Batgirl, Commissioner Gordon, Chief O'Hare, Batman, Robin, Zatanna, The Joker and Bane are copyright property of DC comics. This story is not a challenge to the legal copyright of the owners. All other characters not expressly owned by DC comics or Time/Warner are the creation of the author.


This story is created/adapted/modified without permission, either implied or expressed. This story is a work of fiction. No money was paid for the creation of this story. It is a fan fiction and not for resale or to be used on a website for pay.


One last special disclaimer for this chapter. There are some graphic scenes involving colonics and douching. If implied acts of scat or other body functions offends you, don't read this chapter.


"Three to get ready..."

by Max Hass

copyright July 2004


Sandra hovered over the monitor, watching the final edit of her last video feature starring Batgirl. She had labored with the hundreds of hours of multiple camera angles she had stored on her hard drives. Her labor had been well rewarded by the various criminals and other interested parties around the world.


Her ultimate reward remained the obsessive goal of making Batgirl into her personal servant. To this end, she continued plotting the continuing downslide for the super heroine. The next stage had been set and only awaited the return of Batgirl to the city. In the meanwhile, she had set up her latest studio in the lair of her newest partner and his henchwomen.


Almost as if on cue, a sound pounded on a wall on the other side of the video monitor Sandra stared at. Breaking her concentration, she got up and went to see what these women were doing to her 'host's' lair. Entering the darkened room, she found the three young 'ladies' twisted into a sexual knot on the floor near the wall. Seeing that their fun had been discovered, one voice spoke "Care to join us for some fun? You really look like you could use some."


Pausing to examine the three women and checking her own libido, Sandra replied "Maybe later, after you have your way with Batgirl. We'll see how well you do with her first. Then I'll let you know." Sandra smiled coyly as she spoke, but had no intention of having sex with any of these young women. Even if they had been clean of VD, she would not be interested in their kind of 'fun.'


"Where's your boss?" she asked after a moment. "Aw, he's gone to the big library down town to do some research" came the reply from the largest of the women.  "We're going out tonight. Stop by before nine if you want to join us." Sandra considered the information the three had given her, turned and headed back to her editing bay.


Barbara had returned to her normal life as a research assistant librarian at the main library in downtown Gotham City. The week she spent on vacation in Mexico with Zatanna had gone by in a blur. Her mind had been lost in examining the powerful dream she had the first day she arrived at her hotel suite. The balance of the vacation was quite pleasant and normal. However, the first hours in her room left her more confused than relaxed.


Not that it was a painful memory. Any time Barbara felt a sexual release, she was grateful for that. In some ways, her role as Barbara Gordon had become more of a prison. The liberated spirit of Batgirl was far more fulfilling, allowing her to explore every aspect of her feminine self. The smallest expression or flirtation as Barbara made her cringe painfully inside. Growing up without her mother had left a profound mark on her spirit. Batgirl was the only avenue she had to express her inner self with any degree of freedom.


Barbara was now deeply back in her daily life, doing the work that paid her bills and kept her mind focused on something other than crime fighting. She was so occupied in that moment that she barely looked up as she heard a unique voice asking for her help. "Could you tell me where I could find the latest legal journals this library carries?" A small sensation sparked in her brain upon hearing that voice. She had heard it before in her guise of Batgirl. Slowly looking up to see the face behind the voice, Barbara saw that Bane stood in front of her desk.


This was not the Bane of her memory. He was not the man once altered by infusions of a crude substitute for Captain America's Super Solder serum she had fought against with Batman and Robin. This Bane was the man who had been released from prison and embraced by the people of the poorer parts of the city.  He had become a man of the people according to the news reports of his activities.


Building a foundation to fill the voids created by a shrinking city budget, Bane found money to repair schools and parks, making them safe for children. This, in turn, brought him some degree of credibility and respect. However, if one knew where to look, one could still see the scars left by the surgery to remove the pump and valves that covered his upper torso. The thin Cuban style shirt he was wearing this morning allowed Barbara to see the bulges where the skin had gone under the surgical blade.


"The current titles would be in the stacks in the periodicals section." Do you need anything specific?" "No, thank you." His reply was slow and calculated as he looked down at the seated librarian. It seemed as if he was considering her somehow. A moment of fear passed through her mind as Barbara considered the man standing in front of her. Not that he could do her any particular harm as he was. Her martial arts skills alone could dispatch this shell of a man in mere moments.


Rather than continuing his conversation with Barbara, Bane turned and walked off to the periodical section. The thought that someone would discover Barbara's dual life had been running through the back of her mind every day since she first put on the uniform of the bat. She had partially come to terms with that fact knowing that some of the members of the Justice League knew who she was.  Still, the risk that some criminal would remove the mask and expose her identity was the ultimate taboo. She could not bring her mind to address that simple possibility.


For the rest of the day, Barbara was somewhat lost in her thoughts about her dual identity and the risks it carried. Seeing Bane had brought out those nagging ideas about her own safety, especially in light of the increasingly sexual attacks she had fought over the past months. Brushing her thoughts aside just enough to finish her work, she managed to make her way back home early that evening.


"A good workout should brush away the day's concerns" she thought to herself as she stripped the work clothes from her body and readied herself for a shower.  "Have to look my best tonight" she spoke out loud to the mirror as she looked at her face and hair in the mirror. "Haven't seen Daddy since I got back from Mexico. Wonder how he's doing?"


As she pondered the more mundane aspects of her personal life, the three henchwomen drove off into the more well-to-do parts of Gotham City. As they left the parking level of the building, Sandra and a pair of cameramen left in pursuit. "Even if Batgirl doesn't show up, those three will make for a good night's practice for these new cameramen" she thought to herself as the small van rolled along the city street.


"Haven't we boosted from that shop before?" asked Rei. The tallest of the three young criminals, she was the closest to a voice of reason. Having spent three years in various youth camps, Rei had the most practical education as well.  Being third generation Japanese American also played in the perception that she was the smartest of the group.


"Yeah. Didn't do too well for a upscale neighborhood though. Barely got a grand out of them!" answered Raquel. The shortest and most aggressive of the three women, she also had done time in detention after being expelled from high school. Partially Latina, she had an air around her. An air of danger and challenge.


"We need a real big score tonight. I'm getting sick of waiting for Sandra's pet super hero to show up while we have our fun. Y'all know we're just doing her dirty work" remarked Clara. The criminally experienced of the three women, Clara set the tempo for the crimes they committed. Having spent no time in jail up to this point in her short life, she was considered the professional of the group.  However, in the order of things, she knew that she needed the cover of a more powerful criminal in order to survive the streets of Gotham. After all, Batman would soon be after them for the crimes they committed.


"I know! Let's hit that mall with the jewelry stores. I could use a new watch" suggested Raquel. Clara pondered the odds of their success in that location.  They had cased most of the stores in the mall over the past month. One store would make for easy pickings despite the layers of security that most modern mall shops employed. And they had a couple of advantages in overcoming the few security systems they would encounter.


"The time is right for us to act. Mall security is weakest during the shift change at closing time. Using the 'jammers' on our way in, we'll knock out the cameras and other alarm circuits. The few employees will be no problem. Easy pickings!"


As Clara spoke these thoughts out loud, Barbara was finishing changing into her Batgirl uniform. "Too bad that Daddy had to break our dinner date to meet with Chief Gordon about that new high tech gang that's been robbing jewelry stores around town. However, this should give me a chance to get back into the game."


Sitting down at the computer in her hidden changing room, Batgirl reviewed the police data she had obtained from her father's office. Her mind absorbed the facts and figures about tactics and results. It seems these women would place EMP devices in a triangle around the business they would rob. Once these devices pulsed, the store would be hit hard by two or three women. The employees would be overcome and anything stolen would be small and valuable.


"I'm surprised that Batman or Robin have not taken these criminals down. They must be busy tracking The Joker now that he's back in town." Having put that thought out of her mind, Barbara used the data she had at her gloved fingertips and asked a simple question; "Where will they strike next?" She had one advantage this time. An electromagnetic pulse would be easy to see once it occurred. Adding a case hardened device for detecting such a powerful event to her utility belt, she strode over to her motorcycle and made her way out to the streets.


Arriving at the mall, the three women separated and entered from different gates. Rei made her way to the woman's bathroom nearest to the store they planned to rob and placed her device in a light fixture where it would obtain the energy to trigger the EM pulse. Thankfully, each device was run by a tiny computer that were set to go off at once. No interaction was needed once the device was plugged in. This particular bathroom was the most important point to set the jammer, for it was right next to the mall security office.


Raquel found a coffee shop that was still open and make her way to the hidden outlet that she had found when they had cased the mall before. Knowing that the mall security cameras were not covering that particular location, she plugged her 'jammer' in and sat back to enjoy her coffee for a moment. They had to wait about 15 minutes until the retail stores began to close their doors. The device would go off no later than that time.


Clara made her way to a dressing room in a clothes store behind the jewelry store. Pretending to try on a blouse, she placed her device as well. Taking care to act the role, she took her time and tried the blouse on after she checked to see that the security cameras were unable to see her plug in the small box into the outlet in the changing room.


As all this was going on, Sandra had kept track of the movements of the trio via a transmitter hidden in the bumper of the sedan the three were driving. Knowing that they had stopped at the mall and knowing the tactics they used, she and her two cameramen waited at a safe distance in order to preserve their electronics from the effect of the pulse. After all, without the cameras, there would be no record of the fight and capture of her prey.


While Sandra sat, she watched the traffic driving by on the busy city street.  She hoped after hope for an encounter with Batgirl, to catch her in a candid moment on patrol. Sandra held her own small digital video camera in her hands against the hope of such good fortune.


Then it happened.  Sandra saw a familiar form in the viewfinder of the digital video camera she had cradled in her right hand. Resting her forearm on the van door, she watched as Batgirl's motorcycle made its way up to the street.


Rei, Raquel and Clara each entered the targeted jewelry store minutes apart and each looked at the various display cases as the two store employees began to move some of their more valuable items to the opened safe behind the counter. The three young women did nothing to arouse the employees beyond some small talk. As long as the shop was open, the employees would serve the customers. After all, any sale is a good sale. And they were safe under the constant observations of the mall security system that linked directly to the police.


A brief flicker of light was the first visible sign that the jammers had done their job. The less obvious sign was the discovery that any electronic device was now damaged beyond repair. Rei checked a cheap digital wristwatch on her arm to insure that the EMP had done its work. After the lights flickered, they died along with all the evidence of the presence of the criminals.


Back on the city street near the mall, Batgirl felt the vibration of the EMP detector in her utility belt. Pulling over to the curb, she pulled the device out and scanned the display, giving her the direction of the event. As she did this, Sandra had the good fortune to catch the entire scene on her video camera.  "This will make for a great scene!" she thought quietly to herself as Batgirl started off again in the direction of the mall.


"All right. Let's roll. We have one advantage over Batgirl at the moment. We know where the girls are robbing the mall. It will take her a few moments to get there, hide her bike and figure out which store they're in." The cameraman acting as their driver started the van and headed directly towards the mall parking lot.


The crowds at the mall had grown thin that evening. Very few people walked on the promenade that hour of a weekday in any case. Only during the Christmas season would the crowds of shoppers pack the mall. The three female robbers knew these facts very well and took full advantage of the situation. The second that they knew the security systems were fried, Raquel and Clara sprung over the display cases between them and the two shop employees.


Making quick work of knocking them out, the three then casually opened each case and helped themselves to the most valuable items. Pausing to consider the situation, Rei moved behind the half drawn curtain and began to inventory the items in the open safe, taking anything of value. Raquel and Clara continued to help themselves to the best of the items left on display in the cases. The occasional casual glance out the front windows for any sign of mall security provided no cause for alarm.


Going over the possible locations in her mind, Barbara figured out the most likely business that was being targeted in the direction she was riding. Past reports showed that these criminals were knocking over jewelry stores for high ticket items like watches and diamonds. Putting two plus two together, she made her way through the parking structure of the mall, looking for a quiet place to hide her bike and enter the mall without drawing attention.


As Batgirl moved through the parking structure, she saw people struggle in vain to start their cars, trying to evacuate the area as the few mall security guards tried to move people out of the complex. Stopping to find out what she could, one of the guards told Batgirl that the power had gone out and nothing was working. They had their hands full with crowd control in the parking lots.


Sandra had her driver quickly circle the mall, looking for a quiet place of their own to hide their vehicle and catch up with their partners in crime.  It would be a pity if they lost any chance to catch Batgirl on video in a fight. After all, that was kept the videos selling. That, and the sexual tension.


Seeing an open gate, the driver pulled the small, nondescript van into a dark parking spot close to the jewelry store. Gathering their cameras, the trio dashed to set up for Batgirl's arrival. To their surprise, they found no signs of people on the now darkened sidewalks of the upscale mall. Most stores were empty and the few employees left were locking doors and securing their entrances.


Due mostly to dumb luck, Sandra and her crew found themselves safe hiding places outside the jewelry store. Just as they set up their cameras, Batgirl found her way on the scene. Looking out of place in this scene, Batgirl carefully made her way to the opened front door of the store where the three jewelry robbers were still at work.


Inside the store, Clara and Raquel were finishing up their selections and storing them in pouches. Rei was still going over the more bulky items, trying to figure which would bring the best price. A shadow cast over the front windows, blocking what little natural light that filtered from the plaza.


Looking up to see what blocked the light, the two were confronted with a shadow in the shape of a giant bat. Knowing what might happen next, the two women on the showroom floor paused and waited to see who they would be facing. The door flew open and Batgirl strode in. A wry smile on her face, she confronted the two thieves.


Sandra and her two partners were capturing as much of the action as their lenses would allow. Thankfully, the doors and windows allowed a fairly good view of the interior of the store. Sandra could see that one of the three women was not in plain sight when Batgirl entered the store.


As all this was going on, Rei held her place in the back with the safe door open between the shop floor and her. Her safety relied on her two partners and their formidable fighting skills. She could hear Batgirl's voice, asking Raquel and Clara if they "wanted to do this the easy or the hard way?" Knowing that they would fight, Rei simply waited for her chance to surprise Batgirl if it came to that.


Raquel and Clara didn't wait to reply to Batgirl's challenge. Both leaped across the display cases and attempted flying kicks at Batgirl's abdomen. Seeing the response, she watched as the two came at her. Waiting until they both lost eye contact with her, Batgirl stepped then posed in readiness to dodge the oncoming blows. First point went to Batgirl, knocking Clara's leg aside and into Raquel's hip, knocking both to the floor.


Not wasting a movement, both robbers rolled and came back to their feet in a second. Seeing this response, Batgirl knew this would be a mess. Not having time to reach for any of her weapons in her utility belt, she struck first with her formidable hand to hand combat techniques.


Kneeling behind the door to look under the drape that hid her from the fight outside, Rei could see bits of the fight. Her partners were easy to tell by their denim pant legs and running shoes. She saw flashes of kicks and could hear the blows each fighter managed to make as the minutes wore on.


Raquel had almost matched Batgirl blow for blow in close combat. Neither woman was able to find a opening alone. Clara hung back slightly, allowing the stronger fighter to focus on finding Batgirl's weaknesses. Batgirl, not being able to strike a final, decisive blow to the Latina she was facing, did a hand plant and plunged feet first at the face of the African American girl on the other side of the store.


The surprise of this move caught Clara off guard just enough to miss blocking the soles of Batgirl's boots from striking her head. The flying leap struck her down and almost out. Getting up on her knees as fast as her body would permit, Batgirl took a split second look at the woman she just struck down. Just as her mind told her that this criminal was most likely knocked out for the moment, she heard the a swish of large object flying in her direction.


Raquel had followed Batgirl's move and was microseconds from striking her down. Using her last reserve of adrenaline, she managed to shift her hips and move her head just enough out of the way for the feet of the other woman to fly by. However, her legs and hips caught Batgirl with enough momentum to push her down to the floor. Rolling to the back of the showroom floor where she could maneuver and fight back, Batgirl pushed herself back to her feet while Raquel slowly recovered.


Reaching into her utility belt for a stun charge to toss at the second criminal, she felt something from behind her. Like the hint of a warm breeze, this sensation attracted Batgirl's attention for a split second. In the next second, a louder sound came from the spot where the Latina criminal had landed. Rather than split her attention three ways, she focused on the shock charge and targeting her toss at the space over the display case.


Some days Batgirl could make some serious mistakes. This was one of them. That sensation that she felt behind her was Rei standing behind the drape, now peaking through the gap between the two sides. She could see the back of Batgirl's head and her arm reaching under her cape for something. Not being one for holding back, Rei used the limited space in the work room to strike a compression pose and lash out in a kick fly at the back of Batgirl's head.


Batgirl had already begun her stroke with the object clutched in her hand when she realized that something was coming at her from behind. Seeing this in her eyes, Raquel pulled herself up and lunged at the heroine in her confusion. The explosive charge flew past the Latina and exploded just as Rei planted her right foot square in the back of Batgirl's upper back. As her body recoiled from this blow, Raquel found her mark by a simple yet effective left hook to Batgirl's jaw, knocking her out cold.


Looking out the store window, Rei noticed the trio of Sandra and her 'film' crew, cameras at the ready. Raquel didn't bother to pause to check Batgirl but turned to see how Clara was doing. Pulling herself up from the floor, Raquel put her mind at rest about her partner and moved to the front door and the people 'documenting' this crime. "Well, how much of that did you manage to get?" "Almost all of the fight, though the rest will have to be worked out in editing. Better gather everything up while we have time. The security guards will be done with the traffic control and will start to investigate the stores."


With that, one of Sandra's cameramen went for a close up of the unconscious body of Batgirl, trying for a natural light shot of her face fading into the darkness that descended from the windows and open door of the store. Some of the lesser jewelry items lay on the ground around her head, shining in the flickering beams of sunset.


Barbara found herself in a dream, not knowing what had happened at first. Her mind had let her find some refuge and rest by taking her to a place and time where she did not remember her current life. The stress of being something more than normal, the demand of the life she tried to live to the best of her ability. She felt warm, like she was lying on a beach or lake shore in summer. Almost as if she were cradled by someone when she was a young girl. She thought she heard someone say her mother's name.


As she heard that name, Barbara tried to speak but found her mouth would not move. She tried to breath but found she could not draw air. She began to panic. Something she had rarely felt since her mother's death. It was if she were drowning. She could not move her arms or legs.


Then, she opened her eyes.


Rei had been sitting right behind Batgirl all the way back from the mall. Once they had arrived and secured her to the improvised stage, she relaxed and settled in for the next stage of the film. She quietly sat, almost Buddha like, in anticipation of her challenge. Watching the three strangers set up their various cameras and testing the lighting, Rei thought only of her own upbringing and the pleasures she found from the lessons she had been taught as a child and a teenager. Unlike the Westerners, she was a Japanese woman. Rei would show this American things she never though of in her life. She was ready.


Batgirl tried to move her head and noted the warmth clinging to her back. Feeling that her uniform was more or less intact, she observed what little she could in the space around her. The glare of lights and darkness between the lamps told her that she was no longer in the jewelry shop. The ball gag and the restraints that held her hands and legs also told her that she was in too deep again. Then she noticed a sensation between her legs.


"Greetings Batgirl and welcome. You are the guest of three women for the moment." Moving her own head around Batgirl's to see the look in her eyes, Rei continued "It is our honor to prepare you for our host. You will face a simple yet powerful challenge. Rather than keep you in the dark, let us begin now with the task at hand. You already know that your body is bound securely. I will stay with you through most of this challenge, but you will never be alone as long as you are here."


Batgirl focused less on the voice in her ear and more on the object that had been inserted in her anus. "By now you must be feeling the little butt plug I inserted into your delightful little anus. So you will know, the crotch seam of your tights have been sliced open carefully, allowing my friends and I full access to your sex. As if you could not guess by now, we're going to have our way with you tonight."


Where had she heard that before? What had become of her life as a crime fighter? Why were every criminal now trying to test her sexual powers at every turn? "You will be a worthy challenge, Batgirl. But tonight you will be pushed beyond any experience you have ever faced." A vibration and whirring sound began to emanate from the space around Batgirl's ass. Batgirl could now feel a slight swelling and stirring of the tissue of her colon and anus. "Rather than start with the vagina and clitoris, I prefer to open my sexual partners to delights that shock and surprise."


Pulling herself back and making herself comfortable, Rei reached her hands under Batgirl's upraised arms and began to grasp Batgirl's clothed but unguarded breasts. "A thread is much like a blade of grass. Good threads, woven into quality cloth, will move and stretch like a field of grass. It gives and bends, not breaking. Let us test the quality of your uniform, dear Batgirl." With that, Rei used her fingers and thumbs to find the seams and patches of cloth without using her eyes.


Seeing only the back of Batgirl's cowled head, Rei continued to explore the ample chest of her opponent. Every moment, the buttplug stimulated and expanded deeply and slowly into the rectum. Batgirl moaned and wiggled against the restraints to no avail. "Rather than make you guess about your fate, I'll share parts of the tale with you as we get to know each other. Each of us will take turns with your restrained body. Each of us will get to share our own special ways of coming to orgasm with you. You will be very busy for the foreseeable future. But for now, you're all mine."


Batgirl did not need that information lingering in what was left of her mind. The hands that grasped her now sensitive breasts were wringing every nerve in just the right way. The buttplug was relentless and unstoppable. Her ass felt as if it had expanded three times its natural size and was not stopping. Then something new began to happen.


"Do you notice the liquid now entering your colon? I don't know if you have ever experienced a upper GI colonic, my dear. The first time is a bit difficult for the uninitiated. Many find it to be a powerful experience, cleaning the dead skin cells and feces from your intestines. Let's see how you do, shall we?" With that, Rei began to move her hands down from Batgirl's breasts to her stomach. Removing the utility belt from her victim's hips, she started to place pressure on parts of Batgirl's abdomen. Points where the internal organs would be most sensitive to focused massage.


The organs of her gastrointestinal tract began to fill slowly with the cool water pumped in slowly from the securely sealed buttplug. For reasons unknown except to Rei, Batgirl's body did not resist or cramp as one would expect from such an invasive procedure. Despite the position her body was strapped into and her effort to resist, the cool water flooded every inch of her intestines. A mild burning sensation began to fill Batgirl's mind as the water expanded her abdomen.


"I think you are ready now." And with that, Rei released the air from the expanded buttplug, allowing it to shrink and slide out under the push of the water inside the flooded colon. Batgirl felt Rei's hands on her upper ribcage, pushing the organs in her stomach cavity. It felt as if every drop of water was being moved out at once.


Seeing that her handiwork had stopped, Rei moved her face close to Batgirl's ear. "Very good. You americans tend to have such poor eating habits. The poisons that build up in your bodies form in the digestive tract. Let's make sure you're as clean as possible. With that, Rei moved to clean Batgirl's soiled anus with alcohol and reinserted the buttplug.


Rei repeated this procedure two more times. Each time, Batgirl found herself twisted from the power of this treatment. Under other circumstances, she would have found it quite refreshing. However, her mind was working overtime to figure out how to break the bonds and escape. She moaned slightly every time her bowls were allowed to empty of the water that had invaded her intestines so fully.


As Rei cleaned up after administering Batgirl's final colonic, she spoke to her. "You are much healthier than I expected. Now, you must have some fluids to re-hydrate your body." Rei produced a oddly bent funnel from a tray behind her. She took the tip of the funnel and pushed it through a small hole in the gag in Batgirl's mouth. "This is nothing more than water. I will pour it slowly so your throat is not flooded. Watch your breathing." Rei began to slowly pour cool water into the funnel.


Batgirl focused on the flow of water, not knowing if she could keep from choking with the ball in her mouth. Somehow, the amount of liquid didn't cause the expected gag reflex. Rei finished with the task of giving her prisoner a drink. "Now, to consider your sex. Do you douche? You must be clean in every way if you are to be fit for what you are about to face."


The words Rei spoke penetrated Batgirl's mind more clearly with the hint of what was to come. This ritual cleansing was just in preparation for yet another sexual attack on her body. She felt the warm hands of her captor rubbing the pubic hair on her sex, stroking and feeling the skin. "You seem to take good care of your body. It is good that you don't shave your pubic mond. The hair protects your sex from many dangers."


Rei began to deeply massage the tissue around Batgirl's vagina and clitoris. Her goal this time was to loosen the muscles of her crotch so the wand she would use for the vaginal douche would not find any resistance. Rei was insistent but not sadistic with her work.


As Rei continued her masterful domination of Batgirl's body, Sandra was reviewing the video from the several cameras she had placed everywhere. "That should make those yakuza viewers quite happy" she thought to herself as she plotted the cuts between Batgirl's face and the removal of the buttplug. Her obsession of capturing and dominating Batgirl had taken something of a toll on Sandra. The demands of creating the constant flow of videos wore at her. All she wanted now was to go out and have some fun with her pet heroine in training. But not just yet.


Meanwhile, the tip of the vaginal douche applicator had been inserted deep in Batgirl's sex. "Time to clean your vagina, my dear." This time, warm soapy water flowed out the holes of the applicator, soaking the tissue and flowing everywhere. Batgirl felt this along with the ever present fingers of her captor pressing and pushing her flesh, provoking sensations she had never experienced before. No resistance could be offered to the strokes and massages of this woman.


Fluids began to flow from around where the applicator spread the lips of Batgirl's vagina open ever so slightly. Unlike the more bulky buttplug used on her ass, this douche was meant to exit the smaller barrel of her sex freely. Batgirl felt some relief when she realized that this was not some torment and relaxed as much as she could.


"Now let's rinse that soap out of you, shall we?" With that, Rei switched to plain cool water to evacuate any leftover soap and waste that it dislodged. Rei watched the water, looking for signs of blood or other discharges. She didn't want to harm this attractive warrior without cause. In fact, the more Batgirl responded to her treatments, the more she respected her. But not to the point where she would show mercy.


Waiting for the last of the water to exit the vagina under Rei's massage, Batgirl could only wonder at the care being taken on her this time. Between the moments where she tried to form a plan of escape, she considered what pattern could be drawn, if any, to the prior attacks on her. Every time, she had been sexually assaulted by the criminal she tracked down. Every time, she had been overcome and forced into submission in some way.


But now she had begun to consider how she had managed to escape each time. She knew that she would somehow get the better of these people. Somehow she would make them pay for what they had done to her.


As Batgirl reflected on her situation, Rei attached one last squeeze bottle to the hose that fed the tip of the douche applicator, still buried deep inside of Batgirl. "Here is a little lubricant for your vagina. You'll need it very shortly." This news snapped Batgirl from her inner thoughts. "Great, here we go again" she thought to herself. Time for the main act.


Two women entered the room just as Batgirl finished her thought. It was the two she had fought at the jewelry store. "Hey, remember us sweet cheeks?" Both Raquel and Clara were already naked save for strapped harnesses they each wore on their hips. "We have some unfinished business with you tonight."


Rei stood up and began to remove the bonds from Batgirl's legs and hips. Leaving her hands securely clamped in a wrist block with no visible lock, she found the platform she had been sitting on was now moving. As each leg was released, one of the two criminals grabbed one ankle. There would be no chance for Batgirl to resist.


While Raquel and Clara held Batgirl in place, Rei attached a metal clamp to the top of her cowl. "Now Batgirl, listen carefully. I've just attached a hook to your mask. From the design of your uniform, I see that if you remove the cowl, you remove the mask. Look over there." She pointed to a camera on a tripod. "Not the most original form of distress, to be certain. However, I believe that you would rather face these two women than risk having your face shown to the world."


She was right. Batgirl would never want to expose her identity, no matter how bad the situation had become. Even more so given her position in Gotham. Watching her body language as Batgirl considered what Rei had said, she moved in close one more time and began to fondle her still clothed breasts with her strong fingers. Her nipples became rock hard in moments despite the thick cloth covering her chest. Whispering in her ear, Rei said "I'll be back for you once these two have had their way with you. Don't resist. They'll tear you apart if you do." Batgirl obeyed.


Rei continued to stimulate Batgirl's stiff nipples while the two women walked over to a table and each grabbed a dark object. Turning, they then walked back to where Batgirl was anchored from the ceiling. "She's all ours now!" exclaimed Clara. "Let's dance!" And with those words, some trendy club dance music started, piped in from the control room where Sandra and her current partner watched.


"My chicas will loosen her up. See how Rei has already stirred her body!" Sandra continued to watch as Bane went on about his understudies. "I found them all while I was building my new life as a crusader. Helping the poor allowed me to find the best and the brightest in the streets of Gotham where few others would care to try." Sandra quietly waited as Bane recited his little story, waiting for Batgirl to be broken a little more as these two women began their roll in this drama.


"Rei has cleaned you out. Now we'll fill you up real good." Raquel chose to tackle Batgirl's damp vagina first, getting down on her knees before her victim while Sandra swirled her long, narrow tongue as she knelt before Batgirl's ass.


Both women dug into Batgirl's moist openings like they were starving. Sandra moisturized the brown flesh by running rings around the hole that had been cleaned just minutes before. No fear of e-coli pie tonight. Raquel lapped the mix of fluids warmed by Batgirl's vagina. Tasting no blood, she worked the tissue of the labia and stroked the clitoris from beneath. "This one is healthy enough. Don't smell anything funky. Let's see what we can do about that."


The two women now began to play with the objects they took from the small table. One was a very realistic looking 6" dildo while the other was an equally real looking 10" dildo. Sandra moistened the 6" appendage with her saliva while Raquel rubbed the tip of her prosthetic up and down over Batgirl's now open labia. Her skin in this open valley had turned red with the stimulation and was glistening with the sweat and other fluids that had been created in this encounter.


"Get ready girl! We're goin in" cried Sandra as she plunged the tip of her dildo an inch inside Batgirl's lubricated anus. The music provided a beat and tempo which she used to rock the phallus back and forth. Rather than try to force the rubber like appendage any further, she stood up, strode in behind Batgirl's back and attached the penis to the harness on her hips.


"Can't let you have all the fun, now can I?" spoke Raquel as Sandra began to lever Batgirl's ass up and down, at times driving her feet off the floor. Seeing that her dildo was now covered in Batgirl's body oils and sweat, she inserted the tip into the barrel of her captive's vaginal opening. Softly pushing to see how much of the object would go up the barrel, Raquel was pleasantly surprised to find that almost a third of her 'organ' went in. With this, she too stood up and strapped her harness to the now embedded phallus and began to rock.


Sandra was beside herself as she watched the two women moving and rocking Batgirl's helpless body back and forth. The multiple cameras were catching every bit of the action. She concentrated on the one monitor that showed Batgirl's facial expressions as she dangled between her tormentors. While many of the moments were blocked by Raquel's head, this created a pleasant contrast as Batgirl's expression changed from pain to pleasure in turns.


As the two women continued, they became more and more forceful with their pelvic thrusts, both slamming and pulling their dildos in Batgirl's body. With practice from many hours of sex, they coordinated their moves, lifting Batgirl's feet off the floor for minutes at at time. Each would slide their phallus deeper and deeper inside Batgirl's now stretched holes.


Bane and Rei were intrigued by the dance they watched in the monitors over Sandra's shoulders. Rei stood behind Bane, to his left. The two cameramen were now tending to the computers and hard drives responsible for storing each minute of the event. It was Bane who spoke after a long silence: "What a formidable team those two make! I see the appeal of your plan, dear lady." Briefly acknowledging Bane's comment, Sandra continued to plot the editing process as the video feeds flowed across the monitors in front of her.


Raquel and Sandra had kept Batgirl in constant motion for almost an hour before they became bored. Time and time again, the two women had already come hard around the leather straps and over the members they wore. Their spoo and sweat had soaked the material of Batgirl's uniform. The three of them now stood still, glistening in the lights.


"I know! Let's see if our Batgirl is a cowgirl as well. Would you like the honors?" asked Sandra, knowing well that Raquel's hips could bounce her body around for another half an hour. "Why sure, pretty lady. Let's get the saddle ready and get this greenhorn ready for a ride. Tugging on the cord that held the clamp on Batgirl's cowl, the tension relaxed on the handcuff block. She fell to her knees in a moment of relief.


Raquel pulled a mat to the center of the room. Retaining the same 10" dildo on her harness, she simply laid on her back and looked at her partner. "All right cowgirl, time for you to saddle up." Looking up from her moment of rest, she saw what was next for her. Turning again to face Sandra, she could see that nothing was going her way. "Best to just hold on and see what the main attraction is" Batgirl managed to think between waves of fatigue and stimulation.


Despite the manner in which she was compelled to this state, Batgirl was very stimulated by the two women. Neither of them were being as cruel as some of the others who had ravished her in the past year. But there was still the matter at hand. They had scratched an itch and it was time for Batgirl to show what she was made of.


Without warning, a flood of hot fluids gushed out of Batgirl's vagina. "Damn girl, that took long enough!" commented Sandra as she watched the flow of liquids slide over Raquel's stomach as she continued to rock her rider. "Guess she's a real cowgirl now. Let's give her a break. There's a lot more for her to face tonight." And with that, the bucking ended and Sandra lifted Batgirl's body off her partner's hips.


Rei saw the change in her partners plan. Knowing now that Batgirl had orgasmed meant that it was time to let Bane have her. But Rei had to make her ready for that event first. "Time for me to prepare Batgirl for Bane." As she made for the door, Bane said "Take your time. I'll need to prepare myself for this Batgirl. Make sure she orgasms one more time before I come for her."


Sandra and Raquel had repositioned Batgirl back in a standing position with her legs chained to the floor. Laughing and slapping each other, they were just heading for the exit when Rei entered. "Girl, you're going to have some fun with our guest! Could you see that bitch cum?" Looking beyond her partners as they told their story, she could see the back of Batgirl's head sagging and swaying slightly. "I need to take care of her now" remarked Rei. "She needs to cum again soon."


Strolling in front of Batgirl, she checked the condition of the bonds and chains that held her in place. Seeing no signs of blood anywhere on her sweat soaked costume, Rei walked forward and gently placed her hand under Batgirl's down-tilted head. "You have made it this far. You have only to last a little while longer. If you survive the next hour, you will live."


Batgirl opened her eyes to look at the woman standing in front of her. She noticed that this captor had placed her utility belt on her own hips. Seeing the focus of Batgirl's eyes, Rei commented "It fits very nicely. I've only had time to look at a couple of the more interesting items you carry. Someday we'll have to have a more fair competition and see just how effective these weapons of yours are."


"Now it is time for some more water. You've sweat a gallon of fluids by now and you'll need every bit of strength to get through your next challenge." Rei moved to the table and picked up the funnel again. Checking to make sure that nothing had happened that would harm her prisoner, Rei turned and brought the ice water and funnel to give Batgirl the moisture she needed. As before, Rei was careful not to over fill the funnel, not wanting to inflict a gag reflex with the ball gag securely in place.


After she finished and removed the funnel, Rei moved behind Batgirl again as she had when they first started this adventure. She noticed that the cape on her captive's back was every bit as soaked as the rest of her uniform. "You must be getting cold with your costume all wet. Let me help warm you for now."


Fearing that Batgirl would begin to cramp from all the assaults on her body, Rei began again to massage her body. Rather than trying to stimulate her sexually, she used her knowledge of massage to relax and center the heroine's body. Bane would soon make short work of this girl. If she did survive, there would be the problem of what to do with her. But Rei would cross that challenge when it happened.


Bane was pulling the trademark mask over his face again. For months, he had been a pillar of the poor community. His good works had earned him the respect of the people of this part of town. In exchange, he had been good. He had stopped being a criminal himself. However, he did train surrogate criminals to work for him. Training them to do his bidding. Now he was set for revenge against Batman by breaking his surrogate crime fighter. He rose from his chair and made his way to the room where Batgirl waited.


Rei had soothed the muscles of Batgirl's abdomen and legs. Now she swiftly changed gears and started to work on stimulating her clitoris. Knowing what was about to happen, Rei tried to provoke Batgirl's sex to another orgasm. Stroking and squeezing the now swollen nub, Rei managed to arouse the effect she hoped for. In minutes, Batgirl had began to orgasm again and again. "It is good to see your health is better than I first though. You may survive this night after all. I will be waiting for you when you are done."


With that, Rei pulled away from Batgirl's back, happy with the results of her work. Just as she reached the door to the room, Bane opened the handle and entered. "How is she?" he inquired. "She is all your master. Make her yours."


Bane walked in behind Batgirl's worn out body. She was tired from the constant workout she had been through the past hours. Removing the clip from her cowl, he placed his large hands on her shoulders. "Greetings Batgirl. It's my turn to have some fun with you." Batgirl could only moan as she thought of what would happen now. She knew the sound of his voice. She knew what he was capable of doing.


Dropping to his knees, Bane took a key and released Batgirl's feet from the chains that held her to the floor. Getting back up, he grabbed the bottom of her cape and draped it over her left shoulder, exposing the back of her sweat soaked uniform. He then motioned at the camera for Sandra to activate the winch that controlled the ceiling cable that held Batgirl's hands and arms over her head. The winch pulled her arms almost to the breaking point, lifting her ass high enough for Bane to slide his now erect penis between her dangling legs.


Despite the pain and despair, Batgirl tried in vain to kick at Bane's legs as she hung in front of him. As she struggled, he placed his long left arm around her slender abdomen and pulled her body tightly against his. The pressure on her lower body increased, driving her diaphragm up into her lungs. Breathing, which was already restricted by the ball gag in her mouth, became even harder. In moments, Batgirl ended her struggle and found herself totally helpless at the hands of this monster.


"I don't think I have to tell you what I have in mind for you. You're a smart girl. I'll just let you guess what hole I'm going to start with." He let the tip of his 12" organ slide back and forth between Batgirl's anus and the entrance of her vagina. He held her ass tightly against his lower stomach, rocking her body in order to place the tip where he wanted to. This went on for what seemed forever in Batgirl's mind. The pain from her arms seemed to vanish as he moved her ass up and down on his own body, supporting her weight.


"Let's start....here!" With that, Bane swiftly slid the slightly moistened penis into Batgirl's well worn anus. The stretching it had undergone in the past hours were barely enough to take this new object. It was far larger in both diameter and length. But he took his time and let the flesh stretch some more. A little trickle of blood began to flow from the seam between his organ and her anus.


Minutes passed. Bane had managed to force almost all of his manhood deep inside Batgirl's colon. With motions far more gentle than she expected, Bane took his time with this process. "Now, let's turn up the tempo." Bane reached for a small knob on a box attached to his belt. This device controlled the flow of the serum that gave his body the size and stamina that made him a formidable enemy for his enemies. It had other uses as Batgirl was about to find out.


As the serum flowed into his body, every part of Bane grew. The penis that had just stretched Batgirl's anus and colon began to grow again. Just as before, the process took a bit of time to occur. Despite this, the flow of blood increased as the size of Bane's erection grew.


"Let's have some fun." He began to rock her hips up and down over the swollen object deep in Batgirl's ass. A slight bit of sliding began to occur as the motion of Batgirl's body increased every swing. She tried to use her own muscles to resist the movement, but Batgirl was little more than a rag doll in his hands. She moved up and down, the penis began to slide in and out ever so slightly. Pounding her body, Bane knew that this had to be torture for his captive.


Sandra and Rei watched as Bane played with Batgirl. Rei almost felt pity as Bane pushed and pulled her body with both his hands while she dangled from the ceiling, unable to offer any meaningful resistance. But this was the deal she had made. Bane was who she worked for, as dishonorable as he was now.


"Rei, do you like what you see here?" asked Sandra. "I know you work for him. But would you like to work for someone who has more respect for you?" Rei considered Sandra's request in her mind as she continued to watch how Bane had lowered himself to little more than a stuntman in a movie. In a split second, Rei had made up her mind.


Bane could feel Batgirl's body growing limp from his manhandling of her tired body. The moans grew more quiet. The only sound from her now was the air passing in and out of her nose, trying to feed her lungs the oxygen she needed. She was ready for his final act.


The knob that controlled the flow of the serum rolled under Bane's fingers. He reduced the amount and allowed his physique to shrink slightly. He then removed his penis from Batgirl's sore anus. Letting her dangle from the cable that held her arms over her head, Bane took the edge of her cape and pulled it around her shoulders to cover her back. Then he moved around to face her.


Placing his hands on her waist, he lifted her back into the air. Despite the flow of serum in his blood, Bane's body was still far more than Batgirl could cope with at this moment. He rested his penis on the flesh over her clit and began to rub at it with the tip. The sweaty flesh parted again and exposed the swollen little organ. Batgirl was still aroused despite the extreme nature of this rape.


Rei and Sandra could see this unfold before them on a dozen monitors. Rei became more interested in the process as she watched. Knowing that Sandra was the ultimate force behind this process meant little in contrast to knowing who could finish it with honor. Bane was just a machine in this drama. Little more than a bit player. But his role now could make or break this heroine that had captured her imagination.


Sweat that had flowed from Batgirl's pores now began to dry in the cool air of the room. Despite the water that her captor had given her, Batgirl was falling apart. The force of the sexual assault on her was working. One more orgasm and she would most likely pass out from the shock. And now her captor was going to plow her wide open with his unfair advantage.


A slight flow of body fluids seeped from her vagina as Bane continued to rub the tip of his penis everywhere in her outer sex. "Very good. Now it is time for you to feel every part of me deep inside you!" And with that, he drove his erection fully inside her vagina, the tip just entering the space near the womb.


With her hips now resting on his body, he took a free hand and slid the control knob of his implant to restore the flow of serum. Again his whole body enlarged, his penis swelling and growing, spreading Batgirl's hips wider than anything she had experienced before.


Sandra struggled to find a camera angle of Batgirl's face as Bane's body grew again. She wanted to see the expression in her eyes as the penis growing deep insider her was spreading her sex. She found one view where her head bounced in and out of the fixed image. Batgirl's eyes were rolled back, almost out of sight. Tears flowed from both eyes. But there was no sign of any resistance. Batgirl's body appeared limp.


Bane had only warmed up. Now he began to rock his hips. Batgirl rocked along, moving up and down with the object welding her to this creature. As with her anus, her vagina began to shed blood as Bane's penis slowly began to move in and out with his motions. He wanted to stretch her wide open in this encounter. She would know the power of his manhood.


Rei saw the hand of her former master reach again for the control of his implant. He only needed one hand on her shoulder to hold her back from falling over as he bounced her up and down in an ever faster motion. Soon Batgirl would be knocked out from either the shock of his motion or the pain caused by his penis rocking her womb.


It could have been an hour or it could have been a day. Batgirl could no longer think rationally about the situation she was in. Bane had her bouncing up and down on his erection. Unlike most men, this erection would not budge. It would not shrink. And her vaginal barrel was stretching. The action tired her beyond her ability to resist or cope.


After a time, Rei began to think as she watched Bane continue his act against Batgirl's body. "Did I last that long against him? Did he do that to me as well?" She couldn't recall after he had taken each of the three women in turn. "If she survives his attack, she should have a chance to recover. I'll make sure." With that, she asked Sandra what her wishes were for the future.


Sandra bluntly told Rei that Batgirl was someone who made a choice to fight criminals outside of the law. She was a vigilante. How could this woman expect to fight crime when she was little more than a criminal herself?


Rei pondered that point of view and struggled with the logic behind such a statement. But there was a grain of truth to what Sandra had said. "This Batgirl is not a member of any law enforcement organization. She works for Batman, who acts fully outside of the law to stop others who work outside of society's good graces." Rei began to see what her new partner meant.


But she still owed Batgirl for opening her eyes. That meant having to help her. "If you want her to survive, how will she escape?" inquired Rei. Pondering this direct question, Sandra turned and looked Rei in the eyes. "Do you have any ideas?"


An orgasm was beginning to form in Bane's sexual organs. While the serum allowed him to maintain a super erection, the time to achieve a climax also increased. The mind is the ultimate sexual organ. In his mind, Bane's only goal was to stretch Batgirl's vagina as much and as long as he could. Her eyes were now locked shut, her body now dry of fluids to perspire. Even the damp cloth of her uniform began to dry in the cool air of the room. He grew tired of the act.


Batgirl had been broken. All she could do now is wait for the flood of Bane's sperm all over her womb. Then she felt the change. He slowed his pace. His voice uttered something low and in Spanish, but she didn't notice what he meant. It happened in a flash. A hot, damp sensation that was matched to a slight shrinking of the object that had pounded at her like a jackhammer for God knows how long.


A flow of liquids began to exit Batgirl's sex after a long dry spell. At first it was a flow of blood, then a clear fluid that pushed everything in front of it. Bane's penis began to shrink despite the amount of serum in his blood. He was finished. Pulling Batgirl's hips away from his, he set her back on her wobbly legs. Adjusting the control on his hip, he then just walked away without a word. He thought that there would be time later for more.


Sandra focused one camera on the puddle of fluids that covered a circle on the floor beneath Batgirl's still staggering legs. Rei watched a monitor that captured the expression on her face. She could see little to suggest that this woman had been completely defeated. Batgirl still stood. It was now time to execute the plan that she worked out with Sandra. It was risky, but it was time to see what Batgirl was really made of.


As she stood alone, Batgirl drifted into a dream. An escape of sorts. She found the sensation that comforted her and used what power her mind still possessed to find something to relieve her burden. The dream continued with her standing in a field someplace from her memory, a place of her youth.


A transition of sorts took place in this memory. Somehow, Barbara always knew when she recalled this place, she could achieve almost anything she set her mind to. She wanted to take a deep breath. When she did, she found that her mouth no longer was blocked. She tried to move one arm and found that it was no longer chained above her head. She was free. But this was a dream.


Batgirl had no idea where the dream began or where it ended. At one point, she recalled opening her eyes to find the girl called Rei standing in front of her. It was her who unlocked the manacles that held her wrists. It was her who kept her from falling. It was her who laid her down to rest. Then the dream resumed.


When she drifted back into her memories, she found some comfort and a sense of peace. Despite the event she had just gone through, she was alive. And where there is life, there is hope. Barbara then passed fully to a deep sleep and the dream came to an end.


The next time Batgirl came to, she tried again to move her limbs and found her body lying on a mat on the floor where she had been tormented. Rei was sitting and watching, waiting for a sign of life. She still had Batgirl's utility belt buckled to her hips. "Don't get up. You will need a great deal more rest. Trust me, I remember how I felt when Bane took me." Turning her sore body to face this woman, Batgirl knew that she was in no shape to argue, let alone fight.


"I'm going to say something that I hope you can hear through the things that you are feeling at this moment. I believe that you know that something has been going on that involves you. You cannot have come this far and not recognize the signs. While I cannot give you any direct answers, I can point you in a direction that may spare you more grief."


"These people have taken full advantage of every part of your life as a crimefighter. You know that you have had an impact in the lives of many people. That impact has attracted the attention of some people who you have not met in your life so far."


Your time here is over. I've made repairs to your pants so you may leave. The motorcycle you left at the mall is still where you left it. I'm sure you can find your way there somehow once you've regained your strength.


As long as youwear the uniform of the Bat, you will remain a target for your  enemies. Beware."


With that, Rei stood up, removed Batgirl's belt from her own hips and placed it on the chair where she had waited. Turning to leave, she finished by adding "I hope we meet again Batgirl. You have earned my respect this day." As Rei exited the room, Batgirl found herself drifting again, back into the dream space to considered what had just happened.


End Notes


This was a very hard story to set down on paper. It was long past time to make an attempt to set the full story arc on course and begin the confrontation that will bring this story to an end in three or four more chapters. The character had to be presented as having an awareness of events, yet provide a motivation beyond the standard comic strip logic to explain the extremes involved. And to do this without giving away the ending.


Rei is a character I began to work on after reading a comment by one of the posters on a Yahoo channel I used to be a member of wanting to see a powerful female Asian character in combat with Batgirl. While that didn't really happen in this chapter, I hope to work in such a full blown combat sometime before I wrap this story up.