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Alias the Rat's Story Page

Glory Girl - An Amazing Origin
Glory Girl 2 - Girls' Night Out
Glory Girl 3 - Too Many Beckys

Glory Girl 4 - The Childhood Heroine
Glory Girl 5 - The Sins of Their Fathers
Glory Girl 6 - Web of the Dream Weaver
Glory Girl 7 - Family Ties
Glory Girl 8 - Simply Irresistable
Glory Girl 9 - Becky Hooper - Murderess
Glory Girl 10 - Cheers for the Little Ladies
Glory Girl 11 - Family Tangles

The Clutches of Black Mariah
The Clutches of Black Mariah 2 - Justice Vs. The Law

The Haunting of Batgirl
Boot Hill Bonnie

Supergirl's Worst Defeat

Stolen Memories

Heroine Trap
Wonder Lady - Blood of the Queen

Heroine Trap - Twisted!
The Bat in the Jungle

Super-Lois Vs. Super-Lana - The Battle for Superman
The Grotto

The Conquered Earth - An illustrated text story

Book One: Arrival and Enslavement
Book Two: Resistance and Rebellion
Book Three: Vengeance and Victory

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Please write the author and let him know what you think of his stories!