The Global Protectors –Stalked by Red Jack


By Marcus Lycus


Hello and welcome to the Global Protectors – Stalked by Red Jack, my answer to cheesy 80s horror films, but with a few twists that even an R rating would not cover.

Legal Horrors – The Global Protectors are copyright, trademark etc. of Doctor Droid ( and are used with his permission.  Other characters and text are copyright Marcus Lycus.

What does that legal gibberish mean?  It means that if you want to use the Global Protectors in another story you need Doctor Droid’s permission (not mine).  It also means that you can’t repost this story or use the characters created in it without my permission.

And since this story is meant for people over the age of 18, please don’t read it if you are younger than that.  Any resemblance between characters in this story and any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental of course.  

And finally, please e-mail me with any comments, complaints or suggestions. Remember feedback leads to more stories!

Marcus Lycus

December 2004


Chapter 1 – The Short and Sad Career of White Crane


White Crane faced her attacker across the rooftop.  The teenaged Korean heroine was bleeding from a half dozen shallow cuts, including one across the top of her heaving breasts.  Her torn costume barely covered her nipples any more.  Confronted with so much fear, her mind distracted itself with trivial thoughts like how hard it would be to mend the costume this time and how many washings it would take to get the bloodstains out.  

Then she realized that might not be a problem.

Her opponent wasn’t even breathing hard, he just stared at her from 30 feet away, his baby-faced mask set in an eternal smirk.  He drew his two butcher knives and ran the edges against each other, they made a frightening screech.  

Dimly White Crane wondered if the noise would attract someone’s attention.  A bystander, a cop, maybe even another superhero someone had to hear it!  But she knew it was futile.  No one had ever come to her aid before, no matter how much noise she made.

Her stalker smirked and giggled.  He leapt into the air.

White Crane did not need her powers to know what would happen.

She was going to die.


One year ago…

White Crane posed in front of her mirror.  She planted her hands on her hips, spread her legs, thrust out her chest, flounced her hair and smiled.  

“Wulf Pak beware!  There’s a new heroine in Hyung’s Town and she’s coming for you!”

She turned a bit to the side to admire her brand new costume.  When she started to plan her career as a heroine she’d decided that she would not be one of those bimbo heroines fighting crime in nothing but a halter top and a thong.  It had taken weeks to find something that was practical without being too militaristic.  Something attractive but without making her look like a swimsuit model or cheerleader.  Finally she had found it at a dance store.  

Her costume was dark blue one piece leotard that left her arms bare but covered her body and legs ending in wide bell-bottomed cuffs around her ankles.  The top rose to her slender neck and fastened behind it, leaving much of her back bare.  She’d carefully silk screened her trademark white crane, an ancient Korean symbol of fortune, across the front.  Another crane decorated the length of her right leg.  The clingy material of the dance costume showed off her taut concave stomach and round breasts but without exposing anything.  She’d also added two dark blue gloves that went up to her wrists and had small metal bar on the inside across the knuckles.  She knew how much it could hurt to hit someone, a bit of protection would spare her bruised knuckles.  On her feet she had a pair of rock climbing shoes dyed the same color as her costume.  Much more practical than the slick boots most heroines wore.  They would give her the traction and flexibility she needed when climbing or jumping.  Around her waist was a thick white belt with pouches for the police radio and other equipment.  Over her face she wore a small domino mask that covered her eyes and hide her identity but left her puffy pink cheeks and dimples exposed.  

She flounced her long black hair again, practiced a mean look in the mirror and decided it was time.

Megapolis’ newest heroine was ready to make her debut!


Growing up So-Jung Kim had always been a bit faster and stronger than the other girls in her Korean-American neighborhood, something she attributed to good genes and healthy exercise.  Her father had been a marine sergeant back in South Korea and her mother a dancer.  Between the two of them they always made sure their only child got plenty of exercise, just to be sure they had never bought a TV.  While the other first generation girls were imitating their American counterparts, sitting on the couch, eating fattening food So-Jung was running, biking and going to dance lessons.  

But when she turned 14 she realized there was something more.  They’d been playing softball in the school yard and So-Jung started hitting everything thrown at her.  At first she’d just assumed it was the other girl’s slow underhand pitches but then some of the boys tried to show off by striking her out.  

She hit each one until Jimmy Woo and his buddies threw down their gloves in disgust and walked away.  

But they didn’t forget.  When she was heading home from school that afternoon Jimmy and his friends decided to teach their uppity classmate a lesson and jumped her as she walked by a dark alley.  

It was the scariest moment of her young life, she was too young to truly know what they intended but old enough to know it was bad.  

But they couldn’t touch her.  Somehow, a second before they struck she knew what would happen and avoided them.  And after a few seconds of dodging their clumsy grabs her body started to respond with kicks and blows that reduced the four bullies into pitiful wretches sprawled on the ground begging a 14 year-old girl for mercy.  

So-Jung didn’t know what that meant.  She had never learned Tae-Kwan-Do or any martial arts but somehow instinctively she’d known how to defeat four bigger boys.  After that Jimmy Woo and his friends learned to mind their manners (at least around her) so she never told anyone what had happened.

As they years went by her instincts grew stronger.  She rarely studied, the night before a test she just flipped through the textbooks somehow knowing which paragraphs would be important.  She even learned to miss a few balls or a few questions now and then just to prevent people from getting jealous.  Of course that was never really a problem.  No one could stay mad at her; somehow So-Jung always knew what to say.

Life was pretty good to the attractive 18-year old Korean girl.  She always managed to balance the pressures of school, her parents, her friends and a culture that demanded Asian girls to be demure, pretty, virginal, geniuses.  She even managed to live up to her family’s expectations, winning scholarships to Harvard, Yale, Megapolis University and the Claremont School for Gifted Youngsters.

It never occurred to her that she could use her talents for something more important than scoring 1595 on the SATs or being elected president of her senior class.

Until one night in May of 2003…


She was working on her valedictorian speech when the phone rang.  She heard her mother answer it first in Korean and then in heavily accented English.  Then she heard her mom cry out and drop the phone.

So-Jung and her sister Mi-Young ran to the living room of their cramped apartment.  Slowly they got the story from her shocked mother.  Her father had been shot.  He’d been in the family’s candy store where he usually worked for 12 hours or more a day.  There had been a robbery, which had happened before but this time the gang members were not happy with their pickings and had decided to take it out on her father.  They’d shot him twice and trashed the store.  He was alive but in a coma in the hospital.

The next two weeks were hell for So-Jung.  She spent every day at the hospital while her mother took over the store.  Friends and teachers offered their condolences and she heard from members of the community how terrible crime in Megapolis was.  Most of the immigrant store owners in Hyung’s Town had been victims of violence at one time or another.  Crime was the dark side of the American dream.

Many people mentioned that someone needed to do something.  The Megapolis police were almost useless.  They were more worried about doughnuts and their pensions than actually fighting crime.  Crime fighting was something they left to Megapolis’ endless supply of superheroes and heroines.  But the spandex patrol couldn’t be bothered to patrol a Korean ghetto like Hyung’s Town; they were too busy fighting robots in Siegel Square or whatever.  Far be it for Ultra Woman or the Global Protectors to trouble themselves with the woes of hardworking immigrants.

Well if the police were no good, and the American superheroes were no good then…


White Crane leapt from her eighth floor window to the rooftop across the alley.  She sprinted across the rooftops, crossing several blocks in minutes.  She’d tried stunts like this before, just running and letting her supernatural instincts and toned body take care of her but this was different.  It was better.  Just wearing her costume made her feel more confident, more powerful.

This is what her abilities were given to her for, protecting her community, not passing tests and hitting baseballs!

She heard someone yelling in Korean.  She leapt off the rooftop towards the trouble.


The next few months were exhilarating.  After her father had more or less recovered, So-Jung announced to her parents that she was turning down Harvard, Yale and Claremont to go to Megapolis University so she could stay at home and help them run the store.  Her parents put up a bit of a fight but So-Jung could tell they were happy with her choice.  

As White Crane So-Jung patrolled the streets and alleys of Hyung’s Town, her instincts always seemed to tell her what nights she’d be needed and lead her to where she had to be.

In just her first week she caught a few muggers, stopped two burglaries and prevented a rape.  The local Korean news ran a blurry picture of her in costume and she started to hear people talking about her.

So-Jung did some research into superhuman biology and history and realized she was probably a mutant with the instinctive ability to predict or anticipate the future.  Her well-toned body could be the result of the Perez Effect which said that people with superpowers would naturally need healthier bodies to contain the powerful energies inside them.  Mutants tended to either hideous or fashion model gorgeous and So-Jung was glad she’d gotten the latter.  

With her powers warning her of any danger and instinctively guiding her to the best path she didn’t worry too much about crime fighting.  She knew there were really bad villains out there and that her minor powers wouldn’t mean anything to Bruticus or Dynamo but she wasn’t trying to be the next Ultra Woman or Stella, she just wanted to protect her little neighborhood.  Usually the tough part was keeping her identity from her parents and sister Mi-Young.  They all lived together in a cramped apartment and there were only so many times So-Jung could sneak out before they got suspicious.  Her powers made her a more talented liar than most teenaged girls but stories about ‘study sessions’ and ‘11pm student government meetings’ only worked for so long.  Her parents were happy so long as she kept bringing home good grades but her bratty sister seemed determined to find out the truth.  

Mi-Young knew if she could prove her golden girl sister was doing drugs, partying, seeing a white guy or whatever, she’d finally be able to win their game of sibling rivalry.  Ever since Mi-Young had cut her hair short and dyed it brown her parents had been pretty hard on her younger sister (and they didn’t even know about her smoking and underage drinking).  Mi-Young coped with it by trying to bring down her perfect-seeming sister.

But somehow So-Jung’s powers managed to keep her ahead of the game, she always managed to slip back through the fire escape window and throw a robe over her costume just before Mi-Young came in for a ‘surprise inspection’.


After six months of heroics she was happy to find herself listed in the Kirby Guide.  It was just a three line entry describing her as an oriental martial artist with no apparent superpowers but it was a start.  

She met some other heroines too, at first just some vigilantes like when she teamed with Night Huntress and Nightbat Girl to bust some peeping toms, but later on she actually met some A-list heroines.

White Crane tried not to look too star-struck when La Sola and Aussie Girl from the Global Protectors flew out of the sky to meet her.  They were in Hyung’s Town trying to track down the villainous Spectral Samurai and his Necro Ninjas.  Apparently their Japanese member was out of town and they needed someone to help them with the case.  Over a spicy kim-chi dinner White Crane explained to them that samurai and ninjas are Japanese and that she was Korean and sent them off to Miyazaki Mura on the east side.  They seemed genuinely embarrassed by the mistake and thanked her.  

Eventually even the lazy cops of Megapolis had to take notice of her.  She was called in to Police Headquarters at 1 Kane Plaza and got a long lecture from Commissioner Mulligan about just what a heroine can and cannot get away with in ‘his’ city.  It was pretty patronizing but at least he recognized all she’d done and thanked her.  But then Lt. Sharpe the detective in charge of the Paranormal Crimes Unit took her aside and ‘explained’ that heroines could expect some ‘extra cooperation’ from the police as long as they were ‘friendly’.  One look in his beady eyes told her just what he was thinking of.  So she just smacked him and jumped out the window.  


A few weeks later she had the best night of her short career.  On that cold November evening Tangun II actually sought her out for a mission.  Tangun II (named after Tangun the legendary founder of Korea) was the Korean Government’s official superhero.  Chosen from thousands of volunteers in the army he was given the best training, equipment and the finest in designer drugs until he was better, stronger and faster than anyone alive.

Except Nightbat of course.

And Colonel Liberty.

And Shininja.

And the real superheroes like Ultra Woman of course.  I mean he’s still just a commando guy with some steroids and cybernetics, it’s not like he can punch through a mountain.

But still, he was pretty good.

Together they captured the group of North Korean spies who were in Megapolis to buy advanced wardroids from Doctor Droid.  After the authorities dragged the spies off to prison the two found themselves alone on the roof of the old Manhwa warehouse.  They faced each other about 10’ apart.  She was still breathing hard from the fight with that fat guy who throws his hat.  Her eyes crawled up and down Tangun II’s black leather uniform and mask.  She caught the discreet um-yang symbol worked into the leather and the Korean flag patches on each arm.  She couldn’t help but notice the way the dark leather accentuated his muscles and how big the package between his legs was.  She caught herself wondering what he did off duty.

“Well… that was exciting.”

“On behalf of the people of Korea I thank you for your assistance.  I must now take my leave, the submarine is-”

“WAIT!  Wait, uh…”  So-Jung hesitated, it was so strange, she’d never been at a loss for words before; her instincts had always told her what to say to get what she wanted.  The problem was… she didn’t know what she wanted.  She just looked down and giggled awkwardly.  Inside she died, “Tangun must think I’m an idiot.”

He walked closer to her.  He pulled off his leather hood to show off his chiseled features.  He smiled, her heart skipped a beat.

“I…” she started to say and stopped.  The nineteen-year old heroine looked down again.

Tangun II slipped his tahn-bong fighting sticks into a pouch, took off an armored glove and put his finger over her trembling lips.  So-Jung could feel the warmth of his body through her thin costume.  She tried to think of something to say but he whispered in her ear “hush my delicate little bird; there is no need for words.”

He hugged her and started to unzip her costume.  His warm lips met her quivering lips, they kissed.

So-Jung realized her instincts has steered her correctly once again.  She was getting what she wanted…

From a belt pouch Tangun absently tossed out a small package that instantly inflated itself into an air mattress, he moved her unresisting body on to it and applied his warm lips and talented tongue to her neck and collar bone.  He undid the clasp behind her neck and pulled her dark blue costume down lower as he anointed her breasts with kisses.  The Korean heroine moaned in undisguised delight.  

Her belt came off and was discarded; the costume was pulled lower, over her narrow hips.  She raised her tight buttocks off the mattress allowing him to pull it free.  She now lay beneath him dressed only in her mask, gloves, shoes and black satin panties.  

“Please…” she whispered “be gentle this is my first…” she couldn’t finish the sentence and just blushed red.  None of her friends, no one at school knew that.  They’d always just assumed.  But until now her instincts had always steered So-Jung away from that sort of thing.  More than once she had found herself alone with a guy and had a flash, a warning of an unpleasant, awkward, painful and unfulfilling encounter.  Even with the nice guys.  Even with the cute guys.  She’d always found a polite way to get rid of the guy without hurting him, most never even knew they were being pre-dumped.  

But this time, there was no warning sounding in her head, no instinct telling her to get away.  This was what she had been waiting for.

Grinning like a kid a Christmas, Tangun II peeled off the moist panties and knelt between her legs.  Again he applied kisses down her breasts and belly, feeling the young girl under him squirm and moan, feeling her temperature rise with each kiss.  Finally he reached her neatly trimmed bush, and licked the perimeter.  So-Jung’s fingers clenched.  Then his talented and experienced tongue slipped between her legs and the girl let out an excited cry.  She felt a tinge of disappointment as his tongue migrated upwards again towards her breast and her mouth but that feeling was forgotten as his hard member slipped between her legs.  There was a moment of pain, she bit her lip and gasped, but then sweet pleasure as his hot dick stroked her sensitive love canal.  He thrust into her slowly at first milking every long stroke for all the pleasure he could give, and get, from it.  Then he went faster, driving the squirming girl under him into a frenzy of pants, moans and finally a long scream that attracted attention from the neighboring crack house.

They paused quickly to throw Tangun’s reactive camouflage cape over them, the high tech material immediately adopting the colors of the warehouse roof.   Tangun gagged his pretty companion with a bit of gauze and surgical tape from his med kit and got back to work.

It was a long, hot night for the both of them.


So-Jung awoke tired and aching but somehow fulfilled.

She was a woman now.

And she’d lost her virginity with one of the most wonderful men in all of Korea.  She gathered up her discarded costume, the stains and pigeon shit hardly bothered her.  Even the fact that Tangun had left before dawn for his waiting submarine didn’t bother her.  She knew in her heart that this had been right.  She wondered if she would ever see him again, but her usually reliable instincts were silent.

Jumping over the rooftops she tried to decide what story she would tell her parents to cover up both secrets from that night.  

She giggled, they’d be much more upset about her having sex than being a heroine.

It was the last truly happy night of her life.  Before things got bad…


She was jumping across Kim Street when she felt a cold chill creep up her back.  She almost missed the lamppost she was reaching for and barely avoided a nasty fall.  She swung around the lamppost once (an elderly couple waved to their heroine as she went by) and landed on the roof of the internet café.  She sank into a crouch and looked around.  

Since she became a heroine So-Jung’s senses had grown even sharper, she knew when someone was looking at her and when they intended harm.  During the case with Tangun II she had sensed that North Korean sniper from 500 meters away.  Now she had that same feeling of threat again but this time she couldn’t tell where it was coming from.  This was different.  This was all around her.  

She started to move.  Faster and faster she zigzagged among the rooftops, a growing feeling of dread crawling up her spine.  She barely noticed the rising fog until it grew too thick to see.  She was running along the roof of Uncle Lee’s Korean BBQ and stopped dead at the edge of it, she couldn’t see more than a few inches ahead of her.  She waited for her instincts to tell her which way to run, which way to jump.  Nothing.  All her senses said she couldn’t go forward.

So she turned around to face her fear.


“Who’s there?”  White Crane demanded of the fog.

She heard hysterical giggling more like a small girl than some villain.  A name echoed across the roofs:

“Red Jack! RED Jack!  Red JACK! R-R-R-RED J-J-J-Jack! Hee-hee-hee.”

Across the roof a patch of fog grew darker, she saw just a silhouette first but gradually it grew into a man.  

Red Jack wasn’t tall, just an inch or two higher than the oriental girl.  He was dressed almost normally, not in any spandex villain costume, just in a long leather duster and a wide brimmed hat but as he came closer she could see that under the clothes were a collection of bloodstained rags and that his face was covered in a smirking ‘comedy’ mask.  The stalker giggled and flicked his wrists; wicked curved blades appeared in his rag-covered hands.  There was very little red to be seen on him but White Crane had visited enough crime scenes to recognize that the red-brown marks on his coat had once been vivid scarlet blood stains.

White Crane frowned.  Was this it?  This was what she had been running from all night?  Some clown with knives?  She’d taken on supervillains and gun-toting mobsters, even a ninja or two.  She was sure she’d take this guy apart in a few minutes.

She’d never been so wrong before in her life.

He swung the knives in long lazy arcs that White Crane’s superhuman reflexes easily dodged.  She even landed a few blows on his body noting the strange squishing sound the came each time she hit it.  But as they dueled the attacker got faster, the blows closer.  A swipe at her leg actually cut the bell bottom and almost hit her flesh.  She started to be more defensive, concentrating on evading rather than attacking.  She kept one eye on the edge of the roof, looking for a chance to run but the fog was still too thick.

Things got worse.

Red Jack sped up slashing faster and faster until his hands became blurs, So-Jung’s instincts told her to dodge but her body could not move fast enough.  One blade made a shallow cut on her left thigh; the next one was on right cheek, then her abdomen, then across her breasts.  She stumbled a few feet, almost falling off the edge.  Red Jack’s inhuman burst of speed wore off but by then White Crane was too tired and in too much pain to obey her own foresight any longer.  Her reactions were just too slow.

Red Jack walked around her cutting at an almost leisurely pace, inflicting shallow but painful cuts at will.  White Crane tried twice to run, no longer caring that she couldn’t see anything past the edge of the roof but both times Red Jack blocked her making incredible gymnastic leaps over her head and inflicting more painful cuts each time.  Tears filled her eyes and mocking laughter filled her ears.  She could barely fight down the rising panic inside her.  After years of always knowing what to do she felt helpless and alone.  This giggling monster could kill her any time.  

She went for broke, picking a random direction and charging forward heedless of the consequences.  Red Jack jumped in her way but she barreled through him like an American quarterback.  She barely noticed the edge of the roof before she stepped off it and managed a weak jump.  It carried her across the alley but was not high enough.  She hit the far wall and fell 20 feet into bags of trash.  

Red Jack landed smoothly ten feet in front of her and advanced.  So-Jung couldn’t move.  She could barely whimper as the cackling villain approached.  He put one ragged hand on her jaw, another on her forehead.  The carrion stench from his body made the young girl gag.  He pulled her mouth open and opened his own.  A thick red tube-like tongue emerged from his mask and thrust itself down her throat.  

He took her breath away.


It was like having a vacuum cleaner stuck down her throat and branching into every cell in her body.  She felt the energy being sucked from every part of her.  Then the world went black.


So-Jung Kim woke up in a pile of trash feeling nothing but pain and exhaustion.  The sun was just starting to come up and light up the alley.  She was alone.

After an eternity she rose from her painful bed and stumbled towards the street.  She noticed a clothes line and swiped an Insane Clown Posse tee-shirt from it pulling it over her torn costume.  She found a token in the compartment on her belt and got on the cross town bus.  Hardly anyone gave the Korean girl a second look as she settled into the hard plastic seat, struggling to stay awake.  Two grandmothers on their way to the senior center sneered at her and muttered darkly in Korean how the kids today just want to party all night.  So-Jung tried to laugh but coughed instead.


It took two weeks to find the energy and will power to mend her costume.  Another two weeks beyond that to find the courage to go out again.  It was an article about rising Hyung’s Town crime rate in the Daily Comet that convinced her she was needed.  So-Jung chose to be a heroine, to risk herself to protect other people, people like her father, she could not allow one defeat to deter her.

So she went out again, a bit more subdued, a bit more cautious, but determined to do her duty.  She took extra precautions this time.  With some money she’d shrewdly invested on e*trade she was able to buy an armored leather jacket and painted a white crane on the back and a small one on the sleeve so she looked less militaristic with it.  She added a pair of tahn-bong fighting sticks like Tangun’s to her equipment.  If Red Jack showed up again she’d have something ready to counter his knives.

She’d tried to learn more about her attacker but the Kirby Guide had nothing on anyone named Red Jack or matching the description.  She even paid $19.99 to subscribe to Kirby Guide On-Line Premium Service and found nothing.  Considering the Kirby Guide listed every martial artist, vigilante and alien warlord who’d appeared since the Great Depression that meant that no one had ever recorded anything about him before.  Even web searches and Lexis/Nexis just told her that Red Jack was another name for Jack the Ripper, nothing about a contemporary supervillain using the name.  

Fortunately the next few months were quiet.  She stopped some normal robberies and helped shut down a Microsoft center before it went on line.  

At school she started seeing an American boy named Jeff.  She didn’t dare tell her parents about him but he was actually very nice and sweet.  They made love for the first time on Valentine’s Day.  He was no Tangun II but he was OK.  

By March So-Jung had practically forgotten the attack.


She’d just beaten up some Wulf Pak gangers who were trying to mark Hyung’s Town with their gang signs when it happened again.  The three black punks were running down the alley back to their ghetto when White Crane felt a stab of fear shoot up her back.  Someone was watching her.  He was watching her.  

She felt an impulse to run but fought it down.  She already knew he was faster.  She had to face him fresh and alert not exhausted and afraid.

She jumped on a dumpster then to a fire escape and then scrambled up to a rooftop.  She looked around; thick fog was already appearing, isolating her from the world.  She took out the fighting sticks.

Red Jack’s cackle brought back all the fear, all the helplessness but she stood her ground.  She was ready this time.  

He came out and charged, she raised the sticks to parry.

His yellow eyes met hers, she saw the future and she froze.  It was all useless.  She would never have a chance.  She just knew it.

She tried of course, but this time he was ahead of her from the beginning.  None of her blocks stopped his cuts, none of her strikes connected.  The armored jacket protected her upper body from his knives but soon there were shallow cuts criss-crossing her face and legs.  

Then the fight was over.

Red Jack jumped over, moving too fast to see.  He landed lightly and wrapped his arms around her.  A quick tug left her jacket half unzipped and a strong yank on the shoulders turned it into a straight-jacket pinning her arms helplessly.  

White Crane could smell his carrion stench, hear him giggling in her ear, feel him pressing his crotch into her ass.  She looked down in despair and dropped the useless fighting sticks.  He shoved her over onto her belly, she heard him run his knives along each other making a horrid screech.  

“L-listen…” she started, her last hope was to somehow talk him out of… this.  “You don’t have to… We could…” she couldn’t even say it.

Not that it mattered, Red Jack’s knives flashed and the crotch of her costume fell open.

He pried her legs apart and put the flats of his blades along her collarbone, the points just under her chin.

She screamed as he entered her, screamed until her lungs ran out of air but no one noticed.  No one heard.  She could hear people on the street below, see them through cracks in the fog, from a tenement window one man seemed to look right at her but no one moved to help.  In the middle of a city of millions she was alone.

When Red Jack began to pump into her dry pussy the pain took her breath away, it was like having sandpaper rammed through her private parts.  Then it got worse.  

She could feel him pulling at her, sucking energy and life from her body, she couldn’t breath, couldn’t move, just feel the cold numbness creeping into her fingers toes and breasts.

Mercifully White Crane blacked out.


She did not stir until dawn and did not really move for an hour after that.

She was alone on the roof, weak and in pain but alive.

With some effort she freed herself from the armored jacket that had become a trap.  She peeled off the rest of her filthy torn costume as well.  Someone whistled from a housing project across the way but she was past caring, she just wanted to be free of these clothes.  She left them on the roof to rot and climbed down a ladder to the alley.  She found a busboy uniform handing out to dry and snatched it.  Slowly, painfully she made her way home.


So-Jung spent the next few weeks trying to forget White Crane ever existed.  She stayed away from newspapers and TV reports about rising crime.  She spent more time with her friends and with Jeff.  She avoided rough neighborhoods and dark alleys, returning to life as a normal, above average Korean girl.

She hid her diaries and souvenirs from her short career in a box deep in her closet.  She kept meaning to throw them out but never got around to it.

Once, walking to the new Amazing Arachnid movie with her friends she thought she caught a glimpse of Red Jack watching her from a rooftop.  She excused herself and ran home.


Three months later So-Jung awoke in her room in a cold sweat.

He was here.

She knew it.  She knew with more certainty than she had ever known anything, she knew he was here.  And this was it.

Her eyes adjusted to the dark, she saw a flash of silver blades and a silhouette by her window.  She closed her eyes and counted to ten.  She’d always known what to do.  Twice now she had been too afraid to do it but this time… she was finished with White Crane, whatever happened, this villain would not lure her into become his prey again.

“N-no.  No.  If you’re going to kill me, do it.  But I won’t be afraid of you.”

She heard giggling, it became an evil cackle.

“Go AWAY!  I’m done with you!”

The monster fell silent.  

Then he started to giggle again and slipped gracefully out her door into the rest of the apartment.

So-Jung’s eyes went wide.  She jumped out of bed after him.  She caught a glimpse of his filthy ragged cloak entering her sister’s room.

She was screaming then, but no one heard.

She saw him standing on Mi-Young’s bed, his legs straddling her 16 year old body, his knives scraping against each other once again.  He looked at So-Jung and giggled again.  Then he leapt out the open window into the night.

Her heart pounding So-Jung stood motionless for 10 minutes.  She’d done it.  She’d mastered her fear of him, her fear for herself.  And it had only taken seconds for the monster to trap her again.  Once again she knew what she had to do.  And it terrified her.

She stumbled back to her room.  It was waiting for her.  Meticulously repaired her costume was draped over her computer chair.  The armored jacket and fighting sticks were gone; it was her original costume, restored for one last battle.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  She reached for it.


“Hey sis, I had a bad dream… OHMYGAWD!”

Mi-Young had walked in just as So-Jung fastened her costume behind her neck.

“Uh…”  So-Jung started to put together an excuse about a costume party.

“You’re White Crane?  You?  OHMYGAWD!  That’s so awesome!  Wait till I tell Toni!”

So-Jung closed her eyes again and took another deep breath.  Knowing what would happen did not make it any easier but at least… Well at least she could say goodbye.  She hugged her sister and kissed her on the forehead.

“Mi-Young, listen… you’re right, I am White Crane and… listen… I have a mission tonight.  It’s really important, really, really, important.  And if anything happens to me…”

“Hey did you ever meet Ultra Woman or Star?  Wow I bet you met Tangun!  That’s why you got his poster right?  What was he like?”

An idea hit So-Jung like a freight train.  Maybe somehow there was still something she could do…

“Listen, listen, if anything does happen, there’s a Nike box in my closet OK, just get it to the Global Protectors or someone OK?  They’ll know what to do.”

“Huh?  What are you saying? I mean you’re a heroine!  Nothing bad happens to them!”

“I-I know… but if anything does… just remember OK?  And remember… I love you sis OK?”

“So-Jung stop that you’re scaring me!  You’re gonna be OK right?  Right?”

Tears in her eyes So-Jung just nodded and climbed out the window giving her sister one last wave goodbye before she jumped to the next rooftop.

“So-Jung!  Where are you going?”

But her sister was already gone.

Mi-Young turned white as a sheet and sank to her knees.  Something terrible was going to happen.  She just knew it.


Fifteen minutes later…

White Crane faced her attacker across the rooftop.  She was bleeding from a half dozen shallow cuts, including one across the top of her heaving breasts.  Her torn costume barely covered her nipples.  Confronted with so much fear, her mind distracted itself with trivial thoughts like how hard it would be to mend the costume this time and how many washings it would take to get the bloodstains out.  

Then she realized that might not be a problem.

Her stalker smirked and giggled.  He leapt into the air.

White Crane did not need her powers to know what would happen.

She was going to die.