saw horse was standing.  The girl almost wept in fear.  The brutal ordeal had broken her spirit.  “Here’s your old friend,” Shadowcloud purred.  “I expect you would like to get acquainted again.”


“No,” shouted Alicia, almost wetting herself in terror.  “Please no!”


“No?” asked Shadowcloud, slowly.  Then perhaps you would like to tell me something.”


“Wh…What do you want to know?” Alicia asked, swaying unsteadily.  Merely being in the same room as the horse was making her ill.


“You have a friend I would like to meet.  I believe she calls herself Autumn.  I want you to tell me where she lives.”


“I don’t know anyone called that,” Alicia blubbered.  She was leaning on the horse for support.


“Apparently you need something to sharpen your memory.”  Shadowcloud seized Alicia’s left arm and twisting it behind her forced her face down across the sawhorse. 


“No,” Alicia cried, sensing that something even worse was about to happen to her.  The cat woman pinned her there while she looped a length of cord around Alicia’s wrist.  And then, ignoring the girl’s futile struggles, she deftly secured her wrist to the lower left leg of the horse.  She then captured Alicia’s right wrist and repeated the operation leaving the girl bent over the horse and secured so she could not escape.


“What are you going to do?” Alicia asked in terror. 


“I’m going to bang your couchie,” Shadowcloud answered with a grin.  “Apparently it has not been reamed out enough.” 


Alicia had never heard the word couchie before, but she had no difficulty grasping what the villainess meant. 


“No,” said Alicia, twisting her head around to see what Shadowcloud was up to.  “Please don’t hurt me any more.”


Shadowcloud enjoyed the girl’s fear as she slowly strapped on the godfather of all dildos.  It was an immense black tool fully a foot long and three inches in diameter.  The very thought of the pain it would cause the girl had her breathing heavily.  This was going to be so much fun.


“EEeeaagghhh!”  Alicia’s shriek surpassed any sound she had made so far.  It felt as if the brutal bitch had shoved a red hot poker into her. 


“That’s it honey, let it all out,” Shadowcloud said cheerfully.  She leaned forward, gripping Alicia’ waist and worked her way deeper, all the while enjoying the increasingly piercing screams of the helpless girl until finally Alicia broke.


Aaahhh!  Stop!  I’ll tell you.  Stop!”


“In a minute, honey,” said Shadowcloud.  She was gasping as the other end of the dildo stimulated her clitoris.  Steadily her breathing increased, the sweat beading on her face and dripping onto her skintight costume, until finally with a cry of pure pleasure she climaxed. 


She pulled out of the sobbing girl.  “Now, dear,” she said between gasps.  “Tell me what you know.”


Alicia told.  Shadowcloud’s yellow-green eyes glowed and a small smile twitched the corners of her mouth.  Now she’d give that superheroine bitch a real lesson in manners.