Lauren Crowe and the Case of the Fairy's Fate

 By Marcus Lycus


Legal Horrors: Characters and text are copyright Marcus Lycus. Do not repost this story without my permission.

This story is meant for people over the age of 18, please don't read it if you are younger than that. Any resemblance between characters in this story and any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental of course. Especially Lady Lauren Crowe, she's like 100% original and totally not based on any video game characters. (Please don't sue me!)

And finally, please e-mail me with any comments, complaints or suggestions. Remember feedback leads to more stories!

Marcus Lycus

September 2005

Chapter 2 - A Walk in the Woods

The Fairy sang.

She sang of beauty and of life and joy and of spring. She sang to the trees and to the flowers and to the birds to the air itself. The forest around her sang in return, thanking Arial for her efforts.

Everything was in balance. Everything was right.

The fairy had no age. She was ancient, she had been born eons ago with this forest. She was a child, she had been reborn each spring.  To a mortal she appeared as a young girl just entering the full bloom of her womanhood. By autumn she would appear as an aged crone. That was the way of things. This time she was known as Arial Morning Glory (if her name were translated into a human tongue). In the past she had had other names, but in this time that is who she was.

She sang to her brothers and sisters and each year fewer of them sang back. This made her sad but she could do little. There was only one constant rule in the world it is that things change. From the smallest insect to the mightiest oak all things will fall in time. Even immortals.

As the sun came over the trees Arial spread her dragonfly wings and took flight over her domain. It was a little smaller this spring, more trees had fallen to the cold iron of men and been turned into their tame fields.

She landed in her favorite pool, submerged beneath the cool waters and then flew upwards.  Her thin green garment clung to her every curve. Though human in form, Arial was by no means human in every regard. Her arms and legs were much longer in proportion to her slim body. Her body was long and thin as well but curved in all the proper places. But the real difference was to be seen in her face; the long almond shaped eyes, the violet irises, the long flowing green hair that stretched down to her thighs and the two thin antenna that grew from the corners of her eyes. But her beauty was such that no observer would ever be disturbed by such details; the few men who had seen her had fallen at her feet begging for permission to gaze upon her.

A few had died of starvation.

A sound disturbed her thoughts. Something watched, something not of her realm. She spun her head to catch sight of the intruder but it vanished swiftly in a flutter of black wings.


That night Bridgett was extra diligent in setting up her protective circle not even bothering to hide her preparations from Lauren or to react to her caustic barbs. As Running Deer hunted down dinner Bridgett pleaded with her mistress not to risk herself.

"Please m'lady, can you not feel it? There is something dark out there, darker than a coalmine at midnight and you will not be safe outside of camp! Think of what happened last night!"

"I suppose Bridgett you would have me ride home in terror now and hide beneath my covers? We're both a bit old for ghost stories don't you think?"

"But m'lady, do you not recall the Case of the Spectral Manor? After that how can you dismiss talk of ghost stories?"

"Bridgett, those things we saw were just smoke and mirrors. Did I not prove it was part of a plan by old Mrs. Witherspoon to scare people off the land so she could buy it cheaply? And those things we felt..."

Lauren's mind strayed back to that strange evening when unseen hands groped her heaving bosom, strange forces levitated her above the bed rotating her slowly and something unseen but quite familiar probed between her legs. That had been a long, hot, pleasant night. She shook her head at the memory and the strange feelings it always aroused.

"...the er, things we felt were just the power of suggestion. Nothing more. I am certain of that."


"Tut, tut Bridgett..." Lauren placed her index finger over her companion's quivering lips. "I promise I will do nothing incautious tonight if you will cease these children's tales. Honestly, sometimes you sound as ignorant as that savage Running Deer."

After the sun set a cold thick mist appeared seeming to start just outside the light of the campfire making everything gray and indistinct. Even Lauren had no desire to spend the night outside in that. The three women bedded down to sleep.

"Lauren... come to me..."

"Pardon?" She sat up in her bedroll.

"...come...I have found her for you..."

Lauren looked left and right. Bridgett's snores were clearly audible and Running Deer too seemed to be in a deep sleep. Who was calling?

She rose to her feet neglecting to don her boots or put something over her thin nightshirt. She had left her long dark hair down, her customary braid was uncomfortable to sleep in, she brushed it from her eyes.

"...this way..."

Someone in the mist?

She walked towards the voice, away from the firelight, away from Bridgett's protective circle and into the chilling fog.

The cold hit her instantly soaking through her shirt exposing her erect nipples, large brown areolas, well-defined abdomen and neatly trimmed bush. Many Englishmen would have paid a fortune to see that sight.  Unfortunately none of them were present. But someone was.

"The Count... But how?" Lauren asked. Her voice was distant as if she was in a daze. The tall count was standing in the middle of the uncharted forest wearing nothing but a pair of black breeches and a long black cape. It seemed... odd, but Lauren could not quite find the words to voice her questions.

"It matters not my huntress. I bring you tidings of your prey. You must go towards the lake to the northwest. You must be there at dawn, leave immediately. Be ready for your prey."

"Yes... I understand..."

"And you must remember who you are, a woman of reason. You are hunting an animal, nothing more. And any who say different..."

"...are ignorant savages" she completed.

"Yes, excellent, excellent. I knew you would be my perfect huntress."

He looked again at her, his thin blood turning hot. The count's eyes narrowed in thought. He knew he should not, it was too soon, the others would know.


He looked at her breasts rising and falling under the transparent wet shirt. He looked longer. His teeth began to sharpen and grow.

Oh what the hell, surely even the Irish witch would not notice a small taste.

He stepped closer to her warm body and embraced the unresisting Victorian lady. As his arms engulfed her Lauren changed from merely unresisting to eager, kissing the count's bare chest, her own arms embracing his pallid skin. He opened his mouth wide baring the needle like teeth and sank them into her warm neck.

The heroic adventuress convulsed under him gasping in undisguised pleasure. It was the noise that made him stop. While the woman was truly delicious he still needed her and her companions to stalk the prey. Afterwards of course... things would be different.

He wondered how long this Lauren Crowe would last before fading to little more than a pale ghost of her former self. He had no thoughts of turning her, he had tasted the woman and seen her iron will (however blinded by her faith in science it was). The count had no desire to face her as a peer.


Bridgett's eyes opened wide. She could feel it. The proverbial 'something wicked this way comes'. She looked around, she could see Running Deer's chest rising and falling steadily but Lauren's bedroll had been abandoned!

She groped for her grimoire struggling to remember a spell of banishment. She had just found the right diagram when the figure entered the camp, it was Lady Crowe. She wore her nightshirt but the dampness made it an obscene garment, Bridgett could see her mistress' hips swaying under the shirt as if she were some Paris streetwalker.

"M'lady?" She asked bewildered. "Where did you-"

Crowe's withering glance silenced her. "I do not think it is any of your business where I go to answer the call of nature."

Bridgett blushed; it had been nothing after all. "No m'lady of course not..."

"Now wake up Running Deer, I believe I know where we will find our prey."

Across the camp Running Deer watched the scene through narrowed eyes.


Arial sang again, this time her songs were tinged with a melancholy sadness. Two of her protectors had fallen to the cold metal weapons of man and even now a great evil walked freely in her forest.

She was not afraid, even a creature empowered by death was no match for her here. But she was saddened. The balance of things had been disturbed.

Once again she flew over the forest with the dawn, awakening the trees and joining the birds in their song as they greeted another day. She flew low over her favorite lake greeting the fish and the lilies. She dove down to the bottom and ascended straight up into the air, hovering above the cool pond letting the water drip from her.

Then she felt them.


Three of them, two positively glowing with life, the other touched by darkness. But only touched. The poor mortal could still be healed.

She turned in midair and began to walk across the lake towards them, her thin wings vibrating swiftly to support her.

She opened her mouth to sing a song of healing and help the poor shadowed mortal.

She heard a twang.

She cried out as cold iron entered her bare shoulder.

Her wings stopped.

She screamed.

She fell on her back into the water and did not move.


"Got her!" Crowe cried raising her crossbow. "What a magnificent specimen!"

Next to her Bridgett opened and closed her mouth in horror. Tears fell freely down her cheeks. A fairy! It had been so, so beautiful. Now it was... dead?

Running Deer took a step back glaring at her companion with disgust. She fingered her tomahawk.

Crowe slapped her friend's behind, pushing her forward. "Go on Bridgett, get it. You too Running Deer. I'll get out the chains." Crowe started walking back towards the horses.

The two others looked at each other and at the floating body before them. They saw a wing twitch.

Bridgett and Running Deer ran into the water.

The Indian warrior woman cradled the mystical creature in her arms. The winged woman was surprisingly light. Bridgett carefully removed the barbed iron crossbow bolt from her shoulder and bound the wound with a strip from her own skirt. The fairy's large violet eyes fluttered open. She smiled weakly at the bright-spirited women who had saved her from the pain of cold iron. Running Deer laid her out on the soft grass.

"Ah! Capital job you two!" Crowe stepped over Bridgett, reached down and locked an iron collar on her captive. The fairy screamed and convulsed. Running Deer jumped back, her tomahawk already in her hand.

Seemingly unconcerned Crowe continued to bind the fairy locking iron bands around its wrists and ankles connected by chains. "Still alive I see, capital, capital. I tried just to wound it. Bridgett will you hold it still please? Bridgett? Oh never mind, I'll just gag it myself." She silenced the creature with a leather gag and stood up. She noted her friend's fighting stance. "Oh don't worry Running Deer, this creature can't harm us, these chains would hold a rampaging gorilla."

"Brave Crow... can you be blind?" She sniffed in Crowe's direction and wrinkled her nose. "Are you even yourself?"

"Pardon? Well of course I'm myself Running Deer, who else would I be?  In fact I feel more clear-headed than ever! Now help me get this creature on the horse and let's start heading back."

Running Deer looked at Crowe standing proud and imperious over her captive. She looked at Bridgett sobbing uncontrollably at the sight of the bound fairy. She looked at the graceful spirit bound in hard iron. Her eyes narrowed, she turned on her heel and walked towards her steed.

"Running Deer? Running Deer? Where are you going?"

She heard hoof beats from the path.

"Running Deer?"

The hoof beats disappeared.

"Humph. Temperamental savage. Well I'm sure she'll be back. Now come Bridgett, we have many miles to go."


Lauren swore like a sailor for the rest of the day. Bridgett was completely useless; crying like a lovesick girl and demanding that Crowe release the specimen. The specimen too was a nuisance, it just lay like a sack of potatoes draped across the back of Bridgett's horse and falling frequently (Crowe made the Irish servant walk of course, it was only fitting).

Even this accursed forest seemed to turn against her, branches seemed to jump out to lash her across the face. Roots rose out of nowhere in an attempt to trip her steed. Biting insects of all sorts bedeviled her; a colony of red ants somehow entered her riding breaches forcing her to strip and conduct a painful and humiliating hunt across her bare legs.

She barely traveled three miles before the sun set again.

Bridgett could not find the energy to set a protective circle. How could she work magic after aiding in this... crime? Instead she opened her grimoire and began to study by firelight. The fairy had been bound to a tree, more iron chains draped around it and the trunk. It was still gagged. Bridgett had seen Crowe wearing the keys on a chain under her linen shirt.

Another cold fog rolled in, this time blanketing the camp.

Without a word Crowe stepped out into the fog.

Bridgett felt her heart flutter, did she dare to do it? She looked again at the bound fairy, so beautiful, so innocent, in so much pain. Did she dare not?


In the fog Crowe could hear the sounds of battle. Animal growls and the twang of crossbows, the flapping of leather wings. It seemed to be close and all around.

She saw the count waiting for her in a clearing. His cloak was torn and a wolf-like creature lay dead at his feet. Other shadowy figures lurked in the fog behind him. He smiled at her. She smiled back and began unbuttoning her shirt.


Bridgett steeled herself.

She had faced horrors before. Evil creatures from the depths of a nightmare. But this was different. She was defying the woman she... respected more than any other, a woman she had idolized her entire life, a friend who had saved her life more times than she could count. A woman she had trusted implicitly.

But Crowe was wrong. This was wrong. This was monstrous.

She found the correct page and moved closer to the fairy. The dryad's violet eyes were wet with tears of pain and of gratitude. Bridgett recited the words of power from her book and touched the ankle cuffs, they sprang open.

She started the chant again, gesturing towards the fairy's thin wrists.

Her chant was cut off by a cold blade touching her neck and a strong hand in her hair.

"What's all this then?"

"M'lady... I..."

"I can see quite clearly Bridgett. More clearly than ever before." Crowe took her hand from Bridgett's hair and locked the fairy's ankle cuffs again.

"I don't know why you decided to defy me girl but rest assured it will not be tolerated again. Do I make myself clear?" Crowe pulled the knife towards her drawing a drop of blood.

Frightened Bridgett nodded.

"And I think I have tolerated your silly superstitions long enough." She withdrew the knife but seized Bridgett's grimoire before the Irish girl could move. With a flick of her wrist Crowe sent Bridgett's precious spellbook into the campfire where it vanished in a roar of blue flame.

The Irish girl knelt there stunned.

"Now come to bed Bridgett. We have a long day ahead of us."


Heartbroken Bridgett tossed and turned.  Several times she started to rise, and move towards the fairy but each time Crowe was there, sitting across the camp looking at her.  Each time the Irish girl meekly crawled back into her bedroll.  Exhausted and cowed she finally drifted into a short and restless sleep.

She rose the next morning to see her mistress slowly saddling her horse.  She wore her customary linen shirt and riding breaches but had added a red scarf tied close around her neck.  The adventuress seemed slow and pale, despite what had happened last night Bridgett felt sympathy well up inside her. She walked up and put a hand on Crowe’s shoulder but the Englishwoman shrugged her off.

"M'lady are you well?"

"Yes. Yes of course, I'm perfectly fine. Especially now that I have Dreg and Lurch to aid me."

Two malformed hunchbacks emerged from the woods carrying a long pole. Their limbs seemed either too long or too short, arms did not match legs, eyes were out of symmetry, strange bulges distorted their skulls and livid scars disfigured their faces. They seemed to have been assembled from spare parts. A rank carrion odor came from them assaulting Bridgett's button nose like a hammer. The two looked at the Irish girl with their strange eyes and traces of drool fell from their lips. She shuddered.

"The count sent these two lads to help us out now that the savage is gone. Now come along, I expect to make better time today."


The two deformed freaks strung the fairy on the pole between them like a dead deer and started moving. This day the forest was deadly quiet. The trees seemed strangely blighted as if by an early frost and not a bird or insect was to be heard.  Bridgett noticed many trees scarred by fire or axes but said nothing.

Allowed to ride again, Bridgett pulled alongside her mistress.

"M'lady about Running Deer-"

Crowe smiled at her maidservant. "Bridgett, you have known me a long time, too long to be calling my 'm'lady'"

"Sorry m'lady" Bridgett said with a smile completing their old joke.

"No, I think by now you should know to call me mistress."


"Yes, it will help you remember your place. Now silence your chattering, if I want to hear your voice I will ask you a question."

"Yes m-mistress Crowe."

They rode in silence for the rest of the day.

Bridgett O'Malley could not even guess what had happened to Lauren. Nothing the Englishwoman said was completely out of character, she had always been prideful and contemptuous of magic but... this was too much. It was as though she had lost all of her positive traits in one day leaving only arrogant pride.

And the fairy... It cut into Bridgett's heart even to see the proud guardian of the forest strung up like a piece of meat.

But what could she do?

The Irish girl had relied on Crowe for leadership for her entire life. And Crowe had never steered her wrong. Could it be that the English noblewoman actually did know best?  She wished Running Deer were here. The Indian had left them in anger a few times before but had always returned within a day or two, her blood-debt to Crowe outweighing her pride. But this time... would she come back?

More than once Bridgett thought she saw someone watching them from the underbrush but she could never quite catch sight of their pursuer. In her heart she hoped it was Running Deer.

Strangely, Crowe told them to set camp a little before noon. She looked pale and was sweating profusely. Was she ill?

Bridgett tried to get close to the fairy to at least offer her some refreshment but the two freakish porters snarled at her and drove her away.

With nothing else to do Bridgett took out a towel and headed for the stream to wash and to think. Secretly she hoped Running Deer was out there and would choose to reveal herself then.

Once she was satisfied she could not be observed Bridgett removed her long red dress and carefully set it on a stone. Her white undergarment was next and then her brassiere and panties. Normally she did not remove all of her clothes to bathe, especially not in the wild but the experiences of the past few days had made her feel especially dirty. She splashed in the river a bit and let herself float.

What to do?

What to do?

The destruction of her grimoire was crippling. She had others back at Crowe Manor but it had been her favorite tome. Without its diagrams and instructions she could only use the handful of simple spells she knew by heart. More complex feats of magic were beyond her, without written instructions the chance of miscasting was too great. The spell might not work or even worse might malfunction disastrously. She remembered the time she had miscast a healing spell and sent her two companions into fits of unrestrained lust. What a night that had been!

With her grimoire Bridgett might have been able to attempt some scrying spells or even a cleansing spell for whatever strange malady was affecting her beloved mistress. But without it...

She heard rustling in the bushes and paddled towards shore. She climbed on the rock and wrapped a towel around herself.

"Running Deer? Are you there?"

"No Bridgett, it's not the savage." Crowe stepped out onto the riverbank and put her boot on Bridgett's clothes. The two freakish porters followed her, drooling more conspicuously than ever. Bridgett shrieked and wrapped the towel tighter.

"I wondered what mischief you were up to by yourself and now I see you were planning some sort of rendezvous with the savage. A friendly visit? Or were you plotting to betray me?"


Quick as a snake Crowe's hand dashed out and pulled the towel away leaving Bridgett bare before her and the two malforms. Bridgett shrieked again and tried to cover herself with her hands.

"Bridgett you will remember to call me mistress won't you?" She tapped the Irish girl lightly on the cheek.

"M-mistress Crowe, you, you're not yourself, you must realize you would never..."

Crowe's hand darted out again seizing Bridgett's mane of red hair and pulling her forward. Crowe sat herself on a rock and pulled her shrieking servant's body over her knee. She painfully twisted Bridgett's hair. "Oh Bridgett, I blame myself really. For too long I have been lax with you, allowing you all sorts of inappropriate liberties and never taking the time to properly discipline you after your failures. Well you will be grateful to know that ends now. Lurch, your cudgel please."

One of the deformed servants handed her a thick oak rod.

"No! Lauren please no! This isn't you! Something's wrong!"

"How many" (Lauren brought down the rod with her full strength on Bridgett's exposed backside) "times" (she bought it down again) "must I" (again) "tell you" (again) "call me" (again) "MISTRESS!"

The forest echoed with Bridgett's howls!


The Irish girl spent the rest of the day painfully bound with her hands behind a tree trying to sit on her reddened backside. She was now as much a prisoner as the fairy. She'd been allowed to wear her undergarment, a thin cotton gown the barely reached her knees. Against her wet body it became almost transparent. As Crowe slept during the day the two twisted servants leered at her with undisguised lust. One even came close and squeezed her breasts. The humiliated Irish girl had no more tears to cry.

The other pulled him away and grunted in some guttural language. They moved away from Bridgett to the long-legged form of the fairy. The mysterious creature was bound and gagged and in obvious pain but something of her allure could still be seen. Her legs were long and supple, her breasts firm and round, despite the alien aspects of her face it was quite lovely. Her violet eyes bored into Bridgett's soul pleading for help. Bridgett could offer none.

The two freaks looked at Crowe's sleeping form and decided she would not stir any time soon.

They undid the chain binding the Fairy to the tree. Bridgett started to shout a warning but one of the freaks cuffed her on the side of the head. Before she could recover her senses he shoved a rag into her mouth muffling her cries.

The other threw the fairy over his shoulder and carried her into the woods.

For the next hour Bridgett heard brutish grunts and muffled cries from the forest.

She had thought she had more tears to cry.

She was wrong.