Global Protectors – Homeland Security




Legal Horrors – The Global Protectors are copyright, trademark etc. of Doctor Droid ( and are used with his permission.  Other characters and text are copyright Marcus Lycus.

Don’t forget to e-mail me with any comments, complaints or suggestions. Remember feedback leads to more stories!

Marcus Lycus

March 2005



Part 2 – Unlawful Imprisonment


Maple Leaf was lead down the concrete corridor past several unmarked doors to a solid looking metal one.  Ross unlocked it and without ceremony shoved her in.  She stumbled a few times in her painful high heels but did not fall.  The door behind her slammed shut. 

The 10’ by 8’ room was pretty bare, a cot hung from one wall (no sheets or pillow), a metal toilet and sink were mounted opposite it.  A small shelf held a cold McDeath meal and a florescent light hummed overhead guarded by a steel grill.  There was no window or heater and the room was bitter cold. 

Removing the painful boots Jillian shivered in her bare feet and opened the McDeath bag.  It was a thermodynamic miracle containing ice cold fries, an ice cold burger and warm coke.  She hated McDeath with a hatred usually reserved for cannibals and Nazis but she was hungry enough to gulp it down in seconds. 

She then spent the next twenty minutes on the toilet shitting it back out along with everything she had eaten since high school…

When she finally finished (there was no toilet paper of course so she had to use one of her gloves and then throw it in the corner) the light went out leaving her hungry and cold in the darkness.  For a moment she felt something familiar about this… but she could not remember.  It was like some nightmare she had forgotten. 

She felt her way to the cot, curled into a ball and entered a fitful sleep.


Dreaming, she felt strong arms on her body peeling off the fake costume, caressing her slowly; gently… the man entered her waiting pussy drawing it in and out slowly as she cried out in passion.  Squinting in the darkness she tried to see the man’s face but even her sharp eyes could not see anything in the total darkness.  Feeling around, she found his mouth and kissed it. 

“Damn, you’re just as tight as I thought you’d be.” 

The voice was familiar but she could not place it.  As the first orgasm hit she forgot all about it.


Her eyes snapped open when the lights were turned back on.  The steel door slammed open and Ross “Rise and shine hero!  Time for your shower and breakfast.” 

Groggily she rose to her feet facing her guard.  Ross chuckled and pointed between her legs where a stain could clearly be seen.  “Ooo, you’ve been a bad girl haven’t you.  Time to get you cleaned up hero.  Take ‘em off.”

“What?  Here?”

“Did you think we have a shower room or something?  Take ‘em off and kick them over here.  Come on, if we run out of time we’ll just skip your breakfast.”

Realizing the futility of argument, Maple Leaf scowled and removed the leotard.  Grabbing the boots from under the bed she tossed the ensemble to Ross who kicked it behind her.  Maple Leaf was not surprised when she vanished for a second and returned with a fire hose.  Of course that’s how her ‘shower’ would work. 

Smiling Ross turned it on the Canadian heroine.  Jillian was knocked back a foot when the blast hit her but she did not cry out from surprise or the cold.  This time she was determined not to give the sadistic guard any more satisfaction.  Annoyed by her lack of response Ross opened the hose up all the way knocking Jillian against the far wall and finally making her cry out.  Only then did Ross turn off the water and toss the prisoner a bar of soap.  “Wash up, and don’t forget your naughty bits, you dirty, dirty girl.”

Maple Leaf growled again but obeyed, she noticed a black and blue mark was already forming on her ribs.  After a minute or two she was doused again and tossed some paper towels.

“See there’s a nice clean girl.  Now put your hero suit back on and we’ll get you some breakfast.”

As Maple Leaf dressed in her non-concealing suit Ross came back with another McDeath bag for her charge.  Maple Leaf groaned and tossed it in the toilet.

“Let’s get this over with.”


Soon Maple Leaf was back in the room; wearing Jefferson’s jacket over the see-through costume (“Put something on this goddamn whore!” Hamilton had bellowed).  Her attempts to complain about Ross had been rudely cut off as the two agents announced they knew who she really was.

They passed her a folder.

“We ran your prints, Miss Candice ‘Candy’ Kane from Toronto, Canada.  Model, dancer, ‘escort’ specializing in superheroine role-play.”  He held up a mug shot of a woman in an Ultra Woman costume, the face and body matched Jillian perfectly. 

“No, this can’t be right…”

“No?  So what are we to believe?  That you are Maple Leaf but someone stole and replaced your ‘real’ costume, switched all of the Global Protector’s phone numbers and removed your powers?”

Maple Leaf sat silently.

“Well, we checked with the Megalopolis police and got the real number for the Global Protectors.  Let’s go to the source.”  He took out his cell phone and held it up so they could all hear.

“Hello, Global Protectors monitor room.  This is Star.”

“Hello, this is agent Jefferson; I believe Lieutenant Sharpe said I’d be calling…”

“Oh yes, something about a crazy woman at the airport.”

“Well that’s what we’re trying to find out.  Can I speak to Maple Leaf please?”

“I’m so sorry sugar; she’s on leave right now, secret identity stuff.”

Maple Leaf smiled, starting to believe again this might still be straightened out.  She even started to wonder what the government's formal apology would say.

“But she called in today, said everything was fine and even reminded me about the celebrity volleyball game tonight.”

Jillian leapt out of her seat grabbing for the phone “Star you bitch, I didn’t call!  Tell them who I am!  Fucking tell them who I am!”  

Hamilton had to wrestle her back to her chair and held her firmly by her shoulders. 

“Sorry Miss Star, she got a bit out of hand.  Now did that sound like your leader?”

“Oh no sir, Maple Leaf is always a perfect lady; she’d never speak to me like that.  If you want I can try and contact her on vacation and you can have a nice talk …”

“No that won’t be necessary.  Thank you for your help.”  He hung up.

“I want my lawyer.”

“You’re not entitled to a lawyer.”


“Miss Kane, or Miss Havre if you’re still insisting on that, you’re a foreign national being held for a security investigation.  You have not been charged with any crime, we will hold you until we are confident you are not a threat to the United States.”

“So… no lawyer, no hearing, no judge.  I rot here till you let me go.”

“Until you convince us you are who and what you say you are.  And so far you’ve not been too persuasive.  You have to give us something to work with.”

“Fine.  Ask me anything about the Global Protectors.  That good enough?”

“Okay then.”  He opened his laptop and punched some buttons.  “I’ve called up the GP file from central; let’s see if you know some of the things that have never been made public…”


They spent the next few hours talking about old GP cases, how their powers worked, what the team was like and so on.  Jefferson and Hamilton took turns checking information in the file and then going back to recheck her older stories.  Despite the hunger and continuing headache Jillian answered everything.  She just wanted to prove who she was and get the fuck out.

“Our powers don’t work when we’re tired or severely injured.”

“We’re protected by psychokinetic fields but they can’t protect us from gas or something slow like a handshake.”

“Well… we sort of have a small weakness against mind control…”

“Shamrock is nice but almost useless in a fight.”

“I told you, the psychic field can’t protect us against something that’s already touching us like a net.”

“It was a classified mission in North Korea…”

“There’s six electro cannons hidden on the grounds.”

“The Wraith Lord case? I can tell you a bit about it but his magical powers scrambled our memories so I can’t tell you many details.”

“Dynamo’s electrical stimulation made it hard to remember exactly what happened…”

“Well the Incubus’ powers affected our memory so I can’t recall much…”

“I, I don’t remember that ever happening…”

“Bruticus?  No, no, he never did that to me…”

“I can’t recall…”

“I have no memory of that…”

Until finally the agents stopped in frustration.  “Well miss, it looks like you know something about the GP but all these memory gaps, well you have to admit they sound pretty suspicious.”

Maple Leaf had no answer for that, she’d never thought about it before but there were an awful lot of missions in the last year or two she could not remember or only remember vaguely.  Was there something wrong with her?  Was it just her or was it the whole team?

“But, I can tell you about a lot of other cases, the fight in Grand Canyon with the Human Dreadnought, the Clone Arranger, Doctor Droid’s robbery Thursday!  Just ask!”

“Miss, all of those were covered in the papers.  Hell my wife knows as much about them as you do.  We’re looking for information that is not in the public record.  Anyway, we’re going to have to knock off for today, tomorrow we’ll have some more questions for you.” 

Ross entered the room and took her arm.

“No!  Wait!  You can’t let her take me, she’s not-“

But the two men had already left. 


Ross held her close and smiled.  “Come on sweety, time for dinner.  Maybe you’d like another shower too?”

“Fuck you.”

Ross shoved her into the cell.  “Must be pretty hungry by now huh?  What would like for dinner?”

“Anything but McDeath.”

“I can do that, if you do something for me…”

Jillian tried to stay quiet, to ignore how hungry she was but then her stomach growled.  It had to be 48 hours since she’d eaten anything she could keep down.


Ross turned and faced her smiling.  She pulled up her skirt exposing the stockings, garter belts and white silk panties.  She unbuttoned her top a bit showing off the tops of her round breasts and white demibra.  “Come here hero.”  She put her arms around Jillian who did not resist. 

“Now rub your leg between mine… mmm that’s good.  Now press your breasts against me… good.  And open your mouth hero…”

The guard made out with the unresisting prisoner for a few minutes before breaking off.  “Mmm, never made out with a superhero before, you’re not bad, I bet you and Valkyrie get a lot of practice huh?”

She walked out and closed the door.  A few minutes later the window slid open and a few candy bars and a bottle of water were dropped in.  The lights went out before Jillian could grab them, forcing her to crawl around in the dark hunting for food.

Later, fed, she started to piece things together.  She cursed herself for not seeing it sooner.  Somehow, someone was replacing her on the team.  The Clone Arranger or Doctor Droid maybe.  But why turn her over to the cops?  Sooner or later she’d prove who she was and get free… unless? 

“THEY AREN’T REAL COPS!” she yelled!  Then she cursed for ten minutes for not figuring it out a lot sooner.  Suggestum, it must be suggestum or some other mind control drug that made her accept this situation for as long as she had.  Maybe that’s what was blocking her powers…

The next question was why bother with this charade; surely they could just drug her and lock her away?  But what if they needed information?  She’d just spent a day telling them all sorts of secrets about the GP!  She felt unbelievably stupid.  She’d betrayed the whole team falling for a simple trick. 

“Well, at least now I know… but now what?  She had no powers, no one knew she was here and she’d already given away so much to them…”

Feeling more helpless than ever, she fell into a fitful sleep.


The next morning the lights snapped on and the door opened on its own.  Maple Leaf braced herself for Ross’ abuse but no one came.  Finally, carefully she peeked into the hall, empty and the door to the interrogation room was open.  Creeping down the hall she entered the interrogation room where Hamilton and Jefferson waited for her smiling.

“Where’s Ross?”

“It’s her day off; I’ll let her know you miss her.”

“Don’t bother, I’ve figured it out.  You’re not real cops, who do you work for VX?  Doctor Droid?  This is a plan to replace me and I won’t help you any more and I promise, as soon as my team knows I’m missing you’re all going to be caught.  Save yourselves a beating from Tigress and call this charade off now.”

“Ooo, she is close isn’t she Agent Jefferson?”

“Not really and you have to remember Tigress got it on the first guess.  A day earlier too.”

Jillian’s mind raced, they’re not with some villain, but then what…

“You, you really are cops…”  she felt dizzy.

“Bingo.”  Jefferson rose and walked behind her, closing the rear door and cutting her off from escape.  She could feel his breath on her shoulder.

“No, there’s no way your government would order this, I fucking saved the President’s life.”

Jefferson practically whispered the answer in her ear as his hands closed over her wrists.  “The President is a good man, a good American but there are some things he does not need to know about.  The organization we answer to is classified five levels above the President’s security clearance.  Our organization has been through a lot of names, the Knights of Liberty, the Department of Unnatural Affairs, the WHO-"

"Weird Happenings Organization, not the band."  Hamilton threw in.

"That was during the Depression when TLAs were all the rage."

"T-TLAs?"  Maple Leaf asked more confused and dizzier than before.

"Three Letter Acronyms."  Jefferson chuckled.  Of course these days we're just known as the AGENTS."

"That's Agency for Genetically Enhanced Negation Termination or Subjugation of course, not to be confused with like CIA agents or anything."

"We're much better than them."

“But, I never even heard…”

“You wouldn’t have, there’s less than a dozen people alive who know about us.  But you’ve heard about some of our operations, in Canada did they teach you about the Liberator?”

“World War II hero right?  Died in a plane crash or something?”

“That’s the one.  In the 60’s he started getting some funny ideas about civil rights, hanging out with the Freedom Riders and stuff.  He was a tough old bastard, took hours to finish him off.” 

“Course” Hamilton threw in “that was nothing compared to the Lone Rider.  Started listening a bit too much to his Indian buddy, started asking wrong questions about our manifest destiny.  Emptied two revolvers into him and he kept on coming.”

“Oh come on, by today’s standards he’s nothing, a level two, level three tops.”

“Yeah but back then, that was the toughest mission we’d had.  Lost what? Six agents to that masked asshole and his redskin?  You took a bullet or two that time.”

“Yeah I guess…”

Listening to then Jillian remembered something about the Lone Rider, that was a long time ago… the 1850’s? “What are you?  You’ve been around since the 1800s?”

“Longer than that sweety. A lot longer.”

A dark thought passed through Maple Leaf’s head.  She had been a heroine long enough to know what it meant when the villains told you their secrets.  “You wouldn’t tell me this if you were going to let me go.  You’re going to kill me…”

Hamilton laughed.  “What kill a tight wet snatch like you?  What a fucking waste that would be!”

“We got something better right here.”  Hamilton reached under the table pulling up a box.  Opening it he removed a high tech helmet.  “Recognize this?”

“VX’s mind control helmet…”

“Actually this one is a copy of the Global Protector’s mind control helmet, your buddies Valkyrie and Rising Sun have been making some improvements.  It can now block memories as well as simple mind control.  We were very impressed with the work they did.”

“She never told me!  She was supposed to be studying it, finding a countermeasure!  Why would she do that?”

Hamilton put the helmet on.  “Easier to show you hero.”  He put a hand on her head and said “Remember.”

The memories came flooding back to her…   Sucking on Dynamo’s dick as he made her cum again and again… being violated by crab-like aliens… Eating Val’s pussy as Aussie Girl whipped her… Begging Bruticus to spare her teammates and take her instead… and the long months in the Wraith Lord’s dungeons…

When all of these defeats and traumas hit her at once she fell limp, almost passing out.

Hamilton returned the helmet to its box.  “Boy sure must be hard to remember all those terrible things that have happened to you.  I bet most women couldn’t keep going with that kind of baggage.  Guess erasing your memories wasn’t such a bad idea of Val’s huh?  We’ll have to compliment her when we see her next week.”

“…why… why are you doing this to me?”

“Well it started when your little Aussie Cunt decided to condemn the war.  It got us thinking how sooner or later you guys might think of doing something a bit more forceful than mouthing off on TV and… well it’s best to be prepared.  Tigress filled us in on your tactics and training, Valkyrie will let us know the science behind your powers and you’ve given us some nice insight into how the team works.  In fact we just have one last thing to do…”

Still wrestling with the returning memories Maple Leaf was barely listening any more. “…g-go to hell…” she muttered weakly.  Hamilton took her by the chin and met her eyes.  He snapped his fingers.

An incredible feeling of well-being flooded through Maple Leaf, her senses sharpened, her metabolism sped up reaching peak levels of fitness, the familiar tingling on her skin meant her psychokinetic field was active again. 

Her powers were back!

A smile appeared on Jillian’s face for the first time since she had been taken off the security line.  She yanked her arms to break free of Jefferson’s grip but they didn’t budge.  She kicked Hamilton in the gut with enough force to break concrete but he didn’t move.  She tried to fly up but could not get off the ground.  The smile disappeared.

“You’re not human…”

“We’ve had some improvements.”  Jefferson replied smugly.  “All eight of you might be able to take us, but alone, even with your powers back it doesn’t mean a damn thing.”

“As I was saying, Jefferson here and me have a bet.  “According to the files we hacked, Doc Droid’s little stimulator chair made you cum fourteen times in six hours.  I think I can do better than that.”

“And it will be an interesting test of just how multiorgasmic you girls are.”

“Fuck you.”

“You will.”

Hamilton spread her legs and without any further foreplay plunged his dick through the thin spandex and into her dry and unwilling pussy.  She fought back as best she could but with her arms and legs held there was little she could do but endure.

“No way this will work, she’s totally unwilling.”

“Hey you think she was willing for the chair?  That’s part of the fun.”


“Damn you both, you won’t make me enjoy this, damn it.  You won’t.  You’ll get nothing you fucking needle dick.”


It took two hours to make Maple Leaf cum the first time.  In the end, despite his best efforts and centuries of experience Hamilton was only able to make her cum nine times.  Jefferson collected his $20 and mocked him about it for years.


Monday afternoon Jillian Havre walked out of Megapolis International Airport and hailed a cab.  She’d enjoyed the conference and made some valuable new contacts.  It had been so nice just to spend a few days as plain old Jillian rather than the globe-protecting Maple Leaf.  She’d really needed that rest too, at the rate she was going Jillian knew she was a candidate for Heroine burn-out.  Without a bit of rest she’d end up a washed out has-been like that 70’s heroine Stella.  She shuddered at the thought.  Of course the trip wasn’t completely restful.  Jillian worried she had overdone it at the gym, her back and pelvis positively ached.  But overall she felt calm collected and in control.  It was good thing because next week she’d be busy while Valkyrie was at that science conference in Germany. 

As she rode towards her house she put the contact details for some of the useful people she’d met at the conference.  She recalled most of them were pretty useless but there were these federal agents she’d had some drinks with.  The two guys were OK looking and who knows…

Jillian entered the contact information for Agents Ross, Hamilton and Jefferson into her PDA.  She’d have to give them a call sometime.