Monsduggians, or "duggs" as they are insultingly called aren't just superheroines. They exist in a mundane but still gorgeous form. Although they don't have superpowers their biology shares a lot of the same features.

Happy Cow Dairy is one of those entities that appears on all worlds. When a new, innocent, young, enormous breasted superheroine foolishly does a promotional photo shoot for milk... it's for Happy Cow Dairy.

[Note: In reality "Monsduggians" are a MASSIVE COLLECTION OF PLOT DEVICES.
Whatever strength or weakness I wanted all superheroines to have I plowed all of those into one species of jaw droppingly gorgeous girls. It's also great to have sexy victims for supervillains and monsters so the superpowerless version was created.
It's a hack writing tool for a hack writer! I'm just trying to get to the GOOD STUFF!!]