The Adventures of Autumn

The Adventures of Autumn

Episode 3. The Return of Darkstorm


L’Espion with Melissa Gallant



Chapter 9 Shadowcloud


Shadowcloud moaned and arched her body as al Rashid thrust into her.  “Ahh!,” she gasped.  “You’re so big.  So strong.  You fill me up.”


Al Rashid grunted his satisfaction.  The cat-woman was as tight as a virgin.  Her vagina clamped his penis like a vise and she showed more appreciation for his sexual prowess than any woman he had ever met.  He was, however, careful to heed Darkstorm’s warning.  She still wore the titanium restraints that had been placed upon her even though he was certain that they were really not needed.


Her powerful legs wrapped around his torso and pulled him into her, her vagina clamping his phallus even more tightly.  “How does she do that?” he wondered.  And then he was distracted by one of her delectable nipples which he took into his mouth.


She didn’t even cry out as he sank his teeth into the tender flesh, instead groaning her pleasure and crying out his name.


At that moment the lights suddenly went out.  “What’s happening?” al Rashid asked in alarm.  He raised himself from between the thighs of his panting lover.


“Don’t worry about it, darling,” the cat-women replied, using her powerful legs to pull him back down.  “It’s just Darkstorm playing with his toys.”


As if to prove her right the emergency lights came on.  Since al Rashid had romantically turned off most of the lights in his bedroom, there was very little difference.  “Come on, lover,” Shadowcloud said plaintively.  “Give it to me.  Give it to me hard.”


Al Rashid settled back down between the woman’s powerful thighs.  She was immensely strong and when she wrapped her legs about him she almost squeezed the breath out of him.  But he was her master as her impassioned cries proved as he drove into her.


“Oh you’re so good,” she gasped.  “I’ve never had a lover like you.  If only I could hold you in my arms and make love to you properly.”


Al Rashid considered.  It seemed like a reasonable request.  She was after all his willing sex slave.  She had told him so several times.  Shifting his weight, he twisted the catch that released her shackles. 


 Shadowcloud almost purred as she felt her arms come free.  Even with her strength and stamina the unnatural position had been extremely painful and the flow of blood back into her limbs was almost agonizing for the first few seconds.  “Lover,” she gasped, “I owe you a great deal.”


Coming from Shadowcloud that comment was unusual in the extreme, but al Rashid was something she had never encountered before, a callous brute and woman-hater who was actually very good in bed.  She folded her arms about him and pulled him to her, kissing him fiercely and forcing him even deeper within her. 


She climaxed with the scream of a cat in heat.  Al Rashid rolled beside her, exhausted, but she was not nearly finished.  “Again,” she demanded and I want you to really hurt me this time.”


In his post-tumescent state al Rashid was not about to hurt anyone, much less a woman as savage in nature as Shadowcloud, but he managed to roll himself into position with his head between her thighs and stimulate her in another way that Shadowcloud found more than temporarily satisfying.  An hour later he managed to give her the full treatment, rolling her onto her stomach and taking her first in the vagina and then in the anus.


The latter fully satisfied Shadowcloud’s demand that her hurt her.  The orgasm she experienced shook her body from head to toe and left her gasping in pleasure.  She wanted nothing more than to roll over and simply go to sleep.


That, however, was not possible.  There was something else she had to do first and that was to get out of Darkstorm’s clutches before he changed his mind and decided that she was too dangerous to be left in the hands of a misogynistic fool like al Rashid.


She rolled off the bed.  “Get up,” she ordered. 


Al Rashid stared at her in disbelief.  “I am the master here,” he retorted.


It took Shadowcloud only  few seconds to show al Rashid that not only was he not her master, but that indeed, she was his mistress.  He would limp for awhile, but nothing she had done to him was permanently disabling.  She had made it very clear, however, that the next time he defied her he would immediately qualify for the job of a eunuch. 


The first order of business was clothing.  Since her beautiful spandex outfit had been destroyed by Darkstorm she would have to make do with whatever was available, but she was sure that al Rashid would have something suitable.  They were about the same height although he outweighed her by about fifty pounds.  She settled on a light jogging outfit that hid most of her exquisite curves, but gave her complete freedom of movement. 


“Let’s go,” she said to the now cringing sheik.  This time al Rashid did not need to be told twice. 


The corridors were strangely deserted, and now Shadowcloud and al Rashid realized that the sphere had suffered more than just a minor electrical fault.  There should at least have been a few of Darkstorm’s henchmen around, but they couldn’t find even one.


“Looks like the rats have left the ship,” Shadowcloud observed.   “Something must have happened to the sphere.  We’d better get out of here.”


Since that was what she intended to do in the first place, there wasn’t much of a change in her plans.  She decided to head for the subsurface hatch through which she had entered the sphere.  Mindful of the tentacle trap, she was a little leery about heading for that spot, but she couldn’t think of any other way that might not be blocked by Darkstorm or one of his henchmen.  She might be stronger than al Rashid, but she was not yet recovered from the horrendous torture Darkstorm had inflicted upon her. 


She was not quite sure of the exact location of the underwater hatch she had used, but wasn’t too keen on finding the exact point on entry in any case.  If the tentacle guardian was still functioning she wanted to find a way around it. 


Slowly, taking the time to avoid running into any of Darkstorm’s henchmen, and working her way steadily lower, Shadowcloud led the reluctant Arab toward her intended destination.  Several times al Rashid protested and once he offered her an impossibly huge sum of money to let him go, but she was having none of it.  If the Arab actually had that sort of cash at his disposal then she was much farther ahead hanging on to him, and he was incredibly good in bed in spite of his narrow attitudes. 


She finally entered a region of the sphere that was familiar.  Shadowcloud had amazingly good recall when it came to remembering places she had already been, an asset that served her well during her life as a cat-burglar.  It was at this point that her ears picked up the sounds of voices. 


She turned to al Rashid.  “You’re staying here,” she said. 


He opened his mouth to reply – no doubt to protest, Shadowcloud silenced him with a cat-like hiss.  “Another word out of you and I will take pleasure in removing your vocal cords.”  She emphasized her point by touching her razor claws to his throat. 


The sheik paled as small droplets of blood glinted just over his larynx.  He swallowed and nodded his head rapidly, but Shadowcloud was taking no chances.  She pushed him none-too-gently against the wall.  With a strength that made al Rashid’s eyes widen in disbelief she grabbed a half inch metal strut and bent it neatly abut his neck. 


“Stay put,” she warned.  “If I hear a peep out of you I’m coming back and carrying out my threat.”  Without another word she turned and padded down the corridor. 


A minute later she looked upon a scene she had not expected.  She was on a catwalk overlooking a huge pool that obviously connected to the outside of the sphere.  It was swarming with dozens of Darkstorm’s henchmen, but more importantly, anchored in the centre of the pool, was what was obviously a submersible vehicle. 


Actually submersible vehicle was a bit of an understatement for a submarine capable of carrying Darkstorms’s entire crew.  “Son-of-a-bitch,” she growled softly.  “He thinks of everything.”


Then her yellow-green eyes glowed strangely as they focused on a small procession entering the far side of the huge room.  Autumn, her head lowered in what appeared to be abject defeat, was led into the room.  Behind her came the unmistakable dark-clad figure of her hated nemesis.  She expelled her breath in a hiss.  Only with difficult did she restrain herself from leaping from her perch and charging across the room.  That would only get her killed.  Quickly her gaze swept over the room.  Her eyes fixed on an object just to the right of Autumn and Darkstorm, and then she began to smile.



Alicia listened at the door of their luxurious suite.  Darkstorm and al Rashid might be two of the most cruel and ruthless villains ever to exist, but they provided for their unwilling guests well. 


There was no sound, not even the usual hum of the machinery that could be detected in most parts of the sphere.  That, and the fact that the lights had gone out and only the emergency lights were on, seemed to indicate that something rather unusual was occurring in the sphere.   “Well,” she thought.  “I’ve got nothing to lose.” 


She tried the door and to her surprise it opened.  That made her suspicious, as it had been locked the last time she checked it.  However, it was just possible that in an emergency all the doors in the sphere might unlock automatically.  She opened it and stepped into the hallway. 


There was no one there.  She had expected that there might be a guard, but it was totally deserted.  She poked her head back into the room and called to Jenna. 


Together they made their way through the corridors of the sphere.  Wherever they went it was deserted.  Alicia began to get a bad feeling about the situation.  Where had everyone gone?



Autumn stumbled through the corridors.  There was nothing wrong with her, but she was having trouble seeing.  She fought back the tears.  She wouldn’t let Darkstorm or Will see her cry.  She had no idea where they were going.  Darkstorm had said something about a submarine.  She guessed that the villain had some sort of escape vehicle.  Darkstorm didn’t tend to leave anything to chance and she had no doubt he had a way to escape from his now dead sphere.


They headed steadily downward and Autumn remembered that Darkstorm’s control room was in the very centre of the sphere.  They must be well down below the waterline now and she noticed that it was growing steadily colder.  With the sphere’s power now gone there was nothing to heat the air.  Autumn also realized that there was nothing to circulate and refresh the air either.  The sphere was now nothing more than a gigantic steel ball.  Eventually its oxygen supply would run out, however, given the gigantic size of the sphere there was little danger of suffocation for several hours at least, and Autumn couldn’t imagine Darkstorm hanging around that long.


Her musing proved correct.  They entered a large chamber.  Autumn guessed that it was well below the surface of the ocean.  In a water-filled basin that extended from the outer shell was a long black metallic object.  She had no doubt she was looking at Darkstorm’s submarine.  His henchmen were busily loading it with all manner of equipment.


Darkstorm stopped to gloat.  “Your new home, Autumn.  At least until I can get to someplace safer.  In the meantime I think you and I can find ways to amuse ourselves while on board.”


Autumn did not reply, but Darkstorm’s words churned up strange emotions within her.  The powerful sexual stimulant still coursed through her veins and Darkstorm had raped her so many times by proxy that the mere suggestion of sexual activity, whether forced or not, had her aroused.  She felt her loins tighten in anticipation. 


“No,” she thought.  “I won’t let this bastard control me.  Not after what he did to me.  If I submit to him voluntarily I will never regain control of myself.”


Darkstorm stared at her.  Since his face was hidden she could not tell what he was thinking, but she suspected he was watching her in amusement.  Did he know of her reaction?  If he did, then she was doomed.  She drew herself up and glared at him in defiance.


The villain turned to Will.  “Perhaps she is not so far gone as I thought.  However, I think that the two of us might be able to change her mind.”


Will grinned.  “Sounds interesting.  Exactly what did you have planned?”


By way of answering Darkstorm motioned to two of his henchman.  “Take her below,” he ordered.  Then, as Autumn was led across the metal gangway leading to the submarine he and Will followed. 


Autumn’s heart sank.  She had a very good idea of what the villain had planned for her, and this time she feared she would not be able to withstand the ordeal.  If that happened she would become his helpless plaything, perhaps in mind as well as body.  Filled with dread, but at the same time with a wild anticipation she was led below. 



“That’s Autumn,” Jenna gasped and then clapped her hand over her mouth, realizing that someone might have heard her.  She needn’t have worried, however, Darkstorm’s men were making far too much noise for anyone to have heard her. 


“And that,” Alicia added, “is Shadowcloud.”


“Shadowcloud?” Jenna gasped.  She had heard of the infamous cat-woman, but had never seen her except for a program she had watched on the Biography Channel.  “What would she be doing here?”


“Nothing good, you can bet,” Alicia answered.  “But that might work to our advantage.  She’s almost certain to stir up trouble and when she does we can act.”


Jenna nodded and copying Alicia lay down on the upper level catwalk they had accidentally discovered when entering the submarine pen.  It was off to one side from the one Shadowcloud was on and almost directly over the submarine.  With some concern they watched Autumn being taken into the submarine, but there were far too many adversaries for them to take any action, and in any case, Shadowcloud seemed to be up to something.  So making themselves as comfortable as they could they settled in to wait. 



It took Shadowcloud an hour of stealthy climbing to get herself into position.  Although she was high above the submarine pen, all it would take for her to be discovered was just one of Darkstorm’s henchmen looking up, so she kept out of sight as much as possible, moving toward her target bit by bit.  Eventually she reached her destination.  Grinning she carried out her plan.



“Christ,” breathed Alicia.  “Did you see what she just did?”


Jenna nodded.  “What are we going to do?”


“Get the hell out of here,” Alicia answered rising to her feet.  She didn’t know how long she had.  None of Darkstorm’s men were smoking so it might be safe for a little while, but eventually the fumes from the fuel line Shadowcloud had slashed would find something to ignite them. 


The cat-woman had been very clever, working her way around to the large elevated fuel tanks that occupied one side of the bay where the submarine was docked.  Then she had used her deadly claws to slash the metal pipes that ran from the tanks to the fuel nozzles near the submarine.  Since they were gravity fed the fuel was now leaking out in a fine spray that was almost undetectable unless someone happened to be standing right next to it.  Sooner or later the smell of the escaping fuel would be bound to alert someone, but by that time it might be too late.  All it would take was a single spark.


They worked their way lower, moving down the connecting metal stairways that went from catwalk to catwalk.  They were not quite so cautious now.  Alicia was almost certain that the highly explosive fuel leaking from the slashed pipes would ignite any second and discovery was less important than getting in a position to act when the explosion finally occurred.


They were almost to the floor before any one noticed them.  “Hey,” one of the men near the submarine shouted, “what are you two bitches doing here?”


At that moment there was a bright flash followed by a wave of heat and a huge roar and after that no one bothered to pay any attention to either of them.



Autumn whimpered as Darkstorm hammered his way into her.  She couldn’t do much more than that as Will had his not too inconsiderable member halfway down her throat.  To her chagrin and horror, her body was responding to both Darkstorm’s powerful thrusts and Will’s efforts to tickle her tonsils. 


The two “lovers” hadn’t even bothered to tie her.  It became obvious to both that she was too far gone to resist their sexual advances, in spite of her verbal protests.  The sex drug burned in her veins and her body responded whether she wanted it to or not. 


She was lying on her back across the relatively small bed in Darkstorm’s quarters on board the submarine.  The room wasn’t large, but it was quite luxurious by submarine standards and the bed was big enough that Darkstorm could comfortably mount her on one side while Will forced her to have oral sex with him on the other. 


She arched her back and gripped Darkstorm’s heaving buttocks as he took her and groaned aloud as Will squeezed her breasts.  Her response was mortifying, but she could do nothing to control it.  She was now Darkstorm’s willing sex partner.  It would take some sort of miracle to save her from herself.


There was a dull thump followed by a strong vibration.  “What the hell?” Darkstorm gasped, interrupting himself in mid-stroke.  “What was that?”


Will shook his head.  Not surprisingly, he was as mystified as Darkstorm was, but he temporarily stopped pleasuring himself with Autumn’s mouth.


Then there was the sound of shouts and screams from the area outside Darkstorm’s cabin followed by an urgent pounding on the door.


“Bloody hell,” Darkstorm growled.  “Can’t a man have a moment’s pleasure without some sort of interruption?”  He pulled out of the panting heroine, rolled her onto her side and gave her a swat on her trembling backside.  “We’ll finish this later,” he promised.  Then hastily pulling on his pants and shirt he went to the cabin door.


Autumn groaned in relief and disappointment as both men left her.  She had never been so humiliated in her life, but she had also enjoyed the session in spite of the usual bruises Darkstorm always seemed to inflict upon her.


She couldn’t hear what was said to Darkstorm, but he turned to Will and shouted orders.  “Come on.  We can return to her later, I doubt that she will try to escape.  We’re going to have to leave the sphere earlier than I planned.”


Autumn groaned again as the door closed.  Darkstorm was right.  She wouldn’t try to escape.  Not only were her powers disrupted by the field generator on board the submarine, but her will to resist was gone.  “What am I going to do?” she muttered.  “How am I going to get out of this?”



“Well, that was fun,” Shadowcloud chuckled as she scampered through the top hatch of the sphere.  She had been long gone when the fuel had exploded, but the sound of the detonation could be clearly heard throughout the sphere.  By that time she had gone back the way she had come, stopped to pick up al Rashid, who not surprisingly, was right where she had left him, and had made her way to the main entrance of the sphere.


Outside, the docks were deserted.  Shadowcloud had expected that they would be swarming with police and military, but there was not a soul in sight.  This was a stroke of luck even if it was most strange, but Shadowcloud was not one to pass up a golden opportunity.  Instead of having to use subterfuge to escape she could simply walk away in plain sight. 


She did note one sign that the sphere was still being watched, however.  High overhead was the small dot that indicated a Predator UAV.  Quickly she crossed the open space of the docks and entered the nearest warehouse.  From there she could move from building to building undetected, she hoped.


“I don’t like this,” al Rashid said.  “It looks like a trap.  Where has everyone gone?”


“It might be,” Shadowcloud admitted, “but unless you’ve got a better idea you better stick with me.” 


Sulkily the sheik complied.  After all, what could he do?  If the police caught up with him at the very least he’d spend months in prison trying to explain what an Arab prince was doing in the area of Darkstorm’s sphere.  Temporarily closing his mouth he followed in the footsteps of the shapely cat-woman, his eyes fixed on the tight muscles of her backside. 



The door to Darkstorm’s cabin opened slowly.  Autumn looked up, expecting to see the villain.  Her jaw dropped in surprise.  “Alicia,” she gasped.  A second later Jenna popped into the room.


“We’ve come to rescue you,” said the slim girl brightly.  “In the confusion of the explosion we were able to get into the submarine through the forward hatch.  By good luck it happened to be very close to his cabin.”


“Rescue me?” Autumn said stupidly.  She was so saturated with contradictory feelings that she wasn’t sure she wanted to be rescued.   


“My god, they really worked you over didn’t they?” Alicia said.  “We’ve got to get you out of here before Darkstorm returns.  Do you have any of your powers left?”


Autumn shook her head.  “Field generator,” she replied.


A shudder ran through the submarine.  “Damn,” Jenna said.  “We’re moving.  Darkstorm must have ordered the crew to take the sub out.”


“Where is the generator?” Alicia asked.  She glanced nervously toward the door, afraid that Darkstorm or one of his henchmen would come through it.


“I don’t know, but it must be close by or I wouldn’t be so weak,” Autumn replied.


“I’ll find it,” Alicia said.  She looked at Jena.  “You see if you can find something for her to wear.”  Then she opened the door and disappeared.


Jenna busied herself, locating Autumn’s costume which Darkstorm had tossed onto he floor.  With the girl’s help Autumn managed to put it on.  “This is a hell of a thing,” she thought.  “A superheroine who has been so badly beaten and demoralized that she can’t even dress herself.” 


She felt incredibly lethargic, as if nothing mattered anymore.  It would be so easy just to sit and wait for Darkstorm and Will to return, but she knew logically that there was no sense doing that.  She felt a sudden change in her body.  “The field generator,” she thought.  “Alicia must have found it.” Even as her strength returned, however, she still felt no sense of urgency, as if she was living in slow motion and watching the rest of the world pass her by.


The cabin door opened.  Alicia entered, but she was not alone.  Behind her were Will and Darkstorm.  The latter was holding a gun to Alicia’s head.  With him were two of his henchmen, similarly armed. 


“This little bitch found my field generator,” the villain said.  “But I just wanted her to see how little difference that makes.”


“Let her go,” Autumn said, getting to her feet.  She poised to hurl herself at Darkstorm, but held back for fear he would fire his gun.


“I don’t think so,” Darkstorm sneered.  “Will?”


At the sound of Darkstorm’s voice Will smiled.  It was the sort of smirk that made Autumn want to drive her fist into his head.


That thought dissipated, however, when Will pulled a small device from behind his back.  He had been hiding it, no doubt for dramatic effect, but Autumn knew what it was and it was verified as her super strength left her once more.


“Just a precaution, babe,” Will chuckled. 


“Bind her,” Darkstorm said to Will.  “This is getting more and more interesting.  I’ve never been involved in a fivesome before.”


“Let them go, please,” Autumn begged.  “You’ve got me.  What else do you need?”


Darkstorm let his eyes move over Alicia and Jenna.  He was familiar with the police officer, having forcibly enjoyed her charms on a previous occasion, but Jenna was someone new and he licked his lips in anticipation.


Autumn knew exactly what he had in mind and she raged against it, her emotions regarding what was going to happen to Alicia and Jenna stripping away her lethargy.  For a second her old fire returned and she reacted in a way that caught both Will and Darkstorm off guard.


Her right foot snapped out.  She had after all, taken some martial arts training just in case her powers failed.  It was a skill she rarely had to use due to her superpowers, but this time her prudence in taking the training paid off.  She caught the portable shield generator that Will held and sent it hurtling across the room.  The impact shattered it and when it struck the wall it was further splintered.


For the second time in just minutes Autumn felt her powers return.  This time she wasted not an instant using them.  Her strange lassitude was gone and before Darkstorm had time to even think of closing his finger on the trigger the gun was gone.  She disarmed the two henchmen just as quickly and then slammed the cabin door shut, sealing them off from the rest of the crew.


It was a temporary precaution.  One thing she did not want was a general shootout with Darkstorm’s henchmen, an event that might lead to injury to her friends.  She had the villains she wanted and she was going to make sure that they did not escape.


Alicia helped finish off the arrests.  Will, perhaps realizing that she was still weakened by the sex drug attempted to talk her into releasing him.  Alicia shut his mouth by doing what Autumn had once considered.  Her punch knocked out one of his teeth and broke his nose.


“Not so good-looking are you now, lover-boy?” Alicia remarked as Will attempted to stop the flow of blood from his nostrils. 


Will whimpered something about police brutality, but no one paid him much attention, they were too busy immobilizing Darkstorm and the other two henchmen.


The black-clad villain made an effort to bluster his way out of the situation.  “You’ll never keep me in jail,” he raged.  “I’ve escaped before and I’ll do it again.”


“Perhaps,” Autumn replied.  She was having a hard time fighting her urges regarding the villain, but managed to speak with the dignity of a heroine.  “But it will take you out of circulation for awhile, and this time I think the security will be a little tighter.”


The villain cursed her soundly.  “You slut,” he growled, “I reduced you to nothing but a common whore and I’m going to make sure that everyone learns of that.”


There was nothing Autumn could say to that; instead she spoke to Alicia.  “Would you mind looking after the garbage?” she asked.  “I’ve got to make sure that the rest of the crew is taken care of.”


Alicia smiled.  “Give me a few minutes alone and I’ll happily take out the garbage,”


Darkstorm spluttered with indignation.  “You can’t do anything to me.  You’re a police officer.  You haven’t even read me my rights.”


Jenna intervened.  “I’m just a civilian,” she said.  “How about if I take a few minutes to show this asshole what I think of a man who rapes and tortures women?”


That shut Darkstorm up.  Autumn took care of the rest.  It took her only minutes to deal with the rest of the crew and bring the submarine to the surface.  After that it was a simple matter of using the submarine’s communication system to contact the authorities and turn the criminals over to the police.  Once again it appeared that the gallant heroine had saved the day.  The details were left for the tabloids.