The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

The Adventures of the Jade Dragon

Episode 10

The Jade Dragon’s Defeat





Metro City, Three Months Later


Sun Lin stood quietly beside the reflecting pool in the garden at the back of Master Zhou’s house.  She often came here when she wanted a bit of quiet meditation, but right now she was waiting for Huan Yue to show up.  She had a special announcement to make and had sent her daughter to fetch Suzi, Melissa, and Solange. 


It had taken the three other heroines several weeks to recuperate from their ordeal at the hands of Wang Shang yi, but like true heroines they had all recovered admirably.  Even Solange, who they had feared might have suffered severe psychological damage, seemed back to her old self.  Melissa was once again complaining about her daughter staying out too late and associating with too many young men of dubious character. 


As she waited, her thoughts turned to Cai Hui.  She had not seen him since the dream journey of three moths ago, but she planned to return soon.  Now that she had done it once it should not be difficult to once again return to the Mountain of Heaven and he had every right to know what had happened. 


A sound at the garden gate broke her reverie and she turned as Huan Yue followed by the three heroines entered the garden.  “What’s the news?” Suzi smiled as she rounded the pond.  The others merely smiled their greetings, but looked curiously at her as they followed in the tall blonde’s footsteps.


Sun Lin turned slightly.  She felt a little bit guilty for not telling Cai Hui first, but who shouldn’t she tell if not her daughter and three of her best friends?  “Well,” she said quietly, “there is something I’ve been meaning to tell you for the last month or so.  When I told you about visiting Cai Hui in the Mountain of Heaven there were a few details that I left out.  But now I don’t think I can hide the truth anymore.  She smiled widely and ran her hand over the burgeoning swelling in her abdomen.