The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 9

The Jade Dragon’s Return




Chapter 6  Demon Trap


The incubus lurked on the roof of the stately townhouse he had first visited.  His original victim was gone now; the demon had taken her for himself, but his senses still detected the presence of other potential sexual partners.  He refrained from acting; however, there was something about one of them that made him cautious.  Carefully he shifted his position and listened.



“What could have happened?” Natassia asked.  Her voice was filled with anxiety.  “They can’t simply have disappeared into thin air, but no one seems to have heard or seen anything.”


Everything seems to be as it should be,” Huan Yue said.  “There is no sign that they were taken by force.”


Natassia knitted her finely arched brows.  There was a hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach.  She knew that they were up against a supernatural being and could not hold back the feelings of dread connected to the disappearance of Sun Lin as well as Suzi, and Melissa and her daughter.  She also knew that anything that could abduct four women without a trace could just as easily have come after her or her daughters.   


“There must be clue somewhere,” Natassia said.  “Keep looking.  I’m going to check the room where Suzi and Solange were attacked.”


She jogged off to the upstairs bedroom.  So far nothing had been done to repair the shattered window where the incubus had entered.  The servants had all been sent on holiday.  It wouldn’t do to have any of them see the comings and goings of the most famous of Metro City’s heroines. 


Entering the room gave her an eerie feeling.  It had been here that Suzi and Melissa had encountered the forces of evil and it seemed to her that the room still held a trace of the demon’s aura.


There was nothing in the room out of the ordinary.  The window had been boarded up and the glass swept up from the floor.  Disappointed, Natassia turned to leave and then heard a slight noise behind her.


She turned just in time to see the sheet of plywood covering the window give way under the impact of a heavy body.  Her eyes widened as a demonic creature burst into the room.  She knew at once what it was from Suzi’s description.  It was not the demon; it was the incubus, the monster that had raped Solange. 


The monster wasted no time.  Its feet had hardly hit the floor before it had launched itself across the room toward the astounded heroine.  Natassia had a brief glimpse of a gaping fang-filled mouth, huge clawed hands, and a powerful body, and then the beast was upon her. 


Any normal woman would have been overwhelmed, but Natassia was not normal. The mystical gem known as the Dragon’s Eye, gave the dark-haired heroine the strength of a dozen ordinary men and superhuman quickness.  Fast as the incubus was, Natassia was faster.  Hardly seeming to move, she shifted her weight slightly and delivered a devastating counterattack.


As the incubus sailed harmlessly past, she slammed her fist with jackhammer force and rapidity into the monster’s ribcage.  There was the sound of breaking bone and the incubus was hurled across the room with such force that it shattered the large mahogany wardrobe that it crashed into. 


Natassia stood and surveyed the defeated beast, her hands going unconsciously to her hips.  “Bit off a bit more than you could chew, didn’t you?” she said.  Then her eyes widened in disbelief as the incubus slowly pulled itself to its feet. 


“What in god’s name…,” Natassia began and then realized God had nothing to do with it.  She was facing an opponent from the demonic realms.  It would take more than a single punch to take it out.


“Alright,” she said slowly, “if that’s the way you want…”


She didn’t get a chance to finish before the incubus launched itself across the room.  Once again Natassia easily sidestepped the beast’s awkward rush and slammed her fists into it.  This time she didn’t stop with just one punch but hit it with triphammer rapidity landing at least a dozen blows in just milliseconds.  This time the incubus didn’t stop flying until it slammed halfway through the wall. 


To Natassia’s considerable annoyance the demonic creature slowly pulled itself to its feet, shaking bits of plaster from its massive shoulders.  It hardly seemed hurt, or if it was it had remarkable healing powers.


“The damned thing is just like me,” Natassia thought.  “It heals as soon as it is damaged.  How do I destroy this thing?”


At that moment a sound behind her caused her to turn slightly.  Vala stood in the doorway, her eyes wide with surprise.  “Get back,” Natassia shouted.  “Let me handle…”


The incubus slammed full into her, hitting her with such force that she was driven completely through the interior wall of the room and into the hallway.  The impact left her semiconscious.  The power of the Dragon’s Eye gave her incredible strength and healing ability, but it did not make her invulnerable.  The incubus took full advantage of her bewildered state, ripping open her white blouse.


Natassia was wearing her white Nova costume beneath her street clothes.  For a second the demon looked at the costume in confusion then dug into it with his claws and attempted to rip it from her body.  To the fiend’s surprise and consternation the skin-tight white material did not tear.  It was not surprising considering that the costume was constructed of synthetic spider silk, a fabric that was stronger than steel. 


The brief respite gave Natassia the time she needed to recover.  The healing power of the  Dragon’s Eye surged through her, restoring her strength.  She struck out at the incubus, attempting to free herself from his grasp.  This time, however, she did not catch her opponent off-guard.  He blocked her blows and seized her wrists in his powerful grip.  Natassia twisted her body, attempting to move her legs beneath her in order to drive her feet into the body that pinned her to the floor.  The incubus, however, matched her speed.  He grappled with her, forcing the heroine into a wrestling match. 


It was strength against strength and both combatants were evenly matched.  Melissa was a little quicker, but the huge size of incubus meant that he did not have to move as fast.  It got down to a matter of who would wear out first and in this too they were they were almost equal.  Possessed of demonic powers the incubus could not be worn down and Natassia’s power was continually restored by the Dragon’s Eye. 


Natassia, however, was far from comfortable battling at close quarters.  She wanted to defeat the incubus, not wrestle with it.  Using all of her considerable skill she battled to break free, making use of every trick of close combat that she knew. 


She almost succeeded.  Wrenching loose from the demon’s grasp she drove her fists into its face, flattening its nose and driving it back.  It was at that moment, however, that the demon’s searching claws discovered the zipper that sealed the back of Natassia’s costume.  With an amazing dexterity it opened the back of the costume even as the heroine’s fists smashed again and again into its face.  Seemingly drawn by instinct, it revealed Natassia’s exquisite back and discovered the golden belt that encapsulated the Dragon’s Eye.  A flick of a single razor-edged claw tore the belt from her body.  Natassia’s superheroine powers evaporated like a drop of water in a caldron of molten steel. 


The demon knew of the change almost as soon as Natassia did.  He felt the change in his opponent.  For a brief instant he stopped to savour his victim.


The heroine now struggled helplessly in his grasp.  Her long raven-black hair swirled wildly as she fought to escape, and her back arched frantically as she pushed against him.  Eyes now wide with fear she searched desperately for the belt that held the secret of her power.  Tantalizingly, her demonic foe dangled it from one claw, holding it just out of her reach. 


Natassia reached desperately for the belt, but the demon pushed her to the floor and pinned her there by placing a knee of her chest.  Almost contemptuously, if the incubus was capable of such an emotion, it hurled the belt out the window.  Then it began to remove the heroine’s costume.


Pinned beneath a monster that weighed over three times what she did, the heroine struggled desperately.  She faced a horrible fate if the incubus had his way and the terror of the situation gave her the strength to almost break free.  For a second she slipped the grip of the incubus, but with lightning speed it caught hold of her ankle.  It seemed to wait for a second and then lifting her bodily and ignoring her frenzied attempts to escape it carried her to the window.  With remarkable ease the incubus swung out of the window, caught hold of the edge of the roof and pulled himself to the top of the house, taking the half-stripped heroine with him.


The roof provided the incubus with what he wanted; the time and privacy to have his way with the now thoroughly terrified heroine.  The incubus pushed her onto the roof tiles, using his weight to pin her in place.  Then he removed the spider silk costume, peeling it from her body like the skin of an orange.


Natassia bit back a shriek of horror as her clothing was stripped from her.  Ever-present in her mind was the fear of the huge phallus that was now only inches from her loins.  She also remembered the terrible injuries inflicted on Suzi and Solange when they had been raped by the demon and the incubus; injuries that were so severe that even the power of the Dragon’s Eye had not been able to heal them. 


Her fear gave her renewed strength.  Twisting her supple body, she braced her feet against the chest of the incubus and attempted to fight him off.  It was, however, to no avail.  Almost scornfully the incubus seized her legs just above the knees and parted her thighs, and then in a tauntingly leisurely fashion lowered its heavy body, its huge phallus descending toward her gates of pleasure. 


Natassia thrashed wildly, but the incubus had her.  With cruel deliberation it positioned itself and then stroking the glans of its heavy phallus against the lips of her vulva it began to work its way into her.  It took its time, apparently unconcerned over being interrupted.  Apparently it felt secure on it rooftop refuge; especially as it was shrouded in darkness. 


That mattered little to Natassia, however, her terror mounted as the incubus slowly forced its way into her.  A terrible pain tore through her loins and with it another sensation, one she had never experienced before.  Her strength was being drawn from her.  The incubus was soaking up her energy like a sexual sponge.  As he carnally subjugated her he absorbed her strength into his massive body, feeding on her like some gigantic sexual leech.


The agony that ripped through her body as she was completely conquered was unbelievable.  She opened her mouth and screamed and then suddenly the incubus was gone. 


Moaning in pain and too weak to move, Natassia simply lay where the incubus had left her, but a roar of anger made her turn her head.  The incubus had reared up to its full seven foot height.  Its back to her, Natassia could barely see what it faced, but her keen eyes caught the gleam of steel.  A second later her ears rang with the shout of a battle cry.  Her daughters had arrived.


With a supreme effort, Natassia forced herself up on her elbows.  She was almost completely exhausted, but she was able to raise her head enough to witness the battle that was taking place on the roof of Suzi’s mansion. 


Dancing toward the incubus were three figures, their trim bodies just visible in the light of the half-moon.  Natassia wanted to shout a warning; tell her daughters and Huan Yue to save themselves, but she was too weak.  It took all of her strength just to raise her head far enough to observe the battle. 


She realized as she watched that this was what she had trained her daughters for.  They were going up against a force of evil.  It was, however, sooner than she or her companions had planned.  Their daughters were to be introduced to the perils of being superheroines by degrees, not thrust suddenly into the most deadly danger imaginable.  But it was already too late for Solange.  Melissa’s daughter had experienced a most brutal heroine initiation.  And now it appeared that Sun Lin’s daughter and her twins were to experience the same baptism of fire.


The incubus pulled itself up to its full height, looming over the three girls.  On the sloping area of the rooftop it would have a distinct advantage.  The girls’ ability to fight the monster lay in their agility, but there was precious room to avoid their hulking opponent on the limited area of the roof.  One slip and they would face a possible killing fall or even worse, falling into the clutches of the incubus.


And yet, the girls were not completely at the beast’s mercy.  Lari and Vala were armed with seven foot pudao, ancient Chinese weapons that were deadly in the hands of a trained fighter.  Each weapon consisted of a four foot wooden shaft surmounted by a gleaming sword-like blade with a deadly cutting edge.  Just behind them Huan Yue held her jian, a sword identical to the keen edged blade that Solange had used to attack the incubus.  However, what good these weapons would be against the powers of a supernatural beast remained to be seen.  Natassia held her breath as the incubus moved to attack.


In front of the advancing fiend Vala stood calmly.  She twirled her pudao like a majorette twirls a baton, seemingly unconcerned about the hideous creature that was fast closing with her.  And then the incubus attacked.


Vala waited until the last possible millisecond before making her move.  It was then that the remarkable ability to communicate with her sister became evident.  The claws of the incubus grazed her skin as she darted aside, but her daring maneuver achieved its purpose.  The incubus had exposed its entire right side to her sister.  Lari leapt forward, and thrust her pudao deep into the chest of the incubus.  To Natassia’s surprise the keen blade ripped the monster open, spewing gore over the rooftop. 


The incubus lurched back so violently that Lari’s weapon was almost torn from her grasp.  It howled in pain, whirling to face its deadly foe.  Vala came in from the other side, her twin weapon penetrating the body of the incubus just below the armpit.  The keen-edged weapon sank into the fiend’s flesh and emerged from the top of its shoulder.  With an ear-splitting shriek the monster whirled on its new assailant, spinning both girls from their feet.  Then Huan Yue entered the fray.   The incubus was directly in front of her, pierced by two polearms.  She put everything she had into her attack.  The jian swept in a great arc.  It contacted the neck of the incubus just above the shoulder.  The demonic creature didn’t even scream as its head detached from its shoulders. 


For a few seconds the giant torso stood there, and then it seemed to evaporate, turning to a dark vapour that dispersed into the night.  The three girls stared in disbelief.  It seemed impossible that they had destroyed their giant adversary so completely.  They looked about them in bewilderment and then the twins remembered their mother.


“Find the Dragon’s Eye,” Natassia said weakly as her daughters huddled around her.   


It took the three girls over ten minutes to descend from the roof to the garden and locate the gem; an agonizing ten minutes for the defeated Natassia who feared that somehow the mystical gem might have been lost, but finally a glad cry from below told her that it had been found.  Five minutes later Vala placed the glowing green stone in Natassia’s hand.


To Natassia’s immense relief she felt the healing power of the stone flow through her.  She feared that it might be blocked as had been the case with Suzi and Solange, but within seconds the almost erotic sensation of her body being restored told her that everything was as it should be.  For a few seconds after her body had been regenerated she lay quietly, her chest rising and falling slowly, and then realizing that she was lying nude on a rooftop in the middle of the night she got to her feet.  She felt no sense of triumph.  The incubus seemed to have been defeated, but the Jade Dragon, Scorpion, and Solange were still missing.  The thought of what sort of ordeal that might be suffering filled her with a morbid dread.


“My god,” Natassia thought.  “I barely escaped.  What sort of ordeal must my friends be suffering?”



The demon hissed in anger.  There was a sudden absence, an absence that told him his incubus was no more.  “So,” he growled, “yours friend, Nova has destroyed my pet.  She will pay for that.  She will pay with an eternity of pain.”


He looked at the slumping body of the Jade Dragon.  “First, however, I will enjoy the girl and I will do it using the body of the greatest of heroines.”


An image flashed through Melissa’s mind of what the demon intended.  “Oh no,” she gasped.  “You can’t do that.”


It was a vision that was truly repulsive; one in which the Jade Dragon stripped the skin from Melissa’s shrieking daughter and then raped her anally using a dildo of immense proportions while Melissa, chained to the wall, watched helplessly.


“Don’t worry,” the demon taunted.  “When I am finished with you daughter you will have your turn.”


Melissa shuddered and bit back a whimper of fear.  What the demon intended to do to her made his torment of her daughter seem almost pleasant.  And then the evil presence was gone from her mind.  Overcome with exhaustion from her long struggle, Melissa sank to her knees, no longer strong enough to stand.  She didn’t even protest as the demon seized her shoulder length hair and dragged her to the wall where he shackled her so that she could enjoy the show.


Azz Garul contemplated his victims, reviewing his actions.  He was thoroughly enjoying this world.  He had defeated and humiliated two of its greatest heroines and was now about to torture the daughter of one of them.  Even better, there were still several heroic women still uncaptured.  True, they had somehow destroyed his pet, but that made their future defeat even more enticing.  And he would use the greatest of them to help him in that most pleasant task.  He reached out his mind to the Jade Dragon.


She was strong; much stronger than he would have imagined.  Fortunately, his violent assault on her body and her semiconscious condition allowed him to penetrate the outer defences of her mind before she was even aware of his attack.  Only then did she respond, and her reaction was ferocious.


The heroine counter-attacked with everything she had, using all of her mental resources to drive him from her mind.  He let her come at him, drawing her on, and then when she thought she had him, he ruthlessly crushed her resistance. 


It was a form of mental rape.  Bit by bit he broke her down, destroying every mental barrier she erected, bending her to his will and completely subjugating her.  He sensed her fear and frustration as he slowly invaded her mind.  Mentally he jeered at her enjoying the dismay and terror as he conquered her. 


“You are mine, heroine.  I will do to your mind what I did to your body.  You will become my slave both physically and mentally, and then I will use you to destroy your friends and your daughter.”


The heroine’s reaction was one of complete dismay, but somehow, she found the psychic strength to attempt one more act of defiance.  Almost contemptuously he crushed her resistance, delighting in her final and complete humiliation and defeat.  Her mind caved in before him and then he was triumphant, invading the innermost recesses of her psyche.


He pushed forward mentally, intent on completing the violation of his victim’s mind and suddenly encountered something he had never found before.  It was a sealed off section of the heroine’s mind; a region that he did not yet control.  With ruthless determination he pushed aside the last barrier and found himself in a place beyond his imagination.


He was standing at the bottom of what seemed like an endless flight of stairs.  High above him he could see the outlines of what appeared to be a temple, behind and to either side was a splendid mountain vista.  “What is this?” he growled. 


“It is eternity,” said a somewhat familiar voice.


He blinked.  Standing on the stairs before him was the Jade Dragon.  She was dressed like a Chinese princess in the finest of green silk gowns; her gleaming black hair piled high on her head and fastened with pins adorned with gems.  She was a vision of stunning beauty had the demon the eyes to see it.  The demon, however, saw merely the woman he had raped and subjugated.  Somehow she was marvelously restored and stood before him with a poise and confidence he found alarming.


“Eternity?” the demon echoed.  “Where is this place?”


“This is the Mountain of Heaven,” the Jade Dragon answered.  “And it is the place where you will remain forever.  Your demonic companion is already here.”


The demon blinked again.  At the base of the staircase was a granite statue.  He could have sworn that it was not there the first time he had looked, but even more alarming was the fact that the statue was that of the incubus.  However, it was somewhat changed in form.  It had the same demonic features, but now it was dressed in the armour of a Chinese warrior, complete with spear.  It was crouched as if to fend off an enemy. 


“You cannot do this,” the demon roared.  “I will destroy you!” 


“I think not,” replied the heroine with perfect calm.  “You thought you were in control when you invaded my mind, but you were only allowed to go where I wanted you to go.  I led you here.  And here you will remain.”


“Filthy whore!” the demon raged.  He lunged toward her and found that his feet would not move.  He glanced down and saw that his taloned feet were now part of the stone landing upon which he was standing. 


“You cannot do this!” he screamed. 


“No,” said another voice, “but I can.”


The demon looked up.  Another woman now stood on the staircase next to the Jade Dragon.  Her perfect skin was as white as the finest marble and her eyes flashed violet, deepening to midnight black.  Her gossamer costume revealed a body of incredible beauty, perfect in every way.  But she was more than a woman; she was a being that radiated power.  The demon knew that nothing he did could prevail against her.  In desperate terror he tried to kneel before her.


“No, Azz Garul,” the woman commanded.  “You will never kneel again.  From now on you will remain here with your companion and guard my domain.  Should anyone attempt to enter you and your companion will prevent them.”


The demon opened his mouth in protest, but no sound came out.  He noticed that like his companion he was now accoutered like a temple guard.  His frozen hand grasped a spear and he was crouched in a position of readiness. 


“A fitting fate,” the goddess said.  “The demon will now live forever in this world; a guardian of my domain for all time.”


The Jade Dragon nodded.  “And now I must return.  My companions await me.”


“Your return will be painful, but it is necessary,” the goddess replied.  She raised her hand as the Jade Dragon faded and then disappeared.



Sun Lin returned to a world of agony.  Her body was as she had left it, hanging in chains from the ceiling of the vault.  A few feet away Suzi, Melissa, and Solange were still captive, all of them hanging helplessly in their chains.  She attempted to move and an incredible wave of pain shot through her.  Gasping, she assessed her situation.


She had defeated the demon, but she and her companions were still prisoners.  It was unlikely that anyone knew where they were and all of them were suffering from the effects of their captivity and the brutal torture of the demon.  Almost every part of her body hurt.  The venom the demon had injected into her when he had raped her still burned where he had touched her, and he had touched her almost everywhere.  Not surprisingly, the pain was most concentrated in her anal and vaginal region.  Every attempt to move sent pain surging through her, but she could not simply remain still.  Her strength, such as it was, would not last much longer.  She had to escape or die in chains.


She gathered her strength and strained at the chains, but fell back exhausted.  The demon’s chains held her inextricably.  She tried again straining her exhausted body, but once more was defeated.  She hung panting in the chill air of the vault, her sweat drying on her body and chilling her even further.  She began to shiver and had to fight for control of her battered body.


She was utterly beaten.  Her mental battle with the demon must have taken much longer than she thought.  How long had she been hanging in the vault?  From the look of her companions it was quite some time.  The wrists and ankles of her companions had been rubbed raw as if they had been desperately attempting to escape.  Apparently they had struggled until they were so exhausted that they had collapsed.


They were not unconscious, however; at least not all of them.  Melissa raised her head and Suzi groaned.  “What happened?” asked the blonde heroine.  “One minute that monster was here and the next he was gone.”


“He is gone,” gasped Sun Lin.  She was almost too exhausted to speak.  “Now we must escape.”


In answer the other two heroines jerked at their chains.  But it was clear from their heavy breathing that they were not in much better shape than Sun Lin was.  All three women were so close to exhaustion that they were close to passing out. 


Sun Lin calmed herself, thinking how ironic it would be to have defeated the demon, and yet still die because she could not escape his chains.  Her strength was fast failing her and her fellow captives showed no sign of recovering. 


“There must be something I can do,” she thought.  "Some way of overcoming this challenge.”  The problem was, she could think of nothing to solve the problem.  In complete desperation she tried once more to break her chains. 


The effort was wasted, leaving her even weaker than before.  She saw that Melissa and Suzi had met with the same level of success.  Both heroines were now slumped in their chains, no longer possessing the strength to stand.  It seemed that the demon had won after all. 


“This can’t be,” she gasped.  “I can’t die like this.”



Natassia paced back and forth in the study of Suzi’s home.  She wasn’t acting much like a heroine or a woman who had spent her youth in a Shaolin monastery, but she was almost beside herself with worry.  Suzi, Solange, Melissa, and Sun Lin were out there somewhere and he had absolutely no idea where to find them.  Their disappearance was so complete there was almost no doubt that they were in the hands of the demon.  God knows what horrors he would be putting them through.


She forced herself to stop walking and sit in one of the comfortable chairs.  It wouldn’t do for Huan Yue or the twins to see her like this.  They were looking to her for guidance and she had to at least appear calm even if she churned with emotions.  Right now the three girls were in the kitchen preparing lunch.  It gave them something to do and also offered some protection in that they were together.  There was no telling when the demon would strike again and there was no sense in taking chances.  Their performance against the incubus had shown that they could more than hold their own when they worked as a team. 


She racked her brain trying to think of someplace where the missing heroines might have been taken, but it was of no use.  There were simply too many possibilities and there was also the frightful thought that the demon might have taken them to his realm.  She had no idea if that was a possible, but if that was the case then she knew she would never see them again.


“Stop, Natassia,” she said aloud.  “This is getting you nowhere.”  Having chastised herself she fought for calm, seeking the Taoist meditative techniques she had mastered. 


Her breathing slowed.  Eyes closed she closed off the outer world and sank deep within herself.  She could not find the answers to her dilemma in her conscious mind; perhaps they would be revealed in her subconscious. 


She swam through a sea of darkness, sinking deeper into the ocean of her mind.  Ahead of her she could see a tiny point of light.  It was something that she had not experienced before.  Slowly she willed herself to move toward it.  The point of light grew until it encompassed most of her vision.  Then she saw that there was something – no someone – sitting at the centre of the intense glow.


“Sun Lin,” Natassia breathed. 


Sun Lin was sitting in a lotus position, the light surrounding her.  Smiling, she looked directly at Natassia. Then her smile faded and she spoke.  “Natassia, you have come.  I hoped you would.  This is where you will find me…”



It took Natassia only minutes to reach the great cathedral and not much more time to break into the vaults below the church.  There she found the four women.  None of them were conscious, but they were alive and that was all she needed.  Breaking the chains that held them she laid them out side by side, and then kneeling before each she placed her hands on them and called on her healing powers. 


As the bodies of the beaten woman healed, Natassia experienced something new.  It came upon her as a sudden flash of insight.  She realized that she could do more than heal her companions’ bodies; she could also heal their minds.  It was something she had never been able to do before and she knew where the power had come from. 


On leaving the Mountain of Heaven her companions had received gifts of weapons, the same weapons her daughters and Huan Yue had used to defeat the incubus.  She alone had received nothing; nothing that is except a promise; a promise that her gift would manifest itself later.  She now knew what it was and a greater gift she could not have desired.


The power to heal the trauma experienced by her friends was more important to her than anything else she could have been given.  Gently she set their minds at rest, erasing the psychological scars from their minds.  She did not destroy their memories; instead she merely removed the feelings of horror and self-loathing from their psyche.  They would have full recollection of what had happened to them, but would no longer suffer the nightmares associated with sexual violation and torture. 


Natassia kept her patients asleep until she was finished and then she awoke them.  It would have been a grim awakening had she not used her healing powers.  As it was, Solange awoke with a start, staring wildly around her.  Only the presence of her mother seemed to reassure the inexperienced girl. 


“It’s alright,” Melissa said to her daughter. “You’re safe now.”  She had to exert considerable self-control to keep from shivering.  Like the other women she was nude and Natassia had brought no clothing.  There wasn’t much left of the night attire that the demon had cut from their bodies. 


Sun Lin watched the mother and daughter interaction.  She spoke a few words of thanks to Natassia and then as the heroine left to find some clothing and arrange some transportation she went over to her long time companion.


“I would say that this was a real test of our new skills,” Sun Lin said.


“Yours perhaps,” Melissa said.  “I am afraid I didn’t put up much of a fight.  Exactly how did you defeat the demon?”


“Master Zhou showed me the way,” sun Lin answered.  “I had to allow the demon to invade my mind in order to lure him into a place where he could be defeated.  The demon was a supernatural creature and could only be defeated by supernatural means.  By pretending to resist I tricked him into entering a conduit that was connected with the Mountain of Heaven.  He was no match for the Goddess.  However, it was a near thing.  If the demon had the faintest hint of the trap I would have been captured the way that you were.  It helped that the demon believed his brutal sexual violation had left me too weak to offer him any resistance.  However, it is a trial I would rather not have endured.”


Melissa nodded.  She and her daughter were huddled together for warmth while they waited for Natassia to return.  She felt somewhat subdued.  As Sun Lin had said, they had tested their new skills and had succeeded to defeating a powerful enemy.  But it had been a near thing.  She could only hope that the next trial would involve more human enemies.