The Global Protectors – Tangents




This story has its roots in Adam Warren's Dirty Pair comics.  Frankly I would say Warren's various Dirty Pair series are the best written and most clever heroine stories around.  If you like bizarre in-jokes and obscure references you will love his work.  


The other influence is Marvel's Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD character.  While Fury never works that well on his own he's a perfect guest star for any character.  Just thrown him in a room with anyone Spiderman, Wolverine, Speedball, whoever and you'll have a good story.  


So Dirty Pair meets Nick Fury.  That almost counts as an original character doesn't it?


Legal Horrors: Characters and text are copyright and trademark Marcus Lycus.  Please do not redistribute this story without permission, and please do not read this if you are underage for your country or state.


And finally, please e-mail me with any comments, complaints or suggestions.  Remember feedback leads to more stories!


Tangent 2 – Mai-Lynn Castellan, Agent of UNICORN


"Die Protectors!"  Bruticus bellowed as his men swarmed up Front Street. "You will never stop me from destroying Toronto!" 

The hulking warlord stood in the center of Front Street belching fireballs into the surrounding buildings.  One caught La Sola in the chest incinerating her leotard (much to the appreciation of the watching tourists) and sent her flying into St. Laurence Market where she landed naked in a pile of salmon.

Bruticus' story is pretty typical.  1000 years ago he'd been a Viking warlord who'd sailed to Vineland seeing new conquests.  He burned a Native American village and killed everyone except the medicine man who he sought to enslave.  But the medicine man put a curse on him and he slept for a 1000 years only to wake up in modern Canada.  Somehow his hibernation gave Bruticus superpowers.  When he awoke Bruticus found that he was bigger, stronger and tougher and able to spit fireballs he could also give others super strength by mixing his berserker potions.  He had spent months recruiting gangers, bikers, SCA reenactors, D&D players and other low-lifes to serve in his Brute Force and help conquer Canada as his rightful domain.  Fortunately he had been thwarted again and again by his arch enemies the Global Protectors. 

Like I said, pretty typical supervillain stuff.

Aussie Girl tried to dive bomb him but he grabbed her out of the air and smashed her face into the concrete.  That left only the Kenyan heroine Tigress and the Canadian Maple Leaf to confront him and his Brute Force.  The two heroines backed off a bit to confer. 

"We're gonna need help.  Maybe I should call Valkyrie's team ay?"

"They will still be occupied with the Human Dreadnought in Cleveland; I fear it is up to us."

"Bruticus we can handle, just like we took down By-Tor and the Snow Dog last month but the whole Brute Force is a bit much."

"In that case Maple Leaf our problem is solved.  Look, it's UNICORN!"


From the Kirby Guide to Superheroes and Heroines (2004 Edition): UNICORN (the United Nations International Crime Organized Reaction Network) was created in the 80's to respond to the growing threat of superpowered criminals that normal authorities could not deal with.  While countries like the US and Japan had seemingly endless numbers of heroes and heroines to fight villains the rest of the world was increasingly at the mercy of any mad scientist with a killer robot or freeze ray.  UNICORN was the answer.  Armed with the latest in high-tech weapons, cyberware and equipment UNICORN agents are the world's elite response force for super criminals. 


Overhead Maple Leaf saw a high-tech blue and white VTOL jet.  Her superior vision could clearly make out the UNICORN seal showing a white unicorn superimposed over the UN logo.

The jet circled once (dodging Bruticus’ fireballs) and landed in the St. Laurence market’s parking lot.  The hatch opened and a dozen UN troops deployed, their electromag rifles at the ready. 

Their leaders were two young women in white berets.  Their white body armor and blue spandex body gloves emphasized their curves more than they hid them.  One of them, her long black braid shinning in the sun, arranged the squad into firing line and ordered the Brute Force to surrender.  The other with short curly strawberry blond hair just checked and rechecked her pistols.

The henchmen were dressed in a variety of costumes, some in nothing more than fur briefs and a horned helmet, others in elaborate suits of armor.  Their drugged out rage made the use of modern weapons impossible but their enhanced strength still made them fearsome in close combat.  But even the drugged out berserkers of the Brute Force hesitated when faced with that amount of firepower.  Their hesitation ended when Bruticus' war cry echoed through the plaza.  They returned the cry and charged, battle axes, warhammers and spears at the ready.  The disciplined UNICORN troops opened fire targeting knees and arms to cripple the drugged henchmen without too much loss of life. 

Despite the devastating volley some of the raging Brutes reached the firing line.  The UNICORN troops fell back at once covering their retreat with flash-bang grenades.  Then the two women went into action.

The blond leapt first, vaulting twenty feet into the air, somersaulting and opening fire with her twin electomag pistols.  The miniaturized rail guns fired small pellets accelerated to twice the speed of sound.  The projectiles easily penetrated the Brute Force's toughened skin dropping a dozen of them before the blond girl landed on the pavement behind them.  The remainder turned to face her ignoring her partner.

The dark haired girl smiled, drew her neural rods from their thigh compartments and charged.  Three more Brutes went down twitching, their nervous system fried by the neural rods.  The Brutes turned again, a few swung their clubs clumsily at the brunette but she easily dodged.  Her long black braid swung left and right, some of the hornier berserkers tried to grab it but it always slipped away just out of their reach.  Instead they got a swift kick in the groin or a neural rod to the neck.  In less than a minute the dark haired girl had taken out more than a dozen of them without being hit once.

The blonde laughed and opened fire again.  The dim-witted berserkers were cut down in less than a minute trapped between the agile brunette and the accurate fire from the blonde. 



Mai-Lynn sidestepped the warhammer and slammed her neural rod into the last Brute's neck just as Natasha's high velocity round tore through the Brute's left knee.  He fell in agony. 

"That was mine!"  the two friends said simultaneously.  Then they laughed.

"So what's your count Natasha?"

"Twenty eight, not counting that last one."

"I only got twenty one; of course I actually had to get close to them so that should count for extra."

"Why do you insist on that?  You could use a pistol."

"Pistols are clumsy and random Natasha; I prefer more civilized, elegant weapons."

"It's your funeral comrade Mai, I hope not literally." the blonde shrugged.

"Looks like the Global Protectors did OK too."

The looked across the plaza and saw Bruticus was trapped in a vat of quick drying cement, his arms were pinned and his strength useless.  Reporters were already flocking to the two heroines taking pictures and asking questions.  The media ignored the UN troops.

Natasha grumbled something.

"That is the way of things Natasha; we grunts do the dirty work while the heroines take the credit."


Once the news photos were done the heroines turned custody of Bruticus over to the UNICORN agents for transportation back to the UN's secure facility in Hokkaido. 

"Maybe this time you can hold on to him a while longer."  Maple Leaf added icily.  

Mai-Lynn did her best to graciously ignore the insult and thanked them for saving Toronto. 

She didn't scowl until the four gorgeous women flew away.


"Cyka.  Stupid flying supermodels.  And watch how all the reporters disappear once they're gone.  As if we were beneath their notice."

"Come along Lieutenant Gorki, forget about those glory hogs we still have to pack up the Brutes."

The Russian blonde sighed.  "Yes Captain Castellan."


Across the street a tall man, a shorter balding one and a woman watched the irritated UNICORN agents.

"UN troops on American soil, never thought I'd see the day."

"Technically Toronto is Canadian soil."

"That's just a technicality.  It's still our turf damnit.  Gonna have to teach those two little girls a lesson."

They watched the two girls in blue demolish fifty superpowered brutes.

The tall one whistled in appreciation.  “So those are the UN's new hotness huh?  Not bad for a Ruskie and a cheese-eating surrender monkey."

"She don't look French.  Looks more like a gook to me."

"Don't you read your briefing?  She's a half breed cunt, French-Vietnamese, twice as much to hate."

"Meh, whatever.  Have fun with her boys.  The blonde's mine right?"

"Yup.  Good luck with your commie."

"Have fun with your gook."


Mai-Lynn checked on the Brutes, UN medics had given the wounded ones medical care and tranquilized the others.  A bulk transport had already landed to take them to Hokkaido.  With luck someday they would be restored to normal. 

Bill, her Royal Canadian Mounted Police liaison waved at her.  Mai-Lynn left Natasha in charge and headed over.

"Captain Castellan ay?  This is Mr. Hamilton an American agent he asked to meet with you."

"I see.  I'm very sorry Mr. Harrison-"


"-Hamilton, as you know your Congress does not allow UNICORN to operate on American soil, or even work with American authorities so I don't think we have anything to discuss-"

The tall gray-haired man held out a small photo to her.  "I think we do."

A brief look of shock crossed Mai-Lynn's normally impassive face.  She nodded slightly and followed him across the street to a flea bag hotel.


Natasha Gorki watched the last of Brutes being loaded up and looked for her commander.  She was about to call Mai-Lynn on her internal com-link when a young woman came up.  She wore a camisole, a short loose skirt, oversized sunglasses and… a press ID.  A photographer trotted along behind her.

Natasha stopped and smiled at her.

"Like excuse me?  I'm like Betty Ross like from Capes & Masked Illustrated?  Are you like a real UNICORN agent?"

"Da, da I mean yes I am.  You say you are a reporter?"

"Like, I'm doing a profile on UNICORN, do you like have some time now?"

"Yes, please, perhaps we can talk in the transport over there…"

"Actually I have a room over in the Radisson, that's where my photographers are so if you don't mind."

Natasha hesitated for a second, as the ranking officer she really should not leave the scene and UNICORN policies recommended consulting with her superiors before talking to the press.

But… Capes & Masks?  Back in the day C&M was a dull sober magazine covering superhero battles like they were stock reports.  But since the 90s C&M has been a glossy full color magazine dedicated to putting the hottest young heroes and heroines on the cover.  A flattering story could lead to calendars, posters, endorsements… That cover story back in 2000 launched the Global Protector's career. 

"Of course, just let me tell Sgt. Pradesh."


Mai-Lynn climbed the rotting stairs to the fourth floor room.  Her enhanced eyes picked out every roach and flea as she walked up.  The onboard computer identified the molecules entering her button nose, some pretty foul stuff.  If it wasn't for that picture…

Behind her Hamilton watched her long braid swing back and forth and leered at Mai-Lynn's butt shifting under that skintight body suit.  He wondered if she wore panties.  He'd have to find out.

A short balding man opened a door on the fourth floor and they entered.  Hamilton took one chair, Jefferson the other, leaving Mai-Lynn sitting on the filthy mattress.  She looked at them with their identical sun glasses, black suits and white shirts. 

Americans.  Such walking clichés.


Hamilton took out a tape recorder and turned it on.

"Mai-Lynn Castellan, agent of UNICORN.  One of only thirty-three cyber-enhanced field agents worldwide.  And one of only six women in that group.  Recruited at age 14, trained for four years, two years of surgery and cybernetic enhancement and six years as a field agent.  Winner of eight commendations including the Eleanor Roosevelt Metal of Honor for your mission during the Secret Crisis.”

“The Secret Crisis?  How do you know about that?”

“What did you think it was some big secret?  Anyway my point is you’ve done pretty good for a twenty six year old French-Vietnamese girl.  Spy, cop, superheroine, you’ve basically got it all."

"And she's one hot cookie."  Jefferson added.

Mai-Lynn glared at the two.  She was this close to walking out on them, picture or no picture.  "I know who I am.  Now tell me about my father."

"Of course Mai-Lynn-"

"Captain Castellan please."

"Of course Cap'n.  Your father is Pierre Castellan, one of the (few) French war heroes of the late 20th century.  Hero of the Free French (they're the ones who actually decided to fight the Nazis rather than roll over), hero of Algeria (even though you lost), saved over 100 troops in Dien Bien Phu (but you still lost), married his South Vietnamese sweetheart (aw, sweet), but disappeared in Vietnam in 1978 (just before you were born) trying to rescue her family from the gulag (too bad).  No trace was ever found.  So you were raised by your Buddhist mom and then broke her heart by joining the military just like your dad.  Course you joined cause you thought the UN would help you find him.  But even after Vietnam opened up they claim they have no idea what happened to him.  I know you've been looking for him and found nothing, until now."

He handed back the photo, a faded black and white picture showing her father tied up in a bamboo cage with a smirking Vietnamese officer standing over him.  She gave it a good look.

She zoomed in further.

Until she could see alteration in the pixels.

She felt a sharp pain for a second like an electric shock but ignored it in her outrage.

She jumped to her feet.  "This is a fake!"

The two agents smirked.  "Sit down bitch."  Jefferson ordered.

She sat down.

The two agents rose to their feet and walked around her.  Jefferson flicked off her white beret knocking it to the floor.  Mai-Lynn flinched but did not move otherwise.  No matter how much she wanted to she could not move.

Hamilton took out a small electronic device from inside his jacket and waved it around.  "Naturally your cyberware has an MCCM (Mind Control Counter Measure) program.  A sensible precaution what with those VX mind control helmets floating around and all those telepathic mutants too."

"Not to mention us."

"Well she didn't know about us did she?  Now the MCCM programs are pretty solid, they look for significant variations in your brainwaves and restore them based on copies of your normal brainwave patterns.  They'll stop just about any known form of mind control.  Unless of course someone generates a limited electromagnetic pulse next to you while you're distracted.  But what are the odds of that happening?  Pretty low right."

Mai-Lynn nodded dumbly.

"Of course even if someone did that your systems would reboot in less than a minute so there's hardly enough time for someone to tell you to disable your MCCM programs.  Which reminds me" (he looked at his stop watch) "Mai-Lynn could you disable your MCCMs?  Thanks, that's a good girl."

Mai-Lynn nodded, killing the program just as it was coming on line.

"Hot in here ain't it?  Better take off that armored vest huh?"

Mai-Lynn nodded again and obeyed.  Hamilton picked up the vest and started removing her weapons and electronics.

"Hey check it out Jeff, they still use sonic grenades, I haven't seen one these since the 80's."

"I'll read the report later; we've got something much more interesting to look at first."

He looked at Mai-Lynn and smirked.


Natasha got off the elevator at the 23rd floor and followed the reporter into her suite.  The living room had been cleared of furniture and turned into a photo studio, cameras and lights faced a white screen.  Natasha tried not to let her hopes rise too much. 

But she couldn't help but wonder how many copies a "Girls of UNICORN" calendar would sell.

Ross showed Natasha a chair and offered her a bottle of water. 

"So tell me about yourself."

"Well Ms. Ross I'm Russian of course" she showed the white blue and red flag on her shoulder "I joined UNICORN back in 1999; I was actually the first Russian to be chosen as a field agent."


"Oh yes in the Communist times the Soviet Union wanted nothing to do with UNICORN, they had a different plan for dealing with superhuman crime."

"A Makarov shot in the back of the head?"

"No, no you're thinking of the Chinese, they always took that whole 'everyone is equal' idea a bit too literally.  The KGB would sit down with the superhuman, offer him a villa on the Black Sea, a Zil limousine and all the farmgirls (or farmboys) he could handle.  It was only the ones who didn't go for that who got the Makarov in the back of the head."

"Interesting.  So going back to your story…"

"I finished my training and uh… modifications in 2002 and have been working with Mai-Lynn, I mean Captain Castellan, since then."

"Modifications?  You don't look like a cyborg.  Aren't they all metal with hoses and tubes and stuff?"

"Some are, but UNICORN agents get the finest in Japanese cyberware and European craftsmanship.  Why even if I took my clothes off I doubt you could see the modifications."

"Pretty impressive.  But what do they do?"

"Well there's the enhanced reflexes and hard-wired combat skills, plus the onboard computer. Along with the muscle implants makes me faster and stronger than most humans, the titanium skeleton, dermal armor and war drugs keep me going through most punishment.  I cost more than a jet fighter but the results are worthwhile.  I could probably give one of the Global Protectors a good fight."

"Well it never made the papers but our sources tell me a similar cyborg gave them a rough time a few months ago."

"You mean Blackchrome?  Yeah we got those reports too.  From what I hear she just had a pirated version of UNICORN cyberware."

"What about weapons?  Those are some imposing looking pistols on your hips."

Natasha took off one of the electromags, activated the smart safety and handed it to Ross.  "These are the best things ever!  They use electromagnetic acceleration to fire pellets at up to five times the speed of sound and the wireless smart gun link lets me target each of them with complete accuracy even when jumping or running.  Most of the time I don't even take kill shots, it's just as easy to wound." 

"Pretty nice."  Ross spun it a few times in her hand testing the balance and weight before handed it to one of her photographers.  The man nodded and took it into the back room.  Natasha half rose from her seat but sat back down at a gesture from Ross.  "Don't worry, it will be fine." 

Natasha nodded.  It would be fine.

She held up a small electronic device and waved it in the air a few times.  "Say, you're not running Mind Control Counter Measures are you?

The Russian nodded although as she checked her internal systems they seemed to be down at the moment.

"Would you mind disabling them?  Sometimes they interfere with digital cameras."

Natasha couldn't understand how a software program could possibly do that but it seemed a reasonable enough request.  Why would she need to worry about mind control in a photo shoot?

"Well I think we're done with the interview.  Finish your water and then we can take some pictures.  You'd like that right?"

Natasha nodded eagerly.


"OK Mai-Lynn, stand up, put your hands in your hair and arch your back."

The UN agent did as she was told sticking out her shapely B cup breasts and stretching her lean torso.  But her face spoiled the erotic effect; the agent was in visible pain.

Jefferson flicked a finger at her right breast, it was small but firm.

"All that surgery, you'd think she'd get a boob job too.  Nice job on the abs through."  He smacked her stomach making a nice solid WHACK.  "Say geisha girl, did you get some work done on your face?  You look just like Lucy Liu y’know, lil freckles and everything.  I bet you've got all the guys lining up to fuck you.  You put out or are you another one of those cock-tease heroines?"

Mai-Lynn tried to keep her mouth shut or at least to reply with a curse but found herself answering truthfully.  "I… no.  Except for that mission with James Stock I've not-"

"James Stock huh?  That randy dog.  How is he still around?  That guy's gotta be like 60 now."

"I hear the Brits keep switching guys and just keep the name around for the marketing.  If you look back at the old pictures he looks totally different.  But then again so do we."

Jefferson untied her braid and let her long hair hang freely.  He ran his hand through the silky black hair and sniffed it.  “Mmm nice.  Jasmine.  Daddy like.  Is that your shampoo or is the smell natural?  No don’t answer, a girl needs to keep her secrets right?”  He moved around to the front and felt up the girls breasts some more.  "Check it out, no bra.  Guess it’s true what they say about you heroines huh?"

Hamilton ignored his partner and concerned himself with unpacking Mai-Lynn’s gear from the vest's pockets and pouches.  "Her toys are interesting too.  Gas grenades, tazers, sonics…. Not one lethal weapon in the whole pack.  Betcha that's her mom's Buddhist thing.  Didja know Miss Castellan is a vegan?"

Jefferson opened the girl's mouth and looked at her pouty lips.  "So no meat's been through those lips huh.  Have to see about changing that."

Hamilton chuckled.  "Thought this was just an intel mission, find out what we can about their weapons and implants, make sure the US of A is still on top and then let them go."

"True, true, but how can we do that if we don't crash test her a few times?"  Jefferson repositioned Mai-Lynn's hands so they cupped her own breasts.  Through the skintight body suit he could see her nipples getting hard.  The scowl on her face deepened.  Through grit teeth they could hear her mutter curses.

Jefferson shook his head.  "Now, now that won't do.  Funny with her MCCM program down the little bitch should be totally under our control."  He pounded the side of his head a few times as if to increase the power.  "Maybe that last gene treatment didn't take fully.  Or maybe she just has a strong will.  No matter, always have a backup I say."  He opened his briefcase and took out a portable hard drive.  He connected the wire to an almost invisible port in the back of Mai-Lynn's neck. 

"This is her input/output port for data; if she needs to know how to fly a helicopter or speak Arabic or something they upload it through here.  Also good for downloading what she's seen and heard.  Of course something like that is protected by all kinds of passwords and encryption and firewalls and such right?"

Despite herself Mai-Lynn nodded.

"Disable them."


Natasha posed with her pistol a few times under the hot lights as the crew took pictures.  In the back of her mind she remembered she needed to get approval for something like this but it seemed like such a good suggestion she couldn't say no. 

"There you go, that's good, spread those legs a bit more Natasha.  Wow you must be getting really hot under that armor and stuff, especially after a fight.  Why not take off the body armor?"

It was such a good suggestion Natasha couldn't disagree.  She unzipped the white armored vest and gave it to one of the photographers.  He took into the back room.  Natasha was going to say something but Ross said it was OK so she decided it was fine. 

With the armored vest gone her 36C breasts could be clearly seen under the skintight bodysuit.  Ross had her pivot from the left to the right a few times to watch them sway under the suit.  She mentioned how much her readers liked sexy, uninhibited heroines.  Natasha smirked at one of the photographers and cupped her breasts for him when no one was looking.  The cameraman drooled openly.

But Natasha still felt too warm.  Ross kept mentioning how warm and tired she must be and soon she was sweating like a pig.  She could barely hold her gun anymore she felt so weak. 

Ross suggested a break.

Grateful, Natasha relaxed and unzipped the front of her body suit part way exposing her breasts and, after a few deep breaths, a hint of the nipples. Everyone could clearly see the sweat running down between her breasts.

"Oh Natasha that will look terrible on film, do you mind if we towel you off a bit?  Will you hold still for a sec?"

"Mind?  No, no mind… Will?  No will…"

"That's what I like to hear.  Boys?"

The photographers leapt onto the Russian agent running their towels up and down her body, reaching into the bodysuit and pulling out her breasts for a thorough examination and cleaning, rubbing slowly and carefully between her legs.  She heard zippers being opened and felt the suit being peeled from her body.  Natasha moaned uncomfortably until Ross suggested it must feel good.  Then she moaned again in pleasure.

When they were done the bodysuit was on the floor the Russian girl was lying in front of the cameras naked and visibly aroused.

She was right, you couldn't see the modifications.

Ross looked down at her and said "smile for the camera!"


The hard drive stopped spinning and Hamilton looked at the read out.  "UN fighting programs, encryption codes, technical data, looks like we got everything honey, thanks."

Mai-Lynn nodded mutely.

"Course unlike you commie Euros I believe in a free market, and I'm not going to leave you without something in return.

He started the upload.

Mai-Lynn's face became a mask of disgust, then curiosity, then pleasure.  She lay back on the filthy bed ignoring the fleas and ants and raised her legs straight up.  She began to spread them, farther and farther, farther than an ordinary girl could.  The skintight fabric clearly showed her camel toe.  She moved her hand to the front zipper and pulled it all the way down stopping just short of her trimmed bush.  She stuck her hand inside and rubbed few times squirming with delight. 

Jefferson whispered appreciatively.  "Damn, what was in there?"

"A couple of video files from  Leave it to the UN to build us a $60 million interactive sex doll huh.  Want to see what she learned?"

Jefferson smirked and walked over to the Buddhist vegan's waiting mouth.  She opened it wide as if expecting a sweet carrot stick.  Jefferson didn't keep her waiting and inserted his throbbing member on her warm tongue.  He gasped as her talented tongue began to massage him with unparalleled skill.

Hamilton meanwhile was peeling off the skintight bodysuit and examining the high tech fabric.  "Not spandex, too smooth even for that."  He punched the fabric with his hand a few times.  "Becomes rigid too when you hit it.  Probably could take most small arms with only a small impact."

Jefferson was panting but managed to say "Later man, later… God sometimes I think you must be a fag the way your priorities are all fucked up…"

Hamilton scowled at his younger partner and finished pulling off the shiny blue body suit.  As he suspected the oriental half-breed didn't bother with a bra or panties.  "Closet whore…" he muttered.

Her long fingers were massaging her clit and juices were already falling on the stained mattress.  Hamilton unzipped and headed in.

Her toes curled, she spread her legs impossibly far once again and wrapped them around the tall agent's waist pulling him in harder, matching his rhythm.

Still wet from her pussy she moved her fingers to Jefferson's ball sack, massaging key pressure points on it. 

Both agents cried out as they shot their loads into her and Mai-Lynn smiled in joy.


Natasha smiled for the camera.  Sprawled on her back with her legs spread she made sure the photographers got a good view of her pink pussy. 

She'd always been proud of her body, even before UNICORN doctors got to work on it.  But these days it was so hard to show it off.  While it was tight, the UNICORN uniform was much too concealing and there were all these tiresome fraternization rules that made any kind of relationship with other UN troopers hard.  Usually there was no one to admire her but the other female agents in the locker room.  And forget about a private life, as super powered crime grew and grew it was hard even to get leave and half the time it ended up being canceled.

So it was so nice to have all these men looking at her and smiling down. 

She wondered if maybe…

"Say Natasha, I know this is a bit much by the boys here were wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind, y'know, if they gang-bang you for the next few hours.

Natasha chuckled, that was such a good suggestion, and said "cum on in!"


Mai-Lynn lay weeping on the filthy mattress.  She could hear Hamilton humming to himself in the shower.  Jefferson came out of the bathroom combing his hair and leering at the nude girl.  He sat down next to her and started absently rubbing her pussy.  Despite all her efforts Mai-Lynn felt herself responding.

"Probably wondering what this all about huh?"

Mai-Lynn looked up at the American, her face a mixture of hatred and fear.

"Who are you?  Who do you work for really?  You're not US Government, they would never… Even these days, they wouldn't.  Would they?  No, you must really be with someone else.  Who?  Villainy eXtreme?  Doctor Darkness?  Microsoft?"

Jefferson laughed.  "Well you were close when you guessed the government; we were part of that bunch a long time ago.  Now a lot of people read their Kirby Guides and think that superfolks started in the 1930s with guys like Dark Shadow, Jake Hammer and the golden age Ultra Man.  They kind of forget about all the older stories about the Lone Rider, Lauren Crowe, the Dark Count, Zantar the Lion Man and all that stuff from the 19th century.  Not to mention myths like Hercules, Sinbad and all that.  But some people did realize that there is weird shit out there and someone had to study it and control it.  They called us a lot of things over the years, Men in Black, Project Bluebook, Miskatonic University, the Hunters of Unusual Happenings…"


"Precisely.  These days we're just called AGENTS.  Of course the bureaucrats in Washington aren't happy with a nice simple name so they made it stand for 'the Agency for Genetically Enhanced Negation, Termination or Subjugation'.  Never mind that half the time we're dealing with aliens or cyborgs who aren't really genetically enhanced but that's beside the point."

"Never heard…"

"Not too surprising.  Honey, the President of the United States has never heard of us.  I mean what would he say if he knew what we did to the Liberator and the American Dream?  Do people really think they died in a plane crash?"

"But they were…"

"They were heroes in WWII but then they started getting upsetting ideas about the Cold War and civil rights and other things so they had to be… silenced.  Can't have superheroes telling us how to run a country y'know.  If they'd just gone to Vietnam like Uncle Sam told them they'd be alive today.  Well maybe.  You know what I mean."

"But I'm…"

"You UNICORN clowns are no threat of course.  Your idea of high tech is what we were using in the 60s. Hell, you're still using cyberware instead of just implanting superpowers directly through gene therapy.  Can't blame you of course, Roswell really gave us a leg up.  But it's always good to know exactly what the competition is up to huh?  I’d say after today we pretty much know you inside and out."

Mai-Lynn managed a smile. 

“You missed one thing asshole.” 

She activated it.  She’d been waiting to hear who she was dealing with before activating it.  She’d endured their mistreatment and their abuse until she got a name out of them.  And now she had it and she didn’t need to wait. 

She just hoped it would work.  She’d never used it before, except in training, but now it was her last hope.  Her only hope.


From the UNICORN Guide To Cyberware 2004 edition.  (CLASSIFIED: Magenta Clearance only):  Human soldiers are as old as civilization of course and the potential for robotic soldiers had been around at least since the 40s with the Giant Nazi Robots of the Western Front (one could even look at Johnny Sharp and his Steam Men from the 1860s if you want to be generous).  Cyborgs however are fairly recent.  The time from the bionic men of the 1970s to the cyber-enhanced UNICORN agents of 2004 is only 30 years.  But cyborg technology has grown by leaps and bounds since the days when a bionic arm was cutting edge.  Today’s cyborgs combine the finest in combat technology, human enhancement and information technology to create true warriors for the 21st century.

On paper cyborgs are far superior to human or robotic soldiers, combining the creativity of organic thought with the strength of steel and speed of silicon.  But the opposite could just as easily become true.  Psychic powers, gases, poisons and even stress and fatigue can disable the organic brain and render a €60 million cyborg as powerless as an ordinary human. 

For this reason each field agent has been implanted with an Emergency Combat Computer (ECC) or as some agents call it, ‘Rambo Mode’.  The organic brain is bypassed and the hardwired fighting programs are routed directly to the body.  Combat drugs are injected directly into the organic systems driving them into berserker frenzy.  In this state the agent has little or no control over his/her actions.  Anyone without a UNICORN Friend-or-Foe (FoF) beacon is a target for deadly force.  Agents should exercise great caution when activating or setting the conditions for activation of ‘Rambo Mode’.


With a roar Mai-Lynn’s nude body rose from the filthy bed.  Her steel reinforced hands wrapped around Jefferson’s fat neck and started to squeeze!

Mai-Lynn hated Rambo Mode.  She hated the feeling of powerlessness and the knowledge that once activated it would not stop until her enemies were dead.  Not disabled, not neutralized but dead.  Rambo Mode had no patience for fancy non-lethal techniques or measured force.  That was why she had never set any conditions to cause it to kick in automatically.  But at the moment she just did not care, she wanted to see these two fuckers lying in pools of their own blood.

Jefferson started to laugh and then cough, his face turned red.

In her mind she could feel his presence telling her to stop, to lie back down, to suck his dick.  In her mind she wanted to do these things but her mind was no longer driving.  She felt Jefferson’s presence start to retreat as his face got redder.  He was starting to slip under.

She heard Hamilton’s voice from the shower “Settle down Jeff, we need to get her cleaned up and back to her unit.”

With one last burst of strength Jefferson managed to raise his hands and pry her hands off his neck.  He gasped for breath and kicked her into the TV, it shattered under her weight.

“HEY HAMILTON we got-“

She shut him up with a high kick to the chin that threw him against the wall and followed up with several hammer blows to the gut.  A normal man would be reduced to a red stain but Jefferson just grunted as he was driven through the drywall.  He tried to throw a few punches in return but Mai-Lynn’s combat systems easily dodged or parried them.  Finally the American agent fell to the ground bruised and bleeding.  She raised a hand to finish him when her senses detected another threat in the room.  She spun to face it her long black hair whipping behind her.

It was Hamilton wearing nothing but a towel facing her with an infuriating smirk on his face.  She got ready to charge but nothing happened.  She tried to tell her body to go but she could feel Rambo Mode deactivating.  The adrenal pumps were shutting down, the combat computer logging off…  But that was only supposed to happen when there were no foes left.  What was happening?

Hamilton moved his hand from behind his back.  “Recognize this?”  It was small nondescript white plastic box with a UNICORN seal on it and a blinking green LED.  A Friend-or-Foe beacon.  The spare Friend-or-Foe beacon from her gear. 

Hamilton’s smirk turned into a grin.  “Mai-Lynn would you be so kind as to deactivate and lock out your Emergency Combat Computer?  Thank you, that’s a good girl.”

Mai-Lynn sank to her knees totally defeated.  Jefferson stumbled to his feet brushing plaster dust off his dark suit. 

“I could have taken her.”

“Sure you could have.”

“I was doing OK.”

“Right.  So they did install that Rambo Mode stuff after all.  Kind of aggressive for the UN, must have had some bad experiences with drugs and mind control and stuff.  I bet that’s happened to McArthur and Eisenhower in Kosovo.  Well live and learn I say.”

“But why does she have an FoF in her gear?  Why not build it into her, not like they don’t already cram enough systems in her tight little body.”

“She’s got one inside but y’know, she’s soft hearted.  She keeps a spare around in case there’s a civilian or something.”

“Kind of risky.  The wrong person might get a hold of it.”

“Well I guess she knows that now.  Shame she won’t get to learn from the experience.”

He looked down at the weeping agent.  Mai-Lynn had no idea if she really felt this helpless or if it was another trick of the Agents who controlled her, or just a side-effect of coming down from Rambo Mode but whatever the reason she was crushed, trapped in utter and complete despair.

“Why…” She wept.  “Why are you doing this…?”

"Well as I was saying we did need to check you guys out but I don’t think that’s what you mean is it?  After all we could have picked up some male agents if that was all we cared about.  I could say we wanted to see just how those enhanced adrenal glands affected your sex drive but to tell the truth that part was just for fun."

"Now that you've told me…"  Mai-Lynn let the question hang for a minute, unwilling to finish the thought.

"Are we going to 'permanently silence' you?  Honey we have much more interesting plans for you.  We've never really tested our long-term mental reprogramming with a UNICORN agent and honey, do we have a test for you and your buddy…"


Still nude, Natasha thanked the photographers for a 'fulfilling' time.  She gave out her number and asked them to look her up if they were ever in Corsica.  She washed the jism off her face and suited up with Ross' help.  The reporter promised to let her know when the story would run.  She smiled and gave the Russian a little kiss on the cheek.  Natasha left feeling happy but a bit dizzy like she’d just woken up.

By the time she reached the lobby Natasha could barely remember who she had been meeting with or what had happened.

But in the back of her mind new thoughts were taking shape.


"And so Captain Castellan we believe these pictures of your father were manufactured by either Villainy eXtreme or Microsoft as part of an effort to manipulate you and persuade you give up information about UNICORN technology."

Mai-Lynn tried not to yawn.  She checked her internal chronometer.  How could it take three hours for these Americans to explain something that simple?

"So if someone does approach you with this information…"

"I will know it is fake.  Thank you agent Hamilton, agent Jefferson, I think I've got the idea and I had best be going now."

She shook their hands and took her leave.  She raised Natasha on the internal comlink and learned her partner was ready to go too.  It was a long flight back to their base in Corsica.


Three weeks later in UNICORN’s headquarters on the Mediterranean island of Corsica   

"Lieutenant what are you doing?!"

Captain Castellan had walked into her partner's office only to find the Russian girl naked on the couch with a UN trooper's head between her legs.  The two jumped to their feet and saluted.  With a flick of her finger the French-Vietnamese officer dismissed the trooper and proceeded to chew out her partner.

"Gross violation… Fraternization… on duty… bust you down to latrine orderly…"

By the time she was done the fiery Russian was in tears.

"Now put some clothes on and report to my office!"

Ten minutes after that…

"I've been reviewing the security logs Lt. Gorki.  Seems a lot of enlisted men have been dropping by your office or quarters for 'liaisons' in the last few weeks.  Sometimes two or three of them at once.  There's no camera in your office of course but I'm sure some of them would talk, especially since there have been so many."

"Captain I-"

"Lieutenant I understand it's been some time since you last had leave, I've also been working months without a break, and I understand you are a young woman with certain… needs, but this cannot continue.  I must order psychological counseling and that you be suspended from active duty until an assessment can be made."

"Captain I-"

"Naturally whatever happens this will cause a lot of trouble for your future career Lt. Gorki but I have no choice."

"Captain I-"

"Dismissed lieutenant."  Mai-Lynn turned to her computer screen and started typing the necessary emails. 

Natasha left in tears.


Mai-Lynn tried to focus on her computer but could not.  The sight of her partner writhing like that with a man between her legs was burned into her memory.  She rubbed her lonely thighs together and moaned. 

Usually she waited until the end of the day when everyone was gone but she needed it now.  She plugged her internal systems into the computer and entered a website. 

She entered her credit card number and picked some likely looking video files.  She closed her eyes as her internal systems turned the digital data into pure sensation allowing her to live the movie in a way no ordinary person ever could. In her mind she became an oriental policewoman being fucked up the ass by a mugger while a drug pusher sucked on her firm B-cup breasts.  In her mind she was fucked helplessly by these villains again and again. 

Her hand strayed between her legs…


The programs ended and Mai-Lynn opened her eyes.  She was breathing heavily, more heavily than she did after a fight and she could feel a layer of sweat between her body and her skintight blue suit.  Sweat and other fluids.  She decided to get to work while she still felt the euphoria from the pornography high she was on.

That's when Natasha put her hand on Mai-Lynn's shoulder.

Dobry den Captain.  Pleasant day isn't it?"

"Natasha?  Lieutenant!  What are you doing here?  What-what did you see?"

"Quite a show you put on Captain, I would almost think you were being fucked from the way you were panting and moaning.  Good thing your office is soundproof, you'd have to be a cyborg running level three sound filters to hear it."

"What I do for entertainment-"

"And quite a show on your monitor.  Is that site authorized for work?  I do hope you screened it for spyware and worms considering you uploaded it directly to our secure system and then to your own skull.  Your, disturbing, taste in pornography is your own concern of course but violating computer security and cyberware security, well that's a criminal offence.  Much worse than fraternization."

"You wouldn't... you can't…"

"Captain, we are good team no?  Work well together, many victories, many promotions ahead of us.  If we choose to work hard and play hard I see no reason either of us should report such things."


"But if you feel that ruining both of our careers and costing the United Nations their $60 million dollar investments is worthwhile I suppose you must.  I just hope they can prepare our replacements before some villain kills innocent people."


"I know you'll make the right choice captain." 

The Russian girl whistled an old folk song as she headed out.  Natasha had been feeling so good since that mission in Canada; she'd finally realized what was missing from her life.

She headed for the enlisted men's showers.

Mai-Lynn cupped her head in her hands and wept.  All her life this was all she had ever wanted to fight for freedom where there was trouble and now she would lose it all.  She didn't know what had come over her.  Her few experiments with sex during training and that mission with the slimy bastard James Stock had left her unimpressed.  She genuinely felt she could live without it.  But in the last few weeks… 

She didn't even know where she'd gotten the idea of uploading porn directly to her internal systems but every time she did it the effect was stronger, and every time she did it she needed it more. 

It was OK wasn't it?  Her internal firewalls and virus scans would keep her safe and no one got hurt.  The enlisted men never got in trouble for their pin-ups and magazines why should she?

Natasha was right, this was nothing worth reporting, no reason to ruin either of their careers.

She looked back at the monitor, she was still jacked in.

A banner ad offered Oriental Whores Double Penetration.  She clicked on it.