The Adventures of Modesty Blaise

Episode 1 The Lhasa Incident


This pathetic effort is a parody and is only remotely intended to resemble the characters created by Peter O’Donnell.  Other than the names and images of some of the characters all work is original and any resemblance to any of Mr. O’Donnell’s works is purely accidental. 


Chapter 6  The Interrogation


Modesty bit back a cry of pain as she fell to her knees.  Only with difficulty did she manage to stagger back to her feet.  Her wrists were still handcuffed behind her back and the savage gang rape had left her shattered.  Her loins burned from the brutal quadruple rape; her thighs were bruised and bloodied; and her breasts ached; but worst of all was the mental anguish that threatened to overwhelm her sanity.  Throughout the two hour ordeal she had sought to ignore what was being done to her; to remove her mental awareness of the brutal violation of her body.  But it had been near impossible.  The three guards had taken her in succession while Chow stood by and jeered at her pain and suffering.  Etched in her mind were his scornful words regarding her fighting abilities. 


“Is this the best MI 5 has to offer?  You barely tested me.  But then I doubt that you have met a master of the Chinese art of Wushu.  You are little more than a common thief, sneaking into the palace and hoping to steal what is ours from under our noses.  Do not think I do not know what you came for.  We have been waiting for someone to try and take it and now that you have you will tell me where it is.  Either that or the little session you just enjoyed will seem like a picnic.”


Modesty was far too beaten to respond to the retorts.  Barely able to walk she wove from side to side, struggling to keep from falling again.  The guards made no effort to help her, other than giving her the occasional shove when she faltered. 


By the time they returned to what Modesty thought of as the torture chamber, she was barely able to stand.  Forefront in her thoughts was the knowledge that her ordeal was just beginning.  Chow clearly intended to torture her until she talked, even though there was an easier way to get what he wanted.  All he would have to do was threaten Willie’s life or worse yet, bring him into the room and start to work on him and she would tell them everything.  But Chow either didn’t know that or didn’t care.  Modesty suspected it was the latter.  The look of bestial satisfaction in the man’s eyes when he had raped her left no doubt how much he would enjoy torturing her. 


She was pushed into the room by one of the guards.  Quickly they led her over to a thick plank that measured about eight feet long and a foot wide.  It was supported on two boxes and she was forced onto it, her legs straddling it.  In this helpless position two of the guards held her while the third removed her handcuffs.  They then pushed her down so that her back was against the board and her wrists against a second board that had been bolted crosswise to the underside of the plank.  Leather straps attached to the crosspiece were tightly secured about her wrists, leaving her lying on her back unable to rise.  There were, however, three more straps to go, one for each ankle and one for her neck.  Modesty was completely immobilized and knew before it happened what Chow intended for her. 


The guards took each end of the board and carried her over to a large copper tub.  They leaned the board against it so that Modesty’s feet were higher than her head and then while she watched they used the buckets of water to fill the tub.  Chow stood over her.  “Let’s keep this simple.  I want the location of the treasure.  If you don’t know it then tell me what you did with the map that British Intelligence stole from Alexei Kozlov.”


Modesty saved her breath.  She knew she would need it for what was to come.  “Alright,” Chow said,” let’s see how long you last with your head under water.”


The plank was lifted so that Modesty’s head was at one end of the tub and her feet at the other.  Using the crosspiece as a pivot her feet were lifted and her head lowered, plunging her into the water.


Modesty almost released her breath.  She had not expected the water to be so cold.  It chilled her, adding to the feeling of complete helplessness and terror.  This was part of the process of torture, to instill in the victim the knowledge that her tormentors could do anything they wanted with her and there was nothing she could do about it.  There was also another frightening aspect; the fear that the torturers could always go too far.  As she fought to hold her breath she wondered how long Chow would keep her submerged. 


There was a fine line in the art of torture.  Chow would be watching her carefully, assessing just how long she could hold on before she began to drown.  He would eventually let her up, and then question her again before once more immersing her.  Each time he would push the limits of the submersion a little farther until finally she would be forced to draw breath.  Then she would be lifted sputtering and coughing to the surface, her lungs desperately trying to expel the water she had inhaled.  He would have the board tilted so that the water would drain from her lungs and then he would start all over again.  She had no illusions that she could survive such an ordeal.  Eventually Chow would win.  She would tell him what he wanted to know and then she would no longer be of any use to him, nor would Willie. 


Her thoughts were turned from the analysis of her ordeal to merely surviving.  How long had her head been under water?  Her lungs were already burning, her diaphragm beginning to spasm as it sought to force her to breathe.  And then she was tipped upward, water streaming from her head and torso to see Chow standing over her.


“Hmm, that was impressive.  Over two minutes.  Your lungs are very well developed.”  As he spoke Chow’s hands went to Modesty’s breasts and stroked the bruised flesh.  Her sensitive nipples were quite erect from the cold and tingled as his fingers swept over them.  “Now, shall we try for three or do you have something you want to say?”


Modesty’s silence gave him his answer.  Chow motioned and once again the guards ducked her into the water.  This time she tried counting the seconds 120… 121…  She reached 185, and her lungs were on fire, her chest heaving as she fought back the desperate desire to breathe, and then she was tilted up again.  She sucked in air in great shuddering gasps, barely aware of Chow stroking her body. 


“You are magnificent.  I never suspected that you could hold out that long.  But I think that is your limit.  The next time you will be forced to breathe and then who knows what might happen?”


Modesty was gasping too hard to have answered, but Chow took her lack of response as another refusal to speak.  He nodded and once more the board was tilted into the water.  This time she knew her lungs could not last.  She was tiring rapidly.  The strain of her body was too great for her to endure much more in the way of punishment.  She lasted less than two minutes before giving in to her body’s demands. 


She breathed - and sucked in air.  Chow stood over her, grinning.  “You didn’t really think I would let you drown did you?  I’m enjoying this game.  Let’s see how long you want to play.”  The board tilted down again and the water swirled around her.  By now the continued emersions, had her not only short of air, but also shivering as she descended into the depths of hypothermia.  Chow’s game was slowly killing her. 


She came up reeling from lack of oxygen, the shivering even more violent, but Chow did not let up.  He had her dunked again and then again, until she was completely disoriented, gasping desperately for air, and hardly able to grab a breath before being plunged into the water once more.  She finally sucked water into her lungs, as Chow had known she would, and came up coughing and sputtering uncontrollably.  Desperate for air, she tried to suck it into her lungs while simultaneously trying to expel the water.  The result was a fit of coughing that racked her body for several minutes.  Coupled with the cold she was near unconscious when Chow finally relented. 


Chow stood over her.  “Enough for now.  I have all the time I want to make you tell me what I want to know.  Eventually you will break.  But in the meantime it is time to do something about that shivering.”  He turned to the guards and said something in Chinese.  They stepped forward and unstrapped Modesty’s shaking body from the plank.  Lifting her to her feet they carried her down the hall. 


Modesty had no idea where she was being taken and was far too close to unconsciousness to even notice where she was.  She was dragged into a small room and dumped on a cot.  Vaguely she realized that the room where she had been taken was much better furnished than the cells where she and Willie had first been taken, but it didn’t register as to why until the handcuffs clicked on her wrists and she heard the door close. 


She was alone with Chow and lying face down on his bed with her wrists handcuffed to the railing at the top of the cot.  By now she was shaking so badly from the effects of the cold water that she was barely aware of Chow as he stripped off his clothing and then she felt his heavy presence as he pressed his naked body against her. 


His weight pressed her down into the bed almost suffocating her.  He laughed close to her right ear.  “It wouldn’t do to have you die before you have told me what I want to know, but you must be warmed up and this is the perfect way to do it.”


Modesty was too weak to even struggle, but she moaned in pain as Chow parted her thighs and pushed his thick member between the lips of her bruised vulva.  He took her slowly inching into her with long easy movements of his huge body.  At first she felt almost nothing, but as he body warmed each thrust and every half inch of penetration became pure agony as he penetrated her swollen vagina.  Slowly he quickened his pace until the rhythm of the rape began to heat her chilled body.  His sweat dripped onto her and as her core temperature rose so did the pain, until she was gasping in agony.  Chow had saved her life, but in the most brutal way possible.  But it was about to get much worse. 


Satisfied that he had at least partially revived her, Chow pulled out of her and shifted his weight higher, until his now slick phallus slid between the moons of her buttocks.  Knowing what was going to happen Modesty strained weakly against her bonds, but she had no chance stopping Chow from penetrating her anus.  She cried out weakly as he pushed into her, forcing open her tight sphincter and ravaging her while she fought futilely to escape.  Pinned beneath Chow’s sweating hulk, she was helpless to prevent him from grunting his way slowly into her. 


Almost weeping from the pain, Modesty collapsed from exhaustion and for the remainder of the rape lay limply on the cot, too weak to even raise her head.  Only when Chow had fully satisfied himself did he pull out and lie beside her, panting from his exertions. 


“That was quite satisfactory,” he crowed.  He placed his left arm around her, rolling her over slightly so that he could grope her breasts.  “Tomorrow we will continue.  Sooner or later your will to resist will be broken.  But please do not feel the need to hurry on my account.  I am enjoying the process immensely.”


Modesty closed her eyes.  Deep inside burned a desire for vengeance that was so strong it forced all other thoughts from her mind.  Somehow she would escape.  And when she did Chow would come to rue the day he had ever met her.    



EXHAUSTION allowed Modesty to sleep, but her rest was fitful and punctuated by frightful dreams in which she was raped over and over again by Chow and his henchmen.  When she awoke she found to her chagrin that Chow was gone.  She had been too exhausted to even notice when he had left the bed.  Still chained to the head of the bed she could do little more than lie where she was and shiver in the cold.  Chow’s room was not much different from a cell, and chained as she was, there was no way she could even begin to attempt an escape.  Soon Chow and his henchmen would come for her and then the ordeal would begin all over again.  It was a chilling thought and something that she could do nothing to prevent.  Even if she had managed to get off the bed, there was nothing in the room to help her; not even as much as a comb.  Apparently Chow used the room for nothing more than raping his female captives between interrogation sessions. 


Twisting her body she managed to roll over.  Something at the back of her mind told her that there might be something she could use.  She could just manage to pull up the edge of the mattress and peer beneath it.  She could remember the squeaking of the bedsprings as Chow had thrust into her and was rewarded with the sight of a crudely interwoven system of wires supporting the mattress.  Stretching the cuffs to the maximum, she managed to get her fingers on one of the small pieces of metal and began to work it back and forth.  The bedsprings were crudely made, consisting of interlinked strands of ordinary wire.  She was able to work a bit of metal back and forth until finally metal fatigue did its work and it broke off.  At that moment a noise outside the door alerted her to Chow’s return.  Quickly she bent her head and tucked the small piece of wire into her mouth.  It was not the perfect hiding place, especially with what Chow and his goons were going to do to her.  She moulded it to her gum line, hoping that it would not fly out if she screamed and waited to see what Chow had in mind for her. 


A key turned in the lock and the door was thrown open.  Chow entered, followed by three of his henchmen.  He stood over her, a leering grin on his face.  “Time for another session, Miss Blaise.  I hope it does not take so much out of you that you cannot grace my bed again.  I find our lovemaking to be most exhilarating.”


“Lovemaking?  It that what you call rape?  I expect that it is the only way you can get a woman.”  Modesty’s words burned with rage, but it was merely her way of hiding her fear.  She couldn’t afford to cringe in front of her captors.  If she did she would break and then it would be all over for her and Willie.


“You are more resilient than I thought,” Chow replied.  “But do not doubt that I will break you.  It is only a matter of time.  Until then, the process of achieving that goal will be most enjoyable.” 


Modesty kept any retort to herself.  She had made her point and she suspected she would need all of her strength in the next few hours if she was not to betray Willie.  She had little doubt that Chow was holding her partner in reserve just in case he could not break her.  If she somehow managed to survive what her was going to do to her without breaking then it would be Willie’s turn next and Modesty did not know what she would do if faced with the prospect of either talking or allowing Willie to be tortured. 


Her thoughts were wrenched back to the present as she was hauled into the interrogation room.  Her eyes went immediately to the copper tub where she had been nearly drowned the previous day.  However, this time Chow had something else in mind.  The guards apparently already knew what he wanted.  They dragged her to the centre of the room and attached her handcuffed wrists to a chain hanging from the ceiling.  With a few quick tugs the chain was tightened raising her arms over her head and forcing her on to the tips of her toes.  The position was extremely uncomfortable, but Modesty feared more what she knew was coming next.  She was more than aware of the various bits of electrical apparatus hanging around the room and knew that she was in a perfect position for Chow to use it on her.


Her fears were immediately proven true when Chow’s henchmen drenched her with buckets of shockingly cold water.  For awhile they did nothing else but keep her soaked, but it was enough.  Within a short time she was shivering uncontrollably as the cold seeped into her bones.  Then Chow approached her.  Slowly he circled her, observing Modesty’s trembling body.  Her perfectly rounded breasts slowly rose and fell; her nipples hard and dripping with water.  “You cannot win, Miss Blaise,” Chow gloated.  “Everything is stacked in my favour.  Why not tell me what I want to know and then we can get on with the more pleasant aspects of our relationship.”


Modesty was shivering so hard she could barely speak, but she would not have answered in any case as Chow almost certainly expected.  He nodded to his henchman and Modesty felt the touch of metal against her toes as metal clips were attached to them.  Chow moved in front of her holding two wooden poles from which trailed copper wire.  Sponges were wrapped around the top of each pole and would serve as conductors for an electrical current when wet.  Modesty was familiar with the torture device although she had never seen it used.  She was about to find out first hand just how effective it was.  Chow dipped the sponges into a bucket of water, and then he touched the sponges to Modesty’s breasts, completing the circuit. 


“Aaaahh!”  Modesty’s scream was completely involuntary.  The surge of electrical current though her sensitive breasts and over the surface of her damp skin was excruciating.  But Chow was just beginning.  While his henchmen continued to douse her with buckets of frigid water he moved the water-soaked sponges over her body, touching her between her legs, on her buttocks and belly, and of course targeting her breasts again and again.  Each touch was brutally painful, but left no mark.  That blessing was lost on Modesty as she screamed until she was hoarse, but still Chow kept up the torture until she was so exhausted that her body no longer heaved when the crude electrodes made contact.  “Take her back to my room,” Chow ordered.


Barely conscious, and still sobbing with the pain of her ordeal she could not prevent her captors from dragging her to Chow’s cell and tying her to the cot.  Her body throbbed where the electric current had surged through her.  Chow had concentrated on her breasts and the area between her thighs and Modesty felt as if the skin had been stripped form her body in those regions.  But her agonized condition did not save her from another round of Chow’s “lovemaking.”


He was especially brutal this time, beginning with the insertion of an ivory dildo into her anus.  It was flared at the end so that once inserted it would not easily work its way out, and Modesty sobbed in pain at the vile intrusion.  Then Chow rolled her over and forcing himself between her thighs fucked her mercilessly.  Already sore from his earlier efforts, Modesty felt every savage thrust.  It was like being raped with sandpaper, but as on the previous night it probably saved her life, forcing heat into her chilled body even as she was brutally violated.  She was left soaked in both her own sweat and Chow’s, still moaning from the pain of the dildo in her backside. 


Chow leaned over her, supporting his weight on his hands as he straddled her.  He bent his head and took her left nipple between his teeth and bit down until it bled and then slowly licked the blood from the ravished bud. 


“Tomorrow you will break,” Chow said quietly.  “You will tell me everything that I wish to know.  You are very strong, but I can sense than you are close to breaking.  No woman can stand this sort of punishment forever.”


Modesty’s only reply was an agonized cry as the dildo was wrenched from her anus.  Chow gave it a final twist as he pulled it free, sending spasms of pain through her.  Even so, she barely moved as he hurt her.  Exhaustion had claimed her and even if he had removed the handcuffs Modesty would have been too weak to escape.  But Chow was wrong.  She was not yet ready to break.  She had been tortured before and in spite of the complete feeling of helplessness such a process created she had survived without betraying what her captors wanted to know.  It was no different this time.  He might make her scream and subject her to the most degrading indignities, but he had not yet broken her spirit.  And just as important, the small piece of wire she had tucked between her lip and her gums was still there. 


“Bastard,” Modesty thought.  “I’m going to make you regret you ever laid eyes on me.”