(This is a slightly edited chat that Rifferus and Star Spangled Girl did over a few sessions in early January of 2007)



Star arrived over Las Vegas as the sun was setting over the western desert. The glow gave her skin an ethereal quality as she slowly descended. She would have never taken up this Vegas mogul on his offer to “help open his casino” no matter how much money was involved, but the FBI had made a special request. White Slavery was taking place somewhere in Vegas and they suspected this casino was the epicenter. She was to keep her eyes open and perhaps look around since her powers would certainly protect her from anything untoward. He was a rich man, a powerful one, but was still a man after all. She even got permission to go 'undercover' if the opportunity presented itself.


Desmond Dare is watching from the rooftop, with hundreds of reporters, dancing girls and a few celebrities as the lithe young heroine descends from the sky. Attired in a sharp tuxedo, classic style, his eyes roaming over her lovely body as she comes closer and closer, the crowd's whispers and murmers, then starts to cheer as everyone looks skyward!  “Ahhhhh, Star Spangled Girl...fashionably late, I see, but I'm sure we can forgive the world's most famous probably got held up stopping cat burglars or some other feat of daring-do!”  he says with a hint of sarcasm.


SSG lands with a smile, waving to the crowd as she replied, “Actually, I was moving a car wreck to the side of the road that was blocking access to the city, and to your casino, Mr. Dare. I had always heard you were a hard businessman, but I would think my helping you get more people into your casino to lose money would have earned me at least a thank you!" The crowd laughs and some comments of "She got you there Des!" ring out.  Star smiled politely and continue to wave, not paying any attention to the preening peacock, Desmond Dare.


Smiling charmingly he stepped closer to the blonde superstar, his teeth dazzling as he let out a hearty laugh.  “My goodness!  Young, powerful and wise in the ways of commerce. You are truly a triple threat my dear.”  He waved to the cameras as flashbulbs pop and dazzle.  “ I heartily thank you for making sure tonight’s opening would go off without a hitch.”  He placed a hand to the small of her back as he waved to each camera.


Star almost winces as he touches her back, but she manages to hold her pose and whisper back to him from smiling teeth.  “You said millions for my charity Mr. Dare, and the attorneys for the Justice league will be overseeing the transfer this evening. I trust there will be no delays?”


Speaking in hushed tones, his smile never fading as her turned slightly towards the blonde bombshell.  “Of course, of course my dear. In fact, after you give us our big send off, we can adjurn to my offices so you can personally oversee the transfer.  First, we have a bit of theatre for the folks...I assume you brought your super strength with you?”

She rolled her eyes internally as she though, "Why do they always want super strength demonstrations?" She replied in a happy voice however. “Of course, Mr. Dare!  I assume you bought the Army Surplus tanks I requested?”  Star liked to help small town businesses thrive and so she had referred Dare to a small surplus center in Kansas for the demonstation of power she would make in demolishing twp tanks.


“Yes, the tanks have been transferred as requested as well, my dear. Now, if you would follow me down to the main atrium, we can get the show started, as I don't wish to keep you any longer than necessary as I imagine you're a rather busy young lady”  he gently pressed his hand to her lower back to guide her, fingers dangeroisly close to top of Star’s gold belt.


But Star moved off of his hand, floating down with the crowd behind her waving and signing the occasional autograph. She arrived at the door to the auditorium, but she waits politely for him to open and enter first.


Stepping through the door, he leads her down a brightly and tastefully decorated hallway that eventually opens to a platform that oversees the entire casino... the floors and hotel hallway levels below are packed with cheering, waving fans, the crowd as thick as possible, everyone from college kids to retirees facing upwards as a spotlight hits the platform, illuminating both Dare and SSG.  Suspended in the middle of the atrium is an oversized slot machine, garishly if amusingly styled in the star spangled manner, with a giant gold lever lit for all to see.  He roars over the loud speakers, “Ladies and gentlemen!  I present, STAR SPANGLED GIRL!”


Star’s eyes narrow as she looks around and see no tanks, just a garishly huge slot machine.  She sighs, upset he pulled one over on her but getting over it quickly.  “It’s for charity”  she thinks as she smiles waves to the throng, clasping her hands over her head and shaking them up and down, which inadvertently causes her breasts to jiggle.  She said, “That is one big slot machine, Dare!”


Dares smiled as her gestured towards it theatrically, eyes flashing at her jiggling breasts for an instant, before lifting to meet Star’s eyes with an amused look as he replied, “Well, I am just hoping you're strong enough to handle my rod!” Laughter rose at the double entendre as Dare gestured towards the oversized gold handle on the machine.


Star was right with him as she looked around with a wide smile on her face and replied looking around and then said loudly enough for everyone to hear.  “I have heard of men compensating for something, but isn’t this a bit ridiculous, Dare?”  The crowd went wild with laughter as she flew up towards the huge slot handle, all business now, wanting to get away from this circus.  “Let me know when!”


He hid his anger well as she shouted, “Well, ladies and gentlemen, are you feeling lucky? He waited through the cheers, pumping the crowd up, the shouted again.   “I said,  ARE YOU FEELING LUCKY??”  The crowd went beserk.  He pointed to the machine and screamed, “...... Then, Star Spangled Girl, give it a good hard tug!!”

Star grasped the rod in both her hands and slowly pushed it down, giving the crowd a good show by pretending it is more difficult than it is. She yelled out breathlessly, knowing the value of a good show,  "Wow, Dare, your big rod is harder than I thought! Er...To push that is!"  The crowd laughs appreciatively, at Star’s pun.  She smiled, knowing that her skills in the public relations arena are considerable.


Lights dazzle and music plays as the slot machines spinners roll... The casinos goes dark except for several spotlights on Star and the machine as the spinners spinn with dazzling displays of neon lighting...the first snaps into place, a giant white star shining out.....then the next with yet another white star....and the last and final one snapping down, the white stars all flashing as the music bursts to a crescendo and the casino is suddenly lit up in typical Vegas fashion...the crowd cheers uproariously.  “ JACKPOT! Ladies and gentlemen, we are open for business!”  Dare shouts from his perch, applauding and waving Star back to the platform, his smile as charming as ever.


Star landed next to him and took his hand, shaking it and smiling for the cameras patiently.  She spoke into the nearest mic and said, “Thank you Mr. Dare for your TWENTY Million dollar donation to the home for Battered Women in Star City. They should be able to open dozens of clinics with that amount!.  The reporters eyes widen at just how much Star ha said Dare had promised.  Early reports had the figure at half that amount.


Dar’s smile faltered for the briefest of seconds as he blinked at what she said. Twice what had been initially promised!  He covered before eyes can could catch his expression change, however.  He shook her hand, subtly pulling SSG closer to him and as he wrapped his arm around her he faced the cameras again for a few more pictures, his jacketed chest squashing into her breast just a little.  “Anything for America's sweetheart! Now, my dear, about that tour your people said you had asked for?  Shall we let these good people get to their fun and go do it?”


She waved to the crowd, feeling him pressing to her but letting him get his jollies as he had promised me a tour!  This was her chance to snoop around “Yes,” she replied, “let them go gamble. You and I should get to business.”


He gave Star one final squeeze for the cameras then disengaged and gently guided her on her lower back off of the platform and towards a door held open by a burly security guard.  Once through it, the din of the crown died down as they walked down the hallway, flanked by two personal security personnel.  “Well, that was, as you can probably guess, the main floor where most of the actual gambling tables are located, but that's just a tiny part of the casino Ms. Star.  We also have 3 five star restaurants, a world class sports arena, as well as some of the finest amenities any wealthy adventurer could ask for. One in particular I thought you might enjoy actually...”  he said conversationally as they walked along.


She stopped suddenly, turning to face him with her arms folded under her breasts and her right hip jutting out angrily.  “Let's get one thing straight, Mr. Dare. I am not 'into' your style in the least! You and your kind make a living by preying on people's dreams and while it is technically legal, it makes me SICK! I want to see just how a parasite like you lives, and that is the ONLY reason that I want the tour, ok?   I could care less about what you think I might enjoy!  Are we clear on that point?”


He stepped away hands raised as he seemed to take her rebuff in stride.  “Oh, certainly, we're clear, we're clear. I didn't intend to offend in the slightest... I simply thought that, beyond the TWENTY million I've parted with on YOUR behalf, you might enjoy something as a personal thanks from me to you…”  He stopped at a doorway that's ornately decorated, and opened it.  Inside was what can only be described as a luxuriant spa!  “… We could get to business first, but if you so desire, I've instructed my people to give you the entire spa to yourself for tonight.  I imagine finding the privacy anywhere must prove difficult for one as famous as you.”  He added sincerely.


Star is awed by the spa, despite herself. She looks around, forgetting her hatred for him for a few moments.  “My GOD! This is an amazing place!”  She looked to and fro, stunned.  Finally she remembers where she is and turns to him with a sardonic look.  “I suppose you want my soul in exchange for this, Belezebub?”


He laughed heartily, “Oh no, no, no!  You've helped me a great deal by coming tonight. I just thought you'd enjoy taking a small...well, break. But if business interests you more I'm sure we could make our way to the boardroom and watch TWENTY million dollars be electronically transferred and checked?”


She thinks on that and then finally smiles, thinking her own bias may have caused her to be a little harsh.  “I guess I could accept hospitality since you doubled the amount to which we agreed.  I am sorry for being so harsh.  This is a business after all and in your own way you look like you are trying to be nice to me. How about we transfer the funds now and then I will take you up on your hospitality... as long as we agree that you will not be joining me here at ANYtime, ok?”


He looked hurt as he answered immediately, “That would defeat the purpose of having this all to yourself, of course”  He put on his charming smile and turned to leave.  “Alright.. to the board room.. Follow me”  he headed down the hallway at a brisk but not impolite pace, smiling to himself.


She flew after him but kept her distance until he arrived at his office.  “I am sure you will make back that $20 Million quite quickly in any event, but it will help many young women in my city.”


He answered distractedly, his mind on other things.  “Yes yes, of course... “  He opened the door and gestued to the giant display screen at the far end of the board room.  “I believe your tech team at the League should be online by now.”  He stepped to the keyboard mounted on a pedestal nearby and keyed in his login.  HE turned back to the screen, showing the banking screens of both his institution and the banks for the clinic fund  “Ready when you are, my dear..just give the word”

“The word is given” she replied, watching with growing excitement. She has done something really big for her city! And it was something with a legacy!  AND it  did not involve her defeating space aliens or giant robots!


With a quick flurish of fingers on the keyboard, he gave his electronic command, and the banks in Star City's number increase by 20 million dollars... after a request for verification is made, the transfer is completed.  He said with a hint of sadness, “Somewhat anticlimactic, I must admit.  It doesn't quite have the showmanship of opening a casino at any rate.  But still, thank you for coming tonight Ms Star... You won't regret it.  Now, may I escort you back to the spa... I assure you, my feet will never cross the threshold of the door.”


She looks at him distrustfully, but nods as she replies, “I guess I should not be rude, you did come through as promised.”  She walked with him this time and as they enter the hallway her curiousity got the best of her.  “How did you get into this business MR. Dare?”


He looked sideways at her, surprised she would talk with him.  “The casino business? Well, I guess after opening a few trendy clubs in LA and New York it seemed like the next logical step. Sort of keeps with the bright lights big city theme...”


She thought about this as they continued their walk.  Her heroine instincts were strong, the desire to change people foremost in her mind.  “No amount of money is ever enough? Is that it?”  She fought the urge to simply flee this man's prescence, because she suspected he was amoral.  He she hoped not only that she was wrong, but that he might donate again in the future.”


“Well, if I were a simple hard nosed employee for some great big corporation, it would simply be the big corporation making all the money and the women's clinics in Star City would be 20 million dollars poorer. You have to have lots of money to be able to spread it around, Ms Star.”  He replied, thinking ‘and to be able to use if to collect things I like”


Star nodded as they reached the door. She takes his hand and shakes it  “On behalf of the clinics I thank you, Mr. Dare. I don't necessarily approve of your business, but it is more complicated than that I suppose. Thank you for use of your spa.”  She added smiling politely.


“Of course, my dear, enjoy!”  He gestured towards the open door and after giving one last dazzling smile, her turned heel and smartly stepped back down the hallway. From within the spa's opulent interior, a young woman with dusky skin and deep brown eyes called Star inside with a soft voice.  “Miss Star? We are ready to give you the pampering of a lifetime.!”  She and another girl started giggling slightly, obviously a little starstruck by the super heroine.




Star smiled and walked in. She does not know how much they can do for her, as her invunerability makes most massages moot, but she decides that once they find out that fact they will leave her alone.  “I could use some pampering”  she said with a grin.  “But I am out of practice. What first?”


They bowed as they answered, “What would the lady like? Mud bath? Body massage? We also do cupping, electro stim therapy, aromatherapy... what sounds good to you?


Star was stunned by all the things they were trained to do to a body.  She swallowed deeply and wondered if she should just not dismiss them.  Instead, she answered a little nervously.  “Ummmmm....I have no idea. How about a body massage?”  She was ahppy with her request, as this would educate them that their skills would not work well on her body and they would leave so she could snoop around.


They seemed thrilled at her choice!  “Body massage.. excellent choice... If you just head down that hallway, Emily and Xia will look after you.”  She woman bowed again, and then added,  “I have to say that I can't believe you're actually here!”  Down the hall, two petite asian girls of about 20 years of age wave, beckoning Star to come over to them…....



Chapter 2


Star walked towards the masseuses, a little nervous but looking forward to being taken care of for once, instead of having to be the one doing the caretaking.  “You two look like experts in what you are trained to do!”  She said with a smile, her costume clinging tightly to her in the light of the spa.  Her white thigh boots were shiny from having been cleaned extra for the even, her red striped bottoms hugging her hips and star spangled top taut on her breasts below the red striped choker on her throat.


The girls giggled a bit, “Oh, you're in good hands, miss, we promise!”  The two girls looked at each other and then ushered Star into the massage room.  The central table rose from the floor almost as though it had been grown there, the lighting somehow soft and soothing yet sharply demonstrating how oppulent the room is designed to be.  It was rimmed with gold ornaments and expensive plants and flowers, deep carpeting and soft linens.  One of the girls gestured towards the table, lined with plump soft terri-cloth and the headrest open to underneath.  “There you go. Ms Star.  Please  get comfy so we can go to work on you.”


Star lay on the massage table and put her facr down on the headrest.  “I should warn you that my muscles defy most massages ladies.”  She said as she squirmed her hips and upper body to get comfortable.  “But I wish you good luck.  If you are successful on my back, perhaps maybe a frontal massage for my legs later?”  She sighed as she enjoyed the feeling of the terri cloth and hoped that they managed to give her SOME amount of relaxation.



The girls slide her  boots off first as they stepped to the lavishly detailed table.  She shivered slightly as there soft but sure hands placed her bare feet back down on the table, licking her lips with anticipation of this perhaps being a good massage after all!  The girls then picked up a couple of towels and two crystal bottles filled with what looks like body oil.  “Miss, we start at the feet and work up, yes? Me hope your feet are not too ticklish for foot massage..this Xia's specialty!”   she added with a slight giggle.


Star grinned as she lies on her arms, her right cheek down.  She looked back at the two women preparing and said, “Just stay clear of the costume please.   That is not my decision, but it is Institute policy.”


The two girls nodded with a smile  “Whatever you say, Miss.”  They took up a station on either side of the blonde bombshells legs. Star twitched a little as she felt a long slow line of warm oil dribble along the lengths of her legs and feet.  Star felt the oil would be hot enough to burn a normal human, but felt great on her legs, almost as if it was designed for her skin.  “Oh my, ladies, that is good oil you are using!”  she said.


The girls smiled as the drizzled it down to her feet and then back up the length of her legs.  It was a slow, lazy dribble that seemed to last for minutes.  Then their hands were on her skin, warm hands, soft but powerful hands. They slid slowly back and forth along each of Star’s long shapely legs, simply rubbing the oil around, smoothing and spreading it in slow circles that approached each foot, but it was as if they were in no hurry to get there.  Finally they reached her feet, and Star felt pressure that seemed almost impossible for such small hands to apply as they worked their thumbs into the arches of each foot.  “Miss!  SO easy to tell you wear heels all day!”  their lilting voices said in unison.


Star was in heaven,  She had jumped little at how strong they were and she was surpised to actually feel their hands kneading her feet and working out kinks!  “This is marvelous!”  she said with a faux groan.!”  She relaxed her head and tried to steady her breathing.  She saw they were very good they are at their jobs, clearly well trained. She even squirmed a bit as they worked her arches as she enjoyed the feel of the oil and their hands.  She whispered, “Mmmmm, you two are miracle workers!”


They giggled softly at her praise, but their attention was on Star’s feet as their thumbs worked in unison, stroking along the length of her arches and working out months worth of stress from Star’s feet.  Their fingers were slow but attentive, patient but firm, and then they circled back up her heels where they pressed lazy firm circles into the skin…then back to the arches in long strokes and up to the toes which they begin to individually squeeze and press.


Star was squirming more obviously and felt her body jerk every so often at their hands touching and massaging her increasingly sensitive feet. She closed her eyes, trying to relax, thinking, “The oil is warm and really seems to enhance the work they are doing. I am definitely enjoying this.  Now, once they are through I have to figure out how to disguise myself so I can go spy on Dare…”

Obvlisious to Star’s thoughts the girls give each toe it's due.  Then their fingers slowly trail their way over the sides of Star’s  feet, working the ankles.  The shift their attention then to the achillies tendon and the surrounding muscle on each foot, working along them in strong soothing strokes.  Their fingers continue to sensually pressing into SSG’s flesh with deliberate, and practiced, expertise.  One whispers loud enough for Star to hear, her voice soft and intoxicating, “Long time since you relax, miss?”


She nodded slightly, not even replying to the question with more than a slight moan. She thought, “Their hands feel so good on my feet.  This IS the most relaxed I have been in a long while.”  Thoughts of her plans to spy on Dare left her for the moment as she enjoyed her foot massage.


Xia moved up to Star’s head and whispered in her ear.  “You enjoy then, relax Miss.  You have such pretty legs,  why you cover them in high boots? “  They giggle at the question in an endearing way as their fingers worked and kneaded Star’s calves.  Star could hear them breathing hard with the effort of getting her body to respond to their touch, but they never cease.  The continue working their oil slicked fingers slowly towards the backs of the heroine’s knees.


Star sighed as she felt the tension in my calves melt away slowly as they kneaded them  She replied lazily to their question, the relaxation making her response delayed some, slower. Sje mubled in a slightly slurred voice, though she did notice the slurring, “Costume… not really my… choice.”  She sighed again as the girls worked on her lower legs.  She could feel the warm oils on her arches, toes, ankles and calves, the heady scent of the oil and the strong hands of the women making her relaxed in a way she did not think possible.


As if on some cue, the hands increased their pace, and their pressure as they pressed and kneaded on the blonde’s legs.  Twinning thumbs stoking long lines up from the back of her knee, along the length of her hamstring muscle, fingers sliding along the inner and outer sides of each supple thigh... slowly pressing and working the muscles upwards... teasingly close to the swells of her buttocks before working back down, thumbs pressing new lines through the firm muscles…


Star Spangled Girl could feel her bottom tighten as they came very close to her buttocks.  She was feeling a little dizzy from how good they were relaxing her but she knew it would have to end soon.  Then she felt their fingers press into her thigh muscles and little whimpers of pleasure escaped her lips at the sensations.  Unconsciously she started to grind a little into the table and bit her lip at how good they were making her legs feel. She knew it was time to stop them, as she had something to do...but she could nto remember what that was right at that moment.  Then she drew in a great breath and let them continue. "How is there any harm in enjoying a massage?" she asked herself, clearly forgetting that this sort of contact was strictly forbidden for a good reason.




Their fingers again swirl through the super heated oil, its vapors almost visible as they cling and move along the surface of Star’s skin.  The girls grip each leg firmly now at the sides, inner and outer, their palms pressing in with considerable strength as they each rub slowly escalating circles in the flesh of the heroine’s inner and outer thighs, then they slowly working upwards again.  With deliberate patience they tease Star as they slowly approach the juncture of her thighs, close enough that the heat of their hands can actually be felt through the fabric of Star’s costume, their fingers a hair's breadth away from the famous red and white bikini bottoms.


She could feel her bottom flexing more, and suddenly she realized that she was squirming and pressing to the table!  She knew there was no way they could not have noticed and Star also realized she was gripping the side of the massage table in white knuckles!  She was happy her face was hidden because she was blushing deeply.  She felt winded and decided that while she liked this a lot, it was time to stop.  She was surprised to hear her voice so breathless as she said, still face down, "OooooOoohhhhh....I....I is".  She felt the heat coming from her body, her upper torso slick with perspiration from a room that seemed suddenly a lot hotter than earlier…


They seemed obvlious to the muffled voice as their hands linger for a moment more near her sex, then slid outward to the sides and begin to work on Star’s glutes, palms pressing in where they connect to the thigh.  Their fingers pressed next to where the glutes attach to the pelvis, fingers splayed as they rubbed, but the fingers never quite touched the red and white striped bottoms


Star was squirming even more now, realizing her nipples were hard and that she could feel every press of their hands rub the hard buds on the table beneath her bikini top.  She flexed her bottom again, pressing her sex hard to the table which caused her to shudder  slightly.   “Enough is enough”  she thought, knowing these girls had no idea how she was reacting to this massage, only doing their jobs.  She lifted her head up weakly and said more firmly "Ladies! I...enj...enjoyed it!  But time to stop...o...ok?"  She could feel her own disappointment at having to make them stop, but she really had to …. “Had to do what?”  She thought confusedly.


"Excuse me miss?" Xia replied, the slightly accented voice seeming slightly offended. "Miss Star, we only half finished!  It ok!  You tense, we know, but your back needs some attention too!  You only  half done and you not feel as good as full done, no?"


Star laid her head back down.  She did not want to offend them as they had been so nice to her so far.  She could not see that her thoughts were foggy, distracted, that their lilting voices were gaining sway over her decision making.  All she thought was that what they are saying made a lot of sense to her.  Star knew there was something she should remind them not to do, but for the life of her she cannot remember what it is right now.  Her arms fell weakly side of the table and she relaxed further, truly enjoying the massage.  “I am sorry...yes, please continue.”



Xia smiled, a smile tinged with something more than servitude as she asked the most important question so far. “Okie dokie Ms Star.  Now, question for you:  We need to oil your back, but don't want to wreck costume.  Maybe take off belt? Pretty belt shouldn't be wrecked.”


The heroine nodded slightly, feeling like she was almost in a dream. "Yes, please take the belt off, I would hate for it to be wrecked"  She adjusted her head on the table, getting comfortable.  She could feel something nagging her in the back of my head  not to get too relaxed, but she could not muster enough will power to even question what they are going to do to her body next.


Practiced finger unclip the latches of the belt and slipped it off.  Star could feel it sliding languidly across her tummy as it unloops from her waist.  Suddenly, soft fingers pluck at the ties of her bikini top too, wordlessly taking the strings and laying them to each side of her on the table!   "Top too, Miss.  The messy oil wreck fabric."  Then palms press into the upper swells of each buttock, firmly pushing the muscles, kneading them firmly as finger splay across your lower back, teasingly hinting their path along Star’s lower lumbar muscles.


Star sighed as the fingers work their magic over the tense muscles in her back. She could feel herself gasp distantly as her top is untied, but then Xia’s voice reassured her that it was necessary.  She did not even feel the need to object.  Not realizing that she was in less control of her will than ever.  She felt the ties of her top hanging down and  touching the sides of her breasts and wondered at why that suddenly seemed so erotic to her.  “It is just my costume!”  she thought, not thinking that if she were to sit up her breasts would be completely exposed.  Erotic thoughts were supposed to bring a state of panic to Institute heroines, but for some reason they hardly registered a blip on her internal radar, a signal she has sunk further into the relaxed state their massage brought on.


Their hands in unison begin to press and knead their way up SSG’s lower back, fingers splaying to the sides, pressing in around her obliques while their thumbs keep their attention on the muscles supporting her spine  They worked slowly up to Star’s shoulders, firmly working knots and tension from your muscles as they went, though each leave one hand pressed down on her upper glutes.  Star thought that was supposed to steady her as she felt the fingers denting the rounded flesh slightly as they worked her back.


She was increasingly less inhibited in her reactions.  “Mmmmmm, it feels so good!”  she whispered as they worked her in places that were supposed to be off limits to any sort of contact. Her mouth is hung open, red lips red wet because she had licked them multiple times.  Her fingers were clenched into her palms as her arms hung limply by the table, and she felt like her legs were like jelly on the table, and she was not sure she could move them even if she wanted but right now she definitely did not want to!



Now their hands begin to really press in, fingers and thumb pressing into the complex muscles of her shoulders, working them intensely.  They work around each scapula, then under to the supporting muscles, inadvertently brushing knuckles against the soft swells of the sides of Star’s  breasts mashed on the table.  Their lower hands continue to slowly knead her backside, setting a lazy, but firm rhythm on Star’s rapidly surrendering flesh.


Star felt like she was in a pool of heavy water, her mind was moving in slow motion!  Each finger was a separate on her yielding flesh, her back now fully oiled.  She could feel the ache in her nipples, the sensation pleasant as she pressed to the table.  Then their fingers graze the sides of my breasts and she thinks , “Maybe I should roll over and let them…NO!”  She felt the warnings drilled into her fro those long years of training finally break through the fog in her mind. Her eyes opened sleepily and she lifted her head up. She felt like her wieghed hundreds of tons as it slowly rose and she heard herself say,  "Th...that is'...a...all...thank you"


Their lilting voises replied in a giggly fashion.  "Soon, Miss Star, soon... shoulders last, then we do other side, ok?" They were cheery, light, reassuring... their hands gliding back up to the middle of Star’s shoulder blades, pressing their knuckles into the hard muscles there, long strokes over the oils to where her scapula met her deltoids, where the bulk of tension is usually held along the trapezeus muscles.  Their fingers were strong from years of practice pressing over slickened flesh, and Star could feel her willpower waning rapidly, too rapidly!


She shook her  head and was finding it difficult to keep her head up as she tried  to get them to stop, the scent of the oil heavy in the air.  She knew they were innocent to the effect they were having on her , but she still had to make them stop.  She said a little louder, feeling very breathless:  “ You...really are...<gasp>...g...good at go...p...please....please?"  She could feel herself wanting to roll over and let their hands roam over her flesh.  Her mind was trying to warn her that this should not be happening in a normal situation but the fog in my mind was too strong to let her realize that this situation could be a set up.


They were not going to be deterred.  They smiled and replied, "Now now, Miss want total pamper, yes?... Trust us!”  Xia brushed Star’s  cheek with the side of her hand, her fingers trailing under Star’s nose, which puts even more of the heady musk of the oils into Star’s breathing.  She continued, her eyes intense, “Soon you feel so much better!  Star’s eyes widened as she felt their hands pulling her over, gently but firmly rolling her to he back….










Chapter 3


Star Spangled Girl’s eyes widened as she was am rolled onto her back.  Her arms flopped over her head and hung off the head of the table, while her top slid off her breasts to the left side of her neck and hung there.  Her heavy and heaving mounds were exposed completely to the young masseurs. Star’s nipples stood at attention like two towers on the top of hills of flesh. She looked down her body, gasping, but she is aroused and so weak that her sags to the table, she cannot keep it up off the soft terri cloth. As it lolls to the side she pleads with the girls, "NO! No, please, that is not necessary. In fact, I...I am going to to leave..."


They were not deterred in the least.  "Miss Star, now you're just being a silly girl <giggle>.." They give each other a look that could mean a million things, and then they each upturn their vial of oil over hest chest, belly, shoulders and along the elastic of her bikini bottom!  The oil was still sensuously warm, almost hot, and now SSG’s body glistened with it everywhere!  They each nodded  as if agreeing to some unspoken decision.


To Star the table seemed to undulate as if alive!  It was gripping Star’s bottom and then moved a  little under her and then she felt the marble impossibly slide around her wrists and ankles!  She almost screamed as she felt the table taking charge of limbs, binding her helpless to the table.  She looked wildly up at her wrists feeling the table wrapping around them to trap her but she looked all she saw was her hands lying free? "What is...going on?" she whispered.  Her ankles were likewise free when she looked, but she could not shake the sensation of being trapped…and the erotic thoughts that provoked in her mind.  Her body felt cemented to the table now, the oil is so warm and slick on her breasts and belly as they kneaded it into her skin.  She felt the question torn from her throat as she whispered, " in...t...the...oil?"


They simply smiled and each took one of Star’s soft melons in their hands , and began to knead it  expertly.  Somehow they found all the nerve clusters within them that fire signals of arousal throughout the full flesh They seem at first to deliberately stay away from touching Star’s  rock hard nipples and  instead applied their expertise to the meat of her breasts, manhandling them in a manner so practiced that it's almost beyond Star’s ability to believe it was really happening!  Finally, one of them looks at Star, an impish grin below inscrutable eyes as she asked, “It relaxing, yes..?”



Strar drew in a shuddering breath and focused on lifting her hand.  She watched it move slowly towards their wrists, the whole room swimming and blurry as she guided her hand slowly.  She grabbed wrists and tried to pull the maddening hands away from her breasts, pleading again.  “ stop...this...p...please.<sigh>”  Her breasts were so warm and jolts of pleasure thrilled through her.  This caused Star’s hips to pump slightly.  She was lost in the sensations, not thinking to fly, or simply push them away.

They smiled at her efforts and replied, “Now Miss.. you not done yet...”  One hand relinquished her right breast and gently pried Star’s fingers froom both their wrists as easily as if Star’s hand had no more strength than a small child's.  She placed Star’s hands firmly above Star’s head once again, before returning to her task of massaging the heroine’s helpless mammaries.  The other focused all her attention on the breast flesh, the swollen softness glistening deliciously as her finger pressed and dug into it, making it bulge in oddly erotic ways, making the nerves inside heat and throb.  They work and work Star’s breasts with focused attention for long, long minutes and then they glanced at each other.  “I see knot, a really bad one, hard as stone...don't you, sister”  They giggled together and then slowly spidered their hands across the fullness of Star’s breasts again, finger sliding across and sinking into heaving fleash and then finally then drew inwards until they entrapped Star’s nipples..


Star arched up weakly as they massaged her breasts against my will. Her head shook to and fro slowly, eyes rolling into the back of her head, mouth falling open as she felt her hands being pushed above my head.  She thought to herself desperately, "oh...oh ...a....kitten, but…must not let them know they have me helpless!" The thought that they were doing this to accomplish this very weakness had not yet moved to the fromt of her mind, but it was there drifting in an out of her thoughts as she writhed. She felt her nipples being captured she arched further, moaning plaintively,  "'t...please......stop..."


Xia leaned in and whispered again, “Nipples so hard they almost hurt, yes?  They are VERY sensitive, me can feel heartbeat pulse through here.  Do not worry, Miss Star, we fix.”  In unison, their fingers began to knead her helpless and oil shined nipples, drawing them from the areola to the tips in long slow stroked, nails dug into the hard buds in almost a milking fashion.  Then they pressed the nipples back into the tit flesh like pushing buttons then slowly rotating their thumbs as they help them tight to her chest with their thumbs to work out the "kinks".  Then they let the nipples  slowly pop up again and repeated the circuit over and over as Star writhed and moaned helplessly.  Their expertise seemed to find exactly where to press to cause the maximum sensation to thrill from Star/s nipples, through your breasts and then all up her spine and then through  body!  They were patient, drawing out the massage and repeated the action over and over, they knew that Star would not be able to stop them any longer…


Star’s moan came from deep her throat,  “UuhhhhhhhhhooohhhHHHHHhhhHHhh "  she knew she sounded plaintive, helpless, but the thrills rushed through her faster and faster, like little jolts from a battery setting afire each never ending in her skin again and again!  She could not move her hands or legs now because she was so weak, though her ass still flexed she was pumping her hips obviously.  She knew what this was showing them, but she was so turned on by their attentions she was unable to disguise it anymore. She hissed through cleneched teeth as she tried to regain control of her body, "<gasp>...are not...listening!"




In response all they did was giggle girlishly.  Xia, her eyes never leaving Star’s face as she continued the breast massage with her partner spoke again, her voice sounding more mature, even a little more sinister, “When you sound like that, that is when you need  attention the most, Miss Star.  Your knots are not softening, though.  Maybe , just maybe, you need something more personal?”  In unison, as if they had practiced for months to do it at the same time, they lowered their heads and slowly, teasingly breathed hot breath over Star’s buds as they held them by their areolae for long moments, teasing her.


Star gasped, “M…MORE…personal?”  She was falling fast and she knew it, but right now her attention was focused on the twin mouths poised so near her nipples she could feel the breath on her and it felt like a tornado as her nerve endings were multiplying each sensation a hundredfold.


Again in unison, their hot wet mouths closed over the hard nipples and Star could feel their tongues flicking back and forth, both nipples bathed in heat and rubbed endlessly in flicking swirls of tongue.  The girls plumped her breasts up with one hand, but their other hands trailed together down Star’s body,  massaging and pressing into her ribs and then to her abs.


SSG’s body quivered over and over, and she gasped loudly as their tongues flicked on her hard and sensitive nipples. She knew she was at their mercy and through the haze of pleasure she realized finally that they wanted it that way.  ‘There is not a thing i can do to stop them!”  she though miserably, “I just hope they will stop before Mr. Dare decides to pay a visit or some emergency pops up”  Her addled mind did not even conceive that perhaps they were doing this to capture her, she simply thought the two were trained to please guests.  “I mean, how could they know this weakens a superheroine like me?”  Her thoughts had been drifting and she had lost track of their hands for a moment but now she felt them….  “ are you....doing?  Keep your hands out of my……bottoms!”


But they were not going to be denied.  They kept their tongues busy on her nipples, somehow knowing exactly how to lick and rub them without it desensitizing the pink buds!  They somehow made the sensations increasingly intense, thrilling Star though her breast meat as they plucked at the hem of her bottoms.  Fingers gripped it delicately...and teasingly tugged them up a little, which made the fabric press and rub against Star’s sex, moving it back and forth in a rhythmn to match their tongues on her nipples  Xia hissed, her voice now more commanding than requesting, “Oh, we get bottoms oily... no good no good..must take off....must take off..!”



Star shook her head as her mouth fell open her lungs starving for air as she could not seem to draw a breath. Now her whole body is on fire, nerves tingling, breasts so stimulated she could actually almost feel a burning sensation on the tips of her nipples, and her clit buzzed with arousal. As if in a dream, she lifted her ass off the table to LET them slide her bottoms off, knowing full well it would expose her bare pussy to them, but she was not in charge at all, just a plaything squirming helplessly at their touch.


Chapoter 4



As SSG raised her ass they slid her panties from her, leaving her naked save for the star spangled top hanging from the string around her neck to the side of her body.  Then the girls took up different positions, one released Star’s left breast and moved down the table as the other takes it up both breasts in her expert hands.  Her fingers danced on Star’s nipples, pinching just enough to ellicit sharp pleasure, then she stroked them almost as though milking or masturbating them... Xia moved down to take up position over Star’s suddenly bared pussy.  Her eyes glinted with delighted mischief as she spied the engorged clit of the blonde heroine.  “ Oh..I found another knot!”  She looked Star in the eye and winked then laid hands to either side of Star’s bare mound and splayed her fingers.  She kneaded the flesh around but never touched her pussy.  She asked in a firm tone that belied the answer she knew was coming.  “You still want us stop?”


Star was frantic now, her body beyond aroused and simply on fire.  She panted and whined in response, “I...I....y....n...I....can' me...oh please.... !  “her voice was slurred as she begged Xia to stick her tongue into the heroine’s dripping box, her body gyrated more and more, slowly, but obviously.


Xia crowed in triumph, “You so impatient.. first me see if I can work out knot with hands, ok?”  Her fingers crept closer and closer to the throbbing engorged bud of SSG’s  clit... then she took it suddenly and firmly in her fingertips and kneaded it, pinched and pressed it in her sharp nails  Then she stroked it back and forth.  It was as if Xia and her twin knew Star’s nervous system completely,  their knowledge astounding to Star as they fired up every nerve within her body and the helpless clit.  Xia next  pulled  the hood back to reveal its most sensitive part…


Star groaned lustily, “OHHHHHHHH”  She could feel her legs tense as shed arched violently.  Her hands moved and finally grabbed the edge of the table above her head, knuckles white as she gripped it there for leverage, and slid her wet sex to and fro, insistently trying to rub on Xia’s fingers.  The girls could see her breasts quiver with each thrust*


Xia’s sister moved around the table and climbed up, putting her knees either side of Star’s  head, the heroine’s arms pinned her lower legs.  Star could only look up helplessly and as she did she saw that the Asian girl wore nothing under the single white slip that is her uniform.  Star could only lick her lips in that instant as the girl took up Star’s breasts again and massaged them expertly.  She stroked her fingers through the meat to the nipples, which she tantalized devilishly.  Xia climbed up on the table as well, between Star’s spread thighs and she dipped her head low, breathing hot air across the blonde bombshell’s dripping sex, her fingers relentless on the heroines’s clit as she made it sing with pleasure at every stroke and pinch.  She said with glee, “Still not softening...must work harder!”  With that she dipped her head and took the bud into her mouth noisily as her counterpart lightly, playfully began to swat Star’s  nipples!



Star was panting hard now: “” 

She craned her neck as she saw the sex of the Asian sister above her head and she tentatively extended her tongue towards it.  The jolts of pleasure shootong out from her clit were getting more and more intense as Xia nipped and sucked at it.  She was totally lost the sensations, any thought about tryingt to get off the table all but gone.  Even if she wanted to get off the table, however, the firm legs held her arms captive and and suddenly she realized her own legs were wrapped around the other one's head!  Her mind spun as she tried to think, “What is hjappening to me?"  As if in answer to her own question, she extended her tongue fully, desperate to taste the pussy above her!


The twin sat back however as she sensed Star’s need, but then she lowered herself over the heroine’s mouth, her pussy musky and obviously wet.  She seemed to delight in the way she could make the heroine’s your full, swollen and sensitive breasts bounce and dance under her palms.  She batted at the nipples with slightly more vigour, the sting a little more intense to Star.  Xia dove into Star’s  pussy with a will, her teeth and tongue swirled and nipped her sex,.  She tormented her labia and clit at first, then thrusted her tongue deep into SSG.  She stroked the inner walls with authority and expertise, knowing just where to lick and bite to make Star’s  pussy react as she wanted.


Star’s head was swimming in arousal as the one above her toyed with and slapped her breasts. She could feel them jiggle and swell from the girl’s  attentions, the nipples on fire as she grasped at the girl’s ankles weakly, and tried to push her legs apart.  Star groaned as she realized she was not pushing the legs to escape, but to lower the girl lower onto her hungry mouth. She can feel Xia inside her and she felt like she was drowning her with her juices as she gasped again and again and felt her my belly flutter from how turned on she was by Xia’s expert her tongue.


The one at her head felt the arms pulling her ankles part and took the cur and lowered herself hard onto SSG’s face, grinding herself down on the helpless heroine and smothered her, smothered her!  She started to rake Star’s breasts with her nails and got rougher and rougher each time she did so, digging the nails deep into the soft flesh and still amazingly found  the right places for the rakes to spark pleasure along with the pain.  She finally spoke, her voice harsh, “Such big full..I love them!” and she even gasped as she grinded on the helpless beauty beneath her.  Xia thrusted her tongue deep, then joined it with two fingers as her other hand rolled and rubbed Star’s clit.  She pinched and rubbed and lapped at Star deeply as sher suckled at her juices.


Star gave a loud muffled moan into the twin’s  pussy as she smothered her.  Star found her taste hot and sweet, as her juices flooded over her nose and mouth and down her cheeks.  Star lapped at her like a woman dying of thirst finding an oasis in the desert!  Then suddenly, Star felt her eyes go wide and her vision explode into whiteness as the girls hands on her tits and the other's tongue in her sex seemed to hit erogenous spots in her at the same time and over and over, as if they were trained to do Starspecially. Star could only groan helplessly as the power draining orgasm built and built.  She felt like she was drowning, unable to breathe as the world went silent, only her orgasm mattering now.


The twin made her hips swivel and grind, not letting Star catch a breath as she pressed down on her face with glee.  She squeezed Star’s breasts roughly... then started to slap and manhandle them even harder!  She hit those nerve clusters harder and mrre deliberately.  Xia began to tongue and finger Star with a rhythm,  her fingers working in opposition to her tongue as she licked and pumped her.  She made Star’s  g-spot the focused target of the never ceasing stimulation while with her other hand, she alternately spanked and rubbed her clit vigourously, owning it with her knowing fingers. Star felt like her whole body was going slack.  ‘What else could they do to me?”  she thought in a haze of pleasure and pain.  Xia, as if reading her mind, pulled her fingers from Star’s  pussy and began to push and tickle at the entrance to her ass while never missing a beat with her tongue!


“Oh GOD!”  Star thought as she she moaned loudly into the twin’s sex pressed hard on her face.  She tensed for a second and then she did exactly what they knew she would do at this point, she relaxed her ass and let the fingers probe her hole at will.  She knew now she was  helpless to deny them any part of my body, she was at their mercy completely.  Worse, she knew Xia was sticking her long Asian nails into her ass as a demonstration of Star’s complete surrender.  And it was complete.  Star started again to stroke long and hard against Xia’s tongue and fingers, as long and hard as they would let her. Her tongue dove furiiously in the twin’s pussy as she struggled to push her up and breathe but she faiuls utterly.  She feels her body jark to jerk and twist in her need for air and starts to feel the burning in her lungs as  her muffled cried echo in the room: “MMmmmMM....MMMMMM!!!


They somehow seemed to sense when they're about to push the aroused heroine over the edge and they extend  the almost  torturous session by backing off.  Xia slows her rhythmn and her twin gives Star a short breath and then presses down again.  They kept Star on the edge, at the very apex of that orgasmic crest without letting her go over it... They giggled at her muffled moans and desperate grunts as she is face sat and they timed their strikes at various nerve centers in sequence.  They hit clit, nipples, neck, breasts and other erogenous spots firing off the intense sensations in each, but never letting her cum.  She was in a dizzying kaleidoscope of pleasure and pain, sound and silence, need and want.  She wondered if it would ever end…and then she heard the deep voice of Desmond Dare:  “I think my 20 million was well invested...”








Chapter 5


Star heard the voice and felt an icy pit in her stomach, but her body was far too aroused to come down now.  Her nails dug into her palms as she tried to will herself towards an orgasm, but she was pulled back again and again by these well trained 'massuesses'.  She turned her head weakly as the twin let her breath for a moment and begged Dare, “Please.....please tell them to...m..make ,e cumm....!”  and then her head was hidden again by the Asian as she dropped down and muffled Star’s pleas for release.


Dare was amused and not a little turned on by how well his servants had turned the heroine on.  He said conversationally, “Well, I don't know about that, Star Spangled Girl... I mean, for 20 million, I think I'm entitled to my money's worth.  Your brief appearance, and those few insults you gave me don't seem to be worth even half that much...”  he leaned forward, and whispered through the twin’s thighs, loud enough for Star to hear, “In MY world, you have to earn what you get!  So, Star Spangled Sexpot, what do you offer me to let you cum?  I mean, you already took 20 million right?”  The girls giggle loudly as he taunted her and kept Star right at that edge, their fingers played your clit, breasts and pussy with precision and finesse, the pussy in Star’s  face streaming with juices over her mouth and nose.


Star’s mind snapped, she could only think of cumming, only think of pleasure, orgasm, sex.  The twin lifted off her face right on cue and it was glistening with the Asian’s cum as her wild eyes looked for Dare.  “anything...ANYTHING...puh...please.....can;t think...can't...b...breath....fuck me...please...PLEASE...must cummm...anything!"


Dare sighed with satisfaction, SSG’s surrender music to his ears.  “Anything? Well... in that case, alright..”  he nodded to the girls to open up on Star.  Star almost passed out in relief as they attacked her passionately, violently relentless on Star’s breasts and pussy and ass.  Their fingers pistoned and they pinched, slapped and kneaded, tongues lapped, thrusted and bathed Star, teethed nipped, bit and gnawed.  She could feel her breasts and pussy being devoured, tamed and owned by the flurry.  Star pumped her ass hard enough to shake her whole body back and forth while  the pussy plastered to her face pressed down hard, completely smothering every noise she made and allowed only a tiny bit of air in her lungs.


Her muffled cries filled the room:  “mmmm....mmmmmMMmm....MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM “

She came violently, her body tensing and shuddering with each passionate thrill of arousal that washed over her.  She is exhausted but her orgasm goes on and on her nerves afire almost to the point of pain and ticklishness, the sensations overloading her already tenuous hold on her brain again and again.


They kept at her, the hum of Star’s  desperate yells into the twin’s pussy obviously thrilling her.  Breasts are squeezed and slapped with precision, nipples tweaked and stroked endlessly, clit rubbed, slapped and bitten repeatedly.  Star’s g-spot was  almost being vibrated by the speed at which Xia’s  tongue strokes it, and her pumped by curling fingers that find the deepest, most sensitive places to stroke over and over and over and unending series of erotic explosions on Star’s  nervous system!


Star thrashed about helplessly, multiple orgams washing through her higher and higher in intensity, making her weak as a kitten.  Her violent upheavals were ignored by the women in complete control of the situation. Star saw spots, and felt like her head was going to float away and finally her body slowed and thrashed less violently.  It was not that her orgasms were less intense, it was just that every bit of her strength was draining away….she did not have strength to thrash more violently!


It felt like a lifetime to Star before she finally heard Dare say “I think that's enough, ladies”   With obvious reluctance, they begin to eb and slow... fingers stroking slower, more tenderly, mouths turning soft again, leaving long kisses on Star’s tender points.  Finally they rose and left Star lying there in a coat of sweat and cum on the massage table.  They gave her one last, almost loving, pat of her pussy and breasts and then withdrew in each other's arms, walking to a far door as they began to fondle each other.



Star could do no more than lie there as her head lolled to and fro.  She tried to look around but her vision was too blurry to make out anything clearly.  She could not move the rest of her body at all, even moving her head so that it looked like it was a gyro too great effort.  She felt all the cumm a;; over her body drying and sticking to her skin and her costume top still hung from her down across the right side of her neck.  She blinked, trying to clear her vision and the static in her head, to somehow will her body to move.


The ceiling came to life  as a large plasma monitor looked down on her, Desmond Dare's smiling face filling the screen.  “I see you did enjoy my spa, Star Spangled Girl... my my my, I had no idea how frisky you can get!  Well, ok, that's not entirely true...I had heard rumours from acquaintences, but to actually witness it for myself... was quite something.”  He said with a sneer.


Star was weary, but still spat angrily, “You bastard......when I get!”  She tried to move again but failed miserably.  She was more weak than she had ever been, and knew it would take some time to recover.  If she could just delay this preening jerk by making him talk and talk, she could gather enough strength to escape, and then come back later at full strength and clean his clock!

But Dare was oblivious to her ply, it seemed, as he replied confidently.  “Oh, I don't think see...we have a binding legal verbal agreement you and I... you agreed to do ANYthing if the girls' let you cum.... I have upheald my end of that you will as well!”


Star’s eyes widened.  “You can't be serious. And even if you were, a deal maid under duress is not binding!”

Dare was enjoying her discomfort immensely as he pointed to a screen within the screen showing her enjoying the last session.  “What duress, my dear? I have the entire incident on High Def digital video... I even offered to have the girls cease the massage, remember?  And you begged like a whore for me to make them let you cum.”  The screen then begins to show the preceding events in ultra high clarity..every goosebump, drop of sweat and jiggle caught from multiple angles in the clearest colour...*


She flushed red as the video is played but finally managed roll off the table and fell heavily to the floor.  She rose shakily to he hands and knees, whispering, “ sick...fiend....”


He was all smiled as he watched her crawl.  He was on the video monitor, but also still standing in the room.  He called out to her, “Well, my alleged sickness and fiendishness aside...I am sure that this video , while it might not hold up in court, would be extremely damaging to your ... credibility if it were , say, leaked to the press... or even the Institute?  As he taunted her the doors opened and burly, powerfully built guards moved in,  and picked up Star by her arms and hauled her to her feet.


She struggled weakly in their arms, her mouth is a tight line of anger.  “This is the digital age, you dumb hick! I will deny it to the ends of the earth and the Institute will back me and say it was a digital mock up and was not me at all!”  She pulled again weakly, but they had her in complete control



He tisked tisked as he gloated.  “ Well, well, well you are showing fire again, hmn? I am not sure which is more sexy, your being defiant, or you letting Xia’s twin’s cum dry on your face!”  Star looked like she had been slapped as he continued, “Digital age or not, these are pretty hi resolution images... enough for anyone to question it.  But with all that being said there's the fact that you're now my prisoner right?  I know your weakness, you luscious little trollop and I know that right now, you're too weak to fight.”  He waved his hand at Star as if anticipating her plan to wait him out.  “Don’t worry, I know that will change but then again, our mutual friend is counting on you putting up at least a little bit of a fight.”


Star was hoping for just that.  Her eyes narrowed, but she hoped to keep this goon yapping for just a few more minutes.  If she could do that, she might just be strong enough to get free of these goons and fly off.  She sneered at him.  “Oh? And who might that be?”


The camera swung from Desmond’s face, and another familiar face filled the screen.  The camera pulled back and she saw him in all his glory.  He was powerfully built, red white and blue trunks on his Adonis like body and under blonde short hair.  He smiled at the luscious heroine,  hungrily, “Hello, Star Spangled Girl, remember Star Spangled Guy ?”

He waved, and  at that moment the guards swing their stun sticks to the back of Star’s head.

She felt the pit of fear rise up and engulf her.  “NO! Not you, not...UHHNNNNNnnNN! She felt the blow explode in the back of her head and she slumped forward unconscious in the arms of the henchman, thoughts of the man who betrayed her filling her nightmares as sleep claimed her.


Chapter 6


Star slumped in their arms and the guards took her by her arms and legs and carried her above their heads.   She was taken through labyrinthine series of passages down to the lower depths of the Casino's structure, into a secure area.  Her naked form was held high, still glistening with the remnants of the oils used on her.  After a short stop, they carry her into a small arena.  She is laid flat on her belly, her arms are brought behind her back and. Durasteel chain is wound around her forearms and  padlocked 3 times.  She is wearing a cruel mockery of her costume, a g string and tiny bra nearly bursting already as she is left to regain consciousness on the dirty arena floor as the seats above begin to fill….


Star groaned as she started to come too.  “Oh my head”  she whispered as she swore she could hear voices. She felt her arms padlocked behind her so she tested her strength on them. The chains strain a little which told her that she was recovering but was not there yet. As she lifted up her head she could see people coming in and this realization caused me to roll to her back, her arms underneath her to get a better look around. Her body was  dust streaked and she could see the mockery of her costume, no boots a postage stamp bottom and a tight, tight top which is bursting out with my breasts. She breathed deeply, trying to stay calm, and also trying to will herself to recover faster before whatever is planned happens.


But that was not to be.  A voice boomed out over the speakers above the arena, “Well, well, well, Star Spangled Girl... did you enjoy your nap?.... I'm hoping that you appreciate the design for your new battle attire, it took my people at least 3 minutes to put enough material together for you!  Hahahaha!  Now, since you've had your fun, I thought it only fitting you earn the climax you had upstairs with a little sweat...possibly some blood. Certainly tears... Shall I introduce your opponent?”


She struggled to her side and then to her knees, testing the chains again but feeling no stronger.   “You are a beast, Dare. When I get free i am going to rip your arms off!”


Dare’s taunting voice echoed in the arena again, “Oh, I don't think we have to worry about that, my dear...I think you're going to have your hands full in a moment. Gentlemen, may I present her opponent.... Her Doppleganger from another reality, he is as powerful, if not moreso that our young wench here... and apparently he knows about every weakness she has... I give you Star Spangled Guy!!!”  As his name echoes throughout the arena, adorned to look like a Roman colliseum, from a passageway he floats in...wearing his gloves, trunks and boots, and little more. Sweat already glistening across his broad chest, his arms fairly pulsing with power as he gazes down at Star, desire, cruelty and depravity clear on his face.

Star swallowed deeply, trying to stifle the arousal she felt at seeing him. One thing about her weakness was that once  a man took her like SSGuy did, she has a difficult time not responding to him the next time she saw him.   She simply had a have a hard time not drifting back to the erotic nature of her defeat.  SGguy was nearly as powerful as her shen she was in top shape, but right now she is next to nothing compared to him.  Still, she rose heroically to her feet and sneered at him.  "This is the only way you will battle me again, SSGguy, with me in chains!?"


SSGguy was a super powered villain from another dimension.  He stole the secret of dimensional travel from a scientist and decided to eliminate his doppelgangers in other dimensions so she would be the only SSG.  He defeated all of them, leaving only Star.  When he had come to this dimension he had posed as her friend and they had shared many adventures together, although he was doing it only to earn her trust and to learn her weaknesses.  One day during a training session he had turned on her and defeated her utterly.  Only his ego had allowed her to live that day.


He let a smile flit across his features briefly and when he spoke his voice seemed both ragged and smooth at the same time, the depth behind it unmistakeable,  “You feel it's unfair? I suppose you would rather we had you at full power, able to defend yourself? Star, you seem to think this is meant to be a contest but let me dissillusion you.  This is to be a spectacle!  All these men paid handsomely to see one being beaten within an inch of your life. You being raped, forced to orgasm over and over, you being defiled…”  As he spoke his cock bulged in his trunks, growing at the prospect of taking her as his eyes glinted dangerously.  Suddenly, her charged, moving with stunning speed as she reached for her hair!


Star was paralyzed as she noticed the bulge in his trunks, gasping as she saw it harden so quickly!  She remembered meat pole impaling her over and over...and the distraction caused her to miss his charge almost entirely! Suddenly he is on top of her, his hands reaching for her hair.  Panicked, she still summoned enough strength to drive her knee up into him, aiming for his crotch.  She is off balance however, so the knee is not perfectly aimed, but still upwards of half her power!  She screamed, expelling air for her kick, but also because her scalp went  aflame as he grabbed her hair!  “HYYYYYAAAA!!!!!”


He grunted as the knee narrowly misses his groin, instead it thumped into his inner thigh.  His momentum carries him forward though and he yanked on her hair, his powerful arms pulling to throw her bodily across the arena by her blonde tresses, his scent at close quarters heady and intense in her nostrils…


She yelled as she flew through the air, “AHHHHHHhhhhhhh..<thoom> ..GUHHHNNN!!! She sailed across the arena, totally out of control, and then slammed into a wall back first!  The shock knocked the wind out of her as she hit it, her head snapped back and slammed into concrete.  She slid down the wall like molasses and hit the ground heavily, her body leaving an imprint in the concrete where she had hit it, a spiderweb of cracks flowing out from that imprint. She lay weakly on her side, trying to fight through the pain, but her vision was blurred already from the pain that she felt radiating from her back.


He was on top of her in a nano-second, flying at top speed  s she swung his arm towards her belly, his face a mask of evil pleasure.  “ Oh I'm going to enjoy pounding on you, little girl”


But she managed to roll weakly away from his blow and though her chest was pinned to wall, she was happy to hear the huge blow she had avoided slam into the ground, leaving a huge hole..  She rolled back and kicked at his head, “ I am NOT a ‘little girl’!”  She braced herself on the ground and wall with her right leg as she kicked him with her left, trying to get him away from so she can to try and break the chains again, which luckily were weakened by her impact with the wall.


He saw the kick coming and tried to duck, but enough of it connects with his temple that he spun away from her .  But he righted  himself quickly but looked surprised that Star  have enough fight in her to strike him that hard.  He flew at her again,  arms outstretched, hands like claws aimed for her breasts.


She was on her feet already, trying to flex break the chains, but they did not budge.  Suddenly he was on her again, his squeezing the breasts clad in thin blue material. Her body slammed back into the wall, head hitting hard enough to daze her as she was pressed there in a partially sitting position.  He was between her holding her helpless.


She yelled in pain, “ AAUHHHGGGG!!”  She pushed into her breasts, squashing them hard as he kept her pinned to the wall.  She could feel his fingers digging into their meat, manhandling her as the audience clapped appreciatively.  He pressed one knee between her thighs and rubbed it back and forth against her pussy through the ridiculously small covering.  His face was a sneer as his fingers found her nipples through your thin top, and he twisted them in opposite directions.  “Scream louder for me, little know I love it!”  he pushed her roughly to the ground at his feet, standing powerfully over her much smaller frame.  “SCREAM, bitch!”


She moaned pitifully as she got to her knees, her body a conflict of sensations.  She could see the indentation her body have caused earlier above her amd had to fight down a surge of panic.  SSG Guy was as powerful as ever, and with her weakened from the sex earlier and chained by her arms now, she did not have a chance. She saw him stalking towards her and so she took her best shot and said angrily. "Just as cowardly as ever, Guy! Going to beat on a defenseless women some more?”  She smiled and sneered at him, “You said  they only want a show, but they are laughing at you as much as they are enjoying my beating!"


He hesitated for a moment, and then smirked, “The difference being..I can kill them for it later!  Right now I want to focus on you though... But...if you're feeling too put-upon? “ In a flash he was behind her, grabbing at her chains with one gloved hand.  As a show of force, he flexed his fingers and the tough metal cracked and bent, the chains slipping off as he moved to grab her by the neck and slam her into the wall again.


But Star was smirking as he set her arms free. She was glad they were so predictable, a little bruise on their ego and they made mistakes.  She is still not a match for his power, but at least now she would be able fight.  As soon as her arms came free she swung her right elbow as hard as she could at his gut, driving it harder by gripping her right fist in her left hand and pushing with all her might, her hopes surging as she felt it impact on his abs!



Chapter 7


He was caught off guard by her sudden burst of strength, too sure she had been weakened to move so quickly.  He folded over from the impact of the elbow, a great gush of air exploding from his lungs as he was sent flying backwards about 10 feet and landed with a thud on the dirty concrete floor.  He held his gut with one hand as the other slams to the ground to break his fall, the force of it enough to crack the floor.  He glared at her with contemptuous eyes and a tightly drawn smile and said , “So, the slut still has some spark left, does she? Good!  I can draw this demonstration out a little longer then”  Taking to the air in a flash, he rocketed towards her, fists outstretched, thundering in like a missile.


She tried to dodge, knowing she had awoken a sleeping giant, he was far too fast. She folded over his left shoulder as he collided with the heroine, her legs straight out under his body.  She pounded on his lower back as he flew forward the momentum extreme! She knew that there was another wall coming fast so she beat on him as hard as she could, but she felt like a 4 year old trying to beat an adult.  He seemed unfazed by her less than full strength blows to his back.


He grunted as her fists slammed into his back.  He could feel the bruises forming but he grit his teeth.  “I will not be showed up by some half-powered girl wearing a g-string.!”  He was hurting, but he also could feel the energy that flowed between them whenever they came into physical contact.  The energy stimulated him, made him more focused, healed him…and aroused him!  He could feel his cock again swelling in his truncks, pressing against the latex material like the soft caress of a heroine’s mouth then…. <<<BOOM>>>  They hit the wall with an explosive force like a blockbuster bomb, concrete and debris kicking up from the impact as he felt feel her body slam hard, the sound like a cannon going off.  Despite his power, he felt winded by the strike as they tumble to the ground, his body on top of hers.


Star felt her head slam hard into the wall, her upper back crunching from the force of impact as they both flew through the wall. She landed hard on the debris, dazed and unable to focus as she lay there,  arms on the ground over her my head.  She is lolled her head, trying to take stock of her body.  “No broken bones, I think my insides are in the right place, what is that sensation? Something hard on my ... " Suddenly she was panicked, flailing and screaming as she realized what was pressed to her sex.  “NO! Get OFF!" she yelled as she tried to push him off her body and out from between her legs. The force of the impact has put her hands too sleep though, so the force behind her push is weak, and she can feel pins and needles with each blow she hits him with.


He was shaking his head, still groggy, as he felt weakened hands pushing on his body.  A slow smile crossed his face as he shook  off the stun and look at the girl trapped beneath him, and trapped in a way that they both knew spelled the end of her resistance.  With a little shift he was able to grind himself  between her legs, and he did so.  He could feel the softness of her flesh under the ridiculously small coverings Dare had her dressed in and he could feel the heat as he gloated over her, “What's the matter, Star?... Something making you a little weak in the knees?”  He laughed and reached for one thinly covered breast.


She grabbed the wrist of that hand more out of instinct than conscious thought, first with one hand and then the other. She could feel her vision suddenly come into focus in the moment as she watched his hand push inexorably toward her heaving breast. Her arms trembled as I tried to stop him.  She knew she had more important things to worry about, but not giving him the satisfaction of stripping her suddenly became her whole world. She could feel her head going light from the effort, her body used up and exhausted, as she yelled with one last ditch effort to stop him!  But the hand reached the fabric even as she screamed again, head tossing wildly as she yanked and pushed to try to get his hand away frm her soft breast, “NOOOOO!!!!”


He smiled as he used his strength to keep pushing, slowly inching towards the soft full mound, his eyes locked on the bump of her nipple as he let her anticipate what he intended to do.  Then his fingers reached the target and gathered the material of her top in hungry fingers.  Che could feel it slide across her flesh as he pulled it towards his palm. The material slowly gathering there as her breast was uncovered more and more.  He was patient, letting her struggle but not letting her succeed and then as her eyes widened because only her nipples was covered her gave a sudden, brutal tug backwards, ripping the top from her weakened body.  Worse, all the while he had been grinding on her, his cock pressed against her sex, the tiny panel of her bottoms sliding to and fro until finally her pinkness was exposed slightly.


She groaned as her top was pulled from her, the strings on my back snapped as he yanked, leaving her breasts exposed as her top hung from his hand. She was still struggling however and arched back violently to try and get free, and then her whole body froze!  She felt her tiny g string shift and then all she could feel was the hot hardness his hard cock on bare sex.  She gaped, staring at space, temporarily frozen by the sensation.


He felt her go tense and curled his lips into a truly evil smile.  His hand flashed and clapped on her breast with a sound that echoed through the arena.  He squeezed the soft meat of it cruelly and hissed down at the suddenly paralyzed heroine, “ I think you like this, don't you?”

All she could feel was the hot pole sliding on her as she moaned, “UHHHNNNNNN!!”  She arched back more, trying to ease the sudden pressure on her breast, but that shift caused her bottoms to move even more to the side, leaving her bare pussy exposed even more to his cock.  She writhed and squirmed finally, as the shock of the initial touch wore off but the position she was in was very compromising and worse, she knew that he knew it!


He could feel her starting to resist and while he had the upper hand, he decided not to tempt fate by being overconfident again.  He lunged back, then forward, swinging his forehead down at her temple, while keeping her pinned by her breasts.


“GUHHHHH!!” her head exploded in pain, her vision swimming in a rainbow of colors and blackness, static in her ears as she fell to her back again, unable to struggle at all.


He rose into the air slightly, then reached down to grab Star by an arm and between her thighs.  He noted with amusement and lust that her pussy is completely exposed now, the tiny panel of material meant to cover it twisted completely to the side/  He gripped her firmly and lifted her into the air.  He put his feet down and walked, presenting Star to the crowd, her chest thrust high towards the ceiling.  SSGguy walked all around the ring slowly, displaying the stunned heroine like a prized game animal.


Slowly Star started to shaker her head.  She wondered idly why the world was suddenly spinning and then she thought, “Why is my hair hanging down, am I floating now?”  Her arms and legs felt dead, almost without feeling and then she noted that there was a pressure on her upper arm and thighs.  “What is going on here, feel so tired….wait…who is holding me up!”  With a rush the memory of what had happened flooded back and she realized she was being held high by her arch enemy!  She tried to will her body to move, but the only thing I can do is moan weakly and writhe a little.  “Oh no….held…held …high…helpless….so…so…weak….he…can…do….anything….must…fight…but…can’t…can’t….escape…uhhhh…no…no…must…not…give….in”


He heard her moaning to herself and yelled for all to hear, “What's the matter Star?  You know, for such a do-gooder heroine, you aren't putting up much of a fight... Maybe deep down, you really want me to tear you apart?”  The crowd thundered their approval as SSGuy’s deep voice resonated in the hall, his taunts amused the crowd, as did the sight of her weak, almost naked body.  Suddenly, his eyes went cold and with a sudden burst of movement he pushed her higher towards the ceiling, then using her hair and pussy to keep his grip, her slammed her towards the earth, dropping to one knee to let her back impact into it with a sickening <<<CRACK>>>!!



Chapter 8


“AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” the sound of her back cracking on SSG Guy’s knee and her resulting scream were pitiful and sickening. Star felt her  legs go completely dead as the pain exploded in her lower back, and her arms fell weakly to the ground over her head intertwined with her hair, as she lay arched over his knee.  Her eyes are wide and fixed and her mouth hung open as her scream dies, her body completely limp, like a rag doll.


He gazed down, his vision aflame in lust and power and placed his forearm on her  collarbone and, using her pussy as a pushing point, he pressed down, bowing her back even more obscenely over his knee! His gloved fingers teased back and forth across her sex as he did so, and then he started to bounce her on his knee as well.


She could feel her breasts wobbling and jiggling but she could not even get enough strength to move her arms. She knew that her body was his to play with right now.  She was arched back so far that her head was on the ground.  She thought, “The pain…so…so intense….like…. a searing poker in my back….AHhhHHhHHH”  but she had no breath to even moan.  Her eyes showed him her agony, as did her gaping mouth.


She smiled even more cruelly and he released his grip on her body.  She just lay there, dangled over his thigh for long moments, too weak to move as cameras flashed from the evil audience brought here for just this moment.  He ran the back of his hand along her cheek and whispered almost lovingly.  “You always fight to the end don’t you, Star?  But we never found out what that end was did we?  How about let's see what it takes to break you….” Suddenly, he lifted my arms into the air, clasped his hands together, and swung down in a brutal hammer-blow to her taut and vulnerable belly.   “……BITCH!”


Her scream was filled with agony, “AAUHHUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!”  Her arms and legs flopped towards the roof as she bent around the hammer blow, the fists destroying her abs. She bounced off his thigh onto her back on the dirt floor, even that short fall paining her battered body.  She could feel one leg moving back and forth slightly while her clutched at the ground to the side of her body.  She was gaping for air, the pain unreal in her mind as she gaped for air on the ground.  “Uhhhhhh….never….hurt….so…b….bad…can’t….m…move….he…is…going….t…to…destroy…me….oh…god...can’t…s…stop…him…”


Guy came to his feet and stalked around her writhing body.  Slowly, deliberately, he began pluck the fingers of his gloves off his hands...letting each red latex glove fall to the ground.  Afterwards, her flexed his fingers as he savored the sight of the helpless heroine. Finally, her reached down and grabbed her by the hair and hauled her head towards his groin, and forced her face against the hard bulge in his trunks and grinded her .


She tried to look away but she had no strength left.  Her arms hung useless at her sides, and her legs were still dead.  Her knees were completely buckled, and so her legs hung under here half bent and completely unable to support her weight.  She felt his hardness and it was disgusting but she could also feel his pheremones influencing her far more quickly than last time. His musk filled her nostrils as she could feel them flaring as his scent corrupted her weakened body and mind.  Her lips grazed back and forth on his hard cock, only his costume keeping it away form her mouth.  Despite herself, she started to wonder if it would taste as good as last time, her will weakening as his scent overpowered her pain weakened mind as his strength had overpowered her oil weakened body…


He hissed his triumph, “Oh you filthy whore!  I can feel how much you want it.!  He yanked her away from his groin and fired a meaty fist into her temple, intent on keeping her stunned and helpless.  “I will not underestimate you ever again, tramp!  There is no escape this time, no last minute heroics, not THIS time! I promise that!”


She felt the blow explode in her temple.  She thought it funny that it did not hurt so much compared to all the other agonies in her body right then, but the blow was still enough to keep her helpless and she found her thoughts drifting to happier places and gentler times, only to be pulled back to reality as he continued her humiliation…..


Chapter 9




Guy yanked Star upright and got behind her, then slapped her into a half nelson.  She was arched in his grip, bare breasts thrust out, nipples semi-hard from the cold and other things.  He floated upwards, carrying her with him towards Desmond Dare’s box seat. He landed in front of him and his entourage, and presented Star to him like a trophy, with her breasts vulnerable, and sex exposed as he kicked her legs apart. “Mr Dare do you like breasts or thighs?”  The casino magnate leans forward, smiling, as his entourage howled in approval.  He placed one hand on one sumptuous tit, and with the other he fondled her between the thighs, his fingers working her helpless clit.  “Both, I think.”  He said as she looked Star right in the eye.


She was barely conscious, hardly aware of what he was saying, but her body instantly responded to his touch.  Her sex became wet quickly, her nipples hardening fully as he stimulated her while Guy held her helpless.  Without her strength, and with her conscious state having been orgasmed and then beat out of her, she could not stop the flood of sensation as her weakness was taken advantage of.


SSG Guy joined in the fun as he freed one hand and reached for the other breast, squeezing it erotically.  His hand was free of the gloves now and the flesh on flesh contact added even more to the sensations she was being subjected too.  He and Star had something of a symbiotic relationship now, and his touch was like an aphrodisiac when he vibrated his hand on her flesh, as he started to do.  His fingers tickled and teased  at her nipple while Desmond slowly thrusted two fingers inside the writhing heroine.  HE curled them, looking for her G-spot while he leaned his head in and placed his lips on her clit and started sucking.


She finally started to come out of the semi conscious state she was in.  She felt awhirl, sensations flooding her from everywhere!  She thought, “Legs parted……horny…..what…what…hands…mouth…..fingers inside me??”  She could feel the bitter taste of defeat rising in her mouth as she started to struggle, but was barely able to do more than writhe for thhe audience and cameras.



The entourage laughed, openly mocking her obvious arousal as Desmond and Guy caressed and played with her supple body.  Her nipples are tweaked and stroked, while her breasts were fondled and squeezed. Dare sucked at her clit as though suckling while he stroked inside her again and again.  SSG guy was bulging and he added to his own arousal by taunting the heroine as he I whispered into her ear.  “I always knew you were more slut than this role-model you pretend to be... look at you, whimpering like a whore.”


She protested, feeling weak but not broken, “,...ohhhhhhhh.not…..not…..liking....this..... “  but her body squirming and writhing, and her panting and heaving breasts belied her protestations to the contrary.


“ I think she's saying you're not doing it right”  Dare laughed as he pulled his head away from Star’s pussy and wiped his chin, the amount of juice on his face obvious to the whole crowd.  “I hear she prefers the rough stuff!”  he added with a chuckle.  Dare ran his vision slowly over Star and then gently spanked her your pussy.  He worked slowly, making sure to get her clit with each fleshy swat.  Guy grabbed both breasts and pulled Star’s back to his chest with them.  He ground himself against the divide of her ass,  up and down, so hard that the head of his cock actually peeped out from his trunks and smeared some pre-cum across her lower back.


She shuddered as she felt his his jism on her lower back.  It made her remember another time where she was covered head to toe in hot chords of it.  She shuddered again, this little bit dribbling down towards her ass was almost too much to bear because of the memories it brought up for her…and her body.   She squirmed from it and the repeated strikes to her sex “AHHHH!.....Nnnngggggg.....hhhhnnnnggg.......unnnfffff.....Auhhhhhhh.... so….hot….dripping…sliding…..ohhhhhhh……can’t…think….can’t…so…weak…helpless…”  She tried to squirm out of the way, but she was helpless to stop anything that was being done to her.


Guy whispered into her ear again  “I think Dare's being a touch too gentle with you..maybe I should resume my enjoyment of you?  It got cut so short the last time...” he nodded to Dare, who gave her pussy one last good hearty SLAP before SSG Gou hauled her back into the air.  He was holding her by your full tits, her back pressed against his body as he floated up above the arena floor.  He was some 25 feet above the ground when he suddenly let her go and watched fall to the ground.  He peeled off his trunks and floating in nothing more than combat boots.  His rampant erection waveried and throbbed as he floated down to the ground near the prone heroine.


She had fallen, too weak to even think about flying and hit the ground.  “UHHHHHHNNNN!!!”  She lie there after slamming into the ground, the burning sensation from her back pressed to his chest still hot in her mind. She had made a small cloud of dust when she hit, and the dirt clung to her sweat drenched body.  She knew she was in serious trouble, but she would not give up without at least trying to get away.  She rose wearily get to her hands and knees and tried to crawl for the exit.  Her head was low and she moved, her body quaking pathetically from the effort it took just to do that….  “Must…get……away…<gasp>…..not….able……fuhhh…huh…ahuhhhhh….fight….w…will…w…weaken……weakening….”



Chapter 10 


He smiled at her pathetic crawl, and stalked after her quickly.  He dove onto her back and caught her around the chest again.  He yanked her violently like she was a rag doll, and grinded himself against her sweat covered ass as he grabbed  handfuls of titflesh, mauling her.  Then he reached down between her thighs to tease her pussylips again, then he forced her legs apart and lurched his hips to get into a penetrating position.


She could feel her heels wrapped weakly around his knees and her  arms around the back of his neck as she struggled but she could also feel her legs parting to open wide for him.  She could feel the heat from his cock as he mauled her breasts.  She knew she had no chance at all to stop him any longer.  She was his plaything.


He got into position, the head of his heavy and throbbing member pressured against her quivering sex and he paused to pant hot in her ear, “Beg for it you dirty whore...beg for me to split you open with my cock..beg me to fuck you into the ground .... let me hear you say it!”  His fingers were at her  nipples now, his strokes and their mystical connection driving her insane with arousal, as was his rubbing his cock head agasint her labia teasingly.  ‘SAY IT!”


She stifled a moan as her hips gyrated slowly as she tried to get his cock into her.  But he was not going to give her the satisfaction and she only managed to rub her wet lips slightly on the head. She gritted her teeth, fighting the sensations as best she could, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.  But then she started but whimpering like a dog in heat for it, not using words but the intent was clear.


He reached down and captured her cit with his fingers.  He stoked it, rolled it and pinched it while still he rubbed his cock along her slit slowly.  Suddenly he rolled them both so that he was on his back and she was squirming on top of him, her feet pinned by his legs, her ass resting against my pelvis while he fondle her.  Her body was glistening in sweat and streaked with dirt, her magnificent body on display to the gathered throng of the worst human beings alive.  His voiced resonated in her again, “Come know you want to beg..humiliate… yourself, you pathetic bimbo!  Show them what you REALLY are!”


He was squirming on his body, sliding her ass to and fro and much as he would allow.  Her hands, hesitatingly at first, then with certainty, went to fondle her own breasts along with his hands.  She bit her lower lip, looking around at the lust filled eyes, the villain who had tricked her, remembering the beating Guy had given her and felt her helplessness right at that moment and finally her voice echoed in the hall, "Plu..please.....fuck me....I need it so bad...."


The crowd roared in approval, goading Guy to stick it in her, but he waved them to be quiet as Star looked around in confusion at to why she was not impaled yet.  HE said louder, “BEG me, slut.. beg me to use you like the piece of fuckmeat you are..let me hear you BEG like you MEAN it!”  He slapped her clit for emphasis and kept his cock sliding along the length of her sex, his breath still hot in her ear.

Her will snapped and the words poured forth from her as she humiliated herself by begging, “ Oh cock...teasing my body responding to his touches and his breath in my ear turning me on so much I cannot resist…OHHHHHHHH…. FUCK ME...LIKE THE PIECE OF...F...FUH...FUCKMEAT I AM...PLEASE.....PLEASE!!!”


The crowd roars again and with a sudden violent energy,  he pushed on her pelvis while tilting his.  With a hard THRUST, all 9 inches of thick hard cock sank deep into her pussy.  He could feel her wet heat embrace him as he slowly rose with her  into the air.  He started to piston his hips as he gripped hers forcibly to as to bounce her on his shaft with all his strength.  She was  bouncing hard as they floated to the middle of the arena, he freed one hand to maul her left breast, trapping one of her hands under it to force her own fingernails to rasp and squeeze her own full tit.


Her mouth hung open as she was penetrated and she thought, “I feel like I am impaled…split…oh god…so…so..BIG…so…HOT….”  He could feel him ram himself home into her again and again as her back arched and her knees parted wider, wanting him to penetrate fully.  He complied and she could feel her cervix resist for a moment and then suddenly his cock was all the way into her womb.  She felt it enter and for a moment felt it could go all the way into your chest it was so long.  She was utterly defeated now her eyes are wide, fixed, as her mouth hangs open as she gasps for air as her fucks her for all she is  worth.


He grabbed her by the hair along with her hip and pushed her upright so she sat over his horizontal body, impaled on the spike of his cock.  He lifted her and yanked her down again and again, pushing his hips to penetrate her to the hilt.  The slap of her ass on his lower belly echoed with each thrust.  The flash bulbs popped as she bounced violently onto his cock again and again.  In the crowd, meek girls have been furnished to each man, and they started to kneel between legs and suck each man while they watched her being defiled.  He released her hip and reached around to roughly rub and slap her clit from behind while she bounced again and again and AGAIN!


She was utterly lost in the throes of passion.  He gripped the base of his cock as he made her ride him. Each thrust drove deepin a wet sex that was  wrapped around his cock like a sheath for a sword.  Below the copulating pair her sexual juices fell like rain as she was  fucked wildly.  Her body shuddered with each thrust, breasts jiggling and mouth gaping as she squealed in delight.  “OOOO…OHHHHH….MMMMM.. OHHHHHHH!!H!!! YESS!”


He did her faster and harder, his hips slapped her ass hard enough to make her feel like she was being spanked.  Each thrust was more violent than the last as his lust took over he impaled her again and again and with more and more speed...feeling her pussy walls shuddering around his cock.  He was trying to destroy them as he fucked her more and more brutally.


She felt like her insides were being turned to jelly as she felt a rising pain in my gut even as she could feel her orgasm rising as she was  being savaged by the force of the blows.  Her healing factor was overcome by the beating she had received and by the savagery being inflicted on her now.  She was not in control of her own body at all.  She was flopping all over as he used her for a fucktoy. She was dimly aware of my first orgasm and that her upturned nipples were extended like inch long erasers as her pussy held tight to his cock like my mouth around a popsicle.



He panted breathlessly, the exertions even tiring him, “Yeah, that's it, bitch.. cum for us!”



Slowly he rotated them until they were more or less upright.  He gripped her hips, his cock and hands the only things keeping her from falling 6 stories.  He still pushed into her from behind, her limp body flopping about, swinging by her hips, her long blonde hair swirling and tossing as he pulled her onto him again and again, the only sound for a moment was his balls slapping into her clit from behind from the force of my thrusts.


Then she screamed weakly, “UHHHHHHHHHH.............OHHHHHHH.........AHHHHHHHHHHHHH......”

Her Orgasm demolished any resistance she might have had left.  She could feel another  one building, but suddenly she was having an experience of being out of her own body, looking down at a slut being treated like she should be used.





Guy floated back to Dare's box, fucking SSG from behind without mercy.  He held back his own orgasm because he wanted to fully and completely use up her tight hot cunt.  As they approached, Dare shoved the teenaged girl who had been sucking his cock away and grabbed for SSG’s hair. He unceremoniously shoved his cock into her mouth as she gaped for air. Using her hair, he pulled her back and forth on his length, forcing himself down her throat as behind her Guy slammed into her with faster and faster strokes, pistoning like a jackhammer into her helpless body.


Her eyes opened wide at first, but then she sucked on Dare hungrily, wantonly, licking his pole hotly everytime he yanked his cock from her mouth.  She relaxed her throat and took him deeply everytime he jammed it in. She was in abject pain from his savage thrusts but she sucked anyway, moaning around his shaft as she came again, the orgasms coming closer and closer, a third one almost there as she was fucked from front and behind.


Guy paused in his assault, then pulled out of her.  He was panting with hot breath from the exertion of raping the helpless heroine, but he smiled wickedly and pressed his cockhead against the tight whorl of her ass.  His cock was slickened with pussyjuice and sweat he pushed into her dirtyhole, not allowing her to resist.  Dare takes to slapping her face from time to time before re-inserting himself, laughing at how hungrily her tongue swirls on his meat as she sucked him.


“AHHHHHHHH”  She yelped as her ass was  penetrated, her pussy felt like a jackhammer had been taken to it. Her face burned with humiliation from each slap, but she cannot help herself.  She continued to suck and lick him, and then did the unthinkable!  She dipped down and caught one of his balls in her mouth when he pulled out and sucked on it softly until he was ready to fuck her mouth again.  Her ass felt like a ring of fire as Guy kept pushing in, impaling her there worse than he had impaled her pussy.


Guy drove in to the hilt then began to pull out slowly, deliberately, as he sodomized her with his full length. Under the pair, the meek girl who had been attending to Dare crawled up, her hands flying to the heroine’s  pussy, slim fingers expertly stimulated her clit and thrusted into her sex.  Guy was so tightly impaled on her that he could actually feel the Asian girl’s fingers through the thin wall between her pussy and ass. The sensation drove him over the edge and so he gripped her hips, and thrusted in roughly this time and began to piston in and out with vigor. Dare's hand gripped the heroine’s hair as he noticed Guy going crazy and held her against him, keeping his cock thrust down her throat and cut off her air for long moments.


“MMm....mmMMMMM......MMMMMMM!!!!!”  Her body jerked from lack of air and yet another orgasm!  She could feel every bruise, every drop of sweat, drop of cumm...every nerve on fire as she was abused like a cheap whore.


As though by some silent agreement, the men suddenly began to unload on the blonde bombshell.  The girl beneath added fingers to fingers until the girl had started to push her fist inside the heroine!  Dare and Guy take the pistoned hard, yanking and thrusting to another level, violent as they used her up.  She could feel Dare’s pelvis batter her lips as Guy plundered her ass mercilessly.  She shook like jello as their efforts became more and more forceful, more and more violent.  The crowd was hoarse from their cheering and panting.  They were  enjoying the sight of SSG being debased and abused to the extreme.  Gus started to tense as he felt the boiling within his balls that signaled he was about to spurt, sweat coating him as he raped her ass for all it's worth.

She could barely gasp for air now, her body was broken now as well as her mind.  She was bleeding internally, bruised, hammered, spent.  On the edge of her conscious thought she could feel their cumm starting to seep, salty in her mouth, hot in her ass, the girl’s fist buried in her violently.  She moaned as she teetered on the edge of passing out, totally done in.


At that instant Dare and his villainous hire roar as the  both exploded into SSG.  Dare again grabbed her hair and forced himself as deep as he could down her throat, choking her with his cock as his cum spurted hotly and stickily into her mouth.  It coated her throat while he spasmed.  At the same time, hot gushes of cum boiling into her ass while all the while she was fisted and licked.  Close up cameras caught the cum seeping from the corners of SSG’s trapped mouth and from her ass as they unload themselves into her.


She swallowed weakly but not well, the cumm gushed from her exhausted mouth and down her neck to coat her breasts like butter melting on pancakes. She could barely feel that her as was full of cum as it rushed out as well, but it flowed down her inner thigh and lower back like oil from a well.  She moaned silently as her felt her vision blacken and the blissful unconsciousness claimed her finally.


When at last they are done they withdrew from her and disdainfully let her fall to the ground.  The Asian girl pulls her fist out from the heroine and is in turn forced to suck clean the men’s cocks as they stare down lustfully at SSG’s  broken, abused body.  Afterwards, SSG Guy picked up the heroine and turned to Dare, “ My price, as promised. She will appear for these underground videos of yours often enough for you to see tremendous profit, but she belongs to me now... I have further...plans for this girl!”

Dare, still panting, nodded and the SSG Guy turned and floated into the air and headed for the exit, with SSG as his prize.


She was over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, coated in cum and blood and spit, hair and hand dangling useless over his broad back as he left with her, to put her through tortures as yet undecided, her nightmares starting as she slept, but would not end when she awoke..

