Superman enslaves the DC Universe


The place is Earth One, the time is 1984 and Superman has gone mad.  Most of the male heroes are dead.  Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Starfire, Black Canary and Batgirl are in his power.  Who's next?

How about the most unloved superhero team ever?


Marcus Lycus

February 2011


Issue 6 – Inside, Outside, Leave Me Alone


Lois Lane opened the rooftop door and walked under the bronze globe of the Daily Planet.  She thought how funny it was for a prize-winning reporter to go to the roof and dodge pigeon droppings for an interview.  But for her it was old hat.  She looked to the skies.  She could hear him coming, that familiar sound of a body rushing through the air, that sound she knew so well.  He descended slowly, defying gravity by sheer will alone, the sun at his back giving him an angelic halo. 

It was so familiar.  But so wrong. 

“Well Miss Lane, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

It wasn’t him, it was that arrogant pretender.  His obnoxious gold bands glittered in the sunlight making him look like a downtown pimp.  Seriously what kind of hero wears gold bracelets?  But Lane reminded herself she had a job to do, whatever she thought of this Euro-trash newcomer.

“Likewise Geo-Force, I’ve uh, been looking forward to this.” 


The skies are always sunny on Paradise Island.

The water is always warm.

The flowers are always in bloom.

And every day was summer.

Protected from the outside world by a dimensional veil Paradise Island was safe and protected, the perfect haven.

For the immortal Amazons who live there the days were lazy and long, and filled with time to practice art, music and certain other amusements…

“Hee-hee, you’ll have to be faster than that to catch me Melia!”  The tall lean redhead giggled as she jumped a creek.

 “Oh Athleta, you know the rules!  You’re not supposed to say my name!  You have to call me Hercules!”  The shorter blonde panted as she ran in pursuit. 

Hercules and Hippolyta was one popular, though forbidden, game among the eternally young and beautiful women.  The rules were simple; Hercules chased Hippolyta and, when he inevitably caught her, ravished her.  It was the sort of game where no one ever really loses. 

“Tsk tsk Melia you’ve been enjoying too many of those doughnuts the Princess brought back from the man’s world, we’ve hardly ran 20 miles and you’re already winded!”

“H-H-Hercules!  You’re supposed to call me Hercules!”  Melia panted, clutching the carved wooden member in her hand.  The oak rod was as smooth as glass after many years of use.

“I know what I’ll call you!  I’ll call you much too slow!”

Athleta reached the top of the hill and looked down the sharp cliff at the waters far below.  It was an insane dive, over 200 feet, but the redheaded Amazon just smiled and dropped backwards off the cliff.  She wasn’t afraid.  After all she’d been doing it for over a thousand years.

Panting Melia reached the top and looked down.  She listened for Athleta’s splash but heard nothing but the wind.

“A-Athleta?”  She called.  “Athleta!”  But there was no sign of her redheaded sister.


"How did you do it Lex?"  The bull-necked guard demanded.  He smacked his billy club into his hand to emphasize the point. 

Lex Luthor, archenemy of Superman, master criminal and the smartest man alive looked up from the floor.  He didn't have much choice, since his last escape they'd cuffed his hands behind his back, and run a two-foot chain from the floor to his neck.  They let him off the chain twice a day to eat and use the toilet.  The ACLU was appealing his punishment as cruel and inhuman, and that spineless worm Clark Kent had even protested his treatment in the Daily Planet.  Luthor found all of this amusing.  It was about the only laugh he got these days.

"Do what?"  He rasped through dry lips.  They'd cut his water rations to once a day after he pissed himself last week.


The blow knocked loose a tooth but did little to enlighten Luthor. 

"Get rid of them!  How'd you get rid of Superman and the rest while you was locked up here?"

"What in the blazes are you talking about man!"


"Don't get uppity with me Mr. High-and-Mighty.  Everyone knows you gotta be behind it, Superman disappearing, the JLA Satellite blowing up, now tell me how you did it or I'll have to get rough."

Lex Luthor's mind raced.  Isolated in this cell he had no idea what had happened.  Superman missing?  Dead?  It couldn't be!  Superman was his alone to kill!  Steps had to be taken, information was needed.  But that meant getting out of this cell.  The guard raised his club again.

Luthor's legs lashed out, wrapping around the guard's ankles pulling him to the floor like a felled oak.

"Ow!"  The guard rolled on his side holding his head.  Luthor pulled his arms lower and his legs higher.  Luthor slipped his bound hands in front of him.  He slipped his leg into the club's loop and pulled it to him. The guard was just starting to sit up.  Luthor wedged the club into the loop on the floor.   He pressed down with all his strength.


The chain snapped and Luthor rose smoothly to his feet. 



The guard fell to the floor lifeless.  Luthor considered sparing a second to spit on him but decided he could neither spare the time nor the moister.  Then he reached for the radio and pulled out the battery.  He pulled open his shirt.  Hopefully the guard had turned off the camera before coming in to issue his beating.  But with a specimen this dumb it was hard to be sure.  He peeled off the layer of fake skin exposing the micro-circuitry below.  He touched the battery to it, there was a flash of light and he was gone.


Athleta gasped for breath.  She’d felt the wind rushing by as she fell, but somehow, impossibly, it was rushing down!  The world became a blur and she found herself high up, higher than the clouds, higher than she’d ever dared to soar while practicing her Amazon skill of gliding on air currents. 

Her brief toga was soaked through from her trip through the clouds clinging to her body and outlining every muscle and every curve.  Her nipples, already aroused in anticipation of her game of Hercules and Hippolyta jutted up like mountain peaks.  But most of all she gasped for breathe because she was in the arms of…

And not just any man, it was a man with a body of mighty Atlas, the virile beard of Zeus and the mischievous eyes of playful Hermes.  She recognized him at once.


“Yup, got it one.  Guess you gals have heard of me.”

“Why yes, the Princess speaks of you often.”

“Does she now?  And what does she say?”

“Well to speak the truth…”  The red-headed Amazon blushed a bit and shyly hid her face behind her bright red locks.  “She doesn’t really like to speak about you but once, after a few goblets of wine we were pestering her and she burst out ‘What a piece of work is superman, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!’ and then she ran to her quarters and soon the sounds of self-satisfaction were heard in the palace.  It was quite the scandal!”

“Why that little minx.  I had no idea.”

“I must confess after hearing her praise I myself have espied you in the oracle’s viewing pool.  I did not know you’d grown a beard.”

“Did you now?  And did you like what you saw?”

“I… I was interested… I mean in your life of course, I never knew the man’s world could be so interesting and… and…”

She stopped speaking as Superman rammed his tongue down her throat.  A second of shock gave way to pleasure.  After all those long years, could it be?  It was like a dream!

She returned the kiss.  She felt his strong arms around her thin waist.  She felt his steel-hard muscles against her own frame.  Though she was an Amazon with strength and power from the gods she felt frail in the arms of this stellar-born champion.

She felt the hem of her garment rise, her legs part.  They were already wet, and not from the clouds.  She gasped as Superman entered her.

In her mind an ancient memory stirred, the voice of the goddess Hera. “I have delivered you from the evils of the man’s world to this paradise.  I have given you great power and strength, and immortal youth.  But there is a price.  You must henceforth remain pure, should a man violate you, your youth, your strength, your power will be forfeit.”  But Athleta brushed that memory away.  Hera was far away, and Superman was right here and it had been so long…

She felt Superman’s hot member thrust between her legs.  It was so much better than Melia’s dildo, so… much… better…

But now Superman’s arms were too strong, his member too hot, her body too weak!


“CRAP!”  Superman cried looking at the thick red goo covering his arms, chest and pelvis.  “Guess Diana was telling the truth after all.”  He looked down at Paradise Island and smiled.  “But there’s a lot more where she came from.”  He cocked his head though and turned back towards the north.  “But first I’ve got some business in Metropolis.”  He blew a kiss towards the island below and flew away.


"So you see Miss Lane, although Markovia shall always be my home I have sworn a sacred oath to protect Metropolis and you have my word I shall do so!”

“You mean you’ll do it until Superman returns.”

“Hmm?  Yes, yes of course, if Superman and the Justice League return, then we shall see shan’t we?"

Lois Lane winced at that ‘if’ but kept her composure.  "That's good to hear Geo-Force.  You realize with the Justice League and the Teen Titans missing the Outsiders are pretty much the most powerful superhero team on Earth."

"I think of the heavy responsibility every day as I lead my team of heroes.  That is one reason we relocated here to Metropolis, to be at the center of the action.  It is fortunate we did or that flying saucer we encountered last week might have destroyed the entire city.  But with my Earth-born powers I was able to handle it with ease.  I daresay that alien Superman could not have done a better job.  Who knows, perhaps we shall learn that we do not need that alien refugee as much as some say we do.  In the meantime please reassure your readers, no matter what may happen they are protected by Geo Force – the Man of Iron!"

"Man… of… Iron…"  She scribbled down.  "Well I think I have enough now.  So thanks and be sure to thank all the other Outsiders for their work."

"I shall Miss Lane, but now I must be off!"

Negating Earth's gravity with a simple thought Geo Force rose into the air and headed for the Markovian Embassy where the Outsiders had made their temporary home in Metropolis.  As he flew over Superman's city people ran to their windows or stopped in the street.  They pointed.  Some cheered.

The young prince could not help thinking how right all of this was.

He'd become Geo Force a little over a year before and come to America to accept 'training' from the famous Batman.  Unfortunately his ‘training’ was little more than Batman barking orders and expecting Geo Force and the other Outsiders to fall in line.  The mysterious Dark Knight had not even bothered to tell them his real name, instead making them deal with that worthless lout Bruce Wayne.  But now Batman was gone, and so were the old and stubborn heroes of the Justice League.  The world was hungry for new heroes, new champions.

So why not a handsome prince?

He mulled it over.  The team would need some changes of course.  The freakish Metamorpho was much too repugnant to ever be a true hero of the people.  The negro and the mongoloid were competent enough in their own way but did not know their place.  Black Lightning even had the presumption to try and anoint himself leader in Batman's absence!  No, Black Lightning and Katana would never do.  Clearly it would fall to Geo Force and the blond heroine Halo to form the nucleus of a new Justice League.  But not the Justice League of America… no they would need a new name, more reflective of this world of Glasnost and internationalization… Justice League International!  Geo Force could enlist some of the heroes in the Global Guardians and create a team the whole world could embrace. 

Lost in his happy daydream Geo Force didn't even notice the blue and red blur streaking towards him. 

But he certainly noticed when it tackled him and carried him off to the garbage dump. 

"Man of Iron huh?"  Yelled some filthy wino in an-ill fitting Superman costume.  "Well meet the fist of steel!"

And Geo Force knew nothing more.


Lex Luthor reappeared in his lab hidden in the mountains outside Metropolis. 

"Einstein!"  He barked.

++Yes master++ The computer replied. 

"Lights!  Music - something by Mozart I think - a robot to get me out of these cuffs, a change of clothes – my #3 battle suit will do - and update me on the latest news on that blue buffoon!" 

++Immediately master++
One-by-one lights switched on throughout the lair showing off Luthor's collection of robots, super weapons, vehicles and inventions.  Mozart's Piano Concerto Number 21 began to play softly.  A robot rolled up on tracks and cut away Luthor's cuffs and metal collar.  Another one dressed him in his purple and green war suit.  Only then did he seat himself in front of the computer screen. 

++I expected your return much sooner Master.  They held you for almost 3 months this time.++

"Bah.  I could have escaped any time, but prison is the only place I can think these days without worrying that blue buffoon will come smashing through the wall.  But it seems I've missed some important events.  Replay relevant data, reverse chronological order, begin."


"But, what if something happened to him!"

"Halo I'm sure he's fine.  Geo Force is one of the strongest men on Earth; he can take care of himself.  His interview probably just ran long."

"He does seem to enjoy speaking to the press these days."  Katana threw in. 

"Yeah, he does."  Black Lighting agreed with a sneer.  "Likes it a lot." 

Ever since the JLA disappeared and they'd moved to Metropolis, Geo Force had been trying to move himself front and center.  Last week he'd practically knocked Katana over so he could fight up Reactron.  BL had seen it before, a second-stringer gets a taste of the spotlight and forgets about the team.  It was about time to have a long talk with the Outsider’s quarterback.

"Hey guys!"  Metamorpho drifted into the Embassy meeting room in cloud form. He solidified into his normal state, a chalky white human with limbs made from different elements.  He was great guy but had a face that made Frankenstein’s monster look handsome.  "So where's Prince B?"

Halo snorted.  "Oh probably still talking to Lois Lane.  I don't see why he's talking to her; I mean she's so catty, did you see she said I looked like Rainbow Brite?  I mean why would she say that?  I don't look anything like Rainbow Brite, I have a black costume with rainbows, she has a blue dress with rainbows and anyway everyone knows Lois Lane is just into men with power, people have been talking about her and Superman forever and now all of the sudden she's-"

"Halo, calm down, we want to have good relations with the press."

"But Katana she said you got your costume from a color blind Chinatown peddler!"

Katana winced but kept her voice calm.  "I'm sure Geo Force will be back soon from his interview."

"Hey, Lois Lane, she that chick from the Daily Planet?"  Metamorpho cut in.

"Yes, she was to interview Geo Force on the roof of their building."

"Huh, in that case he's long gone.  I just flew by there and there was no one there."

"Ohmygosh!"  Halo let out.  "Katana what if something happened to him!  I mean the Titans Tower exploded and the JLA Satellite is gone and all these heroes are missing and-"

"Black Lightning?"  Katana asked.

The Outsiders' acting leader considered for a second then nodded.  "Come on gang.    Hopefully he's just running late but…"  He let the alternative hang in the air then pointed to Halo and Metamorpho.  "You two fly back along his route; see if you can spot anything.  Katana and I will talk to some street contacts."

With that the Outsiders rushed into the darkening city streets.


"Lane what the hell is this?"

"It's your article Perry."

"Lane I told you to interview the man, not crucify him!"

"I just typed up what happened."

Perry White snorted.  "Geo Force has the sort of face you just want to slap, like a middle-aged high school quarterback trying to sell you a used car."  He read.

"That's what he looks like!  Anyway keep reading."

Perry's eyes went wide.  "Did he really call Black Lightning a negro?"

"Yes.  Three or four times I think."

"Maybe he just learned English from out of date textbooks…"

"Or maybe he's inbred Euro-trash trying to fill Superman's boots."

Perry sighed and slumped into his chair.  "Lois look, you know we can't print this.  People are this close to panicking.  We need to reassure them that Geo Force and the Outlanders-"


"Whatever, can keep them safe.  At least until the JLA comes back."

"Perry about that, I have a new lead-"

"I don't want to hear it Lois.  I've got Olsen on that story, I need you here telling our customers in Metropolis how they're still safe!"


"Until someone proves otherwise we're going to report that the JLA is missing and presumed alive and well just like all the other times they've disappeared."

"I have a report from a lumberjack who swears he saw Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet explode!"

"If it's invisible how did he see it explode?"


"Sorry Lois, but those are the orders from Morgan Edge himself.  You remember Morgan, the guy who signs your paychecks?"

"And who tries to grab my butt."

"That's the one.  Now go rewrite this or I swear to God I'll assign you to the fashion show."

"You… you wouldn't!"

"Try me Lane.  Just try me."

Lois Lane muttered something under her breath and stormed back into the bullpen.  Hanging over her desk was a bulletin board covered in clippings. 

"We Killed Aquaman – Japanese Fisherman Says"

"Farmer Finds Smoking Yellow Boots"

"JLA Satellite Explodes – Amateur Astronomer Claims"

She looked at them and added the latest.  "Lumberjack Finds Invisible Debris"

She shook her head.  She'd been covering superheroes for years.  She'd been Superman's Girlfriend for almost as long.  She knew the game.  They disappeared, they were believed dead, but they always came back.  Always.

But somehow this time…  She could feel it in her gut.  Something was wrong.  Very wrong.  But she couldn't quote her gut could she?

She sat down at the typewriter and started again.  "Geo Force has the sort of face you can trust, like an old Hollywood leading man letting you know it will all be OK." 


If she'd been looking out her window Lois Lane might have seen a glowing figure hovering over the city.  Halo's trademark glow made her visible for miles.
"Looking for someone?!"  A guttural voice growled.

"Why yes!  Yes we are!"  The ever-chipper Halo responded enthusiastically.  "Have you seen our friend Geo-Force?"

"Uh Halo I don't think he's looking to help us."

"Huh?  What do you mean Metamorpho, that's Superman!  You remember Superman!  He's a superhero!"

"Yeah kid but don't cha think there's something a little wrong here?"

The two were floating above Metropolis.  Halo hovering in mid-air, Metamorpho flying as a cloud of gas.  Above them Superman hovered, but he wasn't really looking himself.  His uniform was filthy, his hair matted and a ragged beard covered his noble chin.  And he was leering at the blonde in a most un-American way. 

"But… but… Batman always said we could trust Superman-"

"Yeah but I know Superman, I've worked with Superman, and gal, he's no Superman!"

"Now, now Rex, can't you tell you're confusing the poor girl?  She and me got business, so why don't you just blow!"  Superman puffed his cheeks and a torrent of air stronger than any hurricane hit Metamorpho's gaseous form scattering it instantly.

"Now then Halo, where were we?"


"Where is he!"  Katana demanded, waving her signature sword in the thug's face.  "Tell me what you know while your head is still on your neck!"

"I… I…"  The thug stammered, the razor-sharp sword was just inches from his throat.  He'd always heard that these costumed types never killed but this chick seemed serious.

Black Lightning watched her with concern.  Katana had always been a bit of a wild card, closer to a samurai than a superhero but she knew where the line was.  Or at least she used to.  Ever since Batman disappeared she'd been closer to the edge, would this be the day she crossed it.  He closed his fist; electricity flowed along his knuckles, enough to stun the Japanese woman if needed. 

"AH!"  The thug's eyes went wide, not only was this crazy Jap chick threatening to cut his head off, now the big black dude was getting ready to electrocute him!

"OK!  I saw him!  We was on the roof casing this jewelry store when I saw him flying over the city.  Then out of nowhere this thing hit him and carried him off."

"A thing?"

"It all happened so fast it was just a blur."

"A blur?"  Katana moved the sword closer.

"Yeah, a purple blur."

"Which way did it take him?"

"West!  They went west, I swear it!"

"Come on Black Lightning, let's go."


"Wha-what are you d-doing to me?"

"This?"  Superman asked, "this is called 3rd base."  He wiggled his finger between the glowing girl's legs.  Halo's body was still covered by the strange black and day-glow costume that always appeared around her, but the thin membrane offered no protection against Superman's probing fingers nor did it deaden the sensation of his hand on her breast.

The innocent young heroine lay on the weeds in a vacant lot on the West Side with Superman’s hulking form crouched over her.  It was soooo good!  Even better than the time Geo-Force kissed her.  There was something nagging at her, something about Metamorpho but as Superman’s fingers probed deeper she forgot all about it.

"Uh… I feel so… OH!"  The blonde's eyes went wide as a whole new sensation shattered her awareness.

"First time huh?  Or just the first time you remember.  Batman said something about you being a brain dead bimbo.  He also said your powers made your body tougher than the typical blonde, guess we'll test that out too."

"Unhand her you crea-Superman?  Superman what are you doing!"

"Uh Katana I think it's pretty obvious what he's-"

"Shut up Black Lightning!  Halo get up and get away from that… that pervert!"

"Huh?"  Halo muttered.  Superman shook his head, this bimbo was so dumb 'huh' could be her battle cry.

Superman just smiled.  "Aw, is the little sword-bitch upset she ain't getting none?"

"Let her go now or I swear I will-"

"Katana!"  Black Lightning interupted.  "That's Superman over there!  What are you going to do?  Even I can't hurt him.  He's immune to everything except Kryptonite and magi… oh no…"

Katana grinned and charged the Man of Steel.  Superman tossed Halo aside and rose to confront the warrior woman. 

"Oh come on now you don't really-"

That was as far as he got before Katana's enchanted blade sliced neatly through his neck and severed his head.


"There's simply no question" Lois typed.  "We're in good hands with Geo-Force and the Outsiders."

"Yuk."  She said.  "I feel like I need to wash my hands after writing that."

"Lane!  What are you doing here?"

"Rewriting my story, as ordered Chief."

"That thing?  Forget it, old news.  Head for the roof, I've got a chopper on the way."

"A chopper?  Big spender.  What's the story Perry?"

"What's the story?  How about the Outsiders fighting Superman on the west side!"


Black Lightning watched in mute shock as Superman's head rolled across the rooftop.  His body stood there for a minute, as though it hadn't gotten the message, then slowly crumpled into a heap.

Then Halo started to scream.

"You killed him!  You killed Superman!"

"Hush Halo, hush.  There was no-"

"Kat, look!"  Black Lightning yelled.

Superman's body and head blurred his bright blue and red costume becoming brown and tan, his black hair brown and his features…

"Geo-Force!?  Noooo!"  Halo screamed.

"Geo-Force but how-“

“Oh simple really, a bit of super-hypnosis and a 30th Century holographic disguise kit.  Child’s play really – for the Man of Steel.”

The three Outsiders looked up in mute horror.  Above them hovered Superman, the real Superman, the most powerful man on Earth.  And one look at his face told them we was quite mad.

“Halo!  Quick your stasis be-“  Black Lightning stopped talking because Superman’s heat vision incinerated him.

But Halo wasn’t even listening.

“You killed him!  You killed Geo-Force!  You… you… WITCH!”  The glowing blonde’s aura turned an angry red and she fired a heat beam at her teammate Katana.  The modern samurai barely raised her namesake sword in time to deflect the blast.

“Halo no!  It’s Superman, you have to stop Superman before he kills us both.”

But Halo wasn’t listening.  Her aura turned orange and concussion beams shot from her hands blasting holes in the ground.  Katana jumped and rolled to avoid a fall.

“Halo!  Your stasis beam, you need to use your stasis beam!”

“Stasis beam, yes!”  Halo’s aura shifted to green and a wide beam shot from her finger tips engulfing the agile samurai and paralyzing her.

“No!  Not me!  S…”  She blurted as her body, and mouth, were paralyzed. 

Halo started to cry.  Superman landed next to her and took the blonde in his strong arms.

“She killed him!  She killed Geo-Force!  I saw her cut off his head!  Poor Geo-Force, he… we… I kissed him!”

Superman tried not to laugh.  “Now, now Halo, it’s OK.  Everything’s OK.”  Then he tapped her on the head with his pinky and she collapsed unconscious.  “What a bimbo.”  He said with a shake of his head.  “I can’t believe Bats quit the League to make a team with idiots like you two on it.  I mean sure we let Black Canary in but while she dresses like a whore at least she has a brain cell or two.  But you two…”

He looked down at the paralyzed Katana and grinned.  A quick puff of his super breath rendered her unconscious as well.  He pried her namesake sword from her stiff fingers and looked at it.  Even to his super vision it seemed another, mundane piece of steel.  Razor sharp, it was deadly to anyone else but to him it should have been about as dangerous as a piece of foam rubber.  He held it up and ran the blade along the palm of his hand. 

It drew blood.

“Ow!”  The Man of Steel winced in surprise.  Even after all these years his own vulnerability to magic still surprised him.  He could go for a stroll on the surface of the sun but somehow a chunk of metal with some voodoo-hoo-hoo could kill him? 

“I’d better take special care of this little toy.”  He muttered. 


Fifteen minutes later the Daily Planet’s news helicopter passed overhead looking for some sign of the battle people had reported.  They found nothing.


Katana awoke with a start.  It was cold, freezing; she was lying in a snow drift.  The air was thin and clear, stars twinkled above her.  She rose to her knees, the last thing she could remember was Superman advancing on her while she lay helplessly paralyzed.  And now…  She looked around, she was on the peak of a mountain, she could see valleys and cities far below her and in the distance she could make out the skyline of Tokyo itself.

“Mount Fuji!?”  She asked stunned.  How long had she been out?  Why was she here?

“Got it in one guess Geisha Gal.”  Said an amused voice behind her.

“MURDERER!”  Katana’s reflexes took over; in one smooth motion she jumped to her feet, drew her sword and swung it with all her might at Superman’s neck.

It shattered.

Superman chuckled.  “That the best you got?”

Katana staggered back a few steps holding the hilt and few inches of broken blade in her nerveless hands.

“Now that you’ve got that out of your system, let me explain something.”  Superman pointed at the distant towers of Tokyo, home to over ten million people.  He stomped his foot.

The tremor knocked Katana off her feet.  The ground shook and in distant Tokyo the buildings trembled.

“The thing about Japan here is, you’ve got a nice little place but it’s a bit fragile.  A bit of pressure on one of your fault lines and…”  He raised his foot again.

“No!  Please Superman no!  There are millions of people there, you can’t!”  Her pride forgotten, the pleas just fell from Katana’s lips. 

“Can’t I?”  He stomped again and the ground shook.  Katana looked at Tokyo; there was smoke rising from multiple places. 

“Superman you’re a hero, you can’t, you wouldn’t!”

Superman raised his foot again.  “Listen Geisha Gal, you only got one thing right in that, I am Superman.  But I can do anything I want.  Anything.  And I will.  Unless you convince me otherwise.”

“I… what do you want?”

Superman smiled, these heroines were getting easier every time.

“What do you have to offer?”


Hours later Superman arrived at the Fortress of Solitude.  As always his invulnerable skin did not register the sub-zero cold in its icy halls, snug inside his invulnerable cape neither did his unconscious passenger.  He gathered his harem in his throne room and put down his wrapped package.  With a flourish he pulled off the cape and exposed his blonde passenger. 

Halo still glowed faintly; her slim body was covered only by its skin tight black field with its rainbow highlights.  The teen aged girl might as well have been wearing body paint for all the modesty it afforded her.

Wonder Woman, hanging in her cage over Superman’s throne, moaned miserably.  She’d never met the Outsiders but knew them by reputation.  Halo’s presence meant another group of heroes had fallen.

Like her mentor Donna Troy, Wonder Girl looked at Halo sadly but not for the same reason.  Another one!  Another girl to compete for the master’s attention!  Her disappointment turned to anger; she would make this blond slut’s life miserable!  There were already too many girls here!

Starfire looked down at her critically.  Her old slave instincts came back to her as she tried to guess what this meant for their established harem.  Her experienced eyes took in Halo’s maidenly breasts and slim body; she was attractive but nothing to threaten the Tamaranian Princess.  Halo might hold Superman’s interest for a day or two but he would soon tire of her.  Her position should be secure.

As for Superman’s first captive Supergirl, she didn’t even notice.  Lately she been seeing these wonderful green flashes in front of her, she sat happily in the corner trying to catch them in her hands.  She noticed her fingernails were green too!  Green is so pretty.

Superman smiled at them, all was correct.  He gestured for Starfire to awaken the newcomer.

The alien princess shrugged her bare shoulders, raised a hand and fired a deadly star bolt, missing the blonde by inches but waking her from her slumber.

“Wha?  Huh?”

“Why Master Kal, she’s almost as articulate as Kara!”  Starfire joked.  She’d put the new girl in her place by making her the butt of a joke she reasoned.

Supergirl was still sitting in the corner swatting at green bugs only she could see.

“Did you just say something about my cousin?”  Superman said with a snarl.

“What?  No!  No master, nothing.”

“I thought so.”  He pulled something out of his cape and tossed it to Starfire.  It was Katana’s namesake sword, the real one, not the copy he’d give the Japanese heroine while she was out.  “Why don’t you put that tongue of yours to good use and clean off this blade?  When you’re done you can put it in the display case next to Batgirl’s panties.”

Wonder Girl smiled for the first time in days.

Starfire looked at the katana in dismay.  But after another snarl from Superman she sank her knees and drew it.  It was still stained with Geo-Force’s blood.  She started to lick.

Halo watched the scene in confusion.

“Um hi?”  She looked awkwardly at Starfire and Wonder Girl.  “Um, long time no see.”  She waved to Wonder Woman.  “Hi Wonder Woman!  I’m Halo!  I didn’t know you like to hang out here!”  She giggled at her own joke.

Wonder Woman looked at her in despair.  “Kal please, you can’t do this to her, she doesn’t understand!”

“What’s wrong Diana, jealous?  Don’t worry, Halo here might not understand now – especially after a taste of super hypnosis, she’s even more of an airheaded bimbo – but I’m a man and she’s a girl and soon she’ll know everything she needs to know.  Won’t you Halo?”


“That’s my girl.”  He took her by the hand and led her towards his bedchamber.  “Oh and Donna-“

Wonder Girl jumped to her feet.  “Yes master!  What can I do for you master!”

“Give my cousin a sponge bath; I think she wet herself again.”

In the corner Starfire chuckled before returning to licking the sword, somehow making it the sexiest thing in the room.  Wonder Girl bowed her head and walked to Kara.

Superman grinned and led his new captive away for her deflowering.


Deep below Gotham, below the layer of lead pipes the city council kept promising to clean up, there was a small concrete room.  Hidden behind a metal door labeled ‘Danger 50,000 volts’ it had a cot, a crate of freeze dried food and a toilet.  And for the last few days it also held Oli Queen – Green Arrow – one of Earth’s last superheroes and the only one who knew the truth. 

Superman had gone mad!

Years ago he’d talked about this possibility with Batman, Black Canary and a few others.  They were careful to talk while Superman was away on a space mission.  Even he couldn’t hear them across 50 light years.  They’d made some plans and picked some rendezvous points but really none of them ever expected to use them.  After a few hours they’d broken up and gone home, promising vaguely to get back together some time.  But there were alien invasions to fight and archenemies to put away and somehow they’d never gotten around to finishing those plans.

And now they were paying the price. 

He wondered if anyone else would come.  He wondered if anyone else even remembered.  Or if anyone else was even left.

He scratched the stump where his arm used to be.  He wondered what good he’d be even if someone found him.

He wrinkled his nose, something smelled.  Something smelled even worse than the sewer he was living in.  Green gas billowed in from the vent.

“Poison!”  He yelled and ran for the door.  Was this it?  Had Superman found him?

“Whoa there chief!”  There was a hand on his shoulder, a cold metal hand, the hand of-


“Hey there, Green Arrow right?  Good to see ya again.  Hope I didn’t give you too much of a scare, I turned into chlorine gas to find my way around here.  Bats showed us this place months ago but I never really thought I’d need to come here.”

“Hey, you and me both.  Bats only told me about it, took me 2 days of stumbling through the sewer to find the right room.  But hey, you’re here now!  I guess Batman and the Outsiders figured out what was going on right?  What’s the plan?”

“Uh yeah… Batman and the Outsiders… Maybe you’d better sit down, I got some bad news about that…”


A few hours later Superman lay in his bed with a glowing blonde in his strong arms.

He wondered if Bats ever fucked her, he doubted it.  Bats had a taste for the exotic – lithe cat burglars and mid-eastern assassins (not to mention underage circus acrobats), not a wholesome girl-next-door type like Halo. 

Superman’s powerful brain noted the time and he smiled.  He turned his head and his eyes turned a pale blue, almost white.  Instantly he was looking across the continent into the infamous Iceberg Lounge in Gotham City.  He didn’t want to miss the debut of the Lounge’s newest dancer.


The Japanese girl came on third, after the naughty nurse and the hot teacher, dressed in a silky red micro kimono her face caked in white make up she danced to some oriental flute music stripping but keeping herself covered with two gold fans.

The Lounge’s owner, Oswald Cobblepot – better known as the Penguin – watched with keen interest.  She’d come in yesterday, brought by a stranger, not one of his usual procurers.  The man called himself Cal and said he had the Lounge’s next star attraction.  The Penguin almost tossed out the smelly bearded man but once he’d see the merchandise…

Cunt-Tana he called her and laughed.  Cobblepot didn’t get the joke but he appreciated the product.  It was obvious the girl had talent, agility and natural grace, plus she had the sort of lean athletic body the Penguin’s usual channels didn’t provide.  Usually he just got skinny little runaways or experienced gals who were half plastic.  Cunt-Tana’s breasts were a bit on the small side but that could be fixed.  The Penguin already had an appointment set up with a back-alley doc.

The best thing about her was her expression.  Most of the gals were dead-eyed but this one, she tried to look confident, strong but behind it he could see the terror.  Whatever that Clark guy did to break her, it worked.  She had spirit, and steel, and that appealed to men.  But the Penguin already knew that one word from him, one threat to call Cal and she’d cave in.

She was hanging from the pole by her legs, her tits and cunt on display for everyone.  Under the harsh lights of the stage he could see the tears making trails through her white makeup.

He smiled.


Katana danced using all the acrobatic skills a lifetime of martial arts had developed. 

Three shows a night, and whatever else the Penguin asked of her. 

That was the deal.

That would keep 100 million people in Japan safe from Superman. 

He would know of course.  He made that clear.  Where ever he was he could watch her, he could hear her.  

So she would do it.  Whatever she was told to do. 

The music stopped, she exited stage right and immediately felt a cold, clammy flipper-like hand on her waist.

“Good show my dear…”

She could smell the cigarette smoke from his long holder, the light reflected off his monocle. 

“What do you say you join me for a little celebratory drink Cunt-Tana?  Maybe get to know each other a little better.”

She looked down into the Penguin’s beady little eyes and somehow forced herself to smile.  He stank like a rotting fish.

“S-sure Mr. Cobblepot, I… I would love to.”

“That’s good, very good Cunt-Tana.  I’d hate to have to lodge a complaint about you.”

“No Mr. Cobblepot, you won’t, I… I’ll do anything you want.”

“Wagh, wagh, I’m sure you will, I’m sure you will.”

She let him lead her upstairs.

Anything, she’d promised.  Even this.




Well that took forever.


Real life is still a bear so my writing will be very slow for a while. 

But I finally got this one done!  If it’s not clear, I HATE the Outsiders.  Hate them.  Actually I don’t.  I don’t care about them, at all.  They must be the most forgettable heroes DC has ever made.  I have dozens of their books and I literally can’t remember a darn thing about them.  Now that’s fine, not every team can be a hit but then why, in 2011, is DC still writing books about Geo Force?  Are they really still hoping that one day Geo Force Mania will sweep the nation?  Cause it won’t.  Ever.  Trust me on this.


Anyway join me next time as two of my favorite alien babes visit Earth looking for their missing teammate.


So join Green Lanterns Arisia and Katma Tui for “It’s not Easy Being Green”!  Coming sometime soon I hope!


Marcus Lycus

February 2011