Wonder Woman: The Return of Kane

by marat

Chapter One

In the two years since the death of Senator Carlton, the anger and violence in the United States had lessened considerably. The Nixon Administration had used the policy of ‘Vietnamization’ as a backdrop for American withdrawal from Southeast Asia and, though many were dissatisfied with the slowness of the process and America’s continued involvement, the inexorability of the reductions led many to believe that waiting was enough.

That made the activists more restless. At least, that was what the administration and intelligence services believed. Publicity about infiltration of student and advocacy groups (many of them benign) in the Washington Post had successfully limited Diana Prince and other agents’ ability to do so. And many of the ‘Action Memoranda’ that came down from the White House seemed to have more to do with the political agendas of these groups than with any terrorist threats, real or imagined.

Diana’s assignment observing the activities of the Weathermen had uncovered some undertakings that looked like guerrilla actions, harassing some of the exposed extensions of the Government’s presence in a number of communities. But even they had become less frequent in the last three months, perhaps recognising the futility of such actions. Their recent inactivity had led military intelligence to reduce oversight and call Diana back from her assignment. She returned to her office for the first time to find a small mountain of mail awaiting her.

This will take awhile, she thought, as she took a seat at her desk. As she picked up the first message, she looked up to see Steve framed in the doorway.

‘Hi!’ she said cheerfully. ‘Here to welcome me back?’

Steve smiled but didn’t answer. His new silver oak leaves glinted dully on his shoulders.

‘Is something wrong?’

‘Do you remember a character named Kane from our operation at the University of Delaware? Almost two years ago?’

Diana nodded. Of course she remembered. No one had ever learned so much about her. Through a judicious mix of the right kinds of drugs and Wonder Woman’s magic lasso, Kane had collected a vast amount of detailed information about Wonder Woman and her alter ego. When she had destroyed the collection of audiotapes and Penelope’s notebooks of her interviews, Wonder Woman had heaved a huge sigh of relief. Using the same magic lasso, Wonder Woman had forced Kane to forget all he had learned of her. Then, for good measure, he was arrested and sent to prison for his part in the explosion that had killed a graduate student.

‘Kane is out of prison,’ Steve said, with no hint of a smile to indicate there might be a punch line. ‘Since he went to Lewes, he’s been a model prisoner, even making headway on his doctorate and working hard in the prison education program. And since he wasn’t convicted of murder….’

Diana interrupted, ‘Sure, Steve, he didn’t intend to kill the graduate student. He just saw to it that the bomb was built and planted.’

‘And since he was only convicted of facilitating homicide and second-degree manslaughter,’ Steve continued, a bit more loudly to regain control of the situation, ‘he’s been released. I thought that there was a lot more to your encounter with him than was in your report-and this reaction only confirms that feeling-so I wanted to let you know. Do you feel in any way threatened?’

‘No, not threatened,’ Diana said, sighing. She couldn’t tell Steve all that had happened to Wonder Woman at the hands of Kane’s cohorts and she certainly wasn’t about to raise her relationship with Penelope and re-open that old wound for him. Maybe the time in prison had rehabilitated Kane, she hoped. At the very least, he might have found a less invasive topic for his dissertation.


A few nights later, Wonder Woman was on patrol, her star-spangled form easily riding the air currents heading west over the Potomac. She surveyed the Washington cityscape, looking for signs of trouble. There seemed to be little.

Her keen eyesight picked out three figures moving stealthily across a suburban parking lot, heading toward a collection of stores in one of those new ‘strip malls’. ‘I’m almost tempted to leave them alone,’ the Amazon Princess thought to herself. ‘Those things are a blight on the landscape.’ She twisted her powerful and curvaceous body and drifted toward the parking lot.

As she smoothly slipped toward the earth, her keen hearing picked up quiet conversation among the figures. ‘This is the single score that we need.’ ‘Yeah, and then it’s easy street.’ ‘And it’s an easy one. All we have to do…’

The exchange ended abruptly as the dark-clad figures saw the Amazon drop to the open lot, her three-inch heels clicking on the cement. In the yellow light that illuminated the empty parking area, she struck an arresting figure. The shadows created by her magnificent curves lent an ethereal quality to her, as though she were not substance and woman, but more apparition. In the light of the parking lot, her costume darkened, the red of her bustier and boots appearing almost as blood, the blue of her tights nearly black. The golden eagle which formed her breastplate seated upon Hippolyte’s belt glinted dimly. Even the white stars that decorated her hips seemed to take on a jaundiced hue. Striking a defiant and determined pose with her hands rolled into easy fists and resting on her hips, she stared directly at the crooks’ hiding place. Her legs were spread about shoulder width. She looked more than merely formidable.

‘All right, gentlemen,’ she called to them, ‘your shopping spree for the evening is over. Come on out!’

There was neither movement nor sound from the end of the mall. The superheroine took a few steps forward, her arms swinging easily at her sides. ‘You know I’ll treat you fairly. Give yourselves up and you won’t be harmed.’

Still no sign.

Knowing there were three opponents, the Amazon Princess approached the hiding place cautiously, the soft clicking of her heels on the parking lot the only sound. At this hour, even the busy streets of Washington only occasionally resounded to the noise of an automobile. ‘Come out,’ she called again. ‘You haven’t broken any laws as yet. Resisting will only make it harder on you.’ She was now only a scant five feet from the stack of boxes, pallets, and cartons. She stood straight up, and in her heels she rose to slightly over six feet.

‘Please,’ a weak voice came from behind the stack, ‘ don’t….’

‘Nothing will happen if you come out quietly and come out now,’ Wonder Woman said softly, but firmly. As the first figure emerged, and then a second, she relaxed. She did not notice when they began to spread out in front of her. But she was sure there had been a third.

‘Please, Wonder Woman,’ the plaintive voice said again.

‘Put your hands where I can see them,’ she said. She took a step toward them. They backed away, twisting away from the refuse that had hidden them moments earlier. They raised their hands over their heads. Even in the poor light, the Amazon could see that they were empty.

‘Don’t hurt us, Wonder Woman,’ one of them said, his voice rising in fear. ‘We were hired by someone over the phone. He said….’ The two figures continued to back away from their captor.

The Amazon tried to calm them. The voice sounded like it belonged to a young man. ‘Don’t be afraid. I promised you that I wouldn’t harm you if you surrendered. Now that you’ve done that, I’ll keep my word.’ She took another step toward them. The end of the stack of rubbish was now behind her.

‘I know, Wonder Woman. You promised that you wouldn’t hurt us,’ the speaker said, his voice now becoming more controlled. There was a sinister smile in that voice coming from beneath the knitted ski mask.

Behind the powerful Amazon Maid, the third figure emerged from the debris that lay in the driveway next to the mall. In his hand was a soaked cloth. ‘We trusted you when we came out,’ continued the dark-clad spokesman, ‘but…’

Wonder Woman took another step toward them.

‘…we never promised that we wouldn’t hurt you.’ As he spoke these words, the man behind the raven-haired champion leapt at her, landing full on her back, and clamping the cloth tightly over her mouth and nose.

Chloroform! she thought to herself. How stupid could I…!

Her struggles were furious but brief. Her Amazon strength almost threw the muscular man from her, but the quick arrival of his two partners-in-crime squelched the Princess’ resistance. They pulled her down so that she rested against his chest, sitting between his spread legs. Her eyes, open but unfocussed, stared blankly into the night sky as she was forced to inhale the sickeningly sweet fumes of the anaesthetic. Her shoulders drooped and her arms lay on the ground, useless. All three of the men now released her, and the helpless Amazon was stretched out on her back. In the darkness, only the soft glistening of the golden eagle gave evidence of her chest rising and falling slowly and evenly.

‘Is she out?’

‘Not yet,’ came the answer and the man who had sprung onto her back pushed the dark cloth against the heroine’s face. Her eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled back. Weakly, she raised her arms as she struggled against the inevitable. Soon she lay still, except for her quiet breathing. ‘The boss said this stuff always works.’

‘Yeah. Either that or a blow to the base of her skull will put her out.’

‘Her reputation makes her out to be stronger.’

‘Oh, she’s strong. It was like trying to ride a Brahma bull at the prison rodeo. If I didn’t have both arms and legs wrapped around her, she’d have thrown me through a wall, I think.’

Just then, from a darkened gas station across the street, a late-model Buick pulled into the parking lot in front of the mall and smoothly accelerated toward the circle of thieves. In the dim light and their dark clothes, they were almost invisible; the felled heroine in their midst was shielded from view. With a sighing of brakes, the large car slowed and jerked to a stop. The driver rolled down the window. ‘How’d it go?’ The driver was similarly attired in the black of the other members of the gang.

‘Just like the boss said it would,’ replied the man nearest the car. ‘She showed up right on schedule, she took the bait of our sob story, and she fell right into our little trap.’

‘What do you figure we’ll get for her?’

‘The boss wants her for himself, he said. He pay us what he promised.’

The driver had got out of the car and opened the trunk while the others talked. The man who seemed to be leader, or at least the man who seemed to have been the contact with the one they called ‘the boss’, nodded in the direction of the thief who was unengaged in conversation. He was a bulky man, with long arms. This one stooped to lift Wonder Woman easily. He dumped her unconscious body unceremoniously into the large trunk and pushed the lid shut.

‘Maybe we ought to ask for more. Maybe we don’t think splitting ten thousand is enough for the risk we took.’

The leader stared at his accomplice through the eyeholes of his ski mask. There was a hardness in his steel-blue eyes that hadn’t been there earlier. ‘The boss told us exactly what to do. He said that if we followed his instructions, there was no risk. You saw that for yourself.’ His voice was rising in anger. ‘Besides, when you make a deal, you don’t change it.’

There was silence from the man he spoke to.

‘Now get in the car.’

They did so and the dark Buick pulled to the driveway, and then sped off down the street.


As the large car turned on to a secondary street a few miles from the strip mall, the jostling of her body awakened the Amazon Champion. Her head ached painfully, and the residual effects of the chloroform kept her dizzy. In the pitch-black trunk, Wonder Woman reached out lazily in search of something to tell her where she was. She let her head fall all the way to the floor of the trunk, closed her eyes, and began to drift off again.

No! she told herself.

She grabbed her head. Breathing deeply, she fought to regain some semblance of consciousness. Again she closed her eyes, curled her body, and the heroine lay still.

With its temporarily helpless cargo, the car rolled to a stop in front of an abandoned house. As the four men rushed from the car, the jingling of keys sounding like a clarion bell in the late night. The trunk popped open, and Wonder Woman’s body came full into view. The Amazon was seized by the men in black, and she was carried into the house, each crook bearing one of her extremities. She was supported face down, her body sagging. Her neck was extended fully and her glistening raven-black hair dragged on the ground as the beautiful Amazon Maid was carried from the car to the house.

Taken to a bedroom on the second floor, she was carelessly flung onto the bed. Lying facedown in the mattress, her arms and legs spread wide, the Amazon Princess was still. The men closely inspected their prize.

Her body was magnificent. The red leather of her boots captured and reflected the bright light of the ceiling fixture, the soft leather itself exuding a subtle sensuality. The black leather soles and three-inch heels glinted the light dimly. Her legs, to many her finest attribute, were long, tanned, muscular. The finely developed sinews gave them a firm roundness. Her hips and ass, covered by the star-spangled tights of her costume, reflected a similar athleticism. Tonight’s ordeal left the tights pulled into the crack of her ass, revealing the sleek muscles of her buttocks. On top of her hips lay her golden belt, the Girdle of Hippolyte, symbol of her mother’s special relationship with the gods and the final gift to her daughter before she went into man’s world. Attached to the belt was the famous magic lasso, which had the power of truth and total control. The Amazon’s greatest weapon splayed outward from her body on top of the bedspread, inviting her enemies to take control. Her back, like the rest of her body, was powerfully sculpted, the muscular development defined clearly. It was almost fully exposed by the deeply cut bustier. The two sides of the red bustier came together scant centimeters above her perfectly rounded ass, then, defined by the faultless curve of her waist the split widened to embrace her glorious breasts, not visible in her current posture. The blue, star-covered satin of her tights and the red satin of the top caught the harsh light of the room and threw it back to the observers with a softness which belied her situation. Above her back, her tousled jet-black hair lay scattered about, covering all of her magnificent head. Through it all, parts of her golden tiara glistened. Stretched outward, appearing miraculously from under the tangled mass of her hair, the silky smooth lines of her shoulders and arms reached toward the edges of the bed. The flawless skin lay taut and smooth over the line of muscle, deceptive in the strength contained therein. At her wrists, Her Amazon bracelets, with which the superheroine had deflected countless bullets fired at her in anger.

Yes, she was magnificent; truly the most perfect embodiment of the female form and figure ever to enter the world. How many had lusted after her! And, as these four looked down on her helpless body, they joined that innumerable multitude. Their silence strained the limits of endurance. Each looked from her unmoving figure to one another, waiting for some command, for one of them to order them from the room. None came.

Finally, the smallest of the group asked quietly, ‘What now?’

The man who had seemed to be the leader responded, ‘The boss said she wasn’t to be touched, not harmed. Or the deal was off.’

The only sound was the heavy swallowing of the four who had never beheld anything remotely close to what lay before them. The opportunity was slipping away.

The big man who had climbed onto the back of the heroine reached out, toward her magic lasso. ‘If we tie her with this, she can’t escape. Then….’

No one looked at him, and no one finished his sentence. His hand, frozen in motion, was mere inches from the lasso. It edged with infinite slowness toward the glistening strands of Wonder Woman’s most powerful weapon.

He finally took it in his hand. The unbreakable rope felt like nothing, it seemed weightless, without mass or substance. The man next to him took a step toward the powerless captive and rolled her up onto her side. The lasso’s clasp where it was secured to her golden belt came into view. In a moment it was opened, and the glowing rope was looped around her wrists, securing them behind her back. With each circling of her wrists, the unbreakable tie seemed to grow longer.

Finished, her hands fell onto her tights. Unseen by her captors, between Wonder Woman’s legs, the involuntary moistening of her sex began. The bondage and the stimulation pulled the Amazon back to consciousness.

She moaned. At first softly, and then, as her predicament began clearer, with deep resignation. ‘Who…? Who-are you? Wh-what do you want… from me?’

‘Who we are doesn’t matter, except that we’re the ones who captured you, Wonder Woman,’ answer the leader. ‘As for what we want? You’re about to find out. Roll over,’ he ordered.

Though tied with her magic lasso, no one held it, and when Wonder Woman heard the order she realised that these men did not know the secret of her golden rope. It would give her a chance to defeat them.

She easily rolled onto her back, knowing that this position gave her a greater advantage in handling the four men. She laid still, her head resting on the pillow at the head of the bed. Two of her captors approached her, their eyes focused on her hips. The other two held back, apparently waiting their turn. One of the men gave the order, ‘Don’t move! Lay still!’ Wonder Woman prepared herself for combat, tightening her muscles and pressing her shoulders against the mattress.

When the men came within striking distance, her legs lashed out sideways. The fierce blows to the jaws of the men drove them back, their bodies twisting as they moved. They were unconscious before they fell to the floor. Wonder Woman leaped from the bed, her boots landing on the wooden floor with a surprising lightness. She turned toward the remaining two men. Her bound hands made any move awkward, but she knew that she would be unable to break her magic lasso.

The two moved away from her, first together, then slowly separating. Shortly, they were about ten feet apart, facing the Amazon at about ten and two o’clock. Wonder Woman realised that she was at a disadvantage, so she began to circle toward the one to her left. He took one step back, and then dove for her legs.

He was met by the force of her boot against the side of his head, as she drove him into the ground. By using this reverse kick, she was able to still face the other man, who seemed unable to move in the face of the power and abilities of the Amazon.

Following her successful parry, it took her a moment to steady on her three-inch heels. In that moment, her last opponent lashed out at her. Successful, he drove her hard to the floor. Because of her clumsy posture, when her body hit the floor, her head was whipped against the varnished hardwood, stunning the Princess momentarily. Her eyes rolled in her head as she tried to focus. The masked man pushed himself up on her and pressed down on her shoulders.

She raised her knees sharply, pulling them sharply toward her chest. The man in black was flung from her, landing face first on the floor. His nose broke on contact with the hardwood and a bloody trail smeared across the floor as he bounced to a halt yards away from the heroine. He rolled over onto his back, unconscious. The blood flowed freely from his nose down the side of his face.

The room seemed utterly silent now, as Wonder Woman rose to her feet. She walked to the last man with whom she had struggled and looked down on him. She breathed heavily following her exertions, then began undoing her bonds. Usually her Amazon digital facility and strength, coupled with the lasso’s capacity for infinite lengthening, would have her freed in a short time. But she noticed her fingers fumbling as they sought the knots and her arms working at odds with one another.

What is wrong? she thought. How…?

She swayed. Stumbling, she fought to keep her boots under her. But with her wrists still tied together, she had no way to prevent her twisting body from falling to the floor. As she lay there, the whisper of high-pressure gas entering the room was clear. And laying on her right side, the heavy gas surrounded her, stealing her consciousness. Her clear blue eyes slowly closed and her breathing slowed and became more even. Her head rolled so that she rested face down.

A faint sigh indicating that the pressure, which had propelled the sleeping gas into the room, had stopped was heard almost immediately Wonder Woman fell unconscious. Then, a distant whirring indicated that a pump had started up, its purpose to withdraw the fumes from the enclosed space. In moments, all evidence of the gas attack had disappeared.

The door opened and three men walked in. They looked around the room, taking in, in one sweeping glance, the events that had transpired there. The four masked men were thrown about the room in splayed attitudes like broken dolls. Blood still flowed from under the mask of the one whose nose had been broken by the heroine’s toss. In their midst, the powerful Amazon Princess. She lay on her side, wrists bound behind her, face to the floor. Her raven hair covered most of her face and there was a silken sheen reflecting the light of the overhead lamps from her smooth, tan, and perfect skin. It was the kind of skin that no man can resist touching. One of the figures approached the prone champion and stooped beside her.

It was Kane. A little bulkier now, a little less hair, a few more lines marking his face. He looked down on the unconscious woman, then up at his companions. ‘Gordon, I never fucked her the last time.’

The well-built man he addressed gave him a half-smile, barely visible behind his large, dark brown mustache. His shaven head nodded. ‘Certainly, my boy. Everyone deserves a superslut at least once in his life.’


As she struggled back to consciousness, she knew immediately that she was in deep trouble. Her shoulders ached as her arms stretched full-length over her head. The throb in her wrists told her that her bracelets had been chained, taking away her Amazon strength. She realised that her boots were swinging freely, so that she was suspended above the floor. Sharp intakes of breath helped to revive her and lessen the pain.

The room was dark. Well, that would not be accurate. A circle of bright lights illuminated the heroine as she swung powerless from her chains. But outside that small circle of brilliant light the room was totally black. Because the ring of lights shone directly into her face, Wonder Woman could discern nothing beyond the small circle of their brightness.

‘I think the last time we met, you were in a similar fix, Wonder Woman,’ a familiar voice said from the darkness.

‘Kane.’ Wonder Woman’s voice sounded weak.

‘I’m pleased you remembered,’ he said softly.

He approached her from the rear, admiring her sheer physical beauty. He placed his hand on her hip, only getting a momentary sensation of her satin tights before she bucked away from him. ‘Don’t you dare,’ she said, knowing that she could not rely on her superhuman strength to fend him off. However, her strength was considerable, even with her wrists chained, and she believed that it was adequate to deal with Kane’s threat.

‘I know what you’re capable of, even chained, dear Princess. Don’t you remember? I know a great deal about you, enough to fill a dissertation.’

The Amazon was silent, letting her captor give her information in his own good time.

‘You sent me to prison, believing that I had somehow been responsible for the deaths at Delaware. You led me into a lie, a lie I repeated because you had fed it to me.’

‘You were responsible, Kane,’ the powerless Champion said softly. ‘You planned the bombing, and even though Deborah had ensured that there would be someone there to be killed, you recklessly set off the explosion.’

‘I even got the rent-a-cop out of the building. No one was supposed to get hurt. It was supposed to look like a threat to Forbin’s project.’

‘But people did get hurt. The graduate student, the members of your own gang…’

‘They knew the risks they were taking, tangling with a superheroine! I told them there was nothing foolproof about the plan.’

Wonder Woman resumed, ‘…the members of your own gang, who were killed or injured, Penelope was raped, I was raped and humiliated…’

‘Yes. That’s it, isn’t it? It was your rape and humiliation that you took vengeance for. The destruction of your image was complete. We had photos of you in every form of degradation, didn’t we? Whatever happened to those photos, anyway? And the movies, too?’

This was something Wonder Woman had tried to push out of her mind. Was her treatment of Kane and Deborah a result of her own anger about their victory and her degradation and dishonour? Was it… personal?

‘You don’t answer, dear Princess. Have I struck a nerve?’

The Amazon didn’t answer. Kane approached her suspended form once more, and again he placed his hand on the blue star-spangled satin. This time she didn’t respond.

He felt the coolness of the soft material of her uniform. He was stimulated by that coolness as it mixed with the heat of her body beneath. Gently, he rubbed her hips, following the lower edge of her tights. He placed first one finger, then two, beneath the lower lip, his knuckles brushing the smooth, tanned skin that was out of sight. He shuddered, his deep breath ragged. The fingers passed from the side to the rear of her costume, and he felt the round muscularity of her cheek. Still she didn’t move, she didn’t resist. Kane closed his eyes as he pulled the costume up revealing her ass. He opened them again to gaze at the sweet circle he had revealed. He tensed his hold on her and she swung freely from her chains. The movement seemed to awaken them both from their reverie.

Wonder Woman kicked to pull her suspended frame away from his probing hand. At the same time, his other hand produced a hypodermic needle, which plunged into the exposed orb. She gasped in surprise.

‘Don’t tell me I’ve managed to surprise you, dear Princess. Surely you remember that drugs are the easiest way to maintain control over you. Less cumbersome than the chains, and less restricting than your magic lasso. And now, I’ve got resources that I never could have imagined possible two years ago.’

The drug coursed through the captive Amazon Princess quickly. Mere seconds after their introduction, she already felt the effects.

‘And these work so much faster,’ Kane smiled.

“Wha--? What… what are y-you…?’ Wonder Woman struggled to get out.

‘Something I never got to do in Delaware,’ he answered. ‘And, you know what, you stuck-up superslut? I’ve got the full authority and favour of the President of the United States to do it.’

Wonder Woman’s mouth now was completely dry. Her eyelids drooped heavily, but she remained conscious. Somewhere across the room a switch was thrown, dropping her from the ceiling. She landed on her feet, but for less than a moment. Her legs were incapable of supporting her. She fell gracelessly to the floor. Kane knelt next to her and removed the chains which connected her wrists, restoring her Amazon strength. ‘I will rape you in your full Amazon glory, you magnificent cunt, and you won’t stop it! you won’t resist it! you won’t do anything but enjoy it! And it’s likely you’ll forget it, too, though I’m not sure about that.’ Already he felt his erection and the urges in him. The helplessness of this powerful woman worked to drive him toward his fantasy fulfilled.

He pulled her over onto her back, her arms falling limply to the floor. Her Amazon bracelets echoed metallically in the room. Placing his arms under his prize, his lifted her, carrying the conscious but helpless heroine out of the brilliance in which she had been suspended, into the darkness.

He placed her on a bed and generously pushed a pillow under her head. Her eyes failed to focus in the dim light as her head rolled from side to side. He released her magic lasso from the catch that secured it to the golden belt that sat upon her hips. ‘Binding you with the lasso gets your juices flowing. Might as well make this enjoyable for you, too.’

He placed the loop of the lasso around her throat, then let the golden rope drop to the floor. He grabbed her tights at her hips, and pulled them past her muscular thighs and leather boots. In a moment, they rested next to the end of the magic lasso. Kane reached beneath the defenseless Amazon Princess and undid her bustier, lifting it from her torso. It was the next to fall to the floor. Lying on the bed, naked except for her boots, bracelets, and tiara, Wonder Woman was barely conscious of what was happening. The effect of the drugs now had her sweating profusely, her body taking on a glistening sheen, her respiration becoming shallow and rapid. ‘Aaahhhh, dear Princess. Now you begin to anticipate the festivities to come.’

Kane undid his belt and hastily pulled his pants off, then his shirt, tearing the buttons. Anticipating this evening’s prize, he wasn’t wearing any underwear. His organ, certainly not comparable to those of his minions from his last encounter with the superheroine, swelled fully, and seemed to glow a deep red as his hand moved slowly toward his captive’s nether regions. A bubble of clear pre-cum formed at the tip and dropped toward the floor hanging by a long strand of fluid.

Pulling his hand away from his trophy’s vagina, he sniffed her odor. His head fell back as her flower took his breath away. He closed his eyes again, and then moved to take his eight inches into the dream of his lifetime.

He fell onto her as he penetrated the Champion of All Women, exhaling loudly, and with an animal quality. The sound continued as he inhaled immediately, and it sounded like a growl.

He sawed, first slowly, then with greater speed, into her sex. Wonder Woman’s head lolled back and forth on the pillow, her mouth opened and shut-almost-its dryness preventing any sound from her. As he fought to withhold his delivery, Kane pushed his chest up from his victim, slowing almost to a stop in his movement in and out of her. He placed his hands under her thighs and lifted, moving the round, tanned, perfect legs, still wrapped in the glistening red leather of her boots, to his shoulders. He draped her knees across his shoulders and the leather fell to his back.

He tried to encompass her full breasts, taking one in each hand. His hands were too small, but the contact with their soft and beautiful roundness sent him into fresh paroxysms of sexual ecstasy. The round, perfect, pink nipples peeked out between his fingers. His middle fingers slid toward the nipples and gently, almost tenderly, circled, rubbed, stimulated them.

Finally, the powerless Amazon Maid groaned, her rapture penetrating her drug-muddled mind. White, cottony saliva rolled out of the corner of her mouth and down her cheek. Her sounds were more hisses or croaks, the dryness of her mouth and throat fighting against the sexual stimulation induced by the lasso, her helplessness, and her circumstance.
Kane plunged his full length into her, kneeling between her thighs, moving his hips in ever-widening circles, the Amazon’s pelvis moving synchronously with him. The sense of power elated him.

Wonder Woman arched her back, lifting her upper body from the bedspread, her hips and black hair defining the points of contact. Her arms stretched outward from her shoulders, and her wrists pushed firmly into the mattress. Her hands formed fists. Her arms moved slowly and steadily up and down, up and down, creating a sensual rustling on the bedspread.

Both bodies were sweating now. Kane returned to embrace his captive prize, wrapping his arms under her back, still lifted from the bed, and she involuntarily wound her powerful but helpless arms around him. The stimulation made try to drive even further into her. As he filled her sex with his own organ, her muscles there held him tightly, raising his bliss to an even higher state. His balls hurt as he tried to withhold, to make the moment last forever.

His open mouth took her own into itself, their tongues dancing a ballet of sensuality. He stroked her upper palate, the rough dryness stimulating him in a new way. He felt her strength rushing through her powerful arms, as she pulled him to her. Her legs dropped from his shoulders and wrapped around his waist, the leather boots squeaking their complaints quietly, providing a counterpoint to their increasingly vocal pleasure.

Kane tried desperately to hold on further, to extend the moment. But it was impossible. Stimulated beyond belief, he released his seed in a glorious fulfillment of the dreams and desires that had accumulated from years of both study and imprisonment.

But Wonder Woman, too, climaxed at virtually the same moment. The drug-induced high, the stimulation of her lasso, the helplessness of her position had all raised the heroine to an artificial sexual paradise. She envisioned Penelope, her sister Amazons on Paradise Island, all the love that had been lavished on her in the hundreds of years since she was born into that world far from that of Man. Lubricants flowed freely from her, soaking Kane’s organ, filling the air with her sweet smell. She came then, as his cry of triumph was reaching its peak, fresh fluids thrusting out of her as the spasms of his sexual victory had just ended.

‘The great Wonder Woman!’ he gasped. ‘Bliss to be alive, but to have her is very heaven!’

The two bodies continued to grasp one another, each seizing gigantic, gulping breaths. Still joined in the sexual act, sweat rolled toward the hips of their upright bodies.

But only Kane was aware. The heroine, exhausted, finally fell unconscious. His hands passed over every inch of her body, taking in the strength, the smoothness, and the softness. ‘Wonder Woman! So aptly named. They will tell stories about you for generations. But I am the last man who will be with you.’


Wonder Woman fought her way back to consciousness. She tried to remember where she was, and what had happened. Not much would return to her memory. She opened her eyes.

The room was dark, but there were flashing police lights outside the windows. She moved to stand, but only then realised that chains had been welded to her Amazon bracelets. Two men who had been standing across the room saw the motion and walked over to the Amazon. They looked down at her as she resumed sitting on the couch. One of the officers broke the brief silence.

‘Wonder Woman. You are under arrest for the murder of Robert Burnett, David Brandon, James Stefano, and Lawrence Guzzo. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to the presence of an attorney….’

End of Chapter One