X-Men: Black Fire

By Paradox



Cole looked out the window of the Blackbird’s cockpit, watching the scenery below him whip by at an alarming rate. He had flown in planes before, of course, but the X-Men’s transport ship was nothing short of astounding. The only thing that could have equaled it was something that Black fire had made. When he looked back towards the front of the ship, he saw Kitty working the controls of the plane with expert care. He marveled at the way she was able to operate such a technologically advanced craft with such ease. Obviously, there was much more to this girl than just her outward beauty.

With a silent growl, he mentally slapped himself. They were on an important mission with the lives of the X-Men at stake, and he was busy undressing Kitty with his eyes. With a muttered curse in an ancient language, he spun and stood from his seat, heading to the back of the plane where he might be able to achieve some solitude. When Ash saw him moving away, he opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it, thinking better of it. Cole silently thanked his friend and moved into a tight, darkened area in the cargo area of the plane. Sitting down cross-legged, he closed his eyes and opened his mind to all around him. Fortunately, he was flying high in the air, which was one of the elements he had full control of. The bad part was he was surrounded by technology, and it was dampening his connection with the natural world.

Yet Cole was a mage with power unlike any had seen. He had long ago learned to deal with the possibilities of working magick among technology. The metal and plastic did little to hamper the flight his mind took into the spirit realm. He could feel himself lifting into the air, passing through the hull of the ship, and hanging freely in the air. Looking down, he saw the Blackbird beneath him, steadily moving through the air. It would only be an hour or so before they reached Chicago, and he had preparations to make.

With a thought, he appeared on the streets of Chicago. It was exactly as he remembered it, bustling with activity. Everywhere he looked, people were quickly moving about, yet none seeing him. After a quick survey of his surroundings, Cole nodded with approval at his location. He commenced searching for anything that might resemble the medallion Dracula spoke of. Shortly after he began, and having a few failures, Cole decided to save his energies and wait to talk with Priest. Cole nodded at his decision and willed himself back into his physical body. The instant his astral form joined his physical one, a throbbing headache ensued. Cole groaned and pressed a hand to his forehead, trying to rub the pain away.


Cole looked up to see Ash crouched next to him, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. “Yeah, can I get one of those?”

The vampire responded by drawing out a pack and offering the mage one of the cigarettes. “What where you doing?”

Cole lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply. “Just doing a little astral reconnaissance.”

Ash nodded in approval. “Good idea. Let’s get back up front before Vlad decides to start hitting your girl there.”

Cole stood up and scowled at the vampire. “She is not my girl.”

Ash only chuckled. “Yeah, sure.” He turned and headed up to the cockpit. Cole followed, glaring at his friend’s back.

“We’ll be landing in a few minutes,” Kitty reported, “You might want to strap in”

The two young men dropped into their seats and fastened their crash harnesses moments before the plane shuddered as its wheels touched the ground. Throttling back, the plane slowed to a stop. “Okay,” she said, looking at Dracula, “We’re about ten minutes north of Chicago, do you have any idea where to start looking?”

The vampire lord considered for a moment. “I believe we should start at a club called Excalibur.”

Kitty blinked, speechless for a moment. “Um, Excalibur as in my old team?”

Dracula shook his head. “No, young Pryde, I refer to a night club in the heart of Chicago. It is a frequent vampire haunt.”

Ash unbuckled his crash webbing and stood up, heading for the hatch of the ship. “That’s because it’s Elysium, and neutral ground for us. Don’t tell me you lost the thing there.”

Dracula stood and idly brushed away some specks of dirt from his cloak. “No, of course not. I am simply saying that it would be wise to ask our brethren if they may know who has taken it.”

Ash looked at Dracula like he was a moron. “You think that by going into Elysium, where Priest will be no doubt, and asking every vampire there if they happen to know who might have stolen a medallion of great power, you’ll be able to find it?”

“I have my ways,” Dracula said with a smile.

Cole looked at Kitty and sighed. “This is going to be a long night.” 


                                                            * * * *


 The club Excalibur was relatively narrow, but it was two stories tall, making up for its lack of girth. Thumping gothic-style music poured through the open doorways like groans of the dead. A line of people of all different types of ethnic backgrounds, religions, and tastes wrapped around the side of the building, waiting to get in. Ash led the ragtag ground around the line so that they were at the entrance in a matter of moments. A large man as muscular as Arnold Schwartzenager stood before them with his arms folded across his chest. He looked over Ash and nodded. “Good to see you again Archon.”

Ash patted the man’s shoulder as he walked by. “How’s it going Tony?”

Cole continued after him, nodding at Tony as he did so. “Been a while Tony.”

“Good to see you Cole.”

When Kitty went to follow, the bouncer dropped his arms and placed a meaty hand on her shoulder. “And just where do you think you’re going?”

A dozen ways to either get around the man or drop him to the ground, flowed into Kitty’s mind. Yet, showing off her mutant abilities and starting a brawl were not on the top of her things to do list. “I’m just going in with my friends,” she said innocently.

“I don’t know you,” Tony said, his hand never leaving her shoulder, “So you don't get in.”

“Let her in Tony,” Ash said from the doorway, “She’s with us.”

Tony looked over his shoulder at Ash. “She ain’t Kindred Ash.”

“Don’t care,” the vampire said, “She’s with us and she gets in, end of discussion.”

“Priest know about her?”


Tony grimaced. “He ain’t gonna like it Ash,” Tony warned, “And he’s already in a pissy mood.”

Ash stalked over to the two of them, glaring at Tony. “Priest is always in a pissy mood, now let her go before I embarrass you in front of the rest of the Rabble.”

Reluctantly, the burly bouncer released Kitty and moved to let her by. Warily watching the man, Kitty walked by, wiping her sweaty palms on the designer dress Ash had insisted she wear. Under normal circumstances, Kitty would never have even considered wearing a dress. With everything the X-Men did, she found it much easier to operate in pants or her formfitting uniform. Yet, for some reason, Ash and Cole had both insisted it would make a good impression on whoever it was they were going to see. Being somewhat out of her element, Kitty was forced to agree with them.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw a young man in highly fashionable clothes walk passed the bouncer. The burly man did not even seem to notice him. Upon looking closely, Kitty could see the sharp aquiline features that were favorable to Dracula. “Is that who I think it is?” she whispered to Cole.

The young mage looked over his shoulder to where she indicated and nodded. “Yeah, it’s Dracula. Some vampires have the power to shift forms so they look like someone else. Ol’ Vlad there doesn’t use them often, but he can do it.”

“But how did he get by the bouncer?”

“Another vampire trick,” Cole explained, “They can vanish from the mind’s eye so no one can see them. I guess he didn’t want to bother with Tony tonight.” He smiled and followed Ash inside.

As soon as they entered the club, Kitty was assaulted by the thudding of gothic music. All around her, bodies writhed in time to the sounds coming from the giant speakers. One boy slipped in beside her and began rubbing himself suggestively against her. Kitty gasped, she hadn’t even noticed the boy move up beside her. Cole seemed to hear her and turned, glaring at the boy. “Back off Jack,” he growled, “She’s with me.”

The boy raised his hands in a sign of defeat and stepped back. “No problemo Cole, didn’t know.”

Cole merely nodded and caught up Kitty’s hand, guiding her through the crowd. Eventually, they came to a staircase, which the four of them began to ascend. The staircase wound about in a tight circle, taking them high over the large dance floor. More than once, she caught several of the boys below looking up at her with a combination of male interest and inhuman hunger. “I don’t know why you had me wear this thing,” Kitty whispered to Cole, “Seems like the only use for it is so every kid with raging hormones can try and look up my skirt.”

Cole offered her a sympathetic smile. “Trust me,” he whispered back, “You’ll be glad I insisted on it in a minute.”

Kitty gave him a look that said “I’d better be”, and continued the climb. When she looked back, she saw Dracula had reverted back to his original form, his cloak flowing around him like a separate entity. Looking back up at Ash, she noticed his long trench coat seemed to move in the same way, as though it were another being that reflected its owner’s mood. Kitty supposed it must be a vampire thing and continued up the stairs.

When they had reached the second floor, Ash guided the group to a set of double doors. Two men stood on either side of the doors, each holding an MP-5 submachine gun. Ash stopped in front of them and said, “Is he in?”

One of them walked over and offered his hand, which Ash took and shook in what Kitty could only deem as friendship. “Yeah he’s in,” the man said.

“How bad a mood is he in?”

The man considered. “I’ve seen him in better,” he finally said, “But he’s been in worse.”

Ash nodded. “I guess that’s the best we’ll get him at.”

The man put a hand on the young vampire’s shoulder and said, “Good luck to you son.” His voice gave Kitty the impression of someone walking to their doom. Just before she could ask about it, the two men burst out laughing, slapping each other on the shoulder. “You want me to let him know you’re here?” the man asked.

Ash shook his head with an impish grin. “Nah, let me surprise him.”

The guard grimaced, yet could not suppress a grin. “You sure you want to do that?”

Ash nodded and reached out, grasping the handles of the doors. He looked back towards the rest of the group, making sure they were ready, and then flung the doors open wide, yelling, “Look out, the Sabbat’s here, the Sabbat’s here!”

Kitty screamed as she saw a ball of flame roar towards them. She knew she had no time to phase out and the flames would turn her into a smoldering husk. Reacting as though this were a common thing, Cole lifted his hand and projected a crackling disk of energy in front of the group. The fireball crashed into the shield and dissipated. Cole lowered his hand and, eyeing the high-back chair behind the large oaken desk, asked, “Now is that any way to say hello?”

“Only way I know how,” a voice from the chair said, moments before it swiveled and revealed its occupant.

What Kitty saw was not impressive, thought it was surprising. The man looked to be maybe a year or two older than her. His dark brown hair dropped down behind his shoulders in a pony tail. A cigarette dangled from his mouth and his steel gray eyes looked at them in a predatory and calculating gaze. The only other person she had seen look at her in such a way that her heart began to race in fear was Wolverine when he was on the verge of a berserker rage. “What’s up Ash, you said you had some business to handle.”

Ash nodded and walked into the room. “That I did, that I did. You got an extra smoke?” the man in the chair reached into his duster and tossed him a cigarette. “Thanks,” he said, lighting it. “Yeah, took care of that and ran into Cole on the way back.”

The man nodded and stood up. Walking around the desk, he made his way over to Cole and extended his hand. Cole took the offered hand and shook it. “Been a long time Priest.”

The Vampire Prince of Chicago nodded and smiled. “Yeah, it sure has. Where’ve you been hiding yourself?”

Cole shrugged. “Here and there. Just recently went to Winchester to try and hook up with Xavier’s group.”

Priest shook his head and sighed. “Man, how many times have I said you’d be more than welcome to come work for me?”

“I know, I know,” Cole professed, “But I wanted to explore my options. Xavier and his team have done a lot of good for the planet.”

“True enough,” Priest allowed. He looked over at Kitty, his eyes raking over her. She tried to keep from squirming and failed. “And just who is this. I sure as hell know she isn’t Kindred.”

“Yeah,” Cole said, “Priest, I’d like you to meet Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat of the X-Men.”

Priest’s eyebrows raised slightly. “No kidding? An X-Man in my office, well isn’t this my lucky night.” He took her hand and lightly kissed it. Kitty noticed that his touch was just as warm as any other human’s. “And a lovely one at that, the dress becomes you beautifully,” he added with a twinkle in his eye.

Kitty blushed and drew her hand back. “Um, thanks.”

Priest chuckled and gave her a wink before turning towards their other companion. He had scarcely begun the motion when his movements became a blur. Before Kitty could blink, Priest stood beside Dracula with a double-barreled, sawed-off shotgun pressed against the vampire lord’s skull. “I thought I told you to stay out of my city,” the Prince growled.

Dracula actually gulped and Kitty saw fear plain as day on his face. “If you will permit me a moment to plead my case, highness.”

“You have thirty seconds.” The shotgun never wavered.

Dracula took a few precious moments to compose himself before speaking. “I have come here in search of an item of mine that was stolen in this city.”

Priest raised a curious eyebrow. “So this is the second time you’ve just plain ignored me and come into my city.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Yes,” Dracula said, stiffening his spine, “I was journeying through this state when I was attacked by an entire sept of werewolves. Your connection with the shape shifters is well known, and I knew I would be safe within the city limits. During my daytime rest, the object we seek was stolen from me.”

“What was it?”

“The Pendant of Ra.”

For several moments, neither Priest or Dracula moved. In fact, neither of them breathed, not that they needed to. Suddenly, Priest spun and bashed Dracula in the face with the shotgun, sending him tumbling back. Kitty’s mouth fell open. She had fought Dracula before with the rest of the X-Men, and no one short of maybe Storm or Rogue had enough power to throw the vampire lord back twenty feet the way Priest had.

The dead lord slowly stood, rubbing his chin. “A good blow, Priest.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t feel like ripping your face in half in front of a lady,” the Prince growled. “As is, I’m inclined to just let you walk out here with only a few painful reminders.” He turned and looked at Ash. “Get him out of my sight and throw him out of the city. Kill him on sight if he comes back.”

“No!” Kitty cried, rushing forward.

Priest instantly spun on her, his eyes blazing red, like flaming blood. Kitty gasped and halted her flight, but not before almost colliding into the vampire. “What did you just say?” he said slowly.

Kitty gulped and looked around, trying to find a wooden shaft that might serve as a stake. Yet even with such a weapon and her martial arts training, she was far from sure she could beat an opponent that could strike fear into the infamous Count Dracula. “I, uh, said no?” she offered dumbly.

Priest looked from her to Cole. “Cole you sure know how to pick ‘em, pretty but dumb.”

Kitty glared at him, but Cole spoke up first, coming to her side. “Give her a chance Priest, you’ll want to hear this.”

The vampire Prince nodded and looked at Kitty expectantly. She gulped once and steadied her wracked nerves with a ninja calming technique. In moments, her pulse had returned to normal and she was fairly certain her voice would be steady. “Well, it’s like this, uh...”

“Priest’s fine,” the vampire said with the hint of a smile.

“...Priest, Dracula here came to the Xavier Institute and mesmerized the whole team. Then, he said he wanted our help in finding this Pendant of Ra. He threatened to have my friends all kill themselves if we didn’t cooperate.” She shrugged helplessly. “I don’t want my friends to die like that.”

Priest nodded and moved to his desk, plucking a cigarette from a box and lighting it. “Well, I can certainly sympathize with you, Ms. Pryde. Vlad here is a real pain in the ass when it comes to him wanting his own way.” He sighed and finally nodded. “All right, I’ll see what I can do to help out.”

“Thanks Priest,” Cole said.

Priest was about to respond when the intercom on his desk beeped. The Prince pushed the speaker button and sad, “Yeah, what is it?”

“Someone is here to see you sir.” a female voice said.


“Conrad sir.”

Priest sighed, “Okay, send him in.”

No sooner had he spoken the words, the doors flew open and a man in jeans an a black jeans jacket hurried in. His long blond hair fell partly down his back, one lock tied into a braid in the middle of the wave of hair. “We’ve got problems.”

Priest indicated a seat and the man took it. “What’s up? Oh,” he said, facing the others, “You’ll have to excuse me, it seems like I’ve got some other business.”

The man looked over at the quartet and narrowed his eyes. “Hold that thought Priest,” he said, “You may want them to sit in on this.”

The Prince raised an eyebrow. “Why is that?”

“Trust me.”

The vampire shrugged and indicated the rest of the group should sit. They did so and focused their attention on the blond man. He seemed slightly nervous about all the attention, but Kitty soon noticed it was a quivering with pleasure. This stranger seemed to like to be in the spotlight. “I just got in from Rush Street,” he began, “It seems that someone with really strong arms, sharp claws, and a flame-thrower decided to have a little fun there. There’s been a three block radius blocked off for investigation.”

What were you doing there?” The Prince asked quietly. Kitty noticed his expression had grown dark.

“I got into a scrap with a bunch of the Bloods and had to replenish myself.” The man seemed to think nothing of it.

When Kitty looked back at Priest to see his reaction, she wished she hadn’t. The vampire Prince was shaking with barely controlled rage. His eyes blazed red, bathing a small portion of the desk in its soft glow. Once again, she was reminded of Wolverine just before he was about to fly into one of his lethal berserker rages. The memory made her wish the short companion was beside her and ready to help instead of being frozen in a mesmerized state back at the mansion. Fully ready to phase through the floor if need be, she leaned over and whispered to Cole, “What’s so special about Rush street?”

“Neutral ground,” Ash answered, “No hunting, fighting, or anything there. Anyone who breaks that rule usually gets...” He looked at Priest and smiled at what he saw. “Well, I guess you’ll get to see yourself.”

No sooner had he said that, Priest bolted up from his chair and roared, “Gun!” Ash drew out what looked to Kitty to be a black flare gun. He handed the gun to Priest, who in turn aimed the gun at the blond man’s leg. The man’s mouth fell open and he began to blubber apologies when Priest squeezed the trigger. The sound of the round going off was deafening. Kitty watched as the man’s leg from mid thigh on down exploded. The man howled in pain and fell to the ground, clutching at the smoldering appendage. When she saw the charred leg, its flesh hanging off in strings, the tendons and muscles black and oozing with pus, a scream rose in her throat, but she pushed it back. Being an X-Man, she had seen some pretty bad things before and dealt with them. Yet when the acrid smell of burnt and decaying flesh filled the room, her knees buckled beneath her and she fell to the ground, clutching her stomach and moaning. Cole cried out and dropped down next to her. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern wrinkling his features.

“The smell,” she gasped.

Cole looked back up at the Prince and growled, “Dammit Priest, she’s new to this, why didn’t you warn her?”

The vampire stood and slowly walked over to where the two of them lay on the floor. “Sorry about that, but immediate disregard for laws necessitates immediate punishment.” He shrugged and walked over to a small dresser, drawing out a pair of Glock 40 pistols from it and slipping them into shoulder rigs.

Cole glared after him and then turned  back to Kitty. “Are you going to be okay? Do you need to throw up?”

“Just, get me some air,” she gasped, trying to stand. Cole helped her up and guided her to a window, which he kicked open so hard the panes spider webbed with cracks. Supporting her at the waist, he used his magickal abilities to shift the current of the wind so a strong breeze blew through the room. Soon, Kitty felt the nausea die away, along with the smell. When she looked back, Kitty saw that the man had pulled himself to his feet and stumbled off. “What the hell was in that gun?” she asked.

“White Phosphorous,” Cole replied, “Fire has as strong effect against vampires as the sun does.”

“Oh, I’ll have to remember that,” Kitty said, pointedly looking at Dracula. The vampire lord merely smiled.

“All right kids,” Priest called out from the doorway, “We have a problem in this city and it needs to be fixed, now. Let’s get moving.”

“Hey,” Kitty interjected, raising to her full height, “What about the pendant and my friends?”

Priest sighed and leaned against the doorjamb. “Tell you what, you help me out with this little problem I have and I’ll help you out any way I can, deal?”

Kitty looked at Cole for advice. “It’s the best you’ll get from him,” he admitted.

“All right, it’s a deal. Just one thing.”

“What’s that,” Priest said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Does anyone mind if I get out of this dress first?”

Ash grinned wide. “Just give me a second to get my camcorder and you can do that right here.”

When Cole punched Ash in the face, Kitty actually laughed for the first time that night.