MASsy - Marionette Armor System

6/14/01 – Mars Lovely


NOTE: This chapter is mostly plot.  No sex, no real action.  Other installments of the story contains elements of an adult nature, and those less than 18 years of age, or those who are offended by bondage; non-consensual sex or rape and torture should read no further.  All characters are the creation of the author.


A Night on the Town

The Surprise


The MAS suit came in two parts.  The visible arm bands, goggles, and metallic garter and stockings, and the invisible skein of nano circuitry that covered Rachael’s body.  The secretive Operator, who she knew only as a disembodied voice communicating to her through blue tinted goggles, controlled both parts.  Through a nearly invisible disc that floated over her, enabled the paralyzed woman to walk again.  Walk, run, leap, left tremendous weights, essentially every thing a good super heroine is required to do.


Though it was the silvery armbands and stocking that enabled her perform her feats of super human strength, it was the invisible web of circuitry that coordinated the movement of her slim athletic body.  Rachael was a spectator to this.  She could neither feel her body nor directly control her movements.  That was the trade off, either watching the world from her bedroom window, or being moved through it.  At least as a super heroine, she could serve her community, and occasionally the whims of the Operator.  If nothing else, the view was better.


It was late in the afternoon when the faint glow of the nano circuits coming online caught Rachael’s attention.  She very subtly nodded her head causing the sunglasses balanced on her head to slip down on to her face.  When properly worn, these glasses acted much like her MASsy goggles, allowing the Operator to see and hear everything she could, as well as letting them communicate silently among themselves.  Her nursing assistant continued about her business in the other room, softly humming to herself as she washed the dishes.


The Operator’s voice greeted her.  Rachael, I have a surprise for you…


In the kitchen, the nurse’s beeper went off, and she rushed over to Rachael.  Pushing the sunglasses back to rest on her forward, the middle-aged mother explained that she had to rush out to pick her son up from practice early.  Before she left, she positioned Rachael’s call button on her shoulder so she could call for help from one of the other nurses, if she needed it.  Quickly gathering her things, she hurried out the door.


No sooner then she stepped out the door, the remote disc hovered out from under her chair to float above her head.  Receiving transmitted signals from the disc, she stood bringing the sunglasses back into place and resting the call button in her wheelchair.


Her body stretched, and then suddenly cart wheeled into the bedroom.  She walked into her closet, and pulled a box of her old clothes out and began to lay them out on the bed.  The Operator, through the sunglasses, was looking through some of the sexy “bad girl” dresses Rachael had favored when hitting the dance clubs before she had been paralyzed.


“What kind of surprise is today?  Bank robbery, kidnapping, cat caught in a tree?”  There had never seemed to be a pattern to when the Operator called on her.  Sometimes they would just talk for hours like friends, other times it would be relentless practicing of routines and exercising.  Lately they had been venturing out into the city more.  Engaging in fights with criminals, and just last week they had fought their first actual super villain.


Plasmatrix had been spotted in a local hotel.  She had been on a high profile crime spree and Operator had intercepted a report from the police dispatch to the Special Tactics Unit.  That was the division solely focused on apprehending Meta humans and other “greater then human threats.”  Their targets however seldom saw the courtroom portion of the American legal system.  With the increasing number of Meta human activities, the Federal government had contracted a high tech think group called Biowulf to handle the ‘special needs’ of the super powered criminal element.


Knowing that back up was minutes away; the Operator had sent MASsy in to confront the villianess.  It had nearly been a disaster.  Plasmatrix’ psychogenic flames had disrupted the communications between the MAS and the remote disc, leaving Rachael paralyzed and at her mercy.  Unknown to the Operator, Plasmatrix’ flames weren’t completely destructive.  She could use them to mentally entice her victims into a sexual frenzy.  Aside from being physically immobile, Rachael had been aroused to such a point she wouldn’t have fought back if she could.  For two long years, Rachael had felt absolutely nothing below her shoulders, and then suddenly she felt like she was having the best sex of her life.  Plasmatrix didn’t have the opportunity to actually touch her, before the Operator resumed control and defeated the villianess. 


Rachael secretly toyed with the thought of what might have happened if she had.  Plasmatrix was a beautiful young red head, maybe a few years older then herself.  Though Rachael had not been a lesbian before being paralyzed, she had never found the idea of making love to a beautiful woman unappealing.


Rachael’s recollection of the event was disrupted by the Operator’s mechanically altered voice.  She was holding a small black dress in front of herself, looking it over in the mirror.  This will do,” the Operator commented.  Within minutes she had changed from the t-shirt and sweat pants into her MASsy costume, which mostly consisted of a one-piece shiny black bathing suit.  Quite unexpectedly, she tucked the silver stocking down low, inside a pair of go-go boots, slipping the black dress over her shoulders.  She stashed the armbands in her purse and looked back into the mirror.  She looked very alluring, standing tall and powerful, better in fact then she did before being crippled. 


We won’t be lifting a cars tonight” the Operator joked, “but better to have the whole suit nearby in case of emergency.


Leaving the assisted living community was never much of a challenge.  The staff and security cameras were concerned with folks getting in, not with the disabled residents miraculously rising from their beds and wheelchairs and leaping over the twelve-foot perimeter walls.  But now, without the silver armbands and stockings, Rachael was no more powerful then an average woman.  She should in the shadow of a large tree and waited for the Operator.  “I may look great, but these boots were made for walking,” she joked looking at the black leather boots with a thick high heel.


Let’s try something new today,” the Operator commented.  The disc silently lowered to within reach.  She reached up and grasped its edges.  Slowly the disc lifted her up and over the wall.  Safely outside the walls she dropped to the soft grass and the disc assumed it regular altitude. 


“Do you mean to tell me I could be riding that damn thing around the city all this time when you have me running and jumping from building to building?”


No, it doesn’t have the strength to carry you very far, or very fast.  It wasn’t designed for that, but a short little hop that that shouldn’t drain its batteries much.  Besides all that running and jumping helps keep your body fit.”


Rachael walked to the sidewalk and down to the street.  It seemed bizarre to be walking around like a normal person.  She had begun to adjust to being paralyzed when she was chosen for the MAS, and had come to terms with running all over town as MASsy.  But to walk down a hill and hail a cab was amazing, a mind-boggling experience.  She was almost her old self.  Almost.


Half an hour later, Rachael was sitting in a dark theatre absently eating popcorn and watching the new Tomb Raider movie.  She sat isolated in the back row, surrounded by a predominantly male audience who were half watching their video game idol kicking ass and half watching Rachael in her revealing dress and sunglasses.  As the movie went on, Rachael felt an odd tingle.  She wouldn’t have given it a second thought except she wasn’t capable of feeling anything.


Don’t mind if you notice any thing odd,” the Operator chimed in, “I’m adjusting some the settings based on the analysis of your encounter with Plasmatrix.


“Analysis?” Rachael questioned.  “I thought the plasma interference had jammed up your sensors?”  She began to feel embarrassed, remembering the intense pleasure she had felt at the hands of her opponent.  Though the Operator was intimately familiar with the most banal of her bodily functions, realizing that he might have been witness to utter enjoyment of the sensations discomforted her.  She felt the same wave of warm blushing sweep over her from when her dorm mate had walked in on her while going down on her boy friend in college.  Not quite shame because it was somewhat enticing to be caught as well.


I’m detecting elevated body temperatures, Rachael, is Lara Croft turning you on or something?”


She suppressed her thoughts about the villianess, and her old boyfriend.   “Not likely Ops!” she chided back, then noticed that Angelina Jolie did indeed cut a strikingly attractive Tomb Raider.  They had cast that role right.  She watched closely as the actress danced through another fight scene, and wondered if she looked that good when tussling with the bad guys.


“Ow!” Rachael exclaimed as a small jolt of electricity shocked her shoulders.  She turned and looked over her shoulder.  “Ops, what was that?”


Remember, I see everything you see…I thought you were getting a little too interested in the plot, or what passes for it here”


The Operator began to talk, or rant more precisely, about the degrading standards for American films.  He went on and on about how superior the European films were, and how the Independent moviemakers were being corrupted by the lure of big budget films.  Rachael tapped her foot lightly on the sticky floor, impatiently tolerating the commentary.  She reached up and slid the glasses up to her forehead.  It didn’t silence the voice, but it did help distance it so she could enjoy the film.  Sipping soda from her cup, she wiped her wet fingers down her arm.  The water chilled her.


It slowly dawned on her.  The tingle.  The shock.  She had looked over her shoulder.  She had pushed the glasses up.  She had reached for her soda, felt the moisture, and the chill of the condensation.  The MAS hadn’t.  She didn’t feel anything even with the suit.  She hadn’t moved her body on her own accord in years, yet she had just done it.  Looking down she watched as she made her foot tap on the sticky floor.  It started and stopped at her command.  Amazed, she didn’t notice the increasing volume of the Operator as he called her name.  A flick of her neck brought the sunglasses back in place.


“What…what the hell is happening Ops?  I can move!”  She immediately tried to stand, but felt a slight pressure as the MAS kept her sitting.


Don’t go jumping up and ruining this fine cinematic masterpiece for the other now!”  Operator deadpanned.  As I mentioned, I made some adjustments in how the nano circuits interact with your neural link.”


I noticed in the video feeds from the hotel security cameras, that you continued to move after all transmissions from the remote disc had ceased.  At first I thought it was an effect of the plasma, but after time indexing the video with the biofeedback telemetry, I realized that the mental stimulation from Plasmatrix’ attack had temporarily bridged your brain to the nano circuits.  Instead of using my electronic feeds to move you, your nervous system had rerouted itself through the suit.  It wasn’t graceful or refined, but it was all you writhing out there.  I was up all night experimenting with the neural frequencies trying to duplicate Plasmatrix’ influence, and it looks like it worked.


Rachael began to struggle against the suit, trying to stand up.  “Let me go damn it, let me stand up!”


The crowd turned and looked at her, and she quickly settled down. 


Listen, your nervous system isn’t ready to fend for itself.  The few simple movements were a test.  Your readings are already erratic, it you tried to walk out of her now, and you might not make it five feet before you began to have seizures!  You might do incalculable damage to your synapses!  So much that even the suit wouldn’t be able to assist you!


“But I want to do something, I want to move!”  Rachael felt tears of frustration building up.  She had long ago put aside tears for her situation and focused all her energy, first on adjusting to her disability, then on being MASsy.  But now, with freedom so close at hand she couldn’t keep her emotions buried any longer.  Her hand lifted up to her check and rubbed the tear away.  She felt the warm water on her fingertip and her check.


Listen, you will move, you’ll walk and run, in time.  For two years your brain hasn’t processed any sensations south of your chin.  If I opened up all the connections, the sensory overload would crash your brain like Windows XP!


Rachael’s rational side reasserted itself, and she ignored the cheap Microsoft joke.  “How long,” she started, “how long will it take before I can do it myself?  Do it all without you?”


I’m sorry to hear you are so hot to be rid of me, Rachael.”  The Operator was silent for a moment.  I have no idea how long it would take for you body to adjust.  This has never happened before, and frankly, it never even occurred to me that this might happen.  Even if you could adapt to this tomorrow, the suit itself will require its regular maintenance.  You’ll never be like before, but there is a chance you might be able to have a more normal life.


Rachael sat stunned.  She couldn’t let herself ponder the opportunities.  It would be too cruel if it didn’t happen, to be so close and lose it all again.


Well, there is something else,” the Operator continued, “we can share the load…


“Share the load?”


We’ll I can allow you to control the movements, but shield you from most of the sensations.  Slowly acclimate your mind to the sensory interface.  I can protect you from accidentally injuring yourself, like I do now, but allow you to decide what you do…”


“I want to go for a walk,” she said.


Planting her hands against the arms of the theatre chair, she stood.  Awkwardly at first, she slowly moved her way down the stairs and out of the theatre into the darkening night.