Supergirlx in Island Magic


Chapter 1


It was a routine diplomatic mission for the Secretary to meet with the Governor of the small Island. On the agenda was the continued aid of the natives that inhabited the jungles of the island, the concern of the warming temperatures in the region, as well as the rights to the recent discovery of the massive oil field just off the coast. Just a few months ago a scientist from one of the world’s largest oil companies had taken samples a few miles from the coast of the island and declared it one of the largest in recent history. As soon as this was leaked, several officials from neighboring countries arranged for meetings to secure the rights, knowing that the world’s largest consumers of oil and the riches nations would soon be wooing the tiny island country. The Governor immediately rejected them all, waiting for the call from a world power desperate to expand its energy resources.

            The Secretary would be the most powerful political person yet to be greeted. As she arrived via charter jet at the only tiny runway on the island, a  welcoming precession of men dressed in ceremonial native outfits as well as soldiers in old world English inspired uniforms worn by the first Europeans to discover the island,  welcomed her with cheers and an accompaniment of music. The tubby Governor ambled over to the tall smiling woman and greeted her with a warm handshake. The procession followed them into the state manor where dinner had been carefully prepared for the evening and every comfort had been provided for Misses Secretary as she planned to spend the night in one of the plush rooms of the Governor’s home.

            The following morning, the room the Secretary had spent the previous night in was found empty. Bed sheets pulled from the bed, chairs tumbled over, and shattered glass littered in the room gave proof of a late night struggle. An hour later a platoon form her home country was scrambling for transport to the island as well as a small naval task force that had been re-directed to provide support. The Governor blamed the raid on the local natives who had probably kidnapped her into the jungle.

            “We are searching for her now; I have my commanders scouring in the jungles for her.” The sweating Governor spoke quickly into the phone.

            “She is a diplomat, kidnapped on foreign soil! Be advised that we have troops inbound to your position. ETA is four hours.” A harsh voice replied from the phone. “We also have reports of other superpowers scrambling forces to intercept our own. They believe we are using this as an excuse to invade and acquire the oil fields…this has all the makings of an international incident that could escalate into a full blown war!”

            “I assure you we will find her….safe.” The Governor added nervously.

            “If that intercept force reaches the region the same time as ours we won’t be able to land our troops without some sort of conflict, I’m sure.” The voice paused, and then continued. “We also have….contacted an alternate source. You should be seeing her in minutes.”

            “An alternate source;” The man looked dumbfounded as the phone clicked in his hand. “Who could reach here in minutes?”


            From the ocean, a ripple of waves seemed to curl in mid air, heading straight for the beach. Onlookers gawked in horror as they ran away from the strange site. Had a missile been fired at them? Maybe a retaliation for the missing girl? The strange object was coming closer, a red and blue blur as it cut through the waves and over the beach.


She was an amazing sight, weightlessly moving in the air above the crowd. Her speed had slowed as she crossed the sandy beaches and you could see her vividly. The morning sun shimmered against her silken blue top where the blazing S rippled across her breast. Her red cape fluttered behind her long golden hair and the smallish red skirt clung thinly just above her shapely smooth legs. She drifted lightly at tree top level, unbelievably moving on an invisible wave as upturned heads watched in astonishment.

            “Impossible….she can’t be real….”


Suddenly her head turned towards the far side of the island. Not only had Supergirl heard it but the crowd below turned in the same direction. Drums echoed through the trees. Supergirl swirled around, squinting her eyes she focused on the source of the disturbance, her super vision peering several kilometers away.

            “The Secretary!” she said to herself. She could see the woman, bound at the wrist, and held by two large men in tattered loincloths with strange symbols painted over their bodies. They forced her into a clearing where several other men chanted and danced to the wailing drums. A large stone table sat at the center of the commotion, a sacrificial table.

            Supergirl turned, and like a bullet zipped over the brushy bush of the jungle, zooming towards the gathering.

            “AAAAAiiiiiii !!! AAAAiiiii” the natives scurried excitedly as she landed with a powerful crash in the middle of them. The drums stopped as the circle widened, pulling away from her.

            “Supergirl! Help!”

            “Not to worry Miss Secretary, I’m here to bring you home.” Supergirl struck her famous power pose, her fist planted firmly on her hips as the eyes of the enemy raped her entire body. Following the shape of her firm breast downward and behind, then back up to her delicate blonde face, she was bigger than life in front of them. “All of you step away, I don’t want to hurt any of you.”

            Laughter erupted from the crowd; the large men looked at one another as if a ridiculous joke had been told. A tall muscular man, smiling delightfully approached Supergirl.

            “You don’t want to do this….believe me.” She smirked, pushing her long yellow hair from in front of her eyes.

In size the man was more than double her size, he was large and muscular with bulging arms and legs the size of small trees. He swung his fist hard at Supergirl who easily side stepped the attack, grabbing the large outstretched arm by the wrist.

            “YYyyaaaiiiii!!! YYYaaaiiiii!!!!!” the wide eyed native yelled shocked. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t break away from her, he pulled harder and harder to free his arm, his veins pulsing and tendons trembling. Supergirl lightly gripped his wrist, as if barely any effort was being generated. In one quick motion she pulled him off his feet, spinning around the giant as the crowd gasped. The petite costume clad superheroine pinned him to his knees, pushing his face down hard into the soft sand.

            “Maybe next time you would underestimate a girl’s power.” She planted a knee in his back and sat down gently on the struggling man’s back as if he were an improvised chair.

            “See, she’s very strong…you had better let me go.” The girl struggled against her captors.

            The laughter had stopped almost immediately. The tribe examined Supergirl again; some of them peered up her slightly gapped legs, getting a small glimpse of blue satin winking back from under her short red skirt and they seemed to double their determination. From behind them, on all sides they had pulled out strange looking wooden rods.

            “What do you think you’re going to do with that?” Supergirl asked as if talking to children. “Bullets can’t even penetrate me, and you think I’m scared of some sticks?” She lifted up off the man beneath her who inhaled a long loud breath of air, his face finally emerging from the sand. On all sides the men closed in. Supergirl looked around her, unafraid, un-intimidated. Obviously this backwards tribe didn’t know who she was. From her right she caught a group of three men not dressed like the others. Instead of the bare bodies like the others, these were covered in long robes and hoods. Each of these strange three stood silently as the others moved around them towards her. They simply stood waiting, holding some heavy object in the palms of their hands.

            The crowd moved closer. She looked at the black wooden staffs that they held. The wood was long and carved with strange symbols painted in white. At the top of each was a large smoothly cut golden stone, its material was something she had never seen before.

            “AAAiiiiiiii !!!!!” One of them charged her from behind, swinging his rod at her. Supergirl twirled around, snapping the stick in half and landing a hard fist against the man’s jaw. One after another they attacked; swing the ends of the rods hard at her. Supergirl tore into the crowd. She knew the harder and more vicious her attacks the more reluctant the others would be to attack her. She ducked and whipped around, becoming too fast for them to even touch her with the weapons. She snapped the rods from their hands three at a time, sending bodies reeling from every side. In blinding speed she worked her way through the crowd, pummeling attackers with devastating blows that caused dozens of them to fall just from being close to the attack.  In the mist of the half naked savages she cut a pathway to the Secretary, whipping her cape around sent three warriors reeling as it slapped them so hard they lost their footing. The two guards holding the woman attacked Supergirl.

            “I’ll get us out of here in just a second Miss Secretary.” Supergirl flipped one of the captures over her shoulder sending him hard into the crowd. She avoided the attack of the other, catching his weapon in her hands and snapping it in two. The man paused looking at the broken staff in his hand, dumbfounded by the amazing strength in the petite girl. She spun, her tiny skirt climbing above her rear as she planted a hard kick against the tall man’s back sending him down with a ‘thud’!

            “We had better get out of here before I hurt any of them….” Supergirl turned to the Secretary but was caught suddenly hard across the head. She could see just the oncoming gold of the stone as what seemed like an explosion knocked her several feet away, tumbling over and over on the ground. The crowd backed away at once as the superheroine came to sliding stop. Supergirl’s eyes closed tight, her teeth gritted together as she found herself spread face down in the dirt. Her mind raced, how something so ordinary could cause such a violent and powerful force, and on someone as herself…it was unthinkable!

The power from the stone didn’t seem like an explosion, but something different, like being pushed suddenly from a moving car…she couldn’t explain the strange tingling she felt.

Shocked and confused, she found herself facing the ground; amazingly these seemingly native people had floored the most powerful woman on earth. Her vision began to clear, she looked towards the direction she had been hit, to her astonishment the Secretary stood looking awe struck at Supergirl. The broken part of the strange spear that had struck Supergirl held limply in the Secretary’s hands.

            “What the hell?” Supergirl gritted through her teeth, her blood boiled with rage. Was the Secretary under some spell? Or had she knowingly hit her from behind? Supergirl slowly rose to her feet, her body unusually sluggish, she noticed that the others had paused in the fighting, the drums had gone silent, the Secretary also was looking bewildered, her gaze looking past Supergirl.

            “What??” Supergirl saw it; she blinked, unable to believe her eyes, and then stared at the floating silhouette of herself. A ghostly image of the costumed Supergirl, hovering in misty form with its head bowed. The three strange natives in long cloaks immediately surrounded the image of Supergirl, each placing the large object in their hands in a triangle around the ghost. A low chant started from them as ghostly chains suddenly enwrapped the spirit image. The living Supergirl watched shocked as the form struggled against the chains but soon became encircled by them, the ghost bound by the spell.

            ‘This isn’t real, it’s a trick’ she told herself as she rose fully to her feet. One of the large muscular savages charged her, screaming wildly. Supergirl braced herself, planning to send the man spinning backwards with a single blow but was caught hard as his massive body slammed into hers. Supergirl fell backwards, her cape swirling around her as the momentum rolled her over the dirty clearing. The crowd erupted in cheers. Supergirl looked up at the smiling man, unharmed. The costumed heroine’s body ached as she pulled herself up again. She looked at her hands in amazement, a small cut dripped blood from her finger.

            “What’s going on? This is impossible!!” she shouted, her heart raced.

            “Supergirl.” The smiling men all approached her now. “She is real…she is ours!”

            Supergirl’s fist crushed the nose of the first man, swinging her elbow around she crashed into the mouth of another, his teeth floating out in a pool of blood. More charged her, she spun around with a kick, knocking another away but was caught from behind by another. There were too many of them, her super speed didn’t seem to be helping her, she felt slow and her punches only seem to have the impact of before. She was caught, large arms straddled her from behind, pinning both her arms above her head, leaving her body vulnerable.

            “AAaooofff” Two men slammed their fist hard into her stomach causing her to double over in pain. She grimaced, not used to the searing pain and sudden lost of breath. They pulled her up again as another blow caused her to wobble. Spit dribbled from the mighty heroines mouth as she coughed uncontrollable. They took her arms, stretching her out.

“You bastards, let me go!”  She was pulled on each side, the blue silken costume of Supergirl stretched tightly between the two large barbarians. Normally she could have easily broken free, a hundred men could never have pinned her for a second…but now, she didn’t know what was happening. A tall skinny man with one of the strange staffs approached her. He gripped the pole and then with one quick motion plowed the staff with incredible force between Supergirl’s legs, landing it hard under her skirt and into her soft mound.

“AAAAggghhhh!!!” Supergirl screamed in pain, tears bursting from her eyes. Her knees buckled under her. The pain was excruciating, she clenched her teeth as she fell at their feet, withering in pain. She couldn’t catch her breath; the screams around her were getting louder and more confident, they weren’t afraid of her anymore. Her insides burned, a new feeling of fear seemed to shiver up her spine as her heart pounded hard in her chest. What had they done to her? How could this have happened?

“Oofff” A large foot pinned her down, pressing hard against the shining blue fabric of her uniformed back. He trampled her tightly against the ground, her large soft breast flattening against the dirt. Others gathered around her, she felt hands on her legs, gripping her booted ankles. “Get away from me!” she shouted but the men slid her legs apart, several men on either side parting the high heeled boots, spreading her legs open. Trembling to resist, she couldn’t believe it…they were stronger! But she was Supergirl…it was…impossible.  Another man, smiling in delight, slipped one of the long poles up her skirt. Supergirl struggled against the gang of excited men; she felt her skirt lifting, the staff pulling it up as they peeked inside at her softly wrapped mound.

“Perverts! Let me up…No!” She felt the end of the staff jab at her, pushing her costume into her until her lips appeared on both sides and seemed to consume the silk fabric. “Nnngggg…” Supergirl’s hands clawed the ground, suddenly she felt one of the broken staffs. Gripping it, she slammed it into the towering man who had her pinned. He cried out and fell forward. The sudden lift of weight from her she twisted her legs free from the startled natives.

“I’ve got to get away.” She mumbled and with one valiant jump threw herself skyward, but fell again. Her eyes went wide with shock, she tried again as the delighted villagers seemed to watch. Nothing. She stumbled, looking at the crowd closing in on her she backed away slowly, her mind racing. Was there an escape? What could she do? She backed up slowly and then bumped into one of the three priest, chanting in unison as the Ghost caught her attention. Wrapped in chains it seemed to reach out for her, its hair whipping in an invisible wind. Supergirl reached back, almost in reach as suddenly the crowd rushed her in a panic. She pulled back from the figure and slammed her fist into the leader knocking out several teeth. Just being close to it she could feel some of her power back. The natives grabbed her, trying to drag her away but Supergirl could feel her strength again increasing. She struggled, planting her feet. They were all over her now, her feet sliding slightly in their favor, but her arms trembling…she felt just a few more moments she would surely break free….but someone was behind her. The others had her arms, pulling her forward, but another behind her wrapped his arm around her shapely form. She felt his free hand lift her skirt.

“GASP!” she sighed out loud as he pulled her wedgied leotard free from her now exposed mound, and in one piercing thrust slid his hard manhood into her. “NO…nnnooo…mmmmm” Tears of frustration dripped down her face. The man pumped her from behind, sliding in and out of her warm wet pussy. He fondled her breast beneath her smooth blue costume, stroking and caressing her on both sides of the large ‘S’. Supergirl felt herself becoming weaker, they were beginning to move her farther away from the spirit, the man behind her penetrated her again, pushing deep inside her so hard that she forcibly let out a loud moan.

Sweat dripped over her body, her long blonde hair was wet and sticking to her face. She felt a sense of unfair play on the savages, they had attacked her at her weakest moment…and she felt helpless to stop them as she slipped even farther away until she felt the strength drain from her. The men then easily pulled her down, dozens of hands pinning her down, her sass still up and pounded by the muscular savage. He pumped inside of her over and over, driving his large cock deep inside of her. Her body shuttered with each thrust, her mouth gaped open as her heart beat rapidly. The men forced her arms behind her back, the man behind her pushed her ass upwards sliding half out then slamming in again as the others wrapped vines around her wrist, looping them over and tying her up tightly. They pulled the ropes across her breast and over her shoulders, tying the ends until she was completely bound and captured. The man stiffened, his nails digging hard into her ass as she felt him pumping inside of her, his cock throbbing and a sudden pull out from her. His large cock spewed pearl white liquid on her panty clad ass. Dark blue wet spots dripped with the liquid on the crotch of her costume and dripped disgustingly down her leg.

“You’ve got her, right?” a woman’s voiced asked.

Supergirl was pulled to her feet, the strong vines tying her hands behind her. She looked at the smiling Secretary she had come to rescue.

“Yes.” The Governor appeared. “The Achtlander is our prisoner. As long as we keep her away from her spirit self, she is powerless.” He smiled broadly, his eyes dancing over Supergirl, delighted and then back to the confused Secretary who only saw the three chanting men. “Oh you cannot see it, only she and the priest, to all others it is invisible, but it is there!”

“What? What’s going on here?” Supergirl shouted. “You set me up? I came her to rescue you!”

“Don’t worry Supergirl; it’s for the good of your country.” The woman smiled. “For a resource that will carry us deep into the next decades, you only need to suffer a small sacrifice.”

Supergirl struggled, shamefully unable to break the ropes. The woman stepped towards her, looking the superheroine over carefully. Supergirl could smell the expensive perfume of the smug woman just inches from her.

“I have never seen you in person before,” she said, her fingers feeling the material of Supergirl’s costume. “The most powerful woman on Earth they say…..what better trade.” 

“But what about the crisis this has caused? The soldiers coming and those coming to prevent them, are you planning on starting a war?”

“Ha, ha. Don’t worry, that was just a ruse to get you here. We knew that you would come if the stakes were this high.” She circled Supergirl looking her up and down, even pulling at her cape. “The army was called back the moment you appeared.

“It was just a trap?” Supergirl pulled away defiantly, her blood boiled from the betrayal.

The Secretary turned to the Governor.

“Well you have her now, when is the ceremony?”

Supergirl looked over at the man. What ceremony? What did they have planned for her?

“The preparations have been made in the village; we must walk back to the beach.” Just then a man attached a long length of rope to the bindings on Supergirl and pulled the captured superheroine behind him. In one long line the natives entered the jungle with their prisoner, Supergirl in tow. Supergirl glanced behind her; to the far rear of the line were the three chanting men with the ghostly figure of herself in chains also followed.





- Chapter 2 -


Through the jungle they traveled, the brightly costume Supergirl bound and forcibly pushed along as they made their way through the thick bush. Up ahead she could see a clearing coming closer into view. It was the small village she had flown over earlier. Supergirl could remember how she soared above them and how awe struck they looked when she appeared. It must have been amazing to see someone like her flying above them freely, almost God like. And now they would see her again, this time bound in ropes, her costume dirty and torn from the fight, helpless.

She could see the end of the jungle now, a crowd of people stood watching the men emerge from the brush. Women, children and older men watched in anticipation as the young warriors each stepped from the trees until finally it was Supergirl’s turn. She hesitated and was pushed from behind. The crowd at first stared at her, Supergirl stared back, her heart racing, her breath short. The vines still pinned her arms behind her as she tried again pathetically to break free.

Then in one burst of noise the crowd exploded in cheers. They smiled delightfully hugging the warriors. Chants and cheers were heard in their strange native tongue as a grand celebration began. Supergirl knew that they were congratulating the men with their capture of her. She could see the warriors smiling broadly, waving their weapons victoriously in air as they also chanted with the crowd.

“Nnnggg…” Supergirl was pushed forward, forced to walk through the cheering crowds.

“Achtlander! Achtlander! Achtlander!” they shouted at her as she was taken through the descending crowd.

“Stop, get away from me!” Supergirl cried as they closed on her, satisfied that she was helpless. Hands all around felt her long blonde hair; they stroked the smooth satin fabric of her costume. Older fat men who had not gone on the capture reached out and groped at her large breast, she could feel them stroking her legs above her red leather boots and several hands feeling her ass.  They pulled at her costume, stretching it  and tugging at the sensuous material, causing it to wedge tightly into her ass. A group of women tore at the short red skirt as she passed them, ripping it high up her thigh that it exposed the high panty cut of the costume underneath and offered a view of her plush mound beneath the fitted costume. Supergirl struggled to get free from them, overwhelmed with embarrassment and humiliation as they grabbed at her wildly. One of the men escorting her pushed the women away as they held up small pieces of the torn red skirt to the cheers of others.

“Move woman!” she was pushed forward  They forced her to walk through the crowd, the satin clad beauty now their prisoner was clearly on display. They wanted everyone to see first how they had beaten and ensnared her.


 “Achtlander! Achtlander! Achtlander!” they shouted.

‘What do they mean?’ she thought fighting through the crowd to some unknown destination. ‘Achtlander?’ Her eyes seem to wonder for a moment as the name suddenly clicked something in her brain.

‘Achtlander…could they mean…Achtland?’ Her thoughts drifted back to something she had seen in one of her classes; a class about mythical Gods and Goddesses. She remembered her earlier thoughts about flying over them when she came, ‘God like’ was how she had described it….but she didn’t realize how true that was.

“Figured it out yet” The Secretary’s voice snapped her back to reality. They had led her through the crowd to an alter where the Governor and the Secretary waited.

“Bezzayydsa  Gor Donitzi shuma rai…..” The Governor shouted to the crowd in their language.

“They,” Supergirl looked at the woman next to her. “They think I’m some God?”

“An offspring actually, a daughter of Achtland, the Goddess of Sex and Fertility,” The woman smiled back slyly. “And you can’t blame them with you soaring from the heavens, the strength of a hundred men and the beauty of a Goddess.”  She gently placed her finger on Supergirl’s face admiringly.

Supergirl pulled away from her patronizing touch.

“So, in exchange for the rights to the oil…you traded them a God.” She said, her blood boiling with anger as the two men behind her grabbed her shoulders to control her.

“Well, three billion dollars and the Government were on board, but they needed something to satisfy the people. When I told them that I could have you delivered, it sealed the deal.” She suppressed a small laugh, pleased with her own bargaining powers. “I delivered you and they assured me they would do the rest.” She smiled again. “And who knew these primitive people were even resourceful enough to capture you, the foremost powerful superheroine in the world.” She waved her hands around in a silly manner.  “But I guess all that publicity on you has been overrated, really Supergirl, I’ve never been a fan of your types. Power and military makes differences…not sluts like you running around in short skirts with heels and big tits.”

She composed herself. “As I was saying, the Governor told the people they would have a real Goddess for their fertility ceremony. You see it hasn’t happened in forty years.” She explained as the Governor continued his speech. “To insure prosperity and fortune they would have a ceremony like this. They would find the most attractive and strongest woman in the village, the stronger and more beautiful the better, it meant the Gods had smiled on her. She would then be placed at the alter.”

Supergirl turned to see the stone throne behind her. It was a simple table carved from large boulders with a layered quilt of silk padding the top. Chains attached to two leather wrist bindings sat on either corner waiting for its victim. She turned back to the Secretary and glimpsed to the very rear of the crowd the three hooded figures still chanting at the apparition of herself.

“For as long as the girl could stand it, the ceremony continued.’

“Could stand what?” Supergirl interrupted.

“Usually no more than an hour or two,” She ignored the heroine’s question, “the more the number, the better the prosperity.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“And I convinced the Governor that with a Goddess……the entire village could prosper.” She turned to leave. “Do good Supergirl.” The woman smiled turning to leave Supergirl on the podium, and then with a mischievous grin on her face added.

“As the legend goes, …the Goddess Achtland, it’s said no man could ever satisfy her ravenous desire, I guess we shall see if that  holds true for her daughter as well.” She laughed at Supergirl sudden shocked expression.


The Governor turned to her as the men untied her aching wrist. They grabbed her arms and pulled her to the alter.

“No…no!” Supergirl struggled but was too weak against the large men. In front of the gathered crowd of onlookers, they pulled her over the table, bending her over its top that her ass peered out into the crowd. They forced her hands into the straps and bound her to the table, contouring her form into a position resembling the number seven. The crowd watched excitedly at the bent over superheroine, a nice clear view beneath her skirt showed her tender ass, only the powder blue strip of shiny silken costume triangled over her soft pouting mound, reflecting lustfully in the sun.

Supergirl pulled at the chains, it was no use. She had never felt so helpless, so …scared. A cold sweat poured over her, uncertain of what was to happen to her. She had never been in a position so powerless before, the stinging feeling of betrayal seemed to wet the tears in her eyes and the feeling of exposure of her sex seemed to crumble her will.  Would they take even more pleasure seeing her brought to her knees, weeping? 

The Governor turned to her, a chubby dark haired man with olive skin and a broad nose smiled widely as she felt his short stubby fingers grasp her waist. Their leader pulled Supergirl’s body closer to him as a chill ran up her spine. She could feel his hands brushing up her short ripped skirt. She pulled at the chains, the awkwardness of being completely helpless poured over her like ice water. She felt his fingers slip under the elastic band that ran the boarder of her costumes leggings. He pulled the familiar shimmering blue costume away from her and she felt the warm tingling of the evening sun on her naked pussy.

“Mmmnnnoo…please, don’t…” she cried peering behind her at the crowd, all examining her exposed pussy.

The governor dipped his hand into a small bowl and withdrew a gooey substance that oozed through his fingers. Supergirl strained to see behind her as the goop disappeared behind her skirt and then her body shivered as from the cold slimy liquid against her split.

“Mmmmmm…mmmnnggnnnoo..nnooohhh….” She felt his fingers pushing it inside her costume in large globs, making the portion of her costume between her legs instantly wet in a deep blue hue. The man pulled the elastic back in place, covering Supergirl’s now coated clit. The dripping liquid filled her sex, pouring and seeping through tiny openings of the material of her costume. Cold, slow drops smeared their way down the insides of her legs as drums played in the background, the ceremony had truly began.

 She felt the cold tingling drug gradually change to a pleasant warming sensation. Her body temperature seemed to rise as her breath became shallow and hot. She gasped in short sudden breaths as a rising oven between her legs engaged her sexual desires. Supergirl struggled confused, her body becoming increasingly aroused, she tried to resist in her mind, she knew that it was the drugs…but her body wanted more.

“Mmmmnnggg…oooohhhh…” she tried to control herself, feeling the touch of the disgusting chubby man next to her. She felt  him again slip inside the panties of her costume.

“Good, it is working.” He pulled his hand from her dripping wet mound, small drops of the drug mixing with her own juices slicked her pubic hairs and he showed it to a rousing cheer from the crowd. “Very wet!” Supergirl’s head fell in shame, she tried to pull her knees together to stop the effects but it was already inside of her. The man pulled her legs apart and she felt his short hard cock pierce her sex.

“OOohhhh! NnnnNoo…” But something inside her head was whispering “yes, yes, please yes.” She bet her lip, hating these voices as she felt him sliding in her, penetrating her in slow smooth pumps. The man slammed hard into her, trying to will his short cock as deep inside the capture superheroine as he could. Supergirl’s body shook with his thrust; she braced against the leather straps that bound her as he doubled his stroke and in an explosion of whiteness, shot his cum on the back of her ass. The milky white seed slid gently down her curved ass and down her thigh. As the old man finished, a younger man, one of the warriors from the capture took his place. The man’s cock hard and massive, filled her deeply, he pulled her panties harder to one side as he pumped deep inside her.

“Ohhh..ohhh.ohhhh.” Supergirl’s eyes closed tight as his staff stroked her. His fist wrapped around her cape, using it to pull her backwards towards him, his body slamming violently into hers She could feel a building dam of desire pressing between her legs, with each time the man slid inside, he pulled her with every thrust, his hips rocking with hers, stabbing through her bush. Supergirl glanced behind the cumming man, a massive group of men clamored behind him, waiting for their turn at her. The man behind her finished, his member decorating her again with his seed as he was pushed aside by a new eager member. Each took their turn on her, Supergirl’s fingers dug into the silk of the alter, her own passion rising with each fresh staff that penetrated her. Dozens of the barbarians took their turn, each immediately following behind the previous. She felt her wet pussy filled with their sticky cum. As the new man entered, his staff pressured and forced out the juices that dripped from her sex. Supergirl’s body pulsed as the men dominated her, her own juices, mixing with theirs streamed down her legs, running over her shapely calves and down her red heeled boots.

The skinny man behind her finished and now four men approached her.

“What…noo….no….ow!” She cried as one of them pushed her forward, lifting her ass up on top of the stone alter with a slap. He spun her around and Supergirl found herself on her back looking up at the group. Her chains rattled as they pulled her arms to either side, men grabbed her boots on both sides and pulled her open for another.

“No…let me go, please…”

The man only smiled as he pushed inside of her wetness. The others held her struggling legs open as the man enjoying her placed his hands on her breast, caressing them at first then taking hold on the opening above the large ‘S’, he ripped the top open. Supergirl only moaned, her wiggling body aroused by the sudden freedom of her perk breast, in the back of her mind some small voice protested, but her will had become broken. The men massaged her tits, circling her erect nipples.

Looking up she saw him above her head. A lean native with long silk like hair, his stomach rippled with muscles and the small cloth that covered his erect staff looked like a tent. He pulled a string from the cloth and pushed his cock towards her.

“…no… I won’t!” Supergirl protested but the man forced his cock past her pressed lips. His stiff but soft staff filled her mouth, salty to the taste but she found her tongue stroking and suckling him as the others pumped her own dripping pussy. Two others gathered her hands, sliding the oozing liquid inside her palms and then forcing her to stroke their stiff manhood. Four of the natives were having their way with her, Supergirl’s own body was about to explode, a welling inside her legs pressed to be freed. Her shimmering costume was now stained in various shots from the villagers, the men forcing her to stoke them gathered theirs and smeared it over her naked breast before coming on her torn ‘S’. A new change between her legs now was a very young teen boy.

“Mmmm…nmmm” She moaned. The young boy looked timid, his staff erect and dripping already, she could tell how excited he was as his bare chest seemed to heave heavily. His hands pushed her knees apart and pulled her into him. His young cock oozed through the mess Supergirl had become. Her toes curled inside her boots, the erotic feelings more than she could control. From all sides they were cumming on her, showering her. The boy was pumping her poor sore pussy, she couldn’t hold back the sudden explosion of juices that forced her body into a full spasm. Her legs tensed and she squirmed violently as her own climax dripped down the alter.

But it was no matter…the ceremony continued for hours, deep into the night.

When the final man finished, Supergirl had become limp and weak, her body sticky with the pleasure of them all. Her body ached and felt exhausted, her  mind seemed scrambled and confused. They pulled her from the alter, drums still echoing in the background as she was led meekly from the site. Supergirl could barely stand; her ripped costume clearly showing her slick breast and beneath her ripped skirt as she was led to a stake. The pushed the heroine against the pole, pulling her hands behind it and binding them once again. Supergirl didn’t see why, she was so weak she could barely stand. She then saw something more modern in the man’s hand. A red ballgag that was put into her mouth and strapped tightly behind her head. The large muscular warrior who had ravaged her after the Governor approached her, in his hand was a long hypodermic needle.

Her eyes grew wide; she found strength to struggled, fighting against the ropes…but still not able to break free. The man took her chin in his hand, her eyes still fixed on the needle. She watched as he pointed the needle to her face, slowly pushing it into the ballgag. The needle pierced the rubber bal completely, its end inside her forced open mouth. He pushed the plunger on the end and she tasted the tart drug inside as it dripped down her throat.

“Goodnight Supergirl.” The man smiled pulling the needle free from the gag. Supergirl’s vision blurred, the drums seem to fade in and out and the torches surrounding her were becoming hard to see. Her last site before she passed out was of the three men, her spirit still chained hovering above them.


- Epilogue -


She awoke alone to the morning sun. Her jaw ached, the gag was still in place. She was still tied to the pole where she had been hours before. She pulled at the ropes, and this time the bindings snapped easily. She quickly untied herself and spat out the gag.

“That bitch!” she said thinking back to what had happened on the island. She looked at herself, her costume still a mess, she pulled her caper around her to cover her nakedness. She looked again at her hands, the cuts and bruises were gone, healed. She clenched her fist, turning to look at the spot where the ghostly image had been. It was gone. She wondered if her powers had returned and moved to the stone alter where she had been fucked over and over. In one smooth shot she slammed her fist on the thick stone and a portion of the stone broke away easily.

“My powers are back!” She quickly turned to extract a full measure of revenge when she saw the woman again.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve being here!” Supergirl spat at the Secretary.

“I was only doing my job, and now its done.” She walked to Supergirl confidently. “Don’t think of making any trouble here Supergirl or the footage I took of that spectacle will be on every news cast in the world. The press will be here any minute now to cover our news conference for the rights to the oil. You leave now, and its classified.”

“You’re not going to…”

“Get away with it?” she laughed. “I’m a politician sweetheart, that’s what I do. You have your powers back, now leave!” The Secretary dusted off her Armani skirt suit. “I have cameras to prepare for.”

Supergirl’s muscles twitched, she wanted nothing better than to inflict pain on this woman. “So you’ve humiliated me and that’s it? I don’t think so!”

“Let go of me!” Supergirl grabbed the woman, pushing her over to the remains of the alter. “I’ll have you arrested!”

Supergirl bent her over the alter and chained the woman the same as she had been.

“Reporters coming any minute, well we do have to get you ready.” The buttons on the Woman’s skirt suit exploded as it was ripped from her body. She struggled in her panties in bra, her ass up and exposed.

“Ah, here it is, they’re gonna love this.” Supergirl had found some of the oozing drug left and poured it inside the woman’s dripping panties.

“Wh…what is that?  Oh Gawd….I….ooohh nnooo…” she clenched her knees together tight as Supergirl ripped her bra off. A sudden flow of liquid began streaming down the woman’s legs and overflowing into her heeled pumps.

“Now, there’s a story for the morning paper.”

In one blinding bolt of speed Supergirl rocketed skyward leaving the cursing woman and heading home for some much deserving relaxation.