Stella and the Minx #18:

The Return of Princess Patriot!


The girl of the stars is missing!  And in her place has appeared the girl of the inferno, Satan Girl!  Who is she?  What is her terrible secret?  And what has befallen our heroine?  Find out, RIGHT NOW!


I’ll be on holiday this month so enjoy this double-sized issue!  See you this fall!


Marcus Lycus


August 2008


Legal Horrors – Stella, the Minx and other characters are copyright and trademark Marcus Lycus.  All rights reserved.

If you want to use any characters in another story you need my permission.  It also means that you can’t repost this story without my permission.

And since this story is meant for people over the age of 18, please don’t read it if you are younger than that. 

Any resemblance between characters in this story and any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental of course.  

And finally, please e-mail me with any comments, complaints or suggestions. Remember feedback leads to more stories!


Issue 18 – The Return of Princess Patriot!


Don’t bother looking for New Athens Island on the map.  You won’t find it.  You can try asking about in the fishing towns of Maine but you’ll only get stony glares and shrugged shoulders.

But let’s say you could find one of the stalwart men who do make the bimonthly trip.  You see him load up his cargo of books, newspapers, and journals and you somehow stow away on his boat (because he would never, ever knowingly take you) you still wouldn’t be done. 

All you’d find was a misty barren rock with a few pine trees clinging to life there.  You could wander it for days and never find anything else. 

Not unless they wanted you to.






The Minx climbed out of bed and pulled a silk robe over her naked body.  She’d only gotten to sleep an hour ago, who would knock on their door at 6 am on a Sunday morning?

Stella came out of her room too, wearing a blue sleeveless tee shirt and red panties.  She looked even more tired than the Minx.

The Minx was so angry she didn’t even bother to check the peephole; she just yanked the door open ready to give the intruder a piece of her mind.

“Now what the hell-“

“Ah Ms. Barbarossa is it?  I’m looking for Lynn Lewis, I believe she lives here.”

She recognized him immediately.  Timmy O’Leary.  Stellar Man’s so-called ‘pal’.  A thirty-something reporter who still got by on his boyish good looks and connection with the departed hero.  Over the last year he’d been bashing Stella and the Minx in the Daily Comet, insinuating they weren’t up to the job and hinting they knew more about Stellar Man’s disappearance than they admitted.  And now he was here, at their secret identity’s residence.  This couldn’t be good.

“Um, yes, one minute please…”  She gestured for Lynn to put some more clothes on and let the red-headed reporter inside.

“I don’t think we’ve met but you’re Joe Barbarossa’s daughter aren’t you?  Used to work at the library?”  His tone made it clear he knew this already and was just making conversation.  He let out a low whistle.  “Nice place, penthouse, great view, a lot of space, must be hard to afford on a librarian’s salary.”

“I don’t work there anymore Timmy.  I have my own business now, I’m a consultant.”

“Yes I’ve heard that, but oddly I can’t seem to find any of your clients or information about your business.”

The Minx didn’t like where this was going.  “My clients like to keep their business private.  Like me.”

“Well I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing.  Lynn’s coming out now.”

Lynn Lewis had put on a short red kimono robe and come back out.  Her outfit still left a lot of skin on display.  She yawned.

“Hey Timmy, long time no see.  What’s up?”

“It’s been a while huh Lynn?  I haven’t seen you since your cousin’s Christmas party back in ’68.  You’ve certainly grown since then.  Filled out.”  He leered.

“She had a late growth spurt.”  Gloria cut in. 

“Still here?  I thought you were going back to bed.”

“I think I’ll stay.”  The Minx sat down opposite Timmy.  There was no way she was leaving Lynn alone with this clever reporter.  She made sure Timmy got a good view of her legs and the briefest glimpse of her cleavage.  The Minx knew a distracted man was the easiest kind to beat.  But the redhead didn’t give her a second look.  He just shrugged and sat down, the Minx scowled.

“Like I said it’s been a while since I last saw you Lynn.  Didn’t you used to have brown hair?”

“Um…”  Lynn looked helplessly at her friend.

“She dyed it.  Women do that sometimes.”

“Funny that.  But her hair looks just like Stella’s, the same color, length, shade, everything.”


“It’s a popular look these days.”

“I suppose it is.  Beats me why.  I can’t imagine what anyone sees in that bimbo.”

“Um… Stella’s nice.”  Lynn said shyly.

“But that’s not why I’m here; I had some questions about your cousin, Ken Clarke.”

Stella knew the answer to that one!  “Oh he got a job in New Zealand and moved there.”

“Yes I remember him saying that when he quit.  It was around the time Stellar Man left too.  I guess were all too concerned about Stellar Man and Polly Path leaving to even notice him.  Old Ken, he was always just kind of there, lurking in the background, quiet, unassuming.  Except he’d always come back with these great Stellar Man stories, even more than me and Polly.  We never could figure out how he did it.”

“Um… he was friends with Stellar Man, everyone knew that.”

“Yeah strange how we never saw them together though.  I mean there were people in the office who actually thought he was Stellar Man!  We’d try all kinds of tricks to prove it but never could.  But then you’d just take one look into his big blue eyes and start thinking what a silly idea that was.”

“Hee-hee, Cousin Ken?  Stellar Man?  That’s silly.  Cousin Ken wore glasses!  And Stellar Man didn’t!  Everyone knows that.”

“Yes, yes he did.  So have you heard from him?”

“Um…”  Stella looked to the Minx for help.

“Yes, he writes from time to time, he says he’s quite happy there.  He’s working for some newspaper.”

“That’s right!”  Stella added.

“No phone calls then?”

“You know how expensive it is to call long distance.”

“I do, I do.  I know that because just yesterday I called every paper in New Zealand.  Cost the Daily Comet a fortune.  Do you want to know what I learned?”

“Um…”  Both Stella and the Minx were looking very pale at this point.

“None of them have a Ken Clarke working there.  In fact, none of them have heard of Ken Clarke.  Strange isn’t it?  Ken vanished off the face of the Earth.  Just like Stellar Man.”

Lynn started to shake, and sweat.

“Is that all Timmy?”

“Funny isn’t it?”

“No.  Not really.  I remember hearing how you and Polly Path made his life miserable at the Daily Comet.  He was the butt of all your jokes, the object of your contempt.  And now you’re shocked that he hasn’t kept in touch?  Surprised that he told his co-workers to lie when you called?  So now you come and bother us first thing in the morning to repeat some crazy story that was proven wrong a hundred times?  I think Lynn and I have humored you long enough.”

Timmy scowled.  He looked again at Lynn.

“I… I think you’d better go.”  She muttered.

Timmy rose to his feet and turned.  “Well thanks for seeing me, if you do hear from old Ken, let me know I asked about him.”

He walked to the door and opened it.  “Oh one last thing Ms. Barbarossa, isn’t this building on top of that old abandoned subway line?  That sure must be handy.”

“I don’t know anything about that.”

“Really, I thought it might have come up while you were at the library.  People there say you practically had a photographic memory.”

“Good day Mr. O’Leary.”

“See you soon!”  He closed the door.

“Starsandcomets!  Starsandcomets, he knows!  He knows!”

“Calm down Lynn, he doesn’t know anything.”

“But he knows Ken is gone, he knows my hair looks like Stella’s, he even knows about the Minx Pad.”

“No, no he doesn’t.  He’s guessing.  The only way he’ll ‘know’ anything is if we let him rattle us.  You have to stay calm.”


“Lynn, it’s OK.  I’ll take care of it.  Besides you have to get back to the Citadel of Isolation and make a replacement costume.”

“I know, I know.  Stupid cheerleaders.  When are we going to get them Gloria?”

“Soon Lynn, I promise.”


Back at the Daily Comet offices Timmy tried to write his next column. 

“Damn it!”

He tore a page out of his typewriter and tossed it away.  He was more certain than ever that Lynn was Stella, Ken was Stellar Man and Gloria was the Minx.  But he had nothing, not a shred of evidence.  He was sure that if he could catch Lynn alone he could get her to confess.

But so far he’d had no luck.  As far as he could tell Lynn Lewis had no job, no friends, no hobbies and hardly ever left her apartment. 

Of course if she really was Stella that made perfect sense.

But how to prove it?  Right now he couldn’t prove shit.  He’d been so damn sure those two bimbos would crack, Lynn had been close, he could see it in her face.  Maybe if that bitch Gloria hadn’t been there…

But now he’d tipped his hand.  They’d be on guard.

How had it come to this?  Stellar Man and Night Fox were legends, flawless defenders of good.  How had their legacies fallen into the hands of two unqualified sidekicks?  And what were they hiding about Stellar Man? Where was he?!

But those questions would have to wait for another day.  He had a deadline to meet so it was time for his standard rant.

He sighed loudly and put a new sheet in the typewriter and gave it a title.

“Where have all the real heroes gone?”

At least Timmy knew there were a lot of readers out there who agreed with him.  He didn’t have any problem with women heroes; he just wanted some who knew their place.  Was that too much to ask?


As I said, you can walk the barren rocks of New Athens Island for days and find nothing.

Unless they want you to.

Let’s say they do.

Suddenly the mists clear, the temperatures warm considerably.  The barren rocks give way to Doric columns surrounding marble-floored courtyards.  Statues appear, statues of armored women out of some ancient Greek myth.

Then the women appear.

They’re all young, all dressed in sleeveless white togas that end just below their asscheeks.  Some read, some play instruments, others paint or play.  They walk and run and laugh and giggle in an unselfconscious way.  Some of them walk down to the warm stream and pull off their togas and dive in.  And why not?  There aren’t any men to see them.

But there you hear a horn blowing.  The girls stop what they are doing and head for the central square.  They assemble among the columns and statues before an imposing temple with a tall marble statue of an armored woman with an owl on her shoulder.  An imposing older woman, dressed in rich purple robes, carrying a staff raises her hand.  The young women fall silent.

“Sisters of Athena, I greet you.  Nearly two centuries ago our order was founded to safeguard democracy, here in America, the land of the free.  We have worked in secret, our emissaries guiding their charges.  Martha, Betsy, Molly, Harriett… and so many more.  Thirty years ago democracy faced its greatest trial, as fascist forces threatened liberty.  So we sent our greatest champion to America, my own daughter.  Today freedom is threatened again, not by foreign conquerors, but by forces within.  The people have lost faith in their leaders, and with good reason.  A criminal sits in the Oval Office, corruption stretches through all levels of government.  A senseless war spills the blood of the young, and assassins cut down the leaders the country needs.  I have called you today to announce there will be a new challenge.  Today we shall determine who among you is worthy of assuming the mantel of… Princess Patriot!


“Who?”  I hear you ask.  How quickly some forget…

Princess Patriot – First appearing in the early days of the Second World War this mysterious heroine claimed to be sent by the Greek goddess Athena to protect democracy.  Equipped with a magic belt that gave her super strength and other magical weapons she fought Nazis, Japs, Italians and fifth columnists until she mysteriously disappeared in 1947. – The Kirby Guide to Heroes, 1971 Edition


Timmy staggered down the hall.  The new girl in the typing pool was still giving him the cold shoulder so he’d gone out to bar to swap lies with other reporters and get wasted.  Now it was time for a good night’s sleep.

He fumbled a few times with the lock before finally opening it.

He stumbled into the room, slipping out of his shoes.  The couch was right there, closer than the bed.  He fell onto it and was sound asleep in minutes.

And then he was wide awake and stone cold sober.  Years of investigative reporting and hanging out with Stellar Man had sharpened his instincts for danger. 

Someone was in the room with him! 

Timmy tried not to move, not to tip him off.  That paralysis ray Stellar Man gave him was on shelf.  If he rolled quickly…

“Hello Timmy.  I know you’re awake.”

He recognized the voice.  He opened his eyes.  “Miss Barbarossa, what a surprise.”

“Nice try kid.  But you can call me the Minx.”

“Sorry, I thought I must have confused you with someone else.”  He smiled his best shit-eating grin.

“You really think you’re smart huh?  Some kind of boy genius.”

He sat up, “I do OK-OW!”

The Minx planted a boot on his chest and pushed him back down.  She leaned forward, her face inches from his.

“You’re playing a dangerous game Timmy, with dangerous people.  Trust me; you don’t want to get us mad.”

“I’m just trying-“

“Wouldn’t you rather…”  The Minx sat up and started unbuttoning her trademark coat.  As always she wasn’t wearing much under it.  “…be friendly?”


The Minx’s lips smothered the rest of that sentence.


The arena was littered with broken staves and unconscious girls. 

Five girls stumbled forward towards the High Priestess; they were the last ones standing after the melee. 

For the last week, the great games had consumed New Athens Island.  Races, tests of skill, and finally the great melee had whittled their numbers down.  Now all that remained was the final feat…

“Maidens, congratulations.  Five remain but only one can assume the mantle of Princess Patriot.  Now there must be one final trial.”

The weary, wounded teens nodded gravely and approached the table set up below the High Priestess’ balcony.  Five pieces of parchment and five quills waited for them.

“Now begins the greatest of all contests, one that will call up on every bit of your training, your talent and your wisdom.  Begin… THE ESSAY CONTEST!  Your theme: What freedom means to me!”

They began to write…


“What the fuck is this crap O’Leary?”

“It’s my column chief.”

“You call this a column?  ‘New Zoning Rules Harm Small Businesses’?  You trying to put our readers to sleep?”

“It’s… it’s an important issue and we haven’t covered it before.”

“O’Leary people buy the Daily Comet for one reason, and one reason only.  Superheroes.  They want to hear about Stellar Man, or Stellar Girl or Night Fox.  They don’t want to hear about the city council or tax laws or whatever.  They want superheroes.  Now come back with something decent!”  The editor crumpled up the column and bounced it off O’Leary’s head.  “You’ve got an hour!”

O’Leary sighed and started to type.



Some people have been a bit hard on the Minx, and this reporter is no exception.  But all too often we forget the simple truth that she is a great heroine and a worthy heir to Night Fox’s legacy.  I know the only reason I give her a hard time because I respect her so much…


He felt his ulcer act up.  It was like it was swallowing his own words.  But then he remembered the Minx’s soft caress.  He could do this.


The main temple on New Athens would be a wonder of the world, if anyone saw it.  White marble columns, two golden domes, carvings of the goddesses and muses all assembled in a graceful and timeless design.

In the center stand two golden doors that have been closed for nearly thirty years.

“Are you ready?”  The high priestess asked.  “Do you wish a night’s rest?”

The winning girl had come right from the arena.  Her left eye was black and swollen; her white toga was dusty and torn, leaving her left breast bare.  Her knees were scratched, her legs shaking so much she could barely walk.  But she nodded, straightened herself up and marched fearlessly forward towards the doors.

The high priestess swallowed hard.  What if she had read the omens wrong?  What if the door did not open?  What if this one was not worthy?

She needn’t have worried.  The doors opened slowly, a golden light surrounded the girl, there was a sound like thunder…

And Princess Patriot lived again!


“Hello Wes?”

“Gloria?  (cough) This is a surprise!”

“Wes?  Are you okay?”

“What this?  (cough) Just a cold.”

“Wes you’ve never been sick a day in your life!”

“True, but I was never old before either.”

“Old?  Wes you’re fifty-six!  You’re just getting going.”

“Heh.  Easy for you to say, you’re 24!  Your bones don’t ache every time it rains.  But you didn’t call me to hear about my health (cough).”

“No, I um… Wes I did something last night.  Something to protect my secret identity and I’m not too proud of it.”

“Did you kill someone?”

“What?  No!”

“Hypnotize them?  Make them think they’re insane?  Drug them to erase their memory?  Hit them over the head to give them amnesia?”

“No!  Of course not, but I-“

“Then you’re doing better than Ken and I ever did.”

“But I-“

“You slept with a reporter to shut him up.”

“I… how did you know?”

“World’s greatest detective remember?  It didn’t take much to read between the lines in O’Leary’s latest column.”


“You silenced a threat to your whole crime fighting career and maybe your life.  And you did it without hurting anyone.  Heck I bet at least one of you had a good time. (cough) I’d call that a win.”


“I know, you don’t feel that way.  But remember what I taught you, your entire body has to be a weapon.  Even that. (cough) That’s how I operated, that’s how you have to operate.  I ain’t proud of some the things I did, but I did what I had to.”

“You…?”  She couldn’t finish the question.

“Let’s just say I didn’t always get out of Night Cat’s dungeons with my escape skills (cough).”

“That wasn’t in the files…  But you know Wes there are some things I’d rather not know about.”


“You have proven fastest in the foot race, strongest in the melee, prettiest in the swimsuit competition and wisest with your essay ‘Freedom Means Life Without Fear’.  Therefore it is my honor to announce that you, Katherine Libertine, shall henceforth be known as Princess Patriot!

The eighteen year-old beamed and emerged from the Temple of Athena.  The crowd of girls applauded, some enthusiastically, others out of politeness.

The girls of New Athens Island were orphans.  Gathered from across the world, wherever there was war, wherever there was oppression.  They were brought to this magical island and trained in the path of wisdom and given the skills to defend peace and freedom.

Some were better at it than others.  And after a lifetime of training it was hard to admit that one had risen above the rest.

And Katherine Libertine literally did rise.

She slowly levitated above the crowd, held aloft by her red sandals, small wings at the ankles carrying her aloft. 

The rest of her shapely legs were bare, up to the blue and white leather armored skirt.  Above the skirt was a golden belt, the Girdle of Gaea, engraved with magical symbols and giving the wearer vast strength.  Then came the red leather breastplate, stronger than steel plate but as form-fitting as cloth.  Through it everyone could see the outlines of Katherine’s flat stomach and even a hint of her strong muscles.  The breastplate was capped with a golden eagle and two leather straps that held it securely in place.  Her dark hair was held in place by a golden tiara capped with a single star.  A blue cape trailed behind her, decorated with white stars along its edge.  In her hand was an oak staff capped with a carved eagle, power seemed to crackle up and down the rod.

“My sisters!  It is with much humility that I accept this honor!  We all know that this is not a reward for me, it is a responsibility entrusted to me by our goddess Athena.  And I will use all my skills to protect the great democracy of America and restore the land we love to greatness!”

The crowd cheered.


“Gloria!  Good!  You’re home!”

“Hi Lynn, that was fast.”

“Yeah, I think I’m getting the hang of the stellar weaver machine.  How do I look?”  The Girl of the Stars turned slowly, showing off her red hotpants and blue blouse.  As always she wore nothing under them, the Minx could see her breasts shake under the top.

“Looks fine.  What’s that?”  She pointed to a box Stella brought back.

“Oh yeah, it’s sort of… um…”  She opened it.  It had dozens of smashed devices and reams of papers.  The Minx identified them immediately.

“Stellar radiation rays!”

“Um, yeah.  While I was there I was thinking, y’know, how Stellar Man had green rays, and red rays and all that stuff that could hurt me or um, take away my powers.”

“Right… but only Stellar Man and Claudius Crowe ever figured out how to build them.  And Stellar Man’s equipment was destroyed when you fought those robots.”

“I know, but you’re smart.  You can rebuild them.”

“Um…”  Did she know?  The Minx hoped not.  “I might.  But why?”

“Well… I mean, that thing with Satan Girl got me thinking, what if someone steals my powers again.  We need to have some way to stop them.”

The Minx just smiled at her.  “And?  What’s the real reason?”

Stella sighed.  “And also that maybe it would be nice to be able to turn my powers off sometimes.  You know, just be a normal girl.  Like you.”

The Minx looked seriously at the devices again.  Most were smashed beyond recognition but at least she would have the original components to work with, it would help her own efforts tremendously.  More importantly she would no longer have to hide her efforts, she would be free to experiment openly, Stella would even cooperate!  She tried to hide her excitement. 

“I guess I could try Stella, if you really want me t-“

Stella hugged her roommate and lifted her off the ground.  “Yes!  Stars and comets yes!  Thank you Gloria!  Thank you!”

“No problem Lynn, it’s uh… my pleasure.  Really.  Anyway it’s time to go, we promised the Mayor we’d help clean up some of the damage Satan Girl did.”


But when our heroines got to Siegel Square…

“So naturally as soon as I saw the terrible damage done to the city I flew down to see if I could help.  After all, my mission is to protect and renew America.”

“Princess!  Princess!  One more question please!”

“I’m very sorry, I know the mission of the free press is vital but I fear I do not have the time for all of your questions.  Now that the damage is repaired I must move on but do not fear, no matter what the threat Princess Patriot will be there to protect you!”  With a toss of her dark hair Princess Patriot rose into the sky, propelled by her winged sandals.

“Minx, who’s she?  Why is everyone clapping for her?”  Stella whispered.

“And there you have it!”  A TV reporter announced.  “She’s pretty!  She’s wholesome!  She loves our country!  She’s America’s newest, greatest heroine, Princess Patriot!” 

“She can’t do that!  They can’t say that!  I’m America’s greatest heroine!  I’ve been waiting forever!  We don’t even know who she is!  She could be a robot or a witch or a demon or a villain!”

Stella was yelling now, some of the reporters turned to her, the Minx tried to pull her into an alleyway.

“Stella calm down…”

“She thinks she can just come in here and act like that?  Who does she think she is?!”  Stella took off like a rocket after the flying brunette.

“Stella!  Stop!”

But the blonde was already in the air.

“Hey you!  Stop!”

Princess Patriot stopped and hovered.  “Yes?  Hello my name is-“


Stella hit her with a midair tackle and dragged the brunette hundreds of feet into the air.

Princess Patriot’s training took over.  She swung her staff in an arc, lightning crackled around it.

“Taste the power of Zeus miscreant!”


Stella fell like a rock into the St. Giffen River. 

Held aloft by her winged sandals, Princess Patriot hovered for a minute, watching the churning waters for a sign of her foe.  There was nothing.  “Sweet liberty!  I must have hurt her badly!”  She dove into the water.

Long seconds passed.

Then Stella and Princess Patriot rose from the water.  Stella was pulling the brunette’s hair making her scream in pain.  She spun the Princess by her hair and threw her back towards the city.

Princess Patriot flew towards an apartment house but her winged sandals stopped her in midair.  She turned and headed back towards Stella.  The girl of the stars just hovered there waiting for her and smiling.

“Come on; let’s see what you’re really made of!”  She cracked her knuckles.

Princess Patriot set her jaw squarely and grabbed her staff with both hands.  She knew about Stella from her studies, but clearly something was wrong.  Stella must be mind-controlled or replaced by a robot or something.  The staff crackled with lighting again, she pointed it and unleashed its power.

“OW!”  Stella’s body jerked and her hair stood on end.

Princess Patriot jolted her again. 

“HEY!  That hurts!”

“You cannot long withstand my magic lightning!  Surrender!”

“Stupid magic!  I hate it!” 

Princess Patriot fired again but this time Stella wasn’t there, just a blur of motion.  Stella appeared behind the Princess.

“I’ll take that!”  She giggled and plucked the staff from the brunette’s hands, she tossed it over her shoulder.  “Now let’s try fighting fair!”  She smirked and punched Princess Patriot in the gut.  The new heroine went flying again, her winged sandals barely catching her before she hit a building.

“Sweet liberty!  If it wasn’t for my magic armor I would have-“


The next blow almost took her head off and sent her flying back towards Siegel Square.

“Ha!  You’re not so tough after all!”  Stella yelled as she flew after Princess Patriot.



Strobing laser light shot into her eyes blinding the blonde.

“Hey!”  She slammed into the ground leaving a crater.

“Ow… ow… ow…”  She muttered as she rose to her feet.  She rubbed her eyes.  “Stupid magic tricks… Now where did she go?”

The Minx ran up, hoping Stella hadn’t seen her throw that dazzle gem.  “Stella, Stella calm down, it’s OK, it’s OK.”


Stella vision cleared, she could see Princess Patriot getting to her feet, rubbing her aching jaw.  Dozens of reporters were surrounding her. 

“Princess Patriot!  Are you OK?  Why did Stella attack you?  Is there a rivalry between you two?  How did you blind her?”

“Lynn, let’s just get out of here” the Minx whispered.

 “But Minx I was right!  You saw her!  She attacked me!  She hurt me!  We have to find out who she is!”

“I know Stella, believe me I know.  We need to find out everything there is to know about her.  And I have a plan to do exactly that!”


“Star spangled satin panties?!”  Princess Patriot giggled.

“Yup.  Blue satin with embroidered white stars.”  The Minx refilled her glass.

“And…”  Princess Patriot stifled another laugh “and slave bracelets?”

“Yup!  She also has a corset and stiletto heeled boots and a bondage rope!”

Princess Patriot couldn’t hold it back any more she howled with laughter.  Stella and the Minx joined in.

They were sitting on the floor of Stella and the Minx’s luxury penthouse, eating cheese and crackers and drinking wine.  None of them were in costume.

“Well she’d definitely not one of ours I can tell you that.  She sounds more like some sick man’s fantasy girl than a champion of democracy.”

“Well she’d behind bars now; hopefully she’ll get some good help.  But enough about us, what about you?”

“Well there’s not much else to say, I mean after the contests I put on my magic armor, belt and sandals and left for Megapolis.”

“And what are your plans here?”

“Besides stealing everyone’s attention.”  Stella muttered under her breath, too low for the Princess to hear.

“Well my mission is to protect and renew America.  I mean just flying over the city I could see how bad things were with pollution and traffic jams and graffiti.  It’s like people stopped caring!”

“True, there are some problems but you must admit there’s also been so much progress; civil rights, women’s liberation, the peace movement…”

“Oh yeah the ‘peace movement’.  I still can’t believe it!  I mean during the war people were lining up to fight fascism but now people are running to Canada instead of fighting against communism?  Imagine where we’d be if those hippies had been around in ’41!  We’d all be speaking German!”


“Oh call me Katherine, we’re friends right?”

“Of course Katherine, you have to understand that Vietnam is different-“

“Of course!  I mean everyone knows the Reds are much worse than the Nazis!”

The Minx decided to move off of politics before things got even more awkward.  “More wine?”  She refilled Katherine’s glass. 

“Mmm, this is really good.  Thanks so much for inviting me over, back at the Island we were only allowed to have a sip of wine during festivals.” 

“Well it was least we could do after that misunderstanding.  We’re really sorry but in the last year and half we’ve had everyone from robots to satanic cheerleaders pretending to be heroines.”

“No, no Minx, it was my fault!  I should have contacted you guys first so we can work together to fight injustice!”

“Well all’s well that ends well.  Cheers!”

“Cheers!”  The three downed their glasses.  Princess Patriot held out hers for more.  “Stella what are you drinking?”

“Oh this is like, Centarian Nectar, it’s from space.”

“Can I try?”

“NO!  I mean uh, sorry no.  It’s like, the only drink that affects me, and it’s kind of poison, y’know, to humans.”


The Minx looked at Stella in horror.  She’d been secretly drinking apple juice the whole evening and assumed Stella was immune.  But a drunk Stella?  That was a scary thought, if she’d thought for a second that her partner could be affected by her drinks…

It was time to wrap up.  She tried to move them back on topic.  “So besides ‘protecting and renewing America’ what else will you do?  Any plans for a secret identity?”

“Hmm, oh yeah, some of the sisters from the island set it up already, I’m gonna be- Oh I shouldn’t say” she giggled “it’s a secret!”

“Oh come on Katherine, we’re all heroines here.  I mean we let you into our apartment didn’t we?”

“Yeah but Stella flew me here wrapped in her cape and you’ve got all the curtains drawn.  I still don’t know where I am.”

“True, true.  So I tell you what, you tell us and we’ll show you where you are.  Sound fair?”

“OK… I’m going to be Katherine Libertine, newest girl in the typing pool at the Daily Comet.  That way I’ll always know the latest news on so I can combat threats as Princess Patriot!”  She jumped up and did a typical heroine pose with her hands on her hips and her legs spread apart.  She flounced her dark hair and smiled.  “And… and I’ll spin and…” She pirouetted and spun in a circle.  There was a crack of thunder, a flash of light and when she came out of the spin Princess Patriot was there!  Her blue and white armored skirt flew up showing off her blue panties and toned ass, her strong arms flailed around.  She stumbled drunkenly and landed in the Minx’s arms.  “Sweet Liberty, I… don’t feel so good…”  The Minx quickly hustled the teen to the toilet where she opened her mouth and puked for a long time.  Finally Princess Patriot passed out on the bathroom floor.

“This is great!”  Stella whispered excitedly.

“What?  How?  Now she has to spend the night.”

“Exactly!  She’s totally passed out and we can do anything!  We can take her costume off, then we can take pictures!  Or we can put her hand in warm water!  That will show those dumb reporters that she’s not little Miss Wholesome!”


“I’m just saying did you see how drunk she got?  She’s like a total lush!”

“Lynn, I’m just going to forget you said any of that OK?  I’m just going to put her in the guest bedroom.”

“Oh come on Gloria!”

“Lynn, you’re drunk, forget about the Princess and go to bed.”

“It’s just… it’s just she’s walking around with her nose in the air.  I mean if she’d lost her family and had Stellar Man yelling at her all the time then she wouldn’t be so high and mighty and everyone’s talking about how great she is!  I can hear them you know, all the TV channels and the people on the street, Princess Patriot is great, Princess Patriot is wonderful, we love Princess Patriot!  Stuck up little bitch.”

“Lynn she’s not a bad person.”

“You’re falling for her too aren’t you!  Why don’t you make her your partner?  It’s not like I care!”


Stella started to cry.  “Oh Gloria I didn’t mean it!”  She hugged her friend and cried on her shoulder.  “You’re my best friend, promise you’ll never leave me, promise!”

“I promise Lynn.  Now get to bed, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“OK… G’night Gloria.”  Stella stumbled her way to her room still muttering darkly.

Gloria sighed and lifted the drunken teen heroine. 

To tell the truth things had gone very well.  She’d figured anyone named ‘Princess Patriot’ had led a somewhat sheltered life and a night of wine and friendship would loosen her lips.  Gloria had actually considered taking some incriminating photos long before Lynn suggested it.  But she dismissed it.  All signs were that Princess Patriot was exactly who she claimed to be, a sincere (if naïve) patriotic girl who wanted to help her country.  She certainly didn’t deserve whatever petty punishments Lynn had planned.  Gloria knew all too well the world would deal out hardship soon enough.

She gently laid the Princess down in bed.  She reached down and unbuckled the shoulder straps and carefully pulled off the Princess’ red breast plate.  Magic armor or not, it certainly looked uncomfortable!


Katherine Libertine woke up naked in a strange bed!  Harsh sunlight shinned through a crack in the curtains.  Her head hurt.

“Hey Princess, feeling better?”  The Minx entered with a tray of toast and coffee. 

Katherine say up, covering herself with the sheet.  “Oh, Sweet Liberty… What happened?  Were we attacked?”

“Just by wine, feeling better?”

“A bit.  But um, I’m naked.”

“Yeah, your costume’s in the closet.  I gotta tell you it was a real pain just getting it off.  You must need like 2 or 3 people helping you to get it on.”

“Is it?  I always put in on and take it off with magic; I never tried the normal way.”

“Oh…”  Stella staggered by.  “Stars and comets… my head…”  She wandered into the bathroom and locked the door.

The Minx just shook her head.

With Stella out of the picture the Minx and Princess Patriot had breakfast, then the Minx took her down to her Minx Pad and into the tunnels finally surfacing miles away from Lynn and Gloria’s apartment.  Katherine still had no idea where she had been. 

“Sorry about this, you’re a good kid but we have to protect our secret identities, after all you didn’t tell us yours.”

“Huh?  Didn’t I… last night’s kind of fuzzy you know.”

“No problem, good luck and keep that diamond pendent I gave you, it’s an emergency communicator.”

“Thanks Minx, thanks for everything.”


Gloria returned home to find Lynn on the couch drinking black coffee and rubbing her head.  “Stars and comets, why did you let me drink that stuff?”

“Lynn, I didn’t even know what it was.  Where did you get it?”

“Stellar Man kept some in the Citadel, some nights he and Night Fox would get drunk and complain about Polly Path and Ferret and stuff.  He’d never let me touch it but I saw where he kept it.”

“Well I think you’d better forget about it, with your powers getting drunk could be dangerous.”

“I KNOW!”  Stella swung out her arm and smashed a lamp.  “S-sorry… sorry, I just get so sick of it.  I can’t do anything fun cause of my stupid powers.  I wish I was powerless like you.”

“I’m not exactly powerless you know-“ Gloria began but Lynn cut her off. 

“You never have any problems; you don’t know what it’s like being me.”

Gloria opened her mouth to remind Lynn everything she had done to get this far without any superhuman powers but then closed it.  What was the point?  It would take a lot more than words to convince Lynn.

“Hey Gloria, any luck with those stellar rays?”

“No Lynn, sorry.  But I’m trying my best.”

“Damn.  Please hurry, I just want a rest, I just want to go through a day without hearing everyone in the city, without worrying about smashing a building if stamp my foot.  Is that so wrong?”

“No Lynn, that’s perfectly normal.  Maybe you should take a nap?”

“Yeah… thanks.  It’s not fair Gloria, everyone loves Princess Perfect and she doesn’t even have powers…  It’s just not fair.”


A week went by.  Princess Patriot foiled two bank robberies and saved an experimental Air Force jet from crashing.

Stella spent most of the week going to her school job, reading Cosmo and fuming about Princess Patriot.

“Gloria, did you see what she did yesterday?  She stopped the Terrible Trio from robbing a bank!  The Terrible Trio are my villains!”

The Minx sighed loudly.  “Lynn, you’re the one with stellar sight and stellar speed.  You could have stopped the villains if you’d wanted to.”

“But… what are you saying?”

“Lynn for a whole week you’ve been moping around talking about Princess Patriot stealing your spotlight.  Well if all you do is mope around then how are you ever going to turn this around?  It’s not her fault you were too busy doing… whatever you do.”

“So you mean…”

“I mean if you want to be America’s greatest heroine, you have to go out and do it yourself, you can’t wait for someone to come along and make you a great heroine.”

Lynn sat and thought for a minute.  Then she snapped her fingers and smiled.  There was a blur and a rush of wind and Stella appeared in costume.

“You’re right Gloria!  And I think I know just how to start!”  She flew off.

The Minx breathed a sigh of relief.  She’d been worried about her partner for a while but now it seemed things were looking up.


Timmy O’Leary loaded a new sheet of paper into his IBM typewriter.  He started a new column:

Princess Patriot, the heroine we’ve been waiting for

“Oh stars and comets, not you too.”

He spun; the girl of the stars was standing behind him looking over his shoulder.

“Stella!  What?  How?”

“You should close your windows; I mean anyone could get in.”

“I live on the 23rd floor!”

“So?”  She giggled.  “I can fly, so can your new girlfriend Princess Perfect.”

O’Leary smelled a story.  “Princess Patriot you mean?  Is there some friction there?  Jealous?”

“Jealous?  Me?  Why?  She’s just some stupid kid with a stupid name and she doesn’t even have superpowers, just that stupid magic stuff.  And she totally pads her top, I can tell.”

“I see, I see.”

“So now that like you’re sleeping with the Minx you have to help us get the truth out about her.”

O’Leary scowled at that.  He didn’t like this arrangement one bit.  “The truth?”

“Yeah.  Because I know her secret.”


“I know who she really is.”  Stella leaned forward, her loose blouse fell a bit, O’Leary could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra.  “Want to know?”  She whispered.


O’Leary swaggered into the office with a huge grin on his face.  He picked up the phone.  “Typing pool?  O’Leary.  Send up that new girl, Katherine.  I have a job for her.”


“OK read that back to me.”

Katherine Libertine cleared her throat and read.  “Princess Patriot represents what is best about our country, fighting for what we believe in and… and…” She chocked up. “… and doing what is right.” 

“OK, sounds good.”

“It’s, it’s wonderful.  But I mean surely she’s not that great, I mean she’s just trying her best… She’s not like perfect or anything.”

“And that’s the beauty of it.  Unlike Stella who hasn’t bothered to patrol the city in days, Princess Patriot is out there, whether stopping bank robbers or just saving a cat from a tree.”  O’Leary stopped for a second.  “Hmm, that was good, add that in.”

CLACK-CLACK-CLACK “…saving a cat from a tree.”

“You’re pretty good Miss Libertine.”

“T-thank you sir.”  She blushed again.  Katherine had lived her entire life on New Athens Island without men.  She’d read about them of course, and some of the girls who had been to the outside world came back with stories but she was still getting used to them.  No one ever told her there were ones as cute as Timmy!  And he was saying such nice things about her, as Princess Patriot and as Katherine Libertine!

“Say Katherine, have you ever thought about moving out of the typing pool?”

“I-I’ve only been here a week.”

“True but everyone says your work has been exemplary, and you’re pretty sharp too.  Those women libbers have been pushing the Daily Comet to hire more women reporters and it seems to me you might have what it takes.”

“Thank you sir but I would much rather-“

“You know, I have a hot tip today, an abandoned warehouse being used to smuggle Swedish pornography into the country.  I wouldn’t mind some help.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Danger?  Ha.  I was Stellar Man’s pal for years, I laugh at danger.  What about you Miss Libertine?  Do you laugh at danger?”

“I… guess I don’t mind a little danger.”


O’Leary jimmied the window and gave Libertine a boost.  They entered the dark dusty Charleston Warehouse. 

“Are you sure this is the place?  It looks deserted?”

“Don’t worry, my source had never steered me wrong.  Look I’ll go left, you go right, if you see anything suspicious whistle.  OK?”

“Got it.”

Libertine waited for O’Leary to disappear around the corner and smiled.  He might be expecting help from little Katherine Libertine but he’d be getting help from Princess Patriot!

She pirouetted and spun.  There was thunder and a flash of light and then the Daily Comet’s youngest typist was replaced by America’s lady of liberty!

And not a moment too soon!

“Help!  Help!  I’m trapped!”

She could hear Timmy crying out.  She ran around the corner and found him trapped by bars that fell from the ceiling. 

“Princess Patriot?!” he called out in surprise.  “How?”

“I heard your cries and came to save you!  Now stand back!”  She took the steel bars in her hands and pulled.  With the Girdle of Atlas multiplying her strength she was able to pull them apart and free Timmy.

“Thanks Princess.  I don’t think we’ve formally met, my name is Timmy O’Leary, you know, Stellar Man’s pal.”

“Yes I know we just-”  Princess Patriot was caught off guard and almost slipped.  She forgot that the magic of her armor prevented Timmy from recognizing her as Katherine!  “I… I’m familiar with you.  Yes.  You’re here to stop the pornography smugglers.”

“Wow, you are good.”

The Princess realized her mistake and covered.  “I uh, I ran into a young woman here, she told me about your story.”

“Katherine?  Is she OK?  I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her.”

Princess Patriot blushed again, he was worried about her!  “Oh, um, she’s fine; I got her out of here when I heard you yelling.”

“Great, as long as she’s safe we can find those filth merchants and close this down before they corrupt the youth of our country!”

The two set off down the hall.


Deep below the city in her sealed chamber the Minx worked on her stellar radiation beams.  She thought having samples to work with would make things easier but it didn’t.  Stellar Man’s devices used materials and technology she’d never seen before!  She felt like a caveman trying to reverse engineer a transistor radio! 

She sighed and slumped into her chair.  It was obvious she needed help.  She’d read everything printed on the subject, conducted her own experiments and studied the devices but she just couldn’t put it all together. 

“Stella’s not the only one who has to put up with unrealistic expectations” she mused.  “People think a photographic memory means I can do anything… but it doesn’t.  It just means I can remember what I read, what I see.  If it was that easy, anyone could be an Einstein just by reading enough physics books. 

I need a real expert.”


Timmy and the Princess had overcome a few more traps.  A net fell but the Princess easily tore it apart.  A pit opened but her winged sandals carried them over it.  Several darts fired but she deflected them by spinning her staff.  Her keen eyes easily spotted tripwires and pressure plates and she led Timmy around them.

“Sweet liberty!  Another trap!  Timmy, I think there’s more going on here than just pornography smuggling.”

“I think you’re right Princess.  I heard a rumor that Night Fox’s old foe the Trap-Maker broke free, this is looking more and more like his handiwork.  We have to be extra careful!”

Then steel shutters fell in front and behind them.  Before Princess Patriot could try to punch through them another panel opened and out came…

“AN ENRAGED GORILLA!”  Timmy yelled in horror.

The gorilla swiftly wrapped his arms around Princess Patriot’s wasp waist and squeezed.  Timmy pounded on the gorilla’s back with his fists but the hulking beast didn’t notice.  Princess Patriot squirmed and wiggled her arms free.  She raised them and delivered two vicious karate chops to the beast’s neck.  The gorilla sighed once and fell to the floor. 

Princess Patriot got up panting for air.  Timmy was also panting.  “S-strange the gorilla went down so… so easy…”  He fell on his face unconscious. 

“GAS!”  Princess Patriot yelled.  “The gorilla wasn’t the threat… distraction… they’re pumping gas into… got to… can’t…”  And then she too fell.


Consciousness was slow to return.  Sleep was so welcome, so warm, so pleasant.  Princess Patriot could feel her head resting on a nice warm pillow.  But there was something nagging her, wasn’t there something she had to do?  Something she had to take care of?

She opened her eyes a crack.

And screamed!

“HEY! Not so loud!”  Timmy O’Leary winced just an inch from her face.

“Sweet liberty!  Where are we?  What happened?”

Timmy and Princess Patriot were locked in a bare storeroom and tied together on their knees face-to-face.  One rope tied their necks together so their faces were just an inch apart.  Then Timmy’s arms were tucked under the Princess’ arms and his wrists were tied behind her back, just above her ass.  Her arms were similarly drawn through his arms and her wrists tied above his butt.  A tight rope around his waist and hers pulled them close; she could feel the heat from his body through her magic armor.  Another pair of ropes bound his thighs to her bare legs.  She realized with a start that the warm pillow she’d been feeling was his shoulder.

Her magic weapons were gone, her belt, her staff and her winged sandals were all missing, she wore only her magic armor.  Her cape was on the floor across the room.  As for Timmy, his suit jacket and shirt were gone, so were his shoes.  He was pushed up against her in just a thin white tee shirt.

“S-sorry” she panted, each breath making her breasts rub against his body.  “I just… I never… I mean…”

“I understand.”  He smiled at her.  “I remember the first time I got caught, it was pretty scary but Stellar Man rescued me.”

“Do you think Stella will come? “

“Um… I suppose it’s possible.  But maybe we’d better not wait for her.”

“But we’re tied up, what can we do?  And um, I sort of feel funny.”

“I can see a knot near your neck, if I can manage to undo it with my teeth…”  Timmy O’Leary leaned over, pressing his body closer to hers, she could feet him pushing against her breasts and his crotch rubbing against her pelvis, his lips and his tongue we on her neck, she could feel them on the rope but also brushing her maidenly flesh. 

“Oh…”  She moaned softly. 

“I can almost get it...”  Timmy whispered.  “Just need to get closer!”  He pulled with hands.  They were bound behind Princess Patriot’s back, when he squeezed he pulled her ass towards him.  She moaned again, she was feeling dizzy; her stomach felt funny, it was hard to keep her balance.

The two fell over!  Timmy on top wiggling and squirming to get at the knot with his mouth; the girl under him panting and writhing like she was having a fit.

“Oh sweet liberty, please keep going!  Please!”

“Almost there…”

“Slower… slower… please…”  She squeezed her eyes shut let out a low whine.

“I got it!”  Timmy yelled in triumph and raised his head, the rope between his teeth. 

“Oh…”  Princess Patriot sounded disappointed.

“Now for the one on your waist, I see a knot under your breast, hold still.”

He lowered his head to her left breast pushing against it.  Princess Patriot started moaning again.


Elsewhere the Trap-Maker watched via closed circuit TV and smiled.  He patted the high-tech video recording device; he would enjoy watching this again and again.  He took a close-up of the Princess’ face contorted in ecstasy and then the growing wet spot between her legs. 

He unzipped his fly.


“I almost have them!”

“Mmm… Mmm…”  Princess Patriot moaned.  After rubbing his head against her breasts Timmy had started on his bound wrists.  His head was on her shoulder while he pulled his arms up.  Her sensitive breasts her thrust against his squirming body, the teenaged heroine couldn’t believe the feelings going through her.  It was like when she rode a horse, faster and faster…  She started to lick his neck.

“Got it!  I knew those escape classes I took would come in handy!  Now for the ones on your thighs!”

The girl was bathed in sweat and panting by the time he finished.  He helped her to her feet and looked long into her half open eyes.  He leaned down and kissed her.  She returned it and squirmed closer to him, he could feel the heat coming off her, she was a like an oven!

He reached down, under her armored skirt for her blue panties.  He could feel they were wet.  He started to pull…

“NO!”  With surprising strength she pushed him away.  Timmy stumbled a few steps and fell.

Princess Patriot turned and ran to the far corner of the room and hunched into a ball crying.  “Sorry… sorry… I’m so sorry!”

Timmy got back to his feet and knelt next to her.  He put a hand over her shoulder and whispered reassuringly.  “It’s OK Princess, it’s OK.  What’s wrong?”

“I… It’s not you, it’s me, I’m Princess Patriot!”

“Um, yeah?”

“And Princess Patriot must be a pure maiden!”

“A pure maiden?  You mean you can’t…”

“No.  Not until Athena release me from my vows.”

Timmy thought about that one for a minute.

“It’s OK.”

“It is?  You mean you’ll wait until I have triumphed over tyranny and injustice?”

“Um, no, not exactly.  Here, lie down.”

“But I told you I cannot-“

“Trust me Princess, we won’t.”  He helped her lie down and slowly pulled her wet panties free.  She moaned again, he could see her labial lips opening and closing desperately, her pink clitoris was fully engorged and wet with fluid.  He lowered his mouth and licked.  The response was immediate.

“Sweet liberty!”

He licked again, up and down then side to side.  Princess Patriot grabbed his curly red hair and held on as her body twisted.  And then he stopped.

“No… please… more…”

“Princess, I need you to do something for me.”

“Please… anything…”

Timmy twisted around so he was facing her feet and his crotch was over her head.  “Princess I need you to open my fly and take out my dick, can you do that?”

The teen heroine hesitated until Timmy put a finger between her legs and slowly ran it along her labia.  She undid his pants in record time.  His dick was as stiff as an iron rod, it was a miracle he hadn’t cum in his pants.

“Now Princess I need you to kiss it, just like I’m kissing you.”  He lowered his head and used his tongue again.  “This is called a 69.”

“Mmm…”  She raised her full lips and took his burning dick in her mouth; she gently sucked on it and licked the head.  He stuck his tongue deep into her pussy.  She took his dick deep into her throat and ran her tongue the whole length of it.  He flicked her clit, her whole body shuddered, he did it again, then a third time.

“SWEE- OH FUCK!”  She screamed.

Timmy relaxed and his member shot a hot wet load into Princess Patriot’s face.  He sighed contently.


The red convertible pulled up to the jewelry story and a gorgeous brunette stepped out.  Eyes hidden behind dark glasses she breezed in and headed right for the back room.  The owner smiled and followed her in.

“Why Ms. Smith back so soon?”

“Hello DeMiller you old thief.  I’ve got something for you.”  She took out a small bundle of black silk and spread it on the table.  Eight diamonds glittered under the lights.  DeMiller took out a lens and proceeded to examine them.

“Beautiful, flawless, as wonderful as ever Ms. Smith.  My compliments to your supplier.”

“Thank you.  Now for the price.”

“I can give you nine thousand.”

The Minx almost took a swing at him but controlled herself.  “Funny there must be some wax in my ears, I’m sure you meant nineteen thousand, at the very least.”

“Sorry Ms. Smith, but nine is the best I can do.”

The Minx reached for the diamonds, she wasn’t going to stay here to be insulted.

“Don’t be so hasty Ms. Smith!  Let me explain…  You see the market for diamonds has been completely glutted since you first appeared on my doorstep.”

“I hardly think a few diamonds a month is enough to glut the market.”

“If it was only you, of course not.  But over the last year and half I’ve had all sorts of lowlifes coming to my door, selling diamond-tipped grappling hooks, diamond-tipped darts, diamond-edged cutters, all sorts of fascinating paraphernalia.  They say they dig them out of the sides of buildings or find them on rooftops all over town.  Naturally none are as large or impressive as the ones you sell but it does mean supply had been far outstripping demand.”

“Selling diamond-tipped darts?”

“Oh yes, all sorts of things.  Heaven only knows where they find them.  Now then you are welcome to try your business elsewhere but I doubt you’ll beat my price.  I only offer nine-thousand since you are a friend.  To anyone else I would have offered seven.”

The Minx weighed the problem for a minute.  Somehow it had never occurred to her this might happen.  She didn’t know what to do!  But in the meantime she had rent to pay and equipment to buy and none of it was free.

“Fine DeMiller, nine-thousand.  But you know you’re robbing me!”

“Always a pleasure Ms. Smith.  Say tell me, have you ever worn fur, I can’t help but think how nice you would look in mink.”

The Minx sighed, this day was getting worse and worse.


Princess Patriot cleaned her face with her cape and giggled.  “I bet the high priestess never thought I’d use it for this!  That was, it was, wow.”

Timmy kissed her on cheek and smiled.  “That was nothing Princess, these are the 70’s we have things you wouldn’t believe.  But first we have to get out of here.”

“How?  They took my magic belt!”

“True, but they missed on important thing, my signal watch!”

“Signal watch?”

“It’s an ultrasonic watch I invented to summon Stellar Man.”

“So you’re going to call in Stella?  I um, I really don’t want her to see me like this.”

“Don’t worry, I tried using it once to call Stella but she just ignored it.  I don’t think she likes me much.  Don’t worry, I have a better idea.”  He walked to the door and fiddled with his watch.  “By increasing the amplitude of the beam and narrowing the focus I can create a sonic laser that should…”  EEEEEEE! CRACK! 

The lock split in two!  Timmy opened the door and held it for Princess Patriot.  “After you madam.”

“Thank you sir!”  She giggled.

The corridor beyond was empty, just a few doors.  The first two rooms they tried had crates of Swedish magazines and films cans.  But the third…

“My belt!  My staff!  My sandals!  Sweet liberty this is great!”

“Come on, there’s still one more room to try.”


The Trap-Maker sighed and ejected the videotape and put it inside his black robes.  Damn, if he’d known he’d get a show like that he would have given that O’Leary kid a discount.  He never got anything like that back in the old days of messing with Night Fox and his pals.  O’Leary wanted a pretty elaborate set-up for being tied together with Princess Patriot but the Trap-Maker had to admit it was worth every penny.

He checked his equipment and waited.  He didn’t have to wait long…


Princess Patriot reduced the door to kindling and boldly walked into the control room.  “So you’re the Trap-Maker huh?”

“Curses!  How did you escape those ropes?”

“I um… I escaped OK?  That’s all you need to know!”

“Well you won’t take me to jail!” He threw a smoke bomb and vanished through a trapdoor.  Princess Patriot ran but was just too late, the steel door was shut.  She raised her fist to smash it but alarms started to ring.

“Self-destruct in five minutes”

“Sweet liberty!  We have to get out of here!”  She rose from the floor on her winged sandals and flew out the door.  She grabbed Timmy and raced down the hall.

She had to smash through walls and tear apart steel bars before they got out of the Trap-Maker’s maze but they finally reached the streets of the old warehouse district just as the building exploded!


“Sweet liberty!”

They kissed.


The next day…


Timmy finished writing his latest column.

“… and unlike Minx, Princess Patriot sets a good moral example for our young people.  That is why she is America’s greatest heroine!”

“That should get her goat” he muttered.  He hit the intercom.  “Typing pool, this is O’Leary; send up that Katherine girl, I need her.”

Katherine Libertine was so nervous she was almost shaking.  After yesterday she was afraid to see Timmy again.  She knew he was in love with the beautiful and glamorous Princess Patriot; surely he’d never be interested in plain old Katherine Libertine from the typing pool!  It was so tragic!  She was the rival of her own alter-ego!

She timidly opened the door.  “Mr. O’Leary?”

“Yes Miss Libertine, please lock the door behind you, we need to speak privately about yesterday.”

“Yes sir.  I realize I left you there but Princess Patriot came and told me to get to safety-“

“Yes, Princess Patriot… that’s who I wanted to speak to you about.  We had, we had an interesting adventure yesterday, very interesting.”


“I think I might be falling for her.”

‘I should hope so!’ Katherine thought bitterly. 

He walked up to the young girl and took off her glasses; he pulled off her hair clip and let her hair fall freely.  “I’m falling for you.”  He kissed her.

“What?  How?  I mean that’s crazy, I’m not Princess Patriot!  She doesn’t wear glasses!  She-“

He kissed her again.

“How did you know?  The magic of my armor…”

“I’ve had a little experience with these things.”  He said enigmatically.  He started unbuttoning her shirt.

“But I can’t even as Katherine I can’t…”

“Don’t worry Princess, I promised I’d show you something new didn’t I?”


The Minx fumed as she ran across the rooftops.  She couldn’t believe that little twerp!  After everything she did he practically called her whore in his stupid little column.  Well tonight she’d show him who’s boss. 

She fired a line and climbed in his open window.  The light in the bedroom was on.

“OK O’Leary, we need to talk now.”

Timmy came out of his room wearing nothing but a sheet wrapped around his waist.  “The Minx!  What a surprise!”

“Bullshit O’Leary, you practically put an engraved invitation in the paper for me.  Now what the fuck is going on?  I thought we had an understanding!”

“Oh hey Minx!  Wow, I didn’t know you knew Timmy too.”

Princess Patriot came out of the bedroom, completely naked except for her tiara and winged sandals.  She had a tube of KY jelly in her hand.  The Minx took a step back.

“No!  You didn’t!  O’Leary you goddamned piece of-“

“Now, now Minx, watch your language.  There’s a young girl in the room!”  He winked at Princess Patriot and she giggled.

“It was so nice seeing you again but I think you’d better get going now.  Give my best to Stella.”

The Minx opened and closed her mouth a few times but nothing came out.  She turned on her heel and jumped out the window.

“Damn bastard.”  She muttered as she swung away.

“Timmy honey, what was that about?”

“Nothing important, just some old business.  Now come back to bed sweety, I want to show you something called an Italian Chandelier.”

“Mmm… sounds wonderful!”  She kissed him and they returned to bed.




So Timmy O’Leary finally takes center stage.  I like him.  With Stellar Man gone he’s like a bitter old child star trying to figure out what no one likes him anymore.  But he perseveres and he gets a superheroine in the end!  (Bad pun stolen from Frank Cho)


When I started this series I was worried about whether or not I could keep it going with just two main characters.  When I did my Global Protectors series I had eight main characters and tons of supporting characters, I could have fun just writing the Protectors sitting around being catty to each other.  So I always planned to add a couple more heroines to Stella and the Minx.


But once I got going I found Stella and the Minx were an interesting enough combination on their own.  17 issues so far!  But I knew sooner or later I’d have use Princess Patriot.  She was meant to be a foil to our main characters, idealistic, a bit naïve, a virgin and a conservative. Let me know if you guys want to see more of her.


I came up with Princess Patriot’s name a while ago when I needed a list of patriotic heroines.  After going through my characters like Star and Freedom Girl and then characters from various websites like Ultra Woman, American Fox, Ms. Americana, Glory Girl and the like I threw in Princess Patriot which is a good solid alliterative name that also makes no sense.  America has no kings or queens or princesses; it kind of goes against the whole idea of America.  I mean a princess as America’s greatest heroine?  That’s crazy!  So Princess Patriot was born!


A long time reader pointed out that after everything she’s been through Stella probably doesn’t have much trust or good will for other superheroes.  I thought that was a good point so I made that the whole basis of Stella’s fight with Princess Patriot.  Not that I needed a reason, any excuse for a cat fight is a good excuse…


Marcus Lycus



Next issue: Poor Stella, all that power but no boyfriend.  Poor, poor Stella.  Why can’t she just meet someone nice? 

Well maybe she has.  Tune in for Stella’s Boyfriend, Matt Curry!