The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 9

The Jade Dragon’s Return




Chapter 3  Possessed


Solange stood in the window of her bedroom, her statuesque body silhouetted by the light of the setting sun.  Her mother, the superheroine, Scorpion, also know as Melissa Gallant, had just left the room after ascertaining that her daughter was properly settled in.  The room was certainly comfortable enough.  It was on the third floor of Suzi Kendall’s palatial townhouse and looked out on a small private garden.  However, Solange’s thoughts were not on the room or the garden or even the fact that she was now in a strange new country whose customs were completely foreign to her.  They drifted back two days to the night on the ship when she had silently opened the door to the luxury liner’s second officer. 


Her heart had hammered in her chest as he entered the cabin.  She had known him less than two weeks, but that was enough for him to steal her heart.  Only in his late twenties, to her he was still the older man.  In her brief life she had known very few young men close to her age and she had been more than flattered when he had struck up a conversation with her while she was on a solitary stroll about the ship’s promenade deck.  It was a relationship she had kept secret from her mother and teen companions.  Only nineteen years old, and completely unschooled in male-female relations she had felt deliciously adult as she arranged several clandestine meetings.


She had waited until her mother and the other heroines were asleep and had stolen from her cabin to her prearranged meeting with her love.  He had come as he had promised and she had clung to him in the dark.  This was the culmination of their romance.  He had kissed her softly, his hands moving to areas of her body he had never dared touch before.  She could have stopped him easily had she wished, but instead her body arched into him as his hand closed upon the glory of her breast. 


She had gone willingly as he eased her to the bed and made no move to stop him as he stripped her clothing from her.  Her quickening breathing gave him ample proof of her rising excitement and he had hurriedly removed his own clothing, laying his strong male body beside hers.


He had whispered to her of love and promised that what he was about to do would not hurt.  Freely her thighs had parted, allowing him access to her most precious treasure.  He had taken her gently, although his promise of painless love was broken.  There was a sharp twinge as she became a woman, and a fleeting spasm of fear as it occurred to her that she could become pregnant, and then a wave of pleasure washed over her and she forgot to be afraid.  The next two hours were pure heaven, and left her sweat-soaked and blissful in the arms of her lover.  She was more tired than she would have thought possible, but found herself wanting more. 


But there was to be no more.  He was due on watch and this was the last night of the voyage.  He promised to write her even though she knew it to be a lie.  Even as he left her she wondered how many times he had done this before.  But she was not distraught.  She had wanted this, welcomed it in fact, and was unrepentant.  She knew that her mother and companions would not approve, but she felt that she had as much right as any man to live her own life.  Men took women when they pleased, she would do no less.


She sighed.  He had been most handsome and he had taught her things her mother could never have taught her.  Now she would have to find someone else, while at the same time trying to avoid the watchful eye of her mother, and while undergoing superheroine training.  It would not be easy to break away or to come into contact with someone who would make an acceptable lover.  She moved to the bed, lay back and busied herself with impure thoughts.



He was all animal.  No human thoughts escaped his mind other than those he chose to accept.  He scoured the city seeking an especially enticing victim, one whose presence exuded a sexual lure he could not resist.  Saliva dripped from his cruel jaws as he scented her.  A victim, and one reeking sensuality.  Like a moth drawn to a flame he moved from rooftop to rooftop following her scent. 


He perched above her window and waited.  She was still awake and it would be better if he waited until she slept, but the strain on his patience was extreme.  It had been a long time since he had been allowed loose in this world and the urge to mate was overpowering.  His breath quickened as he waited until finally he could bear it no longer.  He was stronger than any mortal and nothing they did to him could cause any harm.  He would wait no longer. 



Solange moaned, her clever fingers stroking her into mounting passion when the window suddenly exploded over her.  In spite of the suddenness of the attack she was moving before the monstrous form crashed into the room, sending shards of glass knifing through the air.


She flung herself to the far side of the bed, and caught but a few of the dagger-like fragments and then was almost instantly on her feet, facing her assailant.  What she saw temporarily froze her.  She had expected a human assailant.  But what moved toward her was clearly not.  It was a cruel parody of a man, huge and menacing.  It had arms like an ape, its hands reaching past the knees of its bowed legs.  Powerfully muscled it stood about seven feet tall and most of its nude body was covered with coarse hair.  Yellow eyes set above a flat nose and gaping fang-filled mouth stared at her.  But most frightening was the enormous swelling between its legs.  There was no disguising the fact that the creature was fully aroused and Solange could think of only one reason for that. 


Her legs almost buckled in fear, but her training saved her.  The beast advanced on her with almost arrogant slowness, knowing that she could not escape and was defenceless to save herself from him.  She drove her right foot directly into the region where the monster’s rippled stomach met the ribcage.  It had all the strength and power of her 130 pounds behind it, and it slammed the creature almost back out through the gaping hole of the open window. 


To her considerable surprise the hulking beast caught itself before it fell and launched itself back into the room.  That blow should have killed it, and her overconfidence meant that she had missed her chance to escape the room.  She crouched defensively waiting for the attack and wondering if she alone had heard the noise when the apparition had shattered the window.


She hadn’t, even as the creature leaped toward her the door to her room crashed open.  Solange had never been so happy to see her mother in all her life. 


Melissa Gallant, known as Scorpion, vaulted into the room.  She was unclad except for a skimpy nightgown, but she had something more than important than clothing.  In her right hand was the Song sword given to her after the completion of her training in the Mountain of Heaven. 


Startled by this sudden intrusion, the bizarre creature stopped in mid-leap and spun to face Scorpion.  Judging her to be the more dangerous of the two, it attacked immediately. 


Scorpion ducked under the monster’s flailing arms, the s-shaped blade cleaving the air.  It sliced though the beast’s guts as if it was cutting soft butter.  With a horrendous roar the beast staggered back, its hot guts spilling onto the floor, and then incredibly, it was gone. 


Both women stared in disbelief.  One second they had been fighting for their lives and the next the room was empty.  It was as if the monster had never existed except for the shattered window and the evidence of their memories. 


“What was that thing?” Scorpion gasped, helping Solange to her feet.  Now that the danger was past, the girl swayed unsteadily from the shock of the encounter. 


“I… I don’t know,” Solange gasped, “I was just going to sleep when…”


Scorpion crossed to the window and peered out through the shattered opening.  The lights of the city revealed nothing.  “Whatever it was it’s gone,” she murmured. 


At that moment a sound behind them made them turn.  Suzi stood in the doorway, a puzzled look on her face. 


“Something attacked Solange,” Scorpion explained.  “I got here in time to drive it off.  I disemboweled it, but it simply vanished.”


“Vanished?” Suzi asked, eyeing the wreckage in room.


“It was here,” Scorpion said.  “I gutted it, but it disappeared without a trace.”  She pointed to the blood that splattered the room.  “You can see that it was here.”


Solange, clutching her nightgown to her nodded her agreement.  “That’s right.  I don’t know what it was, but it came right through the window.  I hit it dead centre with a front kick and it wasn’t even winded.” 


“Are you sure it vanished?” Suzi asked.  “It could have jumped out the window.”


“Suzi,” Scorpion said quietly, “I said it disappeared.”


Suzi nodded.  Even though Scorpion hardly appeared older than twenty-three Suzi knew better than to doubt her.  “Well,” she said, “we’ve certainly fought stranger things.  Come with me.  I’ll put you in a different room closer to mine; just in case whatever it was that attacked you comes back.”



“So my pet,” the demon purred.  “You were attacked.  Apparently there is someone in this world who can stand up to us.  I think it fitting that we both pay them a visit.”  Taking the arm of the incubus he willed himself to the house where his pet had suffered.  It took him only seconds to locate the window where the incubus had entered.  He could, of course, have entered any place he chose, but he might as well use the entrance that was already there. 


Stepping into the room, his pet following, he crossed to the doorway and entered the hallway.  It was deserted, but the sound of voices lured him down the hall. 


“Are you going to be all right?”  It was the voice of a mother speaking to her child, but the demon decided to investigate. 


The demon caught his breath as he entered the room.  Within it were two of the most beautiful women he had ever beheld.  From their appearance they were clearly sisters.  They turned as he entered.  For a brief second fear flickered through their eyes and then disappeared.  He was not too surprised.  He had altered his demon form and appeared no more than an ordinary citizen of this world, but the monstrous form of the incubus immediately following him changed all that. 


The older sister assumed a martial stance.  In her hands she held a razor-edged weapon with a slight s-curve to its blade.  The demon took a step back.  “A weapon of power,” he thought.  This was no ordinary woman.  She held a weapon capable of defeating both him and the incubus, provided he allowed her to use it.  But he had no intention of letting things go that far.  He struck at her with his most potent weapon.


Melissa reeled, almost dropping the sword as the demon invaded her mind.  Had she not been trained in the ancient Taoist traditions, she would have been immediately overpowered, but she was able to block the first attack even though it staggered her in its intensity.  The second attack was even more powerful, but she had been warned by the first and wrestled with the power in her mind, forcing it back the way it had come. 


The third attack was even more intense.  A wave of anger washed over her, seeking to overwhelm her through sheer power.  But she had learned from the first two.  This time she did not meet it head on, but used her mental abilities to deflect the rush of hatred and fury.  It was as if she was fencing with her mind, but it kept her fully occupied and she was unable to aid Solange as she attempted to fight off the incubus.  Solange, however, was holding her own.  She was wielding her jian, the tapered, razor edged blade that was the favourite of many a Chinese swordsman; it ripped through the incubus as it attacked splattering blood across the room.  The sexually driven monster howled in anguish, but could do nothing against his smaller, but faster opponent. 


Azz Garul stared at his opponent in astonishment.  How could a mere woman oppose him?  Filled with anger his form altered, resuming its true shape.  He noted the flicker of fear in the eyes of his opponent as she saw what she was truly up against.  She feared him; it was a weakness and he was quick to exploit it, bending his will to the augmentation of that fear until she was on the point of breaking, and then as she fought back he suddenly changed his tactics. 


This time Melissa could not hold him off.  She was strained to the limit fighting off the demon’s mental assault, and had nothing left to deal with him when he used the strength of his body.  He leaped upon her, deadly claws spread.  At the last instant she brought up her Song blade, but her concentration was broken.  As she swept the blade around in an arc he invaded her mind, capturing her as completely as if he had thrown an unbreakable net over her. 


“Now I have you!”  The voice in Melissa’s mind was sneeringly triumphant.  It filled her with a terror that was so thorough she almost wet herself.  And then it was in every part of her consciousness, establishing complete control and with access to every memory she had ever had.  But even worse, it could use her body for whatever purpose it chose; and the first thing it chose was to capture her daughter. 


Solange advanced on the incubus, her sword singing as it cut the air.  Already the monster was bleeding in more than a dozen places.  She sensed victory.  Out of the corner of her eye she was keeping track of her mother.  For some reason she and her opponent seemed transfixed.  They faced one another, but did not move, seemingly engaged in some sort of invisible struggle.  And then she saw her mother’s opponent move and suddenly disappear. 


Convinced her mother had driven off her enemy, Solange turned her full attention to the beast in front of her.  Now was the time to finish him off.  She darted forward, her sword raised to remove the monster’s head.  She was caught completely off-guard when her mother swept her feet out from under her.  Sprawling on the bedroom floor she began to scramble to her feet when her sword was neatly kicked from her hand.  Turning in stunned surprise she was unable to avoid the flat-handed blow that knocked her off her feet.  Dazed she cried out in terror as she felt her mother wrench her arms behind her back and loop the sash of her dressing gown around her wrists. 


“Mother!  No!  What are you doing?”  She writhed helplessly.  She could hear the monster shuffling toward her.  She could fully imagine what it intended to do. 


“Mother, please help me!  Don’t let this happen to me!  Save me!”


Melissa watched in abject misery as the incubus picked her daughter up and threw her onto the bed.  The monster was bleeding from more than a dozen wounds, but they seemed to have little effect on its sexual energy.  Inside her mind the demon chortled.  “Now heroine, you will see your daughter ravished.  But don’t worry, it is not the first time she had had a lover between her thighs.  I expect she may even enjoy it, being the slut that she is.”


Melissa could not reply to the voice in her mind.  She was completely captive, struggling against the thing that controlled her every thought, every emotion.  She knew that the demon’s comment about her daughter was true, he had scoured her daughter’s mind and delivered the truth just to enjoy her torment.  But far worse was the feeling of total helplessness as she watched the incubus tear off Solange’s flimsy nightgown and part the legs of the daughter she had helped to capture.


“Enjoying the show?” the Demon taunted.  “Your daughter will curse you for your betrayal.  She will never believe that you had no choice but to do as I willed.”


Melissa would have sobbed in frustration if she could.  Almost worse that the forced betrayal was the fact that she could not turn away.  The demon prevented her from closing her eyes and mind.  She was forced to watch every horrifying degrading moment as the incubus raped her daughter.


Solange battled with all of her considerable skill.  With a supreme effort she brought her knees up to her chest and braced them against the chest of the hideous creature that was attempting to ravish her.  She fought with grim desperation, knowing full well what would happen if she was defeated.  The mere thought was enough to terrify her.  The phallus that threatened her was truly frightening.  In spite of the fact that she was no longer a virgin, she knew that no normal woman could survive a male weapon that huge.  It would literally tear her apart. 


It was, however, a one-sided battle.  With her wrists bound behind her, only her powerful legs could be used to hold off the monster, and it soon became clear that the incubus was only playing with her.  It seemed unharmed by the numerous sword cuts she had inflicted upon it.  Slowly it pried her legs apart, forcing its ways between her thighs.  Slick with sweat she could not stop the vile creature from sliding toward the centre of her body.  Desperately, she twisted beneath him, but she was tiring fast.  The strength of the incubus seemed inexhaustible.  Her breath came in hoarse gasps as the immensely swollen organ pressed toward her throbbing vulva.    


Remorselessly the incubus bore her down, using its immense strength to arch her back.  At the last second, Solange cried out in terror.  “Mother!” she screamed.  Then her cry turned to a shriek of agony as the incubus thrust deep into her pleasure centre.    


Solange almost fainted from the pain as the monstrous phallus split her.  It was more painful than anything she could have imagined, but she was not to be allowed the mercy of fainting, only the brutal and seemingly endless agony of the rape.  The incubus hammered into her again and again, savaging her almost virginal vagina.  At the same time, its hands closed on her quivering breasts, the cruel claws scoring the soft flesh.  She sobbed in terror, certain that her perfect body would never recover from so brutal an ordeal, and crying out to her mother again and again.


The frightful scene broke Melissa’s heart.  In spite of the fact that she was blameless, she could not help feeling guilt for the part she had played in the defeat and capture of her daughter.  The demon egged her on, his mind dredging up every subconscious shred of guilt he could find and forcing it into her mind.  She wept brokenly, no longer able to control her emotions.  The demon infiltrated every part of her mind, making her every memory and emotion his.  Filled with remorse at the betrayal of her daughter she became little more than the demon’s plaything, feeding him with her raw emotions.


Solange was oblivious to her mother’s mental anguish.  She was brutally raped, her almost virginal passage of enchantment ripped wide.  Her thighs and the bed below her became slick with blood and she screamed uncontrollably, begging the mindless beast that was tearing her apart for mercy.  The incubus finally accommodated her, but not before it spurted into her, spilling its thick cream within her.  Solange fell back, groaning in agony, and too weak to do more than lie where she was. 


Within Melissa’s mind, the demon jeered.  “Most enjoyable,” it commented.  “Now it is time to have some fun with your friend.”


Melissa felt the demon’s hold on her mind relent, allowing her to respond.  “Friend?” she asked.  In her confused state she thought for an instant that the demon was referring to her daughter and then an entirely different image came into her mind.  “Oh no,” she moaned.  “No, not her.”


“It was not I who called up her image,” the demon taunted.  “That one came naturally.  She is one you have long desired.”


“No,” Melissa protested.  “I love her as a friend.  I would never think of her like that.”


The demon laughed.  “You do not know your own mind.  You have lusted after her for as long as you have known her.  Now you are going to get your wish.  I have released her from the sleep I induced.  In a few seconds she will be here and then you will have your full enjoyment of her.”


“No,” Melissa protested.  “Please don’t make me do this.  Hurt me if you must, but leave my daughter and my companions.  I deserve your punishment.  Hurt me instead.”


The demon ignored her mental pleas.  “She comes,” the demon said.  “We will welcome her.”  Turning to the incubus the demon spoke through Melissa’s mouth.  “Leave the girl.  You may enjoy her later.  I wish to greet the next victim alone.”


With an animal grunt the incubus rose from Solange’s moaning form and vaulted to the window.  In an instant it was gone, leaving Melissa in anguish as she gazed upon the bloodied body of her ravaged daughter.  Then the door opened and the Scarlet Falcon stepped through the door.


The crimson-clad heroine’s eyes swept the room, taking in everything at a glance.  Melissa found herself wondering how long it had taken Suzi to don her costume and why she had not simply come to the room at once, but Suzi answered the question for her.


“My god, what has happened here?” the heroine moved fully into the room.  “I woke up a few seconds ago fully costumed, but I don’t remember getting dressed.”  She looked in horror at Solange.  “What happened to your daughter?  Why are you not helping her?”


The questions rattled machine gun-like from Suzi’s lips.  Melissa understood at once.  The demon had visited Suzi before coming after her and Solange.  She opened her mouth to shout a warning, but the demon spoke for her.  “I was attacked from behind.  Something attacked Solange while I was unconscious.  Please help her.”


The Scarlet Falcon gave Melissa a searching look.  Melissa couldn’t help thinking how incredibly beautiful the golden blonde heroine was.  Suzi and she were identical in height and similarly endowed.  Suzi had the most incredible figure Melissa had ever seen on a woman, surpassing in beauty even the Jade Dragon.  Tall, incredibly curvaceous, and endowed with large gravity-defying breasts, Suzi was the epitome of the blonde heroine.  Her large blue eyes stared out of a perfect face, gifted with lips that were so full and kissable they appeared to have been bruised. 


“Are you sure you are alright?” Suzi asked.   Her voice had just the barest hint of suspicion.  It was clear that she knew something was wrong, but could not quite figure out what.


“I’m OK,” demon-Melissa answered.  “I’m just a bit dizzy.  Please help my daughter.” 


Melissa struggled desperately to say what she really wanted, but the demon controlled her completely.  Her desperate efforts to regain control of her own mind simply served to amuse it. 


The demon chuckled inside her skull, its lascivious glee all too apparent.  “First you betray your daughter, and now your companion,” the demon jeered.  As Suzi turned away, the demon forced her to strike.


 Melissa wanted desperately to scream out a warning as the heroine turned her back.  But nothing came from her throat.  She rose as silently as the assassin she had trained to be and struck before Suzi even knew she had moved. 


It was a disabling, but not crippling blow.  She struck to the base of Suzi’s skull, collapsing the scarlet-clad heroine without a sound.  The Scarlet Falcon fell face down. As she lay helpless, Melissa removed a length of strong silken cord from the heroine’s utility belt and prepared to bind her wrists.  First, however, she found the concealed stud at the top of Suzi’s costume and opened the costume to the small of her back.  Then she peeled the costume from Suzi’s arms, leaving her nude to the waist. 


Demon-Melissa bound the heroine as artfully as she could, making it into an erotic event.  She waited, however, until the heroine had recovered consciousness.  The terror of the victim made the ritual that much more pleasurable.  She had bound Suzi in a particularly painful manner, pulling her arms behind her and then lashing her wrists tightly after forcing them as high into the middle of the heroine’s back as she possible could.   Before tying her wrists, demon-Melissa had placed a temporary tether about Suzi’s ankles to immobilize her while she was completely bound.  The heroine was forced to lie helpless while demon-Melissa added rope after rope to the painful bondage.



Suzi awoke with a groan.  She wasn’t hurt much, just stunned.  The technique Melissa had used on her had temporarily paralyzed her.  It left her a bit dazed, but unharmed.  What was painful, however, was the position of her arms.  Her wrists were pulled up as high into the middle of her back as they would go so that her crossed wrists were right between her shoulder blades.  It was awkward, and quite painful, making it very difficult to breathe and forcing her to arch her back, which was exactly what the demon had intended.  It was a position that her captor found very erotic.



Melissa’s loins stirred as she applied the ropes to her helpless companion.  She was filled with a sexual excitement she had not imagined possible, and the fact that it was caused by the binding of her fellow heroine filled her with anguish. 


“I can’t be doing this,” Melissa thought.  But even as that thought crossed her mind, she felt an ache between her thighs as she gazed at Suzi’s perfect body.  The heroine was nude from the shoulders to her narrow waist.  Face-down, Melissa could not see the front of her body, but Suzi’ large but firm breasts bulged out from beneath her chest as she struggled to escape. 


Melissa let her struggle.  Her demon strength was much greater than that of the heroine.  She would not escape, and her feeble efforts increased Melissa’s growing sexual tension.  Holding Suzi’s wrists in the painful position she had placed them, she looped a strand of rope over her left shoulder and using her sense of touch maneuvered the rope between Suzi’s heavy breasts and brought it back around behind her, where she looped it about the heroine’s narrow waist before bringing back up between her breasts once more and over the right shoulder where she tied it off at her wrists. 


The result left Suzi’s wrists firmly bound between her shoulder blades.  Any attempt to free herself simply pulled the ropes tighter as each bound wrist worked against the other.  It was then that Melissa rolled the heroine onto her back.


Melissa made no effort to suppress her gasp of admiration.  Suzi’s large and perfectly formed breasts were magnificent almost beyond description.  Beautiful rounded, they rose from her chest like large ripe melons topped with perfect pink raspberries. 


Suzi gasped with astonishment as she saw who it was that straddled her.  “Melissa what are you doing?  Why have you done this?”


Demon-Melissa’s only reply was a throaty laugh.  It would be amusing to let Suzi think that her companion was doing this of her own free will.  It would bring her that much more mental anguish, and demons thrived on the pain of others. 


Even better was the torment that it created for Melissa.  Forced to attack and bind her friend, she was filled with conflicting feelings that the demon was quick to exploit.  Shame and humiliation battled with desire and outright lust as she gazed at Suzi’s panting body.


“You want her, don’t you, slut?” the demon taunted.  “If you were a man you’d rape her.  You are no better than a whore.”


“That’s not true,” Melissa replied in her mind. “I love her only as a friend.”


“You lie,” the demon spat.  “You want her the way a cat in heat wants a tomcat, and you shall have her.”


“No,” Melissa protested, but to her shame another part of the mind cried “Yes!” 


The demon laughed.  “Now,” it said.  “Now you will take her.”


First, however, Melissa finished undressing her captive.  Suzi struggled, at the same time demanding to know why Melissa was doing what she was doing.  “Melissa, what had come over you?  Why are you doing this?”


“I’m doing this because you are a superheroine slut and it is no more than you deserve,” Melissa replied.  The demon had to force the words out of her.  The anguish that the comment caused her was almost as bad as watching her daughter’s violation, especially the look of pain that crossed Suzi’s face as the words struck home. 


That look, however, was almost immediately replaced by another; one of defiance as the superheroine recovered.  “I don’t know why you are doing this,” Suzi said evenly, “but I know that it is not something the real Scorpion would do.  You are too strong a woman.  Fight whatever is making you do this.”


Deep within her imprisoned mind, Melissa felt a surge of hope.  Somehow Suzi seemed have guessed what was happening.  Perhaps she would find a way to resist what was being done to her.


That brief flicker of hope, however, was immediately dashed as the demon took over and spoke through Melissa’s mouth.  “There is nothing to fight you blonde harridan.  I have wanted you ever since I first laid eyes on you and now that you are within my power I am going to take you like the cheap whore that you are.”  As she spoke, Melissa unbuckled Suzi’s utility belt and began to slip her skin-tight crimson and gold costume over her hips.  She had already removed the heroine’s knee-high boots and retied her ankles to prevent her from escaping. 


Melissa’s eyes widened as she exposed Suzi’s loins.  They were covered in nothing more than a thin pair of pink silk panties so sheer that the golden triangle of Suzi’s silken fleece could clearly be seen.  Melissa did not rip them off as she was tempted to; it was so much more erotic to ease them down Suzi’s long thighs.  For a few seconds she gazed at the incredible beauty she had exposed.  The heroine stared back, her blue eyes not flinching under Melissa’s steady gaze.  Melissa took a deep breath; she could hardly restrain the urge to hurl herself upon Suzi’s magnificent body and indulge in a bout of wild passion.  She would take the heroine slowly, drawing out the experience for as long as possible.


Beginning at Suzi’s bound ankles she ran her fingers over the heroine’s skin.  The demon taunted her.  “Admit it.  You’ve longed to touch her.  Feel that skin; it’s like silk.   Don’t you long to run your tongue over it?”


“You’re forcing me to do this,” Melissa protested.  “What you are making me do is a perversion of nature.”


“Not of your nature,” the demon sneered.  “You are enjoying this.”


As if to prove his words true, Melissa’s breathing quickened as her fingers caressed the heroine’s velvet smooth skin.  She started at Suzi’s ankles and slowly ran her fingers higher, finally reaching the inside Suzi’s thighs.  The heroine began to struggle frantically, attempting to break free, but she was tied too well.  Her heavy breasts quivered as she twisted her body in a vain attempt to avoid what was happening to her.


“Please Melissa, don’t do this.  Think about your daughter.  Aren’t you going to help her?”


Suzi’s last plea was wasted.  Melissa’s daughter was far from her mind.  Her breath came even more quickly as she approached the inviting warmth that was between the heroine’s thighs.  Her fingers tangled in Suzi’s Golden Fleece and then sought the inviting slit hiding beneath the silken curls.


Suzi’s body arched as Melissa’s fingers probed her most private area.  She was completely helpless; her ankles securely bound and linked to her wrists by a length of rope.  Every effort to escape tightened the knots that bound her and threatened to cut off the circulation in her wrists and ankles.  Her very helplessness added to Melissa’s sexual excitement.  Almost panting in anticipation, her fingers parted the lips of Suzi’s vulva and probed the wet warmth of her gates of heaven. 


She inserted first one finger and then two; and then bending forward touched her tongue to the tip of Suzi’s quivering breast.  Her tongue tingled, almost as if it had received an electric shock.  Suzi’s nipple tasted of sweat, but to Melissa’s tongue it was as sweet as honey.  As her fingers moved still deeper within her panting victim, her teeth closed on the tender bud.  Suzi’s body tightened in anticipation of the pain to come, but Melissa did not bite hard.  Instead she teased the heroine with the tip of her tongue, stimulating the hypersensitive flesh.  Gently she sucked the nipple erect and then began to explore the body of her captive with her mouth, touching every part of it while stroking Suzi’s genital region into readiness.  Finally her lips reached the tiny throbbing bud that lay beneath Suzi’s clitoral hood and with infinite skill she stroked it to life.


Melissa bound her sweating body to Suzi’s.  Her limbs intertwined with those of the heroine.  To her surprise Suzi stopped resisting.  Instead her body responded like that of a lover arching into hers and her soft mouth responding to Melissa’s impassioned kisses.  After that Melissa lost track of time.  She became one with the gasping, moaning heroine, subjugating herself entirely to carnal delight.  Slowly her excitement mounted, increasing to a level she would not have believed possible, and then suddenly like a great wave crashing on a coral reef her womb contracted, ripping her with an orgasm so profound that she almost fainted.  With a moan she went limp, her passion-soaked body lying across the still heaving body of the heroine she had subjugated.


“Enjoyable, wasn’t it?”  The demon’s thought filled her mind with smug triumph.  “You have revealed yourself as the slattern that you really are.”


“That wasn’t me,” Melissa protested.  “You forced me to do it.”


The demon’s mocking laugh filled her mind.  “You foolish whore.  I haven’t been in your mind for over two hours.”


Melissa’s first reaction to the statement was one of disbelief, and then one of acute shame as she realized that the demon had attacked her with its most potent weapon - the truth.  The demon’s overwhelming sense of glee revealed the terrible reality that she had just raped her friend - and had enjoyed doing it.


Slowly she got to her feet and looked down at Suzi’s sweat soaked body.  The heroine was beginning to shiver a little as her body cooled and she recovered from the demonic possession that had made her so cooperative.  The demon, insidious in its methods of torment, had left her mind while she was locked in the throes of sexual delight and switched to Suzi’s vulnerable mind.  The heroine had never suspected the presence of the demon until it was too late, and against her will she had responded to Melissa’s impassioned advances.  Now she too experienced the degradation of forced sexual participation. 


The demon basked in the mutual anguish of the two heroines.  It fed on pain and it soaked up the mental agony it had inflicted on the two heroines like a sponge absorbs water.  But it was not quite finished yet.  It had one more brutal and violent torment planned for the entertainment of its victims.


“It has been a long time since I have enjoyed a woman,” the demon gloated.  “I will now take your companion and you will accompany me.”


“No,” Melissa protested.  She was filled with a terrible dread as she guessed what the demon was going to do.  Her fears, however, simply goaded the demon to carry out what she most feared.


She felt her mind wrenched from her body.  Suddenly she was very tall and looking down on her seemingly lifeless corpse.  Beside it, Suzi lay, her sexually saturated body still panting from the exertions that had been forced upon it.  Her incredible blue eyes widened until they seemed almost saucer-like as she stared upward at Melissa.  Reflected in those cerulean orbs was the demon himself.  Seven feet tall, and hideously fanged and clawed, he loomed over the helpless heroine.  Melissa now saw through his eyes and thought with his mind, and what the demon planned filled her with revulsion and dread. 


“No,” she begged, now truly mortified by what the demon was going to force her to do.  “Please don’t make me do this.”


“Slut,” the demon replied.  “This is what you have always wanted.  I am simply carrying out your wishes.”


“I never wanted this,” Melissa cried.  “I would never hurt my friend.”


“Would you not?” the demon sneered.  “Look inside yourself and tell me what you see.”


The demon forced Melissa’s thoughts to go where she did not want to look.  To her shame and disgust she saw that what he said was true.  She had always wanted Suzi, and in the most depraved depths of her subconscious she had wanted her in that most violent of ways. 


Melissa would have wept with shame if she could, but she was entirely at the mercy of the demon.  She could only watch as the demon lowered its huge body and pinning the heroine to the bed, prepared to take her.  Trapped inside the demon’s mind, it was as if she was performing the brutal task herself.


She saw Suzi’s eyes reflect the horror of what was about to happen to her.  Surprisingly, the heroine made no sound; she only strained against the ropes that pinioned her arms and legs.  But there was no escape, and with tantalizing slowness the demon spread her legs and positioned himself between her trembling thighs. 


Melissa was trapped.  She could only watch through the demon’s eyes as the brutal violation of her companion took place.  But even in the act of raping her companion, Melissa was enchanted by Suzi’s beauty.  Suzi’s slender but powerfully built body was exquisitely beautiful.  Large rounded breasts emphasized an almost impossibly narrow waist that flowed into flaring hips that tapered into gorgeously rounded thighs and long slender legs. 


Those legs were bent under her now, linked cruelly to her bound wrists by Melissa’s ingenious bondage.  The demon parted her thighs and lowered his weight until the tip of his enormous male appendage was pressed against the soft lips of Suzi’s vulva.  Then gripping her smoothly curved buttocks he forced himself into her.


Suzi did not scream, but her body trembled as the demon gradually penetrated her.  Trapped within the demon’s mind, Melissa felt every sensation that the demon experienced.  As her companion was violated her consciousness recoiled in horror at what she was doing, but at the same time she was aware of a strange and depraved exhilaration.  She was involved in the brutal violation of a woman she loved, and she was actually enjoying it.



Solange moaned and opened her eyes.  For a few seconds she was quite disoriented and then the pain of her ordeal hit her.  There was a strange sound in her ears, something that was vaguely familiar yet somehow different.  She tried to move and immediately regretted it.  Every part of her body ached, but especially her bloodied breasts and the region between her thighs.  Even the slightest movement sent waves of pain shooting through her.  Remembering her training, however, she fought back against the pain and turned her head in the direction of the sound.  What she saw sent a wave of revulsion through her.


Pinned beneath a monstrous red-skinned creature was the heaving body of the Scarlet Falcon.  Her tethered legs were spread wide and the gigantic huge horned beast was raping her in a most leisurely fashion, thrusting slowly in and out of her.  The monstrous beast was penetrating her ever more deeply with every movement of its hips.  Incredibly the heroine made no sound other than her laboured breathing, but it was obvious that she struggled mightily against the pain of the brutal violation of her body.  Her taut body gleamed with perspiration and her back was painfully arched as she fought against the agony of the rape. 


Solange slowly raised her head and caught her breath.  On the floor next to the bed where the Scarlet Falcon was being defiled was the body of her mother.  It lay very still, sprawled in a posture that resembled death.  Filled with fear for her mother, Solange overcame the agony of her body and rose to her knees.  She immediately spotted the sword that her mother had knocked from her hand.  Picking it up, she gathered all of her strength and hurled it at the demonic form that was brutalizing the helpless heroine. 


So engrossed was the demon that it did not even realize it was under attack until the deadly blade was too close to avoid.  At the last second it caught the gleam of metal and jerked back, but not quickly enough to prevent the sword’s razor edge from sinking deep into its shoulder.


The demon howled in pain and rage.  Lurching to its feat, it sent the Scarlet Falcon hurtling across the room and wrenched the sword from its shoulder.  For a brief second it held the blade and then dropped it with another howl of pain.  It shook its clawed hand as if it had been burned and turned to face Solange.


Still weak from her ordeal, the girl was in no shape to fight the demon, but her attack had achieved something.  Melissa awoke.


For the first time in several hours Melissa’s mind was her own.  Just inches from where she lay was her Song blade.  Her hand closed about the hilt and in a single motion she swept the curved blade into the demon’s groin.  This time the demon’s scream almost deafened the three women in the room.  It staggered back, its fingers clutching at its severed penis.  Stinking black blood spewed across the room burning everything it touched.  Melissa rolled quickly to one side to avoid being seared by the acid-like fluid and then in a single smooth motion leaped to her feet.


The demon turned on her.  Incredibly, in spite of its injuries, it moved toward her.  Melissa struck again with her sword, but this time the demon was ready.  It sent a mental dart into her brain, staggering her.  Unlike the first attack, she was not caught off guard.  Her mental defences were up and she parried the psychic blow, but it was enough to enable the demon to use its lightning speed to catch her. 


The demon’s left arm snaked out and delivered a blow that might have torn her head off had she received its full impact.  Melissa ducked under it – almost.  The edge of the demon’s hand clipped the top of her head and staggered her.  It was enough to seal her fate.  The demon’s next blow knocked the sword from her hand, and before she could recover, caught her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back.  It drew her to him and lifted her from the floor in a bear hug.  At that moment, Solange, displaying amazing powers of recovery, picked up her sword and charged to her mother’s rescue. 


“Stop!” the demon roared.  “Take one more step and I rip her head off.”


Solange froze, while Melissa twisted in the demon’s grasp.  In spite of the injuries inflicted on him the demon seemed to have recovered fully.  His wounds had closed although the severed length of his phallus still twitched upon the bedroom floor.  For an instant he glared at Melissa’s daughter, and then his eyes flicked to the Scarlet Falcon.


The blonde heroine had somehow managed to use Melissa’s sword to sever the ropes that bound her.  In spite of her ordeal she was on her feet, and although unsteady held the Song blade with an air of authority.  This threat seemed to help him make up his mind.


“Fools,” he roared.  “You cannot defeat me.  I will leave now and take my prize with me.” 


Melissa caught the meaning of the demon’s words.  She redoubled her efforts to escape, striking at the beast that held her with hands and feet. 


It was like hitting a wall.  With a contemptuous laugh the demon closed its arms about her.  “Farewell,” the demon shouted to Solange and Suzi.  “I will return after I have had full enjoyment of my prize.”  With a flash of light the demon disappeared taking Melissa with him.  The last sound she heard as everything went black was the voice of her daughter screaming, “Mother!”