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Wizard's Commissioned Artwork

Here is where you will find artwork that The Wizard has had commissioned for himself.

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"Vladi shows his captive Supergirl that he also is pretty darn strong, keeping fit with very shapely barbells, such as the helpless Kryptonian! (Now into his 4th set of 10 curls)" - The Wizard

The Wizard commissioned The Saint Of Pain to create this image.

Bound-to-please (formally known as The Saint of Pain) can be found on DeviantArt at

Here are the commissioned images that The Wizard worked with artist Kathrne on.

Kathyrne can be found at The Art of Kathryne.

"Been working on a new commission. This isn't it, but rather a 'sampling' of ideas between me and the artist." - The Wizard

The Wizard worked with artist Kathrne to create a final commissioned image for himself based on concepts shown in this initial render.

Kathyrne can be found at The Art of Kathryne.

"Supergirl discovers the terrible alchemy of kryptonite and magic when Vladi captures her in his infamous Kryptonite Capture Globe!" - The Wizard

The Wizard commissioned The Saint Of Pain to create this image.

Bound-to-please (formally known as The Saint of Pain) can be found on DeviantArt at

"Supergirl's captors enjoyed watching the tightly bound and helpless superheroine writhing under the cruel kryptonite beams." - The Wizard

The Wizard commissioned Constrictor to create this image.

Constrictor can be found at and at Patreon.

"An angry and overconfident Supergirl falls into yet another trap of The Wizard's" - The Wizard

The Wizard commissioned Marcel de Souza to create these two images.

Marcel de Souza can be found at

"Supergirl wondered if death would come by strangulation or kryptonite poisoning before being impaled upon the kryptonite spike that she was slowly being lowered upon. She knew that her thin panties would give her absolutely no protection from her horrible plight." - The Wizard

The Wizard commissioned DarkStalker to create this image.

Dark Stalker can be found at

"Absolutely Fantastic!!! This I * LOVE * doing!! ;)" - The Wizard

The Wizard commissioned Rifferus to create this image.

The Wizard commissioned Desert Lion to create this image.

Desert Lion can be found at

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