Stella and the Minx #33:



Stellar Man and Night Fox were the greatest heroes of the 60s but in the 70s their female counterparts Stella and Minx took over! 

But now Stella is in the hands of dangerous anarchists, who can save her now?

Tons of guest stars as Stella's story approaches its climax!


Marcus Lycus


November 2009



Stella later years 7Minx - Pepper Dickinson



Issue 33 – REVOLUTION!


The sun came over the hills bathing Megapolis in its first light.  Most honest citizens were still asleep, catching their last few precious zzz’s before work, but the few who were up and about paused to catch a glimpse of the beautiful autumn sky.

But for one honest citizen the dawn was the last thing on her mind.

“No… please… I can’t… I…”

“Sssh… it’s OK Stella, I’ll do all the thinking for you, you just relax, you can do that can’t you?”


“That’s fine Stella.  Just relax and I’ll take care of everything.”

Stella’s limp body was hovering over Megapolis encased in a field of violet light.  A purple-robed figure hovered next to her smiling and whispering in the half-unconscious blonde’s ears.

“Just let me do all the thinking Stella.  Just listen to…”

Psyche 4


“Huh?  Psyche?  Thought your name was Gayle…  Nice name…”

“Yes Lynn, it’s me Gayle, we’re going to have some fun now.  Remember how I told you about the banks, how they rob honest people so they can get rich?”

“Um yeah… maybe…”

“Well today we’re going to do something about them.  Isn’t that good?”

Uh yeah… I think… hard to think… tired…”

“Ssh, you’re doing fine.  Are you ready my dear Girl of the Stars? 

“Huh?  OK I guess…”

Psyche smiled and pointed at the headquarters of Megabank.  “Get ‘em.”

Stella’s limp body jerked to attention.  She turned and flew at the granite front of the venerable old building. 


The impact shattered every window in the place.


“Well, well, File Clerk Pepper Dickinson, how are you today?”

Police Woman Pepper Dickinson

Pepper winced when she heard that voice.  It was Sgt Novak, head of the evidence files, one of the cops Bruno owned.  And her boss.

He casually dropped folder scattering papers across the floor.

“Oops.  Hey why don’t you pick those up for me huh Pepper.  Get ‘em myself but y’know, bad back and all that.”

Pepper scowled but didn’t dare say a word.  Not to him.  Not ever.  Not if she valued her job.  Not if she valued her life.  And her family’s.  Instead she bent over and picked up the papers.  She could feel the ridiculously short skirt ride up and expose her panties but she put it out of her mind.  If this was the worst thing she had to put up with today…

“Mmm, mm-mmm.  You sure are an asset to the force Pepper.  No doubt about that.  Heh.  An ASS-et.”

Pepper’s face flushed red with anger and she bent back up.  “Your papers.  Sir.”

“Hey Pepper you blushing?  Never thought you were the shy and retiring type.”

Novak was a few inches shorter than Pepper, a few decades older and at least a hundred pounds overweight.  It was barely morning and she could already smell whiskey on his breath.  The fit young police woman could cripple him before he had time to shout.  She savored the thought, it made her smile.

He slapped her on the ass.

“Thanks Pepper.  I’ll let’cha know if I uh, ‘want’ anything from you.”

Pepper watched him leave.  So far Novak hadn’t gone farther than inappropriate looks and words.  But she could tell he was working up the nerve.  And when he did ‘want something’ from her, she’d, she’d… 

She wasn’t sure what she would do.

But her thoughts were interrupted by alarms. 

“All officers report for emergency duty!  All officers report for emergency duty!”

Pepper watched as dozens of men (and one or two women) rush by grabbing equipment and piling into vans and trucks.  She took a step forward to join them.

“G-goin’ somewhere Pepper?  Didn’t hear nothin’ ‘bout them wantin’ no file clerks.”  Sgt Novak chuckled.

“N-no.  No sir.”

He slapped her on the ass.  “Why don’cha go upstairs ‘n get me some more coffee, maybe some doughnuts too.  With all them taking off there should be plenty left.”

"Yes…"  Pepper thought for a second and then tried to hide her grin.  “Yes sir!”


Katherine Libertine lay flat on her stomach in Timmy O’Leary’s bed.  Her ass still hurt from last night.  Lately Timmy had been really rough on her, ever since he heard those rumors about Stella hanging out at Drake Warlock’s place.  It really upset him for some reason.  She’d tried to talk about it but he never wanted to say anything.  He’d been so secretive, he’d even slipped out in the night, saying he had to investigate a story.  Katherine frowned, she didn’t know what to do!  Despite all her training on Minerva Isle, men were still such a mystery! 

Maybe she could talk to someone about it…  But other than Timmy she really didn’t have any close friends. 

Finally she opened her eyes and glanced at the clock.  It almost 9!  She’d be late for work!

Katherine turned on the radio and jumped in the shower.  There was still some dried lubricant stuck in her butt crack.  It was going to be that kind of day. 

She climbed out of the shower and threw on one of Timmy’s shirts, it was as close to him as she could get these days. 

Then she heard the announcement on the radio.

“Massive explosion downtown at the Megabank building!  Police cannot confirm the cause but witnesses say Stella is on the scene now.”

“Sweet liberty!”  Katherine cried.  “I guess the Daily Comet will have to get by without me this morning because the world needs…”

She pirouetted and spun.  Timmy O’Leary’s bathroom shook with the sound of thunder.

Princess Patriot 5

Princess Patriot!



Pepper Dickinson smiled, the knockout drops in the coffee worked perfectly.  Sgt Novak was out for a while.  Which meant it was time for File Clerk Pepper Dickinson to disappear and…

Minx - Pepper Dickinson

The Minx

…to hunt again!


And a third heroine flew high over the city of Megapolis.  Her wounds from battling ‘Satan Girl’ had almost healed, but her anger still seethed.  She’d sent a message to Princess Patriot letting her knew she was coming.  Soon this city would get some help from…


Liberator Woman 2

Liberator Woman!


Then she saw the Mega Bank building explode.


“Good girl, good Stella.”  Psyche patted her captive on head like a dog.  Stella hung in mid air like a puppet, only held up by the glowing violet field around her.

“Tired…”  Stella moaned.

“I know dear, I know, but there is still so much to do.”  She pointed at the Stone Munitions building uptown.  “Think of all the people that warmonger’s products will kill.  Doesn’t it make you mad?”


“Soon my dear, soon.  You have work to do now!”  She gestured and Stella snapped to attention.  She twirled her finger and Stella rotated on her axis. She chopped with her arm and Stella shot off like a bullet headed right for the Stone Munitions building.


“SWEET LIBERTY!” Princess Patriot shouted as she flew over the west side.

“OHMYGAWD!” Liberator Woman echoed from the east.


Like a guided missile Stella slammed into the modern steel and glass office building blowing out windows.  She emerged from the other side her torn cape trailing behind her a banner.

Liberator Woman grabbed Stella from behind pinning the smaller girl’s arms. “Now, now, Arnold Stone is a friend of mine.  No fair trashing his nice building!” 

Stella looked confused, as if uncertain where she was or why this woman was holding her.

“Calm down Stella, what’s going on here?  Are you fighting someone?  Is Satan Girl attacking?”

Satan Girl!  Did she know!  She couldn’t know!  “NO!”  She screamed and started to spin.  Liberator Woman was send flying into a skyscraper.

“Stella!”  Princess Patriot flew towards her.

“You!  Stupid Princess Perfect!  I told you how much those wings bug me!” 

“Stella I want to help, please tell me-“

“Oh blow off!”  Stella puffed her cheeks and blew.  Princess Patriot was sent backwards, halfway to the St. Giffin River. 

(Good job Stella, now the building, finish it.  Take it down.)

“Um… OK.”  Stella was startng to feel better.  The headaches were gone.  The weakness was gone.  Those bimbo heroines were gone.  It all felt so clear.

Stella landed in front of One Stone Munitions Plaza.  The plaza was littered with broken glass and fleeing commuters.  A security guard ran up to her.

“Stella!  Oh Stella, thank goodness!  Someone attacked!  Probably those hippy peaceniks or commies.  You have help-“

Stella picked him up by his shirt and tossed him over her shoulder. 

The lobby was deserted.  Stellar vision showed her where the support beams were.  She tore them out and moved at stellar speed back to the plaza to watch it come down.


The building groaned.

“Stars and comets…”  She whispered.  Her head started to hurt again.  Something was wrong.


The fifty-story tower became a mass of twisted steel.

WHAM!  A blue and white figure tackled her, carrying her into the sky.

“I don’t know what’s going on here but I’m getting you out of-“ 

“Dumb bitch!  I beat you before!”  Stella raised her fists and boxed Liberator Woman on the ears.  Now it was all clear again. 

“Sweet liberty!  Stella!”

“You!  I thought I taught you a less-“


Princess Patriot unleashed lightning from her staff, the bolt struck Stella’s chest emblem stunning her.

“S… stupid stick, I’m gonna…”


“Stupid magic, stupid Princess Perfect, stupid…”

Stella’s eyes shut and she tumbled from the sky smashing into the ruins of the building.

“Uh…”  She crawled upwards, everything hurt.  She could see Princess Patriot and Liberator Woman circling.

Her head slumped to her chest and she passed out.


“Princess Patriot!  What’s going on?”

“Liberator Woman!  I don’t know, it’s like Stella’s gong crazy!  But my lightning stunned her, she’s not moving now.” 

The two heroines circled closer to the prone heroine.

Suddenly Stella’s body jerked, her eyes opened now glowing with purple power.

“Arrrg!”  She screamed incoherently and flew towards them.


(Do it!  Make her finish them!) a voice in Psyche’s head whispered.

“But she’s so weak, I don’t think I can-”

(Yes she can, of course she can my dearest, she’s Stella, the Girl of the Stars.  She has more power than we can dream of.  Kill them, finish them off.)

“But they’re just…”

(They’re part of the system.  Part of the system that crushes souls, that stifles us all.)

“Drake she could die...”  She whispered softly.

(We must all make sacrifices-)

Psyche’s eyes went wide, she smiled.  “If she dies, I won’t have the power to-“

(FINE!  Bring her back.  I suppose there’s always time tomorrow.)

Psyche rose from the rooftop surrounded in a strong purple glow.  Princess Patriot turned to look.

“Sweet liberty!  Now wha-OW!“  Stella gave the distracted heroine a punch to the jaw and sent her flying again.  Stella ignored the brunette and flew towards Psyche.  Liberator Woman flew after her.

“I don’t know who your new playmate is but –“ 


A purple energy blast struck Liberator Woman and sent her flying back into the ruins of the Stone Munitions building. 

“Huh?”  Stella muttered, “Gayle, you’re flying…”

“Sssh my love, it’s time to rest.”

“Rest?  Oh good.”  Stella passed out and began to fall but psyche enveloped her in the same psycho-kinetic field, cradling her limp body.  Together the two flew away.

“Uh…”  Liberator Woman moaned and crawled out of the wreckage.  Princess Patriot approached holding her aching head.

“So… now what?” 

“Sweet liberty I wish I knew.”

“I might have some ideas!”  A newcomer cried out from behind them.


“You can call me, the Minx!”



Timmy O’Leary lurked outside Drake Warlock’s Warehouse.  The massive building was dark and locked in the daytime but Timmy knew there were all sorts of nefarious activities going on inside.  Illicit drugs, perverted sex acts, obscene works of ‘modern art’, the sort of stuff that would turn the stomach of any decent, hard-working American.

Timmy O'Leary 2

But it was his duty as a reporter to find out just what was going on. Of course a bunch of twisted freaks like Drake Warlock and his so-called ‘superstars’ wouldn’t exactly sit down for an interview with ace Daily Comet Reporter Timmy O’Leary.

He slipped into an alley way and opened his famous disguise kit.  Back in the day, back when he was Stellar Man’s Pal he’d been quite the master of disguise, posing as a cowboy, a mafia don, a beauty princess, even as one of Hitler’s SS.  This wouldn’t be a challenge.

Timmy O'Leary - Hippy disguise

Drake Warlock and his crew wouldn’t be happy to see Timmy O’Leary – ace reporter…

But they’d be happy to welcome Ray O’Sunshine – dirty hippy! 

He carefully applied some more bottled sweat to his body to make sure he didn’t smell too clean.  Warlock and his sort would be suspicious of anyone who bathed too much.  

Satisfied, he walked across the parking lot and knocked on the front door.


Stella opened her eyes painfully.  She was one of Drake Warlock’s rooms.  This one was all red with dozens of Santa statues on every surface.  But she hardly noticed the surroundings, all she could feel was the pain in her head.  She tried to remember where she had been, what she had done but it was all a blur.

Somehow she had the impression something bad had happened…

She sat up and the room spun, she lay back down and closed her eyes.

She wasn’t sure how much time passed before she could open them again.

Gayle was there.

“Hello my love.”

“Uh… what happened?”

“You were fantastic.  We got off to such a great start.  It was magnificent!”

“Huh?  I don’t remember…”  She held her aching head.  “There was a fight wasn’t there?  Someone… I hit someone…”

Gayle gently touched Stella’s forehead and smiled.  “Hush, it was nothing important.”

Stella climbed out of bed on wobbling legs.  She stumbled, Gayle held her.  “G-gotta go… need my costume… gotta…”

“Ssh, rest now my beautiful girl of the stars.  We’re mending your costume, it got a little torn.  You’ll need it tomorrow.” 


“Yes, tomorrow is the big day.  The protest rally.  And you’ll be there to lead it.”

“Oh.  Ok.”  Stella lay back and closed her pale blue eyes.  She was asleep in minutes.

Gayle kissed her on the forehead and tucked her in.  She silently slipped out of the room.

Drake Warlock was waiting for her outside.  “Well?”

Drake Warlock

“She’ll do it.  She just needs some rest.  She’s tried, worn out, I think I’m draining her.  Taking too much.” 

Drake yawned theatrically.


“I just… she’s not a bad person.”

He put a gentle hand on her head, he stroked her cheek.  “No of course not.  None of them are bad people.  It’s the system that does this to them, twists them.  Makes them do bad things.  That’s why we have to tear it down. All of it.”

“I’m just worried, what if I’ve weakened her too much?  What if she dies?  What if…  Maybe we should wait?”



Drake yanked her hair and wrenched her neck driving the thin girl to her knees.  “The gutter!  I found you in the gutter!  Drugged out, half-insane from the voices in your head but I found you, I saw what no one else did!  I saw you were special!”

“I’m sorry Drake!”


“I made you Gayle!  I made you a superstar and I can take it all away!”  He wrenched her head a few more times and dropped her on the floor.  “Remember that tomorrow bitch.”  He spat and stormed away. 

He almost ran into a red-headed hippy.  “Get the fuck out of my-hey I haven't seen you here before.  Who are you?”

“Oh, I’m like, they call me Ray y’know.  Ray O’Sunshine, cause like I’m so bright y’know.” 

Drake sneered and walked away.  “Ray O’-fucking-Sunshine, spare me.”  He sniffed.  “And take a bath you dirty hippy.”


“Father?  Are you sure this is wise?”

Claudius Crowe sneered at his young son.  Calvin shivered under that glare despite his thick parka.  It wasn’t the Arctic cold, it was his father’s contempt. 

Claudius Crowe - Armor 2

“I’m sorry father.”  He muttered looking down.  Claudius Crowe nodded.

They were standing on a glacier in the shadow of a huge golden key.  A mile away a huge golden door waited.  A half dozen of his robots accompanied them.

“Calvin, if it wasn’t for the DNA test I developed I would never believe you were my son.  Now I have been waiting for this moment since 1950, please stop ruining the mood of triumph.”

“Yes Father.”

Crowe pushed a button on the gravity gauntlet he wore on his right hand.  A bass note sounded across the ice and the gauntlet crackled with energy.  He took a step forward and lifted the fifty-ton key.  He rose into the air.  Calvin and the robots followed.

The key fit perfectly and the golden door opened.

Alarms rang but there were no more Stellar Man robots to respond.  An ultrasonic signal cried out for Stellar Man or Stellar Girl to come.  But neither was in any position to hear it.  The Citadel was defenseless.

Crowe looked over the smashed trophies and ruined machines.  He let out a booming laugh. 

“The Citadel of Isolation.  At last it’s mine.”  He gestured to his robots.  “Darwin, Einstein, Newton, Kelvin, Hubble, Aristotle, identify any functioning equipment and prepare if for transport.  Destroy anything else.”  The robots spread out to begin their search.  Crowe turned to his son.  “Twenty-two years ago I swore I would tear it all down.  Take away everything he ever had.  And this is almost it.  After this there’s only one thing left.  Stella.”




“Stella, it’s me, Timmy.”

“Timmy who?”  She giggled.

“Timmy, Timmy O’Leary, Stella you have to get up.  Stella they’re going to kill you.”

“Timmy, you look funny.”  She giggled, then reached up and pulled off his wig exposing his thinning red hair.  “And you smell funny, like a dirty hippy or something.”

“Stella- Lynn please get up, you have to come with me.”

“Lynn… Lynn… Loser Lynn… no one likes loser Lynn…”  She started singing.

“Yes Lynn, come with me now.”


Timmy helped pull Stella out of bed.  The girl was naked and as limp as a ragdoll.  Timmy wasn’t a big man but Stella was pretty thin.  He found her cape on the floor and picked it up to wrap around her but then stopped.

She was just lying there so helpless.  So vulnerable.  So pretty…

He watched her for so long.  Watched her blossom from a skinny little teen into a beautiful woman and… and…

(Look at her Tim, you’ll never get a chance like this again, you know you want it)

His head jerked up.  “Who’s there!?”

(Look at her Tim, pretty as a picture.  And you should know, you’re the one who took all those pictures)

He looked around, there was no one there.  He looked back at Stella, still lying on the bed in a daze.  Now she was humming and playing with her hair.

(Look at her Tim, no one will ever know, she’s so out of it, she’ll never even know)

The voice sounded a lot like his voice.

Stella rolled onto her back her legs spread open.  Wide open.  Timmy saw a thin pink line below her wild untamed tuft of pubic hair.  He swallowed.

(Look at her Tim, look at her)

“N-no one would ever know…”  He took a hesitant step forward, then another, jerking like a puppet on strings.  But by his fifth step he was moving naturally, even eagerly.

He dropped his jeans and his shorts.  He climbed into bed and put his hands on Stella’s hips.  The groggy blonde didn’t even notice he was there.

Timmy pushed forward.

Stella’s eyes went wide!

“Oh yeah!”  Timmy muttered pushing harder.  The slim blond was tight.  Tighter than of those Shuster Street whores he’d put in Stellar Girl costumes, tighter than those college co-eds eager to meet Stellar Man’s pal, almost tighter than Princess Patriot’s ass. 

And she loved it, he could see from the way she was squirming under him, she was into it, not just lying there like those dead-eyed whores.

“N…no… please…”  She moaned.

“Uh!  Uh!  Uh!  Goddamn cocktease whore…  You’ve been asking for this since you were fifteen!”

Timmy just pounded her harder.  Finally, after all these years he had her.  He remembered Stellar Man once using his computer to show him what would happen if he married Stellar Girl, somehow it was never like this!

And she was so dizzy, so out if it, she might even…

Why not?

“Stella where is he?  Where is Stellar Man?”

“Stellar Man… he… he did it…”

“What did he do Stella?  Where is he?”

“He did it, him and that witch Polly…”

“Yes Stella, him and Polly where are they?!”

“They… he…  I put him in the robot… stupid robot, I hate robots…”

Timmy twisted her nipples and made the girl yelp.  “You’re not making sense!  Where is he?  What robot?”

“Used robots… it was Gloria’s idea y’know… her fault… fooled everyone…”

“Yes Stella, I know about the robots, but where is Stellar Man?”

“In the sun…”

“The sun?”

“We had to bury him… couldn’t just leave his body out in the middle of the Citadel…”

“Stella?  Are you saying he’s dead?”

“…wasn’t my fault… I didn’t mean to…”

Timmy dropped the girl and staggered back, his now limp dick trailing cum across her legs.  “You… you…  Oh my God…  You killed him!”  He screamed.  His hands found a stool on the floor, he lifted it and swung it down on the barely conscious girl. 





The stool splintered, he kept hitting her with the leg.  Stella weakly raised an arm to defend herself but the blows kept raining down.

“You… you… bitch!  You whore!  He was the greatest hero on Earth and you killed him!  I’ll kill you damn it!  I’ll kill you!”


“There it is, Drake Warlock’s Warehouse.  Word on the street is Stella’s been partying pretty hard in there, and she was inside last night.”  The Minx pointed.

“I know it.  It’s full of all sorts of hippies, drug addicts and subversive elements.  If Stella is mixed up with their type, she could be in serious trouble.”

Liberator Woman rolled her eyes.  “Geeze listen to Miss Daughter of the American Revolution here.”

“I don’t see what my membership status has to do with anything.”

“Look just cause some people like to have fun doesn’t mean they’re some kind of ‘subversive element’ or whatever.”

“Hmph!  It’s attitudes like that which brought America to this sorry state.”

Liberator Woman made a fist.  “And what does that mean?  A country where women have a voice and don’t have to stay home barefoot and-“

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Um let’s all calm down here.  We’re here to rescue Stella right?”

The other two frowned but nodded.

“We need a plan, we can’t just barge in there in broad daylight.  Maybe we could fly to the roof and-“

“And break in like common criminals?  I think not.”  Princess Patriot walked boldly out of the alleyway and advanced on the Warehouse’s front door.

“Wait!  Wait!  We can’t just smash our way in!”  The Minx shouted trotting after the all-American heroine.

“Smash?  I’m Princess Patriot.  I don’t smash my way into places of business.”  She’d already crossed the parking lot and arrived at the front door.  “I simply… KNOCK!”


Princess Patriot’s blow shattered the front door.  She smiled and walked in.  “See?  Sometimes if you ask the right way they let you in.”

Liberator Woman strode in next shaking her head.  “I may not like her politics but I like her style.”


“N-no!  What are you doing!  No!”

 “Timmy no!  It’s not my fault, I can explain!  Stellar Man, he killed her and-”


“Shut up!  Shut up!  Damn it!  You don’t deserve to say his name!”  He raided the splintered leg again for another blow.

Stella shot up and punched him in the face.  The middle-aged reporter sank back unconscious.

The door opened, Gayle entered.

“Oh stars and comets, Gayle, I think I killed him!”

Gayle glanced at Timmy and shook her head.  “No I can see him moving.  Not that it matters.  He deserves it.  Hard to believe, one of Stellar Man’s best friends, one of your best friends, attacking you like this.  Betraying you.”

“Yeah, it’s… it’s not like him at all.”

“No Stella, it’s just like them.  All of them.  All of your old friends.  They just want to tell you what to do, how to act.  They just want to control you!”

(Yes they do) whispered a voice in Stella’s head.

“Yes they do!”  Stella repeated with enthusiasm.

“That’s why you have to tear it down.  All the old ways.  The whole broken system!”

(Yes I do) the voice whispered again.

“Yes I do!”  Stella repeated.

“That’s right Stella.  And some of them are coming now.  Right here.  They want to take you away from me.  Away from Drake.”

“I…  I don’t want to go.”

“Then you’d better tell them that.”


“We’ll split up and try to find Stella.  We can meet back at that alleyway.”  The Minx decided.  Things were getting stranger and stranger.  After Princess Patriot smashed down the front door the Minx was sure there would be dozens of Drake’s followers rushing to check it out.  But the place seemed deserted.  The bar and nightclub area was empty.  The workshops were downstairs.  The living quarters and guest room upstairs. 

Princess Patriot headed down, Liberator Woman up.  The Minx took out a mini-flashlight and investigated the ground floor.


Princess Patriot frowned at what she found.  Colorful pictures of Mao, enlarged pictures of soup labels, random displays of colors.  Just looking at all this filth made her mad.  She shook her head and took out her staff. 

“This isn’t art!”  She declared and fired a blast of lighting at a pile of prints.  They were reduced to ash.

“A bit harsh aren’t you Princess?”

“Who are you?”  She turned and saw a young woman dressed only in a purple robe and pair of matching panties.  Obviously another degenerate.

Psyche - Gayle Dixon 2

“Oh I’m just a friend of Mr. Warlock’s.  I don’t think he’ll be too happy to see you burning his private property, what are you?  Some kind of commie censor?”

“What?  Sweet liberty no!  I believe in the freedom of every individual to express him or herself in any way that is not offensive to community standards or incites crime and lawlessness!”

“That’s so good to hear Princess.  I think we have a lot in common you and I.  We should discuss our common beliefs, face-to-face.”

Her voice was very soothing.  Princess Patriot blinked twice and suddenly the girl was right next to her.  She lifted the staff out of the heroines unresisting fingers and set it against the wall.

“I’ve heard of you Princess Patriot.  They say you must keep yourself pure.  They say you come from an island of women.”

“Y-yes…  I was sent to America from Minerva Island to help restore this proud country to greatness and fight against the forces that seek to corrupt it.”


“And, and on Minerva Island women from around the world are trained in the path of peace and wisdom and democracy so that may guide the world towards Athena’s path.”


“And, and the wisest and purest and fittest of all of us is chosen to serve as our champion – Princess Patriot!”


“And, and Princess Patriot must remain the paragon of purity in the service of Athena.  If she becomes impure she shall lose her office and be exiled.”


Princess Patriot blushed.


“I… I try.  I really do.  I mean I am pure.  Mostly.  I mean I never… y’know.”

“You’ve never been fucked up the cunt?”

“Um…”  Princess Patriot could feel the girl’s hands on her shoulders and upper arms.  She was standing behind the dark-haired heroine, running her fingers along the Princess’ bare arms.  Whispering in her ear.  “I never did that.  Never.”


“But, there's Timmy.  He loves me.  He really loves me.  And I can’t have a relationship with him unless we do something.”  Princess Patriot’s face was flushed red now, tears were rolling down her cheeks.  She’d never told this to anyone!  Why was she telling it to this strange woman in this den of depravity!


“And, and so we do… stuff.  Y’know.  He has books.”


“And, and so I… I suck his dick.  Sometimes.”


“And, and so he, um, he bends me over and he… he puts his dick in my butt.”


“And, and it feels good!”  Princess Patriot let out a sob and staggered.  Gayle helped her to the floor.

“Shh, shh.”  She produced a handkerchief from the pocket of her robe and gave it to the weeping heroine.  “Ssh.  It’s all right.”

“Oh sweet liberty if the high priestess ever found out!”

“Well she won’t will she?  After all you won’t tell her and besides, Timmy loves you doesn’t he.  You have to do that.  To keep Timmy.”

Princess Patriot sobbed a few times and nodded.

“After all, you won’t want him to cheat on you would you?”

Princess Patriot blew her nose and shook her head.

“You wouldn’t want him to do this…”  Gayle put a hand on Princess Patriot’s head and the dark-haired girl’s eyes rolled back.  Images shot into to her head.  Images of Timmy O’Leary dressed up like a dirty hippy, leering at a naked Stella.  Bending over her.  Dropping his pants.  Mounting her.

“NO!  NO!”  Princess Patriot cried out and buried her face in her hands.

It was true.  She knew it was.  She’d seen how he looked at Stella.  Seen the photo albums he kept in the bottom of his closet.  She’d even once heard him cry out Stella as she sucked on his dick.

It was all true.

Gayle put a comforting arm around her.  She reached up and took off Princess Patriot’s tiara.  The princess’ hair fell free.

“It’s OK now Princess.  OK.”

Princess Patriot buried her head in Gayle’s purple robe.  It was so warm and soft.

“I-I love him…  I risked everything for him…”

“Ssh, it’s OK.  I’m here now.”


Liberator Woman stomped up the stairs.  She was not a quiet woman, not a skulker like that Minx chick.  She liked to fight up close and personal and out in the open.  That's how she took care of the Super Chauvinist and his Male Pigs, that's how she took out Dr. Pollution, and that's how she beat the Dehumanizer.  She figured she’d find Stella, find that creepy purple robe character and head back to California before sundown.  She’d wasted enough time here already.

Her father and mother were the famous World War II heroes the Liberator and the American Dream.  But she’d been born out of wedlock and given up for adoption.  She didn’t even learn who her parents were until after they died in 1963.  But now she was a grown up and she’d inherited their powers.  She could fly, she was stronger and tougher than anyone else and she healed quickly.  It didn’t take long to decide to commit herself to her dad’s cause.  Only except for fighting Nazis and Fifth Columnists she dedicated herself to fighting for liberation in America.  Whenever the civil rights movement or the women’s lib movement needed help she was there.  A lot of people didn’t like it.  They said superheroes shouldn’t be political, especially superheroines.  But Liberator Woman ignored them.  There was no where she liked better than being at the front of a peace march or a human rights protest.  That was lot more important than fighting giant robots or whatever the other superheroes did.

“Looking for someone?”

Liberator Woman looked up, Stella was there at the end of the hall grinning at her.  She was back in her costume and looked none the worse for the wear.

“Stella!  We’ve been looking for you!”

“You again!  I thought I taught you your lesson back in California!” 

“California?  But we never…  Never mind.  Stella listen, they’ve got some kind of mind control they’re making you-“


Stella tackled Liberator Woman and smashed through the far wall into the open skies.  Liberator woman threw a few quick punches to Stella’s face and the dazed heroine let go.  Liberator Woman fell, caught herself and rose back into the air circling Stella in a winding arc.

“Stella listen to me they did something to you, you have clear your head.  They made you destroy that building this morning.”

“Huh?  I didn’t… I wouldn’t…”  She held her head and frowned.  Thinking made it hurt.

Liberator Woman drifted closer and extended her hand.  “It’s OK, we’re here to help you.  I’m here and Princess Patriot-“ Liberator Woman didn’t notice Stella’s expression hardening. 

“S-stupid Princess Puh-Perfect…”

“-and the Minx.”

“MINX!”  Stella screamed, loud enough to shatter windows.  She flew right at Liberator Woman, tears filling her eyes.  “Stupid Minx!  It’s all her fault!”

Libby easily danced out of the way of Stella’s clumsy attack.

“Whoa there, Stella, we’re trying to help you!”

“Goddamn Minx left me all alone!  It’s her fault!”

Stella charged again and Liberator Woman dodged once more.

“Come on Stella, you suckered me before but I’m just as powerful as you and you’re not going to get me again.  Now calm down and let’s settle this.”

Stella started laughing. 

“What’s so funny Stella, seems you haven’t been able to lay a hand on me.”

“So?  Who needs hands?” 

Stella’s pale blue eyes turned red.

“AH!”  Was all Liberator Woman had time to say.


“T-thanks…”  Princess Patriot accepted the glass of wine from Gayle and took a healthy gulp of it.  “Y’know I never used to have wine like this back on Minerva Isle, just a sip or two at the festivals.  It’s really quite good.”  She fined the glass and Gayle refilled it. 

The Paragon of Patriotism was sitting on the floor sobbing quietly.  Gayle sat next to her stroking her bare leg and running her fingers through PP’s hair.

“I mean… all I wanted was to be Princess Patriot right?  My whole life… all I wanted…  No one told me it would be like this!  The liberal media keeps making fun of me!  Stella hates me!  Liberator Woman thinks I’m some kind of anti-feminist!  And… and… did you know the army shot protestors in Ohio?  The National Guard just shot them!  In America!  Not in Russia!  In America! H-how can I defend America when I don’t even know what America is any more!”

She took another drink.

“Oh sweet liberty… I don’t know what to do… I feel so alone…”

Gayle put a hand on Princess Patriot’s chin and turned her head, their eyes met.  Gayle closed her eyes and leaned in giving the nineteen-year-old heroine a tender kiss.  Princess Patriot recoiled but did not pull free from Gayle’s embrace. 

“I… I never…  I don’t…”

Gaye kissed her again.  “An island of women and you never…?”

“I… other girls, they used to go to the hot springs and… but I never, I was too busy, I wasn’t interested, I wanted to stay pure, I…”

They kissed again.  Gayle took off her purple robe exposing her fit body.  She pulled Princess P’s head down and the young girl obediently kissed her breasts. 

“Mmm, you’re a fast learner.  Now how do we get that leather top off of you?”

“Oh it’s magic, just let me…”  Princess Patriot staggered to feet.  Dizzy she stumbled a few steps but manage an awkward pirouette.  She spun, there was a crash of thunder and a flash of light and in Princess Patriot’s place was plain old Kathy Libertine!  Still wearing Timmy’s shirt, still wet from her shower, she stumbled a few more steps and landed in Gayle’s arms. 

“S-see?  Magic!” 

“Mmm yes I see.  I see many things.”  Gayle began to unbutton Kathy’s shirt and kissed her bare shoulders.


Outside Stella landed and dumped Liberator Woman's unconscious body on the ground.  Humming a little tune she grabbed the cape and pulled the busty blonde into the warehouse.

Watching from the shadows the Minx gasped. 

"Now what?"  She muttered in fear.




This issue took forever.  Real life, job and school all hit me pretty hard at once.  But it's done! 


Hopefully I still have some readers out there, so sound off and let me know how I did.


Next Issue: Stella, Liberator Woman and Princess Patriot all in the hands of anarchists and hippies!  What will go wrong next!  Pick up the next issue to find out!


Marcus Lycus


November 2009