The Global Protectors – Tangents




One of my rules when using the Global Protectors is to write as though I was writing a comic book.  Since I don't own the characters I don't want to kill them and I'm careful to put them back more or less the way I found them.  


But if I go ahead and make my own Global Protector… well all bets are off.


Legal Horrors – The Global Protectors and Villainy eXtreme are copyright, trademark etc. of Doctor Droid ( and are used with his permission.  Spitfire and the other characters and text are copyright and trademark Marcus Lycus.  Please do not redistribute this story without permission, and please do not read this if you are underage for your country or state.  


And finally, please e-mail me with any comments, complaints or suggestions.  Remember feedback leads to more stories!


Tangent 6 – The Short and Sad Career of Spitfire


"Give it up villains!  We traced your hacking back here to the Galleria Mall and this time we're shutting you down for good!"  With her speech finished Maple Leaf led Rising Sun, La Sola, Star and Tigress into Villainy eXtreme's secret lair. 

Commander Waterford watched on the monitors as the enraged heroines tore through his security system, deathtraps and foot soldiers.

Three months ago a rival VX commander in Megapolis managed to defeat and humiliate the Global Protectors nearly killing them all.  Waterford had tried to duplicate that success by hacking into their communications to insert subliminal messages but apparently the bimbos weren't quite as brain dead as everyone thought.  They'd actually upgraded their security and traced it back to him. 

And now they were kicking ass all over the place, even Star was doing a respectable job of stomping on his troopers.  Since the whole Blackchrome affair the GP had become a lot more aggressive. 

Waterford realized he would not be getting that promotion he wanted.

He'd be lucky to survive the next 20 minutes.

He carefully checked the monitors figuring out which escape routes were free of bimbo heroines.


The tunnel to Jiffy Lube!

He grabbed some files, a bag of cash and a blaster pistol and sneaked out the back door of his office while a team of six mercenaries tried to defend the front door against Tigress.  She would have caught him if she hadn't stopped to pound on the defeated guards some more.

Waterford ran up the tunnel cursing the Glorified Prostitutes and Commander Hogan the whole way.  How could a group of heroines be both criminally incompetent and incredibly effective?

He was just coming to the end of the tunnel when his way was blocked by someone.  He looked the small girl up and down.  She looked like one of the Global Protectors; she had a silver collar locked on her neck (with the GPS locator), two silver bracelets (communicators) and a one piece strapless, backless leotard decorated with a British Union Jack.  But he'd never seen this one before.

"Going somewhere governor?"

"Who the fuck are you?" he bellowed as he reached for the blaster pistol.  But he was too slow and the girl knocked his hand out of the way before he could aim or fire.  Another punch smashed his nose and sent the commander to the floor.

"The name's Spitfire, you'll be hearing a lot!"


"Everyone please welcome the newest member of the Global Protectors (sort of), she's already distinguished herself by capturing a VX officer yesterday so let me introduce Emily Tillbrook, or as I like to call her, Spitfire!"

The assembled heroines applauded.  The 5' tall English girl dressed in a Union Jack leotard blushed and waved at them.

Valkyrie took over her introduction, reading from her notes.  "Several months ago Emily and her friends from boarding school were kidnapped by a group of decadent English Nobles and hunted like foxes.  She was able to turn the tables on them and trap the hunters but was fatally wounded.  Doctor Boyd and I heard of this and immediately flew to England to see what we could do.  Spitfire is what we call a partial activation.  She has been exposed to the Boyd Process which saved our lives and gave us our powers but unlike the rest of us she only gained some of the advantages of the process.  The Boyd Process gave her a perfect physique, improved senses and rapid healing but did not give her the powers of super strength, invulnerability and flight we all have."

There were moans and cries of disappointment as the overworked Protectors realized they were not getting a new member.  Maple Leaf gestured for them to quiet down.

"Guys it's OK ay.  Val and Doctor Boyd assure me there is a good chance they will be able to fiddle with the process and still turn her into a full-fledged superheroine!  They'll be starting on Monday.  In the meantime I'm sure you'll all make every effort to make her feel welcome."

The heroines applauded politely as Spitfire took a seat.


The rest of the meeting went pretty fast.  The team decided not to go to Afghanistan, that was much too dangerous, instead they accepted a mission to clean up hurricane damage in the Bahamas.  Then they planned some TV interviews and approved a line of Ninja Protector Action Figures.  Finally they finished and the new girl had a chance to talk to the heroines.

"Star!  It's so good to meet you!  Back in Manchester I used to buy all your albums and watch you on the tele all the time!  Maybe this weekend we can hang out or something…"

Star looked the British girl up and down.  She was a bit short and her pasty white skin desperately needed some time in the sun (or the tanning parlor) but with some work this limey could be a good kid partner…  Then Star remembered what happened with her last kid partner.  This girl was probably bad news too, already plotting how to steal her poster sales. 

"Gee Spitpolish-"

"Pardon but that's Spitfire actually"

"Of course, I'd love to show you around short stuff but y'know I have like uh, important things to do."

"Right, right then, quite busy I'm sure, maybe next time-"

Star was already walking out the door.

"Bienvenidos mi amiga!"  Spitfire turned to see the team's Argentine member coming towards her to give her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.  The taller woman's massive breasts ended up in Emily's face, a nipple up her nose.  Spitfire endured it uncomfortably.  "You must come out with me tonight, we'll go to a club find some guys and then… who knows?"

Spitfire shuddered.  Before the meeting, the team's business manager Eliza had told about the time La Sola took Shamrock and Aussie Girl's to a club when they joined.  She hadn't offered any details but made it clear it was a bad idea. 

"Uh maybe some other time, uh, please let me go."

Taken aback La Sola ended the embrace and walked away.

Spitfire breathed a sigh of relief and walked up to Shamrock.  "Hey Shamrock, you're Irish right? I bet you know where a girl can have a good time, what do you say you and me-"

"I'm sorry.  You seem nice and everything but I have monitor duty and then I have to finish my reading for my Irish literature class and then I'm volunteering at the orphanage…"

"Right, whatever."  Spitfire knew when she was being blown off.

She had no luck with the rest of the team either.  They were all busy filming commercials or TV shows or something.  Finally she was left at Eliza the business manager's office complaining.

"It's just that you'd think one of them would find some time for me, I mean I'm a new member and everything-"

"Almost a member."

"True, almost a member, but even so."

"Hey tell you what me and my roommate Kristen are going out to this party tonight, nice people, none of the scuzzy people La Sola hangs out with.  Do you want to come?"

"Love to!"

"We'll come by around 9.  You're at the Megapolis Palace right?"


After the meeting Maple Leaf made a quick call. 

"Yes Tony, she's doing just fine, Val assures me we can achieve a full activation in a few weeks.  I agree, it's long overdue.  I mean I'm Canadian and we already have an American, an Irish girl and an Aussie.  We need a British member to balance the team.  As soon as her powers are fully activated we'll set up the press conference for her debut.  You'll be able to come?  Great!  And the funding you mentioned?  Oh that's wonderful.  We'll talk again soon.  Please give my best to Cherie and the kids."

She hung up and breathed a sigh of relief.  Once Spitfire was ready they'd not only have another member to share the work; they'd be getting over ten million pounds sterling in funding.  While any new member was welcome, one from a rich country was so much better.

Tigress kept muttering about not needing another white girl on the team but as far as Maple Leaf was concerned Spitfire was perfect.


Eliza and Kristen came by in Eliza's Nissan Pathfinder around 10:00.  They had a few drinks to get started.  Emily couldn't figure out what the two were dressed for.  The new heroine was wearing jeans and a midriff top but Eliza was wearing a brown business suit and Kristen seemed to be in a high school cheerleading uniform, some kind of midriff two-piece that she could fall out of any moment.  She finally asked and Eliza tsked her a few times and sent the girl back to put on her heroine costume.

"You're a heroine!  You should look the part!"

"But Maple Leaf said I'm not to wear it until my powers are fully…"

"Maple Leaf says a lot of things.  She let you go on that mission yesterday didn't she?  And don't worry this party tonight everyone's part of the super community, so it's cool.  There are the people you're going to be seeing a lot of."

"Other heroes and such?"  Emily called from the bedroom.

"Something like that."


"So what's it like working for the Protectors?"

"It's a blast, they're really such great girls, sometimes I almost feel sorry for them and what they go through…"

"You mean the battles?"

"Well those and y'know what comes after."

"After what do you-"

"But I'm sure Maple Leaf will fill you in on the truth sooner or later, don't worry about it now."

"The truth?"

"I said don't worry about it."

They drove along in silence for a while.

"Your roommate's pretty quiet."

"Oh Kristen's just tired, she worked till 9 last night and then came home and made dinner for me and then did 2 hours in the gym and then she had to go in to work at 7 this morning.  She does this all week, she's such a hard worker aren't you Kristen?"

"Yes… boss… work hard…"

"Oh you should have seen her back in the day, captain of the cheerleading team all peppy and perky, kind of sad really, guess that's what happens when you enter the real world huh Kristen?"

"Yes… boss."

Emily couldn't believe it.  With her glazed eyes and dulled reactions it was so obvious that Kristen was on drugs, didn't Eliza see it?  She figured she'd tell Eliza when they were alone.

Soon the Pathfinder pulled up in front of the old Chaos warehouse in Megapolis' sprawling abandoned warehouse district.  There were a few other cars in the weed-choked lot, most of them a bit too nice for the run-down neighborhood.

"Warehouse huh?  Is this like a rave?"

"Something like that.  Now these are some important people you'll be meeting tonight so be on your best behavior, you don't want to offend any of them OK."


The interior was nothing like Emily expected.  Instead of deafening music and flashing strobes there was a buffet table, flower arrangements and a piano player.  There was a stage against the wall but no one was on it yet. The room was filled with all sorts of exotic people, Arabs, Indians, North Koreans, a tall dark man dressed like Dracula, some blue-skinned guys who acted like robots, it was incredible.  A brass plaque said this was called the Thorne Club.  Funny, Emily couldn't remember reading about it in the Lonely Planet Guide.

Eliza took the lead dragging Emily by the arm from guest to guest while Kristen stopped to talk to some guy and disappeared.

"Hey Maria!  How are you? My condolences on your brother.  Two brothers?  Oh I'm so sorry.  Did you get the files I sent over?  Good, good.  Let me introduce Spitfire, she's supposed to be joining the team.  Spitfire this is Maria Grande she just moved to town and I know she’s dying to meet some heroines."

Emily shook hands with the Colombian woman.  Grande sure was a suitable name; her breasts were even larger than La Sola's.  The woman looked the young heroine up and down like a piece of meat.

"Oh Commander Hogan!  So good to see you again.  I had to miss your little party at the Gaea Building but I hear everything went perfectly. Shame about your buddies in Virginia.  Oh and thanks for sending over that stuff, I'm putting it to good use, in fact I'm using some tonight.  Let me introduce Spitfire, she just joined, I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of her."

Emily grinned awkwardly as Hogan leered at her.  Commander?  She didn’t recognize his uniform but he must be some kind of cop or soldier or someone important.  She decided she would have to try and be on good terms with him.

"Oh Mr. M, Ms. M!  How are you doing?  Where is your guest for tonight?  Getting ready for the floorshow?  I'm looking forward to it already!  Have you met Spitfire?"

Emily had no idea what to make of the next two.  While the other guests were wearing eveningwear this older couple was wearing studded leather leotards and bondage paraphernalia.  Must be some eccentric American millionaires. 

"Doctor Ratcliff!  So good to see you again!  I haven't seen you since that night with La Sola.  I must admire your choice of companions tonight.  Spitfire say hi to doctor Ratcliff."

If Mr. & Ms. M were eccentric, this girl was just weird.  She was utterly gorgeous, with a toned tan body; she looked more like a supermodel than a doctor.  But the weird thing was she had a monkey on her back.  Literally!  A little monkey was riding on her back, stroking her hair and sometimes even putting his little paws on her breasts.  And even weirder the monkey was wearing a silver hat covered in electronics.  And when the woman spoke Emily was sure she could see the monkey mouthing the words along with her.  Weird.  But everyone knew Americans were weird.

And wasn’t what why she came?  Back in England they had superheroes too but they tended to be boy wizards, drunken chain-smokers in trench coats or angry brutes running around judging people.  American heroes were bright and colorful and never, ever lost.  As a kid she’d dreamed about being here and now… For all she knew that woman with a monkey could really be Ultra Woman or Stella. 

Eliza told her this was great.

Emily agreed it was great.


After making the rounds of the room Emily was feeling very, very mellow.  Eliza kept bringing her drinks and with each drink Emily felt more laid back.  She felt someone's hand on her butt and was about to take a swing at him but Eliza told her to chill out and as soon as she heard that she relaxed, it wasn't a big deal.

After so many drinks she excused herself and headed for the power room.  It was white marble with gilded faucets and comfortable chairs to lounge in.  An attendant dressed as a French maid distributed towels and toiletries.  Quite nice.  There were a few women gossiping and fixing their makeup, but they all stopped as soon as she entered.  They just stared at her costume.  Spitfire hesitated, had she broken some rule?

"Like, you're not supposed to be here!  This is for guests!  You gotta use the backstage rooms!"

Spitfire muttered and apology and headed out.  As she left her enhanced ears caught something about 'dumb-ass heroines don't know their place'.  What was that about?

Making her way backstage she heard some strange moans and gasps.  She froze.  What the hell?

She peeked behind a curtain and saw a cubical where Kristen was topless on her knees giving Hogan a blow job while clutching her own perky breasts.  Spitfire took a step away; obviously that girl has some serious problems. 

"Ah!"  She cried out when someone put a hand on her shoulder.  But it was just Ms. M.  "Looking for something?"

"J-just the wash room if you could…"

"Of course, follow me my dear."

They walked past a redheaded girl stretching and warming up.  She was wearing a tight purple spandex suit with a yellow bat on it.  Emily had seen her before somewhere, some American heroine?  Is she part of this floor show?  And why is she wearing a dog collar?

Ms. M showed her a filthy toilet in a small niche with no door or curtain for privacy.  She just stood there waiting for Emily to do something.

"Uh, could you leave me alone for…?”

The woman put her leather glove on Spitfire's bare shoulder, another one on her bare back and leaned close to whisper "Come now, we're all friends aren't we?  Nothing to be ashamed of here is there?"

Somehow once she said that it seemed the most reasonable suggestion in the world.  Spitfire thought for a minute about how to do this, her one-piece costume only seemed to allow for one option.  Ms. M helped her undo the hidden catch in the back (she seemed to know exactly where it is) and the elastic relaxed letting the spandex costume fall from her breasts and body.  Naturally she wasn't wearing anything under it.  With her costume around her ankles Spitfire had to waddle to the toilet, Ms. M helped her sit down.

The leather-clad American looked her up and down, noting her faint freckles and the birthmark on her left breast and how her pale skin turned pink with embarrassment as she peed in front of another woman.  The young English girl was small but slim and well formed, like all of the Global Protectors her body was flawless.  The shamefaced girl finished quickly, wiped and stood up.  Ms. M helped her get her Union Jack costume back on taking the opportunity to feel the girl's firm breasts and stimulate them a bit, she responded almost immediately moaning softly. 

Ms. M smiled, she was a real Glorified Prostitute all right.


Spitfire made it back to her seat just in time for the floor show to start.  It kicked off with a group of 5 policewomen (probably strippers in policewoman costumes but they were pretty good costumes) dancing together and peeling off their clothes bit by bit.  The weird thing is some of them were crying as they did it, like they didn't want to be there.  Sometimes one would stop (pretty unprofessional) but then a guy in a purple zootsuit would wave or gesture and she'd get going again. 

Spitfire wasn't sure what to make of it. 

When the policewomen were done there was some announcement.  Spitfire was feeling pretty lightheaded by then and didn't catch the details something about thanking Mister Twister (funny name!) and the policewomen being available after the show. 

The next act was even odder.  The athletic redhead in the Nightbat Girl costume was led out on a leash by Mr. M.  The leash was tied to a ring in the floor and then Mr. M and Ms. M took out these 15' bullwhips and started going at her.  The heroine tried to dodge but the leash was pretty short so they'd usually catch her and slice off a bit of her costume and even draw blood.

Spitfire started to feel really uncomfortable until Eliza whispered to her that it was all OK, she was just an actress and it was all fake.  Then Spitfire relaxed and enjoyed the show.  The girl was certainly good, after a few minutes of dodging she started to sob, curled up in a fetal position and begged for mercy.  The two S&M freaks actually did stop but made the heroine tear off the rest of her costume and suck Ms. M's pussy while Mr. M fucked her up the ass.  It was a pretty realistic show, Spitfire wondered how they did it but Eliza told her not worry about it so she didn't.

Next to her she could hear Eliza talking to Hogan about something. 

"Usually it would never work.  Drugs like Suggestum and Cumalot break down inhibitions but they don't turn a girl into a mindless pawn.  Raise the dose too high and the girl will go into a coma or die.  With Kristen I had to drug her food for weeks until she started showing the proper attitude.  Didn't I Kristen?"

"Yes… boss…"  Kristen sat there topless on Hogan’s lap letting him fondle her breasts.

"But the thing about the Glorified Prostitutes is that their super metabolism lets them take huge doses without going into a coma.  You'd think their powers would protect them but they're actually more vulnerable.  Like Spitfire here…  Hey Emily come here and sit in my lap."

That seemed like a reasonable idea.  The English girl walked over and did as she was told.  She let Eliza peel off her top and fondle her breasts.  It actually felt pretty good.  She squirmed a bit.

"So don't worry we'll put on a good show for you."

It was about then that the S&M show ended and the spotlight landed on Eliza's table.

It was show time.


Eliza pulled up the heroine's top (for now) and led Spitfire on to the stage (still stained with Nightbat Girl's sweat, blood and other fluids).  Kristen trotted along behind them (still topless).

Spitfire could make out the MC saying something about a surprise treat not on the programs but who was a real hot slut.  She wondered vaguely who he was talking about.

Eliza put Spitfire in front of a mic in the middle of the stage and told her to look like a heroine.  Spitfire obliged by putting her hands on her hips, spreading her legs, flouncing her shoulder length brown hair and smiling at the audience.  She felt more heroic already.

"Introduce yourself" the brunette whispered.

"Hello everyone!  My name is Emily Tillbrook but uh, you can call me Spitfire!"  Emily hesitated for a second, she'd just told her secret identity to a room full of strangers, wasn't that bad?  But then again Eliza told her they were all in the super community so it should be OK.

"I'm, uh, a new member of the Global Protectors, their first member from Merry Ole England and uh…  I'm 20 years old."

The crowd shouted some questions, she caught something about powers.

"To tell the truth I don't have all of my powers yet, just the basic powers of physical fitness, improved healing and stamina.  But they tell me a full activation is very possible."

The crowd shouted a few more questions but the guy in the purple zootsuit drowned out the others. 

"Sex?  Uh…"  she looked at Eliza, the woman whispered "answer it!".  "Well no I'm not a virgin heroine, I've uh, y'know…"

The audience demanded details.

"Well I went to an all-girls boarding school near Nottingham so it was a bit hard but there was our brother school down the lane and one time me and my mates sneaked out to meet some boys in the woods and well, one thing lead to another and…  Pardon?  What was your question?  Oh, I was 16.  Did I what?  No, no, to tell the truth it was a bit painful and uncomfortable and I was a bit drunk, couldn't even remember his name the next day."  Emily looked down uncomfortably. 

Eliza came up behind her and spoke into the mic, "I think that's enough for now, this poor inexperienced heroine is obviously embarrassed by her promiscuous past, so let's move forward."

Emily want to say something about how she wasn't promiscuous, after that first time she'd met a great guy named Graham, they'd been going out for two years and he was flying to Megapolis next week to see her.  But she just couldn't form the words.

"Now let's see if she really has what it takes to be a Global Protector!"

Eliza whispered a suggestion in her ear, Spitfire nodded.  Eliza waved at the DJ and music started to play, pulsing techno music starting with 'Y'all ready for this!'  Emily and Kristen started to dance on stage; the audience whistled and yelled 'take it off'.  Kristen was soon behind her peeling the Union Jack off Emily's firm young breasts and rubbing her taunt leg between Emily's thighs. The heroine panted from the sensation.  The costume was around her waist by then and Kristen put her hands on the English girl's breasts massaging them until the nipples became as hard as stones.  The music, the warm feeling from the drinks, the touching it was all too much, Emily cried out in orgasmic joy in front of the whole audience and collapsed like a rag doll. 

She was left lying on her belly with her head sticking out over the edge of the stage.  She could see most of the men (and a few of the women) had crowded around the stage to watch.  Looking at their lusty leers Emily started to feel a bit afraid.  Behind her she felt Kristen peeling her costume off the rest of the way leaving the rookie heroine lying on her stomach in front of 100 people naked except for her Union Jack boots. 

She tried to get up but was so tired after her orgasm.  She could barely think straight.  She felt Kristen move her legs apart.  From her angle Emily couldn't see what the topless cheerleader was up to but certainly felt it when the blonde's tongue entered her wet vagina. 

"Oh!  What?  Kristen no!  Kristen oh…  Kristen please not so deep, oh Kristen can you go up and down?  Like that mmmm…"

One of the audience members (a sweaty Arab sheik) came up to her, wrapped his arms around her and gave her deep kiss.  Emily found her arms embracing him and returned the kiss passionately.

Some of the audience were queuing up behind her.  She felt Kristen stop, someone lifted her legs a bit (causing all of her weight to fall on her sensitive breasts) and then felt a hot cock inside.  The Arab kissed her again, it felt so good.

The next guy flipped her over.  She caught a glimpse of Kristen taking it up the ass from Hogan and of Eliza collecting cash from the guests.  Then the new guy entered her and pounded the English girl for fifteen minutes straight.  He wasn't that good a fuck, one of those morons who thinks sexual prowess just means "Harder! Faster!” but for Emily it was the best fuck she'd ever had, even better than that time when Graham brought the chocolate syrup and handcuffs.  She came again screaming her lust to the entire room. 

Then some strange man put a cock in her mouth that choked off any further outbursts.  She licked it eagerly.


Emily woke up back in her hotel room with a horrid hangover.  She was dressed in her nightgown and seemed to have slept for some time (the clock said 1pm) but she still felt awful and dirty. 

Luckily there was a pitcher of water next to the table; the English girl drained it all in three glasses.

She tried to remember what she had done the night before.  She remembered leaving the hotel with Eliza and Kristen, going to a party or a club or something and then…

It was all a blur.

After a half hour of staring at the ceiling she crawled out of bed and stumbled to the shower, the warm water felt so good.  Her mouth felt like sandpaper and her body felt like it was caked in grime.  But besides that she felt a bit… randy.  She guessed she hadn't gotten any action last night and was a bit unfulfilled.  Too bad Graham wouldn't be here for another week. 

She pulled down the shower's massage head and turned it high pressure.  She ran it over her sore shoulders (had she been doing gymnastics or something?) and sensitive breasts.  She ran it lower and lower until finally she took the plunge and turned it between her legs.

The feeling was awesome!  The warm water against her clit just felt so good, almost better than sex.  In fact…

Memories started to come back, being fucked on her belly while making out with an Arab, being fucked on her back while sucking some guy's cock, being fucked by a robot while some guy sucked blood from her neck, giving a guy a hand job while some girl paddled her ass… Eliza laughing at her the whole time.

These memories and so many more came to her and the English girl collapsed to her knees in the shower stall.

Eliza!  Eliza had done something to her!  Had made her do… things.  She had to tell Maple Leaf, had to tell the police, had to do something!

The shower door opened and Eliza stood before her.  Kristen (still in her cheerleader skirt, still topless) stood behind her with a video camera.

"What?  Did you think we were done with you?"


Back in her costume Spitfire kneeled between Eliza's legs gently eating her pussy.  Kristen sat behind the woman kissing her neck and massaging her breasts.  Eliza smiled contently and rubbed Spitfire's brown hair.

"Quite a performance last night, you really are a little spitfire you know that?  Even La Sola would have a hard time topping your exhibition. 

For some perverse reasons Spitfire felt a flicker of price at that praise.

Eliza came filling Spitfire's mouth with warm salty juices.  Spitfire swallowed and bent back in to start again but Eliza stopped her.

"Now, now heroine, not all of us have super endurance like you."  She patted the couch cushion next to her.  "Sit up here and we'll let Kristen take care of you for a while, she's become quite a talented little pussy licker in the last few months, of course you know that already."

The blonde knelt in her position, carefully pulled the spandex crotch of Spitfire's costume aside and got to work.  Soon Spitfire was moaning and panting again.  Eliza got up and loaded a DVD.  She hit the remote.

"So you were asking about what it's like to be a Global Protector.  Well my buddies gave me a little demo video to help you get started."

The clips were short sometimes the screen would split showing 3 different scenes at once.  Some clips were high quality professional video, others were black and white shots from security cams, others were obviously home videos.  Each scene was different but essentially the same.  Shamrock straddling a blue clad villain whipping her hair like whore in heat, La Sola straddling the same villain, Aussie Girl hanging upside down and being whipped, Star spread-eagled and being whipped, Tigress in a teddy sucking some guy's cock, Rising Sun in a teddy sucking the same guy's cock, Valkyrie sucking Maple Leaf's breasts while a villain laughs.  The scenes seemed to go on forever. 

They frightened Emily but on some level aroused her as well.

Eliza whispered in her ear "That's the deal.  Superheroines are incredibly hot women in the tightest, skimpiest costumes flying around giving men boners.  Is it so shocking that men (and women and robots and aliens) are going try to fuck you?  And that they'll succeed?  And these are all fully empowered heroines who can take down a tank battalion, what chance do you think you have?"

Emily interrupted her with another orgasm.

"So that's why Maple Leaf had me do this little orientation."

"Muh-Maple Leaf knows?"

"Of course she does" Eliza lied smoothly.  "That's why they didn't fully activate your powers you know.  She wanted to see if you're ready to be a heroine or if you're another closet whore like the others.  Guess which one you are?"  Eliza clutched her breast and nibbled on her ear.  Emily came again.

"So you're just not cut out for being a heroine, sorry Spitfire."


"You're wondering what you'll do next seeing as you're stuck with that hot body and insatiable sexual appetite?  Well you'll be glad to know we've taken care of that.  Sign these."   Eliza held up a small stack of letters and contracts. 

Confused, Emily just stared at them blankly.  Eliza sighed and poked Kristen on the shoulder.  The blonde bit down on Emily's labia and the English girl screamed.  Eliza grabbed her by the hair and threw the girl off the couch onto the floor.  She planted a boot on the girl's stomach and held her there.  She dropped the papers on the heroine's bare chest. 

"No one's expecting you till Monday.  No one knows or cares what you're up to. That's a lot of time to make you more agreeable.  Sign these now while your pretty little skin is still intact."

Memories of the redheaded heroine being whipped came back to Emily she shuddered and signed the papers. 

"Good, good."  Eliza checked the letters, the handwriting was a good match, it had better be since she'd hired the best forger in Megapolis to do it.  Even the writing style should be close since she'd been able to give the forger Emily's diary and a couple of unsent letters to her boyfriend.

Emily was curled up in a ball weeping, her emotions shattered by drugs, sex and shocking revelations. 

The doorbell rang.

"Ah those must be the movers."



"After waiting three hours and getting no answer at the hotel I flew over."  Valkyrie reported.  "Her luggage was gone and there was no sign of a struggle.  The only clue left behind was this note and this DVD."

Dear Scum

How could I join you now that I know what you're like?  Did you think you could hide this forever?  Lucky someone sent me this DVD with the truth on it.

I'm going back to Merry Ole England now, getting a new name, a new identity.  Now that I'm associated with you guys I'm a target too!  I'm just  going to lay low until everyone forgets about Spitfire.

Oh don't worry, I'll keep your little secret you bitches but don't ever expect to see me again.


"The DVD shows certain, uh… incidents that we have kept from the public record."

Maple Leaf, Tigress and Eliza nodded understanding.

"This is terrible!"  Maple Leaf declared.  "What will I tell Tony!" 

"Maple Leaf, while I understand you have to talk to our donors isn't it more important to investigate further?  This note could be a forgery; there may in fact be foul play."

"Good point Tigress, we should check this out fully before-"

"Excuse me ma'am" Eliza cut in "but aren't you supposed to be going to the Bahamas this afternoon?  If you want I can do some investigating while you're down there and let you know what I find."

Maple Leaf considered for a second, with the team so overstretched it seemed worthwhile to let her office manager take care of some the legwork.  "Good idea Eliza, that's what I like about you, always showing initiative.  Check out the handwriting, contact her family and boyfriend in England find out what you can and let me know.  While you're taking care of that we'd better get to planning that Bahamas mission.  I already arranged for full newspaper and TV coverage and one of the photographers for C&M's swimsuit issue is supposed to join us…"

As she slipped out Eliza smiled, that would be easy.  She would find that the handwriting was a perfect match, that Spitfire’s family had gotten similar letters explaining how after learning the shocking truth about the GP she could not join and was going to disappear for own safety.  Predictably her family and the British government would demand to know what this secret was and then… well who knows what would come out. 

Eliza certainly would not discover that the English girl had been drugged, tied up, loaded in a crate and shipped to Japan.  Nor would she discover that a certain electronics tycoon had paid almost twelve million US dollars for the rookie heroine. 

This had been the best time she'd had since Blackchrome.  It had been riskier than last time when she only provided information, but it was so worth it.  It just made her feel so hot to think of another stupid idealistic bimbo reduced to sucking cocks in a Japanese sex club. 

She headed for her office and Kristen's talented tongue. 




Well there you go.  6 stories, 10 new heroines and lots of random ideas.  


As always I want feedback.  Specifically which characters would you like to see again and what would like to see them doing?  I have some ideas for sequels but suggestions are always welcome.  Just to get more replies I promise a new, unpublished, Global Protectors story to everyone who replies with feedback.


Next up will either be a Global Protectors story ‘True Romance’ (as the name implies it will be real romance stories without the crutch of drugs or mind control…) or a Supergirl story I’ve been playing around with.  Or something completely different.  Votes and suggestions are welcome on these as well. 

Marcus Lycus